When the best medicine has to offer does not improve the oxygen levels for Jerolyn’s special needs son, Vincent, who is suffering with COVID-19, she battles the virus through the most potent weapon available to mankind: prayer.
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- We hold hands together and we pray.
And then I tell him like no son
"look at me son,"
you know
"breathe in Jesus name, breathe."
you know
And at the same time,God is like telling me.
You know,
You know
focus on me Jerilyn,
you know,
don't give up, I'm here, I'm here.
- (narrator) JerilynMolder was in a battle
for her son's survival.
After COVID-19 spreadthrough her household,
it started with her husband,
- They've never had thatintense of pain before a lot of
fluid in the lungs.
You know,
Heather had that pneumoniain both lungs and it was,
it was rough.
It's felt like breathing fire to me
- (narrator) after suffering at home
for several days,
Billy was taken byambulance to the hospital.
Their son, Vincent,
who has special needs
was admitted a few days later with a
105 degree temperature and pneumonia.
Dr. Michael Helton
was his physician.
- Had some heart conditions
and adrenal gland issues.
So we knew he had some challengesalready going in when he
first came in with COVIDand we knew we had a,
quite a battle on our hands.
So we fast presented him to the hospital.
- With Vincent,
it's really hard for me toleave him there with these
I don't know if this willbe my last time to see him,
you know, in all that.
And then,
I just, I just prayedto God that, you know,
for them to,
to allow me to be with him
because they will be having a hard
time to understand him.
- (narrator) Thankfully,after one night apart,
the hospital allowedJerilyn to stay with him
because she was alreadyinfected with mild symptoms.
They created an environmentof worship and prayer in his
His nurse Leona remembers it fondly.
- Every time you walked intohis room, he said, God is good.
God is powerful.
And I would hear them singing.
First thing in the morning,
they're there morningshall or hymns and you know
talking and praying,
and everything
- Or they were always, you know,
quoting scriptures and prayingtogether and praying for me
and the staff. And thisreally is as Nate guy,
he was always saying, God is good.
And God's going to heal meand all these great things.
He was saying the whole time,
- (narrator) even in anenvironment of faith,
Vincent had to fight forhis life with every breath.
- You know, he got worse,pretty fast and he,
you know,
had it gone with very highlevel of oxygen to keep going.
And then we thought wecracked the antibiotic.
- It was really hard to see him.
I'm having a hard time to breathe,
but to see him not giving up and hyping
and still like praying to God
and asking God to,
you know,
to help him.
And he still worships him andstill telling everybody how
good he is,
is what's like really like got me.
- (narrator) But withVincent's oxygen level,
dangerously low
doctors asked Jerilyn forpermission to intubate.
- With a heavy heart. I still, like,
I still gave my permissionbecause I met the doctor.
And so I told them, okay,
you know,
I just,
I just prayed to God.
- (narrator) As Vincentstruggled to breathe
nurse Leona tried once again
to get his oxygen level upbefore transferring him to the
ICU for intubation.
- He was on vapor therm andhe was completely maxed out,
which is 40 liters at a hundred percent.
I just couldn't get hisoxygen up past 85, 86.
I felt defeated in a way.
- (narrator) Jerilynknelt down on the floor
and ask God to intervene on
her son's behalf.
- I said like, God, I know,
that you know that I love my son,
but I know that to love him more.
India will always be the therefor him ever since he was a
you've done so much miracle in his life.
And so I said,
but if it is your will,
extend his life.
- (narrator) His nurse Leona,
then witnessed the answered prayer.
- She dropped her kneesand she started praying.
And I looked at the rapidresponse guy and I said,
do you see this? And his oxygen,
no lie still gives me goosebumps.
His oxygen went from
and then stayed above 90for the rest of the time.
It was breathtaking
because I've never seenGod work that quick
I mean, he worked quick.
- I just felt like peace after I prayed,
I felt like God, like, just hugged me
and just told me like,
you know,
it's gonna be alright my daughter,
its gonna be alright.
- (narrator) From that moment on,
Vincent began breathing normally and no
longer need an oxygen.
- Oxygen
- After visit with God,
no more,
no more big machine.
(soft piano playing)
- I've never witnessed
so much of a miraculous event in my life
And so like, I mean, God is good.
God is completely good through that.
- Yeah finished.
- God really showed a big for him
I mean I think there was definitely a
hand of God on his life.
And the power of prayer inhis life really made an impact
through prayer and God's intervention.
He was able to stay off theventilator and he started
turning around and now he'sdoing great. Now from that,
- (narrator) after 23 days,Vincent left the hospital,
COVID free Jerilyn andBilly also recovered.
The molders,
say they are honored that Godgave them this amazing answer
to prayer and share iteverywhere. They can.
- We've been a family of faith before,
but when you see a miraclehappen in your life with your own
that that takes it to a whole new level.
- God is good.
He helped me. He healed me.
He visit me in the hospital.
He love me
Jesus does.
- It is the toughest time of our life
and the hardest time,
but then it's the most,
the most amazing feelingto experience God,
you know,
right before your eyes.