The Vaughan’s were $85,000 in debt early in their marriage. They took action to start paying it off, committing to one very important financial principle that turned a hobby into a full-time career! Find out what they did to find success and ...
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up.
- They thought maybe it might be a girl,
but they couldn't get a good look.
- [Gordon] A routine ultrasound reveals
something horribly wrong.
- You're so far along,we'll have to induce you
and deliver a dead baby.
- [Gordon] Their unborn baby wouldn't
make it out alive.
- I don't think there'sany way you can really
at all prepare for thatkind of news as a mom.
- [Gordon] Watch as thiscouple plans for a funeral.
- How could I possibly livethrough that experience?
- [Gordon] And prays for a miracle.
- All of a sudden the story has changed.
It was unbelievable.
- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
Welcome to the 700 Club.
Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu,
is at the White Housefor an historic moment.
The United Arab Emiratesof Bahrain will sign
a monumental peace dealwith the Jewish state.
- The question now,will other Arab nations
do the same or will they wait to see
who wins the U.S. election in November?
CBN Middle East Bureau Chief,Chris Mitchell, explains.
(upbeat music)
- [Chris] A unique openair concert in the southern
Israeli city of Be'er Shevabegan with a surprise.
- We'll play you two national anthems,
one the Israeli one and the other one
of the United Emirateswith whom we are going
to sign a peace treaty.
- [Chris] And things arealready happening over there
as an Israeli model traveled to Dubai
for a fashion shoot witha Dubai-based model.
Signs of the warm receptionthat much of Israel
is giving the historic agreement.
Prime Minister Netanyahu will sign
the Normalization ofRelations with the UAE
in Bahrain culminating years of hard work.
- [Translator] I holdin my hand the historic
draft peace agreement between Israel
and the United ArabEmirates and the historic
declaration of peacebetween Israel and Bahrain.
This is a great turning pointin the history of Israel
and in the history of the Middle East.
I also promise you,according to what I see here,
that additional countries are on the way.
- It strengthens Israel andthe pragmatic Arab countries
in front of the radical Muslim camp
represented by Turkey and Iran.
Those two countries andthe radical Islam camp
were counting on the factthat as long as they work
against Israel all Arabcountries will be with them.
- [Chris] But, that didn't happen.
As Israel Ambassador, Zvi Mazel, noted
that the Arab League refused to back
a Palestinian resolutioncondemning the deal.
Mazel once served as Ambassador to Egypt,
the first Arab country to signa peace treaty with Israel
more than 40 years ago.
- We collaborate especiallyon intelligence level,
security level, but thereis no normalization.
- [Chris] Now Egypt canonly watch as the Emirates
in Bahrain stand to benefit economically,
technologically and inother ways with Israel.
- So, Egypt now as Iunderstand, they don't say
it openly, but they regretnot having normalized
relations with us and have not profited,
benefited from the possibilities.
- [Chris] Nevertheless,Mazel tells CBN News
he thinks others in the Middle East
are waiting to see how November'sU.S. elections play out.
- They would like to see thatPresident Trump is elected
and continues his policy.
So, they will be sure if they go
on and normalize with Israel.
- [Chris] And then, thereis another major player.
- Saudi Arabia is inthe Arabian peninsula,
where the birth of Islamhappened some 1400 years ago.
They would like to haveopen relations with Israel,
but they have to wait to see what happens.
- [Chris] Mazel says while he's surprised
about the peace moves,
he sees it as an importantstep forward for everyone.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- It is an important step forward.
We'll be covering this as it unfolds.
You can watch history in the making today
on the CBN News Channel, our CBN News app
and other digitalplatforms, or CBN Israel.
Tune in at noon eastern time to see
our live coverage of the signing ceremony.
Well, in other news, theAtlantic hurricane season
is on track to be oneof the most active ever.
A category two storm is nowheaded for the Gulf Coast.
John Jessup has more on that from our CBN
News Bureau in Washington, John.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Residents in parts of theGulf Coast are bracing
for days of potentiallylife threatening weather.
Hurricane Sally isforecast to make landfall
near the border of Alabama and Mississippi
bringing historic floodingand dangerous storm surge.
George Thomas has thislook at the slow moving
storm system that'salready causing problems.
- [George] This is thescene in Kiln, Mississippi,
more than 24 hours before Hurricane Sally
is expected to make landfall, tidal surge
already pushing water onto roadways,
lawns and docks asresidents in coastal parts
of the state preparefor the storm's arrival.
- It would be dumb to stay here.
- [George] Dramaticsatellite images from space
last night showing anexplosion of lightning
inside the hurricane asthe storm got closer.
- As we look at our trackhere, Sally is likely
to remain a hurricane, onceagain, category one status,
until about Wednesday whenit is making landfall,
into Wednesday morning, somewhere
in between Mississippi and Alabama.
As Sally continues to interact with land
decreasing in strength.
- Alabama, Louisiana andMississippi declaring
states of emergency inanticipation of the hurricane
as officials warn toprepare for the possibility
of days of extremely dangerous weather.
- The slowing of thestorm, that is concerning.
The longer it stays outin the Gulf of Mexico
the more and higher the likelihood is
that it continues to grow.
- [George] Right now forecasters say
that extremely slow moving system
could bring life threatening storm surge
of up to 11 feet for partsof southeast Louisiana,
Mississippi and Alabama,and rain in excess
of 20 inches in some areas.
- If this one hits the coast at a cat two,
I'm thinkin' we gonna have at least six
to seven foot of waterwhere we standin' at.
- [George] Meanwhile,in the French Quarter
in New Orleans, somebusinesses boarding up.
- I mean, after Katrinaanything around here
and anything on the wateryou gotta take serious.
You know, you can't take anything lightly.
- [George] For a city surrounded by water
and painful memories of Hurricane Katrina,
the Army Corp of Engineers in New Orleans
not taking any chances,closing the flood gates
in preparation for Hurricane Sally.
- We have it up to 100year level protection.
We're still doin' somethings like armoring.
That's building inresiliency into the levies.
So, if they are over topby a hurricane some day
they won't have a failure.
- [George] This year's hurricane season
is particularly busy.
For the first time in50 years there are four
named storms alreadyswirling in the Atlantic
at the same time.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- A busy hurricane season, indeed.
Thanks George.
Turning now to the West Coast fires
where dozens of peoplein Oregon are missing
after flames consumed their towns.
Evacuees now facing scenesof utter devastation
as they return to their neighborhoods.
In Oregon, where sixtowns have been destroyed,
fire crews and caninesare searching for bodies.
- I have seen videos, butit's a thousand times worse
than I could have ever imagined.
- Smoke from the fire ispresenting a second hazard.
Portland now has the worstair quality in the world
and officials are warningpeople to stay indoors
as the smoke spreads, thissatellite image showing it moving
east across the country.
Meanwhile, the fires arenow a campaign issue.
During President Trump'svisit to California Monday
state officials blameclimate change for the fires.
President Trump disagreed,pointing the finger
at poor forest management.
That prompted a response from Joe Biden.
- When you have yearsof leaves, dried leaves,
on the ground it just sets it up.
It's really a fuel for a fire.
- If you give a climatearsonist four more years
in the White House, whywould anyone be surprised
if we have more America ablaze?
- And in California alonethe total insured losses
could top $13 billion.
That's the amount of,that's the amount recorded
in all of 2017, when the state had three
of the top five costliestfires in American history.
Well, a warning to Americansfrom the Trump administration.
Do not travel to HongKong or mainland China.
The concern is that theycould face arbitrary detention
and arbitrary enforcement of local laws.
The advisory claimsChina uses those tactics
for leverage over foreign governments
and to pressure family membersliving abroad to return.
Also on Monday, the UnitedStates banned imports
of some goods from China'sShin Jiang Province
due to the forced labor and oppression
of weaker Muslims there.
For decades the UnitedStates had a strong record
of welcoming those fleeing poverty,
violence and persecutionin their home countries.
In the last three yearshowever, America has
dramatically reducedthe number of refugees
allowed into the country.
As Heather Sells reports,refugee advocates
are asking the Trump administration
to reverse that trend.
- [Heather] Around the worldnearly 30 million refugees
are looking for a home after fleeing
a dangerous homeland.
More than half are children and many live
in crowded camps with no school.
Blessing, an orphan andvictim of trafficking,
fled her country at age 12.
- It was very difficult to survive
and where I was wasn't safe.
- [Heather] For almost 40 years the U.S.
has welcomed an averageof 95,000 refugees a year.
In the last three however,the Trump administration
sharply reduced that annual number
to the current 18,000 for 2020.
- Refugee resettlement numbers are now
at an all time low in the United States
and what that has meant is that people
in harms way who literallyhave no other option
for safety, some have died.
Some are still in harms way.
Many have been promisedby the United States
that they would be able to be reunited
with their family members.
These are people whohave already been vetted,
who have already beenapproved, who were supposed
to come in in 2017 andare still without safety,
are still not with their families.
- [Heather] Despite the reduced numbers
the administration stillpromotes its commitment
to international religious freedom.
Secretary of State,Mike Pompeo, told CBN's
David Brody last year,the focus is to create
safety for refugees intheir home countries.
- We're still the mostgenerous, welcoming nation
anywhere in the world.
Our objective has been to try and do
what those people reallywant in most cases,
which is to stay in their own country.
- Refugee advocatesdispute that generosity,
especially as refugees still suffer
because of their faith.
- The administration hasclaimed to support people
who are fleeing religious persecution
and yet, with the numbers we're seeing
such few refugees coming in.
There are only 946 Christians fleeing
religious persecution resettled this year,
which is the lowest it's ever been.
- [Heather] Blessing isnow finishing high school
and says she's gratefulthat the U.S. accepted her.
- America is a place wheredream really come true.
Like, if you work hard,if you're determined
and you're focused youcan actually achieve
what you really want.
- [Heather] The StateDepartment must decide
by October 1 how many refugeesit will admit next year.
It must also consult with Congress.
So far, no meeting has been set.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Thanks Heather.
And Gordon, another factorto include or consider
is that religiouspersecution is on the rise.
- It is, it's the worst it's been
since the Roman Empire.
These are staggeringnumbers around the world.
I'm fine with theadministration's policy on this.
They've certainly highlighted it more
than the previous administration.
The genocide that was occurring to ancient
Christian communities in Iraq and Syria
under ISIS, it took themforever to recognize that.
The reason is, once you start to declare
it for what it is, thatit's a religious genocide,
certain things get triggeredin terms of foreign policy
and they just frankly,didn't wanna trigger
it and they didn't wanna recognize
what ISIS was doing.
This administration doesrecognize it and we need
to applaud that.
At the same time, Iunderstand from what we're
dealing with with thispandemic, you can't have
the same numbers, but mygoodness, you can't create
safe areas in Pakistan.
You can't create safe areas in Iran.
There're many areas of the world
that that is an impossibility.
So, can we open it up for those?
If it is possible for peopleto find a safe place, great.
But, lives are at riskand we've always welcomed.
Listen to the words of that wonderful girl
and what she said, howshe honored America.
America, if you work hardand you have commitment
and you have purpose youcan achieve your dream.
What a great statement from someone.
It's one that I think weneed to remind ourselves.
In America, if you have hard work,
if you have commitment youcan achieve your dream.
- Well, up next, America'sracial divide within the church.
Black and white evangelicalscan't even agree
if there is a problem,let alone how to fix it.
So, how can Christianssolve this issue together?
Plus, how did this couple pay off $85,000
worth of loans in two years?
Get their secret to becoming debt free.
And then, a devastating diagnosis.
This mom's baby was dying in the womb.
Stay tuned for the twist that shocked
the medical community.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- The killing of George Floyd has rocked
American cities and put a spotlight
on our racial divide.
Even before the protests most Americans
recognized that race relations
in our country were polarized.
It's no secret that most churches
haven't bridged this racial divide.
So, what's the solution?
Charlene Aaron has the story.
- [Charlene] When youGoogle what the Bible says
about racism, thisarticle by Dr. Jim Denison
is the top result.
In it he highlights howChristians viewed slaves
as their equal, and not asingle New Testament leader
owned slaves even though many had
the resources to purchase them.
In light of the GeorgeFloyd case, Denison says
he's not surprised by the uptickin race related inquiries.
- This is much more a present tense issue
than we were willing to admit it was
and I think we're lookingfor Biblical guidance now.
- [Charlene] Guidance that Denison,
a former pastor, eagerly shares.
- Jesus died for every person we know.
God made all of us in Genesis One.
According to GenesisThree, we're all descended
from the same mother.
We are, as Paul said in Galatians Three,
there's neither Jew norGreek, slave nor free,
male nor female.
- [Charlene] More than a million people
seeking answers on topics from abortion
to gender identity tune in to his podcast
and daily newsletter aswell as The Denison Forum,
a digital ministry thattackles current events
from a Biblical perspective.
Through his extensiveresearch Denison pushes back
against the narrative that systemic racism
doesn't exist in America.
- All that's wrong.
Those that would say that that's the case
are simply misstating the facts.
They're not understanding the realities
that are before us today,
that in the criminal justice system
they're far more likely to be sentenced
for the same crime if you're black
than if you're white.
As regard to employment,that you're 50% less likely
to get hired for sendingresumes if you have
an African American name than if you have
an Anglo sounding name.
- [Charlene] Researchshows the problem persists
in many churches as well.
For example, only 32% of white pastors
strongly agree that my church is involved
with racial reconciliationat the local level.
53% of African Americanpastors strongly agree
with that statement.
56% of evangelicals believethat people of color
are often put at a social disadvantage
because of their race.
84% of blacks agree.
All reasons why Denison calls on believers
to pray and respond as Peter did in Acts,
Chapter 10 when he said, "God has shown me
"that I should not callanyone impure or unclean."
- You start by getting alone with God
and saying, Lord, show me just like Peter,
where this is in my heart.
Reveal this to me, Lord.
- [Charlene] Despite thenation's racial divide
Denison is hopeful thechurch can lead the way.
- Jesus is still king.
He's king of kings and he's Lord of Lords
and he still redeems all that he allows.
We're still salt and light.
And salt makes a difference you can't see
and light makes a differencethat it may not know.
And God can still use us in eternal ways
if we're willing to be used.
So, the encouragement I would bring us
in this time between thetimes is simply this.
Don't give up.
Don't give in.
Make the decision to go on with God.
- Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- I wanna point a spotlight at a cause
that I think doesn'tget too much attention.
You go back to the Civil Rights Movement
and hear the ReverendMartin Luther King, Jr.,
says, and accurately says,11 a.m. on Sunday morning
is the most segregated hour in America.
So, you have that very public critique
and I've been wonderingin light of the current
racial divide, why didn't the church
take up the challenge?
What happened?
And in my research Ifound Donald McGavran,
who I studied years ago for missions.
He was born in India to missionary parents
and then he went toschool here in America.
Ultimately became theDean of Fuller Theological
and started their Schoolof World Missions.
But, he wrote a book in the early 1970s
that was very influential.
It's called, "Understanding Church Growth"
and he came up with thisconcept, homogeneous unit,
and his theory was thatfor a church to grow
it had to appeal to the same demographic.
You wanted to go to church,people wanna go to church
with people that look like them and have
the same economic status asthem and eat the same food.
And he was basing that oncaste distinctions in India
and to break through forevangelism, in caste you
have to first convert within that caste
and then build a homogeneousunit around that caste
in order to see growth.
The side effect of that theoryis that it gave permission
now for there to be all white churches
and black churches and Korean churches
and Chinese churchesand Messianic churches.
It gave permission andpastors weren't forced
to say, what's wrong with this?
The New Testament doesn't have this.
In the New Testament believerscame from every place
and this was why in Galatians3:28 the apostle Paul is,
I mean, it's one of thegreat liberating statements
of the New Testament, thatthere's neither Jew nor Greek,
slave nor free, male orfemale, for you are all one
in Christ Jesus.
Now, about 30 years ago, and we're still
in the beginnings of this,there was an attempt,
Promise Keepers was thelead on it, an attempt
for racial reconciliation in the churches.
I think one of the great things,
if you can say they're great things
coming out of the violencethat we have right now,
but the protests are shininga light on it and one
of, my hope and my prayeris that more people get
intentional to say, we want to have
multi-racial churches.
We want a taste of heaven here on earth.
When we get to heaven,you look at Revelation,
it's every tribe, everytongue, every nation,
every body, all with onevoice praising the Lamb.
I've had a taste of this.
I go to an interracial church right here.
My first experience withit was in Hong Kong,
of all places, at Revival Church,
and in our praise andworship we touched heaven.
It was absolutely incredible and I said,
I want more of this.
This is good stuff.
When you have a tasteof it, when you can see
what can happen whenreconciliation can really work,
if it can start in our churches,
well then it spreads to our neighborhoods,
it spreads to our cities,
it spreads to our states,it changes things.
Let's bridge the divide.
Let's get intentional.
We want to integrate our churches.
- Well, still ahead,they went from planning
out their nursery toprepping for a funeral.
Ultrasounds revealed their unborn baby
was going to die.
Stay tuned for a stunninganswer to prayer.
And find out why the greatest miracle
wasn't the one that happened in the womb.
And then, living the dream.
This couple left theirjobs to spend more time
with their family.
Now they're making more money than before.
So, how do they do it?
Well, that's coming up.
(upbeat music)
- Well Mitch and Megan Vaughn were sitting
on $85,000 of debt.
They knew they needed a plan to pay it off
and ultimately theydecided to do two things.
Number one, cut spending.
And then number two, keep giving.
Here's what happened next.
- [Reporter] Photographers Megan Vaughn
and her husband, Mitch,are living the dream
working together to capture some
of the most cherishedmoments in people's lives.
While they worked hard tomake their business successful
the credit they say,belongs to someone else.
- Doors that were opened to get us
to where we are now, without a doubt
I think was a God thing.
- It's not mine, it's not ours.
It's always his, it's always been his.
- [Reporter] But, whenthey married in 2011,
photography was just a side gig for Megan
who was teaching full-time.
Mitch was a welding engineerin the nuclear industry
who was away sometimes weeks at a time
and while they hated being apart,
they were determined topay off $85,000 worth
of school and car loans.
- The game plan right from the get-go was
we don't like owing people money
and we want to get rid ofthe money that we owed.
- [Reporter] A big part of that plan was
something Mitch hadlearned from his parents,
obediently tithing and giving to God.
- It was a matter of continually giving.
We had planned from thestart, it didn't matter
what the financialsituation was for the month.
We, that was our plan, wewere gonna continue to give.
- [Reporter] Megan wasonboard from the beginning.
- As my faith grew, I knewthat it would be taken care of.
That's what we're supposed to do,
that's what we're calledto do, so let's do it.
How could something badcome from being obedient?
- [Reporter] By keepingtheir spending in check
and giving obediently thecouple chipped away at the debt.
What they didn't expectwas how Megan's business
started to grow.
- And then, all of a sudden, we would get,
like I would book a wedding or somebody
would decide to pay infull, so it was just
an influx that we wereable to just put toward
the debt, again.
- [Reporter] After twoyears they had paid off
their debt completely.
Then, Megan started doingso well she was able
to leave teaching and pursue it full-time.
Mitch started helping outshooting video when he could.
In 2016, their son, Max, was born.
Now more than ever,Mitch wanted to be home.
- I wanna be able to be therefor those pivotal moments
in his life growin' up, his first steps
or his first words.
To me, no job was worthmissing out on those times.
- I wanted to be a teamand I missed my teammate.
- [Reporter] All theyneeded now was to find Mitch
another good paying job.
So, they prayed andcontinued to be obedient
with their giving and finances.
Megan formed a partnershipwith a local wedding venue.
Before long, her incomehad surpassed Mitch's.
- I went from 13 weddingsone year to 30 plus.
- [Reporter] By 2017 she had so much work
Mitch was able to leave his job to work
with Megan full-time.
Today they're raisingtwo children and although
wedding bookings haveslowed due to COVID-19,
the Vaughns are confident that God
will see them throughthis challenging time.
- We were obedient and I'veseen the blessing from that.
I feel like as long as Icontinue to give my business
back to him and justfully trust that if I'm
supposed to do this, he'sgonna make it happen.
- I truly believe where we're at is
because of that obedience,because of just giving back
what he's given to us.
We've tried to outgive God.
And we have failed every single time.
It's kind of a humblingmoment to just kinda sit there
and go wow, this is not us, this is God.
- Wonderful things happen when you say,
I'm going to do it God's way.
Here's a promise fromDeuteronomy, chapter 28,
and these are the words of Moses.
He's telling the entire nation of Israel
what happens when you obey God.
"All these blessings shall come upon you
"and overtake you because you obey
"the voice of the Lord your God."
For Mitch and Megan, you see the blessing.
You see what's happened.
You see the increase,all because they made
two key decisions.
Number one, we're going to give.
We're going to give the tithe.
We're gonna do it joyfully, cheerfully.
That piece is God's piece.
He's given us this wonderful increase.
He's given us this wonderful life,
this wonderful income.
We're going to give back.
Then, they made a decision, we're going
to stop the leaky bucket.
We're going to get out of debt.
Some of you may need some plastic surgery,
where you take out the credit cards,
you cut 'em up and yousay, I'm not gonna live
on consumer debt any more.
I don't want any part of that.
I want to be out of debt
so that I can actuallyhave earnings and increase.
There's a great principle to operate under
and I call it the 80/10/10 rule,
where 80% of your incomeyou set that aside
and say, my expensesshould never ever exceed
80% of my income.
Then 10% give to the Lord, give it first,
give it cheerfully.
God loves a cheerful giver.
And then make sure you're paying yourself.
Have 10% set aside for you,for a rainy day fund first,
then for investments long term
and you'll see over time thatGod gives increase to this.
When you do it God'sway all these blessings
will overtake you.
- Well, over the last few years Barb
has been in and out of surgery 20 times.
Her disability checks aren'tenough to make ends meet
and when the COVID crisis hit she says
she wouldn't have survivedif she hadn't gotten help.
- [Reporter] Before theCOVID-19 pandemic even began
Barb Weatherby was dealingwith a health crisis
of her own.
- I've been struggling for many years
with diverticulosis.
There's some days I can'teven get out of bed still.
- [Reporter] The diagnosisled to 20 surgeries
over the last seven years.
Barb went on disability, but the income
hasn't been enough to live on.
- I worked so hard for over 30 years
and could've made it on my own
if I didn't have allthese medical problems.
Finances are tight and bills piling up.
It was a struggle.
I was starving and said, I need help.
Please, I need help.
I'm not gonna make it if I don't get help.
- [Reporter] A neighbor toldBarb about Operation Blessing
partner, Buist CommunityAssistance Center.
Buist is doing everythingthey can to keep Barb safe
while providing her with the food
she desperately needs.
- COVID has made conditions really hard
for us as a food pantryand we keep adapting
and Barb is one of the means that I have
to gauge our response.
In my mind, is this safe for Barb?
And just the privilegeit is to pray with her
and be with her, to help provide her food
and provide comfort and companionship
through hard times so that she knows
that she is not alone.
- They load my trunk andthat's a huge relief for me.
If I do get COVID I could very well die.
But, I knew I could count on Buist.
I feel safe.
They are protectingeveryone that goes there.
They know what we're goin'through and what we need
and they're willing to provide that.
- We were starting to run out of dry goods
and it was when OperationBlessing truck pulled
in that we were able torestock those resources
that were running low.
Operation Blessing is ahuge part of what we do
in helping provide food.
It's all brought togetherto make a difference
for the kingdom.
- I'm just truly truly thankful
for Operation Blessing and Buist.
I don't feel like I would've survived
if I didn't have peopledonate to Operation Blessing
to feed American peoplethat are struggling.
It's not just the food that they provide,
but also friendship and prayer and hope.
They give us hope.
- Boy, how do you put aprice tag on that, huh?
It's not just food that's provided,
it's friendship, it's hope, it's knowing
that somebody's looking out for you
and that they're going to be there
in your time of need.
700 Club members, I hope you feel like
you are a part of that because you are it.
You make it happen and wejust wanna say thank you.
These food distributioncenters are around the country
and they are meetingthe needs of Americans
who are just finding themselves unable
to measure up to the need right now
and you're there every day, sowe just wanna say thank you.
A portion of every gift that you give
to the 700 Club, toCBN, goes into the work
of Operation Blessing.
So, for those of you who haven't joined,
it's 65 cents a day, $20 a month,
that's a general club membership.
Some of you might alreadyby 700 Club members.
Here are some optionsfor you if you'd like
to go up to 700 Club Gold,that's a gift of $40 a month.
Lots of people are 1000Club members at $84 a month.
$84 a month members cango up to the 2500 Club.
That's $209 a month.
Or maybe you wanna become a Founder.
You can see the level there.
Listen, this is a day when those of us
who aren't struggling need to reach out
and help those who are.
And so, I just want to invite you
to join with the rest of us who made
a commitment to that byjoining the 700 Club.
When you join today I wanna say to you
that we will send youthis teaching from Gordon,
and I love this.
It's "The Name of God."
You know, the names ofGod in the scripture
define and describe his character
and that tells us who he is as our God,
as our Father, as our shepherd.
We want you to have this.
It will make such adifference in your walk
for you to understand moreabout the character of God.
And here's another way thatyou can make a difference.
When you join if you'll use something
we call Pledge Express.
That's electronic monthly giving.
It just means your bankdoes all the work for you.
You don't have to mail anything,
it's done automatically.
You can stop it when youwant, but it does save
some administrativecosts so that we can put
even more of your giftright into the lives
of people like Barb andpeople you just saw.
And when you use PledgeExpress we're gonna send you
"Power for Life" teachings.
You'll get one of theseevery month and we think
they will also be a blessing to your walk
with the Lord, but mostof all, you'll have
that deep satisfactionthat comes from knowing
that you really are making a difference
in the lives of people in need.
Here's our number to calland join, it's toll free.
Give us a call right now.
- Francisca lost her jobbecause of the pandemic.
That meant she could nolonger support her family.
So, how did she find a wayto put food on the table?
All it took was a hand upfrom Operation Blessing.
- [Reporter] Francisca is a single mother
raising two daughters and a baby grandson.
She's part of an indigenouscommunity in Mexico.
To support her family she designed
and made colorful clothing to sell.
When COVID-19 hit, the shop where she sold
most of her items shut down.
Her inventory sits in aroom in her tiny house.
- [Translator] I was without work.
I didn't have anyone to sell to.
A lot of artisans like melost their jobs as well.
- [Reporter] And, no work meant Francisca
was not able to provide for her family.
- [Translator] They'remy life, my everything.
Without them I would be nothing.
Every day that I work I did it for them
to give them a better life.
- [Reporter] So,Operation Blessing came up
with a plan to helpFrancisca while addressing
another growing challenge in Mexico,
a shortage of quality face masks.
We began with a designer
who created a cloth mask
that can accommodate a replaceable filter
for maximum protection.
We then purchased and delivereda large supply of cloth
needed to manufacture 15,000 masks.
Finally, we hired Franciscato help make them.
Once finished, OperationBlessing will donate
those masks along with food packs
to those who need them the most.
- [Translator] It is niceknowing someone out there
is being helped by the masks I made.
There is a lot of people who need help
during this hard times.
- [Reporter] With the money she earns
Francisca can help withher daughter's tuition
and she'll be able tomake sure her grandson
stays healthy and well fed.
- [Translator] Thank you so much
for giving me a job.
It is a blessing to be able to take care
of my kids and I wouldn't be able to do
it without your help.
- You can be a part ofbeing a blessing to people
right here in Americaand around the world.
We're reaching out withhands of love and compassion
and we're doing it in your name
when you're a member of the 700 Club.
How much is it to join?
Just $20 a month, that's 65 cents a day.
Some of you can join at700 Club Gold, $40 a month.
We also have 1000 Club, $1000 a year.
That breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level, callus now, 1-800-700-7000.
When you call make sureyou ask for Pledge Express.
That's electronic monthly giving.
The bank is doing allthe work and we can send
as our gift to you "Power forLife" monthly teaching CDs.
So, you can ask for PledgeExpress when you call
or you can go to
When you give monthly on the internet
you'll automatically signup for Pledge Express.
We also have something newwhere you can text to give.
Text the letters CBN to71777 and there'll be a way
you can join via your smartphone.
Either way you do it, doit now and when you call
and join with your pledge, when you become
a CBN partner we'llsend you our latest DVD.
It's called, "The Name of God."
In it you'll learn how you can find peace
and protection withinthe Lord's strong tower.
- [Announcer] Now, fromCBN Gordon Robertson
brings you "The Name of God."
- You're going to see some tremendous
real life stories of people who have seen
first hand what trustingin the name of God can do.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.
You go into the strong towerwhen you're under attack.
And when you do youalways close that door.
You don't leave it open for the enemy
to get into the strong tower with you.
You close it off.
So, the name of the Lord is a strong tower
where literally, you wall yourself in
and the only thing youallow into that tower
is his name, his essence and realize
that God stands behind thatbecause that's who he is.
(dramatic music)
- [Gordon] Coming up, the miracle of life.
- I knew exactly what hewas about to say next.
- [Gordon] And doctors can't explain it.
- He was like, this is really weird.
- [Gordon] See what kept thisbaby's heart beating strong.
- It was unbelievable.
- [Gordon] Later on today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Dr. Charles Stanley is stepping down
as senior pastor of FirstBaptist Church in Atlanta.
The 87 year old preachernow becomes Pastor Emeritus.
He joined the church backin 1969 and was named pastor
two years later.
In a video announcing his transition
Stanley said he initiallyresisted God's call
to leave First Baptist as its pastor.
- But when God asks us todo something uncomfortable
it's usually because he wantsto do something remarkable.
I'm so grateful I said yes then
and I'm so grateful he saw fit to allow me
to serve as your pastorfor more than 50 years.
- Dr. Anthony George willtake over the position.
However, Dr. Stanley is quick to point out
that he's not retiring,saying he'll continue
to preach the gospel through his ministry
at In Touch Ministries.
COVID-19 is changing many aspects
of American society and now that includes
an iconic feature of theChristmas holiday season.
The Salvation Army'sannual Red Kettle Campaign
is changing for the firsttime in more than 130 years.
The campaign beganSeptember 14th this year,
months earlier than its usual start,
start date around Thanksgiving.
The charity said it's part of its
Rescue Christmas Campaign.
With so many storeclosures and fewer shoppers
at retail locations the Salvation Army
could see a 50% drop inits kettles this year.
Bell ringers will be wearing face masks
and wiping down the kettles regularly
to protect against infection.
Well, you can always get the latest
from CBN News by going to our website
Gordon and Terry will be back with more
of the 700 Club right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Jessica's baby wasalive, but just barely.
Doctors said it wouldonly be a matter of time
before the final heartbeat.
Jessica and her husband were devastated,
and so the couple prayed,
not just for their baby,but for themselves as well.
And here's how thoseprayers were answered.
- I sensed God just saying, in this moment
while you really don't knowwhat I'm asking of you,
I want you to say yes.
And I just said, okay Lord.
- [Reporter] Jessica andMike Tom Tomey were thrilled
to be the parents of two boys.
Now expecting their thirdchild was no different.
- It was exciting.
We were, we were readyto have another kid.
They thought maybe it might be a girl,
but they couldn't get a good look.
- [Reporter] But, with Jessica now
in her second trimester the ultrasound
didn't confirm the gender.
Instead, it showed the baby's growth
was four weeks behind
and Jessica's amniotic fluid was low.
Their doctor told them thebaby would not survive.
- He said whenever the heartbeat stops
we'll have to just, you're so far along
we'll have to induce youand deliver a dead baby.
I don't think there'sany way you can really
at all prepare for thatkind of news as a mom.
And I remember obviously, being so sad,
but to be quite honest, I was terrified.
- That was the hardest thing for me,
the idea that there wasstill gonna be a birth.
The baby was gonna be delivered,
it was gonna not be alive.
That was really really really heavy.
- [Reporter] Back at work Mike managed
to keep his emotions in check.
But later that night.
- Everyone was asleepand it was the first time
I was by myself withthe news and I just laid
on the floor and I just cried.
- [Reporter] Now, theirfocus shifted from getting
the baby room ready to planning a funeral.
The couple shared the newswith family and friends
asking them to pray forcomfort and strength.
- I was like, Lord, howcould I possibly live
through that experience?
I can't even honestly imagineanything more horrible.
And I just knew that Iwas gonna have to have
supernatural strength to be able to get,
get over that fear.
- [Reporter] Then came the taskof telling their oldest son,
four year old, Tyler.
- I said, you know,this baby is not growing
in mommy's tummy and itlooks like he's gonna die
and he's gonna go be with Jesus in heaven
and we're all gonna bevery sad and miss him.
His response was, well, I'm not gonna,
I'm not gonna let that happen.
I'm gonna lock all the doors.
- [Reporter] Over the next few days
the couple still struggledto accept the news,
especially since the baby was still alive.
That is until Jessica read an article
about a woman's miraculous healing
from cancer through prayer.
- I remember just havingthis sense of peace
that, all right Lord,the baby is not dead yet
and I just feel called to prayin accordance with your will.
You always ask us to ask you for things
and I said I'm justasking you for a miracle.
- [Reporter] Althoughstruggling with doubt and fear
Mike came alongside hiswife asking for a miracle.
Over the next week theircommunity enveloped
the Tomeys in prayer.
- It was everything, tohave other people pray,
and to join you in prayer.
And to see the body ofChrist come together
regardless of theirdenominational background,
it was beautiful.
- [Reporter] Jessica also attended
a special healing prayerservice with a friend.
- That was a moment ofspiritual healing for me.
Sitting there, kneeling in the pew,
waiting my turn to go be prayed for,
I wasn't afraid any more.
- [Reporter] Then, a couple of days later
Jessica had another ultrasound.
The baby's heart was still beating.
- I had such a peace that, okay Lord,
whatever your will is here,
I'm good with it, butthere was a lot of hope.
- [Reporter] And that hope grew,
so much in fact thatJessica asked her friends
to pray not just for peace and comfort,
but that her amniotic fluid would increase
and that the baby would double in size.
Then two weeks after getting the bad news
Jessica went in for another ultrasound.
- He was like, this is really weird.
The baby's actually doubled in size.
And then I knew exactly whathe was about to say next.
And the amniotic fluid has increased.
The doctor said I don't haveany explanation for you.
I said, we don't need an explanation.
We've had a lot of people praying for us.
He said, well, whoever's praying for you,
can they pray for me too?
- I love the expression on the nurses
and doctor's face comparedto when it was the bad news,
'cause they're still perplexed.
All of a sudden the story has changed.
It was unbelievable.
- [Reporter] There was one brief scare
when Jessica got aninfection at six months,
but again with prayer, sheand the baby pulled through.
Then on June 26, SamuelGerard Tomey was born
at full term, a little smallat five pounds, nine ounces,
but perfectly healthy.
- I don't think I evenhave words to express
the emotions I felt of seeing that baby
that I had prayed for.
He was so tiny and just so precious,
but so perfect.
- To see him, it was transformational.
It was wonderful.
It was the best.
- [Reporter] By his one month checkup
Samuel had gained three pounds.
A few years later Mike and Jessica
went on to have a little girl, Stella.
Today Samuel is ahealthy, happy little boy,
but Mike and Jessica say that's not
the only miracle God performed.
- The biggest miracle that happened was
what the miracle that Goddid inside of my heart,
before he healed my babyand that he made me okay
with whatever it wasthat was gonna happen.
- It's beautiful that God allowed us
to have this child andgifted us with this.
But, the real transformation is knowing
that we have a good God that loves us.
The only thing that really matters is
our relationship with him.
- Wow, what a story, huh?
I mean, when you watchit, if that's not faith
building to you I don't know what is.
I mean, impossible, thisbaby cannot make it.
The baby's going todie, plan for a funeral.
But God had another word.
He had another plan.
And God is more thanable to work out his plan
for you and for your life and your needs,
so we wanna take sometime to pray for you today
and believe with you for whatit is you're praying for.
Gordon, this is Frances,who lives in Providence,
Rhode Island, suffered witha terrible fungal infection
under her right armcausing redness, itchiness.
One day she was watching this program
and you had a word of knowledge
about a chronic fungal infection.
She claimed it.
When she looked under her armthe skin was completely clear.
- Here's Sue from Ironwood.
She had, eight years ago she developed
a chronic cough.
She was watching the 700 Club.
Terry said, someone hasdifficulty swallowing
with a very bad cough.
It's not the coronavirus,it's a chronic condition.
Sue believed and was completely healed.
- Praise the Lord.
- Now, here's one of thegreat revelations Jessica got.
She said the big miracle was what happened
in my heart, that I was willing to accept
whatever was going to come.
But, I think the biggerone is this revelation
when she said, God isasking us to ask him.
What an incredible thing.
The creator of theuniverse is coming to you,
his child, and he'ssaying, what do you want?
What do you want?
What do you need?
Could you tell me?
Jesus said that to blind Bartimaeus.
What do you want me to do for you?
And the response back,that I would have my sight.
All you have to do isask, announce it, and it's
the faith of announcing it.
For Jessica it's Lord, can I have my baby?
Just announce what you want.
Ask and it will be given unto you.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and it will be open.
These are the words of Jesus.
Let's do that right now.
Lord, we come to youand we ask for everyone
who has a need regardless of whether
that's financial or relationalor for physical healing
in their body.
We encourage them asthey're asking out loud,
we're coming into agreement with them
and we stand on yourword, when two or more
agree touching anything it shall be done
by my Father in heaven.
These are your words,so we pray in accordance
with your word and with your will.
Now stretch forth your hand to do miracles
for we ask it in Jesus name.
Terry, God's givin' you something.
- There's somebody, youhave a legal situation
that you've had for some timeand I'm gonna use this term.
Because of that you're in legal bondage
and you can't see a way out.
Watch what God's going to do because he's
going to turn the tableson that and set you
completely free from it, in Jesus name.
- If you need prayer we're here for you.
All you gotta do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.
But, here's God's phone number.
Jeremiah 33:3, "Call tome and I will answer you,
"and show you great and mighty things."