Washington Examiner's Quin Hillyer Digs Into Marxist Agenda of BLM Founders
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- Great to see you again.
Well, you wrote that BlackLives Matter organizers
have communist terrorism roots.
Tell us more.
- Well, I'm actually drawing
on the work of my "WashingtonExaminer" colleague,
Jerry Dunleavy, who justdid some basic research
and found that the three womenwho began the organization,
Black Lives Matter, and Irepeat, the organization.
Not just the slogan.
A lot of people believe black lives matter
because black lives do matter,
but the organization BLM hadthree women who were founders
and all three have tremendouslyradical backgrounds,
all are avowed Marxists,
and a couple of them list as their mentors
and as their financial backers people
with openly communist affiliations
and with terrorist backgrounds themselves.
And it's not...
This isn't just sort ofguilt by association.
This is somebody, one ofthe Black Lives founders,
Black Lives Matter founders actively,
repeatedly saying,"This lady is my mentor.
She taught me basicallyeverything that I know."
And you look at who the ladyis that she's referring to
and she's been arrestedfor terrorist acts.
One of the people thatis listed as a mentor
is on the FBI's Most WantedList and so on and so forth.
It is absolutely radical,counter-cultural,
Marxist and terrorist andthese are the inspirations
for the people that run this organization.
- Quinn, what does thistell us about the motives
behind the group?
What's their ultimate goal?
- Their ultimate goalis cultural revolution
and it's left-wing Marxistrevolution at that.
It is to completely up end the society,
up end the capitalist system entirely,
to institute a radical redistribution,
not just of wealth, butof all sorts of things,
of power, et cetera, et cetera,
and to create their openlyMarxist or communist society.
That's what they are.
That's what they say they want to do.
- Is there evidence of coordination
behind these nationwideprotests that we're seeing?
- Well, the evidence is that
so many times in report,after report, after report,
when people are arrested at these protests
that turn into violent riots,
that when they actuallylook at who the people
are that were arrested,
meaning the people that the cops caught
being the most violent, theytend to be from out of town.
So if it's a Kenosha, Wisconsin riot,
these might be people from Seattle
or from Portland or from,you know, de Moines, Iowa
or whatever, but there arepeople that are bused in.
This happened where I think it was 60%
of those arrested in one of these riots
were from out of town.
That's example number one.
Example number two is they found
a bus loaded with ammunition.
Now you don't have, you know,
sort of spontaneous street protests
that just happened to devolve into riots
if somebody is organized enough
to load a bus up with ammunition.
So those are among the pieces of evidence
that shows that even though
there are certainly some local protesters
and some of them definitely mean well,
but that the violent agitation thereof
is driven by some outsideforce, some outside organizers.
And it's not just aimed atpeaceful protest at all.
- Yeah.
The Democratic party has been pretty quiet
about these riots and violence,
even though these protests
have been going on now for months.
What role does the politicalleft and the Democratic party
play in Black Lives Matter?
- Well, first of all,
up until very recently,
leading Democrats almost across the board
have encouraged the protests
even, as day after day after day,
the protests turned violent,
turned into riots, turned into arson
and looting and all sorts of other things,
including in several cases,injuries, murder, mayhem.
The top Democrats wereadvocating the riots
without offering anywords at all of, you know,
trying to pull peopleback from the violence.
You had Kamala Harris, justas a Kenosha was burning...
No, excuse me.
As Minneapolis was burning.
I mean, right at the heightof the Minneapolis riots,
she went on with Colbertand said these protests will
and must continue andthey're not gonna stop.
They won't even stop after election day.
Now, when you say that at atime when tensions are high
and violence is highwithout offering any words
of you know, caution about the violence,
then what you're doing isthrowing flame on the fire.
And that's exactly what Kamala Harris did.
- Why isn't the media reporting on this,
or at least very little reportingthat, you know, I've seen?
- Well, because the establishment media,
the big daily papers, "NewYork Times," "Washington Post,"
et cetera, et cetera, thebig news organizations,
especially, you know, thesort of coastal elites,
most of their reporterstend to agree with the goals
of the protesters and, frankly,
tend not to be terriblyexercised if there's a little,
there's a little lootingand a little, you know,
little graffiti goingon, et cetera, et cetera.
You know, you gotta break some eggs
to make an omelet.
That kind of attitude.
That's their attitude.
And so they can't really raise themselves
to doing their job as journalists,
which is to report on all of this,
to investigate where the impetus
for the violence is coming from.
They just want to turn away
and pretend, as we haveheard again and again,
that these are quote,"Mostly peaceful protests."
Well, it can't be mostly peaceful
if night after night there are fires set
and cops getting injured.
- Quinn, lastly, I'm curious.
What was your reaction?
What was the feedback rather
to your article about theroots of Black Lives Matter?
- Well, for, you know, forthe number of followers
I have on Twitter, myTwitter account has been,
I guess, relatively blowing up.
I mean, there've been allsorts of, you know, comments
and retweets and all that kind of stuff.
And of course it ran on the front page
of "RealClearPolitics."
I've been getting some email messages.
It seems to have stirred up alittle bit of a hornet's nest.
- All right.
Well, good reporting as always.
Quinn Hilliard, thanks for being with us.
We appreciate it.
- Thank you, Wendy.
Appreciate it.