BLM Founders Support Marxism and a Convicted Cop-Killer, Funding Comes Via Group with a Convicted Terrorist
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- Protests continuing inRochester, New York last night
over the death of Daniel Prude.
Despite the police chief's announcement
that he and several membersof his team are resigning.
Backed by Black Lives Matter,
the demonstrators now callingfor the mayor's resignation
and de-funding the police.
Well, given the tacticsand growing destruction
of ongoing protests criticsare raising questions
about the growing organizationbehind the movement.
As CBN News and otheroutlets have reported,
the three founders of Black Lives Matter
identified themselves as Marxist,
and one Alicia Garza,names convicted cop killer
and domestic terrorist as her inspiration.
The Washington Examinerreports some of BLM's funding
comes from the left-winggroup Thousand Currents
which includes a convicted terrorist
on it's board of directors.
CBN News spoke with Quin Hillyer,
a commentary writer for the Examiner.
- Their ultimate goalis cultural revolution
and it's left-wing Marxistrevolution at that.
It is to completely upend the society,
upend the capitalist system entirely.
To institute a radicalredistribution, not just of wealth
but of all sorts of things,of power et cetera, et cetera.
And to create their openlyMarxist or communist society.
That's what they are,
that's what they say they want to do.
- The organization also poses
the biblical definition of family
and celebrates homosexualityand transgenderism.
It's website lists, among it's goals,
disrupting the Western-prescribednuclear family structure.
It is important to note thatwhile many leaders believe
that Black Lives Matteris an important sentiment,
they don't necessarilyagree with the tactics
and ultimate goals of the BLM.