Ron Clock suffered numerous life-threatening injuries in a car wreck including an internal decapitation. God answered the prayers of his mother and sustained his life and ability to walk.
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] Internal decapitation.
- I'd never heard of such athing of anybody surviving,
something like that.
- [Announcer] After a head-on collision-
- [Ron] I should have been dead.
- [Announcer] You won'tbelieve how he survived,
plus the story of a prodigal son.
- Andrew wasn't around anymore.
- [Announcer] As told by the mother.
- I would spend hoursin my closet upstairs.
- [Announcer] On today's700 Club Interactive.
- Well, welcome to today's show.
No one should have survived the accident,
Ron Clock's survived.
He had multiple brokenbones, two collapsed lungs,
and worst of all, andinternal decapitation.
- So how on earth did he everwalk out of the hospital?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] First responders arrive
at a head on collisionin Rocky Mount, Virginia,
with one driver already pronounced dead.
EMT Sarah Pruitt was immediately directed
to the second vehicle where53 year old Ron Clock,
was pinned upside down, barely breathing.
- With the severity of everything
that was going on with him.
I definitely thoughtthat he could die before
we even got him out of the car.
And I told the guys who were working
on the other side of thetruck, "Please hurry."
- [Narrator] Once free from the wreckage,
they stabilized his two collapsed lungs,
before airlifting him toCarilion Memorial Hospital
in Roanoke, Virginia.
It was then that Ron's mother, Geri,
received a phone call with the news.
- [Geri] I knew at thatpoint that it was bad.
They were fighting to keep him.
He was pretty close to dead.
- [Narrator] As Geri and her husband,
started the eight hour drive
to the hospital,
she started calling friendsand family asking for prayer.
- I know what prayer cover does
because when God's people pray,
I know from experience things change.
Because at that point we didn't, you know,
we really thought we'dprobably lose Ron that day.
- [Narrator] Once at the hospital,
doctors told them the severityof Ron's many injuries.
- So his Glasgow Coma Scale wasa four, which is pretty low.
And then when you have bothyour chest cavities crushed,
all those things add into it.
So he definitely had a lifethreatening set of injuries.
- It was just hard to see him that way.
So broken, his body was so broken.
We had tubes come outof his nose, his mouth,
he had tubes in his lungs.
- [Narrator] For the next week,
Ron underwent several surgeries
to repair his broken hip and pelvis bones.
But doctors were stillconcerned with the injury
to his head and neck.
After several MRIs and CAT scans,
they confirmed a suspicion
that Ron had suffered anAtlanto-occipital dislocation,
more commonly known asan internal decapitation.
Neurosurgeon Eric Marvin was amazed,
he survived the accident.
- A lot of patients that endup dying in bad car accidents
because of cervical trauma.
A lot of this is because ofAtlanto-occipital dislocations.
It's, if you have a spinalcord injury at that level,
you stop breathing,
your heart stops working, you die.
- It was just utter shock.
I mean, I'd never heard of such a thing
of anybody surviving something like that.
- [Narrator] As Ronwas prepped for surgery
to reattach his skull to his spine,
Dr. Marvin explained tothe family what to expect.
- The expectations thathe's gonna be up and walking
and going back to work
and going to the gym five days a week is
that kind of thoughtprocess doesn't even enter
into that kinda conversation.
- [Narrator] As family andfriends continue to reach out
on Facebook and pray for Ron's healing,
Geri believed God wasnot done with him yet.
- I wrote in my journal a prayer,
"God, please heal Ron, let him live."
And then at the bottomI put, "For your glory."
I wanted him to live,
and then I wanted God to get glorified.
- [Narrator] The surgery was a success,
and three weeks later,
Ron started to show signs of improvement.
The first thing I remember,my brother, Steve,
saying, "Ron, if you understand me,
just blink your eyes once."
And I remember doing that,
and I remember Steve justgrinned from ear to ear
and laughing and hesaid, "Yep, he's back."
He's in there, he's here.
- It was an incredible feeling to know
that I wasn't gonna lose one of my sons.
It was incredible gratefulness to God.
- [Narrator] It was still uncertain
if Ron would ever walk again,
but he knew that Godhad not abandoned him.
In fact, he felt God'spresence more than ever before.
- I always had a sense of a presence
of a strength outside of myselfthat didn't come from me.
And I knew that, you know,I was walking with God.
There was never a question of that for me.
- [Narrator] Strengthenedby the presence of God
and the prayers of family and friends,
Ron worked hard in rehab andwas soon taking his first steps
since the accident.
- It's just such anincredible God-given miracle.
You know, that he's done for our family.
- So for a person
to have a fairly profoundspinal cord injury
and then completely walkout of the hospital,
it's pretty impressive.
- [Narrator] Ron stillexperiences stiffness and pain
in his body from the surgeries,
but has no brain damage or paralysis.
He can't stop giving all the glory to God
for preserving his life.
- Detail after detail after detail,
I should have been dead.
That changes you.
It's a deeper trust in a living God
that protects even every step I take.
I'm still here, still standing,
by the grace of God, I'm still standing.
- And we can all say that-- Yeah.
- By the grace of Godwe're all still here,
and we're all still standing.
But for Ron to, I've neverheard of internal decapitation.
And you look at that and go,
how, how do you do that?
- Yeah.
- You hear him and how hedescribes how he did it,
"There was a strengththat was always with me,
that was was never going to leave.
And it was always with me,
and I knew I was going to see it through."
You have access to that same strength,
that's not just specific for Ron.
God is no respecter of persons.
What he's done for others,he will do for you.
You may not be suffering froman internal decapitation,
but whatever it is, you're suffering with,
realize Jesus suffered it as well.
The Bible is very specific.
He himself bore our infirmities.
He has carried away our pain,
that's why he was marredmore than any other person.
That's why he was so disfigured,
he wasn't even recognizable anymore.
That's why, because he's taken it.
Now here's a question for you.
If Jesus has already taken it,
because this happened 2000 years ago,
before you even got sick,
if he's already taken it,
does that mean you haveto take it anymore?
Answer is clear,
no, you don't.
All you have to do is believe.
- Yeah.
- Believe in what Jesus has already done.
Now, we're gonna pray.
Before we pray, we've gotsome prayer requests for you.
And the first one comesin from Jeff who says,
"Pray for my wife Mary Kay.
Her cancer came back after four years
of her first diagnosis.
We are meeting with the doctors
and need prayer for what action to take."
- [Ashley] Yeah, and thisnext one comes from Kimberly.
And she's asking, "Can youplease pray for my daughter
Amanda and her unborn baby?
She's only 20 weeks,
but having contractionsand complications again.
Please pray for a safe healthy pregnancy
and a healthy baby boy."
- [Gordon] All right.
Well, let's lift these two-
- [Ashley] Yeah.
- And let's lift you as well.
Once let's lift anyone ifyou have any infirmity,
let's let Jesus justbear and carry it away.
He's already born it.
He's carried it away andjust release it to him,
is that simple.
Don't make it complicated.,make it very simple.
Just have childlike faith inwhat Jesus has already done.
Lord, we pray for this cancer.
We pray for Mary Kay and thereturn of this diagnosis.
We pray for all who have cancer.
And in Jesus name,
we command the cancersto leave their bodies,
for those cancer cellsto no longer reproduce,
but dry up and go away.
For this pregnancy
and the complications after just 20 weeks,
Lord still, still,
let there be peace.
Let there be normaldevelopment, normal term.
You give us the power to give life
and then it's an amazing gift.
And so we just asked for that gift
to be resonant and secure,
and that baby develop normally.
Do miracles today,
and now for anyone who islonging to have children,
we just speak over them,
give life, be fruitful,multiply, increase,
have the power to reproduce.
Be with them, Lord God,
you've done miracles.
This one of the greatmiracles in the Old Testament,
the number of women who wereable to conceive after prayer.
So we reach to yourealizing you're the answer
to every human knee.
- Yes.
- Ashley God's given you (indistinct)
- Yeah, it's the same exact thing,
what you just said.
People, women are cryingout, watching just,
"I want that pregnancy."
God is gonna give it to you.
Just continue to wait on his timing,
his perfect timing for you friend.
He hears your cries.
You will be a mother to multiple children,
receive that promise for yourlife right now in Jesus name.
- Lord, we thank you.
We thank you for everythingyou have done for us,
how you suffered and youdied and you bore our sin
and you bore our weaknessand you bore all our disease.
We thank you for whatyou have done for us.
We receive it now, in Jesus name, amen.
- [Ashley] Amen.
- If you've been healed, let us know,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
If you need prayer, we're here for you.
We're here for you 24 hours a day.
It's our honor, ourprivilege to pray for you.
So all you have to do is pick up the phone
and call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Ashley.- All right.
Well coming up,
he lost his job afteralmost losing his life.
One man survives a heart transplant,
wipes out all of his debtand triples his income.
What's the secret to his amazing comeback?
Stay tuned to find out.
(upbeat music)
- You might say Mark Duranteis lucky to be alive,
but luck had nothing to do with it.
Mark survived a heart transplant,
recovered from financial ruin,
brought on by his health crisis,
and then went on to triple his income.
How did he make this amazing comeback?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] In 2016,
Mark Durante, had just started a new job,
when he began feeling weaknessand shortness of breath.
- The doctor looks at me and goes,
"Mark, I don't knowhow you walked in here.
And I don't know how you'retalking to me right now.
You were at 5% heart function."
I'm putting you in fortransplant immediately.
- [Narrator] Over the next 10 months,
Mark would endure threesurgeries to stay alive,
all while going through a divorce.
Finally, a heart was found,
and the transplant surgery was a success.
Doctors marveled atMark's speedy recovery.
- Most people in a hospitalfor two to three weeks
in order to recover before they leave.
They let me go on day eight.
I started right into my physical therapy.
My healing was so rapid.
Within 11 days, I waswalking two miles a day.
I was gonna stay verypositive with this experience
because at the end of the day,
you know that God's got aplan for you and your life.
- [Narrator] Although healed,
Mark was now living on a reduced income,
relying on disability checks,
and money from a GoFundMeaccount his family set up.
Even then, he continue to trust God.
- I tithe regular, even onthe little bits that came in.
And I was grateful because Iknow that God put those people
in my lives in order to getme through that situation.
So again, I had to givethanks and honor back to God
through that experience, so I tithe.
- [Narrator] Three months later,
Mark started working as a distributor,
but after nine months thecompany he worked with folded.
- Well, in the midst of that,
my stepdad finds out thathe's got lung cancer,
and he starts to pass away.
And so I decided to take three weeks
and go home and spendit with him and my mom.
- [Narrator] His stepfather passed.
But Mark believed that
because he put his parents'needs before his own,
God would open a door to new employment.
Soon, a former employercalled with a great job offer.
- Mark, you understandthis sort of technology.
This is new to us.
Would you come and actuallyhelp us launch this project?
And it started me off into awhole nother realm of an uptake
in my income level.
So another swing upwards,and I'm gonna say this,
"It has not stopped."
- [Narrator] As a result of the new job,
Mark has been able to increase his giving.
One ministry, he supports his CBN.
- And when I was goingthrough the heart transplant,
My mom and I would sitdown at nighttime together
and watch the 700 Club.
And the stories were so inspirational.
The 700 Club was encouraging
and it was a feeding to my soul.
I felt compelled to give to CBN
because of the abilityto take those dollars
and then expand them to encourage others.
- [Narrator] Mark believesthat giving carried him
through the most difficulttimes in his life.
- And it's very clear in the Bible,
the importance of tithingand how the blessing follows,
but you don't know thatit's coming at that moment.
Because again, it's a test.
If you want to graded a test,
well, you do whateverit takes to get the A.
- [Narrator] Mark has since moved on
and is now a partner
at a multi-million dollarcosmetic technology company.
He was able to wipe outall of his debt completely.
He continues to make tithingand giving his top priority.
- When you show your faith,
God suddenly brings itback to you in a huge way.
I have more than tripledthe income in this year,
it just keeps going up andup and up and up and up.
And I'm gonna tell you,
when you get into thatplace, it's glorious.
- When you break throughwith God, it is glorious.
And you start to see and recognize
that he's working on your behalf.
It's a wonderful realization.
Yeah, it's one thingto say, "God loves me,"
but when you feel it and you know it
and you see it start playing out
in your life, it's transformational.
Now for Mark, did he gothrough some rough time?
You bet, anytime you gothrough a heart transplant,
that's a rough time.
But on the other side ofit, he's making decisions,
"I'm gonna live life God's way."
And that's the key.
When you start saying not mywill, but your will be done.
And you get all in with God,
that's when the breakthroughto glory happens.
Can you retreat from that?
Unfortunately, the answer to that is yeah,
if you want to separateyourself from God, you can.
But when you are committedand you're all in,
and you say, "I want to stay all in,"
well, then wonderfulthings start to happen.
And consistently wonderfulthings start to happen.
The same thing that happenedto Mark can happen to you,
if you just follow the same principle.
For him, it was a determination,
"I'm going to tithe,
I'm going to make sure thatGod's with me in everything."
He's wants to be with me in health,
he'll be with me and my finances,
if I just dedicate myself to him.
If you want to start doing that,
it's really easy.
All you gotta do is pick upthe phone, 1-800-700-7000,
and say, "I wanna join the 700 Club."
If you wanna see the good news,
the gospel, preached around the world,
or now in over 50 languages, broadcasting,
and in all kinds of placesto huge numbers of people,
if you wanna see thegospel go around the world,
join the 700 club.
If you wanna see peoplehelped a portion of every gift
to the 700 Club goes into thework of operation blessing,
to do that, or right now on the ground
in Lake Charles, Louisiana,
we're helping people.
You're part of everything when you join.
So it's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.
When you call with yourpledge, we'll send you this,
"Do you Need A Miracle?"
Real life stories of God at work today.
It's a wonderful DVD,it'll encourage your faith.
And the more you surroundyourself with miracle stories,
the more you start believingfor your own miracle.
Want you to have this,it's yours when you join.
And if you join via pledge express,
we'll send monthly teaching CDs too called
Power For Life.
So as for pledge express,
when you call or youcan just go to,
and you give monthly on the internet
and you'll automaticallysign up for pledge express.
Either way, do it, 1-800-700-7000.
Ashley.- All right.
Well, coming up a mom'sagonizing decision,
telling her son to pack his bags.
Why did she do it,
and what finally broughtthis family back together?
You'll get those answers next.
(upbeat music)
In her own house and under her nose,
Nancy Chalmers son got hooked on drugs.
His addiction escalated frompills to cocaine, to heroin.
And soon Nancy learned
that he was also forging prescriptions
to feed his addiction.
She spent countlesshours crying out to God
and soon realized that herson wasn't the only one
who needed to be saved.
- It was beginning
to appear that Andrewwasn't around anymore.
It wasn't my son thatwas walking in the door,
whenever he came.
And there wasn't really anypoint listening to what he said,
because none of it was true anyway,
or it was so mixed up withtruth, who could tell.
- [Narrator] From the outside,
Nancy Chalmers and her family seem
to have everything figured out.
- We've always attended church.
We grew up that way.
I just always incorporated
what we call the American Dream into that.
You know, all those dreams you have,
to have the perfect littlehouse, the perfect children.
I thought it was just the way you live.
- [Narrator] When herson Andrew got older,
he claimed to have ADHD.
This would require aprescription medication,
but Nancy soon became suspicious
because he kept changing doctors.
She decided to go with himwhen he had a new appointment.
- He comes out in 22 minuteswith five prescriptions,
that will take your breath away.
He'd sell half, use half,
have money to go pay another psychiatrist.
- [Narrator] Andrew movedback in with his parents.
Soon things beganmissing around the house.
- Your spoons, like used tohave 12 spoons in this drawer.
What are happening to my spoons?
Didn't dawn on me.
I mean, I knew he did the pills,
but I didn't have anyidea he'd gone to cocaine
and then he'd gone to heroin.
I had no idea about that.
And he had an alibi for everything.
And you keep wanting to fix it.
Surely we can find the rightdoctor, the right situation.
I didn't really havehope that God healed it.
I didn't see any healing growing up.
I saw people learning tolive with their condition
and thinking how sad, myfamily is stuck with this.
We felt like we weredoing the right thing,
giving him a safe place to live
because you know, youdon't want him to go live
with a bunch of people and get worse.
And all the time praying and crying,
I would spend hours in my closet upstairs,
asking God to grab holdof him, change him.
The Lord showed me thatI was as sick as my son.
My need to please, my needto make things all right,
my need to fix, not haveanyone think badly of me,
all of those great needs that we have,
we've built our own littletower of who we are,
just came crumbling down.
I realized I lied to myselfand other people all the time,
which placed me right atthe same foot of the cross,
that Andrew was, the same level.
- [Narrator] Then Nancy received a letter
that made her realizeshe couldn't pretend,
everything was fine anymore.
- And I'm opening the mail as I come in
and it looks like aninvoice from a psychiatrist.
And I just sit down,
the first chair I canget and it blows me away.
He said, "Here are copies of prescriptions
that I did not write."
And it was on his prescription pad paper.
The accusation really was
that Andrew had written the prescriptions.
I knew we were done, we were done.
And I said, "Andrew, God has just told me
that we are doing youmore harm than good."
Here's the accusationfrom your psychiatrist.
Get your bookbag, whateveryou want in your bookbag,
get it out of here.
You cannot live hereanymore, you have to leave.
- [Narrator] Andrew moved out
and Nancy began to question her decision.
- I got out my Bible and I just said,
"God, I think I heard you say that.
If I was wrong, please let me know."
And I just flipped it openand it opened to Jonah,
and I read it.
And God said, "You'rethe people on the boat.
They knew they were all gonna die
if Jonah wasn't thrown off of the boat."
And it was like, so I was theone that had to do that, me?
The person who can't facethe truth, much less tell it?
- [Narrator] Nancy, continueto pray for her son.
For three days, theydidn't know where he was
or if he was alive.
Then he called asking for help
and agreed to join a programcalled Teen Challenge.
- It just changed him,
and he got him on hisknees in total surrender.
There is a healing time after addiction.
Forgiveness is not trust.
- [Narrator] Nancy'sexperiences inspired her
to write her book,
"No One Visits theMother of a Drug Addict."
- We need Jesus to restore our soul,
not wear the clothes and the makeup
and look like you got it together,
but be vulnerable and say,"I am not doing well."
No one visits the mother of a drug addict
because you don't tellthem, you don't tell them.
- [Narrator] After years of healing,
Andrew started a ministrycalled Take the City
to help mobilize churches,
to reach people in their communities,
and see cities changed for God's glory.
- We're working together now.
That is quite interestingto work for your son,
and quite a joy,
and that connection is coming back.
Just take it all Lord,
because you're gonna weave it together
to turn it into something so amazing
because that's your job, not us.
And our children are his job.
When you give him somethinghe can do anything with it.
- Wow, what an incredible story.
And when I was watching that story,
this is what I heard the Lord say,
"Prodigals are coming home,"amen, receive that today.
If you just watch that story
and you have a loved one inyour life who is far from God,
take hold of that word,
what God did in Andrew'slife, he can certainly do
in the life of the prodigal
And if you're the prodigal,
friend, I wanna tell youit's time to come home.
It's time to come home to a loving father
that has a plan and a purposeand a hope for your life.
It's time to lay down the life of sin
and to take up a life that isfull of joy and restoration.
It's time to come to the end of yourself.
And if that's you today,
I want you to quicklypray with me right now
to receive Christ into your heart.
Jesus, I want you to come into my heart.
I need you to come into my life.
Forgive me of my sins Father.
From this day forward, I acceptyou as my Lord and savior
in Jesus name, amen and amen.
If you prayed that prayer with me,
please give us a call at 1-800-700-7000.
And we leave you
with these words todayfrom the gospel of John.
"If you abide in Me andMy words abide in you,
you will ask what you desireand it shall be done for you."
Guys, God bless.