CBN News anchor Efrem Graham enlightens 700 Club Interactive viewers on the latest in trending topics.
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NARRATOR: At number five--
(SINGING) Look at
you, look at you.
Look what you made me do.
NARRATOR: Alicia Keys is
no longer doing make-up.
The 15-time Grammy Award
winning singer and songwriter
is making headlines after
gracing magazine covers
and award shows bare-faced.
She has faced some criticism,
prompting this recent tweet
from the new judge
of NBC's "The Voice."
"Me choosing to be make-up free
doesn't mean I'm anti-make-up.
You do you."
(SINGING) We got way
too much in common.
NARRATOR: Coming in at number
four, a funny farewell.
Good dad, can
you stop your kids
from licking the display case?
Don't lick that!
They-- kids!
They get that from their mother.
Come on, kids.
Watch your children, sir.
your children, sir.
What's that, sir?
I didn't say anything.
It was-- don't sass
off to the nice man.
NARRATOR: Comedian Jim
Gaffigan and his wife
are pulling the plug on
their highly successful show
after just two seasons.
In a statement, the comedian,
who sometimes shares his faith
in his storylines, noted,
"the time commitment
to make the quality
of show we wanted
was taking us away from our
most important project, our five
Now, to number three.
There's a lot of things
that need to change.
One specifically is
police brutality.
NARRATOR: San Francisco 49ers
quarterback Colin Kaepernick
is facing some heat
for refusing to stand
for the national anthem.
Kaepernick says he's
protesting racial injustice,
and he won't stand
for the anthem
until he sees change
in the country.
There's people being
murdered unjustly
and not being held accountable.
Cops are getting paid
leave for killing people.
That's not right.
That's not right by
anyone's standards.
NARRATOR: And at number
two, actor Kirk Cameron
announces a theatrical
event to inspire a nation.
On October 18th, Dr. Ben
Carson, me, Francis Chan,
Dr. James MacDonald,
Eric Metaxas, Passion
and the Vertical
Church Band-- we're
going to be together for an
exciting interactive event.
There's going to be
inspiring messages, a time
to pray and worship with
people in your theaters.
NARRATOR: This event
is called "Revive Us."
Now, to number one.
(SINGING) I know
one thing's true,
I don't even really
deserve to know you.
NARRATOR: Hip hop artists
Lecrae and Tedashi
join Christian music's
Michael W. Smith--
(SINGING) I'm alive.
NARRATOR: --this
Labor Day weekend
for Passion for America.
It's the launch party for
a discipleship revolution,
and an app called Lifeline 911.
The purpose of the music
festivals, Passion for America,
which will kick off on September
the 4th at Sioux Falls, South
Dakota, is to give away the
app and ignite a discipleship
revolution across the
nation and around the world.
Well, Efrem is joining us
now for more on these things,
and let's go right
to Colin Kaepernick.
He's getting his Jersey burned.
Yes, he is.
He's taking a lot of heat.
For him personally, do
you think it's worth it?
I'm not sure it's worth it
in the timing of it for him.
I know many are even questioning
why he would make the decision
to take this stand right
now, in light of the fact
that he is not the
lead quarterback,
and he needs to
prove himself again.
But he quietly sat down
during the national anthem,
taking a lot of heat.
He's seen some support.
I want to say that.
I've seen posts from
veterans who said,
we fight and die for
your right to not stand.
And they're standing with
him to show him support.
But I'm not sure
that he is going
to feel like this was worth
it, professionally anyway.
I applaud his stand.
And we're seeing a lot
of athletes take a stand.
But from all sides, there's
just so many things at play.
I think I was reading this
morning-- the timing of him
taking the stand comes just
two days after NBA star Dwayne
Wade had his cousin shot and
killed in Chicago while pushing
a baby carriage.
And people saying, well, you
can take a stand for police
brutality, but why not take a
stand for black on black crime?
He's getting it from all sides.
And I was surprised at the vast
and the height of the reaction,
myself, just watching it.
It's definitely gone-- it's
beyond viral at this point.
Because we're talking
more than a week--
approaching a week later.
When we get people going
out burning your Jersey,
that shows the intensity
of the passion here.
I think personally he's
kind of torched things.
He's not going to be able
to get an endorsement deal.
Then you've got-- I know
the team he's on, the 49ers,
want to trade him.
Does any team want to pick
him up with this controversy
And probably the answer is no.
I know.
So for him personally,
I think he's
going to pay a very
high price for this.
And I wonder 10-- will
the future Kaepernick
10 years from now, 20 years
now look back and say,
what were you thinking?
At the same time,
I really admire it.
Yes, I do applaud that.
I do applaud it.
Because for me, I want
to live in a country
where if you want to opt out
of the Pledge of Allegiance,
you can.
EFREM GRAHAM: Absolutely.
I may not agree with you, and I
may not agree with the reasons,
but I love the fact that
we live in a country
where you're able to do that.
And the other thing I
like about what he's doing
is he's actually
getting people to talk
about the underlying issue--
EFREM GRAHAM: Absolutely.
--which is something
that's absolutely needed.
One of the things about Katrina
is it pulled back the lid
on-- well, there's some people
in extreme poverty right here
in the United States--
--who can't even afford to get
on a bus to get out of the way
of a hurricane.
And we ignored that, and
now we're back in it again.
This time, from
all the shootings.
And whether you talk about
from a police standpoint,
or a black on black
crime standpoint,
I think we need
to talk about it.
And what do we as a
society, what do we do--
--in order to
solve that problem?
Because that's a
problem that absolutely
is screaming to be solved today.
And it's nice to see
that athletes-- not just
him-- celebrities all
feeling the need to use
that platform that they have.
Not to just take
home big paychecks,
but to speak out and
stand up and to force
us to have the conversation
we need to have.
But I think we do need
to do more than talk.
We do.
I keep going back to the
Dallas police chief who he said,
if you want to do something--
Join the force.
--join the force.
Join the force.
We've got to do much more.
Get on this side to say,
we stand for law and order.
We stand for peace
in our neighborhoods.
We want safe
neighborhoods, and we
want to have a police force
that represents the community
that it's policing.
And that would be a good thing.
OK, let's go on to comedy.
Let's change.
Jim Gaffigan, what do
you think about this?
I mean, this is
another one where
he's putting his career
out there and saying,
my family's more important.
My family comes first.
I applaud it.
I love the show.
I am a big fan of the show.
I think it does
such good things,
and it sparks a lot of great
conversation about faith.
The scene we're
looking at right now,
we're seeing the
priest involved.
There's one episode
where he's talking
about the whole struggle of
finding my purpose in life.
What am I supposed to be doing?
And his priest seems
to make an appearance
at every single turn, trying
to help drive him to that.
But he and his wife
said, literally,
they're taking a step
back because to maintain
the quality of the show
they wanted to maintain,
it takes away too much time.
They essentially
feel like they're
absent from their
five children's lives
about six months at a time.
Because he stars in the show.
He helps to write the show.
His wife is the floor
runner for the show.
She writes some episodes.
So as they invest that much
time in putting this great show
together, they are
leaving their children
to be cared for by someone else.
And we know from interviews
and following him,
he wants to be a hands-on dad.
His wife wants to
be a hands-on mom.
And they're going to do whatever
it takes to make that happen.
So I applaud that.
I think we all sort of struggle
with that work-life balance
at some point.
Well, anybody
involved in TV, you
know the work that goes into it.
TV doesn't happen accidentally,
and it better not be improv.
Occasionally you
can have improv,
but it needs to be orchestrated.
And that's a time commitment.
And I know for me,
I had to-- there
have been various points
in time where-- OK,
I really have to
put family first.
Same here.
I feel it.
But it's tough.
It is.
It's tough.
So I applaud it.
Me too.
Do you think he's going
to be able to come back?
Oh, yeah.
He's funny.
He's not going to
have a problem.
And he'll still be able to do
his stand up comedy routine,
and go away and come
back in shorter stints,
so I think he's
going to be fine.
All right.
Let's talk about live events.
Kirk Cameron's "Revive Us" is
happening in movie theaters
across the country
on October 18.
And what can people
expect to see?
they can expect
to hear from him, Eric
Metaxas, Ben Carson, and then
a whole slate of
Christian leaders.
But the beautiful
thing about this event
is it's a live event in theaters
nationwide on this one day.
You're going to be
able to interact
with them through
social media, and there
will be a time of
prayer and worship
at the end for everyone in
your respective theaters.
And I applaud what
Kirk Cameron is
doing, what he's done
in his acting career,
and using his platform
to bring hope to people.
We as believers often look
at what's going on around us
and feel hopeless.
I had an opportunity to
interview him yesterday--
we showed a clip
of that-- and it
was nice just to be reminded
of what were called to do.
To be reminded that
we've got a King,
and the King is
not the president.
The King is the King of Kings.
Because I think the
headlines-- even myself
as a journalist sometimes
get lost in like, oh, my.
I do serve a God is more
powerful than all the disaster
that I'm seeing.
And this event is to
remind us of that.
Why do you think they
picked movie theaters?
If I'm executive
producer, which I'm not,
I would say do I want
to make this a web event
so that more people
can be involved.
Why the theater?
I think part of it is you
can better gauge the reaction.
And theatrical
events, even movies--
what you love about
them is you go
into this celebration,
this event, this-- and it's
larger than you.
You get to experience--
a shared experience.
It's a shared experience
all at one time.
And I hope that
those who participate
will choose to do it on
the 18th and go there live.
They're going to repeat
it, I think, on the 24th,
but it pays to be their live.
Yeah, if you're there live,
then you get to be part of--
You got it.
You're part of it.
And particularly, if they're
taking social media responses
Yeah, you get to be
a part of the program.
Well, if you want to
be part of Efrem's show,
all you have to do is
watch it at Studio 5.
And there's a few
ways you can see it.
You can watch it
on Roku, Apple TV,
or just go to,
and you can watch the show
every single week.
Well, Efrem, as always,
great having you on the show.
Pleasure to be here.