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The 700 Club - August 31, 2020

A head on collision with a 9-year-old boy triggers a fight to save a young life. See the miracle inside the ICU on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Today.

- We both heard the tires screeching.

- [Reporter] A head-on collision.

- First thought was fear.

- [Reporter] With a nine-year-old boy.

- [Richard] Brendenwas laying in the road.

- [Reporter] The accident.

- His body looked pretty twisted.

- [Reporter] The fight to save his life.

- The essential thing was toget to the operating room.

- [Reporter] And themiracle inside the ICU.

- [Jennifer] He still has miracles in him.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Gunned down in the street.

That's what happenedto one Trump supporter

when rioting in Portlandturned deadly over the weekend.

The president's response, once again,

he's raising the cry for law and order.

So why did that lead to a war of words

with the mayor of Portland?

Eric Philips explains.

- The main exchange has come

between the president andthe mayor of Portland.

The president calling themayor incompetent and a dummy

as violence turned deadly in that city.

(guns bang)

The sound of two gunblasts late Saturday night

in downtown Portland,

followed by this videoof someone running away.

The incident left one man dead,

identified as Aaron Jay Danielson,also known as Jay Bishop,

said to be part of theright-wing group Patriot Prayer,

and police are stillinvestigating what happened.

- We ask that anyone withinformation, or video,

or eye witness accounts,

please come forward andshare that information

with our investigators.

(man shouting)

- [Eric] The victim wasreportedly among about 600 trucks,

packed with group memberswaving pro-Trump flags,

rolling through the streets ofdowntown Portland, Saturday.

The counter protestersclashed with marchers

who'd been demanding justice

since George Floyd died inpolice custody in Minneapolis

back in May.

Those protests turning violent at times,

with police many timesdeclaring the violence a riot.

President Trump Tweeting thisabout Saturday's violence

saying Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is,

"incompetent, much like Sleepy Joe Biden.

This is not what our great country wants.

They want safety and security

and do not want to defund our police."

Wheeler clapped back duringa press conference Sunday.

- Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President,

why this is the first time in decades

that America has seenthis level of violence?

It's you who have createdthe hate and the division.

- He's rooting for more violence, not less

and is clear about that.

And what's he doing ispouring gasoline on the fire.

- [Eric] All this asPresident Trump prepares

to head to Kenosha, Wisconsin, Tuesday,

where protests havebeen ongoing for a week

after police shot Jacob Blakein the back seven times.

Police there rebuking initial reports

that Blake was unarmed,saying he had a knife,

refused to drop it and putone officer in a choke hold

when they tried to subdue him.

Though protests there havebeen peaceful in recent days,

the Reverend Jesse Jacksonis calling for protestors

to take the day off on Tuesday altogether.

- Trump is coming totown to do a commercial.

He needs a big confrontation.

We must not use this moment

to embarrass ourselvesin some form of violence.

Non-violence is redemptive,violence is destructive.

- Over the weekend,

Biden said he condemnsviolence of any kind by anyone,

whether on the left or on the right

and he challenged thepresident to do the same.

But Republicans point out

Democrats didn't talk aboutviolence in the streets

during their convention two weeks ago.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Well if you'd like a prediction,

my prediction is that law and order

is gonna bring the president

another term in the White House.

People are just sick of it.

I was listening on the radio coming in,

to a lifelong Democrat,

said, "I'm votin' for Trumpbecause this chaos and anarchy,

we cannot allow it tocontinue in America."

And I think that's the way it is,

you cannot allow mob violence

to continue in our cities the way it has.

Well, in other news,

President Trump took a firsthandlook at the devastation

from Hurricane Laura on Saturday,

promising federal help fortwo of the hardest hit cities,

Orange, Texas, and LakeCharles, Louisiana.

He also said the governmentwould be delivering food

and water.

Efrem Graham has that.

- Pat, thousands in Louisianaare still without power,

water, or transportationafter what the governor calls,

"The strongest storm everto strike the state."

Chuck Holton brings us the story

from the hard-hit city ofLake Charles, Louisiana.

- [Chuck] Cleanupoperations are well underway

across Southern Texas and Louisiana

in the wake of Hurricane Laura.

While visiting the region, Saturday,

President Trump echoed thesurprise many people expressed

at the tremendous powerof the storm when it hit.

This was almost coming in at a five.

It was a five, a little bit out off shore

and it came in as a four,but 150 mile an hour,

it was up to 185 at one point,

I don't know that we've ever seen that.

- [Chuck] And likeeverything else this year,

response has been affectedby the COVID crisis.

- Bein' a good neighbormeans doin' all the things

you would normally do during a storm,

just doin' it from six feet away

(crowd laughs)

and with a mask on.

Because we still arethe state in the country

with the most cases per capita,

we still have tremendouschallenges from COVID.

- The governor is receivingcriticism from residents

about putting too much emphasis

on the threat posed by the virus,

as opposed to thisincredibly deadly storm.

Especially in poor communities,

people rely on local emergency shelters

to help them survive,

not only during the storm, but afterwards.

And by closing all of them down

and encouraging people to go to hotels

in Baton Rouge and New Orleans,

many people didn't havethe wherewithal to do that

and now they say they've been abandoned.

- We don't have water.

The water is off in LakeCharles, they tell me.

So we drinkin' rainwater.

- [Chuck] The Golden Arms Apartments

is a subsidized living facility

that houses about 400residents over age 65.

Most of them got out before the storm hit,

but a lack of transportation resulted

in 60 or so riding out the storm.

Without a local shelter to go to,

they were stuck withoutessential services.

- The lights went out,

like two o'clock in themornin' of the hurricane.

- [Chuck] Now left withoutpower, water, or transportation,

these residents aren't surewhat will happen to them.

- Golden Arms is a good place to stay,

but since the tornado andhurricane, or whatever it was,

we don't have no sanitary over here.

The water is off, the toilets won't work.

- [Chuck] CBN's OperationBlessing scrambled

to get some aid to theGolden Arms Apartments

until they could be safely evacuated.

But the hotels arealready full of refugees,

and that fact is also hindering responders

coming to help with the cleanup,

now unable to find anywhere to stay.

The Louisiana National Guardhas deployed hundreds of troops

to help with the cleanup efforts.

Captain Randy Burdeauxis the unit's chaplain.

- Especially when they getback from being evacuated,

they're gonna come into a devastation,

so any way we can give 'em a heads up

and some encouragement,we're all in this together.

- [Chuck] But Burdeaux saysthe greatest needs aren't food,

water, or electricity.

- Their biggest needs rightnow are definitely prayers

for spiritual help andto know that God is here.

He's present with us at all times.

And you know, God is our refuge,

an ever-present help in a time of trouble

and anything we cangive them to remind them

that God has not left 'em,that he's here, you know,

is what we can do.

Pray for it.

- [Chuck] From Lake Charles, Louisiana,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- God is our refuge, indeed, Pat.

- Just think, ladies and gentlemen,

no electricity, no water.

The water system is out

and those people, 500,000or so without power.

You know, you can't have fresh food,

your meat is going to go spoil,your refrigeration's out,

I mean, right down thelist, it's just terrible.

I want to say somethingabout our president.

I was very actively involved

in Operation Blessings' work with Katrina

because Katrina hit NewOrleans and the levees broke

and the dykes were open andthe flood water came roaring in

and the city was just in devastation.

It wasn't as strong a hurricane,

it a three rather than a four or five,

but it was enough to do the job.

But we had a president then who flew over,

he had Air Force One at about 38,000 feet,

and he looked out the window

and looked down on what was going on.

Then he went on home to Texasand he landed the plane.

He then,

made in charge of FEMA,

the executive director of theArabian Horse Association,

and his name was Brown.

He's a lawyer I believe.

And they came in,

and I know for a factbecause we were involved,

the people in the Superdome

were screaming for water

and screaming for help.

And we had trucks load of water and food

and other things standingon the other side

of Lake Pontchartrain ready to come in

and FEMA wouldn't permit us tocome in to help those people.

It was just horrible.

And the work of FEMA was so incompetent

it was just astounding.

Now contrast a president

who views the situation at 40,000 feet

and the president we have now.

He flew the plane down

to the closest airport hecould get to, then takes a car

and drives into the areathat is hardest hit,

meets with the governor.

He was on the telephonewith the governor of Texas

at about 1:00 am, saying,"How can we help you?"

And the United States hasgone along with disaster areas

for every single county thatGovernor Abbott specified

and it's been a remarkable partnership.

And instead of some inner-service feud,

the two governors of Texasand Louisiana, cooperating,

the federal government ison station, cooperating

and the cleanup work has been astounding.

Now contrast that to theway it was under Katrina,

because I know what that wasand to see what's being done,

I know this was a devastating storm

and we certainly need topray and help these people,

but to talk about apresident who's not engaged,

he was as engaged asyou could possibly be.

Got down there, drove down,talked to the first responders,

"How can we help you?

What is the greatest need?

I'll sign executive orders immediately,

getting you the finances you see.

If you want to declareit an emergency disaster,

we will make you availablefor federal loans,

whatever you need," done.

On the telephone at like12, one in the morning,

say, "How can we help you?"

Contrast that to a presidentwho flies in at 40,000 feet,

looks out the window and keeps flying.

This is not the man that isbeing portrayed in the media.


- Pat, CBN's Operation Blessing

is delivering a waterpurification system to a hospital

to help it get back upand running this week.

Operation Blessing hasalready brought food

and water to people in need,along with flashlights,

which many people need

because hundreds of thousandsare still without power,

as Laura crushed homes andknocked out their power, Pat.

- Well, again, let's pray for them.

They need our help

and Operation Blessing isthere to help as much we can.

We've got a trailer filledwith relief supplies,

a mobile kitchen, a mobile command center,

two construction trailers with supplies.

We've had the people,

we had 'em processing justoutside the storm area,

now we were moving inwith Operation Blessing.

So if you want to help that,

just remember OperationBlessing, Disaster Relief Fund,

CBN Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia,

or you can

go online, Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.

There's a lot needed.

It's not over by a long shot

and we get stuff directly to the people

with Operation Blessing, Efrem.

- Pat, the first Israeli direct flight

to the United ArabEmirates took off today.

Senior Trump Advisor, Jared Kushner,

and National SecurityAdvisor, Robert O'Brien,

are part of the delegation.

The team will spend twodays working on the details

of the historic peace agreementbetween Israel and the UAE.

The word peace was writtenin Arabic, Hebrew and English

on the nose of the plane, whichwill fly over Saudi Arabia.

Following that recent agreement,

more Middle East countriescould also establish ties

with the Jewish state,sooner rather than later.

Here's CBNs Middle EastBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell.

- [Chris] Whether it's themutual threat of Iran, COVID-19,

or other interests that inspiredthe Israel-UAE peace deal,

investors believe it's just the beginning.

- It's the third peacetreaty signed between Israel

and one of its Arab neighbors.

The first one in '79 withEgypt was transformational.

It took 15 years to getthe second deal done

with Jordan in 1994.

And now 26 years later,we're doing number three.

But what I can bet you is thatit's not gonna take 26 years

for number four, five and six.

- [Chris] Venturecapitalist, Jonathan Medved,

says Israel is taking its place

as a valued member of the region.

- We are going to work withperhaps the most progressive

and interesting and developed Arab country

in the United Arab Emirates ona broad range of interaction,

including defense intelligence,business, startups,

tourism, civil aviation.

- [Chris] Medved, founder ofthe crowdfunding platform,

OurCrowd, knows what he's talking about

as he took part at aneconomic conference last year

in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE.

- They were completelyfine with me being open

as an Israeli venture capitalist.

I said, "You want meto speak about Israel?"

"Oh," they said, "absolutely,

why do you think we invited you here?

We want you to talk about Israel."

- [Chris] Medved saw signs then

that the two countries were moving closer.

- What's rare is to find another country

that has the same kindof breadth of interest

that Israel represents in terms

of its startup nation, technology prowess.

- [Chris] Medved says,while the Israel-UAE deal

is a win-win for the two countries,

it has the potential tosucceed on a higher level.

- But ultimately it willbe good for the world

because this is a major step forward

in terms of putting to bedthis 72-year-old conflict,

which has taken so much attention

and costs so much moneyand lives and sorrow.

And we're moving into a new phase

where people are saying, you know what,

this is not about one sidewinning or one side losing,

this is about accepting reality.

And the reality is thatIsrael is here to stay.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Pat, do you see thisdeal opening more doors

for Israel in the Middle East?- Absolutely.

They'll make a deal probablywith Saudi Arabia pretty soon.

But the interesting thing is that

Erdogan, at Turkey,

wanted to withdraw diplomaticrecognition of the UAE

because of this

and I think the dangeris going to be Turkey.

Turkey is gonna be the badactor in this whole thing.

And you've got the Iran,Iran is going to be,

they are dedicated to thedestruction of Israel.

But I think before it's over,you're gonna find the Arabs,

with Saudi Arabia and theother Emirates, falling in line

and there's no reason in the world

that they don't help each other.

They were just waiting

for some kind of dealwith the Palestinians,

but Israel giving up certainterritory in this deal,

where their claims onparts of the West Bank,

at least it's been put on hold,

and so if the Palestinians come on board,

I think the Saudis will say, okay.

But then the danger is going to be Turkey

and the danger is goingto be Persia or Iran,

that's what we're looking at.


- Alrighty, well, up next,

we've got self-help for thepeople who hate self-help.

Fox News' Greg Gutfield shareshow you can be a better you

even during a pandemic.

Plus, why does this TV host

say his fellow mediamembers are destructive?

And then, struck by a minivan,

the impact sent this boyflying 75 feet down the road.

His parents thought hewas dead on the spot.

So how did he survive the crash?

Find later on today's show.

(determined orchestral music)

(upbeat music)

- Well, if you've ever watched Fox,

they've got something called "The Five"

and they talk at fiveo'clock in the afternoon

and it's a pretty popular show.

But sharp wit and biting sarcasm,

along with a great sense of humor,

one of the five is aguy named Greg Gutfield.

He's a familiar face on that program.

He's also the host of his own show.

And recently,

Jenna Browder talked withGreg about his new book.

They've all written books apparently.

Everybody's writing books(laughs) and his is called,

"The Plus, Self-Help forPeople Who Hate Self-Help."

Here's Jenna.

- I don't know about you,

but I don't think they like Donald Trump.

- [Jenna] As host of his own show

and cohost of "The Five" on Fox News-

- He's responsible for COVID,

he's responsible for itsaffect on the economy-

- [Jenna] Greg Gutfield moves easily

between role of entertainerand provocateur.

- So, was that a debate or what?

(audience laughing)

- And now he's putting thatfamous dry wit on paper,

with a new book about growing

and becoming a better personin the midst of this pandemic.

"The Plus, Self-Help forPeople Who Hate Self-Help."

- I found it shocking

that I'm actually doing a self-help book

because I just don't seemlike the right person for it.

But I feel like the bookis designed to help people

and it's based on somepretty concrete advice

that everybody, whenthey reach a certain age,

kind of understands.

- [Jenna] Things likebeing what he calls a plus.

He says it's less about positive thinking

and more about positive being.

- So you wake up everymorning and you go, okay,

so am I gonna make the samemistakes that I did yesterday?

Am I gonna go on Twitter,and when somebody upsets me,

am I gonna engage in somekind of Twitter battle?

Or am I gonna tell myself,

and it could be, you couldactually verbalize it

and say, no, you're gonna be a plus.

- [Jenna] And that'sexactly what he's done.

- In this pandemic, Ihave changed my behaviors

because I realized thebehaviors that I had before,

during the pandemic would endup being really destructive.

And I'm talking essentially about diet

and exercise and social media.

These are all things that, you know,

you can kind of keepcompartmentalized in a normal day,

but when you're alone inyour house, you can eat more,

you can watch a lot more television,

you could spend all dayon Facebook or Twitter.

These are all of these thingsthat can actually, kind of,

you can indulge and become worse.

- Other problems on whichhe offers solutions,

mob rule and the growing move to erase.

How do we go aboutcanceling cancel culture?

- So you have this thing on social media,

you can call it mobbing, wherepeople just get together,

and like, I don't want tobe mobbed so I join the mob.

We understand this, you know,

it's a historical story, you know?

People are historically scapegoated

because other people are scared.

So what I talk about in the book

is that we need to share the risk.

Number one is we need to share the risk.

That means if you see somebodythat is being targeted,

you cannot join the mob, youneed to be on their side.

Even if they make a mistake,even if you don't like them,

especially if you don't like them,

you need to accept an apology immediately,

you need to forgive.

- And on the topic ofaging and being happy.

You write that you are personally

in the happiest time of your life.

You write about creatingyour own curriculum.

How did you get to this point, Greg,

and what are some of the things

that you do in your day-to-day?

- I find that I need to counter

what I get from the media andentertainment and culture,

because I find it so destructive.

I find the media to be verypernicious and divisive,

and I need to get out ofthere and go find stuff

that makes me, I don'tknow, more substantive.

So what I do is when I saymake your own curriculum,

you could, like today, just go to YouTube,

okay, pick three topics.

I want to learn French.

I want to play the guitar.

I want to learn more about philosophy.

- [Jenna] And he's practicingwhat he's preaching

by learning the guitar on YouTube himself.

- You can kind of createa well-rounded person

on your own these days, there'sno excuse with the internet.

And you might as well useit for good and not evil.

I mean, instead of spendingan hour on Twitter,

you know, learn four chordson an acoustic guitar.

- I think a lot of ourviewers would be interested

in hearing you play the guitar.

Maybe a new segment on "The Five"?

- They tried.

I will not embarrass myself.

I actually think I'm halfway decent,

but I have this weird disorder

that when I'm put on thespot to do something,

I completely do it terribly,

but the moment that youleave, I do it excellent.

Except like when I'm talking,I can talk about anything,

but when I have to perform something,

"Greg, show us that songthat you were learning,"

I will fall apart.

But then when you leave, I'llbe blah, blah, blah, dat,

I'll be playing beautifully.

- [Jenna] Maybe someday.

- You know, the only personyou can probably ask,

you know, "Do you have bloodon your hands?" is OJ Simpson.

- [Jenna] For now, he plans tostick with what he does best.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- They've all written books

and that's an interesting one, isn't it?

- [Wendy] He's my favorite on "The Five".

- Isn't he fun?- He makes me laugh.

So I had the pleasure of meetinghim a couple of years ago

when I was up at Fox tointerview Harris Faulkner,

who had also written a book.

But yeah, they've all written books.

- Have you read this?- I have not.

Well, thank you so much.

Oh, I'm sure it's gonna make me laugh.

- "The Plus."- "The Plus,

Self-Help for People Who Need Self-Help."

- All right, whatcha got?

- Well coming up, the miracle child.

His heart stopped,doctors said he bled out

and they were just aboutto call the time of death.

See the last second Hail Marythat saved this boy's life.

When we return.(somber music)

(uplifting music)

"Prepare for the worst,"

that's what the doctor told Jennifer Scott

after her son had been hit

by a minivan traveling 45 miles an hour.

Brenden was in the ICUwith a litany of injuries

and broken bones.

He had already bled out four times.

His doctor said hiscondition was desperate.

So why did his mother refuse to lose hope?

Take a look.

(soft music)

- [Reporter] Rural Mason, Michigan,

a minivan was passinga slow-moving combine

when a small figure appeared from nowhere.

(brakes squeal)

- We both heard the tires screeching.

- Then I turned and looked

and Brenden was laying in the road.

First thought was fear.

- [Reporter] Richard and JenniferScott's nine-year-old-son,

Brenden, was running acrossthe street to the neighbors

when the minivan hit himat 45 miles per hour,

knocking him 75 feet down the road.

- His body looked pretty twisted.

- [Reporter] They arrivedto find his eyes open,

but unresponsive andblood coming from his ear.

- I immediately thoughthe was already gone.

- I just kept remindingBrenden that God has him,

mom and dad are righthere and to keep fightin'.

- "God, please don't take my baby."

Those were the only words.

- [Reporter] After calling 9-1-1,

Jennifer texted her church's prayer chain

with a simple message.

- "Prayers, Brenden."

And as soon as I hit send,the comments started coming,

like, "Praying, praying," anda calm really did come over me

because I knew God was working.

(sirens wail)

- [Reporter] Brenden wastaken to Sparrow Hospital

in Lansing, Michigan withboth legs and his jaw broken.

He also suffered a punctured lung,

a ruptured spleen and a brain hemorrhage.

Even then, the mostlife-threatening concern

was the extensive bleeding from his liver.

Dr. Stephen Guertin wasone of several doctors

on Brenden's case.

- He was in desperate condition

and the essential thing wasto get to the operating room,

get into his abdomen and to tryto get the bleeding stopped.

- [Reporter] With her son in surgery.

Jennifer reflected on how,

after many years ofpraying to have children,

she and Richard welcomedBrenden into the world.

Now with two more boysand two adopted girls,

they once again leanedon their faith in God,

as their firstborn fought for his life.

- I was definitely scared.

I had to rely on Him for the strength.

- I knew that Brenden was my miracle child

when I conceived him, and hestill has miracles in him.

- [Reporter] In the OR,

the team was still tryingto stop the bleeding

when Brenden's heart stopped.

- He actually bled to deathin the operating room.

There was no more blood in his heart,

and so what they did was,

the surgeon literally tookthe heart in his hands

and as the heart started tofill, he started squeezing it.

- [Reporter] By now, morepeople had joined the family

in prayer as the team continuedmassaging Brenden's heart.

But doctors knew that anyattempts after 20 minutes

would likely be futile.

- When they got to the20 minute mark or so,

people started to question,can we really go further?

Will it help him to go further?

And literally right at that moment,

his heart started again,by itself, spontaneously.

- [Reporter] It was a win, buthis liver was still bleeding,

and Dr. Guertin gavethe parents little hope.

- I just


know if he could make it.

And his mother just looked atme with this, just certainty,

that I was sort of surprised by,

and she said, "No, you're wrong.

He's gonna live."

- I couldn't let myselfbelieve that anything

but a miracle was about to happen.

- [Reporter] And the Scotts say it did

as doctors were able to stop the bleeding.

Now in the Pediatric ICU,Brenden faced another fight.

With extensive head injuries,

doctors feared he wouldhave permanent brain damage.

- [Richard] They said he might not make it

through the next couple of days.

- To see him laying there,

fighting for his life,

was just really hard.

- [Reporter] Meanwhile, prayers continued

to pour in from everywhere.

- If it wasn't for the support,

I don't know how made itthrough the first night.

- [Reporter] The nine yearold made it through the night,

and over the next few critical days,

they watched for positiveneurological signs.

Then on day five, Brenden woke up,

not only able to respondto verbal commands,

but a special touch from mom.

- He's never liked to hold myhand like this, it's always.

And so whenever I would grab his hand

and I would hold on to it,

he would slowly get itstarted with the pinky,

and then eventually

he just would lace hisfingers through mine

and I just knew that he wastelling me, "Mom, I'm here."

- I just couldn't believe it.

The fact that he was alive,

but also the fact that

he clearly was with it

was amazing.

- [Reporter] Brenden underwenta total of eight surgeries

during his four-week stay in the hospital

before going to rehab.

But it only took threeweeks, not several months,

as doctors predicted, for him to go home.

- And they're like, "We can't explain this

and the body shouldn't beable to heal that fast."

You don't have to explain it to me.

I know where it's coming from.

- [Reporter] Within a few months,

he was back to running aroundand even riding his bike.

- [Jennifer] I knew in my heart

that God wouldn't take my child,

but even I didn't imagine thathe would restore him fully.

- He represents one of thebest examples I can think of

in a lifetime of doing this.

- [Reporter] Other than the scars

and brief moments of memory loss,

Brenden shows no signs of longterm effects

from his injuries.

He and his family knowhe's a walking miracle

and a testament to the power of prayer.

- The Bible says, "Wheretwo or more to come to me

in my name, the prayers will be answered,"

and we had countless numbersof prayers coming in.

- God actually does miracles.

- This just proved God's willing to answer

if you're willing to ask.

- I love that.

"God's willing to answerif you are willing to ask,"

and Pat and I are gonna ask on your behalf

in just a few minutes.

- Let's share a coupleof things before we pray.

And we want to pray foryou, this can be the day

that the miracles cantake place in your life.

"Since ulcers started afflicting Scott

of Pasadena, California,

his life changed for the worse.

Nothing he tried gave lasting relief.

In January, he was watching this program

and she heard Wendy say,

'Someone has their hand ontheir stomach right now,

you're having severe stomach ulcers.

God is healing those ulcers

and the stomach pain isleaving, in Jesus' name.'

And Scott placed hishands on his abdomen,"

and guess what?

(sighs) "He's still rejoicing."

He called to tell usthat on August the 13th.

- Wow.

And that was January.

Praise the Lord, I love that.- What you got?

- Here's a Rosie from Houston, Texas,

"had constant and severe jaw pain.

It was a part of everyday life.

Her dentist diagnosed it as TMJ

and said her jaw was outof alignment big time.

It hurt during the day andprevented sleep at night.

Rosie was watching "The 700Club" on August the 13th,

this month, and heard you say, Pat,

'You are suffering and you have TMJ.

Put your hands on your jaw

and suddenly everything is straight.'

Later that night, Rosie heard a snap

and realized that Godhad realigned her jaw.

Her pain level is now zeroand her sleep is plentiful."

- Isn't that amazing?- Praise God.

- Well TMJ will affect you,

it'll give you pain allthe way down your back,

you'll have headaches.

She had all that instantly, boom.

Now we're gonna pray together

and God is going to dosomething for you right now.

I want you to receive it.

And the Lord who loves you, He loves you,

now don't be saying, I can't do it,

don't be saying, I'm not worthy.

None of us are worthy.

Not one of us is worthy of His blessing.

So just trust the Lord right now.

Father, in Jesus' name,

I pray with Wendy and we praytogether and we believe, God.

There's somebody, Ibelieve the name's Mary,

you've got muscle spasms in your back

and it's really been bad.

The thing just grabs you andall of a sudden this pain come.

In the name of Jesus, wespeak a word and Mary, touch.

What do you have, Wendy?

- There's somebody, youhaven't been able to sleep,

hardly at all for weeks now

and you are just beyond exhausted

and it's almost like a spirit of insomnia.

We just rebuke it in the name of Jesus.

And God is touching you right now

and you are gonna havethe best night's sleep

of your life tonight.

You're gonna sleep like a baby.

So, Lord, we just thank you

for delivering this personright now, in Jesus' name.

- Blinding headaches,I believe it's George.

just put your hand onyou forehead right now,

those headaches are gonnaleave and you will have relief.

In the name of Jesus, touched him.

Wendy, something else?- Yeah there's someone,

you've just had thesedebilitating headaches,

I think they're migraines,

and they just have beenplaguing you, really for years

and they come at the worst possible times.

Well, today is your day of deliverance.

God is delivering you this day

from those awfulheadaches, in Jesus' name.

Thank you, God.

- Touch you throat.

Your throat has been spasming.

There's been a lot of spasming,

your throat has been justgrabbing you and you can't talk.

Right now, God has just healed you.

Now, Father, for everybodyin this audience,

Lord, you know what theirneeds are, you know the hurt,

you know the family problems,

you know the financial problems,you know the suffering.

And we pray again forthose people in the Gulf

who are without power, withoutwater, who are suffering.

And we pray, Lord, thatyou might send relief

and, Lord, let yourblessing rest upon them.

In Jesus' holy name, thank you, Father.

Amen.- Amen.

- And please call, welove to hear from you.

We love to have the answers to prayer

It excites us when wehear what God has done.

And just pick up the phone,it's easy to remember.

It's a toll-free number, 1-800-700-7000.

Doesn't cost anything, no money, nothin',

we're not talking about money.

We're just talking about Godblessing you, 1-800-700-7000.

So if you need a prayer request, call.

Wendy.- Amen.

- "The prayers of the righteousavaileth much, not little,"

right? (laughs)- Yeah, much, much, thank you.

- Well down down to their last $2,

this family's finances were a hot mess.

They couldn't pay their bills.

Their house was in foreclosure.

So what breakthrough bailed them out?

Plus, Your Questions, Honest Answers.

Jim writes, "In Matthew 25, it says,

'Whoever has will be givenmore and whoever doesn't have,

even what he has will be taken from him.'

Doesn't this seem unfair?"

Stay tuned as Pat tacklesthat and much more,

later on today's show.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"

for this CBN Newsbreak.

Tributes and prayers areflowing from around the world

following the shocking deathof actor Chadwick Boseman

at only 43.

His family confirmed helost his private battle

against colon cancer, Friday.

He had kept his diagnosissecret for four years.

While he is best knownfor playing King T'Challa

in the Marvel movie, "The Black Panther,"

the Anderson, South Carolinanative was also a newlywed,

a proud graduate of HowardUniversity and a man of faith,

who often referred to scripture

when he received his honorarydoctorate from his alma mater.

CBN has been awarded theCampus Crusade for Christ Award

for promoting evangelism and discipleship

for the production of "Stu's Story,"

a testimony about a young heroin addict

who overdosed several times

and was rescued by his dedicated family

and a powerful encounter with God.

It's been distributed on CBNSouth Africa social media,

shown on a regional Bus network

and broadcast on local SouthAfrican television stations,

as well as throughoutEnglish-speaking Africa

and the Caribbean,

and on The 700 Club, right here in the US.

The award is given for bringing the gospel

and promoting discipleshipinitiatives in South Africa.

I want to remind you,

you can learn more about whatCBN is doing around the world,

by going to

Pat and Wendy are back withmore of today's "700 Club,"

it's coming up right after this.

(dramatic music)

(stately music)

- Hi, this is PatRobertson with an excerpt

from my new book, "I HaveWalked With the Living God."

I hope it will help youin your walk with God.

"None of us knows when trouble will come.

None of us knows of upcomingsickness or disease.

I'll give you an example

of when trouble came upon me unexpectedly.

I was piloting right seatin a small Piper Navajo

that was almost out of gas.

And we were flying throughthe mountains of Costa Rica.

And then all of the electronic equipment,

except what was called the DME, went out.

We flew at the minimumaltitude in a blinding rain,

and with the DME,

turned where we hoped wasthe appropriate place.

Suddenly, the lights of therunway, which had been off,

came on and we landed the plane safely.

God, 'Who causes everything to be,'

had us under control because He promised,

'I will be with you in trouble.'

That promise is true for you today."

(upbeat music)

Oh, a little episode in my book,

"I Walked With the LivingGod," and you talk about scary,

I mean it was pouring down rain

and we didn't have enough gas.

If we hadn't made that runway,

we would have had to go outand ditch in the Pacific Ocean.

We probably would have drowned.

We couldn't see anything

and we had to rely on that one instrument,

everything else was out

and we had to estimate howfar away this mountain was.

And then at a particular point,

according to the onepiece of equipment we had,

we had to turn andhopefully hit the runway.

And if we hadn't would have died.

It was just one of those things.

- Wow, that one shotand God gave it to you.

- Yeah, and the lightsturned on, it was, huh?

- I said that you hadthat one shot to make it

and you made it, youknow, God gave it to you.

- Well, I should never have been,

I should never have flown an airplane.

Anybody who flew with mehad to be out of their mind.

- [Wendy] Oh, dear. (laughs)

- (laughs) I do have a pilot's license.

This was a twin engineplane we were flying.

- I don't think you're gonna get

a lot of people calling forthat after that endorsement.

- Well it's an interesting book,

but that's just one of thestories that's in there.

- So many great stories.

And I love that the chapters are so short,

it moves along so quickly.

You did so much, I mean,it's just amazing to me.

(Pat laughs)

I can't recommend it enough.

Well, this is your read Pat. (laughs)

- Well, Shanti and Claudiawere down to their last $2.

Soon, this couple hadto file for bankruptcy.

Then at their lowest point,they decided to do something,

it was completely counter intuitive.

Well what was it?

And how did it lead to a total turnaround?

Take a look.

- [Reporter] When Shanti and Claudia moved

from Florida to Virginia for a new job,

they had nothing but highhopes for their future.

- We were ready for a newchange for our family.

Although we were leavingbehind many family members

and friends, it was exciting time.

- [Reporter] The couple rented a house

while they put theirold home on the market.

Unfortunately, it was 2007

and the housing market was slowing down.

Now they had to pay for boththe mortgage and their rent.

- You have to always be two steps

in tryin' to figure outwhat you're gonna do.

So there's not a lot of peace in it

when you're just depending on yourself.

- [Reporter] In a short time,

Shanti saw hiscommission-based income wane.

As the bills mounted,

they took out loans andmaxed out credit cards

just to meet monthly expenses.

- I bought things when I knewthat I didn't have the money

to pay back the credit cards.

We started using loans to pay the bills

on the house in Florida.

Things were really justgetting out of control.

- [Reporter] At one point, theywere down to their last $2.

- We just couldn't pay anything anymore.

And it was scary

'cause we didn't knowwhat we were going to do.

- [Reporter] By now, they'ddropped the asking price

for their home down to halfof what they still owed,

but it still wouldn't sell.

Soon, their house was in foreclosure

and before long, they hadto file for bankruptcy.

- You have nothing and youneed that monkey off your back.

And so that was the absolute,

that was a very low point for sure.

- [Reporter] They knewthey couldn't get out

of their financial mess themselves,

so they prayed to Godand decided to tithe.

- [Claudia] We realized

that we needed to be obedient to God.

- [Shanti] You know wedidn't have anything,

we still tithed and itfelt right to tithe.

- [Reporter] They also began selling

their personal belongings.

They continued to trust God to provide.

Then a few months later, theyfinally saw the turnaround

they'd been praying for.

- The jobs just startedpouring in for Shanti

and everything just started taking off.

We knew that it was God that,

you know, provided for us at that moment.

It was amazing to have extra money.

- More clients, more sales.

It's a miracle, it's awesome.

I wasn't scrambling to getto the bank to pay the bills,

you know, they were paid.

- [Reporter] Shanti andClaudia were able to save again

and they increased their giving.

Claudia also startedwatching "The 700 Club"

and they became partners.

- I liked everything that CBN did,

disaster relief, surgeries for kids.

They seemed to just be allover the place, helping people,

and I wanted to be a part of that.

- [Reporter] Today, Shanti andClaudia rebuilt their credit

and have since bought a new home.

Their income has doubled

and they currently giveat the Founders level.

They love to give,

and they love the joy ofbeing obedient to God.

- If you just walk in faith,

you know, give yourtithe, give your gifts,

He will take care of you.

- He will.

You know, we've said itbefore, but we'll say it again,

you can't out give God.

You cannot do it.

And the one time,

the one time in the Biblethat we're told to test God,

you know it's a sin to tempt the Lord.

It's a sin.

You know, you jump off a building

and expect the angels tocatch you, that's a sin.

But God says, "Prove me withyour tithes and offerings.

If I won't open the windows of heaven

and pour you out such ablessing, you can't receive it."

Now, somebody said,

"Do you believe in the prosperity gospel?"

Well we believe in thegospel of giving money away.

We believe in giving.

We give, I give, we give to the Lord.

And because it's fun to give

and God will bless thosewho are generous givers.

It's just the way it is.

1-800-700-7000, we'd love toyou members of The 700 Club.

$20 a month and you get to be a member.

And I have a littlesomething I want to give you,

it's called, "Do You Need a Miracle?"

And people really like this,

we've had got good comments on it.

I'll give this to you whenyou join The 700 Club.

$20 a month, 1-800-700-7000.

$20 a month, that's all it is.

65 cents a day and we canhave an army of thousands

and we can change our world.

I believe it.

Wendy.- People do love that DVD.

A viewer from Charlotte,North Carolina says,

"I love everything about,'Do You Need a Miracle?'

I am already a believerin God and trust Him,

but this DVD put a newhope and love in my life."

Well, thank you fromCharlotte, North Carolina,

whoever you are.

- [Pat] God bless you.

Well, all right.

- Well, get your DVRs ready.

Up next, it's another unpredictable round

of Your Questions andHonest Answers from Pat.

Leon writes, "The Book ofRevelation talks about the armies

of heaven following Jesus to earth.

Are we that army

or is it that the Christiansalready in Heaven?"

What will Pat say to that?

Find out next.

(upbeat music)

(uplifting music)

Welcome back to "The 700 Club."

It's time for Your Questionsand Honest Answers from Pat.

We'll start with Barbara's question.

She says, "Hello, Pat.

It says in the Biblethat we may enter boldly

into the presence of Godto leave our petitions.

And it also says thatJesus is our intercessor,

interceding for us all the time.

My question is, if we may enter boldly,

why do we need an intercessor?"

- Well, you remember Jesus said,

"Hitherto, you've askednothing in my name.

Ask and you shall receivethat your joy might be full."

You said your Fatherknows that you have needs,

but nevertheless, our prayer is always,

I'm praying to the Father,in the name of Jesus,

in the power of the Holy spirit

and so we bring the Trinity of God.

So why do we need an intercessor?

Well, you really don't need one

because God himself knowswhat your needs are.

He knows what you need before you ask Him,

but nevertheless,

"You come boldly to the throne of grace

that you may find help in times of need."

So we enter into the presence of the Lord

and we speak to the Father,but always remember,

the access we have to the Father

is because of the blood of Jesus.

Were it not for the sacrifice of Jesus,

we are made righteous because of Him

and the power of the Holy Spirit

has been made available to us.

so it is the Trinity of Godwe deal with these matters.

All right?- Amen, good answer.

All right, Jim says,"In Matthew 25, it says,

'Whoever has will be givenmore and whoever does not have,

even what he has will be taken from him.'

That seems unfair.

Also, why did the guy with the one talent,

who didn't squander it, butgave it back, get penalized?"

- (laughs) The book, "The Secret Kingdom,"

this is called the law of use.

It's real simple.

I used to do a whole lot of working out.

I still work out in the gym,

I lift weights and do TotalGym and all that stuff.

But if I didn't do anything,

if I took my arm and tied it to my chest

and never used it for, say six months,

when I was finished,

I could hardly lift ateacup, much less do weights

because I lose what is not exercised.

Now that's the way it is withmoney, if you don't use it.

But if your talents, forexample, if you're a singer,

we have all sorts of peopleon the air, you know,

what do they say?

You practice law, you practice medicine,

you have to keep at what you're doing.

And the practice is what, you know,

perfects us and keeps us going

and if we don't use whatwe have, we'll lose it.

Now, the guy with the one talent,

he took it and he dug a hole in the ground

and the Lord called himwicked and slothful.

Wicked and slothful becausehe didn't use any talent,

he hid himself.

He said, "I was afraid."

And fear will keep us fromtaking the talents we have

and using them.

Now I know that the socialists

that want to take awayfrom those that have

and give to those that have not,

but it doesn't work that way.

You know, it just doesn't work that way.

When we do what God has,

that's the way the kingdom is set up,

if we use what's given to us,we'll have more, all right?

- Amen, good answer.

Leon says, "Revelation19 11-16 talks about

the armies of heavenfollowing Jesus to earth.

Are we that army

or is it the Christians alreadyin heaven who have died?

Or is it an angel army?"(Pat laughs)

- Well, the Bible didn't express

and I can't, you know, extemporate,

but my guess, this is an informed guess,

we're talking about the hostof heaven, the heavenly hosts

and these are angelic beings.

So I think it'll be the angels with Jesus,

not necessarily resurrected people.

All right.

- All right, Chrystal says,

"I want to do the rightthing and obey God,

but I'm not always sure

that what I'm hearing iswhat God wants me to do.

What if I accidentally do something

that was not what God wanted me to do?

Will He still guide meto the right thing?"

- I'll tell you what, if you ask God,

"Lord, please lead me,"

He will move heaven and earthto keep you from being misled

if you trust in Him.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not unto your own understanding.

In all your ways, acknowledge Him

and he will direct your path."

So with everything you'vegiven, you belong to the Lord,

He will not allow you to be misled.

You can count on it.

Well, we leave you withthese horns from Jeremiah,

"Call upon me and I will answer you,

and I will show yougreat and mighty things,

which you did not know."

For Wendy and all of us,this is Pat Robertson,

God bless you

and we will look forward toseeing you tomorrow, bye bye.

(uplifting music)


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