A basketball star goes into toxic shock. See how he dodges death and experiences a college hoops comeback. Plus, from Saturday Night Live to The 700 Club. Joe Piscopo tells Pat Robertson about being a rarity in show business.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up.
♪ It's time for you ♪
From Saturday Night Live to the 700 Club,
Joe Piscopo tells Pat Robertson
about being a rarity in show business.
And then...
- [Emmitt] Just knew itwas something was wrong.
- [Narrator] A basketballstar goes into toxic shock.
- Top notch pain, somethingI never felt before.
- [Narrator] See how he dodged death.
- Everyone just starts applauding.
- [Narrator] And watch thiscollege hoops comeback.
- I'm back!
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(stately music)
- Welcome to the 700 Club.
Potential winds in excessof 130 miles per hour
and a storm surge of up to 15 feet.
Hurricane Laura is barreling
toward the Texas-Louisiana coastline.
How strong could the killerstorm be when it hits?
Possibly a devastating Cat 4.
And I might say, the largestoil refinery in America
is in port Arthur, Texas, rightin the path of this storm.
What impact will that have?
We don't know.
But the big dilemmafor people in its path,
do they stay home?
Or do they ride out the fury?
Or evacuate and risk COVID infection?
It's a terrible dilemma to be faced with.
Heather Sells has more.
- It is the largest U.S. evacuation
since the pandemic began.
And for many, it is a tough decision,
stay at home protected from COVID
or evacuate and riskthe threat of infection.
On Tuesday, Robert Duffy filledsandbags to protect his home
30 miles from the coastand hoped to stay put.
- Hopefully it's not thatthreatening to people's lives
and everyone can handle it.
Because with COVID,
I'm not certain that everybody'sready to go anywhere.
- [Heather] But on places like Galveston,
people are evacuating.
- I had to think what's more important?
Getting away from thestorm or the COVID thing?
- [Woman] Put a mask on!
- [Nita] Everybody's leaving.
- [Heather] Local authoritiesare preparing for winds
in excess of 100 miles an hour,
heavy rainfall and a stormsurge of up to 15 feet.
Laura has already killedmore than 20 people in Haiti
and the Dominican Republic,
in the U.S.,
it could inundate theTexas-Louisiana coastline.
CBN news contributor,Chuck Holton is standing by
in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
- Right, where I'm standingon the shore of Lake Charles
is ground zero for this stormas the track shows right now.
So, by this time tomorrow,
where I'm standing could beunder maybe 14 feet of water.
- Currently, we are loadingsupplies to help people
that are affected by the storm.
- [Heather] Operation Blessing is staging
trucks in Tennessee, readyto roll as soon as Laura hits
and people need help.
Heather Sells, CBN news.
- It's a devastating thing.
I've visited right after Katrina.
And I remember there was a bird singing,
he was so eerie of thequiet that was there
because everything had blown out
and everything was devastating.
It was just horrible to see.
So please, pray forthose people in the Gulf.
And if you you're in that area,
get out of that place as quick as you can,
you don't wanna be havingwhat happened in Katrina.
But we're there with Operation Blessing.
We have people standingby in Bristol, Tennessee,
we've got trucks ready to roll.
We don't go in there,
unfortunately, you have towait after the storms over,
but that's when the devastation is.
And we have all kinds of bottled water,
we have home disaster relief kits,
and we have a mobile relief command center
and a mobile kitchen to help feed people.
It's Operation Blessing relief fund, CBN.
If you wanna help, justcall 1-800-700-7000,
we'd love to hear from you.
And we just ask for prayer.
But for those people in the Gulf,
if you're watching thisprogram, please get a...
Don't stay.
The storm surge is goingto go for miles inland.
There's gonna be under water, five feet.
I mean, they say the size of New England,
that it would be under water.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
When that storm surge hits,it goes way, way, inland
because of all the rain and the water.
Well, we mentioned thisyesterday, and I say it again,
I don't know what iswrong with the police,
but these guys have weapons
and you want the police to be armed
but this stuff that goeson, it's just outrageous.
They've got to stop shooting people,
they've got to be trained,
they have to be taughtabout how to use weapons
and they have to know there'll be swift...
Action taken against them,
if they misuse the powerthat's been given them.
But the protest in Wisconsinhas turned deadly overnight,
and is vigilante violence to blame?
John Jessup has more on that story
from our Bureau inWashington, here's John.
- Thanks, Pat.
Two people are dead and one other wounded
after shooting broke outduring violent protests
in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night.
Sheriff David Beth says armed vigilantes
have been patrolling the streets,
but he's not certain ifthe shooter is one of them.
He predicted the gunmanwould soon be in custody.
The gunfire reportedly beganwhen protestors clashed
with armed men protecting a gas station.
The situation quickly turned chaotic
and more shots were fired.
(gun firing)
- [Man] Oh, (bleep)
(woman screams)
- [Woman] Oh my God!
Oh my God!
- This is the third night ofviolent protest in Kenosha
after a police officer shotJacob Blake, a black man,
seven times in the back.
Blake's family attorneysays he's paralyzed
from the waist down.
And his mother had a messagefor both the protestors
and the police.
- If Jacob knew what wasgoing on as far as that goes,
the violence and the destruction,
he would be very unpleased.
To all of the police officers,
I'm praying for you and your families.
- Blake's mother also saidGod made people of all races
and none are superior to another.
Well, faith and thefuture took center stage
at the Republican NationalConvention last night,
including the surprisedpardon for a bank robber
who turned his life aroundthanks to his faith in God
and a naturalization ceremonyfor many new citizens.
CBN White House correspondent,Ben Kennedy, reports.
- Land of opportunitywas Tuesday night's theme
as speakers touted President Trump's
criminal justice reform,
strong economy and religious freedom.
- [Narrator] We hold thesetruths to be self-evident.
- Day two where theunconventional RNC kicked off
with a focus on faith.
- To all houses of worshipand to all people of faith,
stripped of our religiousfreedoms and religious liberties.
My father will fight for you.
- We believe that each personis made by God for a purpose.
- [Ben] President Trumpsays that's one reason
he pushed for criminal justice reform,
as he pardoned Jon Ponder.
Ponder, a convicted bankrobber turned his life around
and found a nonprofit organization
that helps former inmates.
- And as I laid on thatstainless steel cell,
shackled by my hands and my feet,
I heard God utter into my spirit,
"My son, I honored whatyou asked me to do."
He said, "Never forget the promise...
"That you made to me."
- [Ben] Reverend BillyGraham's granddaughter
made a surprise appearanceto thank the president
for his continued fightfor religious freedom.
- Our founders did notenvision a quiet, hidden faith.
They fought to ensurethat the voices of faith
were always welcomed, notsilenced, not bullied.
- [Ben] Nicholas Sandmannsays he was bullied
by news outlets for theircoverage of a confrontation
between him and a native American man
at the Lincoln Memorial.
Abby Johnson pushed backon Planned Parenthood
and quit as a clinic director to become
one of America's mostoutspoken pro-life activists.
- I've been the perpetrator tothese babies, to these women.
And I now support president Trump
because he has done more for the unborn
than any other president.
- I hereby declare.- I hereby declare.
- An oath.- An oath.
- [Ben] Trump hosted anaturalization ceremony
for five people tohighlight legal immigration.
- You followed the rules,you obeyed the laws,
you learned your history,embraced our values,
and proved yourselves to be men and women
of the highest integrity.
It's not so easy, you went through a lot
and we appreciate youbeing here with us today.
- [Ben] And Secretary of State,Mike Pompeo broke tradition
with a personal conventionappearance from Jerusalem.
- President to move the U.S. Embassy
to this very city of God, Jerusalem,
the rightful capitalof the Jewish Homeland.
And just two weeks ago,
the president brokereda historic peace deal
between Israel and theUnited Arab Emirates.
- [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome the firstlady of the United States.
- [Ben] First Lady, Melania Trump,
wrapped up the night fromthe renovated Rose Garden.
- The past three and a halfyears have been unforgettable.
There are no words todescribe how honored, humbled,
and fortunate I am to serveour nation as your First Lady.
- [Ben] In addition toexpressing compassion
for COVID victims
and calling for greaterattention to opioid addiction,
she spoke on racial division
and the spike in violence nationwide.
- I also ask people to stop the violence
and looting being donein the name of justice,
and never make assumptions
based on the color of a person's skin.
- And looking ahead,Vice President Mike Pence
will headline night threeof the RNC Convention,
alongside advisor andformer campaign manager,
Kellyanne Conway, who helpedTrump win the White House
back in 2016.
Ben Kennedy, CBN news.
- Thank you, Ben.
Pat, back to you.
- I think the Republicansdo a fabulous job.
I mean, the production is beautiful
and the speeches are very inspiring,
it puts the Democrats to shame.
But I was amazed, I was flipping the dial,
before, ABC was totally inthe tank for the Democrats.
I mean, every word was put out there,
no comment, no criticism whatsoever,
put out as gospel truth.
CBS last night had a forum
where they did nothing butattack Trump and the Republicans.
It was unbelievable.
I mean, there's supposedto be a balanced forum.
They had the former chief ofstaff on to talk about it,
who had been the RSA chair,
but he really wasn't able to say much.
But the fact that the whole network
is just going after the president
instead of going along and saying,
okay, that's their convention,
here's what they had to say, criticism!
It was unbelievable.
Did you see any of that?
- Well, I saw the coverage.
But I don't understand why the Democrats
aren't talking about the riots.
They're completelyignoring what's happening
to the destruction of our country.
- Well, that's gonna winthe thing for law and order.
The numbers of killings in ourcities, they're monumental.
And as we quote, defund the police,
you look at rioting in cityafter city, after city,
and the Democrats, you're exactly right,
they've never said aword in their convention.
Not once did they mentionthis particular thing
and it's upper most onpeople's minds right now,
and that is going to be thewinning ticket for Trump
coming in this election.
I guarantee that is going to be the issue,
if he sticks on message.
Now, in California, somethingunbelievable is happening.
You just can't believe...
How crazy can a state get?
John, talk about it.
- Pat, lawmakers in the golden state
are racing to pass a bill tofund transgender healthcare
for children and adultsby the end of the month.
It includes grants tohospitals and clinics
that provide hormone therapy
and gender reassignment surgeries,
but only to those
that are affiliatedwith transgender groups.
Some doctors are concerned
about the medical risks to children,
which include infertility
as well as taking control of the treatment
away from healthcare professionals.
Dr. James Grisolia, theCalifornia state director
of the American Academy of Medical Ethics
told CBS news what he views is at stake.
- It sets up a state fund topay for sex change hormones
and sex change operations for children.
This bill takes away treatment control
from doctors and psychologists,
and gives that control to advocates
that have a trans agenda.
- And the 2020 Californialegislative session
concludes at the end of this month.
- Ladies and gentlemen, thisis the most awful thing,
that you're going to givehormone therapy to a little child
who doesn't really know
whether he's supposed towear a dress or a suit.
I mean, it's just too early
and they're talking aboutsex change and hormones.
I mean, this is crazy.
These people could be infertilethe rest of their lives,
they may not be ableto have children ever.
- What if in a few years,
they sort of wake up and they're like,
oh my gosh, I had a sex change operation.
Then you can't go back if you'vehad a sex change operation.
- Not if they do thisstuff they're telling you,
they do surgery and soforth, you're exactly right.
There's no reversing it.- It'd be devastating.
- I mean, it's a horrible thing.
A little child make thatdecision and they can only do it
if they're the involved with transgender.
I mean, it's just insane!
I mean, how nutty can human beings get?
God Almighty looks downfrom heaven and says,
you're the people created in my image.
You were made in theimage of Almighty God,
why don't you act like it?
- All right, well, still ahead,
searing stomach pain,unable to keep food down.
This college basketballstar dropped 50 pounds!
At first, he worriedabout missing the season,
then he worried about losing his life.
Plus, up close andpersonal with Joe Piscopo.
The former Saturday Night Livestar talks about his faith
and his conservative politics.
How did he make the leapfrom Hollywood entertainer
to New York radio show host?
You're about to find out, stay tuned.
(orchestral music)
(stately music)
- Well, who could forget hisimpersonation of Frank Sinatra?
For many fans, Joe Piscopo's name
is synonymous with Saturday Night Live.
So, what's Joe been doingsince he left Hollywood behind?
Just take a look.
- [Wendy] Joe Piscopois probably best known
for his four seasons as aSaturday Night Live cast member
in the early 1980s,
especially his spot-onimpersonation of Frank Sinatra.
♪ Come on baby, it's time, time, time ♪
♪ It's time for you ♪
After an entertainment career
that took him from New Yorkto Hollywood and back again,
Joe landed a gig as a radio talk show host
on new York's AM970, The Answer.
Joe is a rarity in theentertainment field.
A political and social conservative
with a strong Christian faith,
who talks about all theissues of the day, every day,
from six to 10:00 a.m.
- Well, Joe Piscopo joins us now by Skype,
and Joe, you've always beena political conservative.
Is this something relatively new for you?
- You know, Pat,
it's just a privilege tobe with you, my friend.
So, I have to say, if you'rewatching for Pat Robertson,
kind enough to come on thePiscopo Show in the morning,
my audience loved you, man,
and you're always welcomeon my program, Pat.
Just wanted to tell you that.
- Well, I loved being with you,
you were such a gracious host
and you hit it right on the money.
God bless you.
- Well, I think...- Go ahead.
- Thank you, God bless you.
My father, in the second World War,
the United States Army,Air Corps, rest his soul.
My mom is still the head of the family,
the greatest generation.
They instilled in me howgreat the country is,
and they instilled in me,my mother particularly, Pat,
a faith in God, you know?
And I just always had that within me,
but you just didn't talk about it.
But as I see this countryslipping away a little bit,
and that I felt a responsibilitywhen Mr. Ed Atsinger,
over at Salem Media and PhilBoysin, and Jerry Crowley,
my bosses over at Salem Media said,
"Joe, why don't you handle the mornings
"over at our flagship station in New York?
"It's a conservative talk station,
"we have a strong faith in the Lord."
And I said, "It's time..."
For those of us who arebeen in, quote, the closet,
conservatively or faith-wise,it's time to come out, Pat,
because we need it now,I think, more than ever.
- Joe, if you have a blankslate, what would you write down?
What are we to do about our country?
It seems to be in such a chaotic mess now.
- Yeah, I think we always try to be
objective on the air, and pragmatic,
and I understand thecriticisms on both sides,
but I think, and I had thisconversation with my mother.
I said, "Mom, I'm goingon with Pat Robertson,"
and she's a huge fan and shesends her personal best, Pat.
I said, "You know, Mom, I feelfunny talking about my faith
"because I'm afraid you'regonna be criticized for it."
But now, more than ever,you have to talk about it.
And I think the blankslate, on the blank slate,
it's okay to say we'reone nation under God.
It's okay to say in God, we trust.
It's okay to say, God bless America.
And I think that's what's missing!
We're afraid to say it!
That's why I always get on the air
and I talk about my day.
Hey, Pat, you know whatI can say on Salem Media?
I could say it on your show.
- Yeah, absolutely.
- I don't care if you wouldbelieve or you don't believe,
I don't care what you believe.
But, for me, I go like this, I say this,
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior.
I say that on the radio,they let me say it.
Pat, I'm in New YorkCity, people don't say it!
But I really feel becauseof the situation we're in,
we're afraid to talk about faith.
We're ready to talk about howgreat this country really is.
So I think now the advice Iwould say is speak your mind,
do it objectively, do it pragmatically,
do it in a good Christian way,
but it's okay to say, hey, you know what?
I believe in Jesus, I believe in God.
And I don't wanna say I'ma member of the God squad
or anything like that.
- Well, I think God's gonna honor that.
You used to be course ofstore on Saturday Night Live,
but the people on thatshow take every opportunity
to bash conservatives and the president.
Do you ever have a chanceto talk to them about that?
- No, but, you know, I don't, I'm not in,
I haven't been invited back anytime.
But I'll tell you,
there's more people thatcome out of this show,
now a lot of folks thatdo come out of this show
that are conservative, butI have, to your point, Pat,
friends call me in thebusiness, show business,
and they hear the radio show'cause you can stream it online
on AM970, the answer.com.
Thank you for allowing meto make that blatant plug,
Pat Robertson, appreciate it.
And you could get us online.
People listen in Hollywood,they call, they go,
Joe, thanks for what you're saying.
Thanks for what you're saying,
we appreciate what you're saying.
I mean, and I don't even think about,
I'm just talking about, Ijust speak from my heart.
I'm like yourself,
and what I admire aboutyou, Pat Robertson,
you speak from your heart,you speak from your soul,
you live what you talk about.
And by the grace of God,I do that same thing,
and people, they're listening nowadays.
I think more than you think, Pat.
- Well, you're a lifelong Catholic then.
Does that in your faith inform everything
you think about it, but social issues?
- Yes, it does.
And look at me, believe it or not,
I have my palms from Palm Sunday still.
I'm a guild-ridden, churchgoing,
God-fearing Italian Catholic, I am,
and my mother deserves all the credit.
She would make me go to St. Thomas Church
in Bloomfield, New Jerseywhere I got my Holy communion.
I had my confirmation and I really,
and I go to church and they'retrying to take church away,
Pat, don't get me started.
We're not allowed to go out to church.
We still go with our maskson, we still social distance,
we're still at church.
I will drop to my knees, Pat,
every night and give thanks to the Lord
for the blessings in my life.
But that comes from, I have to tell ya,
and I understand the criticisms of,
a lot of the times you will becriticized being a Catholic,
but I gotta tell ya, it really taught me,
I think, got me down the right path,
and I thank my mother for that
and for my Catholicism in that regard.
- Yeah.
- So, Joe, I wanna askyou one last question.
How do people watch you?
I mean, is it the Salem?
I mean, New York or is it thewhole country you're on now?
- Yeah, if you go to AM970, the answer.com
and we're on the radio
and you can get usright on your smartphone
on AM970, the answer.com.
And then we're about totake it up a notch, Pat,
and we're gonna go on television
and we'll let you knowabout that if we may,
because it's time to get out there,
and time to really speak our mind.
It's a great country.
And so many of us look to you,Pat Robertson, for guidance,
for spiritual guidance
and for all the goodness that's out there,
all you hear is the negativity
and they're trying to tear us down,
and I really feel around the world,
they're trying to take Christianity away.
So, respectfully, objectively,again, pragmatically,
we do it every morning on the radio.
So television is probablynext in that regard,
but you know, Pat Robinson, if I may, sir,
thank you for your.
- Well, thank you my friend.
Hey, listen, Joe, there's one last thing,
there was some thought thatyou might run for governor
of New Jersey, I thinkyou'd be a smash candidate.
Is that off the record or not?
- I'm very busy business-wise,
but people ask and there isa responsibility and a duty
as a duty to run and they talked about it
and nothing is off the table
because there is a responsibilityas we go on the radio,
as you're on television, maybegoing into public office,
that's something that I willseriously consider, Pat.
- Amen.
Well, we'll pray about that for you.
Thank you so much for being with us,
we really appreciate you.
And Joe Piscopo, ladies and gentlemen,
we're gonna be back with moreof 700 Club, right after this.
(orchestral music)
- [Narrator] Comingup, her son flat lined.
- I had this cold chillgo all over my body.
- [Narrator] What mysterious illness
drove this basketballstark into toxic shock.
- It led me to just have themindset of if I die, I die.
- [Narrator] And what final play
proved to be the game changer.
- [Caroline] I look at my sonand he's the walking miracle.
- Hi, this is Pat Robertson
with an excerpt from my new book,
"I Have Walked With the Living God."
I hope it will be a blessingto you as you walk with God.
"A maximum securityprison in Raiford, Florida
"housed murderers, rapists,and assorted criminals.
"We were invited to speak at that prison
"and I prayed for a messagethat would touch the hearts
"of those people.
"As I spoke, I talked to the young man
"who had been railroadedby the judicial system
"and falsely accused ofa crime he didn't commit.
"And then I described thepunishment this man had to endure.
"The Lord gave power to each word
"as I described the cat-o'-nine-tails
"tearing the flesh offthe back of Jesus Christ.
"I could see these hardenedcriminals wincing in pain
"as they felt the suffering of Jesus.
"When I extended the invitation,
"hardened criminals,murderers, rapists came forward
"to surrender their lives to Jesus.
"When they came forward, notonly did they shake my hand,
"but they hugged me.
"Among them was a vicious killer
"who had previously terrified the prison."
Well, that's an excerpt,that was more fun.
- [Wendy] Oh my goodness.
- I was really terrified.
I mean, they locked the doors
and we're in with allthese rapists, murderers,
and when I gave that message,
it was like the power of Godjust came down and hit 'em,
and you could see 'emwincing when they thought...
- What prison was that?
- It was the Raiford prison,
it's the maximum securityprison in Florida.
I mean, and they locked the doors.
I mean, it was shut-in with them
and they could comeloose and let us have it.
- [Wendy] Wow.
- But it was an amazing experience.
One guy came and huggedme and they said later,
they said, "This guy's a killer,he's a stone cold killer.
"Everybody is scared to death of him."
And he'd come to the Lord.
It was just fabulous.
- No one is too far gone, are they?
I mean-
- Well, more of that what's in my book.
- Beautiful, it's so good.
I love it.- Amen.
- Everybody I've given it to loves it.
- I'm glad, thank you for doing that.
All right.- All right.
Well, top notch pain, that'swhat landed college athlete,
Emmitt Holt, in the hospital.
What was wrong with him?
Doctors didn't have a clue.
But after six weeks,
Emmitt went into toxicshock and then he flatlined.
- I've been playing basketballsince I was a little kid,
very young, around three, four years old.
That's my place of peace.
I feel I'm at bliss when I'm there.
So, the court is, in terms, my sanctuary.
- [Narrator] In the fall of 2017,
junior, Emmitt Holt, was looking forward
to another great year playingfor Providence College.
- I know it was gonna be a great season.
The sky was the limit for us, honestly.
- [Narrator] But onenight in early September,
he started experiencingintense stomach pains.
An hour later, he called the team trainer.
- He gets there and I'mcrawling down the hallway,
I'm just in pain at this point.
Like it's top notch pain,something I never felt before,
I just knew something was wrong.
- [Narrator] Emmitt wasrushed to Roger Williams
Medical Center inProvidence, Rhode Island.
When the pain continuedinto the next morning,
doctors suspected appendicitisand prepared for surgery.
They also called his mother, Caroline.
- The first thing that I thought about
after I got the message was,oh my God, what's going on?
What's really going on?
I believe in prayer,so I definitely prayed.
- [Narrator] By the timeshe made the six-hour drive,
Emmitt was in recovery.
His appendix was fine,
and they couldn't find anything wrong.
- Seeing him laying on that bed,
really made me feel helpless.
I just grabbed him and hugged him.
Sitting here looking at my child in pain,
tubes, medicine, IVs, all this stuff on,
and no one not reallyknow what's going on.
It's frustrating, it's aggravating.
Cried many, many times.
Just like, God, what is this all about?
- [Narrator] Unable to keep food down,
Emmitt was put on a feeding tube.
He grew weaker with each passing day
and his hopes for a greatseason were vanishing.
- I was very angry with God,
future was looking amazing,and then all of a sudden,
we had this huge blockade.
- It was really a lot oftrial, error, a lot of testing,
a lot of blood work,
because they honestly didn'tknow what was going on.
- [Narrator] After two weeks of testing,
doctors still had no answers.
By then, Emmitt had lost almost 20 pounds
and was in constant pain.
Frustrated, Caroline insisted Emmitt
be moved to MassachusettsGeneral in Boston
to see a different group of doctors.
- Our prayers was definitely,
"Lord, send someone withthe wisdom and knowledge
"to figure out what is going on.
- There were plenty of nightswhere I yelled out to God
and questioned Him.
- [Narrator] As family,friends, and teammates prayed,
Emmitt continued to decline.
Now it wasn't a matter ofmissing a season of basketball,
it was about losing his life.
- I had nightmares of that.
I had questions about it.
Questioned God about it.
And I said, "God, ifyou're gonna take him,
"you're gonna have to prepare me for this
"because this is not howhis story should end."
- Just being alone andletting my mind wander
and having the devil talk to me in my ear.
All of these factors,
it led me to just have themindset of if I die, I die.
- [Narrator] Then, in late October,
six weeks after entering the hospital,
Emmitt went into toxic shockand was rushed into surgery.
- When I first initiallyheard that he had flatlined,
I had this cold chill go all over my body.
It just threw me into so manyemotions, so many feelings.
I mean, I can't put a wordto all of the feelings
and emotions I had.
I was just really overwhelmed.
- [Narrator] It was thenthey found the problem:
an infection aggressivelyeating at his intestines.
They operated on Emmitt for six hours
removing eight feet of small intestine
and installing an ileostomy bag for waste.
Still, they weren't sure it was enough.
- There was no surety,there was no certainty,
there was no nothing, no promises.
Everyone was pretty muchpraying that it would go well.
- [Narrator] The next day,Emmitt was weak but stable,
so they moved him to ICU.
By then, Emmitt was sure hisbasketball career was over.
Soon, Emmitt started to improve.
Doctors worked with his conditioning coach
to help him regain the 50 pounds he'd lost
and build his strength back.
- He was able to get out of that bed,
and he was able to actually eat,
and he was able to actually walk around.
I did feel like my prayerswas being answered.
- [Narrator] As for Emmitt,another change was taking place.
- I found a new relationship with God
while I was in the hospital.
God is first on everything.
- [Narrator] In late November,
after 64 days in the hospital,Emmitt finally went home.
He returned to college in January
and later that spring, hisileostomy was reversed.
That fall-- I'm back, boy!
- [Narrator] He walked out onto the court
for his first home game of the season.
- For me to step onto the court,
and I look up and everyonejust starts applauding
because they congratulate me on my success
of beating this thing, whatever this was,
it was just a surreal feeling.
It was amazing.
- I was so excited for him,
because the one thing he wanted back,
God gave it back to him.
- [Narrator] Emmitt went on to grad school
and played another season,
until it was cancelled dueto the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now graduated, he stillhas dreams of going pro.
But it's not basketballthat's first in his mind.
- 'Cause I give gloryto God everywhere I go.
- There's nothing impossible for God,
because I look at my sonand he's a walking miracle.
- I know God has a purposefor me on this Earth
and I know I'm walkingthrough it right now.
I'm blessed to be able to do such.
I'm just excited to see what comes next.
- And we are excited for you, Emmitt.
Wow, what a testimony.
Is there anything too hard for God?
The answer of course is no.
The doctors couldn't figure it out,
he even flatline beforethey figured it out,
but God didn't let Emmitt leave,
his purpose was not finished,
and now he's back doing what he loves.
Except for this COVID mess,you can't get on the court.
Hate that.
- Well, there is somebody,his name is John,
he lived in Colton, Oregon.
He had terrible symptomswith thyroid condition
on June 10th of this year.
On YouTube, he heard you say, Wendy,
"Someone with a low thyroid,
"you've had it for quite a while,
"but God is healing you,he's turning that around.
"You will have all your strength back."
John said it's me, overtwo months have passed,
and he has felt good every single day.
- Praise the Lord, I love that.
Here's one from Darrellof Malone, New York.
He started having severe leg pain
and finally made a doctor's appointment.
His doctor took x-rays
and diagnosed it as lower back arthritis
and recommended physical therapy.
Well, Darrell has watchedthe 700 Club for years
and on June 23rd of thisyear, that was no exception.
During the broadcast,he heard you say, Pat,
"Someone has pulled amuscle in their right side.
"You were doing some kindof stretching or exercising
"and the muscle pulled.
"You've been in pain.
"In the name of Jesus, touchit and receive an answer."
Darrell claimed the wordand was completely healed.
It wasn't arthritis after all.
- You don't know Johnand I don't know Darrell,
but God knows them both.
Now folks, God is no respecter of persons.
And one of the nice thingswe see on this program
is when we pray, God moves,
and he answers the prayers of his saints.
Now, Wendy and I are gonnapray together for you
and all I'm asking you to dois just believe God with us.
Don't say in your mind,well, it can't be for me.
Don't say that, don'tnegate what God is doing.
If you agree with theLord and agree with us,
you will see a miracle.
Now we're gonna pray together.
Father, I thank you for themiracle that we have seen
and continue to see dayby day by day by day.
Thank you, Lord.
There's somebody...
Oh my goodness, I thinkyou've got tuberculosis.
Mary, I don't know where you got it,
but it's something, if not tuberculosis,
a fungus in your lungs.
And right now,
just touch your chest in thename of Jesus, touch him!
You're healed.
- Father, we just lift upeveryone fighting COVID right now.
There's many at home fighting it,
there's many in the hospital fighting it,
and Lord, we ask you to touch them,
Lord, and we rebuke this evil disease
now in the name of Jesus.
And Lord, those who are on ventilators,
that they would come off,that we would see miracles.
Lord, send angels to these hospital rooms.
Lord, we ask for miracles, God,and testimonies to come out.
Lord, you are greater than COVID,
and we thank you, Lord, in Jesus' name.
- And Father, we pray forthe angel of God to go forth
into that Gulf coast area.- Yes.
- And look after people.
They're praying, they'regood people, they love God,
the ones who are the saints of God.
Send the angels and protectthem, look after them,
may the spirit of the Lord come upon them.
And for those who arepraying in this audience,
may the anointing ofthe Lord come upon you,
may you know prosperity,may you know peace,
may you know joy, in the name of Jesus,
receive an answer to your prayers.
Amen.- Amen.
- And amen.
Please give us a call,we'd love to have you.
If you need prayer, we'vegot folks at the phones.
I mean, they literally are on the phones
and they are there to praywith you, they love to do it.
So you can call in, 1-800-700-7000,
we love to hear the answers to prayer,
we like to share them with you.
And so, all you have todo is just call and say,
look, I just had a miracle,I want you to know about it.
Please pray for me and I needthis, that and the other.
And the Lord, he hears your prayer.
And Jesus said, hitherto,you've asked nothing in my name,
ask and you shall receive,that your joy might be full.
That was the words of JesusChrist himself, take it.
Wendy.- Love it.
All right, still ahead,
from half a million gross income
to poverty level in just six months,
this single mom wasforced to go on welfare
and was facing homelessness.
How did a God given idea helpher make a total turnaround?
That's coming up.
Plus, we've got yourquestions and honest answers.
Linda asks, "What doesPaul mean when he says
"all Israel shall be saved?"
Good question, stay tunedfor Pat's answer, coming up.
(orchestral music)
(stately music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN News Break.
California fire officialsare pleading with residents
to stay out of the evacuation zones
and prepare for days away from home
as three massive San FranciscoBay area wildfires rage on,
suffocating the region with smoky air.
Governor Gavin Newsome saidthis week will be critical
as more than 14,000firefighters take on the blazes.
The wildfires caused by lightning
have been burning for a week.
Well, the CDC is reversingsome of its guidance
on COVID-19 testing,
now saying healthy peoplewho've been exposed to the virus
don't necessarily need to be tested
if they are not displaying symptoms.
And COVID trackers are learning more
about the spread of the virus,
particularly one super spreader event
in Boston last February.
About 200 people attendeda biotech conference,
which may have led to 20,000 infections
in the Boston area alone.
Doctors are also concerned
about the possibility of reinfection,
confirming at leastone person in Hong Kong
who recovered from thevirus, later caught it again.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBS News
by going to our website, at cbnnews.com.
Pat and Wendy will be back
with more than 700 Club, right after this.
(stately music)
(upbeat music)
Poverty is a deadly thing,to be poor is really hard,
and welfare and foodstamps is what sustained
somebody named Cynthia Sweeleyafter her income plunged
from half a million to poverty level.
And then the single mothermade a deliberate decision.
So what was it?
And how did it take her frombarely surviving to thriving?
Ooh, here's the answer.
- [Narrator] Cynthia Sweeleyand her daughter Ariel
are co-owners of WildfireRanch Spiritual Retreat,
a place where people aroundthe world come to find peace.
Their main specialty, horse therapy.
- When I see people gettinghealed, there's no words.
It's like this is where Ibelong, this is who I am,
this is my destiny.
It's just helping one person at a time.
- [Narrator] Cynthia and herhusband were horse lovers
who ran a successful restaurantadvertising business.
But when the recession hit in 2008,
people stopped buying ads.
- It pretty much wiped us completely out
from half a million gross income
to poverty level in six months.
We went into foreclosure,
my husband chose that time to divorce.
Severe trauma can often break a marriage.
- [Narrator] After they divorced,
Cynthia put their home on the market
and tried to sell theirhorses, but nobody was buying.
- When all of this happened,I'll be very honest,
my faith plummeted.
I felt betrayed by God and I told God so,
and I was like, whatever happens, happens.
Things got so bad we had to go on welfare,
public assistance, medical, food stamps,
I was panic-stricken andGod kept trying to tell me
He would take care of mebut that I had to surrender.
I kept fighting Him and saying,
"Just give me the money to pay the bills,
"and then I'll trust you."
- [Narrator] But that money didn't come
and the bills piled up.
After three eviction notices,
Cynthia finally gave in to God.
"Okay, you've got me.
"I surrender, I see no hope.
"I'm so terrified of being homeless,
"but I'm trusting you.
"I'm sorry it took me so long, here I am.
"I give you everything."
And He said,
"Now you watch what I'mabout to do with your life."
- [Narrator] At that point,she says God gave her an idea
to use her unsold horsesand offer trail rides.
Within 48 hours, her phone began ringing.
As her income increased,Cynthia started tithing.
- And I said, "Never againwill I be such a fool.
"I tithe to you joyfully.
"You alone are the onethat gives us all the power
"to gain wealth.'"
- [Narrator] Cynthiagot a loan modification
to save her home.
Within a year, Wildfire RanchSpiritual Retreat was born
and Cynthia began offering equine therapy
for people suffering from depression.
- When I see other peoplehealing from similar anguish,
dark places that I knowvery well, there's no words.
He gave me a business withwhat I love more than anything
in this world, and allbecause of surrendering.
- Cynthia also became a CBN partner.
- I love the feature stories and the news.
CBN offers what I consider true news,
news that you can bank on.
- [Narrator] The following year,
Wildfire Ranch saw revenue increase by 50%
and the business keeps expanding.
- I can't even describehow awesome life is now.
I never could have dreamedit would be like this.
If we obey Him, just believe and trust,
He'll give you the secretdesires of your heart.
- If you believe him,
he'll give you the secretdesire of your heart.
What a wonderful story.
- [Wendy] And I know you love seeing
all those beautiful horses.
- I love to see people riding horses,
but I would advise anybody,horses do not make money.
They do not make money,they cost a lot of money.
But with her, her horse is paid off.
Hey, listen, we will love to have you
as a member of the 700 Clubto help us help others.
People all around the world are hurting.
And Cynthia began to give
and she learned what God was going to do.
And then when you surrender to the Lord,
he takes control of your finances
and good things start happening.
We have something called,"Do you Need a Miracle?"
I've had good reports from this,
we'll give it to you as our gift to you
when you join the 700 Club.
I want you to call in,it's just 1-800-700-7000,
$20 a month and we changethe world as we all together,
but thousands and thousands of people,
we can touch the livesof millions of people.
What'd you have?
- Well, Patricia from Waco, Texas,
she loves that.
She says, "I appreciate,"Do You Need a Miracle?"
"along with otherteachings you've sent me.
"They always seem to come atthe right time to encourage me
"and continually build my faith."
Patricia, thank you somuch for letting us know
it blessed you.- All right.
- Well, up next, our mostpopular segment on YouTube,
Your Questions, Honest Answers.
Jamiel says, "I am 11 years old.
"My question is what happens to you
"if you die in the rapture
"and you weren't raptured to heaven?"
Hm, Pat tackles thatquestion right after this,
(upbeat music)
(calm music)
Welcome back to the 700 Club,
it's time for Your Questionsand Honest Answers from Pat.
We'll start with thisone from Linda, she says,
"What does Paul mean when hesays all Israel shall be saved?
"Are they saved by divinerevelation without seeking Christ?
"Only the last generation?
"What about all those who died before?"
- I really don't havean answer to all of that
because I'm not sure the Bible tells us,
but what Paul is saying, look,there's something called the,
if I can use the Greek,it's called paroma,
which means fullness.
When the fullness of theGentiles has come in,
then all Israel is gonna be safe,
it's gonna be a returnof the revelation of God,
away from the Gentiles,unto the nation of Israel
and Israel will be coming after the Lord.
Now does that mean there's going to be
a time of tribulation?
Will be a time of warfare, a disease,
I don't know what it's gonna be,
but I believe at that time,
they're going to perceive theMessiah that Jesus Christ,
who himself was a Jewish rabbi,that they are going to say,
this is our Messiah.
You remember they look uponhim whom they have pierced
and they will mourn for him.
And so, there's gon' be a time
that God is going to swinghis revelation back to Israel
and the nation is going to be safe.
Now that has nothing to do with before,
he died before any of that other,
just at the time they're living.
When the fullness of theGentiles has come in,
then God's gonna turnhis revelation to Israel.
All right.
- All right, here's one from Jamiel.
He says, "Hi, Pat, I'm Jamiel.
"I'm 11 years old.
"My question is what happens to you
"if you die in the rapture
"and you weren't raptured to heaven?"
- 11-year-olds worried about those things.
Look, when the real rapture happens,
when Jesus Christ is coming to earth,
He'll send his angels to thefour corners of the earth
and those who are alive and in the Lord
will be caught up andbe with him, the Lord.
Now, if you, 11 years old, love Jesus,
when he comes back again,you're gonna get raptured,
it's not gon' be a half a rapture,
you'll be with the Lord,he'll catch you up to be him.
The word Rapheal means I snatched
and it's not going to be seven years
and all that kind of nonsense,that pre-trip and all that.
That's false theology.
When he comes back, he'sgoing to take over the world
and that's when he's gonnabring you to be with him, okay?
- Amen, all right.
Kenneth says, "Is it a sin to pray
"and ask God to take me on home?"
- Well, the prophet said, I'mno better than my fathers.
I'm tired, I'm worn out,please take me home.
Paul wrote these words,"I've finished my course,
"I've run the race, I've kept the faith.
"Now there is laid upfor me a crown in heaven
"and offer all thosewho love his appearing."
There's nothing wrong withasking God to take you home.
But God told the prophet who prayed that,
he said, "Look, I've gotsome work for you to do.
"So get up out of hereand go anoint somebody.
"He's gon' run Syriaand I got somebody else
"who's gonna be yourprophet near a place."
So I know you thinkyou're a little tired now,
but it's still too early.
It's not a sin to ask togo to be with the Lord,
of course not, okay?
- It's not over till God says it's over.
- You get that feeling after a while.
I mean, you're looking atsomebody who's 90 years old,
you say, I think I've run the race.
God says, I'm afraid, oh, buddy,
you've got some more work to do.
- Yes.- Okay, yes, sir.
All right.
(laughs)- All right, Hannah says,
"A friend told me recentlythat according to Romans 9,
"God picks and chooses whowill go to heaven or hell,
"since we're too deprivedto choose for ourselves.
"I've been praying daily formy atheist brother for years,
"and to no avail, and I'mterrified that God already decided
"he's going to hell.
"As a result, my faith in an all-loving,
"just God who doesn't show partiality
"and desires all to besaved is starting to fray.
"Do you think my friend's interpretation
"of Roman 9 is correct?"
- Calvin used to teach, whatyou call a bound of wheels
and the people will bound, that they were,
their will was decided in advance
and they really couldn'tdo anything about it.
The Bible says, look,work out your salvation
with fear and trembling,
for it is God that works in you,
both the willing to do his pleasure.
There's a work between you and God.
So don't think that Godhas fixed for somebody.
He leaves the door open.
It's his will that all would be saved
and all would come to theknowledge of the truth.
So, you pray for your atheist friend
that he would come to the Lord.
I mean, don't think itwill bound the wheel.
I don't think that'swhat the Bible teaches.
It just isn't there.
That's extreme Calvinism, butI am not an extreme Calvin.
I still get it.
Today's Power Minute is fromthe Book of Philippians.
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything byprayer and supplication,
let your request be known unto God.
Tomorrow, terror in Nigeria,(indistinct) Muslim,
trying to overthrow the governmentand eradicate Christians.
We'll have that for you.
And for Wendy and all of us,see you tomorrow, bye-bye.