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First Night of Virtual 2020 Democratic Convention Includes Guest Speakers, Performances

First Night of Virtual 2020 Democratic Convention Includes Guest Speakers, Performances Read Transcript

- A number of big nameshighlighted night one

of this virtual convention,

among them, so manyaverage Americans spoke

that the common man seemedto take center stage.

Still, the night will be remembered

by the closing speechfrom former First Lady,

Michelle Obama.

- Donald Trump is the wrongPresident for our country.

He has had more than enough time

to prove that he can do the job,

but he is clearly in over his head.

He cannot meet this moment.

He simply cannot be whowe need him to be for us.

It is what it is.

- [Eric] It was a speechmeant to appeal to humanity,

while making the caseit's a necessary quality

missing from the current Oval Office.

- Whenever we look to this White House

for some leadership, or consolation,

or any semblance of steadiness,

what we get instead is chaos,

division, and a total andutter lack of empathy.

♪ O'er the land of the free ♪

- [Eric] The virtualevent was a mix of live

and taped segments.

- We the people.- We the people.

- [Eric] Includingtestimonials from citizens

like Kristen Urquiza, wholost her father to COVID-19.

- My dad was a healthy 65-year-old.

His only pre-existing condition

was trusting Donald Trump

and for that he paid with his life.

- [Eric] There were Republicansand former Republicans

who spoke in support of Biden,

including one who ranfor President himself.

- In normal times, something like this

would probably never happen.

But these are not normal times.

- I've registered as a Democrat

for the first time in my life.

- We are the United States of America.

- [Eric] And at each opportunity,

the party faithful rakedPresident Trump over the coals

for his handling of racerelations and the pandemic.

- Donald Trump didn'tcreate the initial division.

The division created Trump.

He only made it worse.

- Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Trump golfs.

- We know that what'sgoing on in this country

is just not right.

This is not who we want to be.

- The night opened and closed with prayer,

obviously carefully orchestrated to appeal

to the faith audience,

believed by both sidesto be a key demographic

in this election.

Eric Philips, CBN News.


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