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Democrat Party's 2020 National Virtual Convention Kicks Off Tonight, Trump to Visit Battleground States

Democrat Party's 2020 National Virtual Convention Kicks Off Tonight, Trump to Visit Battleground States Read Transcript

- It is a new era forpresidential politics.

Tonight will be the first night

of the Democratic National Convention,

and it is mostly virtual this week.

The Democratic Party willformally nominate its picks

for the next President and Vice President

of the United States, formerVice President, Joe Biden and

California Senator Kamala Harris.

While CBN's David Brody iscovering the Convention this week

and he's looking at howPresident Trump is responding.

David, thanks for joining us.

- You bet, Heather. Thanks.

- Well, so David, it's so interesting,

the polls show a tight race right now.

What do you expect to be the main message

from Democrats this week, andwho do they need to win over?

- Well, it's a good question, Heather,

and it's got a lot of layers.

So let's begin with this.

The message overall is going to be,

let's get back to normal

and should America reallybe turning into this

and what this is, is this Donald Trump,



if you will.

This idea that Donald Trump has broken

all conventional norms,and so there's that sense,

I think this week that you'llhear from Democrats to say,

let's just stop the nonsense.

And I think that's gonnabe the overall theme,

and having said that, who do they,

who do they try to win over?

This has been the dilemma all along.

The Democrat Operatives I'm talking to,

have all along said, look, weneed to get minorities out,

we need to get suburban women out,

we believe that thoseyounger voters are key,

That's all that Bernie crap.

Part of the problem though is,

you've got the moderates as well.

You've got, those Blue Collar Democrats,

the ones that Trump won over

in 2016 in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,

and other States like that, Michigan.

So the question is, you'retrying to play to both,

sides here, you want votes on both ends,

but at the same time you haveto have one unifying message

and that's what could trip up Democrats

here at the convention.

- Yeah, really challenging to

bring the whole party together.

Well, I also wanna to askyou about the fact that

both conventions are pretty much virtual.

How does that change the dynamics,

and do you think fewerAmericans are gonna tune in

just because it's all online?

- Well, I think fewer Americanswill definitely tune in.

So, so that's a problem forboth Republicans and Democrats.

So quite frankly, look,

I think what this is all about Heather,

and you know, the deal you'vebeen around a while as well.

I say that with all duerespect, by the way,

which is that it's aboutviral moments, right?

In other words, what's thesoundbite that's gonna win over

the news cycle, and I think that's what

I'm going to be looking for,

especially as it relatesto a Monday evening

with Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders

some big, some big wigs, ifyou will, for the Democrats

and remember Alexandria, Kazia Cortez

only getting 60 seconds,and quite frankly,

if you're someone thatwants to win the Presidency

like Joe Biden, that mightbe 60 seconds too much.

The more that she can go into hibernation

until the morning ofWednesday, November 4th

might be better for theDemocrats at this point.

- Alright. And you havegot President Trump

making a number ofcampaign stops this week,

what is he going to try and communicate

to offset what the Democrats are saying?

- Well, shockingly, DonaldTrump is going to do

as you would like the Apprentice on NBC.

He's gonna do some counter-programming.

So he will be in Minnesota,

10 key electoral votes up for grabs.

The Trump Campaign believesthey can win Minnesota,

he only lost it by 45,000 votes or so,

the poll show it to be very close as well,

so he's gonna be on Air Force One,

doing some ralliesright outside the plane,

they're talking about economy and jobs

and go to Wisconsin and do the same thing.

That's the play by the Trump Campaign?

- Well, there is a lot towatch this week David Brody

Thanks so much for your time.



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