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The Mideast Peace Plan and Saving the Biblical Heartland: Why Amb. Friedman Says Trump Is God's Man for This Moment

The Mideast Peace Plan and Saving the Biblical Heartland: Why Amb. Friedman Says Trump Is God's Man for This Moment Read Transcript

- There were several peoplewho provided quite a bit

of input into this Middle East peace plan,

one of them, a significant player,

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

He has seen tension between the Israelis

and the Palestinians goon for a very long time,

so the question now, why this plan,

why now, and can it even work?

- What this plan does isit presents a hard offer

to the Palestinians, thefirst they've ever received.

The first time Israel's everidentified with specificity

what are the territorial dimensions

within which they'rewilling to live side by side

with the Palestinian State.

What are the terms under which

they will accept the Palestinian State?

What are the securityprotocols under which

they will live next toa Palestinian State?

So it's a really hardoffer for the Palestinians,

and on top of that,Palestinians have four years

to claim the prize, four tough years.

They have to, in that period,stop the malign activity.

Hamas has to disarm,Islamic Jihad has to disarm,

they have to stop hating terrorists,

they have to stop inciting hate.

- How do they even getthere, at this point?

They don't trust Trump,

they don't trust folks comingfrom this Administration.

- Well look, this was designed to,

if not regain or obtain thetrust of the leadership,

at least to obtain the interestof the Palestinian people.

But the leadership has failed

the Palestinian people for generations,

they've become pawns in larger conflicts

and the leadership has shownitself to be very adept

at misdirecting the resources

of the territory into their own pockets.

And so, the fact that they'renot jumping for joy right now

is not a great surpriseto us because they thrive.

Their business plan is tocontinue to foment this hatred,

but the people within theterritories, they are suffering.

- [David Brody] As forevangelicals traveling to Israel,

Friedman says there is good news

in this proposed peace plan.

Israel would have sovereigntyover many historical,

biblical sites which, rightnow, are hard to get to.

- Israel has not yet obtained sovereignty

over those territories.

If they do, and our plancontemplates that Israel will,

you're talking about opening up the Bible,

bringing it back to lifein ways that, I think,

your listeners couldnot even have imagined.

I mean, imagine, just ease of travel

under Israeli civilian autonomy.

Hebron, Beit El, Sheila, I mean,

it's an opportunity for biblical tourism

that I think will grow andflourish in profound ways.

- On this president, theIsraeli Transportation Minister,

I think, just recently said,

"He's God's messenger in the White House."

I mean, is Trump kind ofHeaven sent for you guys?

- Well look, when it comesto events that transpire,

whether it's with regardto Israel or anything else,

I mean, I'm a believer, Ibelieve that God runs the world.

So that would apply to the president,

it would apply to you,me and the cameraman.

So that's not news to me.

- And just to clarify, whenyou say it's not news to you,

you're talking about, kind of a,

God puts people in certainplaces for certain times,

kind of a, for such a time as this?

- I think God puts people in places

for certain times at all times.

- Hmm, and Trump isexhibit A (laughs) of this?

- He sure is.

- David Brody, CBN News.


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