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The 700 Club - August 12, 2020

A great-grandmother’s gallstones become unbearable with no relief in sight. Witness her unconventional path to healing. Plus, fitness expert Jake Steinfeld shares the best ways you can stay healthy at home. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)- The following program

is sponsored by CBN.

- [Woman] Coming up.

Get fit, don't quit.

Body by Jake, Jake Steinfeld,

will show you the way.

The celebrity trainer shares the best ways

you can stay healthy at home.

Then, a great grandmother,doubled over in pain.

- One of the most miserable feelings.

- [Woman] No relief was in sight.

- [Pat] I was at the pointthat even drinking water

hurt my midsection.

- [Woman] Now, see how she was healed,

before stepping into her doctor's office.

- What was there, is no longer there.

- [Woman] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to the 700 Club.

Mob rule, that's what'shappening in major cities,

responding to the mantra,"Defund the police."

In Minneapolis, whereGeorge Floyd was killed,

The city council wants toeliminate the police department

and replace it with a safety department.

In New York City,

Mayor Bill de Blasio has cutthe New York police force

by a billion dollars.

In Portland, where nightlyprotests rule the city,

15 million dollars has been cut out.

In Seattle, 100 offices willbe cut and salaries slashed.

It's only to get worse, asofficers either leave or retire.

It's already happening in Seattle.

Here's Chuck Holton, with that report.


(crackling)- Here in Seattle,

one day of recent rioting,

led to 59 officers being wounded

by rocks, bottles andimprovised explosives.

Still, even though nightly violence

and skyrocketing crimerock American cities,

some politicians are echoing the call

to defund or even abolish the police.

Here, business owners, boardups stores for protection

from groups like Antifa,

while their city council members

demand more cuts in police budgets.

"The impact of this war oncops can be devastating",

according to LouisianaCongressman Clay Higgins,

As the only U.S. representative

still certified as alaw enforcement officer,

Higgins has frontline experience.

- I would say to the city leaders

and elected officials thatare getting on this bandwagon,

those that would crucifythe police officers

that served their citiesand their communities

and their states.

I say to those electedofficials, get another job.

One that doesn't come with an oath,

(yelling)because the men

that you're crucifying,

their job began with an oath.

That oath was not to a mayor,

or a governor, or a chief,or a marshal, or a sheriff.

It was an oath to the Constitution.

It's easy for you to saywith your security detail,

"We're gonna abolishthe police department."

What are the communities thatyou are supposed to represent?

What are they gonnado, when crime happens?

You gonna call a social worker,

at 2 o'clock in the morning,to respond to violence?

You know what that equates to,

that social worker becomes another victim.

- So you've heard a lotabout the new normal,

as we've gone through this COVID crisis.

Unfortunately, in too manyof America's cities now,

these boarded up windows behind me

are becoming the newnormal, in city centers.

Higgins believes up to

a third of all cops in some districts,

could resign in the coming year.

Leading to dire consequences.

- We have an incredible group of people

that we've assembled and to even consider

not compensating them fairly.

Well it's ridiculous.

Illegal by the way, but also ridiculous.

So how else am I supposed to feel?

There's a whole room fullof department heads in here

and not one of them was named.

Just me.

So yeah, I take it personal.

- America needs police,because men are imperfect.

You do away with police departments,

or cut them to the quick,evil will take over.

Crime will run rampant.

- [Chuck] Chuck Holton, CBNNews, Seattle, Washington.

- All that's necessaryfor evil to triumph,

is for good men to do nothing.

That's exactly what's happening.

You cannot believe that themob is winning in this country.

For the first time in history,

we have a major political party

that's on the side of defunding police,

on the side of lawlessnessand on the side of socialism.

Well, in other news, JoeBiden made history yesterday

when he chose Kamala Harrisas his Vice President.

But could her past policiescome back to haunt them both?

John Jessup has more.


- Thanks, Pat.

Democrat Joe Biden's choice as historic.

She is the first black female

and the first Indian American,on a presidential ticket.

Former President Obama applauded the move,

saying Biden nailed this decision.

But President Trumpexpressed his surprise,

calling Harris very nasty to Biden,

during the campaign.

In a debate last year.Harris attacked Biden,

for his record on busing.

- You know, there was alittle girl in California,

who was part of the second class

to integrate her public schools.

She was bused to school every day.

That little girl was me.

- But all that is behind them now,

as they hit the campaign trail together.

As far as policies go, Harrissupports Medicare for all,

the Green New Deal and late-term abortion.

As California's attorney general,

she fought to restrict religious freedom,

filing a brief with the Supreme court

against Hobby Lobby's policies,

to withhold healthcare coverage

for contraception, on religious grounds.

Although her strong supportfor police as a prosecutor,

could be a liability withprogressive Democrats.

For more now, let's go back to Pat.

- She also advocated, I understand,

arresting parents whosechildren were out of control

and breaking the law.

Very interesting.

CBN chief political analyst,

(whooshing)David Brody is here

to talk about Biden's choice.

David, some are callingKamala Harris, a safe pick.

What do they mean?

- Yeah, safe in terms of Susan Rice.

I mean look, Susan Ricewas gonna to be called

"Spying Susan Rice."

They already had a name forher, in the Trump campaign.

She wasn't the pick.

You could kind of sensea bit of a deflation

with the Trump campaign

and even the President yesterday,

with the fact thatKamala Harris was picked.

She is the safe pick.

Look, one thing thatJoe Biden needed to do

with this pick is to make sure folks

would see the vice presidential pick,

as someone who could be president one day

and look, Kamala Harrisindeed fits that bill.

I mean, she's someone that has been vetted

at the state level, a U.S.Senator, from California.

She seems to have presidential mettle

inside of her, if you will.

So look, I think hepassed the initial test.

But her record is gonna getscrutinized, Pat, big time.

- Well, the concern about Joe Biden,

has been his age and his mental acuity.

Do you think voters,

you said you really thinkshe's ready to take the job?

- Well look, I mean I think she's been,

to a degree, she's been tested, obviously.

She ran for president.

There's gonna be a lotmore testing ahead of her.

I think the questionfor her, going forward,

is gonna be, is she gonna be caught

in some of these hypocrisy moments?

In 2009, she wrote abook and in that book,

she talked about how she wanted

more police officers on the street.

Well, just a couple of months ago,

she said she wanted lesspolice officers on the streets.

So there's a lot of issues,

as it relates to hertime as attorney general.

Her time as districtattorney in San Francisco.

The reason this isgonna be important, Pat,

is the question is gonna be,

will it suppress or depress, if you will,

African American turnout,come the general election?

I mean, they're gonna need allhands on deck to beat Trump.

The Biden campaign knows that.

The last thing they can afford,

is someone that's notgonna enthuse the base.

So that's gonna be the storylineto watch, going forward.

- Well, David, when we talkabout "African American",

her mother is an Indian.

She's from Chennai, which is in India.

Her mother is an Indian from India,

which nothing wrong with that.

But that's where she's from.

Her father is from Jamaica.

He isn't from Africa.

He's from Jamaica.

So she's not really an America black.

She's a multi-race somebody.

Does that make a difference, do you think,

of the perception?

- Well look, here's thedifference it makes.

She's a double historical candidate,

if you think about it.

She's the first blackpresidential, or excuse me,

black vice presidential candidate.

But beyond that, the first Asian-American

vice presidential candidate.

So she's got a couple ofhistorical tracks going for her.

I think that's something important.

Also understand, for her background,

as it relates to her background, right,

her mother from a Hindu background,

her father from a Christianbackground, from Jamaica.

They divorced at seven.

She grew up pretty much inblack churches, growing up.

She calls herself a black Baptist.

If you look on YouTube,you'll see quite a few

YouTube videos of her in church,

talking to folks from the pulpit.

So that'll be scrutinized, as well.

Kind of like Obama was, in 2008.

- Well, people still will vote

for the number one on their ticket.

They're gonna vote for Biden.

It's gonna be Biden versus Trump.

It ain't gonna be a Trumpversus Kamala Harris.

So how do you thinkit's coming out so far?

Is the law and order theme,gonna work for Trump,

do you think?

- Well, if you look atDonald Trump's Twitter feed,

it seems like time after time, on Twitter,

he's talking about the suburbs

and he's talking about how he repealed

the Obama Fair HousingAct and all of that.

He says, "You're gonnabe safer in the suburbs."

So he clearly believes that this is,

he's all in on law and order.

He's all in on trying totell folks in the suburbs

and the suburbs is kind of code for

that moderate voter, maybemore of that middle class,

or upper middle class voter,

that he needs to win in 2020.

So, yeah, look, that'swhat he's doing, Pat.

I think it's his only play, at this point.

Here's why, because he's been doing this

ever since he's been Presidentof the United States.

He can't go back now.

So he's all in.

- Well David, thank you very much.

My advice as they used to say,

"Stay on message, stay onmessage, stay on message."

If he stays on law and order,

and they're defunding thepolice all across the country,

there's chaos and anarchy in our streets.

I think the people of America will say,

"We want to be safe.

we might not likeeverything he stands for,

but we sure don't wanna getshot by a bunch of radicals

and have our cities destroyedwith the police gone."

So anyhow, I think he'sgot a winning hand.

We'll see what happens.

Wendy?- Let's pray

common sense prevails.


Still ahead, a grandma full of gallstones.

(upbeat music)How did every

single one vanish, before shewas scheduled for surgery?

Stay tuned, to find out.

Up next, no gym, no problem.

You can get a body by Jake,while sheltering in place.

Jake Steinfeld is back withhis Get Fit, Don't Quit Plan,

for a healthier you.

Jake joins us live, right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Well, the mantra for one man is,

"Get fit, don't quit."

Even in the midst of a pandemic.

That's the message offitness icon, Jake Steinfeld.

Jake's got a new plan to do it.

Jake, it's great to have you back,

as a guest on the 700 Club.(whooshing)

How are you old friend?

- Oh my goodness, Pat.

It is so great to be here, man.

I mean, just waiting to come on

and talking to everybodyin the control room.

I know the people at home,

don't meet the folks from backstage,

that help you do whatyou do at the 700 Club.

But everyone talkingabout Big Brother Jake,

and what you and I did.

We started together in 1989,Pat, with you son Tim, man.

- Think of that.

We both just getting younger (laughs).

You look great.

- You're looking(laughing)

very sporty, man.

You're looking very sporty, as always.

Listen, you are one of my oldest pals

and always been so supportiveof everything that I've done.

During this crisis andduring what's happening,

your audience looks to you formotivation and inspiration.

That's why it's fun tocome on with you, man.

You showed a couple of clipsof exercises that you can do,

while you're in your home.

That anyone could do.

But something interesting.

You're big on nutrition.

I remember we used to talk a lot

and today we've gotsomething really special,

with people especially 50 plus,

having to be super carefulabout what they're eating

and what they're putting in their body.

There's a lot of stuff out there,

that's not very good for you, Pat.

I know you know it,

and we've got a brand new nutrition shake,

it's called, "Don't Quit."

Then I wanna show it to you right now.

There it is.

You're gonna love this, man.

We have original flavors

of chocolate, vanillachai tea, and orangesicle.

It's a first clean label

and you know what that means.

No soy, no corn, no wheat, no sucralose,

any of that stuff in there.

We wanna make sure thatyour audience stays healthy

50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

You know this.

You're out riding your horse.

There's a lot of living left to do.

We have 10 grams of protein,all natural, great for you.

The other products that are out there,

which I know you know,

have all these chemicals in there.

Bad for digestion.

You know you'd get all thesekind of allergic reactions.

We don't want that.

This is the first clean label.

This is our max version,30 grams of protein.

If you just go to don',you can check it out.

It's unbelievable.

You're gonna love it.

- You've tied in with Keurig

that have got thattremendous coffee company

and you're backing it together.

Is this a complete,

I mean, is this a whole meal right here,

in one of these things?- Yes!

This is why I'm so psyched,

because you and I alwaystalked about nutrition

and you are a master of it, man.

I mean, look at your brother.

But this is a dailycomplete nutrition shake.

A daily complete nutrition shake

and what that means really,

is it has a 26 vitamins and minerals.

All natural.

Hey, it's even kosher.

I know you love that too, man.


It's gluten-free, come on now.

(laughs) Gluten-freeand it tastes delicious.

All of us know,

a lot of people who arelistening to us right now,

need to keep the weight on, right?

The sugar that we have,is pure cane sugar.

It's all natural, no chemicals.


I love, this is my favorite.

I know you're gonna love it.

This is orangesicle.

We grew up with creamsicles

- Yeah, that's right.- and the half and half bars.

- Sure.- Right?

Think about this.

When you open the refrigerator,

first thing in the morning

and you see the words, don't quit.

What does that mean to you, man?

I mean, I'm sure you couldshare with me and the audience,

how many don't quit momentsthat you've had in your life.

- Oh yeah.- That's what

we wanna talk to people about,

especially at don'

Check them out, four great flavors.

We have the max version.

Actually, our chocolateis sold out already.

We literally just opened up.

It's gonna be in supermarkets everywhere,

in the next week or so.

- Jake-- But at don',

that's what it's about.

- How much does this costand where do you get it?

- Well, you could get it atdon', right now.

I believe it's $7.99 for a six pack.

So it's very, I wanted tomake it reasonably priced.

I want it to be, I'vealways been about fitness.

I've always made fitness fun

and we wanna make nutrition fun, Pat.

Like you and I have said,

over the course of time,

it's about repetition

and it's about doingsomething for your life.

Health and hope is what we're both about.

This is what Don't Quit is about

and for your audience,especially, right now.

Hey, you got a lot of living left.

(laughing)If you're sitting

watching the show, you know that.

- That's right.- Right, buddy?

I mean, I want you toget up in the morning,

have a Don't Quit, right?

Then between lunch and dinner,

if you're thinking about a chocolate bar.

I'm a sweet guy.

I mean, I'm very sweet, I know that too.

(laughing)So are you.

But we like sweets andI've got a sweet tooth

and this is just beautiful.

It adds that energy, plusa 26 vitamins and minerals.

Keep you going all day long.

It's Don't Quit at Don'

- Good for you.- Great flavors.

- Jake, I appreciate it

and I wanted to tell you,

I've worked out hard yesterday.

I do all those exercises.

I've got a gym up in my third floor.

I've got a Total Gym andI've got some weights.

- Pat, I know.- I do all those things.

- Wait a second, wait a second.

I know that.

I was up in the gym.

(laughing)You and I did

pushups together, man.- That's right.

- Come on now.

- (laughs) Well, I-- Remember when I

came to the house.

Hey listen, just have to say this.

I know that we're runningdown on time, man.

But it's always a pleasure to be with you

and to see what you do,

to so many millions ofpeople around the world.

That it's great that you andI have been friends this long.

I love your whole family.

Your son, Tim and I, and Elise

- Sure.- and the kids.

You got a million grandkids now.

As I've always said,"Brother, Don't Quit."

(laughing)Go to Don'

Right now.(laughing)

- All right, well Jake, it's there

and Keurig is backingit and the people who

- That's right.- have that

(indistinct).- Keurig, Dr. Pepper.

That's right, Keurig, Dr.Pepper are my partners.

They're awesome people.

Bob Gamgort, the CEO,

is one of these kind of entrepreneurs.

Just like you, Pat.

I mean, he's a real entrepreneurin corporate America,

who's always doing the right thing.

It's an honor to be witha great company like that

and an honor to be with you, brother.

It really is.

It's always great seeingyour smiling face, man.

- Thank you my friend.

Good to see you again.

You remember Big Brother Jake

and he's been a dear friendfor years and years and years.

We work out hard and yesterdaywas a hard workout day for me

and I pumped it hard, so.

- A shake is great after a workout,

because you can replenish,- Oh yeah.

- what you really need to.

I wanna try that orangesicle.

I love creamsicles.

- I used to love them too, amen.

Okay well, if you wanna know more

about Jake's Don't Quit Program,

you can go to

So what's next?

- Well still ahead,

we've got your questionsand Pat's honest answers.

(upbeat music)Cathy wants to know,

"What is the correlation between

Black Lives Matter and socialism?"

That answer's coming up.

But first,

ultrasounds don't lie.(whooshing)

So how did this grandma with a gallbladder

full of gallstones end upwithout a single stone?

Her amazing healing, when we come back.

(upbeat music)

- That's an excerpt from my book.

I Have Walked with the Living God.

Then we'll be having those every day.

I'm just reading a little something.

I love it.- You signed some

for me last week.

- I did.- My mother-in-law loves it.

She cannot put it down.

- Really?

- Her husband says she falls asleep

with it on her face.

Then she wakes up andstarts reading again.

- I love it!

- People can't put it down.

- Well, it was kind of like,

I'm a friend talking to a friend

and it was that kind ofconversational thing.

I'm so glad.

- I'm excited.- That's a thrill.

- I'm gonna give it to my dadfor his birthday next week.

So dad, if you're watching, sorry.


Spoiler (laughs).

Well, I've got some great news.

Next Wednesday on August 19th,

we're gonna have a specialedition of the 700 Club,

featuring your voicemailquestions for Pat.

So if you have a questionyou'd like to ask,

just call the number on your screen.

There it is, 1-800-677-7884.

That's 800-677-7884.

Call today only,

from now, right now until5:00 PM, Eastern time,

to leave your voicemail question.

Again, the special number 800-677-7884.

Call and leave your voicemail question.

Pat will be answering themnext Wednesday, right here,

August 19th, on the 700 Club.

- That's a fun program.

I really enjoy it.

- Me too and everybody loves.

- So get your calls in, during this day.

Then next week, we'llhave the special program,

where you will ask all the questions

and the major part of the program

will be devoted to your questions.

Hopefully, my honest answers (laughs).

- (laughs) Amen.

- Well, full of gallstones.

That's what an ultrasound revealed

about Pat Eve's gallbladder.

No wonder Pat was insuch excruciating pain.

Her doctor sent her to a surgeon,

where she had a second ultrasound

and the result was a real shocker.

Take a look.

(soft piano music)- Hi, my name is Pat

and I love spending time with my family.

I am a mother, grandmotherand great-grandmother.

I love to knit and I love to crochet.

I've knitted afghans for

all of my children and grandchildren.

I enjoy that very much.

As I'm knitting and making those,

I pray over them, I pray for that child.

(somber music)I was having this

excruciating pain that was in my back.

It was like one of themost miserable feelings.

Never having had that feeling before.

I was nauseous.

Anything that I ate, anything at all,

I had such pain in my mid-section.

I was at the point thateven drinking water,

hurt my mid-section.

So my doctor, she said,

"I think we need to order

an ultrasound of your gall bladder."

Then we got the resultsback and she called me.

She said, "Your gall bladderis full of gallstones."

She had ordered,

had made an appointment with a surgeon

and I was going to meetwith him on July 3rd.

I had the appointmentlike 9:30 in the morning.

So I was in, getting ready.

(dramatic music)I was watching 700 Club.

Then they said thatthey were going to pray.

I just felt that I needed to

(uplifting music)stop getting ready.

So I went and stood in front of the TV,

with my hand on my abdomen.

Just as I started to pray.

- Someone else with deeppain in your abdomen

from gallstones and agall bladder condition

and God has just healed that.

He's taken away all the pain,

all that infection, all the stones.

Now in Jesus' name, begone and be made whole.

- I'm telling you, the pain I felt now,

for like two or three weeks,it was instantly gone.

I think it's like that space.

I knew that the Lord had healed me.

When the girl was doingthe ultrasound, she said,

"Let me tell you, I can't find one stone

in this gallbladder."

I was like, "Yes, praise you, Jesus."

It's just proof.

So my little doctor comes walking in,

with his face beamingand he's holding a paper.

He said, "You were so right.

What was there, is no longer there."

I am doing wonderful.

How do you explain themagnitude of a God that heals?

He made these bodies andhe knows how to fix them.

I'm very thankful to you for the healing.

It's the power of the Holy Spirit.

I'm so appreciative.

- He made these bodies andhe knows how to fix them.

I was reading today about

Jesus and he said, theybrought a man to him.

Who's had epilepsy.

They said he was demon possessed.

The father said, "If you can do anything."

Jesus said, "If you can,all things are possible

to him that believes."

All things are possible.

Now here's a report that has come in,

from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Rose had serious foot surgery

and she was watching this program

and she heard you, Wendy, say,

"Someone is touching your right foot.

You've had surgery, apiece of metal in there

and it's been hurting.

God is taking your pain away

and healing or whateverin your right foot."

Rose received the wordand the pain stopped

and hadn't returned since.

- [Wendy] Love it.

All right, well for 40years, Gary of Newton, Texas,

could not walk correctly.

He suffered with apainful hip socket issue.

One day, Gary was watching the Club,

when he heard you say, Pat,

"Someone, you heard that testimony

and you have the same problem.

You have a hip that is not quite sitting

the way it's supposed to be.

You think you have a shorter leg.

Well, right now your leg is growing

and your hip will be healed."

Gary believed the word was for him.

He has not had any pain since that day.

- That is a creative miracle.

Now folks, God's no respecter of persons.

We want to pray with you,because God loves you.

If you can believe all things are possible

to him that believes.

That's what Jesus said.

"All things are possible."

Now we're gonna believe God.

We're gonna join hands together

and we're gonna trust God for you.

- Amen.- So thank you, Father.

I joined hands with mydear sister in Christ

and we believe together forpeople in this audience.

Thank you, Lord.

Somebody, you've gotblisters in your mouth.

Blisters and there'sall kinds of blisters.

Right now, just put yourhand over your mouth

in the name of Jesus,those blisters are gone.



- Lord, we just comeagainst this evil COVID-19.

Lord, we ask right now,

that you would stop it in its tracks.

Lord, there's many peopleright now suffering.

Many people fearful of dying from this.

Lord, we ask right nowthat you would touch them

and Lord, that they will live

and not die to declare your work.

There's someone veryspecifically, that has it.

Your fever is very highand you're coughing.

You think this is the end.

It's not the end.

God is right now, fighting for you.

Jesus is praying for you.

Don't give up.

God is going to heal you.

You will be back on your feet.

Don't give up.

Don't believe the lie.

Jesus is fighting for youright now, in Jesus' name.

- Marsha, you have lupus erythematosus.

Right now, God has touched you.

The lupus is leaving andthat virus that caused it,

is leaving you and youare completely healed,

in Jesus' name.

Touch her, thank you, Lord.


- Thank you, Lord.

Father, I thank you for this person

that's just in a terrible fear right now.

Lord, I just thank you right now

that your peace is surrounding them.

- Thank you, Jesus.- Start praising God,

because that fear is leaving you right now

and it will not return.

You're afraid it's gonna come back.

But God is delivering you right now

from a spirit of fear, in Jesus' name.

- Bounty, bounty is coming.

Bounty, bounty, God knowshow to provide bounty.

You've been living in poverty

and you say, "What is wrong with me?"

God has heard your prayer.

He says, "It's nothing wrong with you.

I'm going to look after youand you will have bounty."

So just receive it,

open your mind and receivewhat God is giving you.

That may the power of God toucheverybody in this audience.

May the anointing of theHoly Spirit be upon them.

May we see the glory of God in this land,

in Jesus' name, amen!

- Amen!

- Amen!

Hey listen, we'd love tohear from you, by the way,

if you want further prayer.

It's an easy number to remember.

It's 700-7000, if you wanna get

the 1-800 number ahead of it,


Any place in the country, toll free.

Call in and please tellus what God has done.

We'd love to share it with you.


- Well still ahead, two mortgages.

(upbeat music)$40,000 on credit cards

and $10,000 in the hole, to the IRS.

This couple was drowning in debt.

So how did they wind updebt-free, in just six months?

You don't wanna miss this.

Plus, informative entertaining

and always unpredictable.

Your questions, honest answers.

Steven says, "Testosteronesharpens my senses

and definitely raises my libido.

Is it wrong to take it?"

Hear what Pat has to sayabout that, coming up.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washington,for this CBN news break.

The popular video sharing app, TikTok,

reportedly violated Google policy,

by using an extra layer of encryption,

to track millions of subscribersand their information,

without allowing them to opt-out.

Normally, when apps likeTikTok are downloaded

through the Google Play Store and set up,

tracking can be turned off and on.

President Trump has criticized TikTok,

which currently is under scrutiny

and could fall under thePresident's executive order,

to restrict Chinese-owned apps.

Well 11 million dollars,

that's how much it costs to restore

a replica of the ship thatbrought the pilgrims to America.

After more than threeyears of renovations,

the boat named the Mayflower II,

now is once again, dockedin Plymouth Harbor.

Like the original, the 106 foot ship

sails on wind power alone.

Although the vessel is thought to

closely resemble the actual Mayflower,

it's hard to say for sure,

because no one quite knows

what the original looked like,

when it came to the UnitedStates, 400 years ago.

Well, you can always get

the latest from CBN News,by going to our website.


Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of the 700 Club,

right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to the 700 Club.

Ron and Ingrid Summerallhad 30 credit cards

and they maxed them all out.

The couple had nearly a quartermillion dollars of debt.

The IRS was on their tail.

So how on earth did theypay off every single cent?

In a matter of months,you're about to find out.

(uplifting music)- When Ron

and Ingrid Summerall married,they both had good jobs.

Ron was in the Navy.

Ingrid owned her own small business.

Still, they began theirwedded lives, deep in debt.

- I had approximately $10,000in debt, that I owed the IRS.

- I had a first mortgage.

I had a second mortgage.

I had credit card debt.

At least 30 or $40,000.

- [Man] To make matters worse,

the Summeralls spend money recklessly

and never made a budget.

- It was, "I want a bigger,better stereo system.

I want a better TV.

I want a better car."

- [Man] After five years,they were in $230,000 of debt,

mostly on credit cards.

- By the time we woke up,

the minimum paymentsalone on the credit cards,

were up to $1,800 a month.

- [Ingrid] The burden is just crushing.

- [Man] The Summerallssought out financial help,

to see how they could reduce their debt.

(TV program talking)In spite of their struggles,

the Summeralls believed in giving.

Ingrid was a CBN partner,before she married Ron.

- We continue to give to CBN,

against a financial advisor's advice.

- It's the one thingthat we spent money on

that was good (laughs).

- The Summeralls knew somethingdrastic had to change.

So they decided to puttheir home on the market.

Even though the economy was in recession.

- We prayed about it and said,

we're gonna put an eightweek time limit on it.

- [Man] Before the eight weeks were up,

the Summeralls had a cashoffer for their home,

one that was enough for the couple

to pay off almost all of their debt.

Six months later, theywere completely debt free.

- We went to the bank tomake that final payment.

We screamed at the top of our lungs,

"We're debt free!"


- [Man] Ron and Ingrid started budgeting

and also doubled their giving to CBN.

- We had more money togive and it was time.

It was time to go to the next level.

Helping the home front,is a blessing on people

that have alreadydedicated their life to us.

- The work of CBN is critical

to keeping people alive

and to sharing the gospel with people.

- [Man] Now Ron has retired from the Navy.

Both he and Ingrid have part time jobs

and yet they make moremoney now than ever before.

They say that allows them

to put their money towardsthings that have lasting value.

- We can't give as muchas God can give to us.

All he wants from us is to handle money

the way he wants us to handle it.

His way, because it works.

- It does work.

Test him, God says you can test him,

when it comes to your money.

Let me tell you, you willnever be disappointed,

when you test God with your money,

because he will give youback, way more than you give.

Well, when you join the 700 Club,

the number's on your screen,

1-800-700-7000 is the number to call.

It's just 65 cents a day, $20 a month.

That's all it takes tobecome a CBN viewer.

I mean a CBN partner, rather.

So when you do that, we wanna give you

Pat's new teaching called,

"Do you Need a Miracle?

Real Life Stories of God at Work Today."

This is our gift to you.

We already have some people that love it.

"Do you Need a Miracle?"

was so moving to both of us.

Our God is truly an awesome God.

He is faithful.

With God, all things are possible."

That was Charles andMorgan from Mesa, Arizona.

Thanks guys, for lettingus know that you loved it.

Well, coming up, we'vegot your email questions.

Albert wants to know,(inspirational music)

"Does God curse a believer

for mistakes made in the past?"

Your questions, honest answers.

Waiting in the wings.

But first, a high school student

goes to a concert and here'sa life changing message.

What exactly did he hear

and how did it lead him tobecome a voice for the voiceless?

(uplifting music)

(uplifting music)

- Well, Ernie Waltonwanted to be a missionary.

His dad wanted him to become a lawyer.

They both say their dreams came true,

thanks to the RegentUniversity School of Law.

(inspirational music)- Lawyers have ins,

in just ways that others don't.

To be able to be an advocate, right,

to be trained in the law,

to advocate for rights for people.

It's an incredible opportunity

and means to serve and bethat voice for the voiceless.

- [Man] Ernie Walton alwaysknew God had plans for his life.

Becoming an attorney wasn't one of them.

Growing up in a Christian home,

he respected his father'sheart for business,

Jesus and passion forsports outreach ministry,

called, "Push the Rock."

- So it was sort of a dream for him

and really our family, touse a passion that we had,

a love of sports, combiningit with the first love

of the Lord and spreading the gospel.

When I was 15, I went withmy dad and my brothers.

We went to Japan on a missions trip.

We took a soccer team and itwas a turning point in my life.

I came back and said, "Lord, all right.

I give you my life.

I surrender to what your call for me is."

I'm thinking what couldbe better for the kingdom,

than to be a full time missionary

and go overseas, spreadthe gospel, play soccer.

You know, maybe I couldplay professionally.

- [Man] His father on the other hand,

saw something different.

Ernie's aptitude for justice.

- But my dad, for whatever reason,

he always would say to me,

"Ernie, we need more Christianlawyers in the world.

We need more lawyers who are committed

to bring the gospel to the public square

and to understand the law, to advocate

and advise nonprofits like Push the Rock."

- [Man] Still, Erniedismissed his dad's prodding,

unable to see how being an attorney,

could combine with thispassion for missionary work.

- When I was in 11th grade,

I went to a concert and allthe funding for this concert

was going to a group calledInternational Justice mission.

"We need Christian lawyers,

Who'd be willing to go overseas,

to rescue sex trafficking victims,

to advocate for the poor,the oppressed, the enslaved,

and we needed more of them",is what they said to me.

I remember hearing that as an11th grade student thinking,

That's interesting."

- [Man] Apparently,not interesting enough.

Still set on serving atPush the Rock one day,

Ernie went on to HoughtonCollege in New York,

where he studied businessmanagement and played soccer.

Then on a missions trip toCosta Rica his junior year,

Ernie began to doubt hisplans for the future.

- I think I had this planto work for Push the Rock.

"Is that really what I should be doing?"

I'm just crying out to the Lord,

"Lord, what do you want me to do?"

I remember sitting inmy room in Costa Rica

and the Lord just saying,

"Ernie, I've told you for many years,

what you're supposed to do.

Your dad has spoken your calling to you,

to be a Christian lawyer.

You've heard about it throughIJM to be a Christian lawyer,

who's gonna advocate forthe poor and the oppressed."

So I called my dad andsaid, "Dad, you're right.

I need to go to law school."

He said, "Okay, I figured."

- [Man] The only thing left todo now, was choose a school.

- Began to research and talk to people.

Of course, found outthat Regent academically

was solid, was outstanding, was excellent.

But it was a school committed to

teaching students froma Christian worldview.

That exceeded by far, my expectations,

about the quality of legal education.

After that first year, mymind was just transformed.

- [Man] He also found that perfect pairing

between his aptitude for justice

and his passion forsharing the love of Christ.

- Regent Law started something

called the Center for Global Justice.

It was specifically designedfor students like me,

who were coming to law school,

feeling they were called

not to be necessarilya traditional attorney,

but an attorney who wantedto do human rights work.

I had the opportunity to serve

as one of the first ever interns

with the Center for Global Justice.

- [Man] Ernie met his wife, Lindsay

through Regent Law School.

Shortly after graduation,they moved to California,

where they both passed thebar and started working

at a Christian firm.

- There was still somethingin my heart that said,

"The Lord has brought me here,but this isn't long-term."

I remember getting an email from Regent.

There's a position now to serve

as the administrative director

of Regent Law Center for Global Justice.

So I applied for the position.

We just began to pray and pray.

"Lord, what do you have for us?"

I interviewed via Skype.

Then a few days later,was offered the job.

We both came to the conclusion

that this is a job that weabsolutely felt called to take.

- [Man] Since then, Ernie has become

a mentor to interns and students.

He's also been instrumentalin forging partnerships

between Regent's Center for Global Justice

and organizations likeInternational Justice Mission,

the National Institute ofFamily and Life Advocates

and the European Centerfor Law and Justice.

- Our mission is always to work alongside

other Christian humanrights organizations,

that are doing thiswork on the front lines.

Being a missionary and being a lawyer,

is not even division.

They marry together so well.

That's what I've learnedat Regent Law School.

Of course, doing this work,

God provides funding everyyear for us to go to Uganda,

to fight child sacrifice.

To go to France, to fight with

the European Center for Law and Justice

and advocate for persecuted Christians

throughout Europe and the Middle East.

Some stay right herein the States and D.C.,

working to fight child sex trafficking.

It's so incredible thatthe Lord would use us,

to do justice for some of these victims.

He's a God of justice.

So reinforcing that here atRegent with our students,

is just one of the greatest joys I have,

is discipling our students.

To think biblically aboutthese human rights issues

that we have a responsibility

and we will work and we willnot stop until justice is done.

(uplifting music)

- Isn't that marvelous?

You fulfill the desire of your father

you're gonna be a lawyer,

but you're gonna be a lawyer,

serving the poor and thedowntrodden and going for justice.

By the way, let me tellyou about our school.

The school, Mark Martin

is a former North Carolina chief justice.

He's the Dean.

They have masters and doctoral degrees.

They have a bachelor's degreein law and national security,

criminal justice and paralegal studies.

If you're interested in enrolling

and we're having a recordenrollment at Regent University,

it is exceeding all the models, so far.

More students, more credit hours.

The Law School, one more time,


Or you can go to

It's time to get the besteducation in the world.

- Even during a pandemic.

People are signing up.

- It's amazing.

It's like Goshen.

We haven't had one single student,

or one single member ofour staff catch COVID,

not one single one.

- Praise God.- I mean, not a one.

- Thank you, Jesus, wow.- I mean,

God's just protecting us.

The revenue is bigger than ever.

Everything is just booming.

- Wow.- It's fabulous.

- Praise the Lord.- Fabulous!

- That is good news.- Okay, let's get emails.

- Well, it's time foryour email questions.

But first, wanna remind you to call in

your voicemail questions for Pat today.

We have a special number for you.


You can call today onlyuntil 5:00 PM Eastern time,

to leave a voicemail withyour question for Pat.

Then, next Wednesday on August 19th,

Pat will be answering your questions,

right here on the 700 Club.

Again, that specialnumber is 1-800-677-7884.

Call and leave your voicemail for Pat

and he is going to answer it next week.

- You will be here with me.

- I will.- We will be here together,

one week from today and it's gonna be fun.

- It's always fun.

All right, let's start withCathy's question today.

She says, "I heard Pat say something about

Black Lives Matter hassomething to do with socialism.

What is the correlation between

Black Lives Matter and socialism?"


- All right now.

We talk about oppression ofblack people, that's one thing.

There's an organization though that has

the name Black Lives Matter.

Two of the three women

who organized thatorganization, on their web page,

identified themselves as trained Marxists.

They are trained Marxists.

That's communists, trained Marxists.

It's at the heart of that whole thing.

So it's not some benign thing.

You can say they hijack toa peaceful protest, sure.

But that's who they are.

The people involved andthe same with Antifa.

Those people came out of Nazi Germany.

They were rebels against the fascism

and they are defunding police.

They're anarchists.

They wanna destroy everything.

That's their origin.

So just keep in mind.

It is socialist.

As I understand immoral anda number of other things,

those women were projecting.

Now we're just talking about three women,

three young women, two ofthe three on their website,

identify themselves as Marxists, okay?

- Wow.

All right, Steven says,

"I'm a 54 year old man.

I have been taking testosterone,on and off for a few years.

It sharpens my senses anddefinitely raises my libido.

Is it wrong to take it?"

- I don't think it is, because really,

if you have low testosterone,your bones are brittle.

Your muscles atrophy.

There are a lot of things,

but let me tell you, if you take AndroGel

and all these others,

make absolutely certainthat you get a blood test

and the doctor prescribes it,

because too much of this stuff

can have ill effects upon you.

- [Wendy] Prostate cancer, right?

- Well, possibly.

Oh absolutely prostate cancer.

If you're tending towards prostate cancer,

or any other kind ofcancer, I wouldn't do it.

But there's nothing inthe world wrong with it.

You said raises your libido,but it also takes care of

a whole lot of otherthings that are going.

I mean, when you losehuman growth hormone,

you lose testosterone.

You knew some of the otherthings that keep you strong.

Your muscles atrophy and yourbones get brittle, et cetera.

So there's nothing wrong with it, okay?

- All right, here's one from Albert.

He says, "Does God curse a believer

for mistakes made in the past?

Please explain the difference

between the consequences ofbehavior before salvation

and being cursed by God."

- Oh, I don't thinkGod is cursing anybody.

I don't think the curseof God is upon Christians.

If you look at David,

David is a man after God's own heart.

He not only sinned with Bathsheba,

but he had the man killed.

I mean, it was a bad thing.

- [Wendy] Adultery and murder.

- Adultery and murderand he paid the price.

But you read later on in the Bible about,

"My child, David, this willbe the child of David."

David was held up as aman after God's own heart.

So there's no curse of God on people,

because they sin, all right?

- All right, Jay says,

"A group of criticalpeople left the church.

I witnessed how they had murmured

against our pastor and our congregation.

After almost a year, they came back,

apologized to the pastor

and have acted like nothing happened.

I felt bitter towards them,

like the brother of the prodigal son.

I don't like it.

I don't wanna feel this way.

Am I wrong to feel this way?

What can I do?"

- Well, the best thing to doabout somebody that you hate,

is stop talking about thefact that you hate them

and start thinking of all the good things.

These are nice people.

They witnessed for theLord, they've been giving.

God, I pray your blessing.

So begin to pray a blessing upon them.

The Bible says, "Cast out a scoffer

and strife shall cease."

So when you've got a group of dissidents

in an organization andthey're scoffing all the time,

the best thing to do,is they get rid of them.

All right, real quick.

You got another one?

- I think we might havetime for one more, right?

- All right, go.- Okay.

I don't see it.- You don't have one.

All right, well today's powerminute is from Psalm 145.

"The Lord is gracious

(whooshing)and compassionate,

slow to anger and rich in love."

Well, tomorrow up close and personal

(uplifting music)an interview

with Fox News host, Martha MacCallum.

You'll find she's written a book.

Everybody's writing books.


- [Wendy] They've got alot of time on there hands

(indistinct).- They've got a lot of time

to talk about their book, sorry.

Well, from Wendy and all of us,

thanks so much for beingwith us and Lord willing,

I'll see you again tomorrow.

Bye bye.

(uplifting music)


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