A late-night rescue goes wrong leaving two boaters stranded in gator-infested waters. See how they escape the swamps on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Coming up...
- There was no doubt in my mind
that I killed my friend.
- [Announcer] A late-night rescue leaves
two boaters stranded.
- I said, "Lord, if you don'tget my head above water,
"you can take me home, now."
- [Announcer] In gator-infested waters.
- There was tons of 'em on the bank.
- [Announcer] And theywere ready to strike.
- They were coming to get us.
- [Announcer] How didthey escape the swamps?
- I wanted to cry when I saw 'em.
- [Announcer] Their story.
- If it wasn't for Him, wewouldn't be here right now.
- [Announcer] On today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
Quote, "a disappointmentto conservatives".
That's what Vice President Pence said
about Chief Justice John Roberts,
in an exclusive interview with CBN news.
The Vice President also sent
a strong message to pro-lifers,
"wake up" because the destiny of the court
lies in the 2020 election.
Well, how else did he turn up the heat?
Here's David Brody withthat exclusive interview
from Florida.
- [David] A humid August trip to Florida
seemed the perfect place for Mike Pence
to turn up the heat and motivate the base.
- [Crowd] Four more years!
Four more years!
- [David] At one of his signature
Faith in America campaign events,
he spelled out the stakesin the upcoming election.
- The choice will not be whether America
will be more conservative or more liberal,
more Republican or moreDemocrat, more red or more blue.
The choice we face is whetherAmerica remains America.
- [David] In our timetogether on the road,
the Vice President wasanimated throughout,
lowering the boom, especially when it came
to his thoughts on whata Joe Biden presidency
could mean for the country.
- Joe Biden and the Democraticparty have been overtaken
by the radical Left.
He's calling for a historic increase
in funding to PlannedParenthood of America.
He would appoint activistjudges to our courts
who would literallytrample on the progress
that we've made on lifeand religious liberties.
- [David] And speaking of the courts,
the Vice President made veryclear that the Supreme Court
will be of paramountimportance in this election,
especially because he sees a chief justice
who can no longer be counted on
to be a reliable conservative.
Are you scratching your heada little bit on John Roberts?
I mean, we're not goingto call him David Souter
at this point,
but conservatives have had a track record
of having some problemswith Supreme Court justices
that you thought were goingto be a reliable vote.
Or when I say "a reliable vote",
I'm just talking about, you know,
to adhere to conservative principles.
- Look, we have great respect
for the institution of the Supreme Court
of the United States,
but Chief Justice John Roberts has been
a disappointment to conservatives.
- [David] Pence citing multiple examples
from Robert's key 2012decision to uphold Obamacare,
and more recently, whenhe sided with liberals
to strike down a Louisiana pro-life law.
- I think it's been a wake up call
for pro-life voters around the country,
who understand in a very real sense,
the destiny of the SupremeCourt is on the ballot in 2020.
- [David] He sees religiousfreedom under attack as well,
after Roberts joined liberalsagain, just last week.
In that case, the Supreme Court ruled
against the Nevada church,
upholding a limit on the number of people
attending church services during COVID-19.
- There are many Americans,
not just religious Americans,
many Americans concernedabout where this is going
from a religious freedom standpoint,
as it relates specifically to COVID-19.
- Well, look, our nation has been
through a very challenging time,
and we're still working our way
through the coronavirus pandemic,
but you don't give up yourconstitutional liberties,
even in a pandemic.
- [David] To be sure, thepandemic will be a major factor
for both sides in this election.
Here in Florida, a recent COVID spike
is hopefully giving way toa slow return to normal.
But in this election cycle,
the only thing we know for sure
is nothing is normal.
- Well, hello Florida!
- [David] Gone are the bigcampaign events of the past,
replaced by smaller gatherings,
like the one that Penceattended in Florida,
part of the LIFE Wins! tour.
- Now under this president,
I promise you we're going tocontinue to work every day
to put the right to life backat the center of American law.
(Audience clapping)
- [David] President Trumpand the VP will need
an all-hands-on-deckapproach to beat a candidate
that well, at leastaccording to many polls,
is leading the race.
But will Biden be a match forTrump in the upcoming debates?
Some Democrats have calledfor Biden to skip them.
And Trump's supportersbelieve that the 77-year-old
has lost a step or two, becoming slower.
- I can't speak to someof what's being discussed
about him today,
but the antidote is to be on that stage,
to square up and to be willing
to debate President Donald Trump.
The American people deserve nothing less.
- [David] They alsodeserve a fair election.
Democrats want massive mail-in balloting
across the entire country,
something the Trump administration says
is fraught with all sorts of problems.
If 2020 comes around and all of a sudden,
there is massive mail-in balloting,
is it a fair election?
- Democrat governors around the country,
using the excuse of thecoronavirus pandemic,
are talking about mailing ballots
to literally everyone in their state
with no safeguard for theintegrity of the process.
That principle of one person, one vote,
is at the center of our democracy,
and we've got to defend it.
That's why you're goingto see this President
and our administration headstraight to the courthouse.
We're gonna opposeuniversal mail-in voting,
even while we encourage and respect
the great tradition of absentee balloting,
and we're gonna win that fight.
I truly do believe it.
- [David] Determinationfrom a Vice President
being counted on to rallythe base, this fall.
David Brody, CBN News, in Tampa, Florida.
- Very interesting.
Well, in other news, nationwide,
new cases of COVID-19 are declining.
Even more good news,
one treatment offeringinstant help is available now.
John Jessup has morefrom our CBN News Bureau.
- That's right, Pat.
Nationally, new infectionshave dropped 14%
in the last two weeks,
but cases are still risingin at least 10 states.
Meanwhile, President Trump ispushing for schools to reopen
as tens of thousands of students
are already back in the classroom.
It is images like this onethat have parents concerned:
students in a crowdedhallway, in a Georgia school,
no social distancing and very few masks.
One the medical front, some good news:
one treatment offering immediaterelief is available now,
and another like it couldbe available within weeks.
National Institutes of HealthDirector Dr. Francis Collins
says they show promise.
- One of the thingsthat I'm pretty excited
about is the opportunityto use convalescent plasma.
That is plasma that's donatedby people who have survived.
So if people are listeningwho have survived,
I hope they would look intogoing into their blood bank
or the Red Cross anddonating a unit of blood
because that might save somebody else.
And we can go even further than that
and actually purify the antibodies
from people who have survived,
so-called monoclonal antibodies.
And those are about to gettested in just the next few weeks
to see whether they alsoprovide lifesaving benefits.
- The U.S. government awardedthe drug maker Regeneron
a $450 million contractto begin production
of its treatment.
And Pat, other drugcompanies are also working
on similar treatments.
- Well, joining us now
is our medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.
Lorie, talk about thisconvalescent plasma.
What is it and how does it work?
- Well, Pat, it's awonderful gift from God.
What happens is when avirus infects our body,
our immune system naturallyproduces these antibodies.
And we've talked aboutthese antibodies before.
These are the little soldiersthat battle off the virus.
And so people with healthy immune systems
who have already recovered from COVID-19
still have these wonderfulantibodies in their blood.
And they're being askedto donate that blood.
So please go to coronavirus.govor the Red Cross
and see how you can donate a unit of blood
because that blood is full
of those wonderful antibodies
and can be transfused into people
who are very, very sick with COVID-19,
and those antibodies can help them.
And you wonder why do theynot have their own antibodies?
Because we know people withweakened immune systems
don't produce enough of those antibodies.
And so then the monoclonal antibodies
are exactly like the antibodiesthat we see in our blood,
except they're synthetic,they're made in a laboratory,
so we don't need to rely on survivors
to give their own blood.
These monoclonal antibodiesare being tested right now
and could be availableas early as next month.
So that could sort ofbridge the gap between now
and when a vaccine is available.
- I understand there was
a very successful nursing home study
of one of these drugs.
Could you tell us about that?
- Right.
So Eli Lilly is one of the companies
that's manufacturing thesemonoclonal antibodies.
And in the earlier trials,they worked very well.
And so now 2,400 people who live and work
in nursing homes in the United States
are going to be tryingthese monoclonal antibodies.
So when a nursing homehas one COVID-19 case,
then they notify Eli Lillyand they send out this RV
and start giving people in thenursing home these injections
these infusions of of themonoclonal antibodies,
and these people will bestudied to see how they do.
Half of them will get itand the other half won't.
The other half will get a placebo,
and then they're goingto compare the results.
So that's going on right now
and the results shouldbe available very soon.
There are other trials going on.
It looks like these monoclonal antibodies,
in earlier studies, show
that it's very protective for people
who don't even have the virus,
and that also is very curative
for people who do have the virus.
They're testing it among verysick people in the hospital,
and other people who don't have it at all,
but who are at veryhigh risk of getting it.
- Lorie, what aboutpeople going to school?
The President said somethingabout little children
had some kind of an immunity,
but there are a numberof cases of coronavirus
affecting little kids these days.
So what about people going back to school?
- Well, Pat, you and I know,being in the public eye,
speaking extemporaneously all the time,
sometimes we say thingswe really don't mean.
I mean, just last weekI said on this program,
"convalescent plaza"when I meant "plasma".
And, I think that's whathappened with Donald Trump,
when he said that children are immune,
obviously that's not true.
We know that children get the virus.
Being immune means you don't get that.
What he, I believe, he meant,
and what his campaign clarified later,
is that children are not susceptible.
And what he really meant to say was
children don't have thosebad complications and deaths.
That's very rare, hardlyever happens at all.
And so that's really what he meant.
Anthony Fauci, earlier this week,
testifying before acongressional committee said
that, no, of coursechildren are not immune.
We know that they get it,
but they don't have thoseserious complications,
and certainly not the deathsthat we see in older people.
And Dr. Fauci said, yes,schools should reopen safely.
Because the effects ofkids not being in school
are extremely detrimentalon so many different fronts.
- Lorie, thank you so much.
We always appreciate your insights.
- My pleasure, thanks for having me.
- John.
- Well Pat, two daysafter the worst disaster
in its history, Lebanonis struggling to recover.
These satellite images showthe scope of the destruction
to Beirut Port and surrounding areas.
Video shows a priest dashing for cover
as the blast hit during service
and a bride-to-be taking wedding pictures,
knocked down to the ground.
Patients across the globe aresending aid and rescue teams.
Israel, Lebanon's neighbor to the south,
also offering aid and condolences.
Tel Aviv's city hall lit up
with the colors of the Lebanese flag.
Nearly 300,000 Lebanese havelost their homes in the blast.
Pat, just amazing devastation there.
- It is.
That country on the brink.
And I remember visiting Beirut.
It was the Paris of the Middle East.
I mean, it was just themost beautiful city,
most marvelous facilities,restaurants, hotels, shopping.
It was extraordinary.
Then it was destroyed when the PLO came in
and began a war andthey've never recovered.
And the country, now we understand,
the finances have been looted,
they're in a desperatedownward spiral financially,
and our heart goes out to Lebanon,
because it was a great country.
And I think, in the Bible, it still has
a very important place, a role to play.
- Coming up, they flipped theirboat in the Louisiana swamp,
and soon they weresurrounded by six alligators.
How did these two grandpasmake it out alive?
You have to see it tobelieve it, so stay tuned.
And then up next, the"red dragon" is rising
in the Persian Gulf.
What's really behindthe China-Iran Alliance,
and what danger does itpose to the free world?
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- It's ominous.
The "red dragon" is risingin the Persian Gulf.
China is now forming astrategic partnership with Iran.
Why are they in cahoots?
Why are the Iranianssuspicious of the Alliance?
And what's the risk for the United States
and rest of the free world?
- Gary Lane has this explanation.
- During his recent blisteringattack against Beijing,
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned
that China's making theworld's waterways less safe
for international commerce.
- President Nixon once said
he feared he had created a Frankenstein,
by opening the world to the CCP.
And here we are.
- [Gary] And nearly 50 yearsafter Nixon's historic meeting
with Mao, the Chinese governmentis making aggressive moves
in the Middle East,closely aligning itself
with one of America's top enemies.
- Iran's regime currently is looking
at possibly being squeezed by sanctions
to the tune of $400 billion.
Today, Iran has becomea front porch for China,
right in the backyard.
- [Gary] That backyard is thestrategic Strait of Hormuz,
a narrow waterway where muchof the world's oil travels.
It's also a choke point,
where Western and Japanese oil tankers
have come under attack
from the Iranian revolutionary guard.
Most recently, Iran launched a missile
from a helicopter in the Strait,
striking a mock-up of aU.S. aircraft carrier.
The message: despite U.S.sanctions against the regime,
Iran intends to dominate the flow of oil
out of the Persian Gulf.
And now China enters theregion, as a new player.
Iran has reportedly enteredinto a 25-year contract
whereby the Chinesegovernment would help make up
for international sanctions bygranting the Islamic Republic
$400 billion in exchange fordiscount oil concessions.
Mohabat TV's Mike Ansarireceives daily reports
from people inside Iran.
- Chinese money meansIranian political recovery
and economic stability.
Ayatollahs will be giving Chinaa permanent foothold in Iran
which will enhance theChinese regional position
at the cost of undermining USA.
- [Gary] Part of the dealreportedly grants China
military use of a strategic Iranian Island
in the Persian Gulf known as Kish Island.
U.S. Secretary of StateMike Pompeo told Fox News
China's entry into Iran willdestabilize the Middle East,
placing Israel, Saudi Arabia,and the Emirates at risk.
- Iran remains the world'slargest state sponsor of terror,
and to have access to weaponssystems and commerce and money
flowing from the Chinese Communist Party
only compounds that risk for that region.
- [Gary] Hudson InstituteSenior Fellow Robert Spalding.
- The world's resolving intomore of a bipolar arrangement
where the democracies are all united
around the United States.
That was evident fromthe decision the UK made
with regard to Huawei, andthen the other countries,
the authoritarian regimes around China.
- [Gary] Spalding believesit's a pattern of behavior
that we'll see a lot of in the future.
And while Washington may findthis new alliance worrisome,
Ansari says the Iranian peoplealso see it as troubling.
- The Iranians inside Iranare taking to social media,
denouncing the Iraniangovernment's actions.
They're saying theydon't trust Ayatollahs.
They also don't trust China.
They see this as a colonial contract,
and are looking to the West for help.
- Administration critics say this alliance
with China is a consequence
of America's big economicsqueeze against Iran,
and with sanctions alreadyin place against the regime,
it appears there's little
the United States can do to stop it.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- It's in the Bible, ladies and gentlemen.
Read the book of...
Well, it's in several books,
but you you'll find in Ezekiel,
the description of an army against Israel
and Persia is going tobe leading the charge.
That's Iran.
And it's going to be a massive force
that'll come against God'speople in the latter days.
So, it's no surprise thatPersia is working out that way.
And whereas Turkeysupposedly would be neutral,
Turkey is leaning moretoward Islamic dictatorship,
and the whole situationthere's going to be...
It's going to be a simply a horrible mess
for the next presidentof the United States.
We're going to be confrontedwith it in an active Iran,
and it will be a militant China,
a resurgence of Islam in Turkey.
And then of course, North Koreaand their nuclear ambitions.
It's going to be a tough world to live in,
are we sure do need asmuch prayer as possible.
- Well, still ahead, your questions
and Pat's honest answers.
Alberto says,
"What does it mean to bebound by spirits of lust?"
Pat tackles that hotpotato, that's coming up.
But first, two grandpas set out in a boat
to rescue their stranded grandson.
They end up in the water,fighting for their lives
and facing a river bank full of gators.
So what do they do to survive?
You'll find out after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Mike Turner and BillieBennett were speeding
along the Louisiana Bayou.
Their grandson was out there somewhere,
stuck in the swamp with a disabled boat.
But shortly after Mike and Billy took off
on their rescue mission,
they were thrown into the dark waters.
And soon the two men were treading water
in a swamp filled with gators.
- He never answered me.
I was convinced that he was gone.
There was no doubt in mymind that I killed my friend,
and I was...
It is a bad feeling.
- [Narrator] Friday night ofFather's Day weekend 2016,
Mike Turner got a latenight urgent phone call
from his grandson Landon asking for help.
- And he said, "Me anddaddy's frogging at Rougon.
"We broke down and Ineed you to come get me.
I said, "All right, I'mgonna call your other Pawpaw,
"and get him to ride with me,
"so I don't have to come by myself
"in the middle of the night."
And he said, "Okay."
So I hung up.
- [Narrator] Soon afterMike picked up Billy,
Landon's other grandfatherwho had been in poor health
since he had open heart surgery.
They launched Mike's boat after midnight
in the swamps near Baton Rouge
and began searching forLandon's disabled boat.
- It was a bright, moonlit night,
so I didn't use mylight to drive the boat.
And you could see pretty good,
but there was some stumps in the water
that we could not see.
They were submerged about six inches.
We were running about 38 milesan hour last time I looked,
and then, bam!
Big bang.
And all I knew was it was dark.
I couldn't see and couldn't breathe.
I didn't know which way was up.
Didn't know what happened.
And I hit my head on something,
and it was the steering wheel of my boat.
Then I realized we'd flipped the boat.
- [Narrative] Mike wastrapped under the boat.
And Billy was nowhere to be seen.
- When I got my bearings back,
I started hollering for Billy,
and I hollered about three times.
He never answered me.
And I just knew.
There was no doubt inmy mind, he was gone.
- [Narrator] Billy hadbeen tossed from the boat.
He wasn't wearing a life jacket
and his rubber boots pulled him under.
He struggled to breatheand prayed for his life.
- My boots felt like twocinder blocks pulling me down.
I said, "Lord, if you don'tget my head above water,
"you can take me home now,
"cause I'm spent, the stamina is gone."
And it was just like he puthis hands under my boots,
and just raised me up.
- [Narrator] Mike couldnow see Billy struggling
about 40 feet from the boat.
- He was wearing out quick.
And he told me he wasn't hurt,
but he wasn't gonna last much longer
with these boots on.
So I swam back under theboat, unlocks a compartment,
got the life jackets out.
- Well, he threw a life jacket that landed
about four foot from me.
And it was all I could doto get to the life jacket.
- [Narrator] Mike was able to reach Billy
and slowly pulled him back to the boat.
They rested together on the capsized hull,
both thankful to be alive.
- How we made it through the initial wreck
without getting hurt, only God knows.
That's the only thing that...
That's the only thing it can be.
- [Narrator] They tried to signal trucks
at a nearby overpasswith Mike's flashlight,
but no one stopped.
When he shown his light in the water,
it revealed a new problem.
- He said, "Look over your left shoulder."
So I turned my head and looked,
and there was three alligators
like forming a semi-circle,
about 10 or 15 feet from the boat.
And he says, "Now lookover your right shoulder."
So I looked over my right shoulder
and there was three more.
- This is 1:30 in the morning,
and it's their feedingtime, they're nocturnal.
And it was just making me nervous
because when I started shining the bank,
there was tons of them on the bank.
And they are all cominginto water, coming--
They were curious as to what we were doing
and what we were, asif we had food for 'em.
Those alligators had me thinking
they were coming to get us.
- And I've been around gators all my life,
but never in a situation like that.
- I was doing some heavy,heavy, heavy praying to myself
while I was in that water.
I asked him, "God, pleaseget me out of this."
- [Narrator] While they waited and prayed,
Mike later found outLandon was also praying.
- He said, "God, please helpme get this motor started",
because he knew somethinghad happened to us.
It'd been hours and wehadn't shown up yet.
But they didn't know what.
Soon as he said that,
next time he tried to crankthe motor, it cranked.
- [Narrator] Landon droveback towards the boat launch.
Around 3:30 in the morning,Billy saw a light on the water,
as Landon's boat slowly approached.
- I wanted to cry when I saw him.
It was very emotional.
- I think we'd have been there all night.
And I did not want tospend all night there.
It's just, they were God-sent.
- [Narrator] Once back on shore,
they knew God had answered their prayers
as they tested Landon's motor.
- I said, "Landon, crank thatmotor, see if it will crank."
And it was locked up,it wouldn't turn over.
So you tell me what it was.
There's no doubt in my mind what it was.
Nobody'll ever change my mind.
It was God.
It was God.
- [Narrator] That Sunday after church,
Mike and Billy gathered with their family
and celebrated Father's Day,
thankful God was with themin their time of need,
and had heard their prayers.
- It was good, it was almost like
the first Father's Day I ever had.
- Yep, to me it was like a rebirth.
The good Lord had given me a second chance
because Mike and I bothcould've lost our lives
the night before,
and Landon would've lostboth of his grandfathers
at the same time.
And so everybody was very, very joyous
over what had happened, how it ended up.
And it brought my family closer together,
made them realize that youcan be here today and be gone.
It might not be a tomorrow.
I look forward to every day,
thanking Him for what He's done,
what He's going to do,
and what He hadn't done yet.
- Jesus Christ waswatching over us, right?
You could almost feel Him,
when we were in that water.
I knew he was helping us.
If it wasn't for Him, we wouldn't be here,
talking to you right now.
- So here's your promisefrom the word of God
that he will take what theenemy has meant for evil,
and he will work it to yourgood, not occasionally,
but every time you callupon the name of the Lord,
trusting and believingthat that's who He is,
God will move on your behalf.
That's what He says.
He's your rescuer.
He's deliverer.
He's healer.
He's all of these things.
And Pat, we have some prayerrequests before us right now.
- [Pat] These are answers, I think, yeah.
- Yeah, the answers to prayer.
This is Marsha.
She said, "God made sure Iwas working from home today
"because Pat prayed, 'Your name is Marsha.
"'And you just have an achein the center of your being.'
"Thank you for praying against that ache.
"I am Marsha and I wasexperiencing chronic cough,
"heart heaviness, gallstones,and mysterious shoulder pain.
"Just a host of tormenting spirits.
"When you prayed, I felt the warm tingling
"that your viewers write in about.
"Such a blessing.
"I instantly felt better.
"I receive this healing bythe stripes of Jesus Christ,
"our mighty Savior.
"Thank you."
- [Pat] Isn't that wonderful?- It is wonderful, Marsha.
We rejoice with you.
- Well here, David wrote this.
He said, "I've been havingtrouble with my feet.
"I couldn't find any shoes
"that were even close to comfortable.
"I have arthritis in my feet
"and have deformed feet.
"On July 1, 2020", that'sthis year, this month,
"I was channel surfing andstopped on the 700 Club.
"Terry had a word, said'Someone has problems
"'with their feet and God is healing you.'
"And praise God, He did.
"My feet are healed.
"These growths have all disappeared,
"I can wear shoes."
Wow!- Praise the Lord.
That's wonderful.
- That is a creative miracle.
Well, we've got to pray for you right now.
We don't have to but we're going to,
cause we want to.
You know, look, God isno respecter of persons.
God loves you and Hewants to do a miracle.
And I'm going to ask,
and Terry and I are going to ask together.
We're going to believe God for you.
And I believe that rightnow, God will do a miracle.
He said, when you pray,
expect to receive that you willhave the thing that you say.
So we're going to join hands together,
and we're going to believe God for you.
Father, in this audience,
we pray for the anointingof the Holy Spirit of God.
Oh my, another shoulder has been hurt,
and God's just healed it.
In Jesus' name, touch them.
Thank you, Lord.
- Yes, someone else you'vehad a hunting injury
and it hasn't healed well for you,
still in a lot of pain and discomfort,
and nothing seems to end that for you.
But today is your day.
God is healing you.
In Jesus' name right now, receive it.
- There's somebody, Ibelieve the name is Lou.
You've had a hernia situationthat has gotten bad,
and right now, God is just...
You'll feel tremendous heatin that part of your anatomy
and you are completelyhealed in Jesus' name.
- And someone else, all of a sudden,
you just started gettinga raspiness in your voice
that no clearing of your throat,
no medication seems to take away.
But right now that isjust clearing for you.
You're just going to feellike a warmth in your throat,
almost swallowing oversomething, and speak.
Your voice is normal again in Jesus' name.
- You know, in Africa, they had something
they called "bloody diarrhea rouge".
You have uncontrollable diarrhea,
and God is just reachinginto your intestines,
He's taking out all those bacteria
that are causing the problem,
and your bowels, your colonis completely made whole,
in Jesus' name.
Now Father, all over this audience,
there are people who are suffering.
There are people who are out of work.
There are people whoare hurting for money.
There are people whose familiesare being ripped apart.
And we pray right now maythe peace of God Almighty
come into your lives.
May you know the joy of the Lord.
For the joy of the Lord is your strength.
In Jesus' name, amen.- Amen.
- And wherever you are, Iwish you'd give us a call.
Just pick up the phone, call in.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
It's easy to remember and thephones are available for you.
So give us the answers,we'd love to have them.
Your prayer requests,we'd love to have them.
Whatever it is the Lord's speaking to you,
pick up the phone, call in right now.
- Well still ahead, an NFL Hall of Famer,
explosive tackle Aeneas Williams takes on
the racial divide in America,
his strategy for a win-win solution.
That's coming up.
Plus informative, entertainingand always unpredictable,
your questions and some honest answers.
Leslie wants to know,
"When we get to Heaven,can we ask God a question
"about a particular event in our life?"
Pat's gonna tackle that and more.
All later on today's show.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Americans are growingeven more distrustful
of the news media.
Nearly half described thenews media as very biased,
according to an in-depth survey.
And Republicans have amuch more unfavorable view
of the press than Democrats.
Overall, 48% say the media bears
a great deal of responsibility
for the nation's political divide.
When inaccuracies were found in articles,
54% said they believereporters misrepresented facts.
And 28% said reporters werecompletely making things up
in those stories.
The survey was conducted byKnight Foundation and Gallup
before the coronavirus lock downs
and nationwide protests overthe death of George Floyd.
Well, everyone's favorite fixer-uppers,
Chip and Joanna Gaines, haveannounced their hit TV show
will be coming back.
The popular home renovationprogram originally aired
on HGTV and ended in 2018after five successful seasons.
Now it will be returningto the small screen again
in 2021 on the Gaine'sown Magnolia Network.
The couple told People Magazine, quote,
"The day we wrapped up ourfinal episode of Fixer Upper,
"we really believed itwas a chapter closed,
"but we also knew we weren't done dreaming
"about ways to make old things new again."
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at CBNNEWS.com.
Pat and Terry we'll be backwith more of The 700 Club,
right after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- During his Hall of Fame NFL career,
Aeneas Williams was known forhis physical defensive play
and the big hits.
Today, Aeneas is a pastor who's tackling
the tough topic of racial unrest.
Recently, our sports reporter,
Tom Buehring caught up with Aeneas.
And we want to get his candid interview
about all these problemsthat we have in our society.
- Aeneas Williams needs no introduction
to NFL offenses.
The eight time Pro-Bowler isa Hall of Fame defensive back,
fitting that Pastor AeneasWilliams is also on point
to tackle racial unrestand reconciliation, again.
It was six years ago and justa few blocks down the road
from where his church was then located,
in the very heart of Ferguson, Missouri.
Aeneas, it's terrific to see you.
What do we learn now from Minneapolis
that we failed to learn out of Ferguson?
- It's in question, thetraining of our officers.
Each situation ended up escalating,
instead of de-escalating.
I met with the chief of Ferguson,
Chief Jason, who's a memberof my church, just recently.
And he talked about,in doing his training,
he learned verbal judoto de-escalate something
with one's words and controlthe momentum of the engagement.
- Aeneas, what is it that you take
from your footballcareer, what do you borrow
that helps you navigatethrough some of these issues?
- We're on the same team.
We have different positions,but we have the same goal.
Everyone in the room,
no matter offense, defense specialties,
we all are in a collaborationto make sure we win.
So how I relate to this is toremind officers and community
each are citizens.
One's part of the community,
the other's serving the community,
but we all have the same goal.
- In your estimation,
riots rise from what?
- Many have quoted that riots are
the language of the unheard.
And I would go to scripture,the Book of James,
and I would say riots areresult of anger being displaced.
Instead of going outand tearing things up,
take that same passion andnow systematically begin
to engage law enforcementas well as council meetings.
All of those things thatcreate policy changes
that also hold our electedofficials accountable,
as well as law enforcementto have community policing,
meaning we're a team together.
- Aeneas, for so many, theconversation of diversity
will be uncomfortable,awkward, maybe even avoided.
How then do we becomecomfortable being uncomfortable?
Someone needs to first open up by saying,
"The goal of this conversationis to genuinely hear
"from each other's perspective".
Because everybody'sperspective is different.
We're not here to judge your experience.
We're only here to hearfrom your viewpoint.
So each of us can havea better understanding
of what you feel when you seelights flashing behind you.
- Laws, programs, initiativesmay change things.
What is at the core offorgiveness to sustain it?
- Love, and the ultimate thing
that's only going to change--
Love does a whole lot of things.
Love overlooked insults.
Always making sure what'sthe right thing to do,
regardless of how theother person is behaving.
The reason why that is important,
this Christian walk becameso significant to me, Tom,
because I was able to haveChrist's Spirit in me.
I can be more intentional,
regardless a parent,not having a good day;
sometimes it can be a childnot having a good day;
sometimes it can be an officer.
But when we're able,through Christ's Spirit,
to bring ourselves under control,
even though somebody is misbehaving
in a position of authority,
it would at least save the life, possibly.
It allows something to de-escalate
that within, as the scripture says,
"As far as it depends on you,be at peace with all men."
- What is more paralyzing, do you find,
in your pastoral role:
the blindness of white privilege,
or the certain resentment that comes
from the community of colorthat wants to correct it?
- Wow, I've never thought of that, Tom,
the way you've asked that question.
The trained bank tellers,
they make them consistently, repeatedly,
study the real bills.
Study them.
They don't bring a wholebunch of counterfeit bills
that come across and havethem study the counterfeit.
So as a pastor, our goal isto share the gospel with love,
but also put the the truth.
He said, "You shallknow the truth", right?
"And the truth will set us free."
Set us free how?
Number one, to know thatthe devil is the divider.
Number two, to know that we're unified,
and we each have the same Spirit in us,
and different giftings in us.
Once again, going backto my football analogy,
we have the same goal.
And that's to honor our Lordand Savior Jesus Christ,
who saw fit to put usall in the same body.
- It's a fluid situation.
Glad that we caught you on the go.
Thanks for pulling over,
spending some time with us.
All the best, Aeneas Williams.
- Thank you, Tom.
Thanks for having me.
I appreciate it.
Keep up the great work.
- Great word.
Wonderful athlete, amazing, okay.
We congratulate that.
All right, what have we got next?
- Well, surveys show thatmost people become Christians
before their teenage years.
And that's why Brie andCliff Patterson are sharing
the stories of Superbookwith their young children.
- [Narrator] Brie and Cliff Patterson
and their kids love Superbook.
Brie likes to share Superbookwith friends and family
whenever she gets the opportunity.
- Giving extra copies as gifts for kids
with their birthday presents,
we'll slip some into their gift bag,
or when kids have cometo trick or treat before,
we'll pass them out that way.
But I decided to take acouple to our local library,
and they put them into actually
the county's circulation systems.
So now kids all across the county,
can be exposed to Superbook.
- [Narrator] Three out of fourPatterson kids look forward
to Superbook movie night on Fridays.
The youngest isn't quite ready yet.
- The kids like Superbook
because they think Gizmo is really funny.
They're always laughing.
Even my two-year-old will laughat the funny things he does.
- Your dad said, "Don'tgo in there and get that."
(talking excitedly)
- I like this song.
Sometimes there's songs on there.
And I like the questions.
- [Narrator] Their favoritepart is the Explorer DVD,
the interactive portion of theepisode, or Shelby puts it:
- It's a DVD that surprises you with a DVD
that you didn't even have yet.
You draw the character that was in there.
We were drawing Queen Esther.
- [Narrator] Cliff and Breehave been sharing Superbook
with their kids since Hannah,their oldest, was two.
- It just spurs great conversation
and it prepares their hearts
for what is the real, what's the truth.
And that's what I'mpassionate about is the truth.
I want them to alwaysbe able to come to me
and know they're going to get the truth.
And that's why Superbook is agreat tool for us as a family,
because I feel that it isdefinitely grounded in truth
and biblical knowledge.
- I choose CBN to supportbecause I trust their integrity.
I trust the vision thatGod has given them.
It makes me wanna cry.
And I'm just so thankful for the fact
that they're raising up thenext generation with Superbook.
They're helping to lay afoundation for generations.
- What a wonderful testimony
to the effectiveness ofSuperbook and the value of it.
When you join the Superbook Club,
you're going to receive threecopies of the newest episode
for your recurring gift of$25 on a credit or debit card.
And you'll be one of the firstto receive each new episode.
So when you join today, wehave a special offer for you:
You'll receive three DVD copies
of our newest episode "Rescued",
featuring the story ofShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
and the story of Jonah.
Plus the Superbook Summerof Miracles bonus packet,
containing three additional episodes:
"Roar", "The Miracles ofJesus", and "Noah and the Ark".
So that's six DVDs for $25.
Call our toll-free numberif you'd like to join.
It's 1-800-700-7000 oryou can go to CBN.com,
if you'd like to join right now.
Superbook Club members canalso stream all episodes
of Seasons 1-5, for free.
So you're not going tomiss out on anything.
We want you to have it all.
And you know, when youjoin, you also support
our opportunity and abilityto take it to children
around the world.
So give us a call.
We'll get it out to you right away.
Time for some email, you ready?
- Let's go for it, all right.
- Okay, this first onecomes from Alberto who says,
"What does it mean to bebound by spirits of lust?"
- Well, lust is something that'sinside of the human heart.
You know, it could be lust after sex,
it can be lust after money,
it could be lust after power.
It's a desire but what happens is,
there are individual demonic spirits
that will activate whateverit is going on in your life,
whether it's greed, whetherit's sex, whether it is power,
whether it is jealousy or whatever.
And so you'll find these demonic spirits.
So you say, "What does itmean to be bound by a spirit?"
Well, it's an activation of, in this case,
of your own problem, butit's a demonic spirit
that activates what'sgoing on in your life.
You asked "What is the spirit of lust?"
That's what it is.
- So how does one getunbound by spirits of lust?
- You bind the spiritin the name of Jesus,
and then you say, "In the name of Jesus,
"I bind you and the forces of evil",
and then you declare it,
"Then I declare myself free".
You've got to do it in your life.
You have to confess the fact
that you're having lustful thoughts.
And Jesus talked about, youknow, committing adultery
in your mind, and you're doing that.
So obviously your owndesire, this lust thing--
You know, Paul said isbetter to get married
than to burn with lust.
So in your case, maybe you're a single guy
and you've got this problem.
I don't know.
I'd have to know more aboutyou to be able to answer it.
- Okay, this is Leslie who says,
"Hi, Pat.
"When we get to heaven,can we ask God a question
"such as what His reason was for bringing
"a particular circumstanceor event into our life?"
- (chuckling) Billy Graham would say
that when he gets to heavenhe's going to ask God,
"How come you picked me?"
But I think of course,we can ask God questions.
We've got all eternity to sharein the presence of the Lord.
And he will be showing usthese wonderful things.
But of course you can ask questions, yes.
- This is Pat--
Not Pat, but it's foryou, Pat, I guess, saying,
"We are in our 70s and have been paying
"on a life insurance policy for years.
"Now they say we need to pay more
"because they pay out morethan we pay each month.
"We can't afford to pay more.
"I was told that I can surrenderthe policy and get $11,000,
"if I surrender it before August 8th.
"They want us to signpapers and email to them.
"The policy is for $50,000and we've paid over $20,000.
"Should we surrender it?
"This is very stressful for us.
"It's my husband's policy."
- You know, I think, veryfrankly, a whole life insurance
is one of the biggest frauds
that has ever beenperpetrated on the human race.
Because what happens is, youpay a portion for term life.
That's your life insurance.
And the other portionis a savings feature.
But when you die, thecompany keeps the saving
and then it pays off the death benefit.
And that's why, you know,
that group was so successfulselling term life.
So I don't know what kind of policy,
but if they're hittingyour for more money,
I would cash the thing in.
I mean, it sounds like to me, it's a scam,
and you shouldn't be harassed at your age.
I mean, what are you going todo with the insurance policy?
Who is it for?
I mean, you're how old?
- Seventies, they're in their 70s.
- In their seventies?
I mean, who's going to getthe money when you die?
I mean, why do you need lifeinsurance for heaven's sake?
Cash it in.
All right.
- This is June who says,
"I was baptized with family members
"at our church, 50 years ago.
"I wasn't truly ready for it at the time.
"Should I be baptized again?
"I am in a wheelchair, have 24/7 pain,
"a low immune system, etc.
"I would appreciate your opinion.
"And since I'm 91, timeis of the essence."
- Look, baptism is notessential to salvation.
Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you.
But if you want to be baptized again,
looking to be filled with theSpirit or something like that,
by all means do it.
And you don't necessarilyhave to be immersed.
Maybe you can go to a church that believe
in sprinkling, or dunking, or get somebody
to pour water on you or something.
But you know, if you're in a wheelchair...
You let the Lord lead you in that one.
You don't have to do it, butif it'll make you feel good,
it's a symbol that thesins are washed away,
and you're being raisedin newness with the Lord.
That's what the scripturetalks about, all right.
- Okay, this is Maria who says,
"Someone close to me insists that quote,
"'once saved, you're always saved',
"even if you turn your backon the Lord, commit sins, etc.
"I believe a person has to repent again.
"How can I explain thiswith some biblical backup?"
- Well, the biblical backup is very clear.
In I John, it talks about,
"If anybody is born of the Spirit of God,
"he does not keep on sinning."
And if you are born of theSpirit of God, you do not sin.
It doesn't say that you don't,per se, have an act of sin,
but you don't keep on sinning.
So if you keep on sinning,
I would question the fact
whether you've ever been born again.
And if you're not born again,you're not going to heaven.
It's just that simple.
But this idea of, "I wentforward in the church,
"I shook the preacher's hand,
"now I'm going to livehowever I want to"--
Paul used the term, saidanybody who teaches that,
their condemnation is just.
Don't believe it, it's not true.
I mean, it's a nice thing to think of it--
When I am adopted in the family of God,
of course, I'm secure in the Lord,
and nobody will take me out of God's hand.
But at the same time,
an act of sin andrebellion against the Lord,
and then rely on somedoctrine to get me to heaven,
it doesn't work that way, all right?
- Okay, this is Sarah who wants to know,
"Is astral projection evil?"
- The Bible doesn't talk toomuch about astral projection,
but I think it is.
I think we're talking about, well--
Ecclesiastes talks aboutthe silver cord, you know,
is broken and so forth.
I don't think astralprojection is something
that the Bible just reallydoesn't discuss, so.
- This is Patty who says,
"Pat, you say the Bibledoesn't teach on the rapture,
"but doesn't I Thessalonians4:16-17 describe the rapture?
"The believers are caught up."
- I don't say the Bibledoesn't teach the rapture.
The Bible does teach the rapture.
It doesn't teach a second rapture,
the idea that the believers are caught up
before a tribulation,
and then everybody else is left behind,
and you have all this nonsense.
When the Lord comes down with His angels,
those who belong to Him willbe caught up to be with Him,
with the air.
That's what the Bible says.
So that is the rapture, thatcatching up to be with the Lord
when He comes back again.
And that's what the Bible teaches.
Not, not that there won't be one,
it's when it's going to take place.
We leave you today with thesewords of Jesus from Matthew,
"I will give you the keysof the kingdom of heaven.
"Whatever you bind on earthshall be bound in (audio ends).