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On the Road with Pence's FAITH IN AMERICA Tour: 2020 Election Will Decide if 'America Will Still Be America'

On the Road with Pence's FAITH IN AMERICA Tour: 2020 Election Will Decide if 'America Will Still Be America' Read Transcript

- [David] A humid August trip to Florida

seemed the perfect place for Mike Pence

to turn up the heat and motivate the base.

- [Audience] Four moreyears! Four more years!

- [David] At one of hissignature Faith in America

campaign events, he spelled out the stakes

in the upcoming election.

- The choice will not be whether America

will be more conservative or more liberal,

more Republican or more Democrat,

more red or more blue.

The choice we face is whetherAmerica remains America.

- [David] In our timetogether on the road,

the vice president wasanimated throughout,

lowering the boom, especially when it came

to his thoughts on whata Joe Biden presidency

could mean for the country.

- Joe Biden and the DemocraticParty have been overtaken

by the radical left.

He's calling for a historicincrease in funding

to Planned Parenthood of America.

He would appoint activistjudges to our courts

who would literallytrample on the progress

that we've made on lifeand religious liberties.

- And speaking of thecourts, the vice president

made very clear that the Supreme Court

will be of paramountimportance in this election,

especially because he sees a chief justice

who can no longer be counted on

to be a reliable conservative.

Are you scratching your heada little bit on John Roberts?

I mean, we're not gonna callhim David Souter at this point,

but conservatives have had a track record

of having some problemswith Supreme Court justices

that you thought were goingto be a reliable vote.

Or when I say a reliablevote, I'm just talking about

to adhere to conservative principles.

- Look, we, we have greatrespect for the institution

of the Supreme Court of the United States,

but Chief Justice John Roberts has been

a disappointment to conservatives-

- [David] Pence citing multiple examples,

from Roberts' key 2012decision to uphold Obamacare,

and more recently, whenhe sided with liberals

to strike down a Louisiana pro-life law,

- I think it's been a wake-upcall for pro-life voters

around the country whounderstand, in a very real sense,

that the destiny of the Supreme Court

is on the ballot in 2020.

- He sees religious freedomunder attack as well,

after Roberts joined liberalsagain just last week.

In that case, the Supreme Court ruled

against a Nevada church, upholding a limit

on the number of people attending

church services during COVID-19.

There are many Americans,not just religious Americans,

many Americans, concernedabout where this is going

from a religious freedom standpoint,

as it relates specifically to COVID-19.

- Well, look, our nation has been

through a very challenging time,

and we're still working our way

through the coronavirus pandemic.

But you don't give up yourconstitutional liberties,

even in a pandemic.

- [David] To be sure, the pandemic will be

a major factor for bothsides in this election.

Here in Florida, a recentCOVID spike is hopefully

giving way to giving wayto a slow return to normal.

But in this election cycle, the only thing

we know for sure is nothing is normal.

- Well, hello, Florida!

- [David] Gone are the bigcampaign events of the past,

replaced by smallergatherings like the one

that Pence attended in Florida,part of the Life Wins tour.

- Under this president, I promise you,

we're going to continue to work every day

to put the right to life backat the center of American law.

(audience applauds)

- [David] President Trumpand the VP will need

an all-hands-on-deckapproach to beat a candidate

that, well, at leastaccording to many polls

is leading the race.

But will Biden be a match for Trump

in the upcoming debates?

Some Democrats have calledfor Biden to skip them.

And Trump's supportersbelieve that the 77-year-old

has lost a step or two, becoming slower.

- I can't speak to someof what's being discussed

about him today, but the antidote

is to be on that stage to square up

and be willing to debatePresident Donald Trump.

The American people deserve nothing less.

- They also deserve a fair election.

Democrats want massive mail-in balloting

across the entire country, something

the Trump administration says is fraught

with all sorts of problems.

If 2020 comes around and allof a sudden there is massive

mail-in balloting, is it a fair election?

- Democratic governors around the country,

using the excuse of thecoronavirus pandemic,

are talking about mailing ballots

to literally everyone in their state,

with no safeguard for theintegrity of the process,

That principle of "one person,one vote" is at the center

of our democracy, andwe've gotta defend it.

That's why you're gonna see this president

and our administration headstraight to the courthouse.

We're going to opposeuniversal mail-in voting,

even while we encourage and respect

the great tradition of absentee balloting.

And we're gonna win thatfight, I truly do believe it.

- [David] Determinationfrom a vice president

being counted on torally the base this fall.

David Brody, CBN News, in Tampa, Florida.


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