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The 700 Club - August 5, 2020

Author Sam Collier shares how to close the racial divide through authentic relationships. Plus, CBN News interviews the black activist who says the Black Lives Matter narrative is, “filled with lies.” Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up.

- They don't care aboutblack lives, they lie!

- [Wendy] Why did thisblack activist vandalize

this Black Lives Matter mural?

- Stand up, take your country back.

- [Wendy] CBN News hasthe exclusive interview.

- I was so tired of thisBlack Lives Matter narrative.

- [Wendy] Why does shesay it's filled with lies?

- They're using us.

- They've been constantly using us.

- [Wendy] Hear what she says is really

hurting the black community.

- The number one killer ofblack people is abortion.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

We've got a dynamiteprogram for you today.

Let's start with the Middle East.

Lebanon's 9-11.

That's what a colossal explosionin Beirut is being called

that devastated downtown of that city.

The utter devastation was apocalyptic

with more than 100 peoplekilled and thousands injured.

And who knows how manywere buried in the rubble?

Was it an attack or was it an accident?

Chris Mitchell reports on thiscatastrophe from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] It looked like theexplosion of an atomic bomb.

(explosion booming)

One Lebanese officialssaid the aftermath looked

like Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

Scenes reminiscent of9-11 filled the port area

and the streets of Beirut's downtown.

Eye witnesses told CBN Newsit felt like an earthquake

and the blast could be heard150 miles away in Cyprus,

knocked out glass in buildingsfor at least five miles.

- And then suddenly weheard a very loud explosion.

The glass shattered all overthe car, the cars around us,

the buildings, all theglass just went down.

It was raining glass allover the city of Beirut.

The blast devastated the port where most

of Lebanon's imports andfood enter the country.

The casualties are staggering.

Scores died and thousandswere wounded in the explosion.

Many are still missingand bodies are being found

in the rubble.

Hospitals are overwhelmed and the Lebanese

government is asking for international

help and medical supplies.

Lebanon's prime minister promised justice

for those responsible.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Whathappened today will not pass

without accountability.

Those responsible will paythe price for this disaster.

This is a promise for themartyrs and the injured.

- [Chris] Lebanon's head of security said

nearly 3000 tons of ammoniumnitrate that had been stored

at the port for six years exploded.

President Trump said US generals told him

it might have been an attack.

- Our prayers go out to allthe victims and their families.

The United States standsready to assist Lebanon.

We have a very goodrelationship with the people

of Lebanon and we will be there to help.

It looks like a terrible attack.

- [Chris] It came at the worst time.

The blast, a colossal blow to a country

that was already on the brink of collapse

after years of mismanagementand corruption.

The currency has collapsed,their economy was devastated

with one of the worstdebt ratios in the world.

Then COVID-19 hit.

Before the pandemic, tens ofthousands of Lebanese took

to the streets to demand a new government

and many have already fled the country.

The blast will affectthe wider Middle East

and questions remain.

Will the government remain in power?

And how will Lebanon rebuild?

Isaiah the prophet said one day

Lebanon would be a fruitful field,

but right now the Lebaneseare facing more misery.

Church leaders are asking for prayers

for the Lebanese peopleas this Middle East

country faces the toughesttime in its history.

- Our CBN Middle East Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell joins us now.

Chris, what do you knowabout that ammonium nitrate?

Is that what did it?

Is there a connection toHezbollah by any chance?

- Well, it's a possibility.

It's one of the theories right now, Pat.

Al Arabiya is reporting,one of the Arab media,

that it was an Iranian arms depot,

but Lebanese media is reporting

that six years ago ashipped from Moldova was on

its way to Mozambiqueor an African country

with those 2750 tons of ammonia nitrate.

It broke down, couldn't go on its way.

And the cargo was actually commandeered,

left in the Beirut portand actually waiting

to be auctioned off.

But the question remains, Pat,

why would an unstable materialbe left there so close

to the port and so close toBeirut's a shopping district?

Could it have been sabotage?

We don't know right now,a lot of theories going on

and the investigation's continuing.

But I would add, Pat, Lebanese are furious

at their leaders right now

for this mismanagement and malfeasance.

- Chris, Beirut was calledthe Paris of the Middle East,

it was a beautiful city.

And the PLO got in there andtore the place to pieces.

They've had civil war ever since.

They had that wonderful arrangement

where the president was a Christian

and the prime minister was aMuslim and so forth and so on.

Who is running that country now?

- Right now there's an elitethat's running the country.

And that's why so many thousandsof Lebanese have been out

on the streets before COVID-19and they were demonstrating.

They actually have been saying that

these leaders have literallyeconomically raped the country.

It's an economic basket case,

it defaulted on a $90billion loan just in March.

Since last year, the currency'slost 80% of its value.

There's hyperinflationabout 190% since last year.

And yet, it's a key region in the region,

Pat, Lebanon is a strategicasset to Iran so it's pivotal.

We had a briefing earliertoday with an IDF general

who said that Iran'sstrategic goals are still

to have regional domination.

So its proxy Hezbollah,which acts like a state

within a state is very important to them.

Right now, they threaten Israelwith about 150,000 rockets.

What happens if Lebanoncontinues to implode?

We don't know.

I would add, Pat, youremember that Scripture

that was in that report,Isaiah 29 that says

that Lebanon will belike a fruitful field.

And CBN has such a longhistory with Lebanon.

You were there with theMiddle East Television

for many years proclaimingthe good news to the region.

- I remember when we had the station

in Southern Lebanon forso many years in Metula.

It was just a great time to be there.

Let me ask you, in thedays we were dealing

with Syria was the power thatwas controlling the Lebanon

and the Syrians keptdominating the country.

Right now, can you tellme who's running Syria?

It looks like they've hada terrible, I mean, well,

I hate to say, it's notexactly a revolution,

but the country's torn all to pieces.

- It is all torn to pieces, Pat,

and it's really divided in so many ways.

You have Northeast Syriaup there controlled

by actually a democraticform of government.

Yet Turkey is trying tocome in there right now.

The Russians are involved.

Assad is holding onto power,

but he's heavilyinfluenced by the Iranians.

And that's why Israel

for years has been hittingIranian bases inside Syria.

This is a real battleground going on in Syria.

And in fact, just last week,

there was a infiltration by Hezbollah

from the Syrian border intoIsrael that was attacked,

it was eliminated by the IDF.

I would say, Pat, as well,that Israel is offering

assistance to Lebanon right now.

Defense Minister BennyGantz, he was somebody

that you interviewed back in 2006

during the second Lebanon war.

- But in your prognosis,what's the future for Lebanon?

Is there any future?

- I think it depends onwhat the international

community is going to do.

The IMF has said thatthey want to give economic

assistance to Lebanon,but they won't do it

if Hezbollah is still in control

and the leadership rightnow, as it remains,

they won't put the money in,

it would be good moneygoing after bad right now.

So economically, I thinkthat's very pivotal

and it remains to be seenwhat Hezbollah will do

and what the Lebanesepeople are going to do, Pat.

Are they got to rise up politically

and try to overthrow this leadership

that has been really corrupt,mismanaged the country

and put it in to itseconomic state right now?

All the reason why people around the world

should be praying for Lebanon right now.

- Amen.

I've been to Beirut and Beirut

in the old days was beautiful.

It was just lovely.

They had everything you could imagine.

A beautiful economy torn to pieces

by the PLO and then enduring civil war

and then being raped by everybody else.

But at this point, it's just a crime

to see this great country.

But I was thinking of that Scripture

that was pointed out at the beginning

when I was praying and the Lord led me to

that Isaiah of scripture that said

Lebanon shall be a fruitful field,

the fruitful field shallbe counted a forest.

And then that day, thedeaf shall hear the words

of the book and the eyesof the blind will be open.

So we had a station fromLebanon and we broadcast,

it was called Middle East Television.

But Chris, thank you much for bringing us

this little moment of history.

And we pray for Lebanon, God bless you.

- I remember when you and meand Chris were right there

on the border of Lebanon in 2006.

But normally, when the bandguys do something like this,

if bad guys did it, theywant to take credit.

They want to say, "We did this"

and we're not hearing anybody claim

that they did this bombing it yet, right?

- I think it was that...

It's really a type of fertilizer

that's got that explosive power.

I think they had it stored up in the port

and it was volatile, it blew up.

I think that's what it was.

I doubt very seriously it was anything

more sinister than that.

In other news, topicalstorm Isaias is gone,

but it left a deadly path of destruction

from the Carolinas to New England.

John Jessup has more on that.

- That is right, Pat.

At least six people are deadand millions without power

after tropical storm Isaiastore up the East Coast.

Even though some victims lost their homes,

they're giving thanks toGod that it wasn't worse.

Mark Martin reports.

- Tropical storm Isaias brought tornadoes,

heavy rain and floodingalong with wind gusts

of more than 100 miles per hour.

As it moved up the East Coast,

the storm leaving nearly fourmillion people in the dark,

as it carved a path of destruction.

For some, it turneddeadly taking the lives

of two people in North Carolina,

after a tornado slammedinto a neighborhood.

- We took shelter, justmy son and I were here.

We ran to the center of thehouse and got in the closet.

And then it was goneas quick as it started.

- [Mark] Joseph Hickssays the winds blew apart

his Delaware home, but he's grateful he

and his family are alive.

- As we were approaching the basement,

I saw the tree lifted up out of the ground

and at that point that'swhen I saw the whole

back of the house comingoff of the property.

First thought is thankGod that we're here.

God spared my wife andmy boys, so we're here.

I can replace the house.

- [Mark] Officials projectthe Schuylkill River

in Philadelphia to crestat more than 15 feet.

That's the highest levelin more than 150 years.

Outside the city, rescuershelp these children get

to safety from a second story window.

- I'm pregnant so I'vegot an OB/GYN appointment.

I left maybe a little bit before 10

and it was definitely not like this.

- And take a look at whathappened here during an interview.

A sparking power line explodes.

(power line zapping)

Residents still need to be on their guard.

Even as the storm moves out,

flooding is a big threat in some areas.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks Mark.

Pat, it was a fast moving storm,

but still did a lot of damage.

- It's just amazing.

It didn't hurt this areawhere we live too much

but people still without power because

those trees were fallingand falling on power lines.

And fortunately, we havesome backup generators

that keep things going.

But Operation Blessing, bythe way, is standing by.

Our relief team has respondedto a tornado damaged area

in Suffolk, Virginia with atruck full of emergency supplies

including bottled waterand home cleaning kits.

Our teams are still conducting contact

with FEMA and citiesalong the whole coast,

up and down the coastbetween here and New England.

So we want to help people.

And if you want to helpus help them, again,

it's Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.

We're there where there's storms hitting.

And the tragedy is really unbelievable

because in certain areasit hasn't been too severe.

We thought we would havesomething really serious

and as far as we were concerned,it didn't hurt too badly.

But the people without power are suffering

and all the way up anddown the coast the flooding

and they say the Schuylkill River is worse

than it's been in 150 years.

This is tragedy and it seemedlike it wasn't really a,

it was a category one stormand then a tropical storm

and so forth.

It didn't look like a major hurricane,

but it has done incredible damage.


- Pat, the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention

is worrying about anuptick in a rare illness

that affects children.

Acute flaccid myelitisis similar to polio.

It can cause permanentdisability and sometimes death.

Doctors say parents should seek early

and aggressive treatment.

The CDC is sounding thealarm to encourage parents

to go to the doctoreven if they're worried

about exposing theirchildren to the coronavirus.

Common symptoms include feverand weakness in the limbs

as well as neck or backpain and difficulty walking.

Democratic leaders and theWhite House have an agreement.

They say by the end of the week,

they'll finalize plans for a relief bill

that helps the millions of Americans

on unemployment and facing eviction.

It's part of a broader relief package set

for a vote early next week.

The Washington Post reportsHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi

and Senate Minority LeaderChuck Schumer worked

out the timeline withadministration officials Tuesday.

It is a big step forward in negotiations

that have been bogged down

in reconciling the Democrats$3.4 trillion proposal

versus the Republicansoffering one trillion.

On CBN News' "Faith Nation" program,

Democratic Senator Chris Coons

and Republican James Lankford talked about

one of the key stickingpoints: aid to states.

- One of our core concerns is more support

for state and local governments.

Over 1.5 million public employeeshave already been laid off

due to the dramatic revenue shortfalls

that state local governments are facing.

And Jenna, these aren'tjust faceless bureaucrats

in gray buildings, they're teachers,

they're police officers, they'reparamedics, they're nurses.

They are the folks whohelp administer programs

like loans and grants for smallbusinesses and unemployment.

They are the folks whoprovide badly needed

emergency services and first responders.

And they're the teacherswho we are counting on

to reopen our schools.

So there's no money inthe Heals Act proposed

by the majority here in the Senate.

And there's robustmoney, about 875 billion,

in the Heroes Act that the House passed

more than two months ago.

- There's a lot of concernon just the price tag,

what they're trying to put into it.

They want to do almost a trillion dollars

just to state governments.

Again, to give the actual dollars here,

every state combinedacross the entire country,

their total budget for ayear is a trillion dollars.

So this would be suddenlythe federal government

taxpayers paying state budgets

for the entire country all over.

There's just a lot ofconcerns on the dollar amounts

that they're looking for and the way

they're trying to be able to do it.

- Other items in thebill include more money

for testing, schools,childcare, and vaccine research.

The Justice Departmentawarded more than $35 million

in grants to groups thatprovide safe housing

for survivors of human trafficking.

Attorney General Bill Barrjoined by first daughter

Ivanka Trump discussed the grants

that will provide six to 24 months of help

for transitional or short term housing.

- My hopes, my aspirations,my personal vision

for my future was of noconcern to my trafficker.

So personally, this experience to be heard

and to feel valued has helped me advance

on my own path of wholenessand I am forever grateful.

- I think COVID made theneed all the more urgent.

In many cases, victimsfind themselves sheltering

in place with their traffickerswithout another option.

So like with so many other things,

COVID has really underscored urgency.

- And Pat, the money can also be used

to help victims find a job and receive

occupational training and counseling.

- I want to say something.

It looks like we've gottarefight the Civil War,

which was a terrible thing.

And they've got now inVirginia has been mandated

a course put up by theSouthern Poverty Law Center

that teaches people about racism.

They're third grade childrenbeing taught about racism

and that's going to be thefocus of people's lives.

But while all this is goingon, one million people,

one million people a year,each year are being trafficked.

Young people, boys and girls, sex slaves

all around the world are being taken

from their homes, takenfrom their futures,

their lives are beingblighted, one million a year.

So I think this initiativeabout helping people

who are victims of sex trafficking,

it's a drop in the bucket,but at least it's a drop.

So let's help them.

Why don't we spend more time concerned

about one million peoplewho are being trafficked

around the world instead ofall this Black Lives Matter?


- Speaking of that, up next,

is Black Lives Matter anti-black?

This woman thinks so.

Why did she deface themural outside Trump tower?

And why does she say BlackLives Matter is based on lies?

And then, it was a made for TV moment.

One man is reunited withhis long lost mother

in front of a nationwide audience.

Hear his emotional storylater on today's show.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- They don't care about black people.

That statement was made by a black woman

about a group Black Lives Matter.

What action did she taketo get her message across?

Why was she arrested for doing it?

And what is her warning to America?

David Brody has the answers.

- [David] It all started witha van full of paint cans.

- [Bevelyn] Y'all just start,we just gon' get to it.

- [David] And then it began.

- They don't care about black lives!

They lie!

They don't care about black people.

They don't care, they don'tcare, they don't care.

- [David] Then an arrest and final ending.

- Jesus matters, Jesus matters.

Jesus matters, stand up,take your country back.

- [David] Bevelyn Beatty'sactions and video went viral.

And in an interview she told CBN News

she had one thing onher mind the whole time.

- I was like, "I have to paint this mural.

I have to cover this mural."

And the reason I feltthe urgency to do so is

because I really just was so fed up.

I was so tired of this BlackLives Matter narrative.

We're gonna hit it.

We're gonna fight and we'regonna stand and God is with me.

And that was it.

- [David] To understandbevel his actions and motive,

you need to know her backstory.

She grew up in the inner city on welfare.

After seeing people close to her die,

Bevelyn went out on herown, got into trouble.

Seven years ago, she actually wound up

in jail on money laundering charges.

It was there wheresomeone witnessed to her

and she gave her life to Jesus Christ.

- When I got out of jail, honey,

you couldn't get me tosteal a pack of bubble gum.

You couldn't get me to do nothing.

- [David] As a changed woman,

Bevelyn became a Christian activist

in the fight against abortionworking for Atwell Ministries.

Today, she's speaking out against

the Black Lives Matter organization,

especially the part of its creed about

disrupting the Western-prescribednuclear family structure.

- Black Lives Matter is against black men

because a man is truly not a man,

unless he's a leader in his own family.

This is a portion of his identity

'cause this is what Godordained from the beginning.

- [David] Beatty also points out

how the organization isselective on its topics.

- The number one killer ofblack people is abortion.

And if you're supporting abortion,

we're gonna die becauseyou're killing our babies.

Black Lives Matter will neveraddress black-on-black crime.

As black people, we'reheaded towards extinction.

We're headed towards extinction

and black Americans won'texist no more by 2050

with the route that we're going.

'Cause if we're not killingeach other on the streets,

we're aborting each other's babies.

- [David] She seespolitics, driving it all.

- They're using us.

They've been constantly using us.

If we keep giving them the votes,

that's what Joe Bidenhad the audacity to say,

if you don't vote for me, you ain't black.

The Democrats are the oneswho really helped pivot

and launch this BlackLives Matter organization.

The Democrats are the onesscreaming defund the police,

get rid of the police yetthe Democrats are the ones

that run the cities top to bottom.

- [David] She's fed up with it all.

She sees America changingbefore her very eyes

and wants to see otherChristians rise up with her.

- Christians have to recognizethat if we don't stand up

and smell the coffee, we aregonna give away our freedoms

and America is going to turninto a communist country.

And once America turnsinto a communist country,

the world will be communism

and we will be back in the days of Noah.

- [David] Because for Bevelyn in the end,

it's not just politicsthat matter, it's Jesus.

- I am a Christian.

This is about Christianity.

This is about Jesus.

They want Christians to shut up.

They want us to bow.

We gonna be shaking it upand letting people know

Jesus is Lord and the onlything that matters is Jesus.

- [David] David Brody,CBN News, Washington.

- What an incredible story.

When you look though,we did a story yesterday

about this one group thatis making The 1619 Project

and the woman who startedit was very honest,

she said, "We know this isn't history."

They're trying to makethem believe it is history.

We know it isn't history.

It's a question of whocontrols the narrative.

Well, Black Lives Matterwas started by three women,

two of which at least saidwe are trained Marxists,

we're trained Marxists.

Antifa came out of Germany.

It was against Nazi oppression,

but it has become just a completely,

well it's against allauthority whatsoever.

It's nihilist.

They are trying to destroy everything.

And now it's just gotten out of hand

where young people weretrying to tear down statues

of Jesus and deface everythingand take down crosses

because the cross is asymbol of oppression.

It's just incredible what's being said.

Some people were standingup and we salute them.

- I like what she said, "Jesus matters."

- [Pat] Jesus matters.

- Amen.

All right, still ahead,the surprise of a lifetime.

One man meets his biological mother

on "The Steve Harvey Show."

What happened after thecameras stopped rolling.

But first a wicked case of acid reflux

that went on for more than 10 years.

Doctors said this man would have to deal

with it for the rest of his life.

So how was he cured?

You're going to find out, that's next.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Sleeping in a chair orpropped up on the sofa.

What kind of a life is that?

That's how John Woody had to spend

his nights for 10 whole years.


He had something called acid reflux,

which caused him searing stomach pain.

His doctor said, "John, you've got this

for the rest of your life."

But his doctor was wrong.

Today, John Woody eats whatever he wants

and he sleeps like a baby.

So what made the difference?

You're about to find out.

- My name's John Woody.

I started dealing withall this acid reflux

when I was eating and then when I go

to bed at night my stomach would burn.

And then when if I'm lying down,

the acid would come backup through my esophagus.

And so sometime I willbe lying down in the bed

and you can feel it when it's coming up

and I will get up and sit in the recliner

or either sit on the sofaand get me some pillows

and put behind my head and Iwould just sleep on the sofa

or sleep in a chair all night.

I started dealing with thatabout maybe 12 or 13 years ago.

I got to the point of whereI didn't know what to do.

So I finally went to thedoctor and he told me, he say,

"You've got what's called acid reflux."

He explained a little what it was

and he put me on some pill called Zantac.

Mine was prescription.

And I asked him, I said,

"How long do I have to take these things?"

He said, "For the rest of your life."

And so I said to myself, I said,

"No, it's not gonna be that long."

I said," God's gonna heal me from this."

And I believe in the power of prayer

because I've seen Himdo so much in my life.

I was sitting in on the sofa one morning.

And so when "The 700 Club" cameon, I switched over to that.

Gordon and Terry was talkingand they were saying like,

"There's someone out there

that's got this burningsensation in his stomach."

- There's someone else, you struggle

with acid reflux with stomach acid

and God is just putting thatall back in order again.

You're not going to be experiencing it.

- Well, that got myattention when she said that.

I'm saying, "Hey now, that's me."

And I said, "Wow."

So they say, "We're gonna pray for it."

And so I prayed with themand I told God, I said,

"I received that prayer for me."

It was like God just steppedin and said, "I got you."

And it was like a warmfeeling came over me

and that's like reassurance that God say,

"You're cured of that."

And then I stopped taking the Zantac.

And so from then onabout six months later,

I wasn't having any problem.

I wasn't taking the medication

and I wasn't having an problem.

I hadn't had any problems since then.

To live free from that,that's a miracle in itself.

And every day of my life

I cannot express enough how good God is.

God say, "I'll never leaveyou nor forsake you."

He said, "I'm with you always."


If I could, I'd jump over

and give you a littleshout right here. (laughs)

- Oh, that's beautiful.

John Woody, what a great testimony.

Here's some things thathave come in, by the way.

This came from Naomi who lives

in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

And Naomi had an agonizinghip pain, she's 81-years-old.

She was watching thisprogram, she heard Wendy say,

"There's someone withdebilitating hip pain,

you saw the story and said 'That's me

and I hope you call out hip pain again.'

Well we are.

God wants to heal you.

Put your hand on your hip

and you're being touched in the pain."

And Naomi's hip left completely.

- [Wendy] Praise the Lord.

Here's one, Louis ofWhiting, New Jersey suffered

for months from a torn quadricep muscle

that happened while hewas in physical therapy

after a knee surgery.

While watching "The 700 Club,"

Louis heard you say, Pat,

"Someone has ripped theright quadricep muscle,"

very specific, "maybe while exercising

and it has been very painful.

Right now, the pain is leaving."

Louis claimed that word andGod instantly healed him, Pat.

- Isn't that great?

I didn't know Louis andyou didn't know Naomi,

but God knew them.

And God knows you, He knows who you are,

where you live and what'sthe matter with you.

And the same God who createdyou can also fix you.

So Wendy and I are gonna join together,

we're gonna believe God

and we are going to seemiracles in your life

so trust the Lord with us.

Father, I join with Wendy in prayer.

We believe God for thepeople in this audience,

in the name of Jesus.

There's, I think a woman,

but you've had somethingwith your abdomen.

It may have been that you had a birth,

it was surgery on your abdomen,

something with your abdominal muscles.

Put your hand on your abdomen right now,

in the name of Jesus, touch them.

Thank you, Lord.

- There's someone, you're just overcome

with fear of the future andjust anxiety all the time

and the Lord just wants to remind you

that He cares for the sparrows,

He cares for the birds of the air,

how much more does he care for you.

And that today has enoughtrouble of its own.

Don't fear tomorrow, don'tworry about tomorrow.

The Lord has you.

And that anxiety is liftingnow, just start praising Him.

In Jesus' name.

- There's someone, Ibelieve your name is John,

you've got a torn meniscus in your knee.

You thought you were goingto have to have surgery.

If you put your hand on it,

God is literally goingto restore that meniscus

and that joint is goingto be completely healed

without surgery, inJesus' name, touch him.

Thank you, Lord, Wendy.

- Someone, you've had anallergic reaction to something

and there's just a lotof swelling and redness

in different parts of your body

and just put your handon the top of your head

because God is touching you right now

and all of that stuff's leaving,

that poison's leaving in,Jesus' name, you are healed.

Thank you, Lord.

- I don't know if there'sa Marigold watching,

but there's somebody, youjust convulse was fear.

You have fear.

Perfect love casts outfear for fear has torment.

In the name of Jesus, webind the spirit of fear

and cast it forth from you.

You shall be healed in Jesus name,

be whole, take your healing.

Perfect love casts out fear.


- And we just agree rightnow with this COVID.

Lord, we have the fruit of our lips

and the power of life anddeath is in the tongue

so we speak life right now to people

that are suffering from COVID

that you will live and notdie to declare the works

of the Lord whether you're in a hospital

or your home quarantining, Lord,

we ask right now that Youwould touch people suffering

from COVID-19 and they wouldbe completely made whole.

We come against this evil disease now

in the name of Jesus Christ.


- And may the Lord bless this audience.

We just speak a blessing over everyone

who's watching right now.

Let the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon you.

Peace, shalom, salaam, be made whole.

Thank you, Lord.

- Amen.- And amen.

Give us a call, by the way.

We'd love to hear from you.

You have an answer toprayer, tell us about it.

You want prayer, folks areat the phones right now,

they'd love to pray for you.

That's what they're there for.

We have a lot of phonesand they're available.

So if for any reason theline's busy call back

and somebody will be here.


Okay, Wendy.

- Still to come, reunitedwith his mother on national TV

and that wasn't even thebest part of the story.

Pastor and podcast host Sam Collier shares

his greater story coming up.

And then later, Pat tacklesyour toughest questions.

Cathy asks, "Can people go to heaven

just by believing in God or do they need

to believe that Jesus is God's son?"

Stay tuned for another round of

Your Questions, HonestAnswers later on today's show.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Hi, this is PatRobertson with an excerpt

from my new book "I HaveWalked with the Living God."

I hope it will help youin your walk with God.

"In my life, I realizedthat it is imperative

to start my day reading theBible and listening to God.

Only then am I in any way prepared

to meet the multiple challenges with which

I will be confronted on a daily basis.

I read maybe a portion of the Psalm,

a chapter of Proverbs, aportion of one of the Gospels,

or one of the letters of the apostle Paul.

I read them over and over and I ask God

what message is therein these holy Scriptures

to guide me through the day?

Then I thank God for all His blessings.

It's very simple, but so essential.

We can only enjoy God's peace

if we take time to bealone with the Lord."

An excerpt from my new book,

"I Have Walked with the Living God."

- And guess what I have right here?

- [Pat] What do you have?

- It came in the mail to me.

- From Amazon.

What do you got?

- I got three.

- My goodness gracious.

- Three of Pat's new books because

I want to give these as gifts.

- I'm delighted.

- And I want you to sign them because

your story is so life-changing,

it's so incredible and inspirational

that I want as many peopleto have this as possible.

- Aren't you sweet?

You went and bought three of them.

- I hope you have a good pen

'cause I need you to sign these.

- Well, I don't but I'llget one in a minute.

(Wendy laughs)

- Oh, look, oh yes.

These are the best pens.

- It's so sweet.

This is my new book "I HaveWalked with the Living God."

God bless you, that's so sweet, thank you.

I hope your people whoget it are blessed by it.

- Oh, they will be.

We've got a news break, I think.

- John, let's go.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

A life-size replica of the late evangelist

Billy Graham will replace a statue

of a former North Carolinagovernor and white supremacist

in the United States Capitol next year.

During his career,Graham preach to millions

from all races and backgrounds.

The final version of thestatute will be 10 feet tall.

It will portray Graham as he appeared

in the 1960s preaching andholding a Bible in one hand.

Well, faith over fear, that's the message

an Ohio pastor has for his congregation

after his church was hit hard by COVID-19.

Recently 32 members ofChristian Life Center

came down with COVID-19.

Pastor Michael Ensey saidthe church has been taking

precautions and followingstate and local guidelines.

He said the church will continue

to be cautious, but not fearful.

The church is also providingSunday services online.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be back with more

of "The 700 Club" right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- You need to find your parents.

Those words came from SamCollier's adopted father.

After all, he said,"You don't want to wind

up marrying a cousin."

That search took Sam and his sister

to the set of "The Steve Harvey Show."

So what happened next?

Take a look.

- Do you guys love-

- [Reporter] Sam Collieris a popular speaker

and the host of the TV and podcast program

"A Greater Story."

As infants Sam and his twinsister Sara were placed

into the foster care system,

but soon adopted by a loving couple.

The pair was reunited with their birth mom

on national TV in 2013.

- Eleanor, come on out.

(audience cheering)

- [Reporter] Sam believesthat God can write a better

story for each of our lives than we can.

He shares his own amazingjourney in "A Greater Story."

- And Sam Collier joins us now via Skype.

Sam, welcome to "The 700 Club."

- Wendy, it is just such anhonor to be with you today.

You guys have been doinggreat things for years.

- Awesome, great to have you here

and your story is so incredible.

Now, your mom, she gave you and

your twin sister up for adoption.

Why did she do that, Sam?

- When my mother was 21,she had three kids already

and then she had me and my twin sister,

it makes five kids, age 21,and she was in extreme poverty.

Our father was addicted toall types of substances,

drugs, and left thepicture, and here she is

in the hospital having to make a decision.

Do I raise them in poverty

or do I give them up for adoption?

Kind of send them up the river like Moses

and hope that everything works out.

And she decided to do that.

- Sam, you've said thatyour adoptive parents tried

to make adoption a cool thing.

How did they do that?

- I think we were into Disneywhen we were very young

and they adopted us around two months

and took us home around five months

during the week of Christmas.

As far as we can remember,

they've always told usthat we were adopted

and they would make itreally cool and say,

"You're adopted, we don't knowmuch about your birth family.

We don't think theycould take care of you,

but we're here now."

So it was like you're heroes.

So we started going to school and

telling everybody we were adopted

and the other adopted kids was saying,

"I'm adopted as well."

And the kids that weren't adopted

started telling theirparents, can we be adopted?

(Wendy laughing)

They just made it cool.

- That is so amazing.

Well, they obviouslywere very loving parents

and what a blessing thatyou ended up with them.

But did you ever still dealwith feelings of rejection

that you were unwantedby your birth mother?

- Yeah, in this bookthat we just released,

I had a team and we sat together

and just kinda talk throughsome different things.

And one of the things thatone of my collaborators,

actually Ashley Wiersma said, she said,

"How did it feel to be abandoned?"

And I said, "I was abandoned?"

And she said, "Yeah, liketechnically that happened."

And I realized in that moment that

my parents were so accepting and loving

and by the grace of Godthat we never felt a sense

of abandonment, but more sofocused on being accepted.

It wasn't until wereunited with our family,

that we even began to processthe idea of abandonment.

That's why I say to people,if adoption is done,

in my opinion, well with the Spirit of God

and with the help of God,then it can fill some holes

that may otherwise not be filled.

- Sam, how did the searchfor your birth mother end up

on "The Steve Harvey Show?"

- My adoptive dad, Lemar Collier, my dad.

I dedicated this bookto him and my mother.

He came to us one day, wewere doing a little tradition

in the house called NFL football,

I don't know if you have that tradition,

but that was a tradition in our home.

And he's from the country,Pike County, Georgia,

chickens, cows rutabagas, as I say.

He had one rule for us,nobody talks during the game

and he broke the rules in country fashion,

in loud country fashion.

Not everybody from the country is loud,

but he was loud and he started yelling.

He said, "It's time for you to

go find your biological family.

I'm 24 at the time.

I said, "Why are youyelling, what's going on?

He said, "You could grow upone day and marry your cousin

and you would never know it.

I said, "What?"

This man is crazy.

And he said to me, and I was watching

"The Steve Harvey Show"in his barbershop down

on Auburn Avenue one day, andhe said the Lord told him,

I think you'll like this, Wendy,

the Lord told him thatSteve Harvey was going

to help us find our biological family.

Well, in that moment,I got up and walked out

of the room and I said,

"He's crazy, I think he's lost his mind."

And I find out two weeks later,

he convinces my twin sisterto write into the show.

And I asked her why she did

and she said, "Steve Harvey'snot gonna call us back."

A year goes by, my phonerings and it's my sister.

I answered the phone, she says,

"The Steve Harvey Show" just called me,

they're gonna call you,bye" and hung up the phone.

Then my phone rings anotherminute and it is Chicago

and it is in fact, "TheSteve Harvey Show."

A producer that had justbeen hired on the job a week

in found our story outof a hundred on the top

and said, "We think we can help you find

your biological family.

Do you want to do it?"

- That's incredible.

You waited a year for that phone call.

What happened when you saw your mom?

'Cause they told you to come on the show

and they didn't really have your mom.

They said, "We tried tofind her, but we didn't."

They tricked you.

What happened when youactually got on the show?

- Dorothy, the producer,they brought us up and,

Wendy, you've been intelevision for a while,

so they had a lot of scripts for us.

And so we went over thescripts about 10 times

that they didn't find anyone.

And they wanted to bring uson the show to make a plea.

So we went on the show and we made a plea.

And after the commercial break,

Steve Harvey comes back and he says,

"Hey, so I know we toldyou, we didn't find anybody,

but that's not the case.

Your biological mother is here.

Eleanor, come on out."

And on national television,we met our biological mom.

- [Wendy] Incredible.

What was that moment like for you, Sam?

- The greatest word that I've come up with

for that moment is frozen.

I was frozen.

If you watch the clip, when she walks out,

I kind of just stare at her.

And my sister is crying.

I put my head down because I had a hundred

different emotions all at one time

and did not know which one to choose.

I was frozen and I heard the audible voice

of God with my head down, say to me,

"Snap out of it.

You're on national television.

(Wendy laughing)

And your biological motheris standing in front of you.

You need to embrace her"and that's what I did.

- Well, we know that the story continued

and you have a greatrelationship with her now

and you even met some othersiblings that you didn't have.

There's so much more andof course it's all turned

into a greater story, which is the title

of your amazing new book,

"A Greater Story" by Sam Collier.

"My Rescue, Your purpose,and Our Place in God's Plan."

You want to get a copy of this

and you can also hear more from Sam

by listening to "A Greater Story" podcast.

Sam, you're very funny too.

Thank you so much for being on the show

and congrats on the new book.

- Thank you, such a blessing.

All right, well, coming up,another hard hitting round

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

Ann writes, she says,"1 Corinthians 3:9 says,

'You are God's field,you are God's building.'

Can you explain how I ama field and a building?"

What will Pat say about that?

Find out when we return.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Millions of Americans areliving paycheck to paycheck.

For a time, Rihanna Jaycouldn't even manage that.

Her bank account was overdrawn

and she couldn't afford a decent meal.

So what changed all that?

Take a look.

- [Reporter] Introducing Rihanna Jay,

she's a co-leader of thesingles ministry at her church.

She has a heart formillennials and she uses her

YouTube channel to reachas many as she can.

- I just want to teachpeople the Word of God

in a way that they've never heard it.

I want to let people know that it's time

to go to another level inyour walk with the Lord.

- Rihanna also works as acustomer service rep at a bank,

but before she started giving,

she struggled with her finances.

It was still living lifebroke, paycheck to paycheck,

not even paycheck to paycheck,

paycheck, negative account, then paycheck.

You know what I mean?

So the hardest partwas just not being able

to afford groceries.

I would just eat ramen noodles

and I'll be so grateful if I got to work

and somebody would offer me something

and I would just trynot to look so hungry.

I used to eat ramen noodlesfor lunch and dinner.

- [Reporter] Her pastor toldher how tithing blesses others

as well as those who give.

- It affected me because I was a leader

at the church at the time,I was over a ministry.

So how can I be overa ministry at a church

and not live what the Bible says?

I decided that I needed to start tithing.

- [Reporter] After Rihannamade that decision,

she saw immediate blessings.

- I've been at my job aprobably over a year and a half.

Yes, and I received four pay raises

without even being there a year.

My tithe then was $90 and my tithe

now has pretty much doubled.

So (laughs) I'm doing great.

And I'm not ashamed to say that.

I know that doesn't sound like a lot to

some people watching butto me, it's everything.

I'm making so much more money now

and although have workedhard and I've done

what I needed to do on my job,

the favor on my life iswhat really has done it.

- [Reporter] Whether it'swith her YouTube followers

or just hanging out witha friend, Rihanna loves

to share what God isteaching her about giving.

- He's shown me that when you rely on Him,

you could do so much more with His hands

than you could do with your own hands.

Now, yes, you may bemaking a lot of money,

you may be making a small amount of money,

whatever it is, God can use it

and do so much more withit than you ever could.

- When the money leaves your hand

and it goes into the God's hands,

God begins to bless it and multiply it.

That's what happens.

And so we see in the lifeof this wonderful lady,

in Rihanna, once it lefther and began to give

to Him than He knows howto make a difference.

Now, for those of you, I wantyou to join The 700 Club.

I want you to help us help others.

There are people all around the world

that are hurting and we're doing so much

to help them through Operation Blessing,

through Orphan's Promise,through other things we do.

So you can be part of thata 700 Club membership.

It's just $20 a month, 65cents a day, pocket change.

But we can change the world.

So I'm asking you just goto your phone right now,

call in 1-800-700-7000.

And you could be a part of The 700 Club.

And when you do, I wantto send you something,

"Do You Need a Miracle?"

These are stories ofmiracles in people's lives.

- [Wendy] Awesome, it will encourage you.

- We will make this available to you.

- We've got a few emails for you.

Let's start with Cathy, she says,

"I know several peoplethat believe in God,

but they do not believe John3:16, that Jesus is God's son.

Will they be able to go toheaven just by believing in God?

- I hate to tell you that they won't.

I don't set heaven and hell,

but if you don't...

You see, you're a sinner and you need

to have your sins forgiven.

And there's only one way of having your

sins forgiven is throughthe cross of Jesus Christ.

And if you don't believe in Jesus,

then what's going totake care of your sin?

That's the answer, all right?

- All right, good answer.

Ann says, "Dear Pat, in 1Corinthians 3:9 it says,

'You are God's field,you are God's building.'

Can you explain how I ama field and a building?

- Once you read the whole context

and Paul says, " I'm a master builder.

I've laid no foundation,except that which was laid,

which is Christ Jesus."

And he said, I'm building onthat, I'm a master builder,

and I'm building a templethat is created by God.

And you are that temple,you're the workmanship.

That's what he's saying.

And the people he dealt with and led

to the Lord are part of thehouse that is being built

and whether it's called a field

or a building or whatever it is,

that's what he's talking about.

Don't take it beyondthe context, all right?

- There are some thingsthat are confusing.

- That shouldn't be, unlessyou don't realize the context.

He says, "I'm a master builder.I'm building something."

- Oswald writes in,"According to Matthew 27:53,

after Jesus' resurrection, thebodies of many godly people

who died came alivefrom out of their tombs

and appeared to many in Jerusalem.

What became of those bodies?

Did they continue to live as Lazarus did?"

- As far as I know they did.

That was a resuscitation.

The resurrection iswhen the Lord comes back

and we are changed to belike into his immortal body.

But somebody who wasresuscitated, he's dead

and he comes out of the grave.

He's still a humanbeing and he's gonna die

just like any other human being.

We leave you with thesewords from a Ephesians.

"Because of Christ and our faith in Him,

we can now come boldly andconfidently into God's presence."

Well, thank you for being with us.

Tomorrow, our exclusive interview

one-on-one with Mike Pence.

Find out what he's got tosay on the next "700 Club."

So for Wendy and all of us, Pat Robertson,

God bless you and seeyou tomorrow, bye-bye.

(upbeat music)


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