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The 700 Club - July 28, 2020

She was born half-blind and bullied all of her life. See one woman’s search for the light. Plus, NIH Director Francis Collins shares what scares him most about the Coronavirus. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up, NIHDirector Francis Collins.

- Lett's look at the facts here.

- [Narrator] What scares himthe most about the coronavirus.

- This is a very serious plague.

- [Narrator] Plus, born half-blind.

- My eye would not move,it would just sit there.

- [Narrator] And bullied all her life.

- I was always called the ugly child.

- [Narrator] One womansearches for the light.

- And looked her in her eyesand I said, "I see you."

- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

(stately music)

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

30,000 Americans arerolling up their sleeves.

What for?

Well, they're volunteering totake an experimental vaccine

in the battle against the coronavirus.

And how soon will that vaccinebe available to the public?

And what other remedies,as the president say,

are in the works?

Dale Hurd has that.

- In the race for a vaccine,

Moderna is about to begin its third

and final phase of testing,Pfizer is close behind,

and there's hope thatby the end of this year,

there will be two orthree coronavirus vaccines

ready for use.

- This is enormous.

We've been sitting on thesidelines passively attempting

to wear our masks and social distance

and not go out when it's not necessary.

This is the first step ofbecoming active against this.

- [Dale] 30,000 Americansare expected to participate

in both the Moderna and Pfizer trials.

- Certainly, we will bedoing the test in the areas

where there is asignificant viral challenge

so that the test canactually very quickly see

whether we're giving the protection.

- That makes me cautiously optimistic

that we may have something here,

but it's gonna take afew months to determine

whether or not we do.

- [Dale] It will be monthsbefore results come in

and there is no guarantee thevaccines will ultimately work

against the scourge that haskilled over 650,000 people

around the world, includingalmost 150,000 Americans.

President Trump saystherapeutic treatments

like blood transfusionscould come even sooner.

- Therapeutics, meaning yougo and you give somebody,

whether it's transfusion orshots or whatever it may be,

and they heal and they heal quickly.

- Across the country,

citizens and business ownerscontinue to be arrested

for defying state orderedlockdowns and mask laws,

like this gym owner in Florida.

Just 72 hours after the shortenedbaseball season started,

a pair of games scheduled forMonday night were postponed

after more than a dozenmembers of the Miami Marlins

baseball team and staff tested positive.

Meanwhile, congress is debating

the next round of economic stimulus.

Republicans releasedtheir plan Monday night

as millions of Americans are set to lose

a key unemployment benefit.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, our CBN medicalreporter, Lorie Johnson

is here to tell us moreabout these vaccines.

Lorie, I remember as alittle boy, I got vaccinated,

and the word vacca comes from cow,

I believe is the wordwhere we get vaccines.

But they punch little holes in your arm

and that gave you immunityagainst that particular problem

that they were dealing withand you had lifetime immunity.

Now, will these vaccines...

I mean, want it to kill thevirus, but how about a lifetime?

Do they know what they'll do?

- No, regarding the lifetimeimmunity, we don't know.

And what happens is we knowthat sometimes vaccines

like chickenpox does giveyou a lifetime immunity.

What happens is a vaccine causes your body

to produce antibodies, whichare those little soldiers

that fight off the pathogenand sometimes they remain

in your blood for life, that's great.

And sometimes they don't stayin your blood for that long,

maybe only a few months.

And so, it remains to be seenhow long the antibodies remain

regarding this COVID vaccine.

But we do know that the firstpeople to get this vaccine,

that was almost five months ago,

45 people were first injected

with this Moderna vaccine in early March,

so it's been almost five months

and we've seen wonderfulresults from this.

They produced a lot of the antibodies

with very minimal side effects,

just in a few people, a mildtemporary fever, some chills,

and a little bit of painat the injection site.

So now they're openingit up to 30,000 people

in 80 different cities across the country,

half of the people aregonna get the vaccine

and the other half aregonna get a placebo, a fake,

and the people who are volunteering,

they don't know which one they're getting.

And so, scientists aregoing to closely watch them.

Next month, another 30,000 people

are going to be testingthe Pfizer vaccine.

After that, the following month,

they're going to be testingthe Johnson & Johnson vaccine,

and after that, the Novavax vaccine.

So we're talking about 150,000people have volunteered

to take part in these vaccine trials

and we really should knowwithin the next few months

how they're doing.

- Well, now, Lorie, I wantour audience to understand,

if there's an injection,

nobody is putting any liveviruses in these vaccines,

is that right?- That's correct.

Now we do know that that'skind of an old school way

of doing it, the chickenpox, the polio, the MMR,

mumps, measles, rubella.

Those are live vaccines,

but this Moderna oneis really interesting,

it actually uses part of the genetic code

of the COVID-19 virus.

And it's inside a little ball of fat

and they inject it into you,

and then that geneticcode causes your body

to make a protein, you know,one of those little spikes

that we see on the outsideof the COVID-19 virus

and that little proteincauses your immune system

to produce the antibodies butthe live virus is not in that.

So you don't have to worryabout getting coronavirus

from this vaccine.

- Are you optimistic aboutthe getting something?

Moderna is almost there

and they gave a billion dollarsto Pfizer for their test.

So, I mean,

it looks like it's on thehorizon very shortly, right?

- Absolutely, I feel veryconfident about this.

Like I said, we've alreadyseen that it works.

It's been five months

since they first tested in human beings.

Now, they're opening it up toa large study of 30,000 people

for each one of these vaccines,

and we're talking about people

who are all different age groups,all different ethnicities.

And so, it's going to be very...

We're gonna know one wayor the other, for sure.

It's interesting to note though

that only about 25 or 30% of vaccines

usually make it through phase three trials

which is good and bad.

It just goes to show howrigorous these trials,

and you know, in the United States,

a vaccine that is givenin the United States

that our governmentrequires that it be tested

in the United States becausewe are the gold standard.

We have a very high bar

when it comes to scientific research.

We know that AstraZeneca, for example,

is testing their vaccine in England

and there's one being tested in China.

And so, it'll be interestingto see how those do

but before those vaccines

are ever given in the United States,

they will first be tested here.

- Thank you, Lorie, tremendous.

Ladies and gentlemen, just thinkwhat this will mean though.

I mean, instead of all this lockdown

that we've been worried about.

I mean, it'll open the economy

and it will make a hugedifference in people's lives.

But the big thing is first of all,

it'll kill any bugs that are out there.

The second thing is what isthe length of the effectiveness

of the antibodies?

And if they would be permit,

they would be a blessing from the Lord.

Well, in other news,

tens of millions ofAmericans are out of work.

The question is,

can Democrats and Republicansagree on a stimulus plan

to help them in this time of crisis?

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.

- Thanks, Pat.

Republicans release their onetrillion dollar plan Monday.

It includes a reduction

in a controversial $600 Federal boost

to unemployment benefits.

While Democrats say the cutpunishes people out of work,

GOP lawmakers and somesmall business owners say

it's necessary to getpeople back on the job.

Heather Sells has more.

- [Heather] When COVID numbers improved

a few weeks ago in his area,restaurant owner Sean Dawkins

wanted to reopen his dining room.

He contacted his laid off employees,

but had no success in bringing them back.

- Some of them actuallymade a comment saying,

"Make sure I'm the lastone you call back,"

because they're stillcollecting the unemployment.

So that's the challenge in itself.

- [Heather] They alongwith millions of others

have benefited from stateunemployment checks,

plus the federal bonusof an extra 600 per week.

A University of Chicago study found that

it helped more than two-thirdsof unemployed Americans

receive more in jobless paymentsthan their former earnings.

Democrats want to extend it until January

but Republicans say itkeeps people on the couch.

So they're pushing toreplace just 70% of wages.

- We believe that theyshould simply go back

to the old unemployment insurance system

that pays people a partof their whole paycheck,

but it really incentivizes people

to get back on the payrolls.

- Workers and Americansunderstand the concept

that you shouldn't be paidmore to stay home than to work.

- [Heather] Democrats argue the benefit

is keeping familiesand the economy afloat.

- These benefits are alifeline to tens of millions

who wanna work, are readyto work but can't find work.

- [Heather] They worryabout expiring grace periods

for credit card debt and rent eviction

and the families facing extramedical bills right now.

On Monday, Senate Republicans released

their economic relief plan, the HEALS Act.

- The American peopledon't just want relief,

they want opportunity.

- [Heather] Although it reduces

the boost to unemployment benefits,

it also adds another round ofdirect checks to Americans,

plus a paycheck protection sequel,

which helps small businesses

including churches in the spring.

Other Provisions include grantsfor back-to-work childcare,

105 billion for schools,liability protection for business,

and billions for coronavirus testing.

But now, many Americans fearCongress will get delayed

by party politics less than100 days from the election.

Dawkins is not sure what hewill reopen his dining room.

For now, takeout iskeeping the business going

and his priority is makingsure that his family

and his workers' families stay safe.

- The hope is that everyone be patient,

we're all in this togetherand this too shall pass.

- [Heather] Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Thanks, Heather.


- One of the things that has been a glitch

of this whole thing is that people

actually aren't getting those checks.

The money isn't comingthrough like it should.

I don't know whether it'sbureaucratic or a delay,

whether there's some sortof a plug in the system

or whether people are actuallyputting roadblocks in.

But many, many, many peopleare not getting these checks

they're supposed to get.

It isn't that Congresswants to money to go out,

which they do, but peopleare not receiving it.

And the Small Business Administration

has been running out of funds,

in terms of people comingto get money from them,

they've been out of money.

And there's something bureaucratically

that needs to get fixed it

and somebody needs toget to the heart of that,

to say, look, we want you toget this paycheck protection.

We know there's a problemand we want to help you

and here is the money.

But right now is we want to help you,

but we'll let you know aboutthe money sometime later

and that is not cool.

Well, it was a scandal that went on,

we talked to two more of the authors

about that thing yesterday.

But Attorney General Barris expected to criticize

what's being done andJohn has more on that.

- That's right, Pat, in histestimony today on Capitol Hill,

Attorney General Bill Barr isexpected to harshly criticize

what he calls the BogusRussia Gate Scandal

before the House Judiciary Committee.

And prepared remarks release of the press,

Barr also says Democrats on the committee

are trying to discredit him,

accusing them of creating a narrative

that he does the president's bidding

by disposing of criminalcases against his allies.

Barr will also defend thefederal law enforcement response

to violence in major cities saying, quote,

"Violent rioters and anarchist

"have hijacked legitimate protest."

Well, turning now to the Middle East,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

met with military commandersin Northern Israel today

after fighting betweenIDF and Hezbollah forces

along the Lebanese border Monday.

Israeli tanks patrol the Golan Heights

near the site of fighting

as a tense calm returned toIsrael's northern border.

Monday, plumes of smoke couldbe seen rising above Lebanon,

Israel said the clashesbegan after a Hezbollah cell

crossed Israel's northern border.

Netanyahu said Israel's policy is clear.

- [Translator] First,we will not allow Iran

to entrench militarilyon our border with Syria.

Second, Lebanon and Hezbollahwill bear the responsibility

for any attack against us

emanating from the Lebanese Territory.

- Israel had been braced for attacks

since a Hezbollah operativewas killed last week

in an alleged Israeli air strike

on Iranian targets inside Syria.

The fighting comes at a time, Pat,

of heightened tensionwith Iran and its allies

after a series of unexplained explosions

have rocked the Islamic Republic.

- Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,this world we live in

is a world of chaos.

There's just a senseof hatred and disloyal,

I've pointed out the prophecies

and Jesus said Jerusalemshall be trodden underfoot

by the Gentiles,

until the times of theGentiles are fulfilled.

And I see the chaos is takingplace, there is famine,

locusts, there is awave of this coronavirus

throughout the world.

There's a looming threatof major bankruptcy

because of the enormous debtsthat are being accumulated.

And now, we talk about military conflict,

this military conflict between the Muslims

and the Christians that youfind utter wand in Turkey

trying to revitalize the caliphate.

You got the problem in the Middle East,

you've got these other things going on.

Is this the prelude tothe coming of the Lord?

The answer is it may well be.


- Well, up next, the hunt for a cure,

America's top scientists updatesus about the COVID vaccine,

the best ways to prevent the virus

and how he keeps his faithin the middle of a pandemic.

Plus, the blind can see.

This woman has dealt withproblems with her eye since birth.

What restored her sight?

(suspenseful music)

(adventurous music)

- When we talked earlier in this program

six months into the COVID pandemic,

that is still so much wedon't know about this virus,

people were fearful andconfused by conflicting reports.

And once a vaccine is available,

one in five Americanssay they won't take it.


Well, Lorie Johnson went to one

of the world's top medicalexperts to get the answer.

- This is a diabolicalvirus to try to deal with.

What concerns me most

is that we're still in the middle of it.

- [Lorie] As the director

of the National Institutes of Health<

Dr. Francis Collins helpslead America's response

to the coronavirus pandemic.

- Well, I'm a physician, I'malso So a follower of Jesus

and I think we are called upon

to look at what are thefacts of the matter,

and then with compassion,

to try to see what we can do to help.

- [Lorie] In 2003, Collins made headlines

in leading the Human Genome Project,

mapping and sequencing DNA.

His best-selling book,"The Language of God,"

described his conversion toChristianity from atheism.

He later started the BioLogos Foundation

which leads to discussionson the relationship

between faith and science.

- Surveys would say somethinglike 40% of working scientists

that believe in God and notjust a vague idea of God,

but a God who actually answers prayer.

- [Lorie] On the coronavirus front,

Collins predicts a vaccinewill be available by December.

It would go first to those at high risk,

then the rest of the country by spring.

One in five Americans, however,say they won't take it.

- Well, I hope they wouldstep back from what's going on

in terms of a lot of conspiracy theories

and social media thingsthat are going on and say,

okay, let's look at the facts here.

God gave us a brain tothink about these things

and to try to sort throughwhat the evidence is.

When the vaccines get tested,

we will be very transparentabout what we've learned

about their safety and their efficacy,

that is their ability to prevent disease.

- [Lorie] Getting the truthis important to Collins.

Get this, he and his associatesare currently reviewing

a jaw-dropping 400 unproventheories for treatments or cures

submitted by doctors and scientists.

- One of my big goalsin the last three months

has been to try and prioritize with help

from all the smart minds inboth industry and in academia

and in government of those 400,

which are the ones thatmost need a rigorous test,

so we'll find outwhether they work or not.

A lot of those clinical trialsare now getting underway,

we will know a lot more about this

in the next couple of months.

- WHile reviewing the astounding number

of unproven treatments,Collins highlights only three,

which have successfully enduredthe most rigorous testing,

the antiviral remdesivir, thecommon steroid dexamethasone

and blood from survivorsknown as convalescent plasma.

That blood contains antibodiesthat fight off COVID-19

when a person is exposed to the virus.

- And we can go even further than that

and actually purify theantibodies from people

who have survived so calledmonoclonal antibodies

and those are about to gettested in just the next few weeks

to see whether they alsoprovide life-saving benefits.

- [Lorie] In the meantime,Collins advises everyone,

even those who seem okay, topractice social distancing,

avoid indoor crowds, wash handsfrequently and wear a mask.

- And certainly, most of you

who are listening are Christians,

this is what we're called to,

to do what we can to helpthose who are most vulnerable.

- [Lorie] And adds this toanyone who might minimize

the danger posed by this virus.

- Many people do manageto get this disease

and do pretty well.

Some don't even know they have it.

But for those who do get severe illness,

who end up in the hospital,end up on ventilators,

end up dying, this isa very serious plague.

And for anybody to try to downgrade that

who hasn't actually walkedthe halls of a hospital

and see what this disease is doing,

then really, do step back

from any kind of political persuasions.

Politics and medicine reallydon't mix very well together.

We oughta be careful whenwe see that happening.

- [Lorie] Collins remains hopeful

and says God is working in this pandemic,

not just in the laboratory,but in the hearts of people

who for the first time

are searching for the meaning of life.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- What an amazing man.

He mapped the human genomewhich is an enormous project

and now now he leads theNational Institutes of Health.

Isn't that great?

- It's wonderful.

And it's good to hear someonespeak with the authority

that he has-- That's right.

- But also a person of faith.

- Well, he's good.

I mean, the human genome was enormous

and we're getting all kindsof medial breakthroughs

because of the finding out about it.

All right, what ya got?

Well, still ahead, stoppingthe virus in its tracks.

Meet the hero who's makingfree masks for those

who can't afford them.

But first, a clear line of sight

for a woman blind since birth.

How was she healed when shewasn't even expecting it?

(suspenseful music)

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- Naya Toledo was born blind her left eye

and it caused her to be thebrunt of jokes for years.

And then one day, Naya could see.

So how was she healed?

You're about to find the answer.

- I was never a person to beout in the front of everything.

I was always to myself

because I didn't have friends growing up.

- [Narrator] As a child,

Naya Toledo endured constant bullying.

Mostly because she wasblind in her left eye.

- I was born half-blind,

my eye would actually besitting on the corner of my,

on the left, it would notmove, it would just sit there.

I was always called the ugly child.

- [Narrator] The bullyingdidn't stop at school.

- My brothers and sisters,

their nickname to me was Cross-eyed Rambo.

I wasn't accepted by anyone.

I was that black sheep of thefamily, is what they call it.

That was me.

- [Narrator] As she got older,

Naya got into drugs andalcohol in attempt to fit in

with those around her, but nothing helped.

- I was depressed.

I didn't care about myself.

I didn't care what happened to me.

When I got tired of the bullying,

my defense was I was just gonna fight,

and then I got into so many fights.

- [Narrator] Partyingand fighting continued

into her late 20s.

Now a single mother to four girls,

Naya knew she needed to bea better person and mother.

- I had, you know, live-inboyfriend type things

and I used to smokecigarettes, I used to party,

I used to drink and Iwanted to change for them.

And I was like, no, I can't do this.

I will break this chain.

- [Narrator] Then a friendinvited her to church,

where Naya heard a message

that God could heal her mind and heart.

- I was thinking okay, God,this is what you want, fine.

I tried every other way, I'matry it your way, and I did.

- [Narrator] Naya dedicatedher life to Christ

and for the next four yearswent to church regularly,

growing in her faith.

But it wasn't until onemorning at a Bible retreat

that she could fullygrasp God's love for her.

She had woken up with a sore throat,

and during the morning worship,

Naya asked her friends to lay hands on her

and pray for healing.

- I just felt so deep in worship.

I just felt his presence so close to me.

I felt like if I openedmy eyes, I would see him.

I just opened them and then it was crazy

'cause I saw a light on my left side.

And I closed my eyes, like what?

Okay, what was that?

- [Narrator] She opened them again.

- It was clear, itwasn't even like cloudy.

It was clear as if I waslooking on my right side.

So I don't understand my brain

because it was like my left side

is seeing what my right side sees.

So I'm looking at my best friendand I'm like, "I see you."

And she's looking at melike what are you talking...

And then I covered my righteye and looked her in her eyes

and I looked at her andI said, "I see you."

We all just burst out into joy.

There're literally no wordsto explain the feeling

that I felt.

- [Narrator] Her doctorconfirmed that the vision

in Naya's left eye had been restored,

and with time, her eyewould straighten completely.

- I can fully see my children

and just like they lookmore more beautiful

than I ever imagined.

I was just so gratefulthat God gave this to me.

- [Narrator] For Naya,it was more than seeing

her world more clearly,

but feeling the presence ofa loving, heavenly Father.

- He showed me you're my child, I got you.

Like don't worry, I got you.

I have a heavenly father,

I have heavenly love.

- I love you, you're my child.

Isn't that marvelous,that somebody loves you?

And Jesus Christ loves youso much that he died for you.

God so loved the world, thathe gave his son just for you.

But also, we're gonnapray for people right now.

We're gonna believe God.

If Naya had a blindeye and God healed her,

God can do the same thing for you.

God's not limited to any of this.

Now this is a word from Steven.

He lives at, of Central, South Carolina

and Stevens suffer from stomach acid.

And he was watching thisprogram and Terry said,

"Someone with extremestomach acid is being,

"God's healing it."

And Stephen says that was me,he was immediately healed,

hadn't had any symptoms since.- Praise the Lord.

Well, Pat, this is Delinda,

she lives in Bedford, Pennsylvania.

She suffered from knee issues.

For eight weeks, she wasunable to walk without falling.

She's only in her 60s one day.

One day, she was watching this program

and she heard you declarehealing for knees.

You said, "The Lord is bringingthat knee into alignment

"and any damage that's been done

"is being healeddramatically in Jesus' name."

Delinda believed shefelt warmth on her knees

and she was healed.

She can walk again, no falling.

- Well, it's time to pray,

and it's time for you to get a miracle.

The wonderful thing about Godis this isn't just something

that's a ritual in churchthat has no meaning.

God is active today, anddaily on this program,

we see his power.

Now, we wanna pray foryou, whatever it is.

And all I ask you to do isto believe God right now

and let's watch what God'll do.

Terry and I are gonna join hands,

we're gonna believe God for this.

And Father, right now, we holdbefore you, this audience.

Oh, Lord.

There's a woman whose name is Marcia.

And you terrible stomach problems,

I think you have like atumor in your abdomen,

your stomach is all swell.

Put your hand down there on it

and you'll feel a powerof God going right now,

in the name of Jesus, touch her.


- There's someone named Micah,

you're praying forsomething very specific.

God has heard you andthe answer is in process.

Trust and believe, beginto thank him for it

before you even see it.

There's someone else named Roxanne,

you have some kind of a blood disorder,

something that's wrong in the...

I think it's your red blood cells.

God's healing thatcondition for you right now.

What medicine has not been able to do,

you've just been gifted withfrom the Father who loves you.

- You've got a goiter, you'rehaving so much trouble,

you can hardly swallow.

Put your hand right now on your neck.

In the name of Jesus, maythe power of God go into you

and me that goiter shrink, in Jesus' name.

- There's someone else,

you have a problem withperspiration, that sounds weird.

I think it's calledhyper something or other.

But anyway, you can'twear the right clothes,

your feet sweat, just everything.

God is stopping that right now,

you're gonna just begin to function

as though that had never existed

and you will be normal, in Jesus' name.

- Mary, you've got tinnitus,

you've got ringing in your ear right now.

Tinnitus is healed inJesus' name now, touch.

Now, father for those in this audience,

there are people whoare crying out to you.

They need finance, they need peace,

they needs the joy ofthe Lord and their family

and they've been asking you for wisdom

and anointing and favor.

And right now, we pray, Lord,

that you would answer theprayer of your people.

In Jesus' name, touch them and bless them.

Thank you, Lord.

Now, wherever you are,we'd love to hear from you,

it's 1-800-700-7000.

Report an answer to prayer,we'd love to have that.

If you need prayer,we'd love to have that.

We're here for you 'causewe love you, God loves you.


- Well, still ahead, she'sdoing good and praising God.

See the divine inspirationthat's helped one entrepreneur

get masks to the needy.

And then, Pat gives ushis take on the issues

that matter to you.

Sherry asks, "Why does God allow Satan

"to have so much evil power on earth

"when he could eliminateSatan completely?"

Stay tuned for your questions.

Pat has some honest answers

and it's all later on today's program.

(upbeat music)

(stately music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

The public is paying its final respects

to former Georgia Congressman, John Lewis,

a hero of the Civil Rights Movement

whose body is lying instate at the U.S. Capitol.

His coffin carried into theRotunda Monday afternoon,

the Civil Rights icon lyingon the same catafalque

that held President Abraham Lincoln.

He's the first black lawmakerto receive such an honor.

Congressional leaders fromboth sides of the aisle

came to pay their respects.

Lewis died of pancreaticcancer earlier this month.

A new study from theAmerican Bible Society

shows that a number ofadults who read Scripture

or the number of adults, rather,

who read Scripture isdramatically declining,

a drop that's been goingon for the last few years.

But the society also saysthis time is an opportunity

for churches to reach out to people

who wanna learn more about the Bible.

That's because the study alsoshows 68% of American adults

or about 172 million are,quote, "Bible curious."

Meaning that they wannalearn more about Scripture.

People tend to look to the Bible for hope

during a time of crisis.

the research also found Americans

who have been personallyaffected by the coronavirus

were more likely to read the Bible.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of the 700 Club

right after this.

- Tammy Roussell is the founder

of a sewing and craftingcompany called Mitsy Kit.

During the pandemic, MitsyKit's been making face masks

and these masks aren'tjust helping the people

who are wearing them,

they're helping the peoplewho are making them as well.

- Wearing a mask.

- [Narrator] To help fightthe spread of COVID-19,

Tammy Roussell's sewing-by-touchcompany, Mitsy Kit,

is making free face masksfor the visually impaired

and disabled who cannot afford them.

- Our goal is to do good,have faith, and praise God.

- [Narrator] Tammy saysthe idea for the Mitsy Kit

came after her mom, Mitsy,started losing her eyesight,

and couldn't enjoy herlife-long love of sewing.

When Tammy and Mitsy workedon projects together,

it did much more than giveher mother a creative outlet.

- It brought us closer in asense of feeling like we were...

It was like a connection, right?

It's a connection we didn't have before.

- [Narrator] That's because, for years,

their relationship was strained.

It escalated when Tammygot pregnant at 15.

- I've never felt rejection like the day

when I was told by my mother and father

that they wouldn't supportme unless I got an abortion.

And so, I finally wentthrough with it and was sick,

was devastated and felt likeI had done the worst thing,

that God would never forgive me.

- [Narrator] Tammy had adaughter two years later,

but she carried that guilt and rejection

well into her adult life.

- I think a lot of it relatesto that fear of rejection,

fear of failure, feelinglike you're gonna, you know,

you might disappoint someone.

- [Narrator] But in her early 30s,

God gave her a new outlook on life.

- As awful as I felt aboutwhat I had done in my life,

that Christ, you know, gave His life

and I didn't deserveit, I didn't deserve it,

but He forgave me.

He just lifted theburden of guilt and pain

that I had carried with mesince, you know, a child.

- [Narrator] But itwasn't until years later

that Tammy was able toforgive her parents.

By then, her dad had passedand a congenital eye disease

was robbing her mother of her eyesight.

- I just saw the fear and the pain

that she was going through,

realizing that she was goingto lose a lot of independence

and didn't know what to do.

And so, I started seeing her,I think, through God's eyes,

you know, as His child, andI started having compassion.

- [Narrator] Tammy triedto find different ways

to grow closer to her, like quilting.

But with Mitsy's eyesight almost gone,

her sewing days were comingto an end, or so it seemed.

- One day, I was justwalking through a craft store

and God just put in my head, you know,

try putting tactile borders on the fabric.

And it was like themost amazing thing ever

because it just came out of nowhere.

- [Narrator] Using pre-cutfabrics and ribbons

along the borders,

Tammy made it possiblefor her mother to sew,

even though she couldn't see.

- The joy on her face whenshe was able to sew again

and her tenacity, you know,she was always telling me,

"I'm out of work, I'm out of work."


Because she would sew so fast.

Not only did it give hersomething meaningful to do,

but others saw the value in it.

And so, I think she felt others

were seeing the value in her.

- [Narrator] Seeing the difference it made

in her mother's life,Tammy launched Mitsy Kit.

100% of profits are donated to charity

and it employs the visually impaired.

- The best thing everis when they look at you

and they tell you, "Ican't believe I did it!"

You know?

It's like this amazingsense of joy that they have.

- [Narrator] Today, as it helps families

connect with loved ones,

Tammy knows that God is blessing everyone

through each project.

- When you look what God allows you to do

in partnership with these people

and the joy that you get fromit is just unexplainable.

- Everyone needs and wants to feel

like they have something togive, like they're significant.

You can find out more about Mitsy Kit

by going to their website,it's


- This is a story.

He called his life anever-ending hamster wheel.

That's how Eric Bakerdescribe the life he lived.

The harder he worked,the more money he owed.

So was there a way out?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Eric Baker is asuccessful network engineer

who works with multinational banking

and financial services firms.

But a few years ago,

he could barely keep his head above water.

- I had a bill from the IRS

that was like maybe 35,$40,000 at one point.

There was student loans,,there was a car loan.

- [Narrator] Altogether,Eric owed over $100,000

and was doing all he couldjust to make minimum payments.

- It's depressing, right?

It makes you feel as if you'reworking just to survive,

you know, and you don'treally have any real purpose,

it's just to pay thebills and just to survive

and just enough to get to the next check.

It's this never-endinghamster wheel that you're on.

- [Narrator] One day,while channel surfing,

Eric landed on The 700 Club.

- They were talking about my situation.

It was just, you know, myspiritual ears perked up.

- [Narrator] Eric prayed with Gordon

and received Christ as his Savior.

From that point on, hislife took a new turn.

- I developed a hunger for God.

I wanted to know more about Him.

So, I started to just read the Word.

And this is something thatI've never done before.

I mean, I would read the Bible,

but it was always likea chore, it was work.

It felt like work.

- [Narrator] As Eric grewin his newfound faith,

he continued to reach out to CBN for help.

- I called the number

and someone prayed with me over the phone

and I just felt so encouraged.

CBN was there for me whenI needed help the most.

I didn't have any other lifeline.

I didn't have anyone else to talk to.

And these people, three,four in the morning,

these people are on the phoneand they're talking to me

and they're praying withme, they're encouraging me.

Where else are you gonnaget something like that?

- [Narrator] The changein Eric was so noticeable,

even his boss mentioned it

during his next performance review.

- He says, "Eric, you are an indispensable

"part of this team."

He says, "Whatever you'redoing, keep doing it."

- [Narrator] As Ericlearned more about God,

he started giving.

He also became a CBN partnerand soon increased his giving.

He says it wasn't long beforehe started seeing results.

- When I started to tithe more,

I saw more of his faithfulness.

I got an almost $20,000 bonus.

And this was just like a few weeks

after I started tithingmore, I got a raise.

- [Narrator] After receivingthat 12% raise and bonus,

Eric was able to get backon track financially.

He began paying down his debts

and today he's almostcompletely debt-free.

He still supports CBN

and encourages others to give back to God.

- It's a gift.

Tithing is a gift to us.

It intensifies our faith in God.

And you really get theopportunity to see him in action.

Taste the Lord and see that he's good.

You have to step out in faith.

- I love it.

You know, folks, God isn't broke.

In case you wondered, Goddoesn't need your money.

He said the silver ismine, the gold is mine,

the cattle on a thousand hills.

He's got it all.

He doesn't need our money,but we need to give,

because as we give,

it opens up the flowof God's power into us.

And when Jesus said,

"It's more blessed togive than to receive,"

He wasn't just speaking spiritual,

He was speaking materially as well.

And Eric has learned that principle

and he's no longer on the wheel,

he's not a hamster running around.

I wanna give you something,if you need a miracle,

real life stories of God at work.

We give this to you whenyou join the 700 Club.

What is that?

It's $20 a month, 65 cents a day,

it's pocket change for a lot of people.

But, listen, it'll make a difference.

If we all get together,

we can't change our world, wecan make a huge difference.

Terry, you have-- Well, I do,

because this is Marilynwho lives in Lorain, Ohio

and she's already seeing the"Do You Need a Miracle?" DVD.

She says, "I love Do You Need a Miracle?"

"It's been so encouraging.

"I think sometimes weforget just how good God is

"and that he's faithfuland just to forgive.

"God bless you."

So, we want you to have

what Marilyn's been enjoying as well.

So join the 700 Club.

- Pick up the phone, callin, it's 1-800-700-7000.

It's easy to remember, toll free number.

And join the 700 Cluband be blessed by God.

- Well, still ahead,

one of your favorite parts of the program,

your questions with Pat's honest answers.

Joan asks, "Have any peoplenot yet heard the good news?

"What else has yet to occurto fulfill Scripture?"

What will Pat say to that?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Well, it's time for someof your email questions,

and Pat, this first onecomes from Sherry who says,

"Why does God allow Satan

"to have so much evil power on earth

"when he could eliminate Satan completely?

"Why did Satan turn against God

"and why does God allow Satan to unleash

"such evil on his people?"

- You've asked several questions.

The first is, why did he rebel?

He thought he could do a better job

of running the universe than God did.

That's really what he thought and pride,

if you wanna look at that.

Original sin is pride.

I can do it my way, I cando it better than God.

That's why he rebelled.

And he was the anointedcherub, the covered,

the Holiness of God.

He was walking on the stonesof fire in the Holy place

until iniquity was found in,and what was the iniquity?

I can do it better thanGod, I can do it my way.

Now the second thing,

how come God doesn't just deal with it?

God is looking at millions,

maybe trillions of otherbeings in this world.

And God does not want them to love him

because they're afraid of him,

God wants him them to love him

because they loved himbecause of who he is

and how gracious and wonderful he is.

Now if, as I told somebody the other day,

if every time you cursed,God took you voice away,

you'd be so scared, youwouldn't know what to do.

You wouldn't open yourmouth, you'd be terrified.

God wants us to love him.

And so, God so loved theworld that he gave his son.

Jesus Christ came and we are exhibit A

as to the love of God,

so that why he doesn't deal with Satan.

One day, he's gonna do it.

I mean, He's gonna send the angels,

they're gonna grab Satan,

he'll lock him up for a thousand years.

But right now, he's allowed.

You and I, when we love God freely,

we tell the devil God is on the throne

and you are defeated and the gun losses.

When we begin to worshipSatan, then Satan wins, right?

- Okay, this is Joan who says,

"Pat, thank you for obeying God's call,

"it's a blessing to us all.

"My questions are:

"Have any people notyet heard the good news?

"And what else has yet tooccur to fulfill Scripture?"

- Well, the Bible says,

"And this gospel of the kingdomis preached in all the world

"for the end shall come."

When I was at the Museum of the Bible,

they had a room that showedthe translations of the Bible

and I was told there're onlya few languages on Earth

well, like 33 or 35 orsomething like that,

where they don't havesome portion of Scripture.

So has the gospel gone to the whole world?

According to this, almostevery single culture tribe

on the face of the Earth hassome one portion of Scripture.

All right.

- This, and then she asks also,

"What else has yet to occurto fulfill Scripture?"

- Well, just as I said, the gospel.

It's almost there.

I mean, we're preaching the gospel

around the world on television.

We're in many languages, many nations.

And as I say, they're only a few more.

When all that is done,

the Scripture has been fulfilled, right?

- This is Tammy who says,

"If my Christian husband has fallen

"and He's not right with God,

"can that have a possible effect on me

"because I'm still under his authority?"

- Well, yes and no.

He is high priest of the family,

and as long as he's under theauthority of God Almighty,

he has authority as head of the household.

But if he walks out of that authority,

he doesn't have that authority any longer.

And if he tries tosolicit you to commit sin

and go to some strip clubor something with him,

and you say no way, thenyou don't have to obey him,

and you can have yourown life before the Lord.

So you're responsible for yourself.

So just like those guys,

the Nazis who said well,we were ordered to do this

and the judge said, "No, youhave your own conscience."

There's a point

that you've gotta do yourown thing, all right?

- This is Eric who says,

"In Luke 17:26-27, Jesusdeclared the end time,"

quote, "'Will be as the days of Noah'"

"The debauchery, dishonoringparents, stealing,

"doesn't seem that prevalent today.

"So are we to assume theend of days is a way off?"

- Well, regretfully, mankind is sinful

and we've been having sexand debauchery and evil.

- [Terry] Absolutely.

In the days of the Wesley's,

there were more grogshopsthan there were churches,

there were more people getting drunk.

But that's in the days ofNoah, that's one of the signs.

When the coming of the Lord,

it'll be like in the days of Noah.

Imagination of man's heart

was only evil continuing, all right?

- This is Evette who says,"I have a question for Pat.

"If God is the creator who creates life

"and death is in his hands,how do you explain suicide?"

- As I say, God hadn'ttaken away your free will.

If people kill themselves,they do it on their own,

God didn't make 'em commit suicide

and He's not responsible if they do.

And again, I would hesitate

to advise anybody to kill themselves

'cause I don't know what'sgonna happen after death.

But I doubt very seriously

if there's any chance torepent once you kill yourself.

- Well, some many times,though, people who've done that

are mentally ill.

I think they're-- That's totally different.

If somebody is mentally ill,they don't understand law

and they haven't broken any law.

I mean, that's the deal.

But don't blame God on suicide.

He's not in, I mean, hedoesn't take away our will,

God leaves us.

Work out your own salvation,fear and trembling,

for is God works in you both to will

and do of his good pleasure.

So, he's at work with youbut if you kill yourself,

you're on your own.

We leave you with words from the Psalms,

"Commit everything you do to the Lord.

"Trust Him, and He will help you."

Well, tomorrow we've therecording artist, Tasha Layton.

Why did Tasha try to commit suicide?

It's an interesting story.

Find out tomorrow.

See you then, bye-bye.

(stately music)


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