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The 700 Club - July 27, 2020

To escape domestic violence a mother takes her daughter and runs. Watch her dramatic rescue. Plus, bribes, spies and lies. Get the real scandal between the U.S. and Russia and see who profited from its fallout. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up,bribes, spies, and lies.

And it's not just an espionage thriller.

Get the real scandalbetween the US and Russia.

And see who profited off of its fallout.


- Domestic violence was,again, my new normal.

- [Narrator] A mother takesher daughter and runs.

- This is just goingto be part of my life.

- [Narrator] Five years homeless.

- And there was a cycle of anxiety.

- [Narrator] Watch her rescue.

- He heard that prayer. He heard it.

- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

(air whooshing)

(upbeat music continues)

- Welcome to this edition of the 700 Club.

Rampant violence inthe streets of America.

The city of Portland is nowin its eighth week of anarchy

with rioting in Austin,Texas, Aurora, Colorado,

Seattle, Washington, and many more.

Oh, what's happened tolaw and order in America?

George Thomas brings us this.

(air whooshing)

- [Narrator] Every night.(tear gas blasting)

- [George] Early this morning hundreds

of demonstrators continuedto stage protests

outside the federal courthousein Portland, Oregon.

Police deploying tear gas and flashbangs

to keep protesters off federal property

as violent confrontationsbetween activists

and law enforcemententered its eighth week.

In one park, not too far from the protest,

they discovered a bag fullof loaded rifle magazines

and Molotov cocktails.

- Have us actually get somewherewith all these protests,

people are trying togo for systemic change.

- [George] Early Sunday,

thousands took to the streets of Portland

and more than a half a dozen

other cities across the country.

Protests often turning frompeaceful to chaotic, even fatal.

(gun shots)

- [George] On Saturday, a driver arrested

after he allegedly shot and killed a man

after driving through aprotest in Austin, Texas.

Video captured at the scene(gun shots) shows dozens

of people running for coveras multiple gunshots ring out.

- Initial reports indicate

the victim may have been carrying a rifle

and approached suspect vehicle.

Suspect was in the vehicleand shot at the victim.

(crowd chattering)

- [George] In Aurora,Colorado, one person is shot

and another injured asa person plows his jeep

into a crowd demonstratingagainst police brutality.

(crowd chattering)

- [George] In Seattle, hoursafter protesters set fire

to a youth detention center,

police and demonstratorsclashed on the streets.

Authorities there declaring a riot.

(crowd chattering)

- In Oakland, California,

the Alameda County Superior Courthouse

set on fire Saturdayevening by protesters.

And in Richmond, Virginia,police using chemical agents

after a crowd attacks offices with rocks,

batteries and other objects.

All this coming as theWhite House threatens

to send more federal agentsto cities across the country

gripped by weeks of violent protests.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Or should we be shocked atthe destruction of our cities?

Well, maybe not.

Because this chaos hasbeen decades in the making.

So who's really behind it?

Dale Hurd has this story.

(air whooshing)

- [Dale] America has had riots before,

but never have they seemedto have the approval

of a major political party.

Portland's Democratic Mayor, Ted Wheeler,

even thanked protesters whohave been destroying his town

before he was hit with tear gas.

- What makes this a potentially dangerous

revolutionary moment in US history,

is that many of America'selites either tolerate

or support the rioting andthe burning of US cities.

- There are always peoplewho are willing to burn

and to loot and to tear things apart.

Now, those people are gettingsupport from the news media,

from the Academy and to a large degree,

from the Democrat Party.

- [Dale] How did we reach this point?

Writer and commentator Andrew Klavan says,

decades of cultural rotand leftist indoctrination.

- We have 50 yearsmaybe close to 60 years,

pouring this disinformation,this American disinformation

into the minds of ourpopulous and our young.

I don't see what the surprise is

when they say, oh, Americais a terrible country,

the racist country.

America was founded on racism.

That's what the New YorkTimes is putting out.

- The way these operations works,

there will be a mass ofpeople who have a grievance

and they will be weaponizedby a small cadre.

Or not so a small cadre of organizers.

- [Dale] Diana West, authorof "The Red Thread" says,

this is how revolution start.

And this revolutiondidn't start this year.

- This is another cycle

of a long march to the institution,

long efforts to overthrowof the Western world,

overthrow the American Constitution.

- [Dale] Elizabeth Roglianihad to flee Venezuela

with her family when Hugo Chavez

and Nicolás Maduro used racial politics

to turn South America's wealthiest nation

into a poor socialist dictatorship.

She has a warning for Americans.

- I have already lived through this thing

when I was living in Venezuela.

Statutes came down,

Chávez didn't want that history displayed,

and then he changed the street names,

then came the curriculum.

Then some movies couldn't beshown on certain TV channels.

You need to guard yourcountry and your society

or else will be destroyed.

- [Dale] President Trump isthreatening to yank funding

for schools and colleges, he says,

are about radical leftindoctrination, not education.

The violence has now spread to churches

and Americans aregetting a fresh education

on the concept thatideas have consequences.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- It's amazing folks.

We cannot enslave uneducated people,

but our children aren't educated.

There's still one studyfor example, in Texas,

at least 40% of the studentscouldn't name the other country

to the South of Texas.

They couldn't even name Mexico.

A lot of students in Florida

couldn't find their state on a map.

They couldn't name the states

and they certainly knewnothing about the constitution,

they knew nothing about thedeclaration of independence

and they've been fed thislie over and over again

by their teachers, that America is racist,

that it was founded on racism

and this recent 1619 movement

that America really started

when they were importing the first slaves,

and that we're a racist, terrible country.

I mean, this is a lie

that's being put out weekafter week after week.

It used to be...

I was reading that theprimary means of instruction

of our nation over the yearswas the McGuffey Reader.

And McGuffey brought inportions of scripture

and teachings over and over again

so the school childrenwere taught the Bible,

they were taught to love each other,

they were taught to live in harmony

and they were taught thevirtues of this country.

We're not taught that any longer.

And our schools arebreeding grounds of hatred

and revolution against this country.

And so kids leave schooleither they can't read

and they can write and they can't spell

and they can't function

or they're taught revolutionary ideas.

And so don't be surprised.

I was listening today

and apparently in our stateof Richmond, Virginia,

there are mobs that have come in

to go after VirginiaCommonwealth University,

(clears throat)

breaking windows and doing damage

and they're kids fromthe city of Hopewell,

the city of just South of Richmond

that are coming upagainst the State Capitol.

But this is going all acrossthe country, a revolution.

And it's been building, asDale said, for almost 50 years.

What are we gonna do about it?

We better wake up orwe'll lose our country.

When you go back and lookat what happened in Russia,

it took about 17,000 people

to overcome the Tsarist regimeand bring in Bolshevism.

Well, what did the Nazis do?

They demonized the Jews,

they had crystal knock wherethey tore up Jewish houses

and places of business,

and then the next thing the Jews were evil

and then away you've got Hitler

and you've got the awful regime

that took the lives of 50 million people.

We cannot have it.

This is the greatest countryon the face of the earth

that has been given tous by our ancestors.

And they fought, bled anddied to give us freedom.

And now it's being taken awayfrom us by a group of radicals

and by a group of educatorswho do not believe in America.

So what are we gonna do about it?

We've got to educate our people

and we've got to teach them the Bible

and we've got to askGod to give us revival.

Well, in other news,

for the past five days,more than 1000 Americans

have died every single day from COVID-19.

How do we slow the deadlyspread of this virus?

John Jessup has more on that story.

- Thanks, Pat.

California and Florida arethe new epicenters right here

in the United States

as more than 146,000Americans now have died

from the coronavirus.

CBN News White HouseCorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,

spoke with the US SurgeonGeneral, Jerome Adams,

to see how we can turn the tide.

(air whooshing)

- Dr. Jerome Adams expectsthings to get worse

or stay at core levels for the time being.

He warns the country can't test

or treat its way out of the problem.

So it's up to people tohelp stop the spread.

- Study is out there now that show us

that we can affectively slowthe spread of coronavirus.

- This second wave

has seen cases worldwide reach 16 million.

This spike causing Arizona,California, Florida, Louisiana,

and Texas, to put out the callfor skilled medical teams.

This as testing problems persist

with wait times for resultsreaching up to 19 days.

A problem Dr. Adams toldme they need to fix.

Right now lawmakers are working

on the next round of relief.

What would you like to see in the bill?

- Well, we wanna make sure wehave the resources available

from a public health capacity

to be able to respond to this outbreak.

We wanna make sure we haveenough testing available

for people and that we candecrease turnaround times

and I want the American people

to know that we are working on that,

we're increasing availabilityof point-of-care testing,

which returns results in 15 minutes.

- [Ben] Adam says, Dr.Anthony Fauci is confident

a vaccine will be ready by year's end

or the beginning of 2021.

- But I want people tounderstand that's step one.

Less than 50% of adults inthe US get a flu vaccine.

So we can have a vaccine that's safe,

we can have a vaccine that's effective,

but if only half of Americans

or even fewer in certainpopulations are accepting of it,

then it's not gonna help them.

We need to work on vaccine confidence.

- [Ben] It's estimated nationwide

more than 4 millionkids are already behind

on their vaccinations.

- We know that kids who are out of school

are less likely to get vaccinated,

there was a study inMassachusetts that showed

that there was a 50% decreasein child abuse reporting.

We know that obesity is greater

and that substance usedisorder is greater.

- [Ben] In Florida, studentsare testing positive

at an alarming rate asthe White House continues

to press for class to resume in the fall.

- The number one determinant

of whether or not you can safely reopen

is community background rates,

which is why we've been harping on,

which is why we've reallybeen imploring people

across the country to do their part

to lower community transmission.

- Right now we are wearing masks,

how important is it for the public

to take the same approach?

- It is incredibly important

that the public realizes the importance

of wearing face covering.

This has become politicized

and I think people need to understand

that all politics aside,

all of us benefit when we face coverings.

- Do you think thevirus can be eradicated?

- Well, we don't know about eradication,

but we know that we can stampdown the level of spread

enough that we can get backto some sense of normal.

- Dr. Adams said more than 50%

of COVID cases is spread bysomeone with no symptoms.

That's why he keepspleading for the public

to do the three W's,

wash hands, watch yourdistance, and wear masks.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.

- Thanks, Ben.

Pat, that part that Ben reported

about the lack of vaccineconfidence just adds another layer

to the complexity of resolvingthis coronavirus pandemic.

- Correctly.

Well folks, when we get thisvaccine and they gave a,

I think a billion dollars to Pfizer,

they think that Pfizer mayhave come up with the answer.

And if we have an effectivevaccine, people should get it.

I for one, don't get the flu vaccine.

I know you might think that'sa good thing but I don't.

And others do and that's their business.

But in terms of this corona vaccine,

I think once one is established

and they say they gave abillion dollars to Pfizer

because they apparentlyhave come up with something,

and if they've got one that works,

we need one that'll giveus some kind of immunity

and make antibodies sothat our body is resistant.

Not only kill the one that's there,

but be resistant, I guess in the future.

And we certainly should welcome it,

and when it's available, take it

because it's not gonna dous any good if we don't.

Terry, some more interesting things.

- In deed, coming up later,

a young mother adjusts

to her new normal being a battered wife.

How does she finally escape

after four years of constant abuse?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first you don't wanna miss this.

Nuclear bribes, Russianspies, and Washington lies.

Author John Solomon unravels the Russia

and Ukraine scandals when we come back.

(upbeat music)

- Nuclear bribes, Russiansspies and Washington lies.

Last sinister trio forms the basis

of a new book called "Fallout."

It claims the real motivebehind the Russian investigation

started with a secret deal

by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

What was that secret deal? Take a look.

- [Narrator] In 2015,

a major story broke exposingHillary Clinton's role

in approving the sale ofAmerican uranium assets

to the Russian StateNuclear Agency, ROSATOM.

The sale of Uranium One put 20%

of America's domestic uranium supply

under the control of Vladimir Putin.

There was also evidence

that the Clintons themselveshad hugely profited

from the deal through contributions

to the Clinton Foundation.

According to the new book, "Fallout,"

when presidential candidateDonald Trump made Uranium One

the centerpiece of hiscrooked Hillary attacks,

the Clinton team feared

it would potentially damageher presidential campaign.

Authors John Solomon andSeamus Bruner point out

how that concern spread to members

of the Obama Biden administration.

Who worry that a President Donald Trump

could expose their rolein the uranium deal.

The move to neutralize the issue resulted

in an unprecedented investigation

into the Trump campaignspurported ties to Russia,

which ultimately led toimpeachment proceedings

against the president in 2019.

In "Fallout, NuclearBribes, Russian Spies,

"and The Washington Lies

"that Enriched the Clintonand Biden Dynasties,"

Investigative Journalists,Solomon and Bruner,

reveal how this seriesof political scandals

ultimately posed oneof the greatest threats

to America's democracy in modern history.

- Well, InvestigativeJournalist John Solomon,

the co-author of "Fallout" joins us now.

And John of all the thingsHillary Clinton could have used

against Donald Trump in the2016 election, why Russia?

What did you discover?

- Well, Pat, that's exactlythe answer we set out

to try to answer...

A question we tried to answer.

And what we found out wasthat in the summer of 2015,

as Donald Trump was beginninghis rise to the presidency,

Hillary Clinton commissioneda secret poll into the public

and it found that of all thecontroversies in her life,

Whitewater, Vince Foster,

the Bengazi scandal, the tragedy there,

the email scandal, theclassified email scandal,

none of those were the largest impediment

to her getting to be president.

The single biggest issue

that Americans were concerned about,

53% of them in this private poll,

said that the perception that Hillary

and Bill Clinton had cashed in Russia

on the failed Russia Policy,

was the main reason whythey might not vote for her,

and that's what gave us the beginning

of an opposition research project

to neutralize the issueto scare Republicans off

from using Russia as a weapon

against her in the 2016 election,

and that led the FusionGPS, Christopher Steele,

the FBI investigation.

So at the end of the day,

the FBI collusion probe wasreally a political, dirty trick.

An opposition research project designed

to neutralize the issue ofRussia against Hillary Clinton.

- What was the Russia resetof the Obama Biden years

and how does this play into all of this?

- That's a great point.

It's the starting point of the scandals

that ultimately tie upthe Trump presidency,

which is back to backRussia and Ukraine scandals.

In 2009, the Obama Biden Clinton team

decided they were gonnareboot relations with Russia.

And that involved givingbillions of dollars

of nuclear fuel contracts to Russia

from our American utilities,

making American electricity customers

dependent on Vladimir Putin,

it meant giving thoseassets under the ground

that you just talked about, Uranium One,

a 20% of America's uraniumore sold to Russia.

And Hillary Clintonpersonally went to ESCO

and helped build a new rival

to our Silicon Valley called Skolkovo,

which transferred billionsof dollars of investment

and technology to Russia.

And once Russia got everything he wanted,

Vladimir Putin pulled the carpet out

from underneath the Obama administration,

invaded the Crimean region of Ukraine

and the beginning of a scandal was born.

- You're really in one, one more time,

that there was a companythat owned the uranium assets

and the Clintons,

one of their big donors wasthe shareholder in that.

And if it was transferred to Russia,

the shares went up in value.

Can you tell us about that?

- Yeah, absolutely.

It's one of three transactions

that consists of the primarygiveaways in the Russia rebut.

So there was a company based in Canada

that had significant uraniumassets across the world.

The two most valuable werethe 20% under American soil,

and those in Kazakhstan,

which has a very unique andattractive form of uranium.

And so this company was tied

to several actually Clinton donors

to the Clinton Foundation

and as the transaction was going through,

these interested partiesbegan funneling money

to the Clinton Foundation

as the review process went through.

And what's remarkableabout the review process,

in the middle of it, August of 2010,

two months before Uranium One is sold,

an FBI undercover informant warns the FBI

and the FBI then warns the top echelons

of the Obama administration,

that the company they'redealing with, ROSATOM ,

the company is gonna buy these assets,

gonna get all those billions of dollars

of nuclear fuel contracts, is corrupt.

It's involved in kickbacks,

bribery, extortion, money laundering.

And it's trying to create a monopoly

designed to hurt the United States.

And despite that warning,

the Obama Clinton Bidenteam gave away those assets.

- Well, now the corruptionand dirty dealings

of the Clintons had been largely ignored

except in often the media circles.

What does that tell you aboutthe media here in America?

- Well, I think this pastweekend, there was a quorum

by the great lawprofessor, Jonathan Turley,

who said the media isguilty of willful blindness,

whether it's thecorruption of the Clintons,

the Ukraine issues with JoeBiden, the son Hunter Biden,

or the greatest FBIspying scandal in history,

what we learned in theRussia collusion case.

I think that's right.

I look at my colleagues,

I've been in the profession 30 plus years,

and there used to bea bipartisan approach.

A scandal was a scandal

because of the facts, notbecause of the outcome,

and now the media protects certain figures

in the American political establishment,

despite overwhelmingevidence of wrongdoing.

- John, do you thinkthis is gonna hurt Biden?

It looks like in the polls,he's way ahead of Trump

in certain of the key battleground states.

Is this going to do somedamage to him maybe?

- It could.

I mean, I don't think thebook itself will do damage.

I think the book was designedto just help Americans

understand all these episodic revelations

that occurred over three years,

put it in to a narrative

and help people understand what happened.

I think that will happen...

What to watch for in the next few months,

I think you're gonna see some indictments

or criminal action brought by John Durham,

the Russia scandal exposingeven more what a farce

and a fraud the FBI wasn'tconducting that investigation.

And then similarly, Ron Johnson,

the Chairman of the SenateHomeland Security Committee,

is working on a reportand some new evidence

on the Ukraine scandal

that I think will aluminatethe American public hopefully

because it's the Senate Committee,

the rest of the media willat least pay attention

and look at the evidence a little bit.

What Joe Biden engaged inin Ukraine was an appearance

of a conflict of interest.

Something the law saysyou're not allowed to do.

That's not my word,

that's the word of theState Department witnesses

that Adam Schiff called an impeachment.

Those witnesses saidthey saw the appearance

of a conflict of interest.

They tried to warn Joe Bidenand he wouldn't listen.

- John Solomon, thankyou for being with us.

The book, folks, is called "Fallout"

by John Solomon and Seamus Bruner

and it's availablewherever books are sold.

"Fall out." Interesting.

- Well, educating.- Educating.

Well, certainly Terry wewill get educated. (laughs)

- Hope so. Hope so.

- John Solomon, thank you again.

- You're welcome, Pat.- Well, still ahead,

men, time to get fired up.

And women, you can help.

See how BestsellingAuthor Stephen Mansfield

is turning up the heat on today's males.

Plus, from homeless to hypnotherapist.

A woman devil's in the occultwith a Hollywood shaman.

What happens when she gives herself

over to the dark side?

That's next.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back, you'rewatching the 700 Club

and boy, we've got ashocker for you right now.

The new normal.

That's what the young womannamed Elizabeth called her life

as a battered wife.

And after four years of constant beatings,

Elizabeth took her daughter and ran.

Where did she go?

Straight into the arms of the occult.

What happened to herthen on the dark side?

Take a look.

- I remember, as soon as thealcohol touched my tongue,

I felt this numb feelinglike the pain was gone

and it felt like instant relief.

- [Narrator] For 18 years,Liz Fuerte used alcohol

to escape a painful life.

She felt neglected

by those who were supposedto love her the most.

Her constant look for security started

when she was just five years old.

- He ended up closing his fist

and just punching my mother on the face,

and I remember the feelingof just not like nausea

and feeling powerless.

- [Narrator] Liz's dadstruggled with alcoholism

and domestic violence was apart of their everyday lives.

- So it was like this constantfight or flight experience

that I had living at homebecause I was just terrified

of what we were gonna go through.

- [Narrator] Her parents movedfrom Mexico to California

for a better life.

Whenever they worked, Liz wasleft in the care of relatives.

When she was seven,

an older male cousin sexuallymolested her for months.

- I felt sick to mystomach and I told him,

"I can't do this.

"If you continue doing thisto me, I'm going to scream."

And luckily that was thelast time it happened,

but the damage had alreadybeen, had been done.

- [Narrator] Liz told her parents,

but was silenced into shame.

- I felt so powerless.Again, I felt angry.

I felt like nobody was gonna protect me.

- [Narrator] By the time Liz was 14,

she had full blown anxiety and depression.

She began partying, having sex,

and drinking to run away from her anguish.

- I began self-medicating because I felt

like I finally figuredout what would help me.

- [Narrator] After shegraduated from high school,

she met a smooth talking Marine

who told her just what she wanted to hear.

- He said, if you would have my baby,

I would treat you like a queen.

I was looking to be loved.

I was looking to be protected.

I was looking to justfind someone to save me.

And I put my whole life in his hands.

We went ahead, got pregnant,

and that began a complete nightmare

where domestic violencewas again, my new normal.

- [Narrator] Still, Liz married him,

hoping things would change for the better.

But his treatment of her only got worse.

- I figured that being with a husband

that was abusive was betterthan her being without a father.

- [Narrator] After fouryears of constant abuse,

Liz finally left with her daughter

and ended up living at abattered women's shelter.

- I'm just a worthless personthat doesn't deserve love,

that doesn't deserve tohave a harmonious marriage.

And this is just goingto be part of my life.

I couldn't imagine a God

that would allow so many things to happen

and I blamed Him for everything,including my actions.

- [Narrator] Liz eventuallydivorced her husband

and gained sole custody of their daughter.

For the next five years,

she and her daughter livedin homeless shelters.

She also got involved with the occult.

- And then I would do African healings

with a shaman in North Hollywood.

And I would just read the tarot cards.

I even got certifiedto be a hypnotherapist.

And I was so lost

that I felt like Jesuswas just like Buddha.

He was just another master teacher.

And I just began to get darker

and darker and more depressed.

And there was this cycle of anxiety.

I would drink at nightto take the anxiety away,

and the next day

when I would be hanging over,the anxiety would come worse.

- [Narrator] One day she starteddating a man named Emmanuel

who began inviting herto his Christian church.

He also prayed for her.

- He said, "God, please help my friend.

"Please use her. She's been hurt.

"She's been hurt for so long.

"And I just ask you to use my friend

"and do not give up on her."

That's when God rescued me.

That's when He...

That's when it began.He heard that prayer.

He heard it.

- [Narrator] Then onenight she had a dream

where she says God spoketo her in a powerful way.

- And Jesus said to me,

"Liz, I used Emmanuel to bring you back.

"I want you to serve me."

And I remember waking upand just getting on my knees

and saying, "God you..."

"Jesus, You are the Sonof God. I'm so sorry.

"I'm so sorry for just lying

"and thinking that You were not God.

"I surrender completely to You."

- [Narrator] Liz startedgoing to church and over time,

she says God delivered herfrom her alcohol addiction

and even her depression and anxiety.

She repented of dabbling in the occult

and forgave everyone who hurt her.

- So it was a process ofrenouncing the new age

and walking completely in Christ.

It was a process offorgiving those who hurt me

and understanding that God forgave me.

So if God can forgive me,

then I must forgive becauseHis blood is enough.

For the first time in my life,

I felt something that was unchanging.

Something that was completely pure.

Something that was so unconditional.

And for the first time in my life,

I realized that I was worth something.

- [Narrator] Liz obtained herDegree in Biblical Studies

and became an ordained pastor.

She's written a book

about her journey called"Women in the Well."

She also teaches others how towrite about their testimonies

through her online course called

"Project "I AM" Frombroken to BREAKTHROUGH."

- I think the level of ourobedience and our surrender,

is the level of our breakthrough.

And we have to be co-participants of God

that His love is completely unconditional.

He doesn't love the way humans love.

He loves with a reckless,unconditional love.

And He's just waitingfor you to come home.

- What a story.

The Bible says, we have a Savior

who is touched by thefeeling of our infirmity

who was in like manner testedin all manner just as we are.

Jesus suffered. He understands your pain.

One of those debates,

I think President Clinton said,quote, "I feel your pain."

And it was sort of a joke,

but Jesus really feels your pain.

He knew what Elizabeth had been through.

He knew about her beatings.

He knew about her drunkenfather, who he beat her mother.

He knew she had to escapethese terrible things

that had happened to her.

And He felt her pain.

Jesus feels your pain. Heknows what you are suffering.

He is touched by thefeeling of your infirmity.

So you've got a Savior who iswounded, who was crucified,

who was beaten, who wasspit upon, who was reviled,

who was rejected,

and you have a Savior who knows you.

He understands you.

When you come to Him,

you're not talking to somebody

who doesn't know what your problem is.

He knows exactly what you've been through

'cause He's suffered.

Elizabeth suffered.

And yet she came through the other way

and the big thing was she forgave.

She said, if God forgivesme, I'll forgive them.

So God forgives you, whatever you've done.

But the big thing in terms of the outcome,

you must renounce it.

I renounce you Satanand the forces of evil.

I bind you and command you to leave me.

And she's free from that.

But she's also got to forgive

and it's hard to forgivesomebody who's abused you.

I mean, what has happened toher is what happens to so many

and how do you forgive them?

How do you forgive the...

If you're a prisoner of war,

how do you forgive theJapanese who mistreated you?

If you're in a concentration camp,

how do you forgive the Nazis

who brought such hellish,torment upon you?

But God forgave you.

And He asks you to forgive.

And the Bible says,when you stand praying,

if you have ought against any forgiveness,

your heavenly Father might forgive you.

Now, right now, Godsays to you, I love you.

I feel your pain,

I understand what you've been through.

And I forgive you foreverything you've done wrong.

And what I do is I askyou to let me come in

and put my arms around you

and make you part of my own family.

And when you are one,

I want you to have aspirit of forgiveness.

And that you might clothe yourself

with mercy and compassion.

So if you want to come into a new walk,

if you want all that stuff inthe past to be washed away,

I want you to pray with me right now.

Bow your head, pray thesewords, Lord, Jesus Christ.

That's right. Pray with me.

I have suffered.

You know what has been done to me.

You know the pain Ihave experienced, Lord.

And I know that You understandbecause You know pain

and You are touched with my infirmities.

But Lord, I also knowthat You forgave those

who did it to You becauseon the cross You said,

Lord, forgive them forthey know not what they do.

And so as You forgave, I forgive.

And I ask you to come into mylife, live Your life in me.

And from this moment on,

I will live for You and I will serve You.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You.

And Father, for those whoprayed with me just then,

may the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon them.

May they be empowered by theglory of God in Jesus' name.

Amen and Amen.

Well, if you prayed with me,

I want you to call and justtell us what you've done.

I've got a little thingI want to send you free.

If you want that'll help you start out

in the Christian life.

But if you don't wanna giveus your name that's cool,

you should need to call in

and just confess what you've done.

We've got folks on the phones here

that love you, care about you,

just go to your phoneand call and say what?

I just prayed with that guy on TV.

I've just given my heart to the Lord.

And the angels will be rejoicing over you

as well as the people on the phone.

And we'll send you this thing"A New Day" if you want.

Just give us your call right now.

1-800 is toll free, is 800-700-7000.

Easy to remember, 700-7000.


- Well, still ahead,

a Monday round of your questionsin Pat's honest answers.

Here's the question from Jack and Peggy.

"When Jesus died forour sins on the cross,

"did He spend three days in hell

"as a part of the penalty for our sins?"

Stay tuned for Pat's answer.

But first, where haveall the good men gone

and what can we do to get them back?

Author Stephen Mansfieldshatters the illusions of manhood

and shows us how to recognizeand restore the real deal.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washington.

For this CBN News break,

a sharply divided Supreme Court

denied a Nevada church's request

to block a state limit of 50people on worship service.

This is while the Courtconsiders the merits of the case.

Chief Justice, John Robertsjoined the liberal justices

in the five to four decision,

conservatives strongly dissented.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote, quote,

"We have a duty todefend the constitution,

"and even a public healthemergency does not absolve us

"of that responsibility."

He continued to say,

"The constitution guaranteesthe free exercise of religion."

Alito also wrote the state cannot say

it has a compelling interest

in limiting religiousgatherings to just 50 people

when it allows thousandsto gather in casinos.

Well, Orphan's Promise inIndonesia is delivering food

and hygiene packs to kids and families.

COVID-19 has had adevastating effect on kids

and families in the region.

Parents who were barely makingenough to feed their families

before the outbreak, are now out of work.

Orphan's Promise is helping

to make sure their childrenhave what they need,

and it's also working with parents

to provide financial supportfor their businesses,

helping them get back to workand allowing these families

to not only survive, but thrive.

You can find out more

about what CBN is doing around the world,

by going to

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Idiot man or dog man.

One is a fool, the other a wolf.

And both are reflections

of how manhood is portrayed in the media.

But real men are made for more.

Take a look.

(soft music)

- [Narrator] New YorkTimes Bestselling Author

and cultural commentator,Stephen Mansfield,

is deeply concerned aboutthe current state of manhood.

He says, men are in crisis.

From every direction they're presented

with a deformed version of masculinity.

Stephen argues that men aremade for more than this.

In his book, "Men on Fire,"

Stephen teaches men how toreclaim a righteous manhood

so they can live well, invest in others,

and leave a powerful legacy.

- Please welcome back to the700 Club Stephen Mansfield.

It's nice to you with us today, Steven.

- Great to be with you, Terry. Thank you.

- Why does the media portraymen as either fools or wolves?

- Well, manhood reallyhas become something

to laugh about in the media today,

and I guess that's coming

from the universities to some degree.

You certainly can go to auniversity class these days

and have masculinity presented

as a negative in society, as toxic.

And of course, men havedone this to themselves.

I don't let them off in this book,

20% of all college or universitywomen are sexually abused.

Who's doing that? Men.

It's men who have allowed this whole state

of manhood in ourgeneration to be in decline.

Men have been in decline

by every measurable standard of late.

Academic performance,longevity, earning power.

So part of it is the criticism of society.

Part of it is what menhave done to themselves,

but the good news is,

it's fixable and it'sfixable on our generation.

- How do men get a visionback of what a noble man is?

That's really what you'rewriting about in the book.

How do you define a noble man?

- I define a noble man

as a man who understandsthat he's made a man by God.

And there are certain powersand obligations in that.

That they're meant to be used for good.

You see, most men don't have models.

You don't have men inthe home in a great many

of American and world families.

The models on television again,

as I humorously say in thebook, "Idiot Man and Dog Man,"

a guy...

The models on televisionare either sitting

at the strip club, shovingtwenties in somebodies underwear,

or they're just weakand foolish and stupid

as many of the commercials to pick.

So most men don't have models.

So what we have to do is helprebuild the culture of men,

the society of men, pack menin with a band of brothers

so that they begin to have models

and they begin to havethe coaching they need

to accomplish their God ordained design.

And once you present this tomen, they really rally to it.

- You say also that mencan't name a best friend

most of them.

Why is that?

- Well, this is one ofthe great tragedies.

First of all, the malesuicide rate is sky high

in our generation.

When we do the psychological post-mortem,

most men are saying I'm killing myself

because there's not aman who knows about me

or cares about me.

I've lost all my friends.

Men today have very hardtimes making friends.

The survey show the averageman can't name a best friend.

The average man wouldn't know

who he would call at three in the morning

if he was out of town on a business trip

and his wife needed something,

or his son got picked up by the police

or something of that nature.

He doesn't have any onesignificant in his life.

And this is because we haven'ttaught the law, the craft,

the art of building masculine friendships

down through the generations

that hasn't come from ourfathers for the most part.

So the average man is walking alone.

The other thing thatcontributes to this of course,

is just does the average,

the pattern of the average man...

I mean, he has friends whenhe is in high school, college,

maybe the military, his early career,

but as he gets older, and hehas a home and a wife and kids

and a job to take care of,

he tends to pull away from thefriends he's had for years,

he has what psychologistscalled rust friends.

That's the guy who was in your wedding

that you haven't talked to in five years.

And so the average man in theWestern world is walking alone

and we're paying the price for it.

- When you're in a relationship,

a lifelong relationship with a spouse,

you shouldn't feel likeyou're walking alone.

How to men fight

to keep love alive in theirmarriage relationships?

- I think men have unique gifts for this,

but they have to be taught how to use it.

I'm gonna tell some bad news.

Good news for you ladiesand bad news for the men.

When they do aptitude tests,

they find that women aresuperior to men in all areas,

except for two, abstractthought and aggression.

So go ahead and celebrate ladies.

Men though, have the ability

to have abstract thought of aggression,

which means they can envision something

and then aggressively pursue it.

They need to bring thisto their romance life,

bring this to their love lives.

When we live with somebody for years,

a spouse or friends, or even our children,

things condemn a little bit.

We can be more aware of the faults

than we are of the benefits.

But men need to fight to keep that vision

of what their wife isand how glorious she is,

what great gifts she has

and how she's the answers forso many things that he wanted.

Remember what it was likewhen they were dating

and how he fell in love with her.

By keeping that vision uppermost,

then a man has an ability toaggressively pursue his wife,

which is what these are the two gifts

that men need to bring into the game.

So we teach them how to do this.

And I'll tell you what,

it's transforming a lot of marriages.

- You talk about the struggle

that men sometimes haveconnecting with God.

Why is that and how can they overcome it?

- Well, it's a couple of things.

One of them is, and I say thisas a loyal son of the church

and I'm devoted to the church obviously,

is that church has oftenbeen understood by men

as a place where masculinity goes to die.

A church is felt by manymen as a feminine experience

that emphasizes emotions,that emphasizes art,

it emphasizes higher thought,

men aren't incapable of those, obviously,

but many times they don'tbond with other men.

It's a sort of a Sundaymorning experience,

not really a full culture, acommitment to a band of people.

And so men have often seenthe church as anti masculine,

as something where masculinityis not really encouraged.

But I think that'schanging in our generation.

I think pastors are startingto lead as men from the pulpit.

Women are starting to understand

how they can encourage noble manhood

and prevent the downward spiral.

And so church is changing, butit has been a big challenge.

I mean, I'm sure Terry you'veheard the jokes like I have,

a man dating line would die ofstarvation in most churches.

What was the criticism some years ago.

But I think we're turning that.

I really think we're making a difference

and changing it in our time.

- Well, the book is all about that.

It's called "Men on Fire"

and it's availablewherever books are sold.

Stephen, thank you so muchfor being with us today.

Great message.

- Great to be with you. Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Well, coming up, a YouTube favorite,

your questions and honest answers.

Aleksey wants to know,how old are you Mr. Pat?

Pat's gonna answer that when we come back.

(upbeat music)

- Well, this COVID pandemic

has hit single mothers extremely hard.

Some have lost jobs and haveno way to feed their children.

Operation Blessing is helpingthose families in need,

and because of that,

they've been called angels sent from God.

(soft music)

- [Narrator] As thecoronavirus pandemic continues,

all of us are feeling its effects,

but some families feelit more than others.

- It's serious. People areactually starving out here.

I have five children andwe're making it day by day,

but it's definitely a struggle.

- [Narrator] OperationBlessing partner Youth World

in Dallas, Texas, set upa special distribution

to help single moms like Damaris.

- No child shouldn't be closedup at home without groceries.

This is where we can helpfill the need right now

in our community is help these kids

have groceries in the house.

- [Narrator] OperationBlessing is providing the food

these ministries need tokeep distributions going

through this unprecedented crisis.

- Thank goodness for Operation Blessing

and all the help that they bring,

that we're able to packthis many grocery bags

for these kids.

- They're actually an angel sent from God.

It's a blessing in these times

that the reality is thatwe don't have the money

to get this kind of food.

- [Narrator] The food OperationBlessing partners provide

is especially importantin times of crisis.

- I just wanna say thankyou to Operation Blessing

and all their partners.

This would not be possiblewithout all your help.

And we are so grateful to you.

- To Operation Blessing, Ireally wanna thank you guys

from the deepest partof my heart and soul.

You guys are like soldiers coming out

to stand for the people

and remind us that people still care.

And I just honestly, andtruthfully wanna thank you guys.

- It's more fun to give than to receive.

We love helping people and we have prayed.

We had a wonderful meeting

of our board of CBN just recently

and Operation Blessing ishelping so many people.

We started that long, long time ago

with the little card file,

and the next thing youknow, we're giving away.

I wanted to...

We have a series of trucks wecall our Hunger Strike Force,

- [Terry] The Strike Force, that's right.

- Hunger Strike Force

and I wanted to provide thema hundred million meals a year

for people and I thinkwe're doing close to that.

We've have a lot of peoplewe're feeding and helping

and it's so nice if we can be like angels

of God bringing blessingsto people in need,

but we're upping our game,if I can use that term,

because there's such a need right now,

and we're doing what we can,we're partnering with churches,

and the nice thing is thatwe're able to multiply.

If we give like a hundred dollars

and we can get another hundred

and another a hundred and another hundred,

maybe 401 with working withother people and we're people...

A lot of this produce isbeing left in the fields

because the restaurants can't feed it.

And so they're not buying the produce.

And we're able to gettremendous quantities of food

and get it to people.

And we wanna do it.

So, anyhow, if you wannaparticipate, we want you to,

it's just 65 cents a day, $20a month, it's pocket change.

But all of us together,

we can make millions of dollars available

to the poor and the needy.

And to bring the gospel around the world.

There's a little premium I'mgonna give you it's called

"Do You Need a Miracle?"Real life stories,

they have tremendousstories of God's blessing.

And we'll give this to youwhen you join the 700 Club.

Again, $20 a month.

Pick up the phone call andsay, you can count on me.

Yes, ma'am.- Can I just read this to you?

This is Nancy who livesin Belcamp, Maryland.

She's already seen the, "DoYou Need a Miracle?" DVD,

and she says, "I cried, Ilaughed, and I was blessed.

""Do You Need a Miracle?"is a wonderful tool

"to build your faith and stepout and believe for miracles."

"Thank you."

So wonderful opportunity foryou all to enjoy that as well.

- All right, questions.

- Questions. You're ready.

This is Jack and Peggy, and they say,

"Pat, when Jesus died forour sins on the cross,

"did He spend three days in hell

"as a part of the penalty for our sins?

"Did He go to hell to take our place,

"so we would not have to go there."

- None of those things are true.

He preached the gospel tothose who were in prison,

who had not heard the gospel,

I guess throughout the yearsof the history of mankind.

And He went to hell to preach the gospel.

And then He ascended

and He brought with Him a lot of people.

That's what it was about.

It had nothing to do with...

When He died on the cross, He did it all.

He didn't have toimprove on it whatsoever.

- This is Aleksy who says,"How old are you Mr. Pat?"

- Well, I think I'm about40, but (both laughing)

- Me too. (both laughing)

- But truth is I'm 70, 80, 90.

I get am at 90 years old.

- This is Justin who says,

"I've asked Jesus intomy heart and am saved,

"but I'm dealing withdouble-mindedness due to sin.

"Could James 1:6-8 keep me from heaven?"

- James 1:6-8 has to do with asking God

to give him something.

And I'm asking in faith

and James is saying, if you don't believe,

you're not gonna getanything from the Lord.

You're double-minded,

you're asking what you don'tbelieve is gonna be true.

I don't know what you're talking about

in your life being double-minded.

Have you given yourheart to the Lord or not?

Are you fully committed or you're not?

If you're playing games,you're not gonna get to heaven.

If you have been born again

and have received Jesus asyour Savior, then you will be.

And James, that verse has to do

with you getting your prayers answered.

- This is Barbara who says,

"I just discovered

"that a long-time Christianwoman I know has declared

"that she's becoming a "Christian mystic."

"This is a new term for me,

"and I'd like you to tell me

"if this is truly Christian or not.

"I haven't found anything in scripture

"that supports this idea,

"but wanted to have you address it."

- Well, I'll address it.

The Bible says, did you turnto spirits that peep and mutter

and not to the living God,

Oh, we don't listen to mystics,

we don't listen to the psychics,

we don't listen to voices from the grave

and all the rest of it.

We have a sure Word of prophecy

is written out in thescriptures, believe them,

and don't get involved in other.

Well, today's Power Minute isfrom Psalm 91. (air whooshing)

"For He will command Hisangels concerning you

"to guard you in all your ways."

From Terry and all of us,thanks for being with us.

We'll see you again tomorrow.

Bye bye.


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