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'The Church Has Left the Building': Big Crowd Rallies to Worship at Redding's Sun Dial Bridge

'The Church Has Left the Building': Big Crowd Rallies to Worship at Redding's Sun Dial Bridge Read Transcript

- There's a prayer and worshipmovement that is taking place

in several cities across the US.

It started in SanFrancisco and made its way

to New York City andeven to Washington, D.C.

Over the last few weeks,thousands of people

have given their lives to Christ

and some say this is just the beginning

of a Jesus movement here, in America.

Joining us now to talk more about this is

worship leader Sean Feucht.

Welcome Sean.

- Hey, thank you so much.

Good to be with you guys.

- Talk about whenCalifornia announced a ban

on singing in church.

You were one of the first to decide

to hold worship services outdoors.


- (chuckling) Well, I mean it was,

it was kinda crazy.

I mean I think none of us really thought

that they would go that far by infringing

on our constitutional rights.

Just the craziness of it.

So we said, "Okay, let'sjust bring the party outside,

"let's just declare that thechurch has left the building,"

and that's what we did.

- Do you see this as asolution for churches

who have to shut their doorsbecause of the coronavirus?

- Well, I see it right now,you know it's summertime,

we're here in California,the weather's pretty mild.

We have the ability to get outside.

People have been cooped upand they've been quarantined.

There's thousands of people onbeaches all across our state.

And so we just thought it would be amazing

to rally people and to gettogether in these cities

and it's incredible, theresponse that we've been seeing.

- Yeah, tell us more about what

you've been seeing at the events.

We're looking at video ofbaptisms and people speaking

and singing, and just kinda break it down

what's been goin' on at these things.

- Well, I think peoplethey come in and they

haven't gathered as the church in months.

They've been closed down,they've been quarantined.

A lot of them are dealing with depression.

I mean, we've had moresuicide deaths in California

than we've had COVID deaths

since the beginning of the virus.

So there's this massivekind of spirit of death,

people are struggling withtheir jobs and their families

and alcoholism and drug use is up 400%.

I mean it's just insane andso when we gather together

the power of the presenceof God to meet us

in this moment of crisis is just profound.

And you know I've traveledto about 50, 60 nations

around the world, doneextensive missionary outreach,

but I'm beginning to realize

God's positioning us todo really mission work

in our own nation.

And now more than ever people need it

and they're gathering together.

A lot of times we'llstart with a core group

of worshipers but thenpeople will just kinda,

from the outside on thebeach or on the bridge,

from the fringes, they'll just come gather

and see what it's all about.

Some of them may think it's a protest.

And then all of a sudden theyhear us preachin' the gospel.

Like last night in Los Angeles,40 people gave their life

to Jesus on the streetsin LA in the middle

of a global pandemic.

- Wow, that gives me chillsand I'm also lookin' at video

of people being baptized in a fountain.

It's just amazing what God is doing.

A "New York Times" opinion article claimed

that churches were a majorsource of COVID cases.

Quickly Sean, do you thinkthat churches have been

a part of the problem?

- Well you know, my responseto the "New York Times"

and they didn't actually

insert my opinion in their article

even though I've talkedto them for a while.

I said, "Hey, if you'regonna try to blame churches,

"what about Home Depot?"

What about there's awater park in our city

with 500 kids and familiesin it, that's still open?

What about Costco, what about Walmart?

I mean, it's unfair, Ibelieve, the way in which

they target the church.

And I honestly thinkthere's an agenda behind it.

- Wow, and then we're almost outta time,

but what message do you think

this is sending to other church leaders

and even government officials?

- Well my prayer is thatit would stir up hope.

I just still like we need anew narrative in our nation.

We have been bombarded withviolence and cities burning

and people fighting, and division.

I want people to see thatthe church is coming together

in one of the darkest seasonsin our nation's history,

that there are bold and courageous leaders

that are calling thechurch to come together.

We're worshiping through thestorm, and God is showing up.

- He is showing up.

All right, worship leader Sean Feucht.

Thank you so much for your time, sir.

Blessings to you.

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