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Christian World News - “Pandemic of Hope” - July 17, 2020

Iranians forced inside by the COVID-19 lockdown are going online searching for alternatives to Islam. Read Transcript

(soft dramatic music)

- [George] This week on"Christian World News,"

revival in Iran.

The COVID-19 lockdownsends a surge of Iranians

to the internet lookingfor alternatives to Islam.

- [Wendy] Plus, China'scracked down on religion.

Christians and Muslimsare in the crosshairs

as churches are torn downand millions of Muslims

sent to labor camps.

- And with persecution on the rise,

worldwide believers are forcedto flee their home countries.

So why is America cutting back

on the number of Christian refugees

allowed into our country?

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to this week's editionof "Christian World News."

I'm George Thomas.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith.Glad to have you with us.

Iran is experiencing an unexpected revival

in the midst of COVID-19.

Mohabat TV sends thegospel message into Iran

by TV and the internet.

The ministry reports itis recording 10 times

more online salvationsthan this time last year.

That's 3,000 Iranians coming to Christ

every month since March.

The large number of people leaving Islam

is causing a backlash against the church.

Christians are being arrested there

and imprisoned for respondingto the gospel message.

- Here to tell us more aboutall of this is Mike Ansari,

director of operations for Mohabat TV.

So Mike, tell us more aboutthis unprecedented revival

taking place in Iran in themidst of a global pandemic.

- Since March of this year,

most Iranians arepracticing social distancing

by staying at their homes.

Government has increasedtheir internet bandwidth

to keep them at home.

As a result, many youngIranians are going online

to research alternatives towhat their government offers.

We have seen a tenfold increase

in our online trafficcoming from inside Iran.

Through our chat andsocial media channels,

we're registering around3,000 personal decisions

by Iranian Muslims to leaveIslam for Christianity

during this revival.

That's why we call thisa pandemic of hope.

- What is fueling thisunprecedented growth,

where you have 3,000 Iranians every month

since March coming to Jesus Christ?

What's fueling it?

- People are not happywith their government.

They're disillusioned withIslam. They want a regime change.

They have been very vocalabout this for years.

We noticed last November and December

that there was a huge uprisingin Iran and it was crushed

by the Iranian government killing

more than 1,500 of its citizens.

Iranians have declared publicly

that they don't want anIslamic Republic anymore.

So they just don't trust their government.

- What actions specifically, Mike,

is the government taking tostop the revival from happening?

- A short time ago,Iran's Guardian Council

has asked for some amendments to be made

to propose a parliamentary bill

that threatens to facilitatethe further repression

of religious minoritiessuch that those found guilty

of what they call the deviant

psychological manipulation, orpropaganda contrary to Islam,

whether in real or virtual sphere.

This is a major violationto people's right

to freedom of expression and belief.

- And obviously, the regimerealizes the influence

not just of satellite television,

which you guys arebroadcasting on primarily,

but they also see social media,

they see the various platforms.

They're coming about withlaws that will penalize those

who leave Islam based onaccepting Jesus Christ

by watching an online programor going on social media.


- That is correct.

Now they basically made alaw to be able to legally,

according to their own statements,

to go after anybody who is not Islam.

- Tell us about Christianswho have been arrested.

I hear there've been anumber of them since March,

since the pandemic began.

Tell us about their plight.

- George, absolutely.

Since a few months ago,we've seen a major increase

in the number of raids onpeople's homes and house churches.

Dozens of Christianconverts have been arrested

in the last few weeks and charged

with acting against national security

by promoting Zionist Christianity.

- How can we pray for the church in Iran?

- The church in Iran isfighting for its survival.

First and foremost, we are asking

the international communityto pray for Iran's church.

Under severe persecutionfrom their own government,

they're turning around andturning the other cheek

and going on the streets ofIran and helping the people

who are under the stress over pandemic.

Second, to bring awareness

to the plight of IranianChristians, their churches.

Third, at Heart4Iran and Mohabat TV,

we are providing resourcesto Iran's underground church.

If you want to partner with us,

do contact us on ourwebsite,

- All right, terrific.

Thank you so much for that update.

Mike Ansari, thanks for joining us.

- Thank you.

- At least 110 million children worldwide

have gone hungry due tothe COVID-19 pandemic.

That's according to research in 24 nations

by the Christian humanitarianaid group, World Vision.

The pandemic has pushed as many

as eight million children worldwide

into child labor orbegging for food and money.

The United Nationsprojects, projects rather,

66 million more children willfall into extreme poverty.

That's on top of the 385 million

already living in that condition.

- In the Philippines, the iconic jeepneys

that usually run through the cities

are sitting idle, as you can imagine,

because passengers are staying home.

The drivers are stillon the streets though,

but not to drive, but to beg.

- Oh, man, some of their children

are also out there asking for food,

but they're also findinghelp from another source.

CBN's Operation Blessingis helping families

struggling to survive.

Our Lucille Talusan hasthis report from Manila.

- [Lucille] While otherkids are in the comfort

of their homes duringthe COVID-19 pandemic,

11-year-old Cedie Sebastianis out in the streets

begging for money to buy food.

- [Interpreter] I pity myfather because he cannot work.

We don't have food to eat.

That's why I beg so we can have money

to buy rice, food, and milk for my sister.

- [Lucille] Cedie's fatheris among the thousands

of jeepney drivers whoare struggling financially

after they lost their jobswhen the Philippine government

imposed a coronavirus lockdown in March.

- [Interpreter] It hurtsto see my son begging,

but I can't stop him.

He tells me just to stand nearby

so I can quickly come to him

when the policeman tries to arrest him.

- Although some routeshave recently been opened,

allowing 6,000 drivers to operate,

this is only a small fraction

of the more than 50,000 jeepneys

that used to fill thestreets of Metro Manila.

I have to keep my face mask on

so that I will not get fined for $100.

Behind me are the jobless jeepney drivers

and they have restored tobegging for food and money

out here in the streets.

Most of them have been evictedfrom their rented places

because they don't havemoney to pay the rent.

So now they have to endure the discomfort

of living in the jeepney as their home.

- [Interpreter] We livehere since the lockdown.

It's very difficult,especially for our children.

There's a lot of mosquitoesand it's very hot.

I appealed to the authoritiesto open our routes

so we can earn again becauseit's been four months now

that we don't have income.

- [Lucille] Like the rest of the drivers,

Nilo Malibiran is frustrated

over his family's miserable condition.

- [Interpreter] It is makingme cry to see my family suffer.

I want to buy them manythings, but I don't have money.

Our son got sick and I don'thave money to buy his medicines

and buy him milk.

It's so frustrating.

- [Lucille] To alleviate their suffering,

Operation reached outto the jeepney drivers

and gave them food bags thatcontained rice, canned goods,

noodles, cereal, coffee,and other basic needs.

- [Interpreter] Thank youfor everything you gave us.

This is really a big help becausewe can't buy those things.

- [Interpreter] I am very happy

with everything that OperationBlessing has given us.

It's a lot.

Now, we have plenty of food to eat.

I don't have to beg. Thank you so much.

- [Lucille] A volunteerpastor of Operation Blessing

gathered the jeepney drivers

to share with them the messageof salvation through Christ.

He prayed for theirfaith to be strengthened

as they wait for the day thatthey can drive their jeepneys

in the streets again.

Lucille Talusan, CBN News, Manila.

- [George] Up next, it's one of the worst

human rights abuses in modern history.

In China, Muslims and Christians

are targeted for their faith.

That story when we come back.

(dramatic music)

- I don't know if therehas ever been a time

when our nation and theworld needed a miracle

more than we do right now.

- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest DVD,

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In this DVD, you'll discover

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- Different doctors would come in

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- I knew God had restored him.

- We've also gathered teachings

that will be especially helpful to you

with what we're facing today,

why it's so important tobelieve God and build our faith.

And this program is goingto help you do just that.

- [Announcer] Conquer fear,find hope, and be encouraged.

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Yours when you become a CBN partner.

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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront

of entertainment andexplore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5" Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Israeli archaeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline"

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- Members of a communist group kidnapped

and killed a pastor in India this week.

Morning Star News reportsthe attack happened

in Bhatpar village in Maharashtra state.

Pastor Tando was preachingto about 15 families

on his property when three armed men

and three women walked in.

They tied his hands and led him away.

A few minutes later, a gunshot rang out

and the pastor was dead.

Local villagers reportedly complained

about the number ofpeople turning to Christ

and incited the group to kill the pastor.

That's horrible.- It is, sure.

As international outrage is mounting

against China's communist government,

Beijing received global criticism

for its mishandling ofthe COVID-19 crisis.

- Now it's accused oflaunching a major crackdown

against Christians and committing genocide

against ethnic Muslims.

Gary Lane has this alarming report.

- Christians in China say thelatest government crackdown

against the church is worsethan Chairman Mao's attacks

during the CulturalRevolution of the 1960s.

But why now?

ChinaAid President Bob Fusays this wave of persecution

actually began in 2015, butnow the Chinese Communist Party

has a new excuse for targeting Christians.

- Now, under this pretextof COVID-19 coronavirus,

the Chinese Communist Partyhas intensified its persecution

by banning all the church activities,

even those services orworship or prayer meetings

in believers' own homes withtheir own family members.

- [Gary] The government is also using this

as an excuse to arrest Christians

who call for online prayer meetings.

CBN has reported on the removal of crosses

from church buildings, andthis month, it picked up steam.

On July 7th, more than 100Public Security Bureau police

and others were sent to overseethe demolition of crosses

at Aodi Christian Church andYinchang Christian Church

in China's Zhejiang province.

Security guards reportedly beat Christians

who tried to stop the cross removals,

church members saying those injured

included a man in his 80s,violently pushed to the ground.

And on July 5th, policeinterrupted services

at Guilin Enguang Church,arresting church elders.

Hours later, church members sang hymns

outside the Seven Star PublicSecurity Bureau station

as they awaited therelease of their leaders.

(people singing in Chinese)

Fu says it's all a part of a new campaign

of sinicization, which means Christians

are only considered to be good citizens

if they adhere to communist ideology.

- Ironically Xi Jinping's portrait

was even put on the churchpulpit along with Chairman Mao

and the first line item of worship

by the government sanctionedchurch before COVID-19

was to sing the CommunistParty's national anthem.

(people singing in Chinese)

- [Gary] And examples go beyond churches.

In Fuzhou City, a Catholicfamily was forced out

of their government subsidizedhousing after they refused

to remove religious icons from their home.

And China's Religious Affairs Bureau

has banned religious funeral ceremonies

and preaching in funeral places.

Meanwhile, Christians aren'tthe only ones suffering.

Ethnic Uyghurs from East Turkestan,

a region the communist governmentcalls Xinjiang province,

are under attack.

- China is home to one of the worst

human rights crises of our time.

It is truly the stain of the century.

- [Gary] The US Council onInternational Religious Freedom

goes further, calling it genocide.

For years, the Chinese government

has forced Uyghur womento undergo abortions.

Now, a new development.

The president of EastTurkestan's government in exile

told me on "The Global Lane"

that China is also conductingforced sterilization.

- Hundreds of thousands ofUyghur and other Turkic women

have been forcibly sterilizedby the Chinese government.

China has a long-standing policy

of forcibly aborting Uyghurand other Turkic babies.

In fact, according tothe Chinese government,

between 1979 and 2009,they prevented 3.7 million

illegal births in East Turkestan.

- [Gary] Also, Hudayar andthe US Defense Department say

as many as three million Uyghursare being forcibly detained

in re-education and forced labor camps.

- Beijing describesXinjiang's internment camps

as vocational training camps.

New reports of forcedabortions and sterilizations

add to a body of evidencethat contradicts that.

- The US State Departmentis alerting corporate CEOs

and others about China'suse of Uyghur slave labor

so they won't become involved.

The East Turkestan governmentin exile is taking its case

to the International Criminal Court.

But whether it is the persecutionof Uyghurs or Christians,

China's communist governmentis likely to ignore

international outrage, describingit as foreign interference

in Chinese internal affairs.

Gary Lane, CBN News.

- [George] Coming up, the USshuts its door to refugees

as more and more Christiansare seeking shelter

for persecution in their home countries.

Where will they go?

(dramatic music)

- [Shawn] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Shawn] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping.

Keep practicing hard.

- [Shawn] It's about going the distance.

- You know, I think as afather, it's my job to lead.

Just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Shawn] Watch "Going theDistance" with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(rhythmic music)

- Orphan's Promise iscommitted to loving and serving

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There's an old Africanproverb I love that says:

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(uplifting music)

(child giggles)

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- Good news for internationalcollege students

attending school here in the US.

The Trump administrationagreed to rescind a directive

that would have forcedthose on student visas

to leave the country iftheir college only offered

online courses.

With many universities already doing away

with classroom teaching, thatmeant thousands of students

would have had to transferschools or leave the US.

Marc Papai is director ofinternational student ministry

for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

He told CBN News it's good news,

not just for the international students,

but for American students as well.

- It's so important for them,

both as internationals to come here,

but for us in America to be influenced

by these global voices.

They are some of thebest people in the world

and we have a great opportunity

to gain from them as well as give to them.

- InterVarsity is onhundreds of college campuses,

befriending and ministering to students

of every ethnicity and culture.

- In the midst of thisunparalleled persecution

that we're seeing around the world,

many are seeking refugehere in the United States.

New numbers, however,show they're not getting

near the protection theyhad in previous years.

That has advocates sounding an alarm.

CBN's Jenna Browder reports.

- The number of Christian refugees

being allowed into the UnitedStates is down 90% from 2015.

It is a major issue, and one CBN News

has been asking the Trumpadministration about consistently.

- As it relates to persecuted Christians,

do you see them as kind of a priority

here, you do.- Yes.

Yes, they've been horribly treated.

- [Jenna] Just daysafter his inauguration,

President Trump cameout strong on the issue

with CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.

But new numbers cited byChristian advocacy groups,

World Relief and Open DoorsUSA, show something different.

This year, the administration

cut the refugee ceiling to 18,000.

That includes all Christiansand non-Christians.

The historic average is closer to 81,000.

And in 2016, the Obamaadministration cap reached 110,000.

- That means more folks

that are trying to fleereligious persecution

aren't able to comeinto the United States,

at least that's what someof the critics would say.

What's the response tosomething like that?

- That we're still the mostgenerous, welcoming nation

anywhere in the world.

Our objective has been

to try and do what those peoplereally want in most cases,

which is just to stayin their own country.

- On the surface, that makes sense

because no one wants to bedriven out of their home nation.

They would rather stay in their community

with their families, but 80 million people

are displaced right now.

260 million Christiansare under persecution.

And the numbers that we'retalking about of refugees

is a subset of that, 26million, and those are people

who have no choice butto flee their nation

in order to find a safeplace to simply survive.

- Since the refugee resettlementprogram began 40 years ago,

the US has never takenin this few refugees.

And while advocates say noWhite House has been stronger

on religious freedom than this one,

UN data shows when the US limits refugees,

other countries follow its lead.

And the United States is no longer

the leading harbor for refugees.

In 2018, Canada took in 28,000 refugees,

while only 22,000 cameto the United States.

- Thanks, Jenna.

Well COVID-19 is hitting Israel hard.

We take you to Jerusalemwhen we come back.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] From WashingtonDC, uncompromising stories,

interviews, and analysisfrom veteran journalists.

David Brody.

- That could be the next stepin this escalating fight.

- [Announcer] Jenna Browder.

- Robert Mueller chosehis words carefully.

- [Announcer] Ben Kennedy.

- He's asking Christiansto get the word out.

- [Announcer] Bringing youthe political news at matters.

- Get out and tell the story

of the progress that we'remaking in this country.

- [Announcer] "FaithNation" weeknights at six

on the CBN News Channel.

- [Announcer] Nutrition,


essential oils,

weight loss,

and more.

It's "Healthy Living" with Lorie Johnson.

- Talk about what's in this.

- [Announcer] Join CBNHealth Reporter Lorie Johnson

to get the latest information

from today's top health experts.

- This is fantastic.

- [Announcer] Find outwhat you need to know

to live a healthier life.

- Watch "Healthy Living"Tuesday night at 9:30.

(bright music)

- I don't know if therehas ever been a time

when our nation and theworld needed a miracle

more than we do right now.

- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest DVD,

"Do You Need a Miracle?"

In this DVD, you'll discover

God's awesome power at work today.

Featuring incredible truestories of divine intervention.

- God showed up and He worked miracles.

- Different doctors would come in

and it was like, "Wow, you're a miracle."

- I knew God had restored him.

- We've also gathered teachings

that will be especially helpful to you

with what we're facing today,

why it's so important tobelieve God and build our faith.

And this program is goingto help you do just that.

- [Announcer] Conquer fear,find hope, and be encouraged.

Get "Do You Need a Miracle?"

Yours when you become a CBN partner.

Call now, 1-800-700-7000 or go to

Available now.

- Welcome back to the show.

Last week, Turkey'sPresident Erdogan announced

that the iconic Hagia Sophiawould be turned into a mosque.

- Now he's zeroed in onone of the holiest sites

in Jerusalem.

Our Emily Jones has thatstory and more from Israel.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis Inside Israel report,

where we show you what'shappening in Israel

and the Middle East.

Turkey recently announced

that it is turning Istanbul'sAyasofya Museum into a mosque.

Now President Erdogan has his sights set

on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Erdogan said in an Arabic Facebook post

that Ayasofya's conversioninto a Muslim house of worship

is a sign that Turkey willliberate the Al-Aqsa mosque

on the Temple Mount.

This essentially means thatIsrael should be rejected

from controlling Jerusalem's Old City,

where Al-Aqsa is located.

Erdogan has a history ofmaking anti-Israel statements

and praising the Hamas terror group.

Meanwhile, Christians everywhere

are condemning Ayasofya's conversion.

- [Interpreter] For the Orthodox Church,

Ayasofya is as important asSt. Peter's Basilica in Rome

for Catholics.

The church was built in the 6th century

and was devoted to Christ the Savior.

For us, it has been and will always remain

a church devoted to Christ.

- [Emily] Ayasofya was thebiggest church in Christendom

before it was converted into a mosque

more than 500 years ago.

The founder of modern Turkey

later transformed it into a museum.

The second coronavirus wavehas hit Israel like a tsunami

and the nation's leadersare struggling to cope.

Daily cases have risenfrom just double digits

to more than 1,700.

The crisis has led to a shortage

of the virus treatment drug, remdesivir,

and a threat of a nationwidestrike by the nurses' union,

who say they are overworked.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said

the country is a step awayfrom a total lockdown,

sparking backlash fromthousands of protestors.

- We are no workingalready nearly five months,

and unfortunately, most of us

have not received any compensations

from the Israeli government

and this is really a tragedy that's been.

How you can feed your family

and pay your employees afterfive months with zero income?

- Some say Israelisrefusing to wear face masks

and social distancing are toblame for the second wave.

Others blame chaoticinfighting and mixed messages

from the government.

Israeli researchers at theHebrew University in Jerusalem

and New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center

say they've discovered an ordinary drug

that can turn COVID-19 into a common cold.

After three months of study,they said the virus prevents

the routine burning of carbohydrates,

which results in large amounts of fat

accumulating inside lung cells.

This creates the perfect conditions

for the virus to replicate.

- Once we found that out, you know,

we could start screening drugs

that may potentially block the virus,

not by targeting the virus itself,

but by going after fat accumulation.

So the virus needs this fatto grow and make new viruses,

but a drug like fenofibrate canhelp the cells burn this fat

and then, suddenly,virus production stops.

- The drug has been onthe market for decades

and they say it canreduce the virus' ability

to reproduce or even make it disappear.

Clinical trials will begin soon.

Thank you so much forjoining us this week.

For more stories like this,

you can watch our"Jerusalem Dateline" program


- Thanks, Emily.

Man, it's a-- It's incredible,

just a global pandemicthat really has brought

the entire world to a standstill

just about.- Yeah, pray for Israel.

- That's right.- All right.

- Well folks, that's itfor this week's edition

of "Christian World News."

- Until next week, from all of us here,

goodbye and God bless you.

(dramatic music)

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