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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - July 15, 2020


- We've got some email questions

but first let me remind you to call in

your voicemail questions for Pat today.

We've got a special number for you

on your screen there, 1-800-677-7884.

You can call today only from now,

right now until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time

to leave a voicemail question for Pat.

Then next Wednesday, on July 22nd,

Pat will be answering your questions

right here on The 700 Club.

Again the special number, 800-677-7884.

Call and leave yourvoicemail question for Pat

and he will answer it next Wednesday.

- We'll try to answer them.(laughing)

We'll have fun, all right.- Well will.

Well here's some questions for ya',

here's a warmup.

This is from Matt.

"Hi Pat, with everythingso crazy right now,

"where is a wise placeto invest our money?

"And since gold pricesare very high right now,

"is it a good time to sell it?"

- I don't know, but you've got to take

into consideration your tax status,

your long range goals

or what are you planning to do.

Gold has held it's value over the years

and I don't think it'sgoing to go down too much.

So it goes off a few dollars an ounce

but it'll hold up pretty solidly.

There's been a ratiobetween gold and silver

and some people say right now

might not be a bad time to get silver.

But really the best thing to do

is to invest your money

in the strength of theUnited States economy.

You'll never go wronggoing with the U.S. of A.,

until the U.S. of A.has spent so much money

they're in default, butI think corporations

that have a history ofpaying solid dividends

when you know they're AAA corporations,

that, frankly, is probably the best place

to put your money because you want,

as they say in investments the sweat.

You know, whatever happens in the market,

if you're getting your dividends

you don't feel too badly about it.

So that has been Warren Buffet's success.

He gets an enormous amount of dividends

and that's probably the best way to go.

- Thanks Pat, Jane says,

"I have found a job at a company

"owned by a woman who worships idols

"and decorates with goddess statues.

"Is it right for a Christian to work

"in such an environment?

"Since working there, I've had attacks

"in my dreams and I struggle to pray."

- You don't have to ask me to answer that,

get outta the business, who needs that?

I mean, you know, you're participating

in all that idol worship,

I mean, I don't knowwhat she's involved in

but why would you subjectyourself to demonic power,

and that's what it amounts to.

So, ask God to give you another...

- Another job.- Job, yeah.

- Yeah, good advice Pat.

All right, Ed says, "Can you explain

"the age of accountability, what is that?

"Also, if a person acceptsthe Lord as savior,

"gets baptized butdoesn't live for the Lord

"or go to church, are they still saved?"

- Oh, well you've asked me two questions.

The first has to do withwhat the Baptists call

the age of accountability, that's the age

where you begin to know right from wrong

and the Bible says whenthere's law there's no sin.

So, a little kid doesn'tunderstand what he's doing

but there comes a time, maybe it's 12,

maybe it's 11, maybe it's eight,

when a person knows the difference

between right and wrong.

And that's the time that they think,

well you can accept theLord and be baptized.

Now the second part of that question was?

- If a person gets baptizedand accepts the Lord

but doesn't live for theLord or go to church,

are they still saved?

- Well the question is,if you know the Lord

how can you continue in sin?

If you have been borninto the Kingdom of God

how can you keep on sinning?

And the answer is, nobody who has been

born into the Kingdom ofGod can keep on sinning.

Doesn't mean you don't sin once or twice,

or five times or 10 times,

but you don't keep on a pattern of sin.

And the answer is, if you keep on sinning

there's something wrong,

you haven't really beenborn again, all right.

- It shouldn't be fun anymore.


All right, so Dione says, "I need to know

"what the Bible saysabout defending myself.

"For instance, if someonetried to take over

"my home or my neighborhood or town,

"does the Bible say I have the right

"to use lethal force?

"Should I just let it happen?

"Should I wait until I feelmy life is being threatened?"

- That's between, frankly,between you the Lord.

Normally, we're supposedto ask for the police

and he that wields the sword needed

for he beareth not the sword in vain,

he's a minister of Godto exercise vengeance.

So, I think personal vengeance,

vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

But I think the right of self defense

is pretty much built into the concept of,

certainly, our laws and I think God's law.

The people have a rightto defend themselves.


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