Read Transcript
- Okay, you ready for some questions?
- Let's go for 'em, okay.- This is Rob, who says,
"When you pray, do you pray to God, Jesus,
or the Holy Spirit?
I've been told all three of them,
but would you please clarify that?"
- Well, what you say, youpray to God the Father
in the name of Jesus andthe authority of Jesus.
It's like a power of attorney,
but you pray in thepower of the Holy Spirit.
So I'm praying to God,Father, in the name of Jesus,
He's my advocate, but the anointing comes
through the Holy Spirit.
So it's all three of them,
the Trinity of God workingin your behalf, all right?
- Okay, this is Thomas,
who says, "I watch all 'The 700 Clubs'
and see all the miracles,
but my wife says that I'mjust trying to be a copycat
instead of directly hearing from God.
Am I being a fake Christian as she says?
It really builds my faith
to watch these miracles on the program."
- Well that's why weput these miracles on,
to build all of our faith.
And there's no question about it,
faith comes by hearing andhearing by the Word of God.
But you see God doing somethingand your spirit is enabled.
You say, "Well boy, God did that!
Why not do it for me?"
And, I mean, there'snothin' copycat about that,
that's Biblical, all right?
- This is Jean who says, "I have a problem
with family members whomake fun of the Bible.
They keep saying thatit's written by a man,
and there's no way that I can prove God
had anything to do with it.
I would like to know how I should respond
to that kind of talk.
I would like to be able to say,
'Yes, and here is the proof.'"
- Well, what you can say is
"the Bible says it isappointed unto man once to die
and after that the judgment."
But let me argue with you,it is appointed unto man
once to die and after that the judgment,
and but I want to arguedon't argue with the Bible,
don't argue head games,just say, "It is written."
That's the way Jesus dealt with it,
so the last thing you want to do
is to start arguing finepoints of doctrine with people.
Just say, "Look, I wasonce blind, now I see.
I have met Jesus, I talkto him, I walk with him."
And as somebody said, "aman with an experience
is never at the mercy of aperson with an argument," okay?
- This is Ted, who says,
"Pat, I am a Christian and Ifall short like all of us do.
I always ask for forgivenessand say my prayers,
but how do I know I'llbe accepted into heaven
because I continue to sin?"
- Well, it's written inthe Psalms very clearly,
"Bless the Lord, oh mysoul that all is within me,
bless His holy name whoforgives all my iniquities,
who heals all my diseases."
And then the Bible says,
"as far as the East is from the West"
that's how far your sinsare taken away from you.
So you can go through theBible over and over again.
Read the New Testament anywhere you see
"God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son."
And "whosoever believes in Him
should not perish buthave everlasting life."
God'll give it to you.
- This is Chris, who says,
"In the Ten Commandments itsays, 'Thou shalt not kill,'
how does that apply to lawenforcement and the military?"
- The Bible it's not "kill" it's "murder."
They shall not commit murder.
There's no question the apostle Paul said,
"He that wields the sword,wields it not in vain,
'cause he's a minister of God."
The police and the militaryin dutiful law enforcement,
not some of this--
People are out of control,
but under dutiful lawenforcement, that is not murder.
An execution of a criminal is not murder,
it's a judicial action--total thing.
"Thou shalt not murder," okay?