The Temple Mount in Israel's Hands - 53 years after the historic 6-Day War, will Israel annex parts of biblical Judea and Samaria gained in that war and known as the West Bank? and In Our Hands CBN's Docudrama about the battle for Jerusalem.
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- [Chris] This week on Jerusalem Dateline,
the Temple Mount in Israel's hands.
53 years after the historic Six Day War
will Israel annex parts ofbiblical Judea and Samaria,
the land gained in that war,
the area the world calls the West Bank?
And we'll look at thestrategic Golan Heights,
and In Our Hands, CBN's docudrama
about the battle for Jerusalem.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
(dramatic music)
Hello, and welcome to this special edition
of Jerusalem Dateline, I'm Chris Mitchell.
53 years ago, Israeli soldiers captured
the Old City of Jerusalem.
Many see Israel's victoryin the 1967 Six Day War
and the liberation of Jerusalem
not only as a dramatic change in history,
but as a fulfillment of prophecy.
Here at the Lion's Gate on June 7th, 1967,
the 55th Paratrooper Brigadeof Commander Motta Gur
broke through Jordanian defenses.
What happened nextresonated around the world
and electrified the Jewish people.
(foreign language)
As Commander Gur broke radiosilence with that declaration,
it marked the first time the Jewish people
controlled Judaism's holiest site
in more than 2000 years.
- Within six days, wereturned to the biblical land
of Israel, all themountains of Judea, Samaria,
the Golan Heights.
We returned to the Old City of Jerusalem,
and the city was liberated and reunited,
and here we are, 53 years later,
a new government, Jerusalem is united.
It's fabulous, it's the word of God
coming out of the book, materializing,
and becoming a reality in our time
in front of our eyes.
- [Chris] Israel'svictory in the Six Day War
stunned the world andbecame a turning point
for Jewish immigrationto the land of Israel.
- Throughout the Old Testament,
God says that he's gonnadraw the Jewish people
back to the land, butwhat's interesting is that
at that moment, when Mordechai Gur,
the Israeli general, said on the radio,
"The Temple Mount is in our hands,"
when that was broadcast,not just through Israel,
but worldwide, it electrified
Jewish communities all over the planet.
The level of Aliyah, Jewsleaving their exile countries
and coming back to theland of their forefathers,
skyrocketed in the years ahead.
- [Chris] Yet more than 50 years
since the Battle for Jerusalem,
Rosenberg says Israel and its capital
remain on the front lines.
- Jerusalem is the epicenter.
For 4000 years, peoplehave wanted this city,
and they have fought hard to get it,
and so the fact thatIsrael controls it today
is biblical, it's prophetic,
but it's also complicated,
and we need to be prayingfor the peace of Jerusalem,
and praying for Israel to be secure.
- After the 1967 war,Israel had tripled in size.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
now wants to annex part of that land
in biblical Judea and Samaria
as laid out in PresidentTrump's annexation plan.
Just about 10 milesaway from here is Efrat.
It's part of the GushEtzion settlement bloc,
and part of the land in question
in the annexation plan.
We went out to Efrat andtalked to their mayor,
Oded Revivi, about the annexation plan.
Well, Mayor, first ofall, thanks for joining us
on CBN News.
So Efrat right now is also in the middle
of a very big story right now, annexation,
sovereignty, and the Trump Peace Plan.
What is annexationright now, in your view?
- We are definitely in historical times.
After being in Judea and Samaria
with Jewish presencefor the last 53 years,
under this current administration
a massive change has come to the attitude
of the United States towards this land.
It started off with moving the embassy.
It continued with therecognition of the Golan Heights
being part of Israel.
It carried on with SecretaryPompeo's declaration
saying that settlements arenot against international law,
and now we are just a few weeks away
from hopefully the beginningof the implementation
of the Trump deal.
The Trump deal is a vision for peace
to try and create a betteratmosphere in this region.
The legal concept is applying Israeli law
where Jews live today,which basically would mean
that our status will equal
to the status of the restof the residents of Israel,
and for somebody who lives here,
somebody who studied law,was acting as an lawyer,
somebody who serves today as a mayor,
I can give you endless examples
where there are twodifferent sets of rules
to the people who live in Israel
to the Jews living in Judea and Samaria,
and in that respect it isan historical significance
that this might happenwithin the next few weeks.
- Would you say there's a difference
in the reality here on the ground
and the perception that the world has
when they look at the West Bank,
Judea and Samaria?
- Again, let me reflect your smile
because you know theanswer to the question.
People see headlines,
sometimes created by the media,
who have an interest in showing conflict,
in showing battles, in showing bloodshed.
If we would have had time,I would have taken you
down the road here to our supermarket,
where you would see Jews and Arabs
walking up and down the same aisles
in the same shopping center,paying in the same currency,
coming to a cashier whocould be an Arab or a Jew,
paying and going backhome to feed their kids.
You drove on a road leading up to Efrat,
which against all allegationsof apartheid state,
is open both for Jews and Arabs,
who drive freely on the same streets,
on the same roads.
I can only imagine, peoplewho haven't been here,
people who they get theirperspective through the media,
thinking that you arecrazy standing opposite me
without a helmet, withouta bulletproof vest,
but this is the homeland of the Bible.
You can see how peaceful the reality is,
and why the currentadministration realized that
and took that as saying let'ssee what has been created.
Let's see the strengthsand try and build from that
something stronger,better, for a better future
for both people.
- There are some Christians who feel that
this is God's land, andaccording to the Bible,
you should not divide it, andthey're concerned about that.
What would you say to them?
- I agree.
I agree.
But you have to remember two things.
Number one is we're dealing with a world
that not everybody agreeswith our interpretation
of the Bible and we need toget along with them as well.
Number two, we're notgiving away anything.
The deal talks about what'shappening in stage one,
Israel applying Israelilaw in 30% of the land.
The other 70%, the Palestinian people
need to take upon themselves,
about 10 conditions,which are all conditions
that we, as believers,that is what we pray for,
that they will disarm their ammunition,
that they will stop funding terrorists,
that they will stop theirclaims over Jerusalem,
a lot of things that wewant to see happening
as believers, as peace lovers,
as people who pray for peace.
Only then we start negotiations,
which can lead up to four years.
The American ambassador called it
that the Palestinianswill turn into Canadians.
I prefer the biblical expression
that wolves will turn into sheep
and then the reality willlook completely different,
and final point, as a believer,
speaking to believers,understanding that nothing happens
without God's interference.
I don't think it's any coincidence
that President Trump was elected.
I don't think it's any coincidence
that he is the one who hasbrought this plan to the table.
He is giving us somethingthat we didn't have before.
Let's rely also on God,how he will play the cards
about the future.
- Well, Mayor, I appreciateyour perspective,
and giving us your time aboutthis very important matter.
(upbeat music)
Coming up, we'll take a deeper look
at the Jewish communitiesin Judea and Samaria,
what the world calls the West Bank.
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(dramatic music)
- When we talk about Judea and Samaria,
also known as the West Bank,
it's sometimes difficult to understand
the area we're talking about.
Here's a story we did several years ago
before President Trump'sso-called deal of the century
and the annexation plan.
CBN's Scott Ross talkedto Israelis who live there
about their commitment tothe land and to the Bible.
- [Scott] Known to much ofthe world as the West Bank,
Judea and Samaria of the Bible
is today home to some360,000 Jewish Israelis
and at least 1.4 millionPalestinian Arabs.
- Shiloh.- Shiloh.
- The first capital of ancient Israel,
the place where the tabernaclestood for 369 years.
- [Scott] David Rubin isthe former mayor of Shiloh,
the place pronounced Shiloh in hundreds of
biblically named places in America.
We talked together overlooking the route
in which the biblical patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobwould have traveled.
- This is where Joshuastood before the Israelites
and he said, "How long will you wait
"before coming to takepossession of the land
"that the Lord God of yourfathers has given you?"
This is the place where the woman, Hannah,
came to pray for her son.
The son who was born from her prayers
was Samuel the Prophet,
who grew up into prophecy in Shiloh,
along with the people of Israel.
- And that is the issuethat remains today.
This is the land that God gave you.
Rubin's commitment to the land
came at a personal pricewhen he and his son
were ambushed by terrorists
while traveling on the road home.
- [David] The car was hit bya massive hail of bullets.
I was shot in my leg, myson was shot in the head.
- [Scott] Is your son still alive today?
- [David] Thank God my son is alive today.
He had a miraculous recovery.
The bullet missed his brainstem by one millimeter.
- Why do people chooseto live in the middle of
the threat of violence,their children, so forth,
being exposed to this?
- [David] We've come home,we're fulfilling prophecy
in these times.
- Some 230 Israeli familieslive in Shiloh today,
35 years after it wasreestablished in 1978,
and yet, Palestinian AuthorityChairman Mahmoud Abbas,
said recently that a futurePalestinian state in this area
must be completely free of Jews.
How do you feel about theland for peace negotiations?
If you give up the land,there's going to be peace.
- It's time for a new plan,which is called peace for peace.
We extend our hand in peace,
they extend their hand in peace,
we shake it and we have peace.
We sign a peace treaty, and all is well.
- [Scott] Shiloh is in biblical Samaria,
north of Jerusalem.
Judea and Samaria,including the Jordan Valley,
is 79 miles long
and between 19 and 34 miles wide.
To the south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem,
is a large bloc of Jewishcommunities in Judea
called the Gush Etzion,
in another part of what theworld calls the West Bank.
- We're at the highestpoint in Gush Etzion.
We're on the backbone of the hills
that control the lowlandsin both directions,
and that is the Mediterranean Sea
and the coastal plain,Tel-Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon,
down to Gaza, and we can seethe rockets come out of there.
And when you look this way, we look east.
We're looking towards Jordan.
First we have the hills here,which belong to Gush Etzion.
They go from Hebron allthe way up to Jerusalem,
and there's Jordan on the other side.
That's it, that's all we got.
This is the width.(laughing)
And we're on top.
- Ruthie Lieberman is a wife and mother.
Originally from Ohio,she is raising her family
in a community calledAlon Shvut in Gush Etzion.
Jews established severalfarming communities here
before the State of Israel in 1948,
but during Israel's War of Independence
they were destroyed andthe residents killed
or driven away.
After the 1967 Six Day War,
the Jews returned to rebuild here.
Who are your neighbors?
- I think having Lebanon in the north,
Syria to the northeast, andthen when you come around
and have Egypt to the south,
we're not in a great area.
- There are 24 Muslimstates surrounding Israel
from Morocco to Iran,
more than eight millionsquare miles of land,
more than 500 times the size of Israel,
where some half a billion people live.
Judea and Samaria stand between Israel's
major population centersand the Arab world.
Without it, in some places,
Israel is just nine miles wide.
The Arabs, many factions,the Palestinians,
hate the Jews.
Do you hate the Arabs?
- [Ruthie] I don't thinkthe Arabs who live nearby
in the village over there,I don't think they hate me.
I think they're taught to hate me.
- 20 years ago, then IsraeliPrime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin
and PLO leader Yasser Arafat,signed the Oslo Accords
and shook hands on the White House lawn,
and still there is no peace.
You see that this couldpossibly become a future
Palestinian state.
- If it were to becomea Palestinian state,
I would imagine that it would be because
there's some huge breakthrough
and the whole world believesthat now we have peace
in this part of theworld, and if that's true,
then I can live here.- Mm-hmm.
- I'm Jewish.
I bought the land, and Ishould be able to keep my home.
In every talks that we hear,we're out of the picture.
We'll have to pack up and go.
- The Scriptures teachus to pray for Jerusalem,
pray for Israel.
Do you think it makes any difference?
- I hope that all of you
continue to pray for Jerusalem every day.
It strengthens us, itstrengthens our psyche.
It strengthens our hopes.
We know that we're not alone.
(upbeat music)
- [Chris] Up next, the Golan Heights,
one of the most strategicbattles of the Six Day War.
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(dramatic music)
- Near the end of the Six Day War,
attention shifted awayfrom here in Jerusalem.
About 120 miles away, Israeli troops
took control of thestrategic Golan Heights,
and just last year, President Trump
officially recognized Israel'sannexation of the Golan.
- [Avi] Whoever sits on the Golan Heights
totally dominates this whole region.
- That's in part because of the proximity
to the Sea of Galilee.
The Golan Heights sharesborders with Jordan,
Syria, and Lebanon, andDamascus is only 40 miles away.
For decades, Syriacontrolled the Golan Heights.
Here on the high ground,overlooking the Sea of Galilee,
Syrian artillery and snipers
shot and shelled Israelis below.
Children grew up running to bomb shelters
and residents lived under theconstant threat of attack.
- So all along the line of this cliff,
were Syrian bunkers and military posts,
and cannons and artilleries.
The communities beneath the Golan Heights
were totally at themercies of the Syrians.
- [Chris] Overlooking the Sea of Galilee,
Middle East expert, Avi Melamed,
told me why this ground is so important.
- Now you have to remember,the Sea of Galilee
is the biggest freshwater body in Israel,
providing something like 25, 30% of the
water consumption, or thefreshwater consumption in Israel.
In 1948 and in 1967 what happened was
that the Syrians occupiedsome strategic areas.
The major result of that was an enormously
increasing pressure on Israel,
mostly in the context of thewater and the use of water.
- [Chris] Israel faceda literal uphill battle
against the Syrian Army,
a rocky slope that rose 1700 feet
from the Sea of Galilee.
Israel captured the Golan Plateau
during the last twodays of the Six Day War.
- We were afraid that Syria will come back
and again they will shell the valley
and try to take thewater, to take the Jordan.
We decided to make the first kibbutz
in the Golan Heights.
- [Chris] And just a month after the war,
Yehuda Harel and his familyjoined the first Israelis
moving here.
- We got a permission from the army
to get inside the Golan Heights
because it was a military area,
and we got a job from them
to collect cows thatwere wild in the area.
- [Chris] They first livedin what had been housing
for Syrian Army officers.
- We are very near to Quneitra,
about a hundred meters from Quneitra,
and we are near to the quarter
that we used to live here
for almost five years.
This was the house that wewith another three families
lived in this house.
- [Chris] Eventually thecommunity moved across the ridge,
and still farms near the border.
Today, close to 50,000 people,
more than 25,000 Israelisand about 22,000 Jews,
live on the Golan Heights.
It's known for its freshfruit, like the grapes
used in award-winning Israeli wines.
- [Yehuda] In the last more than 40 years,
the Golan Heights is themost quiet area of Israel.
Everything happened in theother side of the border.
- But that could be changing.
Do you see any similarities between
the conditions prior to1967 and the conditions now?
- [Avi] I would say thatthe strategic threat,
as far as Israel is concerned,
is today much more severe
in comparison to the pre-1967.
The major reason for that is that
the presence of Iranians andIranian-backed Shiite militias
a stone throw's away from theIsraeli-Syrian ceasefire line.
- Melamed said Iran wants toestablish a new front here,
similar to thoseestablished in south Lebanon
and the Gaza Strip.
- Trying to launch amilitary front against Israel
in the Golan Heights will--
Could result in a massive eruption
because Israel will notstand for it and rightly so.
- [Chris] On the 49thanniversary of the Six Day War,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
made it very clear how Israelviews the Golan Heights.
(foreign language)
- [Translator] They are for peace.
In the stormy region around us,
Israel is the stabilizing factor.
Israel is the solution, not the problem.
The Golan Heights will foreverremain in Israel's hands.
Israel will never come downfrom the Golan Heights.
- [Chris] For now, Harelsays there's a reason why
this area has remained quiet.
- We live here in peace.
It's a peace because weare in the Golan Heights.
When we were only in the valley,
and the enemy was up on the hill,
it was not peace.
To live in peace, we have to be strong
and to live in the higher place.
(upbeat music)
- [Chris] Still ahead, In Our Hands,
CBN Documentaries classicfilm on the Six Day War.
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(dramatic music)
- If you'd like your owncopy of In Our Hands:
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Well, thanks for joiningus for this special edition
of Jerusalem Dateline.
Remember, you can follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time
on Jerusalem Dateline.
(upbeat music)