It was the military strike that saved a nation and the surprise attack that kicked off the Six-Day War. IDF pilots remember “Operation Focus†and hot it became one of the most successful air campaigns in military history.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Coming up...
- [Israeli Pilot] Peoplethought we were facing
total extinction.
- [Announcer] The strikethat saved a nation.
- [Israeli Pilot] Thewing commander told us
that the fate of the Jewishpeople was on our shoulders.
- [Announcer] The surpriseattack that kicked off
the Six Day War.
- [Israeli Pilot] Those bunkerswent up in giant flames.
- [Announcer] IDF pilotsremember Operation Focus...
- [Israeli Pilot] The mission was more
important than anything.
- [Announcer] And how it became one
of the most successful aircampaigns in military history.
- [Israeli Pilot] For three weeks,
we learned the most accurateintelligence we could learn.
- [Announcer] Today, on The 700 Club.
(orchestral music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
The cry for justice continueswith protests in America
and worldwide over the brutalkilling of George Floyd
at the hands of four police officers.
The demonstrations lastnight were peaceful.
- A memorial service forFloyd took place yesterday
at a Christian college in Minneapolis.
A painful pause of eightminutes and 46 seconds
was held to mark Floyd's final moments.
Jennifer Wishon has the story.
(crowd shouting and yelling)
- [Jennifer] In cities acrossthe country last night,
more protests.
- [Policewoman] Go home.- [Policeman] Please, go home.
- [Policewoman] Curfew's eight o'clock.
- [Policeman] Go home.
- [Policewoman] Curfew's eight o'clock.
- [Jennifer] In New York,police peacefully arresting
protestors breaking the city's 8pm curfew,
that's in effect through Sunday.
The demonstrations coming afterfamily and friends gathered
in Minneapolis to pay tributeto the life of George Floyd.
The city's police chief kneeling,
as Floyd's casket passed by.
Floyd's memorial service was held
at North Central University,
a Christian schoollocated just over a mile
from where he died.
- ♪ Amazing grace ♪
- [Jennifer] Floyd was rememberedas a father and brother
from humble beginningswho grew up eating banana
and mayonnaise sandwichesand loving sports.
- All these people came to see my brother
and that's amazing to me that he touched
so many people's hearts.
Cause he been touchin' all our hearts.
- Reverend Al Sharptondelivered the euology,
quickly tearing into President Trump
for holding up a Bible infront of St. John's Church.
- We cannot use Bibles as a prop.
And for those that have agendasthat are not about justice
this family will not letyou use George as a prop.
- [Jennifer] The civil rightsactivist also drew parallels
between Floyd's tragic deathand what he calls the story
of African-Americansfor more than 400 years.
- It's time for us tostand up in George's name
and say, "Get your knee off our necks!"
- [Jennifer] Then, a painful pause,
for eight minutes and 46 seconds
to remember Floyd's final moments.
- We want justice for George.
- [Jennifer] Floyd will be laid to rest
in Houston next week.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- Well, the nation is mourning,
and this is an absolute tragedy.
You look at the career of the officer
who had his knee on George Floyd's neck,
and you have to ask the question,
why is he still on the force?
Why is this still allowedto happen in America?
And I don't have an easy answer for that.
You can explain it awaywith staffing levels,
you can explain it away with police union.
But at the end of the day,you can't explain it away
when someone dies.
And we all need to mourn this.
This is an absolute tragedy.
When someone in police custody is killed,
that affects us all.
And we have to standup and say, "No more."
We can't allow this in theUnited States of America.
Our dream, as a nation, isthat there would be freedom,
there would be libertyand justice for all.
These shouldn't be aspirational words,
these should be real wordsin all of our communities,
that we can trust our police,
we can trust our justice system.
And until we can do thatand legitimately say,
"I trust the police, Itrust the justice system",
we have to work together to fix it,
until it becomes right.
Now more than ever,Christians need to stand up.
And the best thing we can do right now,
in the middle of this virus,
in the middle of allthese protests, is pray.
We need God right now.
We need God for our communities,
we need God for liberty,
we need God for our freedom,
we need God for justice.
So let us stand and pray.
That's the best thing we can do.
So if you want to do that,
we have this wonderfulthing where you can sign up,
you can get email alertsabout prayer points,
you can get a prayer card.
And we'll send you adaily scripture by email.
All we're asking is that youcommit, during this time,
to pray for America.
You can call us: 1-800-700-7000.
You can also go to
Well, George Floyd's brother, Terrence,
also honored him yesterdayat another memorial service
in Brooklyn, bringing a message of peace.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.
- That's right, Gordon,Terrence Floyd spoke
to thousands of people inhis New York hometown borough
in Brooklyn, who had beenkneeling together as they waited
for him to speak.
It was a racially-diversecrowd from all backgrounds,
remembering George Floydand calling for change.
Terrence began by telling the crowd
that he wanted to thank God;
that at first, he was mad, he was upset,
but his brother's deathwas not God's fault.
And he told the protestorsto stay peaceful
to avoid the violent scene inmany cities across the country
over the past several days.
- I'm proud of the protests,
but I'm not proud of the destruction.
(crowd cheering)
My brother wasn't about that.
The Floyds is a God-fearing family.
- [John] Afterwards,thousands of people marched
across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan.
Well, turning now to the economy.
An encouraging report onAmerica's unemployment,
as the unemploymentrate actually went down,
falling 13.3% from 14.7% the month before.
Economists had projected that the rate
could go as high as 20%.
The economy actually addedtwo and a half million jobs
in May as the impact fromthe coronavirus lockdowns
has eased up.
Stock market futures shot up on the news,
and some analysts believethe economy will recover
much more quickly than mosteconomists had expected.
Well, we keep hearing reports of progress
on a coronavirus vaccine,
and that one could be ready this year.
If you choose to get a vaccine,
you may even see a big difference
in the form of a radio-frequency ID chip.
CBN Medical Reporter, LorieJohnson, explains why.
- People who get acoronavirus vaccine may notice
it looks a lot like their eyedrops.
They might also see anRFID chip on the package.
The U.S. Government has contracted
Apiject Systems of Americato make 100 million
pre-filled syringes to quickly distribute
a coronavirus vaccine.
It would use a high-speedblow-fill-seal technology,
used in pre-filled, single-use eyedrops.
- There are eyedropperfacilities in the U.S.,
not many, but a few,
that we are going to upgradeso they can handle vaccines.
Then what will happen is those facilities
will make the containers, right here,
that will hold the vaccine.
We will add a needle hub to them.
And voila, you have a pre-filled syringe
that's ready to use.
- [Lorie] There's alsospace on each syringe
for an optional radio-frequencyidentification chip,
containing a unique serialnumber for each dose.
It would not be injectedor touch the patient.
The chip would be scannedby healthcare workers
in order to better trackoverall vaccine information.
- It is designed so thatthere is no counterfeiting.
It's designed so that we'll know exactly
that the right dose hasn't expired.
However, that chip onlyrefers to the dose.
There's no personal information,no patient information.
It's simply like a barcode,only we know instantaneously
where and when that dose has been used.
That also helps publichealth officials know
when there are outbreaks,
have we vaccinated enoughpeople in those areas.
- [Lorie] The pre-filled syringes will add
to the limited number oftraditionally manufactured
vaccine supplies, suchas specialized equipment
to fill glass jars, stoppers,needles and syringes.
- People are worried about, dowe have enough medical glass
to be able to put all ofthese doses of the vaccine
into vials so that theycan be administered.
And that's a serious issueto think about right now,
even as we are anticipating,if all goes well,
that such vaccines may beavailable in millions of doses
as soon as this fall.
- The Department of Defensesays once the vaccines are made,
they'll be delivered tohealthcare providers nationwide,
with the speed and efficiencyof the U.S. Military.
Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- Thanks, Lorie.
One hundred million pre-filled syringes.
Pretty creative and, Gordon,
potentially life-saving technology.
- Well, this is really good.
Please watch out for what's going on
on the internet right now,
and there's a lot of fake news about this,
that somehow the government'strying to chip you.
That RFID chip doesn'tcome anywhere near you,
it doesn't get injected into you.
What it's useful for is tolet medical authorities know
where the dose was administered,
and when the dose was administered.
And it's also useful to making sure
we're not seeing counterfeitvaccines come onto the market.
So, it's a way to make sure that the dose
that you sign up for,
is the dose that you're actually getting.
From a medical authority basis,
it lets them know how manypeople were vaccinated
in a geographic area,
so if there is an outbreak,
they can reliably saywhat's the effect of this
and what's the potential infection rate.
So, please watch out what'shappening on the internet
calling this the governmenttrying to chip you,
or some radical conspiracy theory.
It's not that.
This is a good use ofwonderful technology.
- Well up next, it'scalled Operation Focus,
and it wiped out the enemy's air force
in a matter of hours.
How did Israeli fighterpilots pull it off?
Find out next.
(driving music)
(upbeat music)
- Well, today is theanniversary of the Six Day War.
In the days before the war,the Israeli Air Force knew
it needed to take outthe Egyptian Air Force.
They planned an attackcalled Operation Focus,
and it has since been called
the most successful aircampaign in military history.
Take a look.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] In May of 1967,
Egypt's president, Gamal Abdel Nasser,
declared war on the State of Israel,
telling his followers,
"Our path to Palestine willbe covered with blood."
Nasser moved his troopsinto the Sinai peninsula,
expelled the UN Peacekeepers there,
then blocked the Straitsof Tiran to Israeli ships.
For Israeli, it was timeto strike or be struck.
And for the next three weeks,
the Israel Defense Forceswere on high alert.
- (speaking in Hebrew)
- [Translator] The atmospherein Israel before the war
was very tense.
People thought we werefacing total extinction.
Forty thousand coffins were prepared,
and no one was sure thatthe IDF could really handle
the Arab armies.
Two weeks after the birth of my son,
I had to leave him,
without knowing if Iwould ever see him again.
- [Narrator] Armed by the Soviet Union,
the Egyptians had thelargest and best air force
in the Arab world.
Israel's only chance of survivalwas a preemptive strike.
And the air force hadprepared for this moment
for more than a decade.
Their plan was called Operation Moked,
which means "focus" in Hebrew.
- Operation Moked was thebrainchild of Ezer Weizman.
He was commander of the Israeli Air Force.
He was a pilot himself.
He was a pilot in the BritishAir Force in World War II,
flew Spitfires, laterthe President of Israel.
And it was an incredibly daring program.
- [Narrator] The plan wasfor dozens of squadrons
to strike eleven airfields throughout Egypt
and the Sinai peninsula.
- [Translator] The main goal was to strike
when all the Arab planeswere still on the ground,
fully exposed.
And the idea was to bombout the runways first
to prevent any air craft from taking off
and to keep them fromflying for a few days.
- [Narrator] In 1966, theplan's creator, Ezer Weizman,
had been promoted toIDF Chief of Operations.
And his successor, General Motti Hod,
now had the task ofexecuting Weizman's plan.
- Motti was a commander of the air force
that kept on flying as a fighter.
He understood what we felt in the cockpit.
He understood the issues.
Brave man, the nicest person in the world.
He had nerves formidable,
and always thinking forward, ahead,
like he did on the time to attack Egypt.
- [Narrator] For Israeli civilians,
the pre-war tension was high.
But for Air Force SquadronCommander, Yalo Shavit,
Israel's victory was inevitable.
- The Israeli Air Forceis like a tight spring,
ready for somebody to cut thecable to prevent it from...
It will be done in no time,
because we have been trainedsince the last eleven years.
I told my wife,
"Go to Gedera"--
Gedera is a small village in the south--
"Find a small (Hebrewword)", a lady tailor,
"and you know what do you want to wear
"for parties with all thoseprime minister and down,
"have three sets."
"Why three?"
I said, "Because I'mtelling you to do three.
"There will be parties."
Says, "You are crazy."
I said, "Listen to me, go and do it."
And she did it.
She was the best womandressed in the parties.
- [Narrator] Israeliintelligence had spent years
gathering details aboutthe Egyptian targets.
From the location of each plane,
to the name, rank and eventhe voice of each pilot.
(recording of pilot's voice)
- [Translator] I was oneof the youngest pilots
in the Air Force.
I had graduated from pilottraining the year before the war.
I wasn't even 21 years old yet.
I was the intelligenceofficer of the squadron.
For three weeks, we learnedthe most accurate intelligence
we could learn.
We also prepared the combatdoctrine for attacking airports.
I was a part of that system.
- They were so confident thatthey know exactly what to do.
They trained so many times,they knew it with closed eyes.
To receive an aircraftwith empty fuel tanks,
with empty munition, with empty whatever
and they got to a record of eight minutes.
Eight minutes to prepare the aircraft
to be ready to take off.
(jet noise)
- Monday morning, the 5th of June,
they woke us up and wewent down to the base.
We knew that the big moment had arrived.
The commander of the Air Force came in
with the wing commander, and they said,
"Dear Friends, OperationFocus will start today
"at 7:45am sharp.
"This is a fateful operation.
"Friends of yours will beinjured and killed in battle
"right next to you.
"It is going to be tough.
"But we will make it."
Then the wing commander told us
that the fate of the Jewishpeople was on our shoulders.
We were not afraid for ourselves.
The only fear was thatwe would not be able
to perform our duties inthe best way possible.
- When I took off, Ididn't realize it would be
such a complicated mission.
(alarm blaring)
- [Narrator] Squadronleaders gave their pilots
some ground rules, issuedby Commander Motti Hod.
- There's no communication whatsoever,
no radio, no nothing.
So we were prepared withall kind of signs and flags,
colors of the flags.
When you are ready to start the engine,
where you have to takeoff, no radio, zero.
You fly at zero altitude,the lowest you can.
If something happened,you do not report back
that you crashed or that you jump.
The Air Force will find you.
You do whatever it takesto reach to the target,
where to destroy theaircraft on the ground.
- [Translator] We werealso told that the mission
was more important than anything.
And that even in an emergency,
even if a friend of oursis about to be killed,
we were not allowed to warn him.
We are to just let him crash.
As cruel as that may sound,
this was all so that we willnot disrupt the operation.
If someone is attacked, youhave to go on and fight.
- [Narrator] Nearly all ofIsrael's 196 combat planes
were committed to the air strike.
Only 12 were left behind todefend the State of Israel.
The planes flew low over the Mediterranean
to avoid being detected by radar.
- We took off and stayedbetween 35 feet to 50 feet.
Impossible below that.
We smelled the smell ofthe salt over the sea.
- [Translator] I wasassigned to the force,
and it was under Yalo's leadership.
I was number two in the squadron
and their mission was to attack
the Inshas field near Cairo.
- [Narrator] Egypt'sradar didn't pick them up.
But someone else did.
At 8:15 Egyptian time,Jordanian radar screens lit up
with an unusual concentration of planes
heading over the Mediterranean.
And from there, a series ofmistakes gave the Israelis
an overwhelming advantage.
The top general in Jordanradioed the word "grape",
the prearranged code for "war",
to Egypt's Defense Minister in Cairo.
But the Egyptians had changedthe code word the day before
without updating Jordan.
So the Jordanian'smessages were tossed aside,
and the warning never reached Cairo.
But even if the messagehad been deciphered,
there was no one around to read it.
Egypt's Air Force commanderwas at his daughter's wedding.
The ground forcecommander was on vacation.
And the Defense Minister hadgone to bed a few hours earlier
leaving orders that hewas not to be disturbed.
Egypt's Chief of Staff,Field Marshall Amer,
was flying in that morningfrom an all-night party.
So, at the first sign of trouble,
the Egyptians shut down theirentire air defense system,
worried that Amer's planemight be shot down by mistake.
Assuming that any Israeliattack would begin at sunrise,
the Egyptians had alreadyflown their dawn patrols
and returned to base for breakfast.
- Motti was the man that blended,
cause the soldiers andofficers to be creative.
He hit them exactly in themiddle of landing, refueling,
eating, ready to go here.
We reach the target, butfrom a distance, 24 minutes,
I saw that there was a fog.
So I started circling,finding a hole in this fog.
Then I see the runway.
I dive, I bomb the runway,everything was okay.
Two, was okay.
Three, I don't hear anything.
Four, is okay.
Something happened to thisaccident officer pilot,
that he tried to aim andmeantime he lost altitude.
And when he tried to recover...
(slaps hand)
he hit the runway.
But as we were told in thebriefing before the take-off,
there's no mercy, there is no...
There is only one thing:
Keep on doing the job.
- [Translator] We turnedaround 360 degrees
and performed a second attack.
The planes were already burning.
There was a lot of smoke.
Those bombers went up in giant flames.
First I attacked a bomber thatseemed to be less damaged.
Then the second time, I attackedan anti-aircraft battery,
and then finally the control tower.
The Egyptians fired someanti-aircraft missiles at my plane,
but they did not hit me.
- In the last second, I saw from the left,
anti-aircraft position, andbefore I knew what happened,
I got hit by three, four bullets.
The front wheel, I saw it disappear.
The aircraft stop, my airbags went out,
and from 500 knots it wentdown to 220 in no time.
The two other, numbertwo and four, whoosh...
flew forward.
I gave them an order,"Go by yourself to base.
"Get as soon as possible to the sea,
"so nobody will shoot at you."
I found myself, after Iwas hit, at 3,000 feet
looking forward, and what do I see?
MiG-21, in front of me maybe 500 meters,
shooting, sh-sh-sh-sh.
My instinct, immediately,is to shoot at him.
He broke to the right,I broke to the left.
And then close to Israel,I went up to 7,000
in case I bail out.
I came to area of the base,
(Hebrew term) the commanderof the base and control tower,
"Hello, we have a problem."
"I understand.
"Go to the sea.
"Next to (foreign word), bail out."
I says, "No."
He says, "I'm telling you."
I says, "I hear you but, no,I'm not going to bail out."
I said, "Don't worry, I willland on one-third of the runway
"toward the fence."
So I came there.
I hold the aircraft inthe lowest speed I can.
And I cross the runway,I touched, full brakes.
I saw a lot of piecesof fire from both sides.
I cross the runway, Iwent to the other one.
A lot of stones and all this, pffff.
And it stopped.
And I went out and I wastending and I saw the security
and the emergency cars.
And they were so excited,"Where's the pilot?"
Because they saw that something different
because of the dust, and all this.
There was no fire becausethere was no fuel.
I came with zero fuel.
Zero fuel, nothing in theaircraft, in the tanks.
Nothing, nothing, nothing.
- [Narrator] Gradually,the rest of the first wave
returned to Israel.
In less than eight minutes,the planes were refueled,
rearmed, and ready for asecond wave of bombing.
In just over half an hour,
the Egyptians had lost 204 planes,
half of their air force.
The Israelis had lost only 19.
The kill ratio of OperationFocus had exceeded expectations
by almost 100%.
At half-past ten, General Motti Hod turned
to the Army's Chief of Staff,Yitzhak Rabin, and announced,
"The Egyptian Air Forcehas ceased to exist."
The Jordanian and Syrian airforces had also been decimated.
After less than five hours,
the Israelis had complete air superiority
over the Middle East.
- It is truly a "hail Mary" operation,
but for the Egyptians,the ultimate humiliation.
And very shortly afterthe Israeli aerial strike,
the Israeli ground forcesbegan moving into Sinai.
The goals were very limited, very limited.
The Egyptians had threedefense lines in Sinai.
The goal was to take up the first
of the three defenselines, not beyond that.
But the Egyptian army collapsed so fast.
And began running away.
But the other defense lines crashed,
and then as I said earlier,
Israeli forces reached the Suez Canal
without even intendingto reach the Suez Canal.
They got sucked into Sinai.
So for the Egyptians thiswas the ultimate humiliation.
It cannot be, that thepeople who just yesterday
you had pledged to throw into the sea,
are now driving you across the Suez Canal.
- [Narrator] All day long, theEgyptian propaganda machine
ran in overdrive.
Radio Cairo falsely reported that Egypt
had shot down 85 Israeli planes,
while only losing two of their own.
And Field Marshall Amertold the Jordanians
that Israel had lost 75% of its air power,
a lie that encouragedJordan's King Hussein
to enter the war.
- So we have developed a big lie.
The lie is that just theopposite has happened.
That the Egyptian Air Force has surprised
the Israeli Air Force on the ground,
and destroyed to Israeli Air Force.
The the Egyptian Armyhas crossed the border
into Israel and is on theoutskirts of Tel Aviv.
That's the big lie.
And this big lie is believedby 200 million Arabs.
No one questions the credibility.
No one questions theveracity of these claims.
And there's a certaindebate about the degree
to which Nasser himself understood,
or was informed of thedireness of the situation.
How would you like to bethe officer who walked in
and said, "President Nasser,I got some bad news for you."
How would you like to be that person?
So, maybe people were feedinghim strange information.
There was one document I saw in Egypt,
was that the person whoreported the Egyptian victory,
over the Israeli Air Force,was a young air force captain
by the name of Housni Labar.
- [Narrator] Operation Focusremains one of the most
successful air campaignsin military history.
During the Six Day War,
the Israeli Air Forcedestroyed 452 enemy planes,
while losing just 46 of their own.
After their stunning performance in Egypt,
Yalo Shavit and his crewfinished the day in Jerusalem,
bombing the Jordanian tanksthat raced towards the city,
and providing air coverfor Israeli ground forces.
- [Translator] It was a long day.
That night, I came back to the room alone,
because my roommate got killed that day.
It was an exhausting day,
both physically and mentally.
Not all was taken for granted.
Even with the feeling of victory we had,
no one was free to celebrate.
- [Translator] When I think about it now,
after years of experience,
I still think that this wasa very successful mission.
- If one will ask me, what was the thing
that made it possible, so successful?
I would answer it in one word: simplicity.
I know there are a lot ofstories about secret weapons
which we used, but we didn't actually.
We used the spirit, we usedthe standard of flying,
and we used another thingwhich maybe doesn't exist
in any other air forces in the world,
and we call it a "no alternative".
And when you don't have alternatives,
you can achieve such achievements,as we did in this war.
- They don't know what agroup of dedicated people,
professionals trained,willing to invest their soul
and everything they have,can do for their country.
- That's a lesson for us in America today.
We don't know what a group
who is willing to invest their soul,
everything that we have.
And today, in America, we need to do that.
We need to invest ourselvesin our own future.
Well, here we are, 53 years later,
after the stunning victoryof the Six Day War.
And we're still talking aboutit, we're still debating it.
And you look at the proposedannexation of portions
of the West Bank thatNetanyahu is putting forward
that may happen as soon as July.
Well, if you want to know the history,
if you want to know how we got here,
look at this wonderful DVD we have.
This story that you justsaw, Operation Focus,
is a DVD extra on the home release of
"In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem".
So if you want to know the history here,
the history from the pointof view of the people
that actually foughtthe war, get your copy.
It's yours for a gift of $15 or more.
To get it, all you have to dois call us: 1-800-700-7000,
or go to,and you can own the movie.
Again, it's for a gift of $15 or more.
- Well, are you theparent of young children
and is bedtime making you crazy?
That's not the problem forthis mom of four young boys.
So what's her secret?
Stay tuned to find out.
And then later, the mayorwho's been in maximum security.
See the remarkableturnaround of a former felon.
That's later, on today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- CBN's latest documentaryis called "Outbreak".
It investigates theorigin of the coronavirus
and exposes the lies thatallowed it to spread.
You'll learn answers to questions such as:
Who sounded the alarm at first?
Why were those alarms ignored?
And what can we do nowto stop the next pandemic
because the experts aresaying another pandemic
may be coming our way.
Outbreak is available forfree, there's no charge,
on the CBN Family App andon CBN Films' Facebook
and YouTube pages.
You can also find out moreby going to
So do that today.
Get informed: How did we get here?
How did we get into thestate we're in today?
What's the origin of this?
What did the Chinesegovernment do and not do,
all at the same time?
And how can we protect ourselvesagainst future outbreaks?
Again, it's all free.
Just go to
- Jason and Rachel needall the help they can get
raising four boys, especially at bedtime.
And that's why theylike Superbook so much.
At the end of the day, thewhole family winds down
with a Superbook episode,
chosen by the boy who'sthe first to shower,
put on his pajamas and brush his teeth.
- [Narrator] Jason andRachel Oyer have four boys
so life happens at warp speed.
But there's one thingthat Samuel and Levi,
Benjamin and Matt willsit still for: Superbook.
- They're the ones who are like,
"We love Superbook, it's awesome."
- Bedtime routine candefinitely be crazy at times,
but one thing that wehave been doing for awhile
is who's ever brush theirteeth, put their pajamas on,
taken their shower, thefirst one down would be able
to pick the Superbook episode.
- We could just unwindall together from crazy.
I want to end the day well with my kids.
This is the last thingthey're gonna think about
before they go to sleep.
- [Narrator] The boys, rangingin age from four to ten,
are eager to tell you abouttheir favorite episodes.
- It'll tell you a lot about Elijah
and the prophets of Baal.
All the rest of the prophetswere worshiping Baal,
but Elijah, he was trying tomake everyone worship to God.
God made a fiery pit andit blasted wide open.
It was super good.
- I learned that God loves us so much.
It also makes me feel likeI want to be a missionary
when I grow up, cause of allthe people that don't know God.
- [Narrator] Rachelhomeschools all of her sons
and Superbook is a vitaltool for teaching them
life-changing spiritual principles.
- It's something that canchange their daily life.
You want them to be able tostand up to peer pressure
and not give in to something you know
is a bad choice for them.
When difficult things happen,to be able to push through
and not to give up.
Superbook brings all ofthose things together.
- It's just nice to havesomebody on your team with you
who wants you to succeed.
They want you to raise yourchildren to know Christ.
- Well, schools may be closed,
but you can still giveyour children a lesson
that will last a lifetime.
Join the Superbook Cluband watch the stories
of the Bible come to life.
Members of the SuperbookClub can stream all episodes
from seasons one through five.
And if you join today,we'll send you three DVDs
of "Explorer 25".
It's our latest release.
It contains two great episodes:
"The Birth of Moses", and "Philip",
plus tons of activities.
You can join the Superbook Clubfor a recurring gift of $25.
And you'll be one of thefirst to receive episodes
as they are released.
So, go to or callour toll-free number:
Join the Superbook Club.
We'll get the latest "Explorer"out to you right away.
- Still ahead, from thestate penn to city hall.
How did this ex-con becomethe mayor of his hometown?
(encouraging music)
(intense music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Old world masterpiece paintings have sold
for millions of dollars,but one Dutch museum
has just received quitea generous donation,
all due the global coronavirus outbreak.
When the economicdownturn stopped the sale
of the masterpiece, Body ofChrist Supported By Angels,
its owner decided to take a financial loss
and instead of selling,donated the painting.
They gifted it to theAmsterdam's Rijksmuseum
in memory of COVID-19 patients.
Well, CBN's OperationBlessing is helping fight
the coronavirus internationally.
For families living incountries like Peru,
staying at home all thetime is nearly impossible.
Their homes often lack refrigerators
so families have to go to the market
cause food spoils quickly.
And the daily income for manyonly is enough to support
eating that same day.
Thanks to support from its partners,
Operation Blessing hasengineered hand washing stations
that have been installed in busy areas,
like the marketplace.
Now grateful customers andshopkeepers have a place
to wash their hands and thathas inspired public confidence
replacing fear.
Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting
Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of today's 700 Club
right after this.
(intense music)
- Jermaine Wilson grewup on the mean streets
of Leavenworth, Kansas.
He saw drug deals go down,
and he started selling drugs on his own.
Well, years later, Jermaine's job was
to clean up those streets,
after he became the mayor of his hometown.
- Just exposed to drugs,exposed to the violence,
and just seeing this every single day.
- [Narrator] JermaineWilson knew all too well
the lifestyle of drug dealers.
Growing up in the streets
of a poor Leavenworth, Kansas neighborhood
with little hope of a future,
he even dreamed of becoming one.
- We would see these drug dealers,
you know, they're pullingout wads of money,
exciting, it looked thrilling.
And I said, "Man, I want what he got!"
- [Narrator] To Jermaine,that also meant having
the respect of others,something he never had.
- People would always make fun of me,
and ended up getting a name,"too short, too fat, too ugly"
and I always wanted to fit in.
- [Narrator] But there was one person
who made Jermaine feel safe and accepted.
- My brother was my protector.
He was my role model.
And I felt like he couldnot do any wrong in my life.
And I wanted to be just like him.
- [Narrator] Which notonly meant hanging out
with his brother and his friends,
but also doing drugs andcommitting small crimes.
- Because my brotherwas constantly doing it,
everybody else was doing it,
I didn't want to be likethe outcast and not do it.
- [Narrator] Eventually,his brother wound up
in juvenile detention for theft.
But 12-year-old Jermaine continued on,
spending the next three years doing drugs,
getting into fights, and stealing.
Then at 15, he also landedin juvenile detention.
What started as a two-yearsentence turned into four,
after the angry teenager tried to escape.
- I felt like the system had played me,
and I truly felt likethat I was going to have
to make up for lost time.
I learned more aboutdrugs being incarcerated,
than I've ever had.
And I told myself, I said,
"You know what, when I get out of here,
"I know how to make money,and I'm gonna make it quickly,
"and everybody's gonnaknow exactly who I am."
- [Narrator] Once released and back home,
Jermaine set his plan in motion.
Using the skills andconnections he made in prison,
he quickly became one ofthe leading drug dealers
in his area.
- I seen how quickly the money came,
and I seen how thecustomers would come back
and just the level ofrespect that they showed me.
And, yes it did give me a sense of power.
- [Narrator] But therewere some things that came
with money and status he didn't count on.
- Over a period of time,paranoia really, really was
setting in on me.
So I started heavily using Ecstasy pills
to help me cope withwhat I was going through.
I worried, not knowing ifI was going to get robbed,
not knowing if I was gonnaget busted by the cops.
- [Narrator] Those feelings only got worse
after his long-time girlfriend gave birth
to his son, Jermaine, Jr.
- And I felt like it wasjust a matter of time
before I end up gettingcaught and losing everything.
I was just trying todrown out this feeling.
I would just talk to myself, I said,
"Man, I need something different.
"Like, this is killing me."
- [Narrator] In 2008, only twoyears after being released,
he was back in prison,arrested for drug possession.
Jermaine realized thatthe status and power
he thought he enjoyed had been a lie.
- I knew deep down inside of my heart
that, you know, peopledidn't care about me,
they cared about thematerial things that I had.
I felt like these were thethings that defined who I was.
But once I lost all ofthose things, I was broken.
- [Narrator] Nine monthsinto his sentence,
Jermaine was consideringtaking his own life,
when he remembered atime in his childhood.
- And I remembered, my momused to make us go to church.
And we were sitting in Sunday School.
And I always used to hearabout a man named Jesus,
how He forgives, how Hegives second chances,
how He restores and give hope.
And these stories startedcoming to my mind,
as I'm sitting on my prisonfloor, crying, bawling out,
not knowing what's gonna happen for me.
I want something different.
I need help.
And I said, "God, likeif you truly are real,
"please, please forgive me of my sins.
"Give me another chance forme to be with my family.
"Help me to become me.
"Help me to become fulfilled,
"because I don't want to continue
"to live this lifestyle anymore."
And when I cried out to God,
that's when, the first timein my life, I felt free.
That's when I started feeling peace.
And I just felt thelove and the compassion
that came from Jesus, justbeing inside of my heart.
And that's when I knew
that life was gonna be different for me.
- [Narrator] Since his release in 2010,
Jermaine has been ministering to inmates
and people in his communityas an ordained pastor.
Now married to his girlfriend Jessica,
this one-time drug dealer and convict
has risen to new heights
as the mayor of Leavenworth, Kansas.
- So as I was going through my journey,
searching throughout life,
I was looking forhappiness and joy and peace
through all these material things.
The fulfillment that Ineeded, Christ gave to me.
The acceptance that Ineeded, Christ gave to me.
The joy, the hope, thepeace, and most of all,
the forgiveness, Christ gave to me.
And that's why I'm here today.
- And He will give it to you.
You listen to Jermaine's prayer,
"Help me to become me."
What an incredible prayer.
Because that's the transformationthat God offers you.
He offers you to becomewhat He originally intended.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are made in the image of God.
We're not talking about you becoming
some kind of different thing,
we're talking about you becoming you,
what you were made to be.
The good works that God has for you,
the good things that He has for you to do.
Maybe it's not to be mayor of Leavenworth,
but for you, it'll besomething even better.
Because it was made uniquelyby an all-wise God for you.
Things that will give you hope.
Things that will give you a purpose.
Things that will show you God's plan.
Things that will satisfythe desires of your heart.
The world wants to giveyou a different story.
And it's the same story that Jermaine had
in his head for a while.
And that story is, somehow,the system has played you.
Or that things are stacked against you.
Or there's no way out, there's no hope,
there's no future for you.
Those are the things the world is trying
to impress upon you.
But in God's Kingdom,none of that is true.
What is true is that you arefearfully and wonderfully made.
What is true is thatyou are a child of God.
What is true is thatHe wants you to be part
of His royal priesthood.
What is true is that He wants to take you
from an ash heap and puta crown on your head.
That's God's truth.
That's what He wants for you.
So don't believe the lie.
Don't follow after the lie.
Don't follow, just asJermaine followed it, said,
"I'm going to get goodat doing bad things."
When you turn around, and you turn to Him,
and say, "God I want everythingthat you have for me.
"I want to fulfill all my purpose,
"all that you laid out,I want every piece of it.
"I don't wanna miss out on anything.
"Any good thing that youhave for me, I want that.
"I want all-in with you."
When you pray that withall of your heart--
and that's what Jermaine did,
he prayed it with all of his heart:
"God, if you're real,could you forgive me?
"Could you change me, couldyou turn my life around?
"I want to be all-in with you."
When you pray that with allof your heart, He'll answer.
So right now, let's do that, you and me.
All you have to do is bow your head.
Let's say that same prayerthat Jermaine prayed.
And God will do the same thing for you.
He's no respecter of persons.
Because everyone is made in His image.
Everyone is His child.
He wants everyone to have this.
So pray with me, and realizeGod will come to you right now.
Let's pray.
that's right, say Hisname, say it out loud--
Jesus, if you're real,could you forgive me?
Could you come into my heart?
Could you make me new again?
Could you restore to me whatyou originally intended for me?
I'm sorry for the thingsthat I've done wrong.
I turn from them now.
And I turn to you.
Hear my prayer.
For I pray it in Jesus' name, amen.
If you prayed with me,there's one more thing
I want you to do:
I want you to let somebody know.
We made that easy, it's atoll-free number: 1-800-700-7000.
And when you call, I'vegot something for you,
it's called, "A New Day".
There's a CD teaching,"What Do You Do Now?",
booklet filled with Bible verses.
I encourage you to geta copy of the Bible,
start reading it everyday.
Here's a word from Proverbs:
"Every word of God proves true.
"He is a shield to all whocome to Him for protection."