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'A Good Use of Wonderful Technology': Gordon Robertson's Comments on the RFID Chip

'A Good Use of Wonderful Technology': Gordon Robertson's Comments on the RFID Chip Read Transcript

- Is really good.

Please watch out for what's going on

on the internet right now

and there's a lotta fake news about this.

That somehow the government'stryin' to chip you.

No, that RFID chip doesn'tcome anywhere near you.

It doesn't get injected into you.

What it's useful for

is to let medical authorities know

where the dose was administered

and when the dose was administered.

And it's also useful to making sure

we're not seeing counterfeitvaccines come onto the market.

So it's a way to make sure

that the dose that you sign-up for

is the dose that you're actually getting.

From a medical authority basis,

it lets them know how manypeople were vaccinated

in a geographic area

so if there is an outbreak,

they can reliably say

"What's the effect of this

"and what's the potential infection rate?"

So please watch out what'shappening on the internet

calling this, you know, thegovernment trying to chip you

or some, you know,radical conspiracy theory.

It's not that.

This is a good use ofwonderful technology.


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