Read Transcript
(uplifting music)
- Time for your questionsand some honest answers.
Pat, this first one comesfrom Teresa who says,
"God gave me a Word watching your show,
"and I was healed.
"How did you receivethis gift from the Lord?"
- Well, if you read theBible you understand
that there is soulful charismata that
the enablement of the Holy Spirit.
When you're baptized in the Holy Spirit
there are a number of things.
There's word of wisdom whichis looking at the future.
The word of knowledge is the supernatural
understanding of somethingthat you can't taste
or hear, and so forth.
They're miracles, they'rehealings, and these various things
so this is the Holy Spiritand it's the power of God.
This isn't something spooky, it's just
the Holy Spirit of God.
Read in the book of ICorinthians, read in Romans
about what it has tosay about the enableance
of Holy Spirit.
They're not gifts, they're manifestations.
- Okay, this is Belica who says,
"Hello, I wanna ask Pat whatcan we do to stop racism?
- What we can do to stop racismis to understand each other.
I really think we've gotunderstand each other
and as long as there's hostility,
but you know, at Regent University
about 23% of our studentsare African American, black.
I mean, these are wonderful kids
and they're part of our family.
And I've got peoplewho are working with me
who are like brothers and sisters.
They're our brothersand sisters in the Lord.
That's how you can stopracism is to realize
these people are yourbrothers and sisters.
The same thing with those little Latinos.
I just love people in Latin America.
I've worked there so much.
But I go over to Russia, I go to China,
I go to these otherpeople and I find people
who are just wonderful people
and there's no suspicion.
Governments like to setup suspicion and you have
people fighting each other, but how do you
get rid of it?
That's how you get ridof it, to understand
these are our brothers and sisters,
especially in the Lord.
- This is I think you say Igga, I-G-G-A.
"I would like to win moresouls to Christ Jesus.
"What can I do to be a partof preaching the Gospel, Pat?"
- "Let your light so shine before men
"that they'll see your good works
"and glorify your Father."
Live a life, that'sthe greatest testimony.
But at the same time,learn a few simple things
about how you lead somebody to the Lord
and you start out, and thenthere's a simple prayer
that you can pray with somebody.
Know the Bible, but more than anything,
your personal testimony'swhat's important.
And if you say, "Look, let metell you what happened to me,"
and, "I wanna tell you I was doing this
"and now I'm doing that, andhere's what God's done for me."
- This is Linnie who says, "When you live
"through nightmarish events,how do you stop letting them
"affect your present andfuture so that you can have
"an emotionally healthy future?"
- You ask me these questionsabout how do you do
stuff like this, you know,if I were a psychiatrist
I'd have you- [Terry] (chuckling)
- For a few sessions and maybe I could
find out more about youand learn about more.
But the truth his (chuckling)
the nightmarish thingsthat you've been through,
the Bible talks about havingyour conscience cleared
from dead works that youmight serve the living God.
You know, He has what's calledthe sea of His forgetfulness
and God Almighty cancause you to forget stuff.
And so say, "Lord, take thisout of my consciousness."
But fill your mind with the things of God
and do not dwell on theinjustices, on the pain,
on the suffering.
Fill yourself with love.
"Perfect love casts out fear."
Fill your heart with love andthat's the best way to do it.
- This is Ryan who says,"Pat, is there anything
"to fear about death?
"How can I feel at ease?
"I am a Christian, I've been baptized,
"and I pray and watch church online."
- All that stuff is nice,but the big thing is
to be one with Christ.
Paul said, "I'm in a strait betwixt two
"whether to depart and be with the Lord
"which is far better,or remain in the flesh
"which is needful."
But you know, I've stayedaround because I know
there's stuff that theLord wants me to do.
So I say, "Okay, God, I'lldo what you want me to do."
But what,
death is the express train
to New Jerusalem.
"Eye hasn't seen and ear hasn't heard
"what God has plannedfor them that love Him,"
it is so wonderful.
And heaven is so absolutely wonderful
and heaven is our goal,not to stay in the flesh.