In 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Dismisses California Church's Appeal to End Restrictions on Religious Services
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- Joining us now to discussthis further is healthcare
logistics expert, Dr. Larry Kaplan
and the pleasure to have youwith us today, Dr. Kaplan.
- It's my pleasure to be here.
- Well, let's pick up withthe latest developments
that we were just talkingabout out of California.
Should churches be treateddifferent than businesses
when it comes to reopening?
- Well, churches, in myopinion, churches are essential.
And from a from a healthcare perspective,
the work that churches havebeen doing and keep in mind,
churches are not closed.
The buildings may be closed,but churches not closed.
The work that churches havebeen doing is, in many ways,
not only essential, but it'salso healthcare services,
supporting mental health,supporting drug and alcohol abuse,
supporting domestic violence,
supporting there's a host of things
that the church does that,
in my personal opinion is is essential?
So I differ greatly from the findings.
I think that we need churchesmore than ever right now.
- Well, everyone is trying to figure out
how to safely open their businesses
in their houses of worship,
what steps or steps are most important
and are there any things that
perhaps the average personwouldn't be thinking about?
- Yeah, in my dogshealth is an organization
that's been helping get
we've a logistics health organization.
So we've been delivering care
for the US military for 25years, school based programmes.
So we have a lot ofexperience in in getting care
to populations where they operate
and making sure that that gets delivered.
Churches can be openedtoday in away that allows
the church to function theway it normally function
as well as maintain the healthissues that we've worked
so hard to try and andprotect the country from the
expansion of COVID-19.
So there there are a number of policies
that can be put into placevery rapidly for churches
to go to, to open up
and open up at close to normal capacity.
- So what are some of those steps?
- Sure, so the first thingthat the church would wanna do
is we wanna put into placean actual written plan
and and we want the planto be available to the
parishioners, so they understand exactly
what's going to happen.
We've instituted in other cases
is the prisoners can goon to their mobile devices
or to their computer andfill out a health survey
and a social history survey that notifies
that lets the church know that
this person doesn't have any symptoms,
and that they haven'tbeen exposed to anyone
who is potentially COVID-19 positive,
because the first thing wewanna do is try to keep people
who are positive from going to the church
in the first place.
We wanna try and keep it as a safe place
from the transmission of infection.
The next thing that- we do that
- because churches arethere to help people
you don't want them to findthemselves in a situation
of harming themselvesmore than helping them.
We got to leave it right there.
We're out of time, sir.
But thank you so much for yourtime and for your insights.
- Okay, thank you very.