Author William Federer shares stories about our country that you won’t find in the schoolbooks. Plus, a North Carolina law firm has a secret to success that no business expert signed off on.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Coming up...
The stories about our countryyou won't find in schoolbooks.
How did God save America?
Decades of pain...
- It just starts hurtingand it won't stop.
- [Announcer] Vanishes in an instant.
- [Woman] And it wasinstantly, the pain was gone.
- [Announcer] How did it happen?
- I stood up, I walkedaround and I said, "Yes God!"
- [Announcer] Find out,on today's 700 Club.
(orchestral music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
Images on live TV likeAmerica has never seen before.
All across this country,
violent protestors looting businesses
and torching policevehicles in multiple cities.
Even the White Housewas temporarily at risk.
Who is really inciting the violence
over the brutal killing of George Floyd?
And what will the Presidentdo to stop the rioting?
Gary Lane has more.
- "Go home."
That was the message toprotestors turned violent
in major cities across America.
In Atlanta, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms
denounced the violence,
saying black-owned businessesare being destroyed.
- This is not in the spiritof Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is chaos.
- [Police On Video] You arebeing ordered to disperse.
- [Gary] National Guardtroops were called up
in major U.S. cities,
where protests turnedviolent over the weekend.
Often along with police,
they fired tear gas inplaces like Detroit,
and even in Oklahoma City.
Rubber bullets were alsoused to disperse crowds.
In Washington D.C., crowdsof protestors outside
the White House pushed back on barricades,
forcing the Secret Serviceto keep President Trump
in a secure area of themansion for nearly an hour.
Some of the protestors set fires,
smashed and burned police cars.
Others looted stores, carrying away items
like jewelry and guitars.
Officials say many of theviolent people arrested
are outsiders, not local protestors,
who are using thesituation to create chaos
in America's cities.
- There are instigators thatare erupting in this violence
and it reflects on black people.
- [Gary] On Face the Nation,Sunday, Atlanta's mayor said
she doesn't know specificallywho was behind the violence
in her city, but theyare not Atlanta-based.
- It looked differently,racially, in our city,
than our normal protest looked,
and it was a different group.
So we don't know who they were.
But many of them were notlocally-based, I'll say that.
- [Gary] The administrationaccusing the left-wing Antifa,
an anarchist group based in Oregon.
Attorney General William Barrnamed Antifa in a statement.
And President Trump tweeted that the U.S.
will designate Antifa aterrorist organization.
However, other officials,like the mayor of Minneapolis
point to white supremacist groups.
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis,where the police-tortured death
of George Floyd sparked thenationwide protest and rioting,
terrorism of another kind.
Horror on wheels,
as a tanker truckbarreled toward protestors
on a closed highway.
- It's been awesome seeingthe community come out.
Taking a moment ofsilence for George Floyd.
And (breaking up) to see asemi-truck come barreling through
trying to kill people...
I don't understand.
- [Gary] Miraculously, therewere no injuries reported.
The truck driver wastaken into police custody.
Some acts of kindness were seen
during several peacefulprotests on Sunday,
like this Florida StateTrooper in riot gear
hugging a woman who thanked him
for putting his safety on the line
to restore and law and order.
Meanwhile, Minnesota AttorneyGeneral Keith Ellison
has taken over the caseagainst the police officers.
One has been chargedwith third-degree murder,
and they're considering chargesagainst the three others.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Thanks, Gary.
I want to say that it's timefor the President to speak.
He should've spoken about it earlier.
I know he was so taken and enthralled
by that Elon Musk spaceexploration rocket.
That SpaceX, it was anincredible event for the nation.
But he's got to say somethingto indicate that he's on board
and believes justice should be done
against those police officers.
That one cop should becharged with first-degree,
not third-degree murder,but first-degree murder.
The people involved who werestanding on the sideline
were accessories to murder,they should be charged.
They should be prosecutedand they should be brought
to the full extent of the law.
If it had been done more quickly,
maybe some of these riotswould have been quelled.
But the truth is, thisthing is being stirred up
by outside agitators and ourcountry is just torn all apart.
And I want to give you aword that is in Romans.
I think it's important.
"Knowing all these things,
"we are more than conquerorsthrough Him that loved us."
We're gonna conquer this,we're gonna conquer the corona,
and we're gonna conquerthis feeling of anger
that's in our society.
But we must move quickly to bring justice
against those police whodid that horrible thing
in Minneapolis.
And I have been, in my own mind, saying,
that one cop brings disgrace,
not only to his city, butto our state, our nation
and our standing in the world.
One bad cop, and it wasa brutal, brutal murder.
It was first-degree murder.
And how in the world he gotaway with it, he shouldn't.
My sentence to him would beto lock him up in a prison
and let him go into the prison population
that has mostly black people,
and let them deal with himin the appropriate manner.
Well, in other news,
our shattered economy was juststarting to pick itself up.
And now the nationwide violenceis delivering another blow.
Efrem Graham has more.
- Pat, the destructiveriots are hurting businesses
already suffering fromthe coronavirus lockdowns.
Small businesses and bigretailers are either shutdown
or rebuilding because of the violence.
Walmart closed morethan 100 stores Sunday.
About a dozen have been damaged.
Target has closed more than 200 locations.
On top of that, thousands of small stores
are now either damaged orforced to close up for safety.
And this comes as they were just reopening
after being closed for months.
As one restaurant owner in Minneapolis
told the Wall Street Journal,
"It's a double whammy.
"It's a gut punch."
The Education Department'sOffice of Civil Rights
has issued a major decisionon transgender athletes,
ruling against a Connecticut state policy
that allows transgenderathletes to compete
in girls' sports, calling it "illegal".
Caitlin Burke is on this story.
- In Connecticut,biologically female athletes
have been denied awards,advancement and recognition
because of a statepolicy that allows anyone
who identifies as female tocompete in girls' sports.
Now, that could all be about to change.
- The U.S. Department ofEducation's Office for Civil Rights
which is the agency chargedwith enforcing Title IX,
issued a ruling that statedthat the Connecticut policy,
that allows males to competein the girls' division,
violates Title IX.
- [Caitlin] That ruling isin response to a complaint
filed last year by severalfemale track athletes
who argued that twotransgender female runners
have an unfair physical advantage.
- I had spent so muchtime practicing to be able
to get my times to where they're at now,
and then to know that anathlete that has advantages
was going to be able to justblow right past everyone.
- [Caitlin] Rising junior,Alanna Smith, has had to compete
against those two transgender athletes
each time she reachedthe state championship.
Attorneys for Alanna andtwo other female athletes
argued this basicallyforces girls to be reduced
to spectators in their own sports,
which goes against TitleIX, a federal law designed
to create equal opportunities for women.
- We have watched two biological males
in the State of Connecticut alone,
take 15 women's state championship titles,
that used to be held by ninedifferent Connecticut girls,
which completely undoesthe promise of Title IX
for female athletes.
- This dispute is also thesubject of a federal lawsuit.
Connecticut is one of 18 states,along with Washington D.C.
that allow transgenderhigh school athletes
to compete without restrictions.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- The Supreme Court rejected aCalifornia church's challenge
to the state's restrictions on churches.
Chief Justice John Robertsjoined the court's liberal wing
in the 5-4 ruling.
In his opinion, Roberts said,churches should be deferential
to state and localofficials who are trying
to prevent a deadly virus.
And the restrictions don't appear
to violate the First Amendment.
California's regulationslimit church attendance
to 100 members or 25% ofthe building capacity,
whichever is lower.
The church said thoserestrictions are stricter
than those put on grocerystores and other businesses.
Christians across the globe
celebrated Pentecost Sunday, yesterday.
For thousands of churches in America,
it was the day to worship together
for the first time in months.
As Wendy Griffith reports,
there's a reason they chosethe birthday of the church
to open up their doors again.
(praise music playing)
- Here at New LifeChurch in Virginia Beach,
Christians gathered togetherfor the first time in months.
They followed strict safety measures,
including keeping theirmasks on during the service
and sitting several feet apart.
But those restrictionsdidn't dampen the excitement
of finally being together.
- Oh, it feels so good.
I just could've just cried.
Just to be able to cometo church is just so--
Oh, it's such a peace.
- [Wendy] Preachingonline since mid-March,
longtime New Life Pastor,Dan Backens, was happy
to see his congregation in the flesh.
- Just to have a roomof people worshiping God
and praying and the energy was there,
the Holy Spirit was there.
It was like, this iswhat I was meant to do.
Preaching to a camera has its purpose,
I thank God for it.
But there's nothinglike preaching in front
of the constituted, local body of Christ.
You know them, you lovethem, and they love you.
It was dynamic.
- [Wendy] Backens saysit's not a coincidence
they reopened on Pentecost Sunday.
- It's like the birth of the church
2,000 years ago on Pentecost,
and us kind of like there-birth of our local church
on that very same day.
That is more than a coincidence.
We kind of see it as kind ofa profound blessing of God
like, I'm with you in a special way.
(singing praise music)
- [Wendy] Meanwhile, acrosstown at the Kingdom Cathedral,
Bishop Michael Rogers was not quite ready
to open his sanctuary.
But that didn't stop membersfrom having Pentecost praise
in the parking lot.
- What God says today the church...
has left the building.
- [Wendy] As BishopRogers preached outside,
members listened fromthe safety of their cars.
He says an older congregation,
plus the fact that helost many pastor friends
in New York to the illness,
influenced his decision to stay closed.
- I think that we haveto be careful of rushing.
The scripture says "In your patience,
"you possess your soul."
- [Wendy] He's hopeful COVID-19 will go
as quickly as it came.
- So I really believe that,
when the body of Christexperiences true unity
we're gonna have a sudden move of God.
And I believe just likethis pandemic came,
it will suddenly go away.
- [Wendy] Although crowdswere light and masks on,
many were thankful just to be together.
- I didn't even think about the fact
that I had a mask on.
I was just so engrossed in the service,
I forgot the mask.
It was truly awesome.
- [Wendy] Wendy Griffith,CBN News, Virginia Beach.
- Thankful to be together, indeed.
- A new Pentecost.
Isn't that wonderful?
Dan Backens, by the way, is agraduate of Regent University.
He is a fabulous pastor.
And that New Life Church is just booming.
It's got a tremendous congregation.
He has alternate congregationsin various places.
They are growing so fast.
But, anyhow.
A new Pentecost.
That's a nice thing.
- [Terry] Wonderful to see.
- Well, hurricane season begins today.
I know you've been waiting for it.
We've already had ourfirst two named storms.
Is this a prelude of things to come?
Meteorologist Joe Bastardibrings us his forecast.
And then later,
more miracles in American history.
William Federer is backto share the stories
you won't read in history books.
(upbeat orchestral music)
(upbeat music)
- First the coronavirus killedmore than 100,000 people
and crippled our economy,
and now, nationwide protestswith devastating riots.
What more can America take?
There's more coming, get ready.
The 2020 hurricane season begins today.
- [Reporter] It's exactlywhat COVID-weary Americans
don't need right now,
an abnormally active2020 hurricane season.
This year, NOAA is forecasting
between 13 and 19 named storms
6 to 10 of which could become hurricanes.
As many of six of thosehurricanes could develop
into major storms, category 3, 4 or 5,
with winds of 111 milesper hour or higher.
The average season seesthree major hurricanes,
making 2020 forecast to be one
of the most active seasons on record.
- Well, Joe Bastardi is with us.
He's from Weather Bell analytics.
And Joe, it's good to have youback again on The 700 Club.
Listen, what's coming up this year,
in terms of hurri--
- Well, first of all,before COVID broke out,
and before all the other mayhem broke out,
back on March 10th, mycompany put out a forecast
for a very active hurricane season.
We were detecting a changein the overall pattern
in the Pacific.
Most people know about theEl Nino and the La Nina,
but what has become moreand more of an indicator
over the past 15 to 20 years,
has been what we call theMadden-Julian oscillation.
And what that is, is amovement of low pressure
across the Indian Ocean into the Pacific.
And when it gets into certain phases,
there's a response in the Atlantic.
Now during the winter season,
it was constantly in the phases
that favored the warm winter.
Now if it stayed in those phases,
during the entire summer,
it would favor a down hurricane season.
However, the change in thesea surface temperatures
in the Pacific,
specifically to thewest-southwest of Hawaii,
has changed that pattern.
So what's happening now is we're seeing
that same oscillation goinginto a very favorable pattern
for tropical cyclone development.
We started detecting this back in March.
And when you saw that coldair coming April and May,
that was a signal over North America
of what was going on our there.
So we put out a big forecast.
Already, we've seen two storms hit
in one of our prime target areas,
along the Eastern Seaboard.
And we're gonna probably get a third one
this week, into Texas.
This feature that wasAmanda in the Pacific--
We've been saying since Thursday,
once that gets into theGulf, it's going to wind,
because the southern Gulf of Mexico
is loaded for development.
And you folks on the Texas Gulf Coast,
you may have a hurricanethreat this weekend.
I'm not trying to hype anything.
Now, again there are naturalreasons why this is happening.
So I don't want people to think,
oh my goodness, this is the apocalypse
and everything's piling on.
It's just a matter of naturedoing what nature does.
And the other factor is, let's remember,
I could be wrong here.
Only God knows tomorrow.
The rest of us just have todo the best we can with it.
- Well, if that thing gets into the Gulf,
are we talking about another Katrina?
Is it going to be that serious?
- No.
The history of June Texas hurricanes--
Did have a majorhurricane, Audrey, in 1957.
So that was a category four.
But somehow, reanalysis istaking it down to a three.
I don't know what theydiscovered different,
but someone must've discovered different.
Then there was a hurricane Alice in '54,
hit the lower Rio Grande Valley.
Was a bad storm.
Tropcial Storm Candy in'68 hit Texas in June.
Now, if we look at theblend of all three of those,
we take a tropical stormwith 60 mile an hour winds,
Alice with 80 mile an hour winds,
and Audrey with 120--
Let's say you were using those as analogs,
you'd say, well maybe thiscould 80-100 mile an hour storm
when it reaches the coast.
And indeed, Europeangenerated computer models--
And they have been on thissince last week, by the way.
We put out our first statement on this
on Thursday at our company
because we have a lot of clients in there.
The European is very bullishon this becoming a hurricane
as it journeys north through the Gulf.
It will mill around,Pastor, for three days or so
down in the southern Gulf andlurk near the Mexican coast,
the bend in the Mexicancoast there for a few days,
and then start to comenorthward later in the week.
And that's when peoplehave to start watching
very, very closely.
- Joe, what should they do?
If we're looking about four tofive to six major hurricanes,
we're talking about winds inexcess of 110 miles an hour,
or more intense than that?
- First of all, a couple things.
Most of these major hurricanes weaken
when they come into land.
Harvey and Michael havebeen the exceptions.
The problem with the pattern is,
the oceans are warmer than normal.
But what happens is hurricanesthat gain in intensity
way out over the ocean,like you saw with Dorian--
Once Dorian approachedthe United States coast,
it fell apart.
Look at Florence.
As bad as Florence was,it was only a category one
when it reached the United States.
Even Erma, by the timeit hit Naples, Florida,
was down to a category two.
The problem is when youget storms that develop
within two or three daysor late in their career,
like Harvey.
And what happens is, thereason that's happening is,
the pattern is improvingright next to land.
When you get a bighurricane out in the ocean--
In fact, I've pointedthis out a bunch of times.
In the 1930s, 40s and 50s,hurricanes did not weaken
coming to the coast.
They hit full bore coming up.
Look at the '44 hurricane,
we had wind gusts of 156miles an hour at Cape Henry
and that went by 80 miles to the east.
So there's a fundamental change
where they're more out over the ocean.
By the way, we're seeingmore out over the ocean.
We're using satellites.
We didn't have any satellites in the 1930s
and we had 21 storms back in '33.
So we're seeing more,
but more of them areweaker coming to the coast.
The danger with a storm like this,
or a Harvey or a Michael,
is that if they developlate in their career,
they can hit the coast intensifying
and that's when you get the big problems.
Remember, Katrina, Ritaand Wilma all were fives,
but hit as threes.
That's why I advocate seedinghurricanes last 24 hours
as they're coming to the coast
to try to disrupt theeyewall and try to weaken it
a category or two.
- Joe, I appreciate it.
Is there anything we can do, as a country?
Say, we seed the hurricane,
can we get planes in the air?
- Yeah, we used to do that.
Project Stormfury, the lastone in 1969, Hurricane Debbie,
they knocked that thingdown 31% on day one,
and 18% day two.
But there's all sorts ofargument going on that,
well, you might do that butyou increase the rainfall.
Because of the condensation process.
What you try to do with that
is change the way the hurricanehas the inflow coming in.
I tell people all the time,
if you have a 9.1 sprinter,
and he just tweaks his hamstrings,
he or she tweaks hishamstring, guess what?
It's not a 9.1 sprinteranymore, maybe 10, 10.1.
But that's not a 9.1.
Now, if it were me,I'd tweak my hamstring,
no one would know.
But if it was a strong hurricane,
if you disrupt those perfect conditions
that's making it strong, anyway you can,
it'll knock it down.
So, that's something to consider.
But I seem to be in the minority on that
among other things I'm in the minority in.
- Well, you do a great job.
Well, Joe, thank you so much.
We look forward to more of your forecasts
as we get closer to the season.
Thanks again.
- All right.
I'll be here.
God bless you, talk to you later.
- You too, Joe.
- Let's hope that thingcoming up in the Gulf stays--
- The idea of seeding thosethings is really terrific.
It would break up the pattern.
We've had some bad ones butwe've done a lot of praying too
and God has spared this area- Amen.
in an extraordinary way.
What else do you have?
- Well, back by popular demand,
historian William Federerreturns to The 700 Club.
Hear more stories about the heroes
who shaped American history.
But first...
Your questions and some honest answers.
Tracy wants to know,
"Is listening to songsthat are sexual a sin?
"I recently got saved and was called out
"for listening to a sexual song.
"Was I wrong?"
What's Pat gonna say to that?
(positive music)
(upbeat music)
Well, time for some ofyour email questions.
And Pat, this first onecomes from Tracy who says,
"Hello, Pat.
"Is listening to songsthat are sexual a sin?
"I recently got saved and was called out
"for listening to a sexual song.
"Was I wrong?"
- I think you're not wrong,
but I think, was I wrongto listen to those things--
Paul said, "Whatever things are beautiful,
"whatever things are pure,whatever things are lovely,
"if there be any virtue,and there be any praise,
"think on those things.
"And what you've seen in me,that's what you ought to do."
I don't think we ought tobe thinking about those--
There's stuff in there in those lyrics
they use to glorify drug addiction,
they use to glorify rioting and murder
and all kinds of things.
Now they've got allkinds of sexual innuendo.
And the answer is, youshouldn't be listening to them.
We ought to focus our minds
on things that are lovelyand pure and wholesome
not on something that'sdevious, all right?
- This is Taylor who says,
"I suffer from terrible anxiety.
"I can no longer findhealthy ways to cope with it.
"It's robbing me of my happiness
"and the attacks come out of nowhere.
"How does one go about confronting this?"
- Well how do you go about it?
"How does a young man cleanse his way?
"By taking heed theretoaccording to Thy Word.
"Thy Word have I hidden in my heart."
I think you need tofocus on the Word of God.
You need to read it and thenread it and then read it
until it begins to sink in your heart.
And more and more, asyou speak those things,
they will become a part of you.
But if you let fear anddoubt become a part of you,
then they will corrupt you.
If you think it all the time,
you will be in trouble.
So, how do you get rid ofthe stuff that's there?
Focus in on God, onHis power, on who He is
and let your mind focus
and say it over and overand over and over again
'til it becomes a part of you.
All right?
- This is Tony who says,
"I am 30 years old and in aplace of great indecision.
"I slept with a womanand we weren't married!
"This woman loves the Lord,
"and I have been ministeringto her with the Bible.
"I'm having a very tough time
"not developing feelings for her.
"Please help me figure out
"what a stronger Christian man would do."
- Well, what a strongerChristian man would do
is get married to her, I suspect.
I really don't understand.
You've had a relationship with her,
now you kind of want tobe good, close friends,
but that sexual attraction is there.
Of course it is.
She's a woman, she's attractive,
you're a man, you're in the prime of life.
And there are all kindsof things going on.
Hormones are exploding.
Well, that's what the Bible says.
How do you get over it?
Is there any reason youshouldn't get married?
I really think you should.
Either that or you ought to break it off.
- This is Yvonne who says,
"I've been sick for threemonths with COVID-19.
"I lost 20 pounds.
"I have shortness of breath.
"I can feel my bodyfunctions deteriorating.
"I've been to emergency three times
"and urgent care five times,
"but there is no treatment.
"I have taken my troubles tothe Lord for three months.
"How do I reach God?
"Does He hear me?"
- Of course He hears you.
The Lord hears you and He'slistening to your prayer.
And what you need to dois begin to confess it.
You've been asking.
Say, "God, heal me.
"Heal me, heal me, heal me."
How 'bout taking from the Lord and say,
"Thank you, Lord, byyour stripes I am healed
"and I begin to declare it."
And declare it.
"A man shall eat good bythe fruit of his lips."
Declare it over and over and over again.
And, there may be some ofthat plasma that's available
with the antibodies.
It may get you over this stuff.
It's very deadly and I know it is.
But God Almighty is greater than COVID.
All right?
- This is Tim who says,
"Dear Pat, I'd like toknow the right words
"to witness to a non-believer."
- There's one word inthere that's very good.
The man says I don't believe any of it.
"It is appointed unto man once to die,
"and after that the judgment."
But I don't believe any of that stuff.
"It is appointed unto man once to die,
"and after that the judgment."
But you don't understand, I want to argue.
"It is appointed unto man once to die,
"and after that the judgment."
Say it.
When Jesus was here on earth,
He did not play head games with the devil.
He said, "It is written", "Itis written", "It is written".
And that's what you need to say,
it is written, it is written.
"By grace you are savedthrough faith, not of yourself.
"It's a gift of God."
Say it over again.
There's plenty of word in the scripture.
Use them like bullets,like arrows in a quiver.
All right?
- Amen.
This is Jonas who says,
"Dear Pat, I have a wonderful woman
"who is going to be my wife in December.
"But I am worried that she'snot taking our marriage
"seriously like I am,since she wants to have sex
"before we are married.
"What should I do?"
- Well, I'm sure there aremany men in the audience
who think what a gooddeal you've got going.
But, no honestly.- Exactly.
I really believe that youare taking the marriage vow--
It is a very importantcommitment you're making
to one another.
You're gonna livetogether in holy wedlock.
You're gonna bringchildren into the world.
You're bring them up in the knowledge
and admonition of the Lord.
When you're older, youwill look after each other,
until death do you part.
That's a very serious commitment.
It isn't just a one-night stand.
It isn't just shacking up together.
It is living a whole life together.
And I tell you, your girlfriend, fiance,
whatever you call her,
sounds like a nice girland a wonderful person.
But at the same time,
if she doesn't take thatmarriage vow seriously,
somewhere down the road, she'sgonna look at somebody else,
and he's gonna be a lot moreattractive than you are.
And the next thing you know,
you're gonna have an unfaithful wife.
And then you're gonnahave serious problems.
So I think you ought to confront it now.
And do what you can, okay?
- This is Sheila who says,
"Pat, it seems like most ofthe promises in God's Word
"are directed toward specificindividuals like David,
"Moses, etc. and the nation of Israel.
"Are God's promises for them also for us?
"In Jeremiah 29:11, Godis speaking to Jeremiah,
"but can we also claim that promise?"
- There are a lot of generalstatements in the Bible.
I wrote a book on "The Secret Kingdom".
It had to do with thegeneral statements of God
that are applied to everybody.
Yes, you're exactly right in that
many of the promises weremade specifically to David.
"You're gonna be the next king.
"You're gonna have a kingdom
"that's gonna be greaterthan anybody else.
"Your descendants shall be My children."
Well, that applies to David.
It doesn't apply to you.
It's applies to David.
But there's Psalms, there are Proverbs,
there are other teachings of the Bible
that absolutely areavailable to everybody.
And I think you should claim them.
There are other scriptures,
whether they were made to Abraham,
or who they were made to,
that somehow have a universal appeal.
And as you read them, theytake root in your heart.
And they begin to speak to you.
And I think that's whatyou need to do, okay?
- That's all the time for today.
Thank you.
- Well, thank you very much.
- Thank you all for your questions.
We love hearing from you.
Well, hunger in America.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak,
you don't have to look far to find it.
More than 41 million Americanshave filed for unemployment.
No wonder food pantries are overwhelmed
and cars line up in parkinglots for food distributions.
For single parents, theneed is even greater.
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Since the startof the COVID-19 outbreak,
many churches have reachedout to their communities
to find out how they canhelp in this difficult time.
Operation Blessing partnerNew Life Church in Virginia
is distributing food andsupplies to those in need.
- We're here to answerthe cry of the community,
when we hear it, and we're listening.
The church should be always listening
to what is the community asking for.
If it wasn't for Operation Blessing,
I could not answer thecry of the community.
- It has been more difficult now,
because I'm a single motherand I need additional help.
- [Narrator] These bagscontain canned goods
and other non-perishablesplus milk, meat and more.
Pretty much everything afamily needs to keep them going
during a difficult time.
The volunteers keep theirdistance from each other
and those in need by placingfood and supplies directly
into their cars while the pastor talks
and prays with people.
- This is our family that we're serving.
And right now, is when thenation needs you the most.
- Thank you, thank you,thank you, thank you.
I can't say enough.
We need everything that we can get
and this truly has been a blessing
and a support for my family.
- We know, we often have anopportunity, as believers,
to link together and totouch people who are in need
in other parts of the world.
And we are doing that all the time.
But right now, we arein the midst of a crisis
here at home in the United States.
And we have an opportunityto make a huge difference.
In fact, if you're a 700 Club member,
you are already making that difference.
As you see, thousands ofpeople receiving help.
We want to be there aslong as we need to be,
and for all the people who need someone
to step up and providesomething as basic as daily food
for them and for their families.
You can help us do thatby joining The 700 Club.
It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month
and even the number's toll-free to call.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call and say, "I wantto join The 700 Club".
When you do, you make thatfood distribution possible.
So we want to say thank you in advance.
And by the way, our wayof saying thank you also,
is to send you, "Do You Need a Miracle?"
In today's world, you are goingto find this so encouraging
because it's filled with real-life stories
of God at work today.
It will build your faith,
encourage you in your own spiritual walk,
but at the same time,you'll have the satisfaction
of knowing you're touching lives
right at their most basic point of need.
So will you call right now?
Well, up next...
America's unsung heroes,
from the former slave who walked 500 miles
to get an education,
to the lawyer who jumpstarted a revival.
Who were these men of incredible faith?
And how did they shape our nation?
William Federer brings the answers.
And then later on...
A woman suffers hip pain for decades.
Doctors can't help her.
So where does she turn?
We'll have her amazing story still ahead.
(positive music)
(intense music)
- And welcome back to The 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.
Another first for America in space.
After lifting off Saturdayin the SpaceX ship
to become the firstastronauts to orbit earth
in a commercial spaceship,
test pilots Douglas Hurleyand Robert Behnken docked
at the InternationalSpace Station, Sunday,
greeting another American astronaut,
Navy SEAL Chris Cassidyand two Russian cosmonauts.
It is the first time a privatelybuilt and owned spacecraft
carried astronauts to the Space Station.
- CBN's Orphan's Promisecontinues to help at-risk children
and their families in Costa Rica
during the COVID-19 pandemic
through it's Hope Bunkers programs.
Prior to the outbreak, childrencame to the Hope Bunkers
for help with homework,nutritious meals and snacks,
and to learn about God's love.
When the quarantine started,the Hope Bunkers staff
prepared take-homemeals, tutoring materials
and Bible curriculum for the children
to pick up and take home.
- To learn more aboutOrphan's Promise's commitment
to help children in need around the world,
Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's 700 Club.
It's coming up, right after this.
(intense music)
(flowing music)
- The behind-the-scenes storyof what went on in America
is simply fascinating.
And recently, historianWilliam Federer told us
about miracles in American history.
Today, we're bringing Bill back to share
some of these amazing stories.
I welcome you back, my friend.
Tell us about William Penn.
What part does he playin American history?
- Well, there's always crises
and God raises up little nobodies.
William Penn's dad was anadmiral in the British Navy,
who captured Jamaica from theBritish, defeated the Dutch,
which caused New York togo into British hands,
and he ushered Charles IIback to the throne in England.
In return, getting the title"Sir" Admiral William Penn.
Well, his son, young WilliamPenn, was at the estate
when his dad was at sea andvisited by a Quaker missionary,
who told him about theindwelling of the Holy Spirit.
And young Penn said he beganto have divine impressions
of the Lord.
Well, now he's at Oxford.
He's a Cavalier, an upper-class student,
and he visits a Quaker meeting.
Well, the King had passedthe Conventical Act.
What was that?
It said that if five ormore people are meeting,
talking religion withoutapproval of the government,
they're all criminals andthey'll all get arrested.
Well, guess what, on campus there
were five or more Quakers,
and one of them was young William Penn.
He's arrested.
The dad fishes him out of prison.
It happened several different times.
Finally, the dad threatensto disinherit the young Penn.
He flees to Europe.
He travels with George Fox,the founder of the Quakers.
Comes back, he's imprisonedin the Tower of London
for eight months.
Well, he's finally out.
And the dad is dying andwrites to him and says,
"Never allow anyone to haveyou violate your conscience."
Well, the dad had arrangedwith the king, Charles II,
to have favor for the son.
So the young William Penn goes in and asks
to buy a little sliver ofAmerica called West Jersey.
King Charles II counters andgives him 45,000 square miles
and makes young William Penn
the largest non-royaltylandowner in the world.
And this young WilliamPenn decides he is going
to do a holy experiment,
and invite Christians ofdifferent denominations
to come and live togetherin the same geographic area.
He called it a "holy experiment",
with the capital beingPhiladelphia, "city of love".
Well, it's in Philadelphia
where the Continental Congress meets,
and the Declaration ofIndependence is written,
and the Constitution is written.
And the first black churchesin America are in Philadelphia.
And so we see that it trulywas the seed of a nation.
And it started with WilliamPenn's idea of conscience.
He says, "Force makes hypocrites.
"Tis persuasion only that makes converts."
So, here we are today,enjoying this country
that started with thisseed in Philadelphia
of religious tolerance that went back
to this young William Penn,
who was imprisoned in theTower of London for his faith.
- Philadelphia, "philas" and "delphia",
the "city of brotherly love",
and that was the capital of Pennsylvania,
and the state was named after Penn, right?
- Actually, named after the father,
the father Admiral William Penn.
- Well great.
Well, listen, you also got in your book--
it's so fascinating, so many of them--
but I want to talk aboutBooker T. Washington.
What about him?
- 1856, he's born.
He's a slave.
The Civil War ends, he's free.
He walks 500 miles to HamptonInstitute in Virginia.
And he says that he hasa professor or a teacher,
Miss Nathalie Lord, andshe teaches him the Bible.
And he learns to love the Bible.
He then goes to Wayland BibleSeminary in Washington, DC.
He is a Sunday Schoolteacher in West Virginia,
where he works in a salt furnace.
Goes back to Tuskegee
and they're opening upfreeman's universities,
colleges for former slaves.
And they suggest he be the president.
So he's the presidentof Tuskegee Institute
with 33 students.
He gets an architect from MIT,
he's a black man, Robert Robinson Taylor.
And he comes and they bake the bricks
to build the university buildings.
He gets George WashingtonCarver from Iowa State to come
and head up the agricultural department,
while he ends up becomingfriends with Carnegie,
the steel leader, John D. Rockefeller.
He's visited by several presidents,
William McKinley, TeddyRoosevelt, Calvin Coolidge.
He even goes to Europe andhas tea with Queen Victoria
and who's there at that same day,
is Anthony, the woman who was the leader
in the suffragette movement,
Susan B. Anthony.- Susan B. Anthony, yeah.
- And so here, he starts this university.
Teddy Roosevelt invites himto the Capitol for dinner.
He's the first black man tohave dinner in the U.S. Capitol,
invited by Republicanpresident Teddy Roosevelt.
One of his big issues, there was racism.
And he is down there speakingat the Atlanta Exposition,
sort of a pre-cursor to the World's Fair.
And he's the keynote speaker.
And it has all the blackswho were former slaves
saying, champion our cause.
And there's all these southern Democrats.
And Lincoln was the Republicanwho freed the slaves.
So they were like, uh-oh,is this guy gonna get
a little bit pushing the edge?
And so he gives a speech.
And he says a ship was thereoff the coast of South America
caught in the doldrumswhere there's no wind,
and it sends a message to another ship
saying, "Send water".
The other ship sends a message back,
"Put your buckets down where you are."
They send the message back,
"We're dying of thirst, bring water."
The message comes back,
"Cast your buckets down where you are."
It happens a third time.
Finally they cast their buckets down
and they pull up fresh water.
Lo and behold, they're at thethe mouth of the Amazon River
that has 11 million gallonsof water come out a minute
and it pushes fresh water200 miles out into the ocean.
And so he says to the AtlantaExposition, he says to them,
the white man, you've knownus, you've trusted us,
cast down your buckets where you are,
and trust us black men to takeadvantage of our opportunity
and cast our buckets down where we are.
That speech brought a healing.
And it ended up spreadingaround the country.
And so Booker T. Washington said,
"I'll never allow anyman to belittle my soul
"by making me hate him."
And he says, "Every wise manencourages good relationships
"with his neighbor, whetherhe be white or black."
Such a great message, even for us today.
- Well, Bill, I appreciate these miracles
in American history.
And this book is so incredible.
It's put together by your wifefrom your American Minute.
Can people get this at bookstores,
"Miracles in American History"?
- Right, at or theycan go to
which is our website.
I send out a free daily history email.
But there's so manystories of little nobodies.
One is Charles Finney.
His preaching helped start the YMCA.
George Willams, and hispreaching influenced
William and CatherineBooth to start the YMCA.
So all there stories oflittle, individual people
that have faith andcourage in times of crises
and they let the Lord usethem to do great things.
- These are so inspiring.
Please come back with more,
because I'm just fascinated by it.
Isn't this amazing?
- Wonderful.
- Bill Federer.
These are called, "Miracles inAmerican History, Volume II",
put together by SusieFederer, Bill's wife,
from his American Minute.
Isn't that great?
- A wonderful reminder ofwho we are as a nation.
- Oh my.
And the miracles thatbrought these things to pass.
- Yes, wonderful.
Well up next...
Pushing through hip pain for decades.
This woman never gave up hope.
How did she get healed in an instant?
See for yourself, it's right after this.
(hopeful music)
(bold orchestral music)
- [Pat] Psalm 37, verses 3-5:
"Trust in the Lord and do good.
"Then you will live safelyin the land and prosper.
"Take delight in the Lord,
"and he will give youyour heart's desires.
"Commit everything you do to the Lord.
"Trust him, and he will help you."
(bold orchestral music)
- Oh, it's so necessary.
We want to cover our nation with prayer.
So, as you can see from this prayer map,
over 18,000 have alreadysigned up to stand with us.
And if you haven't, we want to ask you
to Stand And Pray too.
Just go to
or you can text "Pray" to 71777.
When you do, we're gonnasend you daily scriptures,
read by Pat and you're alsogonna receive a prayer card.
You can stick this card inyour window or your door
to let your neighborhood knowthat you're praying for them.
And your community will berepresented on our prayer map
as the light of hope as well.
But this is a time whereprayer is what's needed.
It's what will change things.
Let's be a part of that together.
When we pray together, there is power.
So, let us hear from you.
We want to put you on the prayer map,
and we want you to Stand And Pray.
Linda Hess could barely sit still.
Year after year, sheendured painful flair-ups
from her hip.
But during this time, she never lost hope
for a total healing.
Take a look.
- [Narrator] For decades,Linda Hess has struggled
with pain in her left hip,
caused by several falls on icy sidewalks
and compounded by other injuries.
- Stresses, as you get older, mounts up
and the next thing youknow, out of the blue,
you're going about yourbusiness, raking up leaves
and it starts achingand it starts hurting.
And the hurting gets worse.
- [Narrator] Which is exactlywhat happened in October 2019.
- I get in and all of sudden,it just starts hurting
and it won't stop.
And I'm walking around,trying to ease that out.
And nothing happens.
- [Narrator] The painmade it hard for Linda
to do anything, even sitting still.
However, she believed God could heal her,
so she leaned on scriptureto encourage her faith.
- And I started quoting versesof scripture over myself.
Like, "By His stripes, I am healed."
"He Himself bore all mysicknesses and diseases."
"I mount up with wings aseagles, I run and am not weary,
"I walk and I don't faint."
"I eat the good of the land."
"My youth is renewed like the eagles."
Praise God.
- [Narrator] Linda is anavid viewer of The 700 Club.
And has been for many years.
- I like the 700 Club because, basically,
you get true news out of it.
You get good, solid teaching.
- [Narrator] Linda not onlyenjoys the news and teaching,
but also the times of prayer.
And three days after the pain flared,
on October 16, 2019, she sat down to watch
like she had many times before.
- I was sitting on the sofacause it was hurting a lot.
And it had been hurting for three days.
And I'm just watching Pat.
They get into the prayer session,
where they give words of knowledge.
And there it was:
- [Pat On Video] Somebody'sgot a hip problem.
It's your left hip, I believe.
Put your hand out there on that hip,
and what seemed to bearthritis is going away,
and the joint will be completelyhealed in Jesus' name.
Begin to move it and youwill be very thrilled.
- I did and it wasinstantly, the pain was gone.
I stood up and I walked around and I said,
"Yes, God!"
- [Narrator] Linda hasn't had pain since
and is able to do all the thingsshe needs and loves to do.
That includes sharing herstory with those around her.
Above all else, her heart ofgratitude sums her healing up
in one word:
- Thankfulness, absolute thankfulness.
- I love it when Godworks so specifically.
Here is some other stories.- Go ahead, please.
- This is Arlene, wholives in Wichita, Kansas.
She never know how painful adislocated shoulder could be
until she had one.
For over four months, shesuffered and longed to be free
and have movement again.
She was watching this program.
Pat, you said,
"Someone, put your handon your right shoulder.
"You dislocated your rightshoulder, pulled a muscle,
"whatever it is.
"Just touch it now, itwill go back in place
"and the pain will be taken away."
Arlene said, "That's mine!"
And just like the storywe just saw with Linda,
she said immediately she wasable to move her head freely.
No neck or shoulder pain.
- Well, here's another good news.
For seven months, Isabella,who lived in Irving, Texas
suffered with what seemedto be a never-ending rash.
She was watching this program on April 7
and heard Terry speak of someone sitting
in their living room witha, quote, "inexplicable rash
"that's been spreading on your body.
"God's beginning to healyou and it will disappear."
The following day, Isabellanoticed the rash was gone.
She gives glory to God andTerry and The 700 Club,
"are the real deal!"
Hey, you are right.- God's the real deal.
- The real deal.
Folks, we want to pray for you.
There's nothing impossible.
Now these people, we don't know them.
But God knows them.
And God knows you.
And the Lord God is able todo exceedingly abundantly
above all we ask or think.
So Terry and I are goingto join hands right now.
We're gonna believe God together.
Father, we pray forpeople in this audience.
Oh, God.
There's someone that has aterrible neck and shoulder pain
here again, it's like a pulled muscle,
all the way up fromthe base of your skull,
all the way down your shoulder.
It's just killing you.
Put your hand on that right now.
I believe the name's Lucy.
In the name of Jesus, touch!
Thank you, Lord.
Receive that healing.
Terry, what do you have?
- Well, someone else, youhave a low immune system
or something.
You keep getting thrush in your mouth.
And it is so just unpleasant in every way.
You've tried everything.
It just keeps coming back.
God's healing you right now.
It's gone and it will not return again.
- There's somebody that has dizziness.
You have, I don't know ifit's an inner ear problem,
but you're dizzy all the time.
Just put your hand on your head.
In the name of Jesus, youare completely healed.
- Someone else, you're so fearful,
you have macular degeneration.
You do have issues with your eye,
but God is healing that right now.
And you will not have further problems.
- With God, all things are possible.
Just begin to praise the Lord.- Thank you, Jesus.
Wherever you are, receiveit and thank the Lord.
And we'd love to hear from you now.
If you've received something,please give us a call.
If you need further prayer,it's available to you.
It's a toll-free line, no money involved.
It's 800-700-7000.
We leave you with these words from Romans:
"Rejoice in our confident hope.
"Be patient in trouble,and keep on praying."
Thanks so much for being with us.
Tomorrow, we've got a storyabout a husband addicted to porn
who cheats on his wife with her friend.
Whew, that's gonna be a tough one.
We'll look forward toseeing you on The 700 Club.
For Terry and all of us, Pat Robertson,
we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.