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Abigail - The Superbook Show

Miriam, Josie, and Naomi act out the story of Abigail. Read Transcript

- Hey everyone!

Welcome to The Super Book Show.

- Today we're answering a special request.

Israel asked, "Can you makean Abigail Bible Story?"

- Ask and you shall receive Israel.

Kara roll the clip.

- Wait what clip?

- The Abigail clip.

Kara has it.

- [Kara] There's no clip Miriam.

We don't have a Super Bookepisode on Abigail yet.

- What about Israel's question.

How are we gonna learn about Abigail?

- Oh, I have an idea.

(whipping sounds)

- Oh

(swooshing sounds)

- [Josie] Come on, come on

- Josie?

- [Josie] Yeah, we'recoming, we're coming.

- [Naomi] Where are you taking me?

- Just

- Okay. What is going on?

I'm not even in this episode.

- So there's been aslight change of plans.

Since there's no SuperBook episode about Abigail,

we're gonna act it out.

- Really?

- Cool.

- For anyone wondering

where the story of Abigail comes from

you can check it out infirst Samuel chapter 25

in your Super Book Bible app.

- Are you ready?

- Ready.- Ready.

(shakespearean music)

- When Saul was still King of Israel,

it wasn't safe for Davidto be in Jerusalem,

so he and the men loyal tohim lived all over the place.

At this time, David and hismen were in the desert of Maon.

- All right men.

This looks like a goodplace to stay for a while.

- David heard of a rich man named Nabal

who was sharing hissheep nearby in Carmel.

- You go to Nabal

and tell him we've beengood to his shepherds.

Ask him if we can havesome food, like pizza.

- But I'm narrating.

- Please.

- Fine.

(marching off)

- Pizza. My beautiful pizza.

- Excuse me Mr. Nabal.

David wants to know,can we have some pizza?

- No. I don't know who this David is,

but I will not be sharingany of my pizza with him.

- We've been protecting your shepherds

and we're really hungry.

(chuckles)- No. I do not care. Go away.

(David's stomach growling)

- So, he said no.

- How dare he. Prepare for battle.

Nabal will pay for his disrespect.

(marching off)

Off to battle, off tobattle, off to battle.

- Thankfully, one of the servantstold Nabal's wife Abigail,

what was going on.

She was a lot more levelheaded than David and Nabal.

- No, it's all mine.

- Are you serious?

You have all that pizza.- Yes I'm serious.

- Awe.

- And it's all mine.

It's not...

Hey David, what's going on?

- Your husband just disrespected me

and now he's going to pay.

- I'm not surprised. His namemeans fool. Want some cake?

- Oh. That looks delicious.

You can't distract me with cake.

- I also brought you pizza.

- Pizza?

(smelling the pizza)

- Yes David, pizza. And chocolatecake and sour gummy worms.

- Sour gummy worms are my favorite.

- Great. Then it's settled.

You and your men stay here and eat.

You don't need to go into battle.

- But I like going into battle.

- When you become King,

you'll be happy not tohave need this bloodshed

on your conscience.

- Yeah you're right.

- I usually am.

And so Abigail was wise enough

to prevent her entirehousehold from being killed.

- Abigail. Why wouldyou give David my pizza?

- I also gave him the gummy worms.

- Now you have gone to far.

- No. You went to far.

You could've gotten us allkilled and for what? Pizza.

- Don't forget about the gummy worms.

- David and his men were good to us.

You should've repaid them with kindness.

You aren't very good atchoosing your battles

and I mean that literally.

- Yeah Nabal, I have anarmy. What do you have?

- Not helping David.

- Well I have a wife with good judgment

that keeps me out of trouble.

- Good answer. Maybe next time,

try to use your own good judgment okay.

- Yeah. His word is forever alive.

(shakespearean music)



- Thanks for helping uswith today's episode Naomi.

- No problem, but next time,

could you let me know before we film?

- I make no promises.


- Are there any other Bible stories

that you'd like to see acted out this way?

Let us know in the comments below.

- And if you like thisvideo, hit the like button.

- Mmhmm- And make sure

to subscribe to our channel.

- And don't forget to downloadour Super Book Bible app.

Where you can read thefull story of Abigail.

In first Samuel chapter 25.

- See ya next time.

Anything throwing or catchingis not gonna go well.

- [Cara] Stand right there for a second

and throw it at her foot.


Show me your walk real quick.Go ahead and walk. Good, turn.

- Like that?

- [Cara] Good. Turn. Good, turn.


- All right men, this lookslike a good place to stay for,

like that? Was that good?


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