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'Does This Virus Only Spread in Small Businesses?' Protests Rising Against 'Non-Essential' Label

'Does This Virus Only Spread in Small Businesses?' Protests Rising Against 'Non-Essential' Label Read Transcript

- This salon should be open.

Salons and barber shops were scheduled

to get back to work herein Connecticut on May 20th

as part of phase one ofthe state's reopening plan.

But just two days before,

the governor decided to pump the brakes.

- A lot of us here today,we did what was necessary

and what was called for us to do,

and it just, the rug gotpulled out from underneath us.

- [Caitlin] Governor NedLamont blamed his decision

on complaints from salon owners

who asked for more timeto prepare for reopening.

Many others, however, werecounting on an income stream

to return a week ago.

Hair Canvas salon ownerErin Coyle tells CBN News

she spent time and moneyensuring her business

followed the government's guidelines.

- We separated the chairs

and the stations a little bit more.

We put plexiglass dividersbetween the sinks.

My husband built a hand sanitizing stand

because you couldn't find one anywhere.

We got hand sanitizers for every station,

we ordered in a ton ofbleach wipes and alcohol

and alcohol dispensers and you name it.

Face shields, masks, extra gloves.

- [Caitlin] Across thecountry, small business owners

have already reached a tipping point,

many frustrated that they'rebeing treated differently

than national chainslike Target and Walmart.

Virginia Beach gym owner, Amanda Crowe,

told CBN News she, too,was expecting to reopen

as part of her state's phase one plan.

Then, at the last second,

Virginia Governor RalphNortham decided it wasn't safe.

- I guess his big argument

was people will be touching everything,

so that's why it's notsafe, and then the sweat.

But again, I go to Walmart

and open up the refrigerator to grab milk.

No one's sanitizing that handle pull,

touching all the breads,so I would think the gym,

we could control that environment,

and it would be more sanitaryand more clean and less risk

for people to catch COVIDor any other disease

versus going to Walmart.

- [Caitlin] Petitions to reopen

are circulating in dozens of states.

Reopen New York ralliedin the city last week,

demanding small businesses beallowed to get back to work

and pushing back againstthe label non-essential.

- Does this virus onlyspread in small businesses?

And, yes, I know, I've heard the argument.

We are not essential.

You know what?

To my children, my smallbusiness is essential.

It is with money from mybrick and mortar store

that I put food in theirmouths and fill their bellies.

Our businesses areessential to our families

and to our communities.

I cannot imagine whatNew York will look like

if, God forbid, we don't open now.

- [Caitlin] Meanwhile, in Connecticut,

salon owners are againpreparing to reopen.

The latest date set bythe governor: June 1st.

- I'm absolutely terrified.

I've probably the most nervous person

of the virus that I've met,

but if I'm allowed togo back, I'm going back.

I'm gonna wear my mask, my face shield,

my clients are gonna wear their mask.

We're going to follow all theprecautions that we're told.

- [Caitlin] While decisionson when and how to reopen

are left up to individual states,

President Trump has been critical of those

he feels are moving too slowly,

encouraging governors to allow

those who want to work to go back

and those who are stillfearful to stay home.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

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