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The 700 Club - May 26, 2020

You’ve seen him on TV offering you his “My Pillow,” but before going into the sleep business, finding a peaceful rest was something that eluded Mike Lindell at every turn. Hear his amazing story on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up...

An American success story.

- It's impossible that aformer crack addict is,

all of a sudden, sittingat the White House.

- [Announcer] The birth of MyPillow.

- [Mike Lindell] We wereturned down everywhere,

once it was invented.

- [Announcer] Straight from the dreams

of a drug-addled entrepreneur.

- [Mike] With the cocaine,

I could get there instantly.

- [Announcer] How Mike Lindell finally got

a good night's sleep.

- It was the biggest peace I ever had.

- [Announcer] On today's 700 Club.

(noble orchestral music)

- Welcome to this edition of The 700 Club.

100,000 people have died fromthe coronavirus in America.

200,000 people die every year

because of getting thewrong medicine in hospitals.

About 35-40,000 people dieon the highways every year.

But do we crash the economy

because of bad medicine in the hospital?

Do we crash the economy becauseof accidents on the highway?

No, we don't.

But we crashed the entireeconomy of the United States

because of potential 100,000 deaths.

It's all a tragedy,every death is a tragedy.

But, at the same time,why do we put headlines

in the New York Times?

Why do we have headlinesin the ABC and CBS

and the other news media?

Why is there constant this drum beat

about the people who aredying from the corona?

Why don't we talk about thefact that 200,000 people die

in hospitals because they getthe wrong medicine every year?

We don't shut the hospitals down,

but we've crashed the economy.

In my opinion, it was a terrible mistake.

We've got an increase in suicide,

people are not getting the proper medicine

because they are afraidto go to their doctors.

Everybody's scared to go, therestaurants are closed down.

People are going bankrupt.

It's just a tragedy, across this nation.

And I think we overreacted.

Of course, one death is atragedy, but at the same time,

we've got to recognize

we have over 300 millionpeople in America,

and we don't destroy our economy

just because of a few people.

We need to look after thenursing home, for example.

We ought to have much, much better care

in our nursing homes.

We need medical professionals.

We need the protective gearfor these frontline workers.

We need masks, we need all that stuff

that they haven't had available.

We need respirators.

We need all of thosethings we haven't had.

But at the same time, wedon't crash the economy.

But we did it.

And now we're trying to come back from it.

And I'm tired of hearing, on the news,

all the terrible thingsthat are happening.

I think they're trying to show

that Trump should not be in office.

And it's really aimed at him,

rather than at the coronavirus.

And I may be wrong, butI think that's true.

Well, let's turn nowto Israel where again,

there's something going on that I abhor.

The idea that a party comes to power

and it tries to put thepredecessor in prison.

It's a new first for BenjaminNetanyahu, as he becomes

Israel's first sittingprime minister on trial.

He's now in the fight of his life,

and it could drag on for years.

Well, what's behind this legal assault?

Chris Mitchell brings usthis report from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] Prime MinisterNetanyahu appeared

before a three-judge panel

who will determine his legal fate.

Just before the dramatic court hearing,

and surrounded by his supporters,

Netanyahu accused the police,prosecutors and the press

of trying to depose him.

- (speaking in Hebrew)

- [Translator] Citizens ofIsrael, what's on trial today

is the wish to eliminatethe will of the people,

the attempt to topple meand the right-wing camp.

For over a decade, theLeft did not succeed

in doing so in the polls,

so in recent years, theycame up with a new pattern.

Sources at the police andattorney's office joined together

with the left-wing newspapers--

I call them the "just not Bibi bunch"--

in order to tailor baseless cases.

- [Chris] He also saidduring a TV interview

he will not accept a plea bargain,

and wants full transparency.

The trial began here inJerusalem's District Court.

While his legal fate rests here,

his political future is being tried

in the court of public opinion,

where both detractors andsupporters of Netanyahu

came out into the streets.

- Hopefully the court isgoing to make justice.

- (speaking in Hebrew)

- [Translator] What theywill see is a proud people,

holding their heads high,standing tall, and saying,

"You'll never walk alone, Netanyahu."

- [Chris] In the Knesset,some say, "It's time to go."

- I truly believe that peopleof Israel will understand

it's time to move forward.

It's time to say to Netanyahu,

"Thank you, but enough is enough."

- [Chris] Former PrimeMinister Ehud Olmert,

who himself went to jailon corruption charges,

says Netanyahu will go to jail for years.

Netanyahu faces chargesof fraud, breach of trust,

and bribery over giftsreceived from friends

and alleged deals with Israelimedia for positive coverage.

The trial came just hoursafter the new government

held its first cabinet meeting.

The next court date could be months away,

and some legal analysts speculate

the trials could take up to three years.

Until then, Netanyahu will be able

to serve in the government.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News,Jerusalem District Court.

- That brings me such sadness.

Again, the Bible says,

"A house divided againstitself can't stand."

And Israel is one the strongestcountries in the Middle East

being torn apart now by whatlooks like seditious charges

against a great leader.

But we've got the samething here in America.

This country is so torn apart.

And, "a house divided can't stand."

We must come together forthe good of this country.

The Israelis must come together

for the good of their economy.

And they've got a government now

with Netanyahu and Benny Gantz

that will be successful.

This trial is ridiculous,

that they would continue to try

to put prime ministers in jail.

This isn't the way to run a democracy.

Well in other news,

the economy of the United States

is showing signs of a comeback,

as Americans venture outon Memorial Day weekend.

John Jessup has more on that.

- Thanks, Pat.

Optimism is growing on both themedical and economic fronts.

As Dale Hurd reports, Americanswho rushed back outside

over the holiday weekend showed

that they were more thanready for some good news.

- A U.S. biotech company has begun

coronavirus vaccine trials in Australia,

with hopes of releasing aproven vaccine this year.

And markets are reacting.

- What we're bringing to the table

is a very strong immunogenic vaccine

that gives you functional responses.

- [Dale] U.S. stockfutures indicated big gains

on Wall Street todayon news of the vaccine,

and signs that globaleconomies are coming back

from the dead after the pandemic shutdown.

Product shipments are growing again.

Air travel and hotel bookings are up.

Mortgage applications are rising.

And more people are applyingto open new businesses.

Oil is also rebounding,

after West Texas Intermediate plunged

into negative territory forthe first time on record.

May is shaping up tobe its best month ever,

but still volatile.

But the nation's food supplychain is still reeling

from the effects of COVID-19.

The CDC says nearly 5,000meat packing workers

at 115 facilities in 19states have been infected,

forcing closures.

- The facility itself did notreally have the proper method

in place to really protectthe front line workers.

And we started to seeone plant after the other

really got exposed.

- [Dale] And with thesupply chain disrupted,

prices are rising.

This month, fresh beef rose almost 12%

and chicken was up 7 1/2%.

But this past weekend,

many Americans weredetermined to celebrate.

Sick of quarantine andtempted by gorgeous weather

in many parts of the country,

crowds ignored social distancing

and jammed parks andbeaches for Memorial Day.

Activities like this havehealth and state officials

concerned about a resurgence.

But most seem willing to take that chance.

- If you're worried about it, stay home.

If you don't want tocatch it, then stay home.

- [Dale] President Trumpand Vice President Pence

visited Arlington National Cemetery

to lay a wreath at the Tombof the Unknown Soldier.

Joe Biden also made hisfirst public appearance

in two months at a veteransmemorial in Delaware.

And it was an extra special Memorial Day

for this man.

(crowd cheering)

That's 1st Sergeant Max Deweese

waving the Marine flag,

that the 99-year-oldveteran is not only part

of the greatest generationof World War II heroes,

he's now a COVID-19 survivor.

- I've gone throughhell, more than once...

and this came almost as close.

- [Dale] Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Thank you, Dale.

Well, residents of Bowie,Texas are cleaning up

after a tornado ripped through the area.

The twister, carrying95-mile-an-hour winds,

hit more than 200 buildingsnorthwest of Fort Worth

over the weekend,

sending billboards,power lines and even cars

flying into the air.

The tornado damaged homes, businesses,

and a church building.

No death or injuries, fortunately,were reported, though.

Meanwhile, a tropical system is moving up

the coast of Florida,

forecast to bring heavyrain and thunderstorms

over the eastern half of the state today,

and leaving up to six inches of water

and possible flash flooding.

Well, President Trumpis threatening to pull

the Republican NationalConvention out of North Carolina.

That is if Democratic GovernorRoy Cooper can't immediately

guarantee full attendanceinside the Spectrum Center,

Charlotte's main sports arena.

The President tweeted his demand Monday.

The convention is expectedto bring tens of thousands

of visitors to the city in late August.

Right now, North Carolina'sentertainment centers

do remain closed as, Pat, the state enters

Phase Two of reopening.

And North Carolina's alsoexperiencing its highest spike

in cases since the pandemic started.

- Well, its so much planninginvolved in a convention.

They have to do so much workand it costs so much money.

North Carolina is akey battleground state.

And of course, the Presidentwanted to go there and the RNC.

It'll be almost impossible to move.

They could move to venues in Florida,

but North Carolina would dowell to open that place up

to guarantee thePresident that they can go

and enjoy the facility ofthat center in Charlotte,

because it would be a featherin the cap of North Carolina

and it would be a very niceeconomic boost for the state,

and it would be good for the Republicans.

So it's good for everybody.

Well, John has the nextstory, that we have.

You'll find it very interesting,

the next guest.

- Well, Pat, it was one of the most

stunning political upsetsin American history,

and ever since November2016, people have been asking

how did Donald Trump pull it off?

The big question now is,can he do it again in 2020?

David Brody has more.

- [David] As it becameclear that Trump had won

an overwhelming majorityof the evangelical

and Catholic vote in 2016,

the question became, whydid they vote for him?

That's because prevailing wisdom had been

that Trump's divorces,affairs, and scandals

would sink his chances of winning over

socially conservative Christians.

One strategist who wasnot at all surprised

by Trump's victory, is Ralph Reed,

Founder and Chairman of theFaith and Freedom Coalition.

Reed says he knows why American Christians

took a chance on Donald Trump in 2016

and why they continueto support him today.

(crowd cheering)

- Well, Ralph Reed is the Founder

of the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

He's author of a book called,"For God and Country".

Ralph, tell the folks at Regnery

this is one magnificent cover.

I don't know who didthe cover of your book,

but it's beautiful.


- Thank you, Pat.

Great to be with you.

- Hey listen, what did you find out

when you were writing this book?

I was so interested to read about--

Of course, we know the evangelicals

have gone 83% or so for Trump.

- Right.

- Why did they do it?

- I argue in the book, Pat, that--

And I wrote the book,

not so much as a defense of Donald Trump--

although I do plenty ofthat and happily so--

I did it primarily as adefense of Christians,

who have been calledevery name in the book.

They've been accused of being hypocrites

and spiritual frauds.

They've been accused ofselling out the gospel

to get access to power,

and get a few items ontheir policy agenda.

And, in writing thebook, what I lay out is,

in fact what happened,Pat, is in the primaries

two-thirds of self-identifiedevangelical Christians

supported someone other than Trump,

usually Ted Cruz, Huckabee,Marco Rubio, someone like that.

But once they faced a binarychoice between Donald Trump,

who pledged to be pro-life,pro-religious freedom,

appoint originalists andconservatives to the courts,

and was pro-Israel andpledged to either renegotiate

or withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal--

which he called one of theworst diplomatic debacles

in U.S. history.

And Hillary Clinton was on the other side

of all those issues.

And I point out, Pat, andyou know this very well,

that on top of all thatthere was a vacancy

on the Supreme Court on Election Day,

that either Trump was gonnafill or Hillary was gonna fill.

And in "For God andCountry", I point out--

and I didn't know this, by the way--

I have a Doctorate in Historybut I didn't study this.

The last time the Americanpeople went to the polls

and voted for a president,

and on that day there wasa vacancy on the court

that would decide theideological balance of the court,

was 1860 on the thresholdof the Civil War.

So in a sense, facing that choice,

believing in the sanctity of life

with the Supreme Courtdetermining that issue,

they did the right thing, notjust politically but morally

to advance these moral goodsand to make sure the court

moved in a pro-life direction.

- It looks like a lot ofthese guys run for office

and then having gotten in,

they just forget about their promises.

Trump has delivered, hasn't he?

- You know, Pat, I have a30-page appendix in the book

that details all theaccomplishments and achievements

of President Trump injust the first three years

of his administration.

And the best way to sum it up is,

"Promises Made, Promises Kept".

Presidents for 25 yearspromised they would move

the U.S. Embassy fromTel Aviv to Jerusalem.

That is not only a promise thatwas made, it's federal law.

It's a law passed by Congress in 1995.

Every other president waived it.

Trump kept that promise,

recognized Jerusalem is theeternal capital of Israel.

Recognized Israeli sovereigntyover the Golan Heights.

As I said, imposedtough sanctions on Iran.

And most importantly, for these voters,

he not only kept his promiseon that Scalia vacancy,

by appointing Neil Gorsuch,

he kept it again in 2018

when you had the Anthony Kennedy vacancy

and he appointed Brett Kavanaugh.

And he's kept it 200 other times

with other originalist, pro-lifeand conservative judges.

So yes, he kept his word.

- He is a guy who has been pretty gross

in his treatment of women.

And yet, at the same time, theevangelicals just love him.

Is it because of his character?

Is it because of keeping his promises?

What do you find?

- Well, I argue in "For God and Country",

that there were three inflection points

in the 2016 campaign.

The first was when he releaseda list of initially 12

and ultimately 21 jurists and said,

"If you elect me president,

"I'm gonna pick my SupremeCourt justices from this list."

Pat, it's easy to forgetthat's the first time

in American history that's ever happened.

That's the most transparent promise ever.

Not, I'm going to picksomebody like Alito,

or like Clarence Thomas,

I'm gonna pick one of these people.

Second, was when he selected Mike Pence,

which was a window intohis ambitious and audacious

conservative governing aspirations.

And then the third came inthe third and final debate

when Chris Wallacefamously asked the question

about late-term abortion.

Hillary gave the usual PlannedParenthood talking points.

And Donald Trump said,

in words that I believewon him the election,

"She just said she's infavor of ripping the baby

"from its mother's wombmoments before it's born.

"Maybe she's okay with that,I am not okay with that."

And those stands on those moral issues,

with moral clarity and courage, trumped--

if I can use that term--

whatever reservations people of faith had

about his checkered pastand sort of tabloid coverage

in previous years.

- You know, Ralph, Iwas watching that debate

as I'm sure you were.

I couldn't believe that Hillary

would toe the party line on abortion.

We're talking about ababy being partially born,

partially leaving the birth canal,

and having his brainssucked out, and she said,

"I'm going to defend awoman's right to do that."

It was so horrible!

The choice was so starkbetween the two of them.

- It was, indeed.

And, Pat, if she hadeven expressed a measure

of empathy or understandingfor the reservations,

the deep and abiding moral reservations,

of tens of millions ofAmericans about partial-birth

and late-term and pain-capable abortion--

These are children who routinelysurvive outside the womb,

in many cases, right before they're born,

or as they're being born.

And she was just dismissiveand it was of a piece

with her comment earlier in the campaign

where she denounced all Trump supporters

as "deplorables and irredeemable".

Condemning them as racists and bigots.

And the truth is, Pat, that--

And I argue this extensively in the book.

Evangelical Christianshave always been willing

to extend mercy and grace to those

who've made mistakes in the past.

Trump was not the first candidatethat they did that with.

And I think not only did itnot compromise or surrender

their faith in JesusChrist and the gospel,

I think it was anexpression of the gospel.

Jesus didn't condemn sinners,he extended mercy to them.

He condemned the religiousand the self-righteous.

So, contrary to what thecritics of people of faith say,

their willingness toaccept Trump for who he was

and where he was, and love on him,

and help move him in the right direction

was an eloquent and tangibleexpression of their faith.

- Last question, the Faithand Freedom Coalition

you've got going--

What are you doing inthis current election?

It's rather extensive from what I gather.

- It's not only extensive,it's unprecedented

in modern American political history.

We, at Faith and Freedom, have built

a pre-qualified voter file based

on the most advanced data analytics

available in the world today,

of 41.6 millionBible-believing evangelical

and faithful Roman Catholic voters.

About 28 million of themwill be in the states

that will decide the election.

We're gonna knock on the doors

of somewhere between threeand four million homes.

We'll make about 10 million phone calls.

We'll send out about 20 to30 million text messages

as people are voting, givingthem a non-partisan voter guide

and literally a link toan app that will take them

directly to their voting location,

that works like a Starbucks app.

And we'll track as theyvote in the states.

I think combined with Trump'srecord of accomplishment

and what we do with our ground game, Pat,

we're gonna see the biggestturnout of evangelicals

and other conservativeChristians in American history

on November 3rd.

- You're doing that under the radar.

The so-called mainstreammedia won't pick up on that.

But you're mobilizing an army,

it's never in historyanything of this magnitude.

Is that right?

- It is right.

And it's metal on the target.

You know, we don't reallywaste a lot of our money

on 30-second televisionads or even radio ads.

I question, Pat, whether or not--

In a state like Florida,between the two campaigns,

they're gonna spend a hundredmillion dollars on television.

At a certain point, voters tune it out.

But if somebody shows up at your door,

and hands you a piece of literature,

and urges you to vote.

If somebody is in your Sunday School,

passing out our literature,

and they're a friend or a family member,

somebody that you have a connection with,

that person-to-person, human connection.

For all of our advances in technology,

and the rise of the internet,

elections are still wonand lost face-to-face,

person-to-person, door-to-door.

- Does Trump know you're doing this?

- I think he's aware of itbecause of published accounts,

and certainly, he's a friendof mine, as I know he is yours.

But I generally don't sharewith him or the campaign

all the details of what we're doing,

cause we're an independent organization.

We're doing it, just to be clear,

not just to benefitsome specific candidate.

That's not really our objective.

Our objective is to do something

that I think is more importantBiblically and historically.

I believe God calls His people

to be effective and muscular citizens,

because if they do so,they would carry the gospel

to the very courts ofCaesar, in Biblical times,

and all the way to theWhite House in our times.

- Pretty eloquent, brother.

Hey, this is a terrificbook, "For God and Country".

Now, real quick, wherecan you get the book?

- The book is everywherewhere books are sold.

They can go to Amazon, theycan go to any bookstore,

or they can go to Faith andFreedom Coalition's website: and then get a copy there.

And we're praying and believing God

that it will equipbelievers as we head into

this election season.

- Ralph, congratulations, my friend.

You're doing a marvelous job,

and the nation owes youa debt of gratitude.

Thank you.

- Pat, thank you very much,and right back at you,

and even more so, for allyou've done for our country

and for the kingdom of God.

- Thank you, my brother, God bless you.

Amazing mobilization.

You didn't hear it anyplace except here.

- Wonderful, wonderful toknow all of that's happening.

- Oh, it's amazing.

Under the radar, it's extraordinary.

This book, "For Godand Country", as I say,

is one of the prettiest.

Regnery publishes this,it's a gorgeous cover.

And you can get it wherever--

A lot of the bookstores have been closed,

but they'll be opening up in very shortly.

And so, this book's available.

Ralph Reed, "For God and Country",

Faith and Freedom Coalition.

He was our first directorof the Christian Coalition,

and we worked together.

- [Terry] Lots of history there.

- I'd like to think Igave the boy his start.

- (laughing)

- Okay, what's next?

- Well, up next...

Lullaby for a crackhead.

How a dream helped this drug addict

get a great night's sleep

and help millions of others do the same.

Stayed tune for the incredible story

of MyPillow's Mike Lindell.


Men under attack.

Retired Lieutenant GeneralJerry Boykin shares

what's behind the assault

and what can be done to fight back.

That's later on today's show.

(noble orchestral music)

(positive orchestral music)

- Mike Lindell has sold over30 million of his MyPillows.

Recently, he was thankedby President Trump

for supplying masks to healthcare workers.

He's a self-made millionaire who was once

a hard-core drug addict.

- The more chaotic things got,

and the more I came out the other end,

and could say "Look what I went through",

that was my self worth.

- [Narrator] The chaos in MikeLindell's life started early.

He was seven years oldwhen his parents divorced.

- I got put into a new school

and I was the only kidfrom a divorced family.

It affected me where Ifelt like I didn't fit in,

I felt like I didn't belong,

I felt like I was kind of like an outcast.

I would show off to try and fit in.

- [Narrator] But as much as Mike tried

to control his circumstances,

he was drawn to thingsthat would control him.

By the time he got to high school,

he was an alcoholic with aserious gambling addiction.

- That instant high winning,

that appealed to me at a very young age.

I wanted to keep in control.

I always felt like it was me,I could control the outcomes.

- [Narrator] Then, at 21,he got in over his head,

owing $25,000 in gambling debt to the mob.

In a desperate move toescape the mob's reach,

Mike broke into a convenience store

and let himself get caught.

It got him into jail,

but the shame andembarrassment was overwhelming.

So when Mike was released,

his friend Dick offered him some cocaine.

- It gave me some false courage.

I felt like I could be myself,

I could be more outgoing,

I could be the personI always wanted to be,

where I could be the talk of the crowd.

With the cocaine, I couldget there instantly,

and feel like I fitted in.

- [Narrator] Again the life of the party,

Mike started bartending.

Then he met Karen, who wasalso a functioning addict.

- And I finally got married, had the kids.

I was the biggest businessman.

One time I had three bars,

but it still wasn't enough for me.

Inside, it wasn't enough,

it wasn't what I was longing for.

I didn't have this peace inside of me.

It was a chaos magnified beyond belief.

But that's where I lived.

I lived in that space,

and that's where I thoughtin my mind, I'm going,

"Nobody's this good athandling all this chaos."

- [Narrator] Trying to make a living,

Mike juggled one businessventure after another.

Then one night, he had a dreamthat would make him famous.

- I got the dream for the pillow in 2004,

invented it then.

It took about a year.

We were turned down everywhereonce it was invented,

and ended up doing home shows and fairs.

- [Narrator] But as Mike struggled

with getting his newbusiness off the ground,

and his growing addiction to crack,

his marriage collapsed.

- My wife couldn't take it anymore.

She left in the middle of the night.

And we were divorcedactually within a month.

- [Narrator] It wasthe first blow of many.

Later that fall, his son moved out

and Mike realized he haddriven his family away.

Then his old drug buddydropped in for a visit.

- I heard he had found theLord four years earlier,

and he came in from out of nowhere.

I said, "Dick, I want to knowsomething: Is it boring?"

- And he goes, "No, man, it isn't boring."

- And I had all these questions for him

that only he could answer.

Then on January 16, 2009, I said,

"God I want to wake up in the morning,

"and never have the desire again."

When I quit everythingthat night and woke up,

and was freed of allthe desire, I'm going,

"Wow, something's different!"

It was like "Groundhog Day",

it was like, "Wow, this is different!"

And I associated that with being saved.

- [Narrator] Mike quit drugs cold turkey,

and sales from MyPillowfinally began to climb.

Mike's walk of faithwas a different story.

- I used to get angry andnot know why I'd get angry,

and frustrated.

If somebody hit my self-worth button,

oh, man, you know, it would be bad.

- [Narrator] Then, he met Kendra,

a woman whose life centeredaround her faith in Christ,

something Mike struggled to understand.

- She had that personal relationship

and I could see something was different,

it wasn't just believing in God.

- [Narrator] By 2015, MyPillow had become

a national phenomenon,

and over the next two years

attracted the attention of celebrities,

including Don Imus, StephenBaldwin, and Ben Carson.

Mike finally started to understand

that God was seeking arelationship with him.

- I would use these mathematical odds

that Jesus does exist.

And then it wasn't until, you know,

things started to happento me in the 2015-16-17,

that it's impossible thata former crack addict is,

all of a sudden, sittingat the White House.

It's like God's setting these things up

and putting me in thesepositions that's impossible.

To think God's chasing me all that time

and going, "He's almost there."

- [Narrator] Then in2017, Kendra and a friend

convinced Mike to attend a conference

led by Operation RestoredWarrior Founder, Paul Lavelle.

It was there he finallygave control of his life

over to God.

- I went in there withhope and I just said,

"God, please, show me you're real.

"Show me.

"I want that personal relationship."

And on the second day,on February 18, 2017,

I did a full surrender on my knees.

And I'm telling you, it wasthe biggest peace I ever had.

It was a forgiving myself,

something way back thathad been stuck in me,

all these wounds, andfilled them with Jesus,

filled them with the Holy Spirit.

- [Narrator] These days,Mike is passionate about

helping others find more thanjust a good night's sleep.

He wants them to find thepeace that he has in Jesus.

- [Narrator] Even if youdon't think you're adequate,

and you've been through everything,

and you just feel hopeless,

well, I'm telling you, there'snothing better than Jesus.

That is the hope of the world.

- There's nothing better than Jesus.

You know something, theBible says the wicked

are like the tossed watersof the troubled sea.

"There's no peace, saithmy God, to the wicked."

No peace.

Many of you would like peace.

And when Jesus wouldappear to people, He'd say,

"My peace I give unto you.

"Not like the worldgives, give I unto you."

My peace.

You know, the greeting used to be,

for the Arabs, "Salaam",for the Jews, "Shalom".

It's a greeting of peace.

Do you have peace in your heart?

Mike Lindell was troubled.

He couldn't get over someof the hurts in his life.

Yes, he'd done crack, he'ddone all these things.

He had a dream about a pillow,

but he still didn't have any peace,

until he came to the Lord.

Let me ask you right now, at this moment,

as we move forward this week:

Do you have peace?

Would you like peace?

Would you like to be nolonger at war with yourself?

With your family?

Or with your Creator?

Would you like to be atpeace with your Creator?

And the Bible says, "Comeunto Me, all ye who labor

"and are heavy-laden,and I will give you rest.

"Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me.

"For my yolk is easyand my burden is light."

The Lord wants you tobe part of His family.

He wants you to be partof the heavenly kingdom.

He wants you to live forever.

And right now, while you're here on earth,

He wants your life to be one of peace,

where you have forgiven yourself,

where you have forgiven your enemies,

where you have askedGod for His forgiveness

and have received it.

Would you like that peace?

The wicked are like the troubled sea,

they're tossed to and fro,like the waves on the sea.

Do you want to be at peace?

I offer you the most wonderful thing

that I could give to anybody:

and that is peace with God.

If you want it, I wantyou to pray with me.

And if you will surrenderyour life now to Jesus,

let Him come in, it willbe the most wonderful thing

that's ever happened in your life.

So bow your head rightnow, wherever you are,

pray these words withme and don't be afraid.

Lord Jesus...

That's right, pray with me.

Lord Jesus, you know the sin in my life.

You know who I've hurt,

and you know who's hurt me.

So right now, Lord, I forgive myself,

I forgive my enemies,

I forgive those who hurt me.

And I take yourforgiveness and your peace.

So right now, LordJesus, come into my life,

live your life in me,

and I will live for youand I will serve you

from this moment on.

Thank you, Jesus.

Now, if you prayed with me,

I want to give you something.

It's a little packet called, "A New Day".

And in here, there's a CD thatI have done some time ago,

73 minutes of very important teaching

about what it means to bea new creature in Christ,

"A New Day",

"A New Day".

You just came to the Lord.

I want you to call now andtell somebody what you've done.

We have on our telephones right now,

people who love you, care about you

and have experienced the same thing

that you have just received.

They have peace with God,

and they want to hearthe good news about you.

So, no money, we're nottalking about any money.

This is all free.

But just call in rightnow: 1-800-700-7000.

Say, "I just prayed with Pat.

"I have given my heart to God,and I want you to know that."

1-800-700-7000, and we'llsend you "A New Day".

If you'd like to give us your name,

if you'd not, just callanyhow, and just say,

"I just want you to know the good news."

And the Bible says theangels of heaven rejoice

over one sinner that repents.

So all heaven right now isin an uproar because of you.


it's toll-free--


It's easy to remember.

Just call and say, "Yes,I did it, I prayed."

Call right now.


- Well, still ahead...

Jerry Boykin may have retired

from a lifetime of military service,

but his mission remains the same.

See how he's defending our nation's men.

(heroic orchestral music)

(intense music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

California is looseningrestrictions on churches,

Governor Gavin Newsomeannouncing new guidelines Monday.

Places of worship can reopen,

if they limit attendance to 25%of their building's capacity

up to 100 people.

Worshippers must alsoremain six feet apart

and churches have to forma virus prevention plan

including health checks on employees.

The Governor says he's beentalking with faith leaders

on how to safely reopen.

Well Christian sites inthe Holy Land are beginning

to reopen also.

Worshippers visited Bethlehem'sChurch of the Nativity

for the first time,Tuesday, after being closed

for nearly three months dueto the COVID-19 lockdown.

Tradition says the churchis built over the site

where Jesus was born.

In Jerusalem, the Churchof the Holy Sepulcher

reopened Sunday.

Both sites are under restrictions.

No more than 50 people ata time are allowed inside.

Worshippers must keep a six-foot distance

and there's no touchingitems inside the churches.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN New

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club,

right after this.

(intense music)

(intense, upbeat music)

- Retired Lieutenant GeneralJerry Boykin is a man's man.

He served 36 years in the military,

he was a founding member of Delta Force,

and he led teams of GreenBerets into hot zones

around the world.

He says men today are under attack.

But not from enemies outside our borders.

Watch this.

- [Narrator] LieutenantGeneral William Jerry Boykin,

founding member and formerDelta Force Commander

and Vice President of theFamily Research Council

says that men in Americahave never been under attack

the way they are today.

The assault of masculinity in our nation

has left many men feeling conflicted

about their role in society.

In his book, "Man to Man",Boykin challenges men

to rediscover their God-given calling.

- General, it's so good tohave you with us again today.

- Thank you, Pat.

- Let me ask you, you say in your book

that the Communists were trying to destroy

masculinity in America.

What were they doing?

- Yeah, in 1958, the Communist Party USA

wrote a book called, "The Naked Communist"

and they told us how theywould take over America.

And what they targeted,mostly, was the family.

And in targeting thefamily, they targeted men.

And what they said they were gonna do,

and what they've prettysuccessfully done so far,

is they would get men sodistracted with other things

like pornography and gamblingand sports and computer games

that they would, essentially, fail

to be the fathers andthe men, the husbands,

that they needed to be in the family,

and that would cause thefamily to disintegrate.

Now if you don't know, thesingle most important entity

in America is the family.

I mean, it's really not the church.

It should be, but it's not the church.

It's the family.

And when the family isdestroyed by virtue of the fact

that the man is notliving up to the standards

that God set for him, you destroy America.

Then that facilitates what we see now,

is this takeover by thesevery leftist, very evil,

progressive, if you want tocall them that, individuals

many of which were runningfor president this year,

in the primaries.

- They have got somethingthey're attacking

called "toxic masculinity".

What is that?

- Well, it's a term that has come out

as a result of what wejust talked about there.

They combine "toxic" withthe term "masculinity"

so frequently now that evenuniversities are holding classes

and doing courses called"overcoming toxic masculinity".

Look, masculinity, whenpracticed according to God's Word

and the plan that God hasfor a man, is not toxic.

And masculinity is not meant to be toxic.

But, when you see menthat are out of control,

that their behavior isrough, out of control,

not recognizing what's God's plan is,

then you could call that toxic,but that's not masculinity.

- You started your booktalking about a hero of yours

whose name was Cecil.

Who was he?

- Cecil was my dad.

He was a man's man.

He went off to WorldWar II at 17 years old,

and was the only of fivesiblings that was wounded.

He was wounded on D-Day at Normandy,

driving a landing craft ashore.

And then he came backand, as a wounded warrior,

as a disabled veteran,he eventually was able

to go in the U.S. Army, as afunctional wounded warrior,

during the Korean War.

And then after that, he wentto work for the Marine Corps

for 32 years.

So three times, he took an oath that said,

"I do solemnly swear thatI'll support and defend

"the Constitution of the United States".

He was a man's man,

he was everything youwould want a man to be.

He was not an educated man,

he didn't have a high school diploma.

But he understood whata man was supposed to be

and he imparted that me.

And I am so thankful that he did.

I miss him today.

We lost him in 2001.

His impact on my lifehas been very important.

- You trained some of thetoughest men in all the military,

the Delta Force and someof the Green Berets.

You went out with them.

What characterized those people?

Were they examples of true manhood?

- Yeah, most of them were.

Very, very infrequently thatwe had one that was not.

We filtered them out pretty quickly.

But they had a transcendent cause, Pat.

They knew what was worth sacrificing for,

what was worth risking their lives for.

And ultimately, in thecase of some of them,

what was worth dying for.

And those were the kind ofmen that I was surrounded by

and I felt that it was a great blessing

to be able to be with these kind of men.

Even when some of themdidn't come home alive,

it was still God's blessingfor me to be there with them

when they paid that ultimate sacrifice.

- What can women do to support men?

Is there a clash betweenmen and women today?

Can women support theirmen in a particular way?

- Yeah, listen, in the book, "Man to Man",

at the end of every chapter,

I got a lady named LeilaGilbert, a distinguished writer,

and she wrote a message to the women.

She wrote a page or two to the women

at the end of every chapter,

based on the five thingsthat I outline in the book,

that a man is supposed to be.

She wrote some wordsdirectly to the women.

Look, I think most women want a man

to step up and be a man.

They want a man to bethe leader in the home,

they want a man to be thespiritual head in the home,

they want a man to be the chaplain.

And the problem is, that somany men have turned away

from that role.

And you look at the number of homes today

that don't have a man at all,

and mothers are raising children alone.

It's a national plague.

And one of the things that we have to do

is get men back in the home.

Get them back to being thefathers and the husbands

that they're supposed tobe, they're called to be.

- Well, what about theimportance of role models?

- Yeah, that's a huge problem.

Look, if you're a Christian man--

if your listeners--

if you're a Christian man,

you need to go find some young lad

that you can mentor.

You need to take someyoung lad under your wing

and you need to start mentoring him,

if he does not have a man in his home.

I think that is a Biblical mandate.

And I think that we've gotta go out

and look for those youngmen that are growing up,

using the guy on the street corner

with all the gold chains with nickel bags,

as his role model.

We've gotta change that.

We've got to get away from that.

Or, we've got to changeour social welfare system

so that it is not more profitable for men

to stay out of work than to actually go

and earn a living bythe sweat of their brow,

which is Biblical.

So we've got to establish role models.

And you do that in part by going out

and finding these young men.

Look, that's what my dad did.

After my brother and my sisterand I were out of the home,

my dad adopted, I say "adopted",he took in a young boy

that did not have a father in the home.

And by the way, the littleboy was of a different race.

But he took that boyin because he believed

the worst thing that could happen to a boy

is to grow up without a man in his life,

or at least a man thatcould teach him the ropes,

and help him on this path to manhood.

We need to do that as Christian men.

- General, it's so goodto have you with us.

The book, ladies and gentlemen, is called,

"Man to Man: Rediscovering Masculinity".

This is a man's man, General Boykin,

one of the great military heroes.

We're so grateful for you and this book.

And it's available where books are sold.

Lieutenant General William Boykin,

"Man to Man: Rediscovering Masculinity

"in a Challenging World".

Thank you so much, Jerry.

God bless you, my friend.

- Thank you.

God bless you.

- Great Father's Day book.

- Yes, it is!

- Wonderful gift.

- Yes.

- Great.

- That's a good thought.

- Women can read it first,give it to their husbands.

- Give it to anybody.

- Exactly.

- You know, I am afather, I'm a grandfather,

I'm a great-grandfather,and I'm on the way

to 19 great-grandchildren.- Wow, 19 greats.

- I've got 15 of them and four on the way.

"Be fruitful--"- "And multiply".

They take that seriouslyin the Robertson household.

- I've tried over theyears to show my children

what it's like to be a lovingfather and a loving husband.

Do it, okay.


- Well, last month, 20 million people

20 million lost their jobs.

And that's just in this country.

Operation Blessing has been on the ground,

both here and abroad,working to get supplies

to those who need it the most.

And they're able to do that,thanks to people like you.

- [Woman] The virus became overwhelming.

- [Reporter] The economy hasbeen shrinking dramatically.

- I'm a single mother, andI need additional help.

- [Narrator] When hope waslost, you came to the rescue.

Across the United Statesand around the world,

you're bringing helpto people here at home,

through over 4,000 ministrypartners across America.

You brought groceries tofamilies going without.

- It's hard, but we're making it through.

- You supplied N95 medicalmasks to doctors and nurses.

- There are shortages nationwide.

- These masks are absolutely a blessing.

- [Narrator] You put foodin people's cupboards.

- Right now, I'm currently not working.

- [Narrator] And youprovided desperately needed

disinfectants to firefightersand first responders.

- We couldn't thank you enough.

- [Narrator] Internationally,you're serving

affected families in over 26 countries.

You're providing hot waterand hand washing stations.

- [Translator] Because ofthis, the number of cases

from the COVID-19 pandemic will diminish.

- [Narrator] You're delivering fumigation

against the coronavirus.

- To our donors, we just wantto say thank you so much.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- It means so much.

- Especially with what'sgoing on right now.

- [Narrator] Thank youfor sharing your love.

If you'd like to help, call 1-800-700-7000

or text "CBN" to 71777 to give.

- I think we all want to do something.

What better way for youto be able to do things

for people here in the UnitedStates and in 26 countries

around the world.

Join The 700 Club, because when you do,

you're making it possiblefor Operation Blessing

to be there.

65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member.

So call that toll-freenumber: 1-800-700-7000.

When you do, we're gonna sendyou, "Do You Need a Miracle?"

You're gonna love this.

Real life stories of God atwork in people's lives today,

and it will touch you, encourageyou and build your faith.

So, give us a call right now.

Okay, we've got a few minutes for email.

- This is Dale, who says,

"Have any of the horses ofthe apocalypse been released?

"One particular ministerI know insists they have.

"I always thoughtChristians would be raptured

"before that happened."

- I can't go into all thestuff about the rapture,

but the theology is really wrong.

Jesus said at the end of the age,

immediately after thetribulation of those days,

it shall appear thesign of the Son of Man,

and He'll send His angelsto gather the elect

from the far corners of the earth.

And that's gonna happen justbefore He comes back again.

So, up to that point, Ithink all this speculation

about seven years andmid-trib and all that stuff,

is just not Biblical, period, okay?

- This is Shannon, who's asking,

"Pat, what is the fear of God?"

- (chuckling)

Well, the fear of God is the respect.

He is God Almighty.

He created the heavens and earth.

He is the most powerfulbeing in all the universe.

And I remember KathrynKuhlman used to say,

"I think we're too familiar with God".

Well, we are.

We like, come into Hispresence with muddy boots on.

You know, you come intothe presence of the Lord

with fear and trembling,

not because you don't love Him.

You love Him and you're drawn to Him

because He's your Father.

But at the same time,you respect His power,

and you respect the fact thatHe is an awesome, holy God

who created everything.

And His power is beyond measure.

That's what the fear of God is.

We leave you with thesewords from the Psalms:

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

"all the days of my life;

"and I will dwell in thehouse of the Lord forever."

Thanks for being with us.

Remember, we've got aspecial program tomorrow.

An entire program to answeryour email questions.

So, for Terry and I,this is Pat Robertson.

See you tomorrow, bye-bye.


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