- Can I ask you a personalquestion about Ravi Zacharias
passing away just inthe last 24 hours or so?
I know his teachingswere so important to you,
especially at Oxford,you've mentioned this.
Can you tell me a little bitabout what he meant to you
personally and the loss forthe Christian community?
- Yeah, it's a huge loss.
My dad said to me that Billy Graham
was the great evangelist, and I think
Ravi Zacharias is the great apologist.
- Yeah, I know this is tough, I know.
- Just--- Yeah.
- We don't have to cry,'cause we're Christians,
so we know he's in God's--
- Yeah, I mean, we're human,the last time I checked.
But the tears come from what?
What was it that, 'causeit feels like Oxford
and your development of your faith.
- Yeah, and Ravi'ssomeone that I never met.
I know his team, and I know some of those
who were around him, butfor me as a Christian,
I always had the heart for Jesus Christ
that I got at a very young age.
I was saved when I was in my teens.
But to have someonefrom an academic place,
as an apologist, could equipyou with those arguments
where you didn't have to check your brain
at the door when you became a Christian,
where there is intellectual foundation
for everything we believe.
There's prophecy, there's the human cell,
there's the amazingcreation of the human body
in all of its complexity,and the planet, the universe.
And he put a philosophicaland academic rationale
for the heart that I had for Christ,
but gave me the ability to go to Oxford,
where there are renowned atheist scholars
who try to say there's no intellectual
undergirding for Christianity.
Ravi Zacharias, who happened to have
an office at Oxford, wasthe person who provided
the counter to that, the intelligence
behind why we believe what we believe.
And your mind can neverget you fully there,
it's a place only your heart can take you,
but Ravi Zacharias provided those steps
to put in the minds of an academic,
"Wow, I should give theChristian faith some thought."
And Ravi, he means so much.
As I was saying earlier, Billy Graham
was the great evangelist, Ravi Zacharias
is the great apologist,and I think the words
that were at the verybottom of the announcement
today of his passing are so important.
He had a verse there, and it said,
"Because I lived, you alsowill live," John 14:19.
And they say that these seven words
changed Ravi's life 57 years ago.
He was on "a bed ofsuicide," as he described it,
and it was a Bible that was handed to him,
and those words in particular,
that set him on a 57-year path
that has truly saved lives.
I on Sunday watched asermon knowing that Ravi
was in a tough spot and wasno longer getting treatment,
so I had my daughter on my lap,
and we were watching the sermon,
yeah, with Ravi, and my husband was there,
my mother-in-law wasthere, and it was a sermon
about purpose, and it was a sermon
about how every human life has a purpose.
You are here for a reason.
Every life matters.
And it's about finding that purpose,
and just hearing him speak,and hearing those words,
was so meaningful.
And it was in that sermon, I believe,
where he shared the storyof a CNN sportscaster
who was living a profligate lifestyle
and making bad decisions in life,
but changed his life,and found his purpose,
and found a family,and became a Christian,
and got very sick, and whenhe was on his deathbed,
the CNN sportscaster said that he was just
really in search of Godand really in search
of finding Christ and hearing from Christ,
and as he was about to leavebehind his little daughter,
he said, "Jesus," hesaw a figure that is how
he always imagined JesusChrist would look like,
who he had pictured was Jesus, was sat
on the corner of his bed, and said,
"Tonight's not the night you will pass,"
and he had this distinctmoment before he passed.
And in watching Ravi describe that moment,
knowing that he was probably,in the next few days,
coming to his last moment,it just changed me,
once again, to hear thatand to post the sermon
on Twitter and have a user say,
"Wow, I've never givenChristianity a thought,
"but having watched what Ravi had to say,
"I may have to giveChristianity a thought."
So Ravi, his life may have ended,
but his life continues in the next life,
as someone I'll meet inheaven, and rest assured,
his legacy will always be here
and he will continue to change lives.