CBN's Gordon Robertson Warns Social Media Giants About Policing Free Speech in the Age of Coronavirus
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- Well these platforms areactually playing a dangerous
game because at some point,
the government is goingto step in and say,
we need to regulate you.
Just as we regulate everyutility that provides electricity
or water or sewer services.
Just as they regulate thespeech that occurs on broadcast
television stations, broadcast radio.
Or they'd be a whole federal bureaucracy
that is created in orderto police free speech
on these platforms.
I think we're headed in that direction,
primarily because of this kind of action
on the part of the platforms.
Now what they're doing isresponding to all the criticism
from the 2016 campaign,
how much foreign influencewas there in that election
and so they're trying to say,
well we're going to actively police now,
we're gonna actually policeall kinds of political speech
and they're viewingthis as political speech
that is differing fromwhat the health authorities
are claiming and saying,
well we're going to takeit down in the interest
of public health.
That may be a worthy goal but
it looses sight of freedom of speech,
and that's been a coreelement of American culture
since the foundation,
that it's in the free exchange of ideas
that the best ideas come to the surface.
It is in the free and opendiscussion and open debate.
The problem with thatfree and open discussion
in today's internet world is,
the lie can go around theworld before the truth
gets it's pants on so,
the correction never gets the same spread
if you will, as the original fake news
so, what do you do inthat kind of environment
and how do you ensure equalcoverage, if you will?
That's a problem and that's one the FCC
has debated for decadesand the equal time rules
and all of those things.
So where're we going?
Well I think we're goingto more federal regulation
of the platforms.
When that will happen, I don't know.
Congress seems to be really busy with part
of some politics and trynaget us through this pandemic.
I don't see any kind of billmaking it through anytime.