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700 Club Interactive - May 4, 2020

Shelby Lyn Mann was born with no heartbeat and after 24 minutes of CPR doctors brought her back gave little hope for survival. Read Transcript

- [Gordon] COVID-19 and the sex industry.

- Kids as young as eight and 10 years old

make up about 25% of the porn users.

- [Gordon] How stay at home orders

are creating problems online.

- Predators who may otherwise refrain

from exploitive and abusiveconduct while at the office,

are now far more likelyto use these extra hours

of unsupervised time.

- [Gordon] What you can doto keep your children safe.

Plus a new mother getsa devastating diagnosis.

- He told me that Shelby was brain dead,

there was no brain activity.

- Hear why doctors call thisbaby an absolute miracle,

all on today's 700 Club Interactive.

Welcome to the show.

Anti-trafficking advocatesthink that the current pandemic

is forcing the sex tradeto hit the pause button.

That's the good news.

- But they have another concern,

kids spending more time on line.

Heather Sells has that story.

- [Heather] Those who trackthe world of sex trafficking

think that COVID-19 may have somewhat

slowed the exploitation.

One reason, record unemployment.

That means less cashavailable for commercial sex.

- If one out of threepeople are out of work,

every discretionary dollar

is going to be very carefully looked at.

- What also may be slowing things down,

the would be buyers athome with their families,

unable to sneak out of the house.

But anti-trafficking advocates

are taking little consolation.

They're worried aboutunemployment and young people

who are financiallydesperate and easy targets

for pimps to recruit.

They're also concerned aboutthe stay at home orders

across the country which hasled to millions of students,

spending even more time online.

- Kids and teens who arehome are almost completely

dependent on their devicesto complete schoolwork

and parents are balancingtheir own work demands

with their new role as at home educators,

potentially resulting in hoursof unsupervised screen time.

- [Heather] These kidscan be sitting ducks

for predators who also find themselves

with extra time in their schedules.

- Predators who may otherwiserefrain from exploitive

and abusive conduct while at the office,

are now far more likelyto use these extra hours

of unsupervised time, to identify, groom,

and abuse children online.

- [Heather] These predators can find kids

in online apps and games,and pose as a friend.

After earning theirtrust, they often request

some kind of sexualpicture and blackmail them.

What's not helping,hardcore sites like Pornhub,

offering free content right now,

in what they say is anattempt to encourage people

to stay at home.

Internet safety advocate,Donna Rice Hughes,

says porn is not just atemptation for adults,

but also for young childrenwho can get drawn in

and start viewing before theyrealize what's happening.

- Kids as young as 10 yearsold, eight and 10 years old,

make up about 25% of the porn users,

of the under 18 category.

- [Heather] Hughes'organization, Enough is Enough

and Shared Hope are offeringparents extra resources

right now to fight the temptation.

They urge placing age appropriate filters

and monitoring tools on kids' devices,

and approving buddies on gaming apps.

The other recommendation is for parents

to begin ongoing conversationswith their children,

not only about predators,but about their importance

and value in this world.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- And that's a conversationthat should start today

and realize that thereare predators out there

that are targeting children.

They are going into chat rooms in games,

and doing these kinds of things,

and it seems to be increasingin the social isolation.

So please have that conversation.

Please talk to them aboutappropriate interactions online.

These are things that everyparent should be aware of,

and please monitor whatyour children are seeing.

It's easy to do, it'seasy to look at histories,

it's easy to look at theURLs that were visited,

it's easy to start tracking these things,

so take the time.

We're all isolated in place,so take the time to do it now.

- Absolutely, importantelement of parenting.

Well the Bible tells us to givethanks in all circumstances

and if you're having a littletrouble with that right now,

you are not alone.

- Today we have a Jewishprayer that may help you.

The Nishmat is traditionallyrecited on the Sabbath

and again at Passover.

It focuses on praising God,especially in times of trouble.

(gentle music)

The soul of every livingbeing shall bless Your name,

oh Lord our God.

You are God and other than You,

we have no King, Redeemer, or Savior.

He who liberates, rescues, and sustains,

answers, and is mercifulin every time of distress

and anguish, who guidesHis world with kindness

and His creatures with mercy.

To You alone we give thanks.

In famine You nourished us andin plenty You sustained us.

From sword You saved us, fromplague You let us escape.

And from severe and enduringdiseases, You spared us.

Until now, Your mercy has helped us

and Your kindness has not forsaken us.

Do not abandon us, ohLord our God, forever.

By the mouth of the upright,You shall be exalted.

By the lips of the righteous,You shall be blessed.

By the tongue of the devout,You shall be sanctified

and amid the holy shall You be lauded.

Let that prayer guide you.

It's an ancient prayer.

Records go back hundreds of years for this

and realize that it canbring comfort to you today,

that God can deliver us from this plague.

He can deliver us from enduring disease.

He can do this.

What does it take?

Let every living soul, leteverything that has breath

praise the Lord.

As long as we have breath,let His praise be on our lips.

Now this is a time wherewe're going to pray for you

and if you're suffering fromanxiety, if you have fear,

if you have financialfear, fear for your health,

fear for your family, let'sbring all these things

to the Lord.

The Bible says, "Be anxious for nothing.

That's nothing, that includes

everything.- Everything.

- "Be anxious fornothing, but in all things

"with prayer and supplication,with thanksgiving,

"let your prayers be known."

So let's do that right now and Terry and I

will agree with you and the Bible says,

"When two or more agree,it shall be done."

So let's pray.

Lord, we lift this nation to you.

We lift our neighborhoods,we lift our cities,

our communities, we lift ourstates, we lift our nation,

we lift the entire world to You.

And Lord, first andforemost we ask for wisdom

in our leadership.

That they would have skill in guiding us

through this pandemic.

But we also lift our hearts to You

and we ask that Youwould guard our hearts,

guard our minds, that nofear would come near us

for fear is torment.

And we just ask that Your perfect peace

would guard our hearts and minds,

that You would be with us,that You would be in us,

You would be all around us.

That Your presence would be so tangible

that no fear can come near our doorstep.

Now for anyone who'ssuffering with this disease,

we just ask for healing for them.

We ask for full and complete recovery.

For all the emergency workers,all the healthcare workers

who are putting their lives on the line,

protect them Lord God and be with them,

and be with their families.

Let not this plague come near 'em

Let it not be carried home with them,

but let them have peace and security,

knowing that You are guarding them.

Now for anyone withfinancial fear, Lord God,

we just remove all of that and we ask

that You provide all their need,

according to Your riches and glory.

- And Father, we justcontinually are bombarded

with statistics and negative information

and daunting things aboutthe future of all of this.

God, we would ask you to end this,

to bring an end to it.

We would pray that Youwould provide an answer.

You are the one who knowsall and creates all,

so would you do that for humanity, God?

Would You do it in a way that allows us

to see that it was You who did it?

God, our ears are open toYou, our eyes are looking

to see You, but God,no matter what we hear,

no matter what we see, ourhearts rest in the fact

that You say, You speak to us and say,

"Peace, be still."

We are not afraid becauseYou are who You are

and we belong to You,so let Your peace reign

in our hearts and in our minds,

and remind us of this.

Do not let the things of theworld penetrate our thinking

or our faith.

We ask that You wouldhelp us to be steadfast

and sure in the position that we hold.

We stand before You Lord,and we ask You to use us

in the midst of this pandemicand all of the details

that surround it, as a lightto the world around us.

That we might bring glory to Your name.

For it's in Jesus' name we pray.

- Now Lord, we give You thanks.

We give You thanks with thebreath that You gave us,

with the living soulthat You put within us.

We give You thanks and we thank You

for what You are doing, andwhat You are about to do.

Be with us now, for weask it all in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen.- Amen.

- If you need prayer, we're here for you

and we're here for you 24 hours a day.

All you have to do is pickup the phone and call,


Well coming up, how toovercome negative thinking

and not lose hope whilewaiting on answers to prayers.

Ashley Key joins me todiscuss that and more,

right after this.

(dramatic music)

- All right, well we'reback with another edition

of asking Gordon questions.

- [Gordon] And we're gonna ask Ashley too.

- No we're gonna ask you.- No, we're gonna ask you.

- No, no.

You're in the hot seat.- You're a part of this.

We're in it together, huh?

- That's right, that's right.

Well we asked you guys whatyou wanted to ask Gordon.

We asked on our Instagramand YouTube channel

and we've got some questions for you,

so are you ready?

- I'm ready.- All right,

so the first one is asking,

"How can I overcome negative thinking

"when I'm waiting on Godto answer my prayers?"

- That's a great questionand one that frankly,

I struggle with a little bit.

I tend to be naturallysort of on the melancholy

side of things and I tendto think through things

and I'm constantly, thoughtsare churning in my head

and I'm trying to playout various scenarios

and if I do this, what happens?

If, you know what are theresponses and all the,

you know what's the end result?

A lot of that has to do with how I plan.

I don't want to start anythingunless I really am interested

in doing it for 10 years or more.

I find that to be agood watch word in life,

is to, you know what todo in any given moment.

But when negative thoughtsinvade, I come at them

with the Word of God andrealize that thoughts

can originate with you,but they can also originate

from external forces andthey can originate things

that aren't of God.

Your flesh can originate a thought,

but external influences,and right now with COVID-19,

there are a lot of negativeexternal influences.

So spend your time in the Word.

Let the Word of God strengthenyou and let it encourage you,

and then start thinking like that Word,

that He is able andthat is what the saints

throughout the centuries have looked to

for sources of inspirationthrough very difficult times,

and so He is able.

He is able to guard your heart and mind.

Let me turn this one to Ashley, now.

- Oh gosh.- What do you do

with negative thoughts?

- Well I, well wheneverI feel like sometimes

when you're waiting, youcan sometimes feel hopeless

because the answer thatyou want hasn't come

and you don't know if it's going to,

because God has a plan.

His ways are higher than ourways, His thoughts are higher,

but...- There's something

specific here.- Yeah, I definitely go

to the Word and I will automatically say

that it will strengthen you.

That's not, I mean when you say that,

I think sometimes you can, so many times

go to the Word of God,go to the Word of God,

go to the Word of God, butseriously go to the Word of God

because it really does lift our heads

and I know it's done thatfor me in my life, so.

- Do you mediate on it?

- Um, yeah, I mean I will read over it

and just kind of go line by line.

You know, slowly, don't go fast.

I think sometimes we can miss the mark

if we're doing that, butreading over it slowly,

meditating on it.

Yeah for sure.- Yeah, don't just

check the box and say

well I read my chapter,- Yeah, exactly.

- or I read two chapterstoday and now's time

to get busy again.

You know, just dwell in it.

- Yeah.- Let the Word

dwell in you richly.

- Yes, absolutely and thengetting the context for it too,

you know?

Getting the contextfor what that Scripture

really is saying.

What was happening before,what happened after,

so I think that's important.

- Yeah.- Yeah.

All right, well next question is similar,

so it says, "I have asked God for healing.

"How do I know if He has heard me?"

- Well the Word isactually quite specific.

If you pray in accordance with His will,

you know that He has heard.

So start looking at Scripturesthat talk about healing

to encourage you that itis God's will to heal.

This is not an on again off again thing.

This isn't somethingwhere you have to beg him.

This isn't something whereyou have to convince him.

You have to convince yourselfthat it's already happened.

That can be very difficultwhen the symptoms

are screaming at you, thatyou haven't been healed.

So let that Word of Godovercome your symptoms.

It's one of the great truthsthat faith doesn't believe

in what you see or what you feel,

but faith believes inwhat the Word of God says.

And so are you hearingthat and are you allowing

the Word of God to drownout these symptoms.

And just keep confessingit and confessing it

with faith, with thanksgivingfor what He is about to do.

And when you have thatattitude, you can achieve it.

Keep this in your mind, inheaven is there anybody sick?

And the answer is no,so Jesus commanded us,

"Pray that God's willwould be done on earth

"as it is in heaven."

So you are authorizedto pray that God's will

would be done in yourbody as it is in heaven.

Your resurrected body isn'tgoing to have any disease,

so let that be yourearthly body right now.

- I love that, amen.

Well last, but certainly not least,

did you always know youwould follow your dad

in both law and ministry?

- I am the black sheepof the Robertson family.

I knew that growing up, you know as early

as five, six years old therewere literally prophecies,

people would come to CBN

- Wow.- and prophesy,

"You're the one," and therewas one time I was playing

in dad's office, it was during a telethon,

and I was just a kid andsitting in his chair.

And someone stopped atthe doorway and said,

"You're gonna be sitting in that chair."

- Wow.- You need to really

embrace this.

I didn't want to have any part of it.

You know, I thought that being in ministry

was just, you know it wasa sure ticket to poverty.

It was a real strugglefor CBN in the 1960s.

I didn't want to haveanything to do with it

and in my family you'rea preacher, or a lawyer,

or a politician, sometimesyou're all three,

and so I said, "Well, I'll be a lawyer,"

and that became myrebellious ticket out and...

- And then God said, "Nope."

- You know, when you try to prove

that you're not Pat Robertson's son

and you are Pat Robertson'sson, it's guess what?

You're gonna lose that.

You're not gonna be able to prove that

and it took me a long time to figure out,

"Ah, it's actually a good thing Gordon,

"don't run away from it, turn to it,

"and you'll get a great blessing."

- Well I know, I'm sothankful that you did,

so and I know a lot of people are too.

- Well thank you very much.

- Well thank you for this,you know next edition

of Q&A with you.

- And let me be living proof,you can be as rebellious

as anything.

I mean just, I tried toprove how rebellious I was.

You can do that and God still loves you.

- Amen.- And He still receives you

with open arms.

- Amen.- All right,

Terry over to you.

- Well still to come, adesperate mother cries out

for her brain dead newborn.

(gentle music)

- Who else can I turn to?

He has the ultimate plan, so immediately

that's the first thingthat we thought to do.

- See why doctors are calling this child

an absolute miracle.

Plus we're gonna be prayingfor you and your needs,

so stay with us.

Shelby Mann was born with no heartbeat.

For 24 minutes, hospitalstaff performed CPR

and finally got a heartbeat,

but shortly after, doctorsdeclared Shelby brain dead,

so her mother continuedto pray for a miracle.

- We were all excited, itwas just like a big day.

I worked in the emergencyroom at that hospital,

so everybody down thereknew that I was there,

and we were all just kind ofwaiting on the big moment.

- [Narrator] At the end ofan uneventful pregnancy,

Sarah Mann was ready todeliver her second child.

In the hospital whilewaiting to be induced,

Sarah lost a lot of blood,then the baby's heart beat

suddenly disappeared from the monitor.

(anxious music)

- She couldn't find theheartbeat and at that point,

I was starting to get a little nervous,

'cause I had oxygen onand they weren't seeming

to find what they were looking for.

- [Narrator] Her husbandJason was waiting outside,

when a flurry of activityswarmed Sarah's room.

- When I was seeing the doctorgo running into the room,

I followed him.

I just remember him telling the nurses,

"Get her to the OR, we gottado an emergency C-section now."

- [Narrator] Sarah had acomplete placental abruption.

The placenta had separated fromthe uterus before delivery,

depriving the baby of blood and oxygen.

Doctors were able to deliverthe baby via C-section,

but the baby had suffocated in the womb

and had no heartbeat.

- She lost like 3/4, ahalf of her blood volume,

and I had lost asignificant amount of blood.

We both would have died.

- [Narrator] Medical staff performed CPR

on baby Shelby for 24 minutes

before finally getting a heartbeat.

Because so much time hadpassed without oxygen,

doctors were not hopeful for her survival.

- First doctor that I got to talk to

after a couple of hours,he told me that Shelby

was brain dead, therewas no brain activity,

probably wouldn't live over 36 hours,

and if she did live shewould be a vegetable.

That was pretty rough.

I mean, there's nothingyou can even say to that.

I mean that's just terrible.

- [Narrator] In a desperateplea for Shelby's life,

Sarah and Jason asked forprayer from their church,

family, and coworkers.

- I talk to God every day and I feel like

if something's out of ourhands, who else can I turn to?

He has the ultimate plan, so immediately

that's the first thingthat we thought to do,

was to pray to God to intervene in this.

- [Narrator] Shelby had a weak heart,

a collapsed lung, and no brain activity.

Medical staff cooled her body

to prevent more organdamage, but days later

there was still no change inher condition or prognosis.

- I watched one doctortrying to get a response

from her.

He was poking her in the eye,

they couldn't get any kind of reflexes.

They finally hooked her up to an EEG,

and there was no brain activity.

- She was a perfect baby,and she was a healthy baby,

and then she had this injury,and now she's gonna be

an injured baby.

(gentle music)

And that's really hard,'cause I think how horrible

to have this long term,whatever problems it may be,

because of one moment, you know?

And she could have been perfectly healthy.

- [Narrator] On the fourth night,

Sarah got out of bed andwent down on her knees

and prayed like never before.

- I wanted her to live.

He knew that.

And, but that if she was gonna live,

I wanted her to be healed completely

and not have, you know all these problems

that they were tellingme that we were facing,

and that if she wasn't going to live,

I wanted Him to just goahead and let her go.

- [Narrator] As she prayed,

Sarah says she had a visionof angels holding baby Shelby

and handing her one to another.

- And I remember thinking like, they just,

she's just been healed.

I just knew it, like that.

And I was so at peace.

I was like a flood of peace came over me.

I knew everything was gonna be fine.

(peaceful music)

It was like, that was my answer.

- [Narrator] The nextday brought confirmation

of what she had seen in hervision the night before.

As Shelby woke from hervegetative state, healed.

- Specialty after specialtycame by during the day

and it was good news, goodnews, good news, good news,

all day long.

She was healed, and I knew it,

and I didn't really care after that,

like they wanted to dotesting, I was like go ahead,

but I know what it's gonna show.

And it was right every time.

- One doctor, he told us, he said,

"There is absolutelynothing that we have done

"that has fixed this baby."

He said, "This is absolutelya miracle from God."

He said, "There's no explanation"

He said, "God had to heal this baby."

- [Narrator] Shelby wasreleased from the hospital

just over a week later, completely healed.

That was over four years ago.

Sarah and Jason say they are thankful God

heard their prayers andgave them a miracle.

- She's absolutely a miracle.

She really is.

There's no neural deficits or anything.

I mean she's completely normal.

- She's the perfect little four year old.

You couldn't ask forher to be any different.

- God does hear when we're praying to Him.

It could've went a different way,

but you know I feel like He listened to me

and He did that for me,so I'm thankful for that.

- There's no convincingme that there's no God,

or God doesn't do miracles.

He does miracles.

I got a four year old runningaround here to prove it.

- He knows you, He knows yourname, He knows your needs,

so let's take these last moments together,

to pray for all of you andask the Lord to touch you,

right at that point of need.

Gordon will you start.- Lord, we lift everyone

who has needs right nowand specifically anyone

who has need of healing.- Yes Jesus.

- We ask that you wouldstretch forth Your hand

and heal their disease.

Let them know in their innermost being

that their prayers have been heard

and have been answered today.

Do miracles Lord God, forwe ask it in Jesus' name.

There's someone you haveextreme stomach difficulty

and it's like acid reflux on steroids,

and it's affecting notjust your esophagus,

it's affecting your stomach lining,

and it's affecting your small intestine.

God is healing you.

He's restoring all thelining now, in Jesus' name.

You just felt that rush through.

It was like a gentlewave, just rushed through

and that's God's touch.

You are healed and you are restored now.


- Yeah, someone else you have just begun

to experience the initialstages of kidney failure,

with facing a future of dialysis,

but that is not happening.

God is healing your kidney for you.

Just receive that today andwalk in the freedom of it.

(gentle music)

- There's someone,you're experiencing pain

and it's in your left breast.

God is healing you,He's just restoring that

in Jesus' name, amen.- Amen.

- And amen.

Here's a Word fromPsalm 39, "And so, Lord,

"where do I put my hope?

"My only hope is in you."

God bless you, we'll see you again.

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