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Born Without a Heartbeat

Shelby was born with no heartbeat, but see how quick doctors and the power of prayer brought this baby back to life. Read Transcript

- We were all excited.

It was just like a big day.

I worked in the emergencyroom at that hospital,

so everybody down thereknew that I was there

and we were all just kindawaiting on the big moment.

- [Andrew] At the end ofan uneventful pregnancy,

Sarah Mann was ready todeliver her second child.

In the hospital, whilewaiting to be induced,

Sarah lost a lot of blood.

Then, the baby's heartbeatsuddenly disappeared

from the monitor.

(monitor beeps)(soft tense music)

- She couldn't find the heartbeat,

and at that point I wasstarting to get a little nervous

'cause I had oxygen on andthey weren't seeming to find

what they were looking for.

- [Andrew] Her husband,Jason, was waiting outside

when a flurry of activityswarmed Sarah's room.

- When I seen the doctorgo running into the room,

I follow him.

I just remember him telling the nurses,

"Get her to the OR.

"We gotta do an emergency C-section now."

- [Andrew] Sarah had acomplete placental abruption.

The placenta had separated fromthe uterus before delivery,

depriving the baby of blood and oxygen.

Doctors were able to deliverthe baby via C-section,

but the baby had suffocated in the womb

and had no heartbeat.

- She lost like 3/4,half of her blood volume

and I had lost asignificant amount of blood.

We both would've died.

- [Andrew] Medical staff performed CPR

on baby Shelby for 24 minutes

before finally getting a heartbeat.

Because so much time hadpassed without oxygen,

doctors were not hopeful for her survival.

- First doctor that I got to talk to

after a couple of hours,

he told me that Shelby was brain dead,

there was no brain activity,

probably wouldn't live over 36 hours,

and if she did live, shewould be a vegetable.

That was pretty rough.

I mean, there's nothingyou could even say to that.

I mean, that's just terrible.

- [Andrew] In a desperateplea for Shelby's life,

Sarah and Jason asked for prayer

from their church, family, and co-workers.

- I talk to God every day and I feel like,

if something's out of ourhands, who else can I turn to?

He has the ultimate plan.

So immediately, that's the first thing

that we thought to do, was to pray to God

to intervene in this.

- [Andrew] Shelby had a weakheart, a collapsed lung,

and no brain activity.

Medical staff cooled her bodyto prevent more organ damage,

but days later, there was still no change

in her condition or prognosis.

- I watched one doctor tryingto get a response from her.

He was poking her in the eye.

They couldn't get any kind of reflexes.

They finally hooked her up to an EEG

and there was no brain activity.

- She was a perfect babyand she was a healthy baby,

and then she had this injury

and now she's gonna be an injured baby.

And that's really hard'cause I think how horrible

to have this long-termwhatever problems it may be

because of one moment, you know,

and she could've been perfectly healthy.

- [Andrew] On the fourth night,

Sarah got out of bed andwent down on her knees

and prayed like never before.

- I wanted her to live.

He knew that.

But that if she was gonna live,

I wanted her to be healed completely

and not have all these problems

that they were tellingme that we were facing,

and that if she wasn't gonna live,

I wanted Him to just goahead and let her go.

- [Andrew] As she prayed,Sarah says she had a vision

of angels holding baby Shelby

and handing her one to another.

- And I remember thinking,"She's just be healed."

I just knew it, like that,and I was so at peace.

I was, like, a floodof peace came over me.

I knew everything was gonna be fine.

It was like that was my answer.

- [Andrew] The next daybrought confirmation

of what she had seen inher vision the night before

as Shelby woke from hervegetative state healed.

- Specialty after specialtycame by during the day

and it was good news, goodnews, good news, good news

all day long.

She was healed and I knew it.

And I didn't really care after that.

They wanted to do testing.

I was like, "Go ahead, but Iknow what it's gonna show."

And it was right every time.

- One doctor, he told us,

he said, "There is absolutelynothing that we have done

"that has fixed this baby."

He said, "This is absolutelya miracle from God."

He said, "There's no explanation."

He said, "God had to heal this baby."

- [Andrew] Shelby wasreleased from the hospital

just over a week later completely healed.

That was over four years ago.

Sarah and Jason say they are thankful

God heard their prayersand gave them a miracle.

- She's absolutely a miracle.

She really is.

There's no neuro deficits or anything.

I mean, she's completely normal.

- [Jason] She's a perfectlittle four-year-old.

You couldn't ask forher to be any different.

- God does hear when we're praying to Him.

It could've went a different way,

but, you know, I feellike He listened to me

and He did that for me,so I'm thankful for that.

- There's no convincingme that there's no God

or God doesn't do miracles.

He does miracles.

I got a four-year-old runningaround here to prove it.

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