First Came the TN Revival, Now a LIVE Global Prayer Call Will Kick-off a Billion-Soul Outreach on Friday
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- What would you say,you know, about the fact
the Coronavirus, or anythingelse for that matter,
can not stop the revival that
was happening in church?
- No, in fact, I believe that
it is enhancing
what God is doing becausepeople have need right now.
You know, this has humbled all of us
and really, as the body of Christ,
when these things happen,
what we have to do issee the Lord is said.
If my people, not if theworld, but if my people
who are called by my namewill humble themselves,
and seek my face, and turnfrom their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heavenand will heal your land.
And so, as you know, the revival began
in Rogersville, manypeople have been praying
for many years for these kinds of things.
Terry and I, you know, go way back.
I think we met on PrayerDay at Moody Bible Institute
40 years ago
and since started afull time music ministry
and it kind of expanded.
And then we were inspiredand saw what was really
creating revival was fasting and prayer,
not just prayer, but fasting and prayer.
- Amen.
- And so
this has been an opportunityfor the body of Christ
to humble themselves and reach out.
- Amen.
Talk about previous examples
of how God transformedlives back, you know,
when you were on yourway to being a church,
what was happening?
What were some of themiraculous testimonies
that you guys were hearing about?
- You know, back when we
had the RogersvilleRevival here in Tennessee,
east Tennessee, we hadtaken over 1,000 churches
through a fast that wecalled Awaken Tennessee.
It was originally startedlast year with a pastor,
Dave Clayton in Nashville.
And we had over 400 churchesand Terry and I took
a bunch of our packets,we took about 300 packets
across the state and it really
spurred on our leaders.
Because we'd been workingwith, we call them
our Tennessee PrayerCoalition 'cause we...
All of them are real integrally involved
in the pastors and leadersof their communities.
And they got their churchesexcited and so literally,
there were 40,000 packets handed out
to individuals all across the state
that were fasting and praying.
And just a week after that fast started,
the Rogersville Revivalwas planned for just
a three day event and we werethere to lead worship, anyway.
And on the first song,people started flooding
the altar weeping.
And we were just singing,
♪ Bless the Lord oh my soul ♪
♪ Oh my soul ♪
And you don't expect people
to start falling on theirfaces in repentance.
You know, but the prayers
and the fasting and, you know,
this has been going on for many years.
Many people have been prayingfor longer than 40 years.
You know, Terry and I
have been in
revival ministry trying toencourage revival and awakening
for 35 years full time all over the world.
40 nations of the world.
So this global event is exciting to us.
- We're gonna get to that'cause I'm really excited
about that but I'm alsocurious to find out
are you still hearing,you know, about stories
of revivals in communitiesthere in Tennessee
even though people aren'table to go to church?
- Well yes, because
what happened is when...
We went for four weeks in east Tennessee
and we went night afternight and day after day.
It just continued.
People kept coming tothe altar and it spread
into churches in the community.
They continued to see people
hungry for God but wetransitioned out of that,
feeling like we needed to
disciple the people that had gotten saved.
And just three days after we,
as all the leaders feltwe needed to transition,
just three days afterthat, the tornadoes came.
And immediately, I mean, thatspread across the entire--
that tornado hit all theway from west of Nashville
all the way through to Cookeville.
So people that had beenfasting all across the state
were coming and reaching out.
And Dave Clayton at EthosChurch said that his church
was even bringing peoplethat were displaced and lost
their homes into their homes.
And they were the very peoplethat they had been fasting
and praying for.
- Wow.
- And the stories arejust, you know, endless.
Not just from the Rogersville Revival
but from all across Tennessee.
- Totally--
- And I knew that it was not gonna,
you know, Terry and I have always known
it wasn't gonna end in Tennessee.
It's spreading becausewe see a greater move
of prayer and fastingall across our nation
than we've ever seen
in our lives.
- Amen.
Well we're talking aboutthis worldwide prayer
that's happening on tomorrow, May first.
You know, what--
I know that you're mentioningprayer and fasting,
talk about how all of these things
have led up to this worldwide prayer event
and how you and your husband got involved.
- Well we have been involvedwith some of these leaders
before, you know, we'vebeen around the world a lot
and we've been in Washington, D.C.
And many of the prayer leaders and pastors
have begun working togetheracross denominations,
which is what we've been praying for
and is a sign of revival,when we lay down our
issues and
not to become an all religions,
you know, unity movement,
but this is, you know,
Evangelical Christians that love Jesus,
who know that he's the onlyway, the truth, and the life,
basically we've been
really seeing a move of Godto bring everybody together.
And so these prayer leaderswere involved with others
that we didn't know and wewere invited to a conference
back in January
announcing that many ofthese leaders of evangelism
and prayer were gatheringtogether to start
a movement in May to
Their goal was 100,000--
or a hundred million Christians worldwide.
Called Go 2020 is the namethat they wanted to call it.
Go 2020, basically thisis 2020, year 2020.
And May is when they were usually doing
global day of prayer anda lot of other things
and the National Dayin Prayer is involved.
Campus Crusade for Christ is involved,
which they call themselves CRU now.
And Every Home For Christ,International House of Prayer,
Evangelism Explosion, oh, so many
have gotten on board for this movement.
And it starts with tomorrow's
prayer, global prayer
And the last call we didwith the same people,
and it's just a growingthing ever since January,
the last call we did was 130,000
devices connected to this--
- 130,000 devices?
- Devices connected to this prayer call
from 145 nations
and it was translated live streaming
to 26 different languages
on YouTube, and Facebook,and some other platforms.
So this event tomorrow,
now many more networks have gathered.
Even just Germany alone, theyjust had a prayer call that
the President Merkel, she basically
announced the prayercall and they had over
a million people on theirs alone.
- Wow, in just Germany alone.
- Networks comingtogether from everywhere.
And this is God becauseGod wants us to unify
and to humble ourselves.
- Amen, that is the--
- And repent
and ask him
to make an impact on our world.
People need to have hope.
- I understand that, you know,this is gonna be translated
in real time
in 40 different languages.
Where do people accesstomorrow's live streaming
in their own language?
- Well I believe CBN islive streaming it now
on Facebook and CBN
but they also have a website.
and there's a link to theYouTube live streaming
and it will be in--
I think it's 40 languages now.
It was 26 three weeks ago
but they keep adding.
And now it's going to--
there's also a Facebook link
on that
And also
is another place they can go
to see the greater move
that they're challenging Christians to
to reach a billion people for Christ
in the month of May.
- A billion people.
Wow, that his huge.
That is so huge and that'sthe heart of God, we know.
What are you praying for God to do
through this online revival
prayer meeting tomorrow?
- Well tomorrow morning begins
at eight a.m.
and it will probably go about four hours.
And that's Eastern Standard Time.
And it's really the goal is to
inspire even more people.
We're gonna be worshiping,Terry and I were invited,
we don't know why were but, you know,
we were invited to leadworship on this prayer call
and then we've invitedsome other international
worship teams to also.
But a lot of the leadersthat are involved in this
will be sharing their hearts and their...
God's heart, what they believeGod's heart is for right now
and also they'll be...
There will be international people praying
and it will be translatedinto different languages
from those languages.
So I think it'll betranslated into English
from other languages and then English
to those other.
I don't know how they'redoing all the technical part
but it's going to really...
You know, it's a call to believers to
pick out five people that you know,
or more, that you can prayfor during the entire month
of May and then witnessto them and share Jesus
with them in what--
you know, practical ways oryou know, share the gospel.
The Roman road or however, you know,
the Lord leads you to share the gospel.
But to touch five, atleast five people each.
And I have a feeling it's...
They're gonna supercede
their hundred million Christians because--
- And this is unprecedented.
There's never been like acall, prayer call like this.
- No.
This is, I think thisis a historical moment.
We've never...
And they're expecting nowwith how many networks
have come on board that
there are literally gonna be million plus.
You know, who knows how many?
And even with you guys coming on board
and helping to get the word out.
That's been your heart all along.
- Absolutely, absolutely.
- And CBN, I know because
I used to sing with my family growing up,
the Merk family and we,
we were with CBN a couple times.
And I know Pat's heart.
And I know that,
you know, he really loves
the global world
and wants to bring--
you know, Jesus loves
each person.
He died for the worldbut he loves each person,
he would have died for just you
and just me.
And Terry and I are just,you know, we're honored
to be a part of this.
It's just,
you know, very humbling.
- Amen.
Barbi, thank you so muchfor joining us today.
We appreciate your time
and we're gonna be tuning in tomorrow.
I can't wait.
I'm gonna be right there, amen.
Praying and worshiping with you.
Thank you so much for taking the time
to talk with us today.
- Thank you.
Well Terry and I lookforward to seeing you online.
- Okay.
God bless.
- [Barbie] Okay, God bless you.
- Alrighty, buh bye.