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The 700 Club - April 28, 2020

Anne Graham Lotz is live during CBN’s special Week of Prayer. Plus, a father of five slowly wastes away fighting a disease that has no cure. See a story that can’t be explained scientifically on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up.

Anne Graham Lotz joins us live.


- I couldn't get my hand to stop shaking.

- [Wendy] A father offive slowly wasting away.

- [Robbie] I watched my health fading.

- [Wendy] With a disease that had no cure.

- It was certain that Ihad Parkinson's disease.

- [Wendy] See a story

that can't be explained scientifically.

- And I have just left onevery confused neurologist.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(uplifting music)

(dramatic music)

- Free the captives.

Ladies and gentlemen,yesterday we were talking about

setting the captives free.

That is a goal of the Lord.

Today we've got a shocking story for you.

Because of this coronavirus problem,

many people are at home.

Who are some of these thatare at home and at risk?

They're little children.

And who is preying on them?

What are these children watching?

And why are they sittingducks for predators?

A shocking story that HeatherSells now tells us about.

- [Heather] Those who track the world

of sex trafficking think that COVID-19

may have somewhat slowed the exploitation.

One reason, record unemployment.

That means less cashavailable for commercial sex.

- If one out of threepeople are out of work,

every discretionary dollar

is going to be very carefully looked at.

- What also may be slowing things down,

the would be buyers athome with their families,

unable to sneak out of the house.

But anti-trafficking advocates

are taking little consolation.

They're worried about unemployment

and young people who arefinancially desperate

and easy targets for pimps to recruit.

They're also concerned aboutthe stay-at-home orders

across the country, which hasled to millions of students

spending even more time online.

- Kids and teens who are home

are almost completely dependent

on their devices to complete school work.

And parents are balancingtheir own work demands

with their new role as at-home educators,

potentially resulting in hoursof unsupervised screen time.

- [Heather] These kids can besitting ducks for predators

who also find themselves withextra time in their schedules.

- Predators who may otherwiserefrain from exploitive

and abusive contact while at the office

are now far more likelyto use these extra hours

of unsupervised time to identify, groom,

and abuse children online.

- [Heather] These predators can find kids

in online apps and gamesand pose as a friend.

After earning theirtrust, they often request

some kind of sexualpicture and blackmail them.

What's not helping,hardcore sites like Pornhub

offering free content right now

in what they say is an attempt

to encourage people to stay at home.

Internet safety advocate Donna Rice Hughes

says porn is not just atemptation for adults,

but also for young childrenwho can get drawn in

and start viewing before theyrealize what's happening.

- Kids as young as 10 yearsold, eight and 10 years old,

make up about 25% of the porn users

of the under 18 category.

- [Heather] Hughes'organization, Enough is Enough,

and Shared Hope are offering parents

extra resources right nowto fight the temptation.

They urge placing age-appropriate filters

and monitoring tools on kids' devices

and approving buddies on gaming apps.

The other recommendation is for parents

to begin ongoing conversationswith their children,

not only about predators,but about their importance

and value in this world.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Well in other news, the mystery deepens.

Where is Kim Jong Un?

President Trump is making vague hints

about the fate of the North Korean leader,

but what does he know?

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN news bureau.

- Thanks, Pat.

At Monday's White House news briefing,

reporters asked the president

if he had any updates on Kim's health.

- Yes, I do have a very good idea,

but I can't talk about it now.

I just wish him well.

I've had a very goodrelationship with Kim Jong Un.

I hope he's fine.

I do know he's doing, relatively speaking.

- [John] Korean leader hasnot been seen in public

for weeks, missing importantnational celebrations.

There are reports thatKim, who's overweight

and a heavy smoker, had acardiovascular procedure

and that he might be in a coma or dead.

North Korea watchers say,if he is indeed dead,

the leadership is scramblingto install a successor.

Many believe Kim's sisteris likely to take his place.

David Maxwell of the Foundationfor Defense of Democracies

told CBN's "Faith Nation"she would be as harsh

as her brother and their fatherand grandfather before them.

- We know she is a tough leader.

She's been sanctioned forher brutal human rights,

overseeing executions, andso if she does come to power,

I think we can see heract just like her brother,

where she will have brutal purges

to consolidate her powerand rule with an iron hand.

- South Korea says Kim is alive and well,

but many analysts are beginning to doubt

whether that's true.

Well new testimony is surfacing

supporting an accusation of sexual assault

against Joe Biden by a former aide.

Tara Reade came forward a few weeks ago

describing an incident she says happened

while serving on Biden's Senate staff.

Reade claims Biden reached under her skirt

and touched her inappropriately.

Now her former neighborssupporting that account.

Linda LaCasse says Readedetailed the alleged incident

to her in the mid-1990s.

That comes as a clip from CNN's"Larry King" program in 1993

surfaced a few weeks ago.

Reade says it's her mother's voice

asking what her daughtercould do about, quote,

"problems she had working ina prominent senator's office."

- San Luis Obispo, California, hello.

- [Caller] Yes, hello.

I'm wondering what a staffer would do

besides go to the press in Washington.

My daughter has just left there

after working for a prominent senator

and could not get throughwith her problems at all,

and the only thing she could'vedone was go to the press

and she chose not to doit out of respect for him.

- She had a story totell, but out of respect

for the person she workedfor, she didn't tell it?

- [Caller] That's true.

- Major media outlets have not asked Biden

about the alleged assault.

When Fox News asked the Bidencampaign about the charge,

it pointed to a previousstatement saying, Pat,

"This absolutely did not happen."

- We don't need any more of these things.

Isn't it awful, a great nation, America,

that these things keep running around?

But this was so graphicand it was so supported,

well-supported bycontemporaneous witnesses

that it's gonna be hard forJoe Biden to get away from.

So then what do we do?

They're not gonna havea convention apparently

because of the COVID-19 problem.

What's gonna happen?

Well (chuckles), I don'tknow what the answer is

and I'm sure you don't either,

but our nation's politics are in disarray.

Is the Lord trying to tellthis nation something?

We're having serious, serious problems.

It's one group against another.

And again, a house dividedagainst itself can't stand.


- Most of the nation's governors

and their moves to re-open their states,

and he says it's time someschools re-open as well.

Meanwhile, we're learningthat plasma therapy

is having a positiveimpact on some patients

and about the devastatingeffects the virus is having

on some in the healthcare community.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- New reports that anOxford University vaccine

is showing promise.

Monkeys given the trial drugand exposed to the virus

have not caught COVID-19.

Scientists have scheduled testsfor as many as 6,000 people

to receive the vaccine by the end of May.

This as countries begin the slow process

of hitting the reset button.

America is slowly opening for business.

Customers returning to some restaurants

in Georgia and Tennessee.

Texas will follow suit this Friday.

And manufacturing and construction

will resume next week in Ohio.

President Trump is urging governors

to also get going on opening schools.

- Not a long way to go inthe school system right now

for this season, for this year,

but I think you'll see alot of schools open up,

even if it's for a veryshort period of time.

- [Dale] Dr. Scott Atlasat the Hoover Institution

told CBN's "Faith Nation"that because we know more

about the virus now, morestates can open back up.

- What we know is that the risk of dying

is extremely low, far lower

than what was originally thought,

and it's very targeted to certain groups.

- [Dale] Some Americans are still willing

to take risks to fly.

This flight from New York toCharlotte was nearly filled

and without much social distancing.

The longer the shutdown continues,

the greater the concernof food shortages coming,

with 13 of the nation's meat plants closed

and many farmers unable toget their products to market.

- We have people downstate who need food.

We have farmers upstate whocan't sell their product.

We have to put those two things together.

- [Dale] In New York,hundreds of volunteers

are raising money to buy food from farmers

and ship it to others.

- We're able to buy food from farmers

and simultaneously feed the people

in the South Bronx that need that food.

- [Dale] Doctors now believepeople with antibodies

may be key to treatingthe most critically ill

and are donating plasmaafter they recover.

Just two and a half weeks ago,Jimmie Hayden was in a coma

and given a dose of experimental plasma.

Back home with his wife and four kids,

Hayden met the man onlinecredited with saving his life.

- And David, I just can't, I can't,

I can't even put all the wordstogether to say thank you.

- You know all I wanna sayis I was happy to do it

and I'm glad you're well.

- Just know that you are our hero.

- As are all the medicalworkers on the front line

who are working understressful conditions.

The medical director ofthe emergency department

at a New York hospital, Dr. Lorna Breen,

who contracted the virusherself and survived,

took her own life Sunday.

And bad news from China's top scientists,

who believe coronavirusis not going to go away,

but will likely come back each year.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Thanks, Dale.

Pat, that's something that we'redefinitely praying against.

- Better pray, but Ithink the Lord is greater

than some bug, and I thinkall of us need to pray.

The church throughoutthis world needs to pray

'cause this thing hascome upon us like a plague

and famine is coming along with it.

These are some of thethings that were forecast

in the book of Revelationand it as told about

by the Lord Himself, soplagues, famines, you know,

in diverse places, earthquakes.

It's a terrible thing, butour trust is in the Lord,

and He will take us through.

Okay, Terry.

- Well coming up, is theworst of the coronavirus

finally behind us?

What could wave two look like?

Dr. David Perlmutter brings the answers.

Plus, there's some who say the virus

could be part of God's blessing.

What do they mean by that?

Well Anne Graham Lotz explains.

And then, curing the incurable.

This pastor was healed from Parkinson's.

How did it happen?

Find out, it's all later on today's show.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- New research suggests thedeath rate from COVID-19

is lower than expected.

So is it safe to lift stay-at-home orders

and lighten up on social distancing?

Neurologist and best-sellingauthor, Dr. David Perlmutter,

is here to talk about that.

And Doctor, it's a pleasure always

to welcome you to "The 700 Club."

What do you think?

Is it time to ease upon these restrictions?

- Let's first walk back just a little bit

and what you just said aboutthe death rate being lower.

You are correct.

And the reason that thisstatistic now is changing

is because we're learningthat there are a lot more

what we call asymptomatic carriers,

or people who had been infected

and did not get symptoms,than we had anticipated.

One study out of Chelsea,Massachusetts a couple of days ago

showed that as many as 1/3 ofthe population of that city

carries antibodies, youknow, like you talked about

earlier in the segment withrespect to plasma treatment.

So that means that a lot of people

who aren't being normally tested

maybe have been exposed to this virus,

which means, when you do the math,

that the actual death rateis dramatically lower,

might ultimately even approachthe death rate of the flu,

which is certainly goodnews because, early on,

we were told that the deathrate, at least from the data

we were originally receiving from China,

was somewhere in the neighborhoodof three to five percent,

which is very, very high.

- Now we're hearingabout unexpected effects,

like young people in their 20s

and 30s developing blood clots

and having strokes, ordamage to their brain.

Why is this happening?

- It's an interesting questionand we certainly puzzled

over why those numbersdidn't start to appear

until the coronavirus came to America.

Then we began seeing younger individuals

getting issues like you just described.

We say that why should thathappen to America's youth

because, my goodness,they're young and healthy.

And unfortunately, young in America

doesn't necessarily mean healthy.

We have extremely high rates in America

of young people havingthings like Type 2 diabetes

and obesity and evenelevated blood pressure,

and we now recognize thatthose are powerful risk factors

for having a bad outcomewhen people are infected

with COVID-19.

So that really does,however, open the door.

The bright side here isthat it really tells us

that our lifestyle choicesmay be playing a huge role

in determining ouroutcome, so that is a bit

of empowering information.

- Talk about some ofthose lifestyle choices.

What do people do thatare causing the problem?

- Things that you have talked about

on "The 700 Club"- Sure.

- for a long, long time, andthey include simple things

like getting a good night's sleep;

engaging in physical exercise;

eating a diet like youeat that's lower in sugar,

lower in processed foods.

Just those three things, andto that, we want to add prayer.

Prayer has been shown to have an effect

on the immune system, and thatis absolutely our best friend

as it relates to dealingwith this infection.

- You know, it's interesting.

A lot of people have got heartburn

and they take down thoseantacids called Pepcid.

There's some talk now thatthe ingredient in Pepcid

might have an effect on the virus.

Do you want to tell us about that?

- Yes, it's being actually studied

and there is the idea thatperhaps changing the acidity

within the cell might have a role to play.

I'm a little concernedthat the researchers

have not taken into account the effects

that drugs like Pepcid haveon changing the gut bacteria,

the microbiome, and we know

that's a very, very important player

as it relates to our immune function.

- This gut biome, that's really the key

to everything, isn't it?

I mean, having a healthygut is more important

than most people realize.

- I know you've been fascinatingby this for many years

and it's really a bit of an eye opener

over the past decade orso that the little bugs

that live in our gut areplaying such an important role

in regulating our immunity

and in regulating theprocess of inflammation.

And in the context of COVID-19,

inflammation turns out to be a big issue.


Because what reallygets people into trouble

when they're now in the hospital

is the sudden onset of ahigh level of inflammation,

we call it the cytokine storm,that really ultimately leads

to multiple organ failure,and unfortunately,

can be the final event for so many people.

And I think it's really important

for the viewers to understand

that, while many have been emphasizing

the respiratory complications that happen

once people are hospitalized,

that the entire body is affected.

You mentioned earlier abouteven the brain being affected.

We now know that, of peoplewho end up in the hospital

and ultimately end up inthe intensive care unit,

that about 3% of these individuals

are going to need to go on dialysis,

needing a dialysis machine.

Sure there's been a lot of talk

about respiratory supportand the need for ventilators

to keep people's lungsfunctioning, but now we're seeing

a surge in the demandfor dialysis machines

because this virus affectsthe kidneys as well.

- Well Doctor, thank youso much for being here.

Dr. Perlmutter's bookis called "Brain Wash."

You can find it wherever books are sold.

And you know, the thingthat we've been emphasizing,

we had the biggest responseon that "Build a Better Gut"

than anything we have everoffered on this program.

- It's not that hard to do it either.

- Are you into it?

- Well, I've followedyour lead for a while

with taking prebiotics- Well, for a while?

- and probiotics.- You oughta, keep on--

- No, I mean, I do consistently

the berries and theother things that you do.

I think it's all very--

- Well, you know, I takethese probiotics regularly

and also the prebioticsare things like kimchi

or, you know, sauerkraut, stuff like that.

- Yeah.

I mean, you can do that.

You can do it in pill formtoo if those are things

that you just can't- That's right.

- handle eating.- And those little critters

inside, just to think you've got

all those little critters in your stomach

and they're down there doing good.

It's the second brain.

All those diseases that people talk about

can be alleviated if youget your gut going right.

So please, do probioticand then the prebiotic.

The little critters need to get fed

and so it's a double whammy,

but Dr. Perlmutter hasbeen so strong on it

and we have too and it keeps you,

let us not have inflammation.

If inflammation is what's gonna accelerate

the coronavirus impact inyour life, let's not do it.

Let's take care of yourself.- Yeah.

and many other things- Okay.

- too.- Many other things.

- Not just the coronavirus.

- All right.- Seriously.

Well still to come, totally healed,

and doctors can't explain it.

What cured this man's Parkinson's disease?

Find out.

But first, the evangelistwho Billy Graham said was,

quote, "the best preacher in the family."

Anne Graham Lotz joins uslive, so don't go away.

(uplifting music)

(inspirational music)

- Pain, unbearable pain.

That's what Robbie Willis feltevery moment of every day.

Robbie had Parkinson's,

and his crippling diseasewas getting worse.

Doctors said, "Robbie, there's no cure,"

but then, one day, he meta woman at a prayer meeting

and she said she was sent by God.

- Slowly, I watch my health fading.

I was certain that my30s would be different.

I had spells where I wouldjust randomly fall or pass out.

Balance issues kind of came and went.

And I had an occasionaltremor in my right hand.

- I thought, "Well, hejust needs some rest,

"he just needs a break."

- [Narrator] "It's just stress,"

doctors kept telling Robbie Willis.

It made sense.

He was a pastor of alarge church, a husband,

and father to five kids.

But by 2016, after severalyears of worsening symptoms,

he couldn't ignore them any longer.

- So I was sitting at my deskone day, drinking coffee,

and I couldn't get my hand to stop shaking

and I was having a hard timeholding onto my coffee cup.

And it wasn't stoppingand so I started saying,

"Okay, this isn't normal."

- [Narrator] Now very concerned,

Robbie met with neurologistDr. Satish Gaddam.

For six months, he putRobbie through numerous tests

trying to find the problem.

Then in October of 2016,he had a diagnosis.

- It will impair pretty muchevery aspect of the life.

It will slow you down.

Your thinking will be slow.

Your response speed will be slow.

- Dr. Gaddam called and toldme that the test was positive.

It was certain that Ihad Parkinson's disease.

- Because I knew he was sickand I had to take care of him,

that I shoved all myemotions down and I said,

"Okay, well, this is it.

"This is what we have to deal with, so."

- I'm not sure there's aneasy way to get the news

that you have somethingthat's not curable,

that will get worse.

Because outside of God healingme, there was no question.

Parkinson's progresses.

That's what it does.

- [Narrator] The onlything Dr. Gaddam could do

was prescribe medicationsto manage Robbie's symptoms:

tremors, stiffness, facialmasking, to name a few.

With his Parkinson's getting worse,

Robbie spent the next yearstruggling to be the pastor,

husband, and father he wanted to be.

- What are we going to dowhen I can't pastor anymore?

What are we going to do whenwe need to redo everything?

What's life going to look like?

- He was growing old nowand he wasn't even 40.

I felt like my dreamswere just being crushed.

"God, this isn't fair.

"I don't like this.

"Why would you do this?"

- We dreamed of somedaysitting in a porch swing

and watching our grandkids play.

And people with Parkinson's disease,

their life expectancy issignificantly shorter.

Pain is with me when I wake.

It's with me when I lay down to sleep.

Still I press on.

"God, I don't want to quit.

"Help me to get up.

"Help me to move forward.

"Help me to live by faith while I suffer

"until you see fit to make me well."

- God spoke to me, not inwords, but He said to me,

"It's gonna be okay."

I knew it was gonna be okaybecause God said it was.

- [Narrator] On October 29th, 2017,

over a year after his diagnosis,

Robbie and his family attended a worship

and prayer night at their church.

There, a woman fromTexas Robbie barely knew

came up to him with a mission in mind.

- And I said, "Pastor Robbie,I'm here to pray for you.

"I believe God has sent me."

And I told that disease,

I said, "Parkinson'sdisease, you're just a name.

"No name can stand againstthe name of Jesus."

- While she's praying, my hand is shaking

and then it stopped.

- [Mary] And I said, "Robbie Willis,

"in the name of Jesus, be made whole."

- And so I go and startpraying for other people.

My son walked up to mewhile I'm praying for people

and he asked me, "Dad, areyou done with Parkinson's?"

And I looked down and said,"Son, I believe I am."

- We went to lunch, Ithink it was the next day.

I took out my phone and I held it up

and I just said, "Smile,"and I just clicked a picture.

And I turned it aroundand I showed it to him

and I said, "Look, you're smiling."

And that was when it hit methat God had really healed him.

- I have just left onevery confused neurologist.

What was, what was, what was it he said?

"There's no scientific explanation."

- "Can't explain this

"scientifically.- They can't explain this

scientifically, that was

his word.- "No one could."

- No one could.

- My neuro-exam was normal

and he claims he didn't take any medicines

for three months before coming to me.

Three months and no symptoms.

I don't know how to explain.

- Therefore, in Christ alone can I hope.

- When I see Robbie, Isay, "Lord, if that was it,

"that's good enough.

"One beautiful life changed;one family restored."

- [Robbie] If there's onlyone hope, let it be Christ!

- I think about itprobably 90% of the time,

just "God, You're just so great.

"I mean, You gave my husband back to me."

- If there's only onecure, let it be Christ!

I've never gone back on medication.

I've never had a recurrenceof any of those symptoms.

I'm pastoring full-time.

So what's the power of prayer mean for me?

It means living withoutParkinson's, not with Parkinson's.

If I have only one place toturn, let it be to Christ!

(gentle music)

- One place to turn, let it be Christ.

We have thousands and thousands

of prayer requests coming in now.

This is the week of prayer.

And these are just a few ofthe ones that we've received.

The urgent cry of the heart ofpeople all over this nation,

crying out to God.

Somebody said, "I want to behealed of prostate cancer."

"I want to have protection and peace

"for my elderly relatives who are isolated

"in nursing homes."

Somebody said, "I wantsalvation in my children,

"grandchildren, and great-grandchildren."

And you have some.- Well someone's saying,

"I need financial blessing.

"My daughter and I haveboth been furloughed."

Someone else saying, "Tobe healed of shoulder pain

"and a torn rotator cuff."

And then this last person saying,

"Pray for strength and protection

"for doctors, nurses,firefighters, police,

"and all being exposed- Amen.

- "daily to the virus."

- Folks, we want to join you.

We're surrounded by prayer bythousands of people right now

and we want to pray for you.

The Bible says, "If twoof you will agree on earth

"as touching anything that they'll ask,

"it'll be done for themby my Father in heaven."

Now God is in heaven and He has all power.

You saw with Robbie,He healed Parkinson's.

Incurable, but God is able.

So some of you want to see something done

in your life right now, and so Terry and I

are gonna join hands together,

we're gonna believe God for you

and for all of these other things.

Father, we hold before youthe heartcry of the people.

All across America and around the world,

people are saying: We're afraid.

We're laid off.

We don't have enough food.

We don't have enough money to survive.

We are afraid of this disease

and we're crying out, "OhGod help us, help us."

And we think of these little children

who are being traffickedby these horrible,

horrible sex traffickers.

God, do a miracle and set them free.

Now we pray in the name of Jesus.

We speak of the word of faith.

Somebody has night sweats.

You have an infection in your body

and those things are gonnabe completely healed.

In the name of Jesus, Jody, it's yours.

All right.

- Someone else, you havea virus in your feet

and it's like the...

You have cracking between your toes,

cracking on the bottom of your feet.

It's very painful.

God is healing thatcondition for you right now.

Just say yes and receive it.

- Thank you, Lord.

Somebody, it feels in your skin

like what are called stinging nettles

or something has just stung you.

Maybe you were swimming andsomething came upon you.

I don't know what it is, butyou just feel like you've been,

all over your body.

The name that comes to me is Tony.

In the name of Jesus, receive an answer.




- Yes, someone else, youhave a lung condition.

You're so fearful aboutthis corona scenario.

God is just touching you right now.

Lift up your hands andbegin to praise the Lord.

Look up, not in, not out, but up

as God restores you in Jesus' name.

- And for all these peoplehat are before us, Lord,

the thousands of peoplewho've asked for prayer.

- Yes.- You know their need, Lord.

You know their fears,you know their hopes,

you know their dreams.

Lord, touch them and answer their prayer.

May the spirit of the Lord be upon you

because He's anointed Jesus Christ

to bring forth good news.- Thank you.

- And He speaks goodnews to every one of you.

Receive the answer.

Be healed, be touched, be at peace.

My peace I give unto you.

And may the peace of Goddwell in your heart richly,

in Jesus' name.- Thank you, Lord.

- Thank you, Lord.

Amen- Amen.

- and amen.


- Well each spring, the staff of CBN

sets aside a special week of prayer

to pray for you, our partners and viewers.

So from now until Friday, May 1st,

we are praying for yourneeds on "The 700 Club"

and in our online prayer chapels.

Our featured speakertoday is Daniel Kolenda,

president of Christ for All Nations,

and we'd love for you to join us.

You can watch it live, YouTube, or Facebook

at noon Eastern Daylight Time.

And you can still sendus your prayer requests.

All you have to do iscall our toll-free number.

It's 1-800-700-7000, or and submit them there.

Or you can mail them to us.

Our address here is CBN's Week of Prayer,

CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virginia 23463.

Well still ahead, AnneGraham Lotz joins us live

and then, later on, we'regonna open up our inbox

and answer questionsfrom you, our viewers.

Sharon asks, "I havemoney in the stock market.

"Do you suggest I keep it there

"because I see it going down every day?"

What will Pat say to that?

Well, you'll find outlater on today's program.

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

A man has been arrested in connection

with a drive-by shooting atthe Louisiana home estate

of "Duck Dynasty" star WillieRobertson Friday afternoon.

Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Robertson told "USA Today"that they were pretty shook up

after one of the eight to 10 bullets

went through the bedroom window

of a home where his son, John Luke, lives

with his wife and infant child.

His daughter, Sadie, wrote on Instagram

that she and her family have been, quote,

"resting on Psalm 91."

Well the pope offered a prayerand a word of encouragement

during a recent morning massfrom his Santa Marta residence.

(speaking foreign language)

Pope Francis addressed a smallgroup of priests and nuns

even as the Vatican hasbeen closed to visitors

since March 10th.

In solidarity, he said a prayer for those

who are alone or strugglingto support their families,

and he encouraged all the faithful

to continue in prayerfor them and each other.

Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be back

with more of "The 700Club" right after this.

(tense music)

(inspirational music)

- Well over the past few years,

Anne Graham Lotz hasseen life's dark storms.

That includes the deaths ofher husband and her father

and her own battle througha cancer diagnosis.

As terrible as those storms have been,

Anne says even the blackclouds have a silver lining.

- [Andrew] She's known the world over

as the Reverend Billy Graham's daughter

and is an evangelist in her own right.

- Would you use this momentto recommit your life,

to surrender to lifefully to the Holy Spirit?

- Anne Graham Lotz looks at life

through the lens of scripture

and has publicly expressed her perspective

on the global pandemic.

In her writing, interviews,and her latest book,

"Jesus in Me," Anne explainshow we can lean on the Lord

for our every need.

(uplifting music)

- Anne Graham Lotz joins us now via Skype.

Anne, it's wonderful to have you with us.

- Thank you so much.

Good morning, Terry.- Good morning.

Well a few weeks ago,

you had an article in "Decision Magazine"

asking if this was asign of the end times.

So many people are asking that.

Do you think it is?

- You know, nobody knows.

I think when Jesus comesback, we'll look back

and we'll say, "Oh, that's what that was."

(Terry laughs)

When you put everything together, Terry,

the signs that Jesus gave in Matthew 24

that he said were like birth pains

when they increase infrequency and intensity,

and you put that togetherwith other things

that are taking place, itseems that we're very close

to what I believe will bethe rapture of the church

before the tribulation, but certainly,

we're going throughworldwide, life-altering,

game-changing events.

And I believe it's time to look up,

it's time to get right with God,

it's time to get right with each other

to the best of our ability

'cause we know we're goingto face God sooner or later,

- Yes.- either in our death

or when He comes to get us,

so this a good time to get right with Him.

- Well as we mentioned earlier,

you have found some silver linings

during some very dark times.

I mean, when two peopleso near and dear to you

die within a short period of time

and then you face your own mortality,

it had to have createdsome things in your heart

that weren't there before.

What's the silver lining

that we can all be findingin the coronavirus?

- I think the silver lining, Terry,

is that, when you're a childof God, God is with you.

When I received Christ as a little girl,

He came into my heart in theperson of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says that Hewill never leave me,

never forsake me.

And I faced death,

as you pointed out, inthe last four years,

the death of my husband and my father,

and then my own life-threateningcancer experience.

But I never lost my peaceand never lost my joy,

and one reason was becauseof the constant companionship

of the Holy Spirit.

But I believe, even then, Icould've lost my joy and peace

had I not maintained a consistency

in my walk with the Lord.

So my challenge to those who,

right now, are going through lockdown,

just make the time everyday to read your Bible,

to spend time in prayer.

And not just in prayer asking God

for what you want orneed, but talking to Him

about your hopes and your dreams,

just developing your personalrelationship with Him.

Then, whatever comes, you'regoing to have peace now

in your heart, and whatever comes,

whether we melt downcompletely as a nation

or whether Jesus comes back

or whether we regroup to where we were,

you're going to be better off.

Your faith is going to be stronger.

Your relationship withthe Lord will be closer.

And I think that's the silver lining.

I believe, Terry, thatthis could be a moment

that God would awaken the church

and bring us to that point of revival.

So it's a time to bethankful and to praise Him

and to look up and then look around

and see if there are otherpeople we can share Jesus with.

- You know, it's suchan interesting dichotomy

because we're at a timewhere churches are closed

for the most part, and we're used to going

and finding maybe a momenton Sunday or Wednesday nights

or Sunday evening or wheneverwe find ourselves worshiping

and then coming back intothe fray of the world.

In your "Jesus in Me" book,

the subtitle is"Experiencing the Holy Spirit

"as a Constant Companion."

Have we missed out onthat, Anne, do you think

because of the noisy world around us,

that we kinda go to church

and we take a little dose of worship

and then we go back into the craziness?

- Well I think thecraziness at least muffles

and can put out of focus ourrelationship with the Lord.

Somebody described thispandemic as like a Sabbath rest

and it's as though God hasjust forced the whole world

to go back home and totake a Sabbath rest.

And the purpose of Sabbath wasnot just to physically rest

but to spiritually berefreshed and refocused,

as we would refocus on Godand our relationship with Him

and His call in our lives.

So this time of thepandemic, when we're at home,

this is a time for us, I believe,

to spend time with the Lord,to strengthen our faith,

to share our faith with others,

and we can do that when we walk,

we can do that on thephone or by email, text,

however you communicate with other people.

This is a time to seize opportunities

to tell other people about Jesus

because, Terry, I think you're right,

those who are weak infaith who went to church

for their spiritual fix every week,

now they don't have it so they're scared

and they're lonely and God, who knows,

but God has put us in theirlives for this very moment

to help draw them closer to the Lord.

- Will you talk about

what your time with the Lord looks like?

Because I think, if we'vegotten away from that

and people are feeling restless

by this loneliness they're experiencing,

how do you experiencethe presence of the Lord

when you spend time?

- Sometimes it's not a feeling, Terry,

so I want to get us away from that

- Yes.- because there are times

when I don't feel His presence.

And in fact, in the last four years,

there were times I felt abandoned by Him.

There was no feelingof His presence at all.

But I don't walk by feelings, you know?

I walk by faith.

And so I open my Bible every morning.

I get up and have to fixmyself a cup of coffee

and do my stretches andmake myself wake up,

but I open my Bible to justa small portion of scripture

and I ask myself what itsays, I listen the facts,

what it means, I draw alesson from each fact,

and then I take the lessons

and I put them in the formof a question to ask myself.

And I just spend time inGod's Word just talking to Him

about what I'm reading.

Prayer is just talking to Him.

When I read my Bible, He's talking to me,

but when I pray, I'm talking to Him

and so it's like a conversation.

And then during the day,it's amazing, Terry,

how many times I connect with someone

and what they need or thequestion they're asking

is the very thing thatGod had the answer for

in my morning time with Him.

So I want in the morningto spend time with Him

to fill myself up so that I can overflow

into the lives of othersas I have that opportunity.

- Well your book is a wonderful book.

I just want to mentionthat it's a great book

for the time that we're in right now.

It's called "Jesus in Me."

It's available in stores nationwide.

Anne, thank you.

You always bring such awonderful word of wisdom to us.

The Lord bless you.

- Terry, thank you so much,

and thank you for having me this morning.

God bless you.

- You too.

Well still to come,we've got your questions

and some honest answers.

Martha writes: Pat, I've heard

that if you want to behealed, you must ask, believe,

and do something you couldn't do before.

How does this apply to ringingin my ears or stomach pain?

What are we supposed to do?

Pat's gonna weigh in on theissues that matter to you

so don't go away.

(uplifting music)

(inspirational music)

- Mark Klein is carryingon a family legacy

that began with hisgreat-great-grandfather

during the California Gold Rush.

He and his wife are alsofollowing a second legacy,

a family tradition that is the reason

they've been so abundantly blessed.

What's the secret?

Take a look.

- [Andrew] Mark and Jacqueline Klein

have been married for over 30 years

and they're proud to call East Texas home.

- My great-great-grandfather

went to the California Gold Rush of 1849,

got some gold, and came back and bought

a bunch of farm land here onthe northwest side of Houston.

My grandfather owned a generalstore over in Spring, Texas

and he sold everythingfrom horseshoes to coffins.

So that's kinda how we started.

- [Andrew] Mark trained as a pastor

before taking up hisfather's funeral business.

As a young man, he also decided

to carry on another family legacy.

- Ever since I can remember,

everybody in our family's lineage,

we would all double tithe.

We have always been givers

and so thankful to theLord for everything.

The main thing is thatthe Lord wants to bless us

so that we can be a blessing to others.

- [Andrew] The Kleins'desire to help others

was a big part of theirdecision to give to CBN.

- They do so much good in the world,

so much good in the world.

And they operate in thegifts of the spirit.

- CBN has been serving Godfaithfully for so many years.

They help so many peoplein so many different ways,

from children's ministries,disaster relief,

medical treatment, the water wells.

When you give to the CBN ministry,

you're helping give life to other people.

They share the gospel messagewhile they're helping people

at probably the worsttimes of their lives.

I think it's just a really powerful way

to witness to people about Jesus.

- [Andrew] As their incomeincreased through the years,

the Kleins have alsoincreased their giving.

They recently became CBNChairman's Circle members.

- He's given us the key toprosperity and that's tithing,

but a key won't open the door by itself.

It takes action.

It takes a person to putthe key in and open it.

Faith is an act.

I would encourage you to step out in faith

and start tithing.

And He's faithful.

He will bless you.

- They found the secret, isn't it?

Give and it'll be given unto you,

pressed down, good measure, running over,

will men heap into your bosom.

Hilarious givers.

Wonderful people.

Hey by the way, we havesomething called Pledge Express.

- [Terry] Yes.

- For those of you whowant to help us help you,

you don't have to writea check or anything.

You just tell your financial company,

whatever your depository is,

just send every month my 700 Club member,

your Founder's Clubmember, whatever it is,

to CBN and it's automatically sent in.

It saves us money and saves you money,

but we'll also send youevery month a teaching.

This time, Gordon andI are doing something

called "Power for Life."

We'll give this to you,

a special teaching, everymonth as Pledge Express,

so just keep in mind.

But we'd love to you as 700 Club members

or as Founder's Club membersor whatever level you decide.

But I want to tell you this.

Those that sow liberallywill reap liberally,

and God has somethingwonderful for every one of us

if we will let Him do it.

It's not a question of have I got to,

it's what is the opportunity

that I can give more money away

because God will bless something.

The Kleins said, "These guys operate

"in the gifts of thespirit," and we certainly do.



- Time for some questions.

This is Sharon, Pat, who says,

"I have money in the stock market.

"Do you suggest I keep it there,

"because I see it going down every day?"

- Okay, you say the stock market.

The stock market is madeof a whole lot of stuff.

There're utilities, there're REITs,

there're preferred stocks.

There're all kinds of stocks

so the answer is: What part of it?

Frankly, in my opinion,

the major markets havegone down dramatically,

but they're coming back up real fast,

and there's certain companies,if you just know what it is,

especially those that have paid a long,

long time dividend.

There are AA, AAA companiesand they're paying dividends.

You want, as they say,invest with the sweat,

so you don't want to sitaround with a dead investment.

But I've seen some marvelousthings recently in the market.

The market, it's a hugemarket of all kinds of things.

It's a question of finding which ones,

but find something that's a solid company,

it's been paying dividendsfor quite a while,

that has plenty of money sothe dividend's not in peril,

and look at kind of thingto put your money in.

All right.

- This is Martha, who says:

Pat, I've heard that if youwant to be healed, you must ask,

believe, and do somethingyou couldn't do before.

How does this apply to ringingin my ears or stomach pain?

What are we supposed to do?

- I don't know anything in the Bible

that says you gotta do somethingyou couldn't do before.

If it is, I--- I think she's talking about

when someone is crippled

and, you know--- Yeah, I know

what they're saying, but Istill don't find in the Bible.

- Right.

- Of course, when yousay the man was crippled,

he was a cripple and Petersaid, "You want to be healed?"

and he took him by thehand and when he stood up,

the miracle took place, andPeter walked on the water

when he got out of the boat,that kind of thing, sure.

But there's nothing specific

that says this is whatyou've gotta do to be healed.

What you have to do in orderto be healed is to believe.

I believe God.

In the name of Jesus, I believe God.

And it's faith that brings it about.

It's faith.

By faith you are set free, all right.

- This is Tom, who says:

Pat, you've said that evenif I was the only one,

Jesus still would have come.

That's a very powerful statement,

and I would like to use thatwhen talking with others,

but I can't find it in the Bible.

Where can I find that scripture?

- Why does everything haveto be in the scripture?

I mean, in all seriousness.

What I said is true.

If you were the only person on Earth,

Jesus still would've died.

What's the backup with that?

He said, "What did it profit a man

"if he gain the whole worldand lose his own soul?"

Your soul is worth more thaneverything in the entire world.

That's enough right now.

You are absolutely precious.

And He also said, "There'srejoicing in the presence

"of the angels of God overone sinner who repents."

One sinner, the whole angels,

all the angels of God are jumping in joy.

So if there was only one, JesusChrist still would've died.

But he died for thewhole world, obviously.

There's no sense in beatinga dead horse to life.

I mean, he died for you,he died for the world.

All right.

- This is Mary who says:

My sister and I have beenestranged for many years.

I'm a Christian; she'sa Wiccan and a witch.

Lately, we've been textingbecause of this virus

since we have an elderly mother in common.

Should I not deal with my sister directly?

How should I handle the situation?

I want to communicate with her

and have a relationship with her,

but I don't know what to do

because we serve two different kingdoms.

- You asked me a questionthat takes some discernment.

You're not supposed to haveanything to do with a witch,

and I don't know, she's your sister,

but if she's into this evil stuff,

what she's got might overcome you.

So the answer, I don'tknow what to say, is

you should pray and ask protection,

but you don't have to getinvolved with a witch.

If she's gonna serve thedevil, then, you know,

that's too bad.

Well Today's Power Minutecomes from Philippians.

"Don't worry about anything;instead, pray about everything.

"Tell God what you need, andthank Him for all He has done."

Thank you so much for those questions.

God bless all of you andwe'll see you tomorrow.


(uplifting music)


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