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The 700 Club - April 27, 2020

A routine pregnancy goes wrong and a baby suffocates in the womb. CBN’s Week of Prayer begins with angels in the ICU. Plus, author Jentezen Franklin helps direct our focus to seeing God move in these challenging times. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up...

- She couldn't find the heartbeat.

- [Announcer] A routinepregnancy goes wrong.

- We both would've died.

- [Announcer] A babysuffocates in the womb.

- Shelby was brain dead,

and if she did live, shewould be a vegetable.

- [Announcer] Our week of prayer begins...

- Who else can I turn to?

- [Announcer] With angels in the I.C.U.

- She's just been healed.

- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome folks to thisedition of the "The 700 Club".

The question before us: whereis North Korea's Kim Jong Un?

The mystery surrounding

the leader's public absences is growing.

Kim has been missing fromimportant nation-wide celebrations

in recent weeks.

The 36-year-old dictator isobese and a heavy smoker.

And there's a belief thathe recently underwent

a cardiovascular procedure.

A satellite photo by "38 North"

which studies North Korea,

shows a train likely ownedby Kim parked at his compound

on Korea's east coast.

Speculation rages that Kim is dead,

in a vegetative state,or is simple recovering.

Now ladies and gentlemen,as I read on this,

I want you to know that hisgrandfather, Kim Il-sung,

was a lieutenant colonelput in charge of North Korea

by the Russians at thetime of the invasion

of South Korea by the North.

And Harry Truman was ourpresident at the time.

And since that time, they haveimprisoned the North Koreans.

It is one of the most viciousdictatorships in the world.

And as I began tocontemplate that, I realized

that there are people who aresuffering all over the world

in a state of bondage.

The Koreans are probably the worst,

but at the same time all around the world,

there are people in bondage.

And as I was readingthe Bible in Luke 4:18,

Jesus stood up in thesynagogue and read these words:

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

"because he has anointed me

"to proclaim good news to the poor.

"He has sent me to proclaimfreedom for the prisoners

"and to set the oppressed free."

And I believe that God Almightywants to set people free.

And I think today, thechurch of Jesus Christ

should begin to pray fordeliverance for these people.

And we start with North Korea,

that North Korea will come free

from the iniquitous Kim family,

and those people who'vebeen suffering so badly,

would come free.

But it's not just North Koreawhere there's a problem,

there's one in Iran.

They're under the mullahs,

the dictatorship of that theocracy

where those wonderful people in Iran

are being held in bondage.

And Iran must come free.

And then you think to thesouth of us, there's Cuba.

And you've got Raul Castro,

and you've got the awful dictatorship

that has been imposed on theCuban people for so many years.

Cuba must come free.

And then you think of Nicaragua,

where Maduro hasimpoverished that country,

and the people aresuffering just horribly.

They're isn't enoughfood, they're starving

and they're trying toget out of the country.

And that is one of theproblems that they have.

And then all around the world,

there's what's called human trafficking.

And these people are taking young women

and boys and girls and are selling them.

And they're putting them in slavery.

And I want to say right now,

I think those people who areengaged in human trafficking

are under the curse of Almighty God.

And they need to be stilled.

And those people need to come free.

So on this program,

we want to proclaimliberty to the captives

all around the world.

I believe God wants people free.

And you think of thosecountries I mentioned,

and there are others as well.

And all of those wonderful girls, boys,

who are put into human trafficking.

It's a million people a year,

who are trafficked and putinto slavery around this world.

God Almighty, "the Spiritof the Lord is upon me

"because he has anointed meto set the captives free."

And I believe that should be our message

and all of us should proclaim liberty

to those who are suffering.

Well, in other news,the nation is restless.

Californians defied stay-at-home orders

and hit the beach on Sunday.

Efrem Graham has more on that.

- Pat, the nation likelyto see evidence this week.

Is the worst of COVID-19 behind us

or will we get hit by a second wave?

Gary Lane reports.

- Heat-weary Californiansdefied stay-at-home orders

and took to the beach Sunday.

Temperatures soaring into the 90's

caused some counties to easestay-at-home restrictions.

Huntington Beach andNewport Beach were packed

with sunbathers looking to cool off.

Los Angeles Countybeaches remained closed.

It is just one example ofwhat is happening nationwide.

15 states are reopeningtheir economies this week,

while other states hit hard

by the COVID-19 virus remained closed.

With some Colorado businessesopening back up today,

Colorado Governor Polisurged people in his state

to act responsibly.

- The stay-at-home was for nothing,

it doesn't accomplish anything

if it's not replaced withpractices that are sustainable

for the weeks and months thatit's likely to remain with us.

- [Gary] Treasury SecretarySteve Mnuchin predicts

the gradual reopeningswill have a positive impact

on the U.S. economy.

- As we open up theeconomy in May and June,

you will begin to seethe economy bounce back

in July, August, September.

And my expectation is thatyou'll see an increasing rate

of growth in those three months.

- [Gary] That may be toolong for some sectors,

like the oil industry.

U.S. drillers closed 60 rigs this week,

laying off hundreds of workers.

The Governor of Oklahomawants President Trump

to declare the pandemic an "act of God"

to protect oil producersfrom loosing their leases.

However, there's positivenews on the health front.

Dr. Deborah Birx says thelatest projections provide hope

that the number of newcoronavirus infections

will start coming down.

- Social distancing will bewith us through the summer,

to really insure thatwe protect one another

as we move through these phases.

- [Gary] Meanwhile, the WhiteHouse says President Trump

is pulling back from hisdaily coronavirus briefings.

Possibly a reaction to WhiteHouse press corps reporting

of the President's remarksabout disinfectants

and ultraviolet light for treatment.

Dr. Birx downplayed thePresident's comments

on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday.

- It bothers me that thisis still in the news cycle

because I think we'remissing the bigger pieces

of what we need to bedoing as an American people

to continue to protect one another.

- For now officials are stressing

that Americans must go slow

and maintain social distancing rules.

Dr. Birx also says we haveto have a breakthrough

in testing for antibodies

to help prevent a second massive outbreak.

Gary Lane, CBN News.

- And for more, Pat,I'll send it back to you.

- Thanks.

Well, Medical ReporterLorie Johnson is with us now

to talk about the long-termfight against the virus.

Lorie, Dr. Birx said we needa breakthrough in testing.

What's she talking about?

- Well Pat, she's talkingabout that antigen test

or the antibody test.

Remember, there are twomain tests going on here

and it's a little bit confusing sometimes.

There's the one test thatsays whether you have

coronavirus right now andare infected right now,

that's obviously very important.

But then there's this other one

that Dr. Birx was talking about,

the antibody or antigen test

that tells you whether you ever had it,

and most importantly, areprobably, presumably immune.

That's really important.

And she wants massive testing.

Because, remember Pat, anestimated 60% of people

who had the coronavirus,

never had any symptoms at all.

They never even knew they had it.

And so, it's great on anindividual basis to know that

because if you have the antibodies

then presumably, you'reimmune and can go back to work

and move about freely in society,

without worrying about getting the virus

or passing it along to somebody.

But also, on a societalbasis, it needs to be known

how many people, what percentage

of the population is immune.

We know that in Los Angeles,they did a random test

of 1,000 just random citizens in L.A.,

and found out that 4%of them tested positive

for the antibody test.

Now think about this.

If you expand those numbers,

4% of the population ofL.A. is 300,000 people,

yet only 8,000 peopleactually tested positive

for coronavirus.

So you can see the implications.

We know that these antibodytests are out there.

You can get them on the internet.

Don't do that, they're scams.

The FDA has only approvedfour of them for accuracy,

so go through your doctorif you want to get one

of these antibody tests.

But we really need themon a large scale basis.

Well, when you say "scale,"

we've got millions andmillions of people in America.

How many of them can be tested?

- That's exactly a great point.

And we talk about thingslike cholesterol screenings

or people who screen themselvesfor their blood sugar

who are diabetic.

We're talking about that levelof massive scale of testing.

And that's why Dr. Birxsays we need some sort

of a technological breakthrough

where we can develop tests like this

that are easy to administerand relatively inexpensive.

It looks like thescientists are not agreeing

there's any effectiveness

it may come as a vaccine anytime soon.

What do you think?

- Well, there are somenay-sayers out there.

You know, we've got 75 vaccine candidates,

vaccines that are being tested.

75, that's a lot.

And there's a race that's on,

although there are somescientists that are saying,

"Hey, don't get your hopes up,

"this is a very complicated vaccine."

Not like other vaccines becausethis particular coronavirus

is so contagious and the vaccinemight not be very effective

at preventing people from getting it.

This is a very pessimistic view,

but they say even worst-case scenario,

the vaccine will at least,

even if you do get the coronavirus,

will at least make it a lot less severe.

We see this with the flu vaccine, Pat,

where sometimes people get the vaccine

and then end up getting the flu.

But doctors say even in that situation,

it's not very severe.

Although these coronavirusvaccines are being tested

right now on human beings, 75 candidates,

but four of them are beingtested on human beings,

two of them in the UnitedStates, one in England,

and one in China.

- Last question, Lorie.

We've looked at this coronavirus and said,

"Well, it's just a bad cough."

Now they're talking aboutpermanent damage to the lungs,

they're talking about brain problems,

and they're also talkingabout stroke damage

with the young people.

Can you expand on that?

This is a frightening expansionof the danger of that bug.

- Well, I've been doing this for 11 years,

talking to doctors.

And one general theme that I've noticed

within the medical community,

is viruses can be very, verywicked and scary things.

It can vary from person to person.

We've already talkedabout how 60% of people

don't even have any symptoms at all.

And then the other 20%who have some symptoms,

they can recover at home.

But then there are some other people,

that this virus reallygets to them severely.

And it just kind of variesfrom person to person,

about your immune system,maybe genetic makeup.

So they're really studying this virus

and each virus is different.

So there's still so much we don't know.

- Well, Lorie, thankyou for your comments.

Appreciate it very much.

Efrem, what's next?

- Pat, for thousands of COVID-19and other hospital patients

nurses play a major role.

Now though, with safety concerns,

limiting physical contact with family,

these hospital heroes areplaying an even bigger role

than ever before.

Heather Sells has their stories.

- When people go in thehospital, they're by themselves.

You know, our patientthat we just let out,

he was up there for 20days without seeing anyone.

- [Heather] Shelby Roberts' COVID unit

at her Alabama hospital is always full,

a new normal that shedescribes as "trial by fire"

and she's not alone.

In Virginia, Dr. JamieHolland and nurse educator

says she's getting calls fromformer students at all hours

about the strain.

- The words that I am hearing are,

"This is awful, this is verydistressing, this isn't okay."

- [Heather] A major stress for nurses,

personal protective equipment or PPE.

Protocols are constantly changing

and they worry about getting it right.

- Now you're putting yourself--

not just yourself at risk,

but you're putting your family at risk,

you're putting your coworkers at risk,

you're putting your children at risk.

- [Heather] For some,they're isolating themselves,

living in campers and tentsto avoid contact with family.

On the job, they're trying tosupport patients emotionally

who can't receive visitors.

Chelsey McLaughlin is afirst-year nurse in Virginia.

- That I should, you know,be sure that they're okay,

talk to them as if theywere my own family member.

Try to get their real feelings out.

- [Heather] And part of thejob right now is being there

for patients who are dying without family.

For one patient, ShelbyRoberts put her own phone

in a plastic bag and got sixfamily members on the line.

- I just held it up to her ear,and they said their goodbyes

and they prayed with her.

Then we all sang "Amazing Grace".

I held her hand, we puton the gospel music.

- [Heather] Roberts and othernurses say these are painful

yet rewarding moments,

and while it can providefamily members a final goodbye,

this COVID-19 separation canalso lead to lingering issues.

- We are not only robbed of a loved one,

but we're robbed of the ability

to gather together and honor them.

- [Heather] According to Regent professor

and Licensed ProfessionalCounselor Danny Holland,

this makes it harder tobring closure after death

and can lead to guilt.

What can be important is understanding

that a loved one is just that: loved.

- Dying alone doesn't mean dying unloved.

It simply means theabsence of the loved one

being with us in that moment of death.

- (singing) ♪ You are my sunshine ♪

- [Heather] For many patients and nurses,

music is a huge comfort.

In Arkansas, Nurse Michael Stramiello goes

into patient's rooms during work breaks

to play worship music or other requests.

For McLaughlin, her personalfavorite is "Way Maker"

and she's playing it a lot these days.

And she has a message forher patients' families:

"Please call."

- We might not have timeto talk to you right then,

but we will call youback, we will talk to you.

If we can, we will takethe phone into the patient,

we will let you talk to them.

Please call.

- Nurses are trained to bring patients

and their families together.

It looks different rightnow and it's not easy

but most would agreeit's worth fighting for.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- A sincere thank youto all those caregivers.

The outlook is bleak forhigher education this fall.

May 1st is the enrollment deadline

for many colleges and universities,

but uncertainty over the coronavirus

has many incoming freshmenconsidering taking a year off.

The American Council on Educationestimates higher education

will loose about 23 billiondollars in revenue this year.

One survey found 57% ofcollege presidents say

they plan to lay off some of their staff.

Regent University is doingits part to help students

to continue working towards their degrees.

Officials are freezingtuition for all classes

offered in Fall 2020 through Summer 2021.

The policy applies to bothonline and on-campus courses.

We want to turn now to Israel,

where Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu hopes

to move forward on a major goal:

annexation of Jewish communities

in the Biblical heartland of Israel.

It's his first move afterannouncing a unity government

with Benny Gantz last week.

Chris Mitchell reportsnow, from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] On Sunday,

Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu stated

he believes Israel can annex parts

of what the world calls the West Bank.

- Three months ago,

the Trump Peace Planrecognized Israel's rights

in all of Judea and Samaria.

And President Trump pledged

to recognize Israel's sovereignty

over the Jewish communitiesthere and in the Jordan valley.

A couple of months fromnow, I'm confident that

that pledge will be honored,

that we will be able to celebrate

another historic momentin the history of Zionism.

Essentially after San Remo,

the promise of Zionism is being realized.

- [Chris] Netanyahu delivered his comments

as part of a special program,

marking the 100thanniversary of the signing

of the San Remo Resolution.

- San Remo recognized a fundamental truth.

The Jewish people arenot foreign colonialists

in the land of our forefathers.

The Land of Israel isour ancestral homeland.

- [Chris] 100 years ago on April 25, 1920

representatives of the great powers

who triumphed in World War I

met in the Italian town of San Remo.

They divided the Middle Eastand lands they conquered.

And for the first timein nearly 2,000 years,

they called for the establishmentof a Jewish homeland

in an area called Palestine.

The European Coalition for Israel

sponsored the 100th anniversary program

that included letters from world leaders,

like U.S. Secretary of StateMike Pompeo, who wrote,

"That historic agreementmarked the world's embrace

"of the unbreakable connectionof the Jewish people

"to the land of Israel."

- For the first time ever,we have world leaders

officially recognizing the importance

of this landmark event.

And I believe once we getthe historical facts right,

the legal facts right,

we also have a better prospect for finding

a peaceful solution inthe Middle East region.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- And Pat, back to you.

- You know, this is historic,if indeed Israel can annex

what's called the West Bank.

That's Judea and Samaria.

That is the heartland.

If they do so, it seems like to me,

there won't be any Palestinian state.

If it is, I don't knowwhere they're gonna put it.

But the thought was, really,that belongs with Jordan.

Those people should be citizens of Jordan.

In previous times, they'veheld passports from Jordan

and they've had rights with Jordan.

And that's the place for them to go.

But I'm delighted to see this tendency,

because God gave that land to Israel

a long, long, long time ago.

It's the homeland when they moved in.

Years ago, it was nobody there.

And the Israelis, the Jewishpeople, it's their homeland.

So, well, congratulations,and everybody's on board.

- Interesting times we live in.

Well coming up,

we kick off our spring Week of Prayer

with a stunning miracle story.

This newborn had noheartbeat for 24 minutes.

Later, she was declared brain dead.

So how did a band ofangels come to her rescue?

Find out, later on.

But first, an alarming report.

The danger facing theUnited States military.

What could happen in the next few years

that would put an end to the United States

as a world superpower?

Well, that's next.

(dramatic music)

(majestic music)

- America no longer a world superpower?

That may seem unimaginable,

but some experts arewarning it could happen

in the next few years.

CBN News National Security Correspondent

Eric Philips explains why.

- We saw how quicklythis illness can spread

during the USS Theodore Roosevelt saga,

but one military experttells me it's important

to take a look at the big picture,

and really assess what happens

after this current crisis is over.

He says we have to do everything we can

to prevent what he calls

"the slow erosion of ourmilitary superiority."

- We're gonna have a pivotal moment

when the United States isgoing to reclaim or relinquish

our military superiority inthe next two to five years.

- [Eric] Bradley Bowman studies

U.S. Defense Strategy and Policy.

He fears the Americanmilitary is in danger

of being replaced as the world superpower.

- There are areas where theChinese and Russian military

have capabilities that aremore advanced than ours.

It pains me to say that.

- [Eric] Bowman says for years,

updating equipment took abackseat to the war on terror.

He says only in the past fewyears has a focus been put

toward research and development.

The results of that workwill be ready to implement

in the next few years,

unless the COVID-19 strained economy

puts it on the back burner.

- [Bradley] And so what that means is,

we will have done all thisresearch and development efforts

and got all these systemsready to field to our troops

who desperately need them,

and then we're not gonna beable to afford to provide them.

And I fear what that could mean--

I fear this greatly--

a historic, kind of "end" if you will,

to U.S. military superiority.

- [Eric] Meanwhile, Bowmanwarns, our adversaries

are consistently looking for weakness.

He points to Russia,

that even in the middle of a pandemic,

is still sending nuclear equipment bombers

to test our defenses in Alaska.

- Their assessment of our strength

is that we are getting relativeto them, weaker and weaker.

And that's gonna invite the very thing

that we are designed to avoid.

- While Bowman says thisis an urgent situation,

he maintains that right now,

the US retains sufficient combat power

to protect the Americanpeople and our interests.

But he says we'll have to act

if we want to keep it that way.

And COVID-19 certainlymakes that more challenging.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Well, thanks Eric.

You know folks, like itor not, we're spending

about 600-plus billiondollars a year on defense,

and I think that ourexpenditures far exceeds

that of any other nationon the face of the earth.

But Trump is going to be tested,

I guarantee he's going to be tested.

He's going to be tested by the Russians,

he's going to be testedespecially by the Chinese.

What they're doing in the South China Sea,

the Spratly Islands and that area,

they're gonna continue toexpand and continue to push us.

And it's a question ofwhether we're willing

to stand up against it.

But we will have plenty of fire power.

Our armed forces were in terrible shape

after Obama got through.

But Trump has re-ignitedthe power of our military.

What we've got to be preparedfor is small excursions,

what they call asymmetricalwarfare that's taking place

in smaller areas.

It's not the great big onesthat are mattering right now,

it's the smaller ones.

And we need to be preparedwith a strike force,

just like the SEALs and theDelta Force and people like that

to handle those smaller engagements.

But as far as the big picture,

I'm sorry to differ with that expert,

but we have a lot ofmoney going into military.

And I think it's being well-spent

from what I can gather.


- Well, for weeks ourcountry has been under attack

from the invisible enemy, the coronavirus.

And Operation Blessing hasbeen on the ground fighting

because of you, our partners and donors.

Here's a big thank you from all of us.

- [Woman] This time I see fear.

- [Reporters] Coronavirus...



- [Reporter] The weekend of panic-buying.

- There's no bread, there's no milk.

- [Woman] We are in a crisis.

(dramatic sound effects)

- This is literally amatter of life and death.

- [Woman] We've given up hope.

- [Narrator] When hope was lost,

you came to the rescue,

across the United Statesand around the world.

You're bringing helpto people here at home,

through over 4,000 ministrypartners across America.

You supplied N95 medicalmasks to doctors and nurses.

- At a time like this,

things like this are absolutely priceless.

- [Narrator] You put foodin people's cupboards.

- Honestly, I wouldn't beeating, if it weren't for this.

- [Narrator] And you provided

desperately-needed disinfectants

to firefighters and first responders.

- There's a time of need when the rescuers

need a little extra help.

- [Narrator] You brought groceries

to families going without.

- We have given out over500 bags of groceries.

- The food is great.

- [Narrator] Internationally,you're serving

affected families inmore than 26 countries.

You produced preventativecleaning supplies.

- Thanks to the people whosupport Operation Blessing.

- [Narrator] And your donationsprovided medical resources

to fight the virus.

- Thank you, Operation Blessing.

- Thank you!

- Thank you!

- Thank you!

- To our donors, we just wantto say thank you so much.

- We need the goods and thegoods are going out the door.

- Thank you, Operation Blessing!

- We can't say thank you enough.

- There's nothing that makesyou feel better than giving.

- Thank you to the donorswho've made this possible.

- Every day you're making a difference.

- Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

- This gives me renewed hope in people.

- We love you guys so much.

- Well, let me add ourthanks to you as well.

Operation Blessing is alwaysthere with disaster relief

when the unexpected happens.

And it's possible because ofyour kindness and generosity.

I know we hear so many people say,

"You know, I heardabout Operation Blessing

"for so many years, but thenwhen disaster hit my area,

"and those trucks rolled inwith that signage on them,

"we were just thankingGod that you were there."

So, help us be there forpeople in times of need.

You can support the workof Operation Blessing

here at home as well as around the world

with your gift right now, today.

Let me show you how you do that.

On your screen, yousee a toll-free number.

You can call that, 1-800-700-7000.

You can visit

If you want to mail in your gift,

you can send it to Operation Blessing,

Disaster Relief Fund, CBNCenter, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

And our zip code here is 23463.

But it's wonderful to know

that your gift is making a difference.

And we're so glad that wecan actually show you that

and you can hear it from people

who are receiving that themselves.

Well, coming up, are youliving under pressure

due to COVID-19?

Help's ahead.

"Acres of Diamonds"author Jentezen Franklin

shows you how to perseverethrough that pressure

and then turn it into something precious.

But first,

a desperate mother cries outfor her brain dead newborn.

Hear how angels rushed to the rescue

and see why doctors call thisbaby an absolute miracle.

(hopeful, upbeat music)

Well, each and everyspring, the staff of CBN

sets aside a special Week of Prayer

to pray for you, our partners and viewers.

From Monday, April 27ththrough Friday, May 1st,

we're gonna be praying foryour needs on "The 700 Club".

CBN staff will also beindividually praying

for your requests.

You can still send yourprayer requests to:

CBN's Week of Prayer, CBNCenter, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

You can also call us with your requests.

Our number is toll-free.

It's 1-800-700-7000,

or go online and visit

But we thank you for theprivilege of being able

to lift you up before the throne of God,

and whatever circumstanceyou're facing now.


- Here's a miracle for you.

Shelby Mann was bornwith no heartbeat, none!

The heart wasn't beating for 24 hours.

Hospital staff performedCPR on this newborn,

and finally got a heartbeat,

but shortly after the doctors said,

"Look, Shelby was brain dead."

Still, her mother continuedto pray for a miracle.

And soon, angels in theI.C.U. went into action.

- We were all excited, itwas just like a big day.

I worked in the EmergencyRoom at that hospital,

so everybody down thereknew that I was there,

and we were all just kind ofwaiting on the big moment.

- [Narrator] At the end ofan uneventful pregnancy,

Sarah Mann was ready todeliver her second child.

In the hospital whilewaiting to be induced,

Sarah lost a lot of blood.

Then the baby's heartbeatsuddenly disappeared

from the monitor.

- She couldn't find the heartbeat,

and at that point, I wasstarting to get a little nervous,

cause I had oxygen on andthey weren't seeming to find

what they were looking for.

- [Narrator] Her husbandJason was waiting outside,

when a flurry of activityswarmed Sarah's room.

- When I seen the doctorgo running into the room,

I followed him, I justremember him telling the nurses

"Get her to the OR, gotta doan emergency C-section, now."

- [Narrator] Sarah had acomplete placental abruption.

The placenta had separatedfrom the uterus before delivery

depriving the baby of blood and oxygen.

Doctors were able to deliverthe baby via C-section,

but the baby had suffocated in the womb

and had no heartbeat.

- She lost like, three-quarters,half of her blood volume

and I had lost asignificant amount of blood.

We both would've died.

Medical staff performed CPRon baby Shelby for 24 minutes

before finally getting a heartbeat.

Because so much time hadpassed without oxygen,

doctors were not hopeful for her survival.

- First doctor that I got to talk to

after a couple of hours,

he told me that Shelby was brain dead.

There was no brain activity.

Probably wouldn't live over 36 hours.

And if she did live, shewould be a vegetable.

That was pretty rough.

I mean, there's nothingyou can even say to that.

That's just terrible.

- [Narrator] In a desperateplea for Shelby's life,

Sarah and Jason asked for prayer

from their church, family and co-workers.

- I talked to God every day.

And I feel like, ifsomething's out of our hands,

who else can I turn to?

He has the ultimate plan.

So, immediately, that's the first thing

that we thought to do,

was to pray to God to intervene in this.

- [Narrator] Shelby had aweak heart, a collapsed lung,

and no brain activity.

Medical staff cooled her bodyto prevent more organ damage,

but days later, there was still no change

in her condition or prognosis.

- I watched one doctor tryingto get a response from her.

He was poking her in the eye,

they couldn't get any kind of reflexes.

They finally hooked her up to an EEG

and there was no brain activity.

- She was a perfect baby,and she was a healthy baby,

and then she had this injury,

and now she's gonna be an injured baby.

And that's really hard, because I think,

how horrible to have this long-term,

whatever problems it may be,

because of one moment, you know?

And she could've been perfectly healthy.

- [Narrator] On the fourth night,

Sarah got out of bed andwent down on her knees

and prayed like never before.

- I wanted her to live, He knew that.

But that if she was gonna live,

I wanted her to be healed completely

and not have all these problemsthat they were telling me

that we were facing.

And that if she wasn't gonna live,

I wanted Him to just goahead and let her go.

- [Narrator] As she prayed,Sarah says she had a vision

of angels holding Baby Shelby,

and handing her one to another.

- And I remember thinking, like,

"She's just been healed."

I just knew it, like that.

And I was so at peace.

A flood of peace came over me.

I knew everything was gonna be fine.

It was like, that was my answer.

- [Narrator] The nextday brought confirmation

of what she had seen in hervision the night before,

as Shelby woke from hervegetative state, healed.

- Specialty after specialtycame by during the day

and it was good news, goodnews, good news, good news,

all day long.

She was healed.

And I knew it.

And I didn't really care after that,

like they wanted to do testing,

I was like "Go ahead, but Iknow what it's gonna show."

And it was right every time.

- One doctor he told us, he said,

"There is absolutelynothing that we have done

"that has fixed this baby."

He said, "This is absolutelya miracle from God."

He said, "There's no explanation."

He said, "God had to heal this baby."

- [Narrator] Shelby wasreleased from the hospital

just over a week later, completely healed.

That was over four years ago.

Sarah and Jason say they are thankful

God heard their prayers

and gave them a miracle.

- She's absolutely amiracle, she really is.

There's no neuro deficits or anything,

she's completely normal.

- She's the perfect little four-year-old.

You couldn't ask forher to be any different.

- God does hear when we're praying to Him.

It could've went a different way.

But I feel like He listened to me,

and He did that for me,

so I'm thankful for that.

- There's no convincingme that there's no God

or God doesn't do miracles.

He does miracles.

I got a four-year-old runningaround here to prove it.

- That's a great word.

God does miracles.

Here's some of those prayer requests.

We have in front of us here

some of the calls that have come in.

We have 44,816 right now,

and many more coming.

So, this is a Week of Prayer.

We're surrounded by people praying for us

and we'll be praying for you.

And here's some of them.

Somebody said, "To be set free from drug

"and alcohol addiction."

And somebody has got brain cancer.

That is serious stuff.

What do you have?- Someone else says,

"I need healing for my uncles in Chicago,

"they're frontliners experiencingsymptoms of COVID-19."

Someone else needing a creative miracle.

A baby boy due in August,doctors say he has no brain.

And then someone saying,"I need deliverance

"from a spirit of shamedue to my past sins."

- Whew.

God wants you free.

Now we're gonna pray together.

And we're gonna pray over these--

Look at all these in front of me,

all these people.

These represent individualswho have got a problem

they want to bring before the Lord.

And God knows your need.

He knows everything.

That prayer was answeredbefore it left your lips

or your pen.

He knows your need.

Now Terry and I are gonna pray together,

and we're gonna believe God.

Father, thank you so, forthe fact that you are a God

who heals, who delivers,who answers prayer.

And Lord, you said, "Hitherto,you have asked nothing

"in My name; ask and you shall receive,

"that your joy might be full."

Now Lord, we ask that youwould heal these people

and touch them.

Somebody named Mike,you've got a bad knee.

Your knee is hurting like really crazy.

Somebody says you need a knee operation.

God's gonna do it for you.

Just put your hand on thatknee, in the name of Jesus.

Touch him!


- Someone named Dellon,

you have some hereditary medical issues

that you feel like you can pray,

but that they probably won't leave.

But that is not the case.

God's healing you ofall of that right now.

You're gonna be completely set free.

- And Lord, we just pray beforeyou these wonderful people

who have said, "Helpme, help me, help me."

In the name of Jesus, receive an answer.

Oh my, somebody, you'repraying for $50,000.

You've got a real financial problem.

You'll not be dispossessedfrom your house.

God is going to take care of it.

And the lender's goingto be compassionate,

but you're gonna have the money.

It's gonna come from supernatural sources,

in the name of Jesus.

- There's also a single mom.

You have several children,I believe it's three,

and you have no placeto live, no place to go.

And you are feeling sodesperate and so alone.

God is going tomiraculously provide a place

for you to live that's goingto just bless your socks off.

So be prepared, it's on its way.

- Somebody ripped your shoulder muscle.

You were grabbing hold of something

and it just tore a muscle.

Put your hand on it right now.

In the name of Jesus, Thomas,in Jesus' name, touch!

Thank you, Lord.

Now Father, for allthese across the nation,

as we pray for America,

let revival come to this great land.

May we see the power of God at work.

In Jesus' name we ask it, amen.

- [Terry] Amen.- And amen.


- Well, still ahead, ourspring Week of Prayer

is going to continue.

Pastor Jentezen Franklintalks about the COVID crisis

and the opportunities itcreates for people to experience

the power of prayer.

The author of "Acresof Diamonds" joins us,

and that's coming up.

(light, upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to "The 700Club" for this CBN Newsbreak.

A big asteroid will fly by earth,

early Wednesday morning Eastern Time.

It's no threat to hit us,

it will be four millions miles away.

What's more interesting about this,

is appropriately enough duringthe coronavirus outbreak,

as this faint image froman observatory shows,

it looks like it's wearing a face mask.

That's because of the geographyon the end of the asteroid.

The asteroid is morethan 500 feet in diameter

and around 1.2 miles across.

Back here on earth, CBN isproducing stories in South Africa

to bring hope to the community.

"Stewart's Story" is a touching testimony

about a young heroin addictwho overdosed several times

and was rescued by his dedicated family

and a powerful God encounter.

Over the past few months,

CBN has reached thousands ofpeople with "Stewart's Story"

through broadcasts, Facebook, Instagram

and a media loop inside Southern Africa's

long-distance interstate buses.

The general responsehas been overwhelming,

including more than 400 Facebook comments

with many people relating toStewart and asking for prayer.

You can learn more about whatCBN is doing around the world

by going to

Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club".

It's coming up, right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- You know, a couple daysago, I read tremendous book.

It's called, "Acres of Diamonds"

by a wonderful pastornamed Jentezen Franklin.

He's a New York Times best-selling author,

and I commend this book to you.

It's called "Acres of Diamonds".

And Jentezen is here with us right now,

so let's see what he's got for us first.

- [Announcer] New YorkTimes best-selling author

and pastor JentezenFranklin says that it's time

to open your eyes and seewhat's right in front of you.

- I'm telling you, that youshouldn't run from your trials.

You shouldn't run from them,

for in them you will learn more,

you will become more,

you will do more.

Stay right there where you're under heat,

and you're under pressure,

because only then can diamonds be born.

- [Announcer] In his newbook, "Acres of Diamonds"

Pastor Franklin shares how to dig deep

during times of crisis,

understanding that adversitycan make you stronger.

- Please welcome back to "The 700 Club"

a good friend, Jentezen Franklin.

Jentezen, God bless you.

It's good to see you.

Thank you for being with us.

- Thank you, sir.

It's wonderful to be with you.

- You wrote this bookcalled "Acres of Diamonds".

Tell us about that andwho was Russell Conwell?

- Well, Russell Conwell was a man

who was touring the MiddleEast back in the 1800's,

the late 1800's,

and he had an Arab guidewho told him a story.

He took that story, put it into a booklet.

It sold seven millioncopies in the late 1800's.

He gave the speech 6,000 times.

Took the profits from that andestablished Temple University

off of one story.

- Well, now the story is fascinating.

This guy was told that in the sand,

there was these wonderful stones,

and so he went looking forthem all over the world,

and it turned out the biggeststone was in his own farm.

Go into that, it's a fascinating story.

- Yeah, so you know, there wasthis farmer in South Africa,

his name was Ali Hafed.

'Course it's a truestory, documented story.

And he farmed and worked so hard.

One day somebody told him,

"It's a shame you have to work so hard.

"All you should do is just go to India,

"they're discovering diamonds.

"There's a certain placeand you can pick them up,

"the size of rocks."

So he sold the farm and everything,

and went searching for diamonds.

Never found them, tragically.

Took his own life, and left a note saying,

"There are no diamonds anywhere."

But the same man who bought the farm

took the same plow and the same ox

and the same fields andacres, and began to dig.

And found these annoyingrocks all over the place.

And sure enough, somebody noticed

that they were diamonds in the rough.

And it became the world'slargest diamond mine,

the famous Golconda DiamondMine in South Africa

where royalty, like the Queen of England,

get their diamonds from that place,

because of the fine quality.

And of course the message is,

you need to value where you are right now.

So many people, Pat, are always saying,

"If I had this..."

"The grass is greener on the other side."

"If I had that marriage, that family,

"that job or that life, I would be happy."

When usually, God has givenyou everything you need,

every time, right where you are.

There are unearthed acres of diamonds.

- I have a little testimony here.

We had a prophecy.

You go to the north and thesouth and the east and the west

and you don't know

that right here is where the blessing was.

When God broke throughhere, on "The 700 Club,"

when we saw a miracle

and the whole town wasshaken by the power of God,

then that started a worldwide ministry.

But it was right here.

The diamonds were right inTidewater, our home community.

So you're right on.

Hey listen, you werestruggling as a pastor,

and suddenly, somebodycomes to you and says,

"May I put you on television?"

What did you think?

- Well, it wasn't my timing.

We had just moved into anew sanctuary that we built

and we had used all ofour resources to do that.

And all of a sudden, a guy bythe name of R.W. Schambach,

evangelist from years goneby, came by our church.

And he gets up,

and instead of taking anoffering for his ministry,

the Lord spoke to himto take one for mine.

And he bought our television equipment.

That one offering back in the 1980's,

he raised $138,000 cash.

And we bought our cameras and went on TV,

on a little cable station right there

in Gainesville, Georgia.

And that began our ministry

that has reached around the world.

But you know the point is this,

that God's timing isdifferent from our timing.

And many times we leave where we are,

searching for some greater thing,

and we fail to realize

that if we just stay right where we are,

when God puts us there,it's loaded with potential.

- You've written some other books.

Your books have been very popular.

This is a terrific book.

What else have you written?

- Well, I wrote one ofour most popular books,

was the book on fasting.

We did a book on fasting.

It's funny, the publisherwanted me to do three books

and I said, "I'll do three ifone of them can be fasting."

This was many years ago.

And the one that became theNew York Times best-seller

was the one on fasting,

the one that he was reluctant to publish.

But you know, some of these themes,

these old themes in the Bible,

I believe God wants us to revisit.

You know, Pat, when they tookthe bones of that servant

and threw it into thegrave where Elisha was,

when a new generationtouched the old bones,

new life came to a new generation.

And I believe that thoseprayer bones and fasting bones

and worship and getting back to God

and putting Him first in our life,

is exactly what America needs

to have a remedy to this plague

and to this problem that we're facing.

It's prayer time in America.

- Any tip for the countryin these trying times

we're in right now?

- Yeah, I would encourage people.

I really think it's a moment

where all of us are feelingthe heaviness of it,

almost like a glob of gloom,

that just has settled overour nation and the world.

We are in a situationsimilar to what David was in

in I Samuel 30, when his house was burned

and his family was kidnappedand his own men turned on him,

and spoke of stoning him.

And there's this turning point

in all that tragic, dark, bad news.

And it says, "And Davidencouraged himself in the Lord."

You do that by remembering past victories.

You do that by rememberinghow faithful God has been,

in every situation in your life.

And when he encouragedhimself in the Lord,

the word came from the prophet,

"Pursue, for you shall recoverit all, and spoils besides."

You know, Pat, I don't think

that we're just gonna come out this

and maybe try to get back where we were,

I believe that we servea God who can restore

and we can recover it all and then some,

"and spoils besides."

I believe one of those spoilsbesides is a wave of wonder

that God is going to releasein revival across the world.

- I say a hearty "amen" to that.

Brother, God bless you andthank you for being with us.

Again, folks, this bookcalled "Acres of Diamonds".

You can get it wherever booksare sold, Jentezen Franklin.

You want to get a copy,it's really terrific.

And Jentezen is a featured speaker

in our prayer chapel, today.

So you can watch on

So thank you, my brother, God bless you,

and the work you're doing.

- [Jentezen] Thank you.- Appreciate you.

- [Terry] Encouraging words in this hour.

- Thank you, I appreciate you.

- Amen, tremendous.

All right.

- Well, you can watchthat featured speaker

at our prayer chapel today.

All you have do is go to

That's at noon, Eastern Daylight Time,

or you can join us liveon Facebook and YouTube.

And while you're there, youcan check out the full list

of speakers for the rest of the week.

Everyday, we'll bepraying for the requests

that you, our partnersand viewers have sent us.

So we want to encourage you to join us.

Get a great, encouraging word for the hour

that we live in,

and stand on it every day.


- That's all the time we've got for today.

But thanks for being with us.

And remember, pray thatpeople would be set free.

This is the year ofliberation for the oppressed.

That's all the time we've got.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.

(uplifting music)


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