Routine car maintenance turned into a fight for survival after Sam’s SUV fell on him. But amid great pain, prayer proved greater.
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(clock ticks)
(Sam's sister screams on phone)
- [Dispatcher] This is911, what's your emergency?
- [Sam's Sister] I need an ambulance!
- [Dispatcher] What's going on?
- [Sam's Sister] A Suburbanfell on my brother.
He is not in good shape.
Please hurry, please!
(dial tone beeps)
- [Narrator] October 1st, 2016.
Amber Wallen was talkingto her sister-in-law
in the driveway when she heard a crash.
(metal groans)
(vehicle crashes onto ground)
Amber sprinted to the garage,where she found her husband,
Sam, pinned under the SUVhe had been working on.
Her sister-in-law called 911.
Amber grabbed a floor jack, trying to lift
the three-and-a-half-tonvehicle off of her husband.
- I started trying to jack it up,
and I was screaming andpraying at the top of my lungs.
I remember thinking, "This isit, this is it, this is it,"
and I was like, "Lord, this can't be it.
"This cannot be it.
"I'm not ready, I'm not done."
- [Narrator] Finally, Ambergot the vehicle high enough
to pull Sam, who wasunconscious, to safety.
- His ears were bleeding,his eyes were bleeding,
his nose and his mouth was bleeding.
He was bleeding everywhere.
"Lord, I just need him to come back,
"and I need breath back in his body,
"and if You could justgive him, (sniffles)
"if You could just give him breath,
"so that he would have life,and just please let him stay,
"and let him know who we are.
"My kids need him, I need him."
(labored breathing)(siren blares)
- [Sam's Sister] Allright, they're almost here.
- Okay.- I hear it coming, I hear it.
- [Narrator] Firemen and paramedics
arrived on the scene and rushed Sam
and Amber to a nearby hospital.
- The EMT kept tellingme, "I know he's alive,
"but this is not really survivable.
"We don't know what theextent of his injuries are,
"and I don't want youto get your hopes up."
- [Narrator] In the ER, doctors determined
both of Sam's lungs were collapsed,
and he had a crushed sternumand seven broken ribs.
He had also lost his vision.
(heart monitor beeps)Sam was put
under heavy sedation, intubated.
- He was very serious,potentially fatal injury,
and procedures need to bedone quickly in those patients
in order to save their lives.
- [Narrator] With her husbandin critical condition,
Amber sent out a call for prayer.
- All I kept clinging to was, God heard
my prayer in thatdriveway, and He is here.
There was no backup plan.
There was no Plan B, therewas no anything else.
I needed God to do what I asked Him to do,
and I had the faith that He would.
There was an immense sense ofpeace that just came over us,
as if God was just takingcare of everything.
- [Narrator] Nurse Athenaoffered to pray as well.
- "I'm here, I'm still praying for you.
"I may be going home.
"If you would like forme to pray for you here,
"I will do that, but I'm alwayskeeping you in my prayers."
- [Narrator] Doctorsordered an MRI to check
for brain bleeds and heart damage.
Afterwards, Sam was taken to the ICU.
He was conscious and awareof what had happened.
He still couldn't see, butmore importantly to Amber--
- Once he knew who I was, and he had
the cognitive ability to talk to me,
I knew no matter what,we were gonna be okay.
- [Narrator] As for Sam--
- If I was gonna be blind,then I was gonna be blind.
After I had came back and Irealized that I was still alive,
I honestly didn't have the first thought
of, "I might die," after that.
I heard from other people that,
"Oh, he might not make it," or.
In my mind, I felt perfectly fine.
I was completely at peace.
- [Narrator] The MRI showed that Sam's
heart and brain were undamaged.
For the next several days, Sam surprised
the staff as he continued to improve.
- "We just have to waitand see how he heals,
"and we just have to," but their timeline,
Sam was exceeding theirtimeline at every milestone.
- [Narrator] By his thirdday in the hospital,
Sam had regained his vision.
And after just six days, he was off
the ventilator and able to go home.
His ribs and sternumwould take time to heal,
but as Amber would remind her husband,
the main thing was, he was alive.
- We got a lot more than we prayed for,
because I prayed, if God'djust let me keep you,
it didn't matter whatkinda shape you were in,
and here you are, able to walk around
and work and take careof us and still be here.
- [Narrator] Within weeks,Sam was back at work,
(bell rings)and today remains
active and healthy.
His occasional aches and pains serve
as a reminder of what's important in life,
and just how far the Lord has brought him.
- There was no doubt in my mind
that God was there the whole time.
We had so many people praying for us
that we didn't even knowduring that whole time
of being in the hospital and healing up,
and the power of prayer is amazing.
- Prayer really does change things.
And if He can show up in our driveway,
He can show up in anybody's driveway.
For us, God showed us who He was.
(Amber and Sam whoop and laugh)