Remember Holy Week with a 700 Club classic. Sculptor Gil Amelio recreates the final night of Jesus. From the taunts of the soldiers to the nails on the cross, experience the death and resurrection of Christ.
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(dramatic music)
- [Male Announcer] The following program
is sponsored by CBN.
- [Female Announcer] Comingup, Franklin Graham live.
What could God be sayingto us during the pandemic?
(orchestral music)
The 700 Club classic.
- He would see the Roman soldiers
who would give him mock solutes.
- [Female Announcer]Sculptor Gil Emilio recreates
the final night of Jesus.
- He knew what was about to happen
within a matter of hours.
- [Female Announcer] Experience the death
and resurrection of Christ.
- So that we would be free.
- [Female Announcer] On today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
Today is what we call Maundy Thursday,
and as part of our holy week tradition
we will be sharing communionwith you on this program.
So I advise you at this moment,
get some bread, wine, juice, whatever,
and get ready to join us later on.
But first in the news, empty streets.
No pilgrims flocking to holy sites.
For the first time ever,
Israel is in lockdown for holy week.
As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,
it hasn't stopped the city's Christians
from celebrating theresurrection of Jesus Christ.
- This is what GoodFriday usually looks like
on the Via Dolorosa, Latinfor "the way of suffering,"
where Christian pilgrimsfrom all over the world
come to retrace the steps of Jesus
on his way to hiscrucifixion on the cross.
This year on Good Friday the Via Dolorosa
here in the heart ofJerusalem will be empty
since all outdoor processions
have been canceled by thegovernment because of COVID-19.
- Usually in such seasons the city
is overloaded with people.
Now the roads are empty.
We won't have practicallyany outdoor activity.
All prayers will be held with very,
very minimal participations.
- The same holds truehere in the Garden Tomb,
just outside the wallsof Jerusalem's old city
where many people believe Jesus
was laid in this empty tomband then rose from the dead.
♪ Thine be the glory ♪
- [Chris] The GardenTomb Association has held
Easter sunrise services for years,
many of them broadcast by CBN.
- Normally there are thousandshere on Easter morning,
but this year we couldonly allow four people
on camera at a time.
While the Easter servicewe have planned now
is gonna be a mix of readingsfrom some of the community
who are still here, prayerspraying for this victims
and those who aresuffering with the virus.
- [Chris] Abunassar saysdespite the circumstances,
there is cause for hope.
- St. Paul says everything is working
for the sake of those who love God.
I believe that God in His divine wisdom
might require us toreflect and to pray more.
And I do believe thatthis is an opportunity
for the families,especially nuclear families,
to pray more, to reflect more.
- It would look verydifferent previous years,
obviously because there are nopeople allowed to attend it,
but we still believe that it's still
an act of worship to God
because the ministry of the Garden Tomb
is about a place of worship,and witness, and prayer,
and that will continueeven through this virus.
- [Chris] Regardless ofthe government restrictions
because of the coronavirus,Abunassar and Holland
say the message ofEaster remains the same.
- That we believe in aResurrected Lord and death,
even despite all difficulties,
Easter reflects that life will prevail.
- The message of thegospel stays the same,
and that message that the Garden Tomb's
proclaimed for 126 years, that Jesus died,
that Jesus was buried,and that Jesus rose again
for everyone who's listeningto this message today
and the whole world.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
The Garden Tomb and ViaDolorosa, Jerusalem.
- Well, thanks, Chris.
This is a program note.
This Sunday, April 12th,join us for a special
Easter service from theGarden Tomb in Israel.
Visit for more information
about how to watch theGarden Tomb service.
It airs Sunday at 6:00AM Eastern Daylight Time
with repeat showings throughout the day.
You can also watch aGarden Tomb Easter service
on the CBN news channel.
Well, a little laterwe're gonna be talking to
our good friend Franklin Graham
about his ministry's work in New York
and his prayer withPresident Trump yesterday.
But first, in the newsanother shocking jobs report
from the government today
as jobless claims rose by 6.6 million.
That's as much as lastweek's record numbers.
Efrem Graham has more.
- Pat, there agree growingconcerns the economy
is already in a deep recession.
The good news is the projected death toll
is flattening and wemight emerge from this
sooner than originally thought.
So, what is the administration doing now
to keep the economy afloat?
Our Gary Lane is on the story.
- Business shutdowns arecausing a record number
of Americans to file unemployment claims.
Overall, experts say 50million American jobs
are vulnerable to coronavirus layoffs.
- There's no doubt in my mind
that we've entered into arecession and economic refraction,
and that we will probablytouch back on the highs
of unemployment of 10% that we saw
during the great financialcrisis and recession.
- [Gary] The heavy volume of people filing
unemployment claims are overwhelming
online government servers.
This laid off nursepractitioner in New York
found her online experience frustrating.
- It took probably twohours for me to actually
be able to fill and submit the claim,
'cause the website's veryslow, it kept on freezing.
Yeah, and crashing.
- [Gary] One solution,people in Hialeah, Florida
are submitting claims at this
popup government drive through.
Meanwhile in New York, anotherrecord coronavirus death toll
announced Wednesday, with779 deaths in one day.
But there's good news, theinfection rate is slowing,
as some hospitals release more patients
than they are admitting.
As the curve starts flattening in New York
other potential hotspots are popping up.
Washington DC,Philadelphia, and Baltimore.
Particularly hard hitare African-Americans,
the disease taking a largertoll in the black community
because the underlying medical conditions
that make the disease sodeadly are more prevalent.
An Associated Press analysisshows 42% of victims
whose demographic datawere shared were black,
while blacks make up roughly
21% of the population in those areas.
- Health disparities inthe minority community
but particularly theAfrican-American community,
puts them at risk apartfrom coronavirus issues,
puts them at risk fordiseases much more so
than the general population.
- [Gary] In the meantime,a new model predicts
fewer US deaths from the virus by August.
Once expected to numberas many as 240,000,
the death toll number isnow down significantly,
predicted to reach 60,000.
- You redo your modelsdepending upon your data,
and our data is telling usthat mitigation is working.
- [Gary] So, when willAmerica start getting back
to a pre-COVID-19 normal?
Some experts say not until avaccine is readily available.
On this weeks episode ofthe CBN news channel program
"The Global Lane," formerFDA associate commissioner
Peter Pitts says a vaccinemay come sooner than expected.
- My information tellsme we'll see a vaccine
between 10 and 12 months,
that's because a variety ofcompanies all around the world,
but largely in the US, aredevoting tremendous resources
to getting the job done quickly.
- [Gary] In one small signof a return to normalcy,
the administration hasapproved new guidelines,
allowing essential workersexposed to the virus
to go back to work if theyaren't showing any symptoms.
On Wednesday, PresidentTrump held a conference call
with 10,000 faith leaders.
He shared some words of encouragement.
- While we may be physically apart,
we can use this time topray to reflect and to focus
on our personal relationship with God.
- In the meantime,coronavirus relief checks
will begin hitting Americanbank accounts just after Easter.
This as Congress isnegotiating additional funding
to provide more paycheck protection loans
to small businesses,
and the President is expected to announce
a second task force aimedat getting the economy
back on track.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Pat, back to you.
- Well, as we have said repeatedly,
the cure may be worse than the disease.
It's just imperative that we don't wait
for some kind of a cure thatmay not be coming urgently.
We've got to get people back to work
and we've got to lift all these bans,
at least part of them,as quickly as possible.
It's absolutely key, andthere's an encouraging sign
actually when you go back to China,
where apparently someof this stuff came from,
that in the city of Wuhanthings are looking much better.
Here's Efrem.
- Pat, China has lifted itstravel lockdown on Wuhan,
the city where the coronavirus began
and then spread worldwide.
After 76 days, residentsare again allowed to journey
outside the area withoutspecial permission.
They were first allowedback outside their homes
about two weeks ago.
We spoke then withAmerican Rebecca Franks,
who lives in Wuhan.
She told us how faith and refusing to fear
got her and her family through the ordeal.
- There is absolutelynothing special about us
other than the fact that God's with us,
and He is available for anybody there.
Just have hope, becauseyou can get through this.
The only thing to fear is fear itself,
and I feel that's true,
'cause in fear we justmake irrational decisions.
Fear and panic, they'rejust not beneficial,
so what is the point?
- Rebecca also said therewere hidden blessings
in the lockdown, such as spendingmore time with her family.
We cannot give in to fear.
- Well, I just wanted to tell you
fear is terribly corrosive to your health,
so being afraid, being under stress,
and losing sleep willmake you more vulnerable.
So let's not have it happen.
Now, there's somethinginteresting happening here
in the Virginia Hampton Roads area,
where a dozen churchesare getting together.
Let's see if Efrem can give us that story.
- Pat, much closer to home as you said,
here in Virginia's Hampton Roads area
dozens of churches areputting a unique twist
on a traditional Easter message.
George Thomas brings us a look at their
high flying approach.
- Just follow the E.
- [George] Some directed traffic.
- Back up, back up, back up, back up.
And you're good.
- [George] Others linedup each car just right
as members of 12 Virginiachurches rolled up
with their masks on and maintaining
strict social distancing guidelines
to send the world an Easter message.
- In the middle of thispandemic there's hope,
that there's strength,
and that we will make it through this.
Because He has risen, so will we.
- [George] On a stretchof road in Chesapeake,
dozens of cars linedup to spell the words,
"He is risen."
- I think with as muchdesperation and anxiety going on
in the world at this timepeople are looking for hope,
and it's a great opportunityfor us to get out there
and love our neighbors,
and share the love of Jesus with them.
- [George] As theemotional and physical toll
of the COVID-19 outbreak rises,
folks here want their fellowAmericans not to lose heart.
- God is with us.
That same spirit thatraised Jesus from the dead
is with us in this really terrible time.
- [George] Pastor BobFox organized the event
to encourage congregationsto reach a hurting world
during times of uncertainty.
- This is an opportunityfor us to go forward,
not just to be passive andjust try to wait it out,
but to really listen to the Lord.
The Lord wants to use thistime to take the church
to new levels of expression the gospel.
- [George] And it's happening.
Research shows a hugespike in online searches
relating to faith, God, and the Bible
since the viral outbreak started.
- We've seen big upticks in searches
around fear and anxiety.
We've also seen record levels
of people sharing scripture.
- [George] Fox says while this event
is a symbolic gesture of unity,
- It's also just to take thegospel outside the walls.
Since we can't get in the walls,
we have to take it outside the walls.
- As the coronavirus pandemic continues
to bear down across the globe,
the drivers of these 49 car are hoping
that the words "he isrisen" will bring hope
in the midst of thishistoric season of fear,
anxiety, and widespread isolation.
George Thomas, CBN News,Chesapeake, Virginia.
- He is risen, he is risen indeed.
- That's tremendous.
We've got some excitingthings coming up for you,
so let's go to Terry.
- Well, still ahead, thePassion of the Christ
recreated in a lump of clay.
Stay tuned for a 700 Club classic.
Plus, we're going to besharing communion together,
so get some juice and bread
and you'll be ready to join with us.
But before we get to that,
Franklin Graham joins us to discuss
the spiritual impact of COVID-19.
How should the church beresponding to the crisis?
That's all coming up next.
(powerful music)
- While, Franklin Graham is the son of
famed evangelist Billy Graham,
right now his Samaritan's Purse Ministry
is running a 68 bed field hospital
in New York Central Park.
A team of 72 doctors, nurses, chaplains,
and support staff aretaking some of the burdens
off the city's overwhelmed hospital
as it treats the COVID-19 victims.
Franklin's here with us,
and it's so good to see you.
As you were talking tothose people in New York,
what was on their heart?
What did you find out up there about them?
- Well, there's a lot of despair, Pat.
A lot of I would just sayhopelessness with many people.
We're working with MountSinai Medical Systems.
We're right across the streetfrom their main hospital
there in Central Park.
We've run it on our own,
but we're working with them.
They bring the patients to us.
Right now we've got,
excuse me, we've got about 53 patients.
I think eight of those or nine are in ICU.
They're on ventilators.
Every day we have peoplethat are released,
are discharged, and everyday we get new ones in.
But we have chaplains with us, Pat.
We want to pray with everyperson that comes in.
Our doctors and nursespray, our chaplains pray.
Of course, as Christianswe want people to know
that God loves them, Hehasn't forgotten them,
and we want to lift up Christin the middle of this crisis.
So we're working with Mount Sinai,
and this is a great institution.
They're doing a tremendous job,
and we're there to assist them.
- You were there with a few faith leaders
with the President in a prayer call.
What was the subject matter?
What did you pray about?
- Well, first, of course the President
spoke to us about whatthe government is doing
and what faith leaders should be doing.
Vice President Mike Pence spoke as well.
My prayer for the President,
of course I want for the country,
but I wanted to pray forhim, and Melania, and Baron,
with how difficult this is onthe family during all of this.
The President, I don'tknow when he sleeps.
He seems to be up atall hours of the night
and works all day long.
I'm just concerned abouthim and his health.
I prayed for him and his family.
I think that's very important.
He's the leader of our nation.
He's done an incrediblejob keeping us informed
and mobilizing thegovernment at such a ...
I don't think anybody could have mobilized
the government as quicklyas he has done it,
so I'm very impressed with what he's done.
Nobody saw this coming.
I certainly didn't.
And Pat, I didn't realizehow severe this was
until about a month ago whenone of my own staff members
got the coronavirus.
He was coming back out of the Middle East,
going through Dubai.
We feel that he probablygot it at the Dubai Airport.
But how quickly he got sick.
It's just very dangerous,
so we got to take this very seriously.
But I agree with you Pat,
we need to get the country back to work.
This is gonna do more damagethan the virus I'm afraid
if this continues for another month.
I support you and thePresident in this whole notion.
Let's get back to work,open up our country,
and do everything we canto protect ourselves.
I think social distancing,mask, all that's good,
but we need to get back to work.
And of course, this is holy week.
I want people to knowthat Jesus is not dead,
He's alive and He cancome into every heart
that is willing to inviteHim, repent of their sins,
and put their faith and trust in him.
- Is God doing something unusual
that you see in this crisis?
- I think so, Pat.
I think it's waking up our nation.
I think it's waking up the world.
We've never seen this in our lifetime.
The whole world is shut down.
I think for many Christians,
we believe that, of course, this may be
just some of the beginningsof the return of Christ.
I believe Christ couldcome back at any time.
Whether He's going tocome back in my lifetime,
or my grandchildren, I don't know,
but I think for a lot of Christians
we watch this with interest,
and we know that we should be watching
because the Lord could come back.
But at the same time, Pat,
I think for the non-believing world,
they're beginning to ask questions
and they're beginning to ask Christians,
"Well, what do you think this is?"
It's a great opportunityfor Christians to witness.
Again, we don't know the hour and time
that the Lord's coming back,but we know He is coming back,
and we need to be at work telling people,
sharing with people thegood news of the gospel,
and that's what Easter's about.
It's about God so loving the world
that He gave His only begotten son,
that whosever believesin him should not perish
but should have everlasting life.
Jesus Christ came notto condemn the world,
but to save the world byoffering a sacrifice to God
for the sins of mankind.
If we repent and believe on Him,
then we know that we'llhave that assurance
of being with Him in heaven for eternity.
I'm excited, Pat about the opportunities
God has given us to witness.
I've talked to pastors across the country,
they're not preaching in a pulpit,
but they're preaching online
and they have three, four,500% more people watching
than they do if they were inthe pews on Sunday morning.
Every pastor, it's justbeen incredible the numbers
of people watching the church
today on Sunday morning online.
- Franklin, thank you so much.
We really appreciate your ministry.
God bless you, my friend.
Keep it up, I'm proud of you.
Thank you.- Thank you.
- Franklin Graham, ladies and gentlemen.
- Thank you, Pat, God bless you.
- Thank you.
- Wonderful work.
- Very bold.
It's tremendous what he's doing.
And Samaritan's Purse,a wonderful charity.
But anyhow, Terry, we'vegot something exciting.
- We do.
A five year old Hindu girl
sees the Superbook episode He Is Risen.
How does it change her life?
And, how does her family respond?
Find out after this.
Plus, stay tuned for a 700 Club classic.
Gil Emilio's incomparable rendering
of the Passion of the Christ.
(powerful music)
(energetic music)
Devira is a Hindu girlwho learned about Jesus
through CBN's Superbook.
After she saw the Easterepisode He Is Risen,
Devira prayed to acceptJesus into her heart.
And now, this littlechild is sharing her faith
with her whole family.
- [Man] Devira grew up in aHindu family in Indonesia.
As the youngest child,she was a bit spoiled,
and sometimes disrespectful.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Voiceover] When Iask her to do something,
she will say, "Mom, youknow I'm just a little kid.
"Ask my brother or sister to do it."
- [Man] Devira's mom,Nyoman, works at a restaurant
owned by Christians.
She security prayed there totrust Jesus as her savior.
Now, she wanted Devirato know about Jesus too,
so she accepted aninvitation for her daughter
to attend a weekly SuperbookClub near the restaurant.
(kids cheering)
A few weeks later, Devira watched
the Superbook episode He Is Risen.
- [Voiceover] When I sawJesus die on the cross,
I learned that disobeyingand obeying my mom was a sin.
I asked Jesus to forgive me.
I raised my hand like this,
then I prayed and said,
"Jesus, I want to receiveyou as my savior."
- [Man] Devira's mom noticed big changes
in her daughter after that day,
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Voiceover] Every timeI ask her to do something
she helps me with a smile.
- [Man] Devira's siblingsand her dad are still Hindu,
but that doesn't stop Devira from talking
about Superbook withthem or inviting her mom
to Superbook Club on Saturdays.
- [Voiceover] I am grateful that Devira
prayed to receive Jesus.
- [Voiceover] Thank you Superbook
for helping me to know Jesus
and become a better kid.
- Superbook is makingsuch an incredible impact
in the lives of childrenand their families
all around the world.
You know, when you join the Superbook Club
you get online streaming accessto seasons one through five.
That's over 55 full length episodes,
plus you'll receive our Easter bonus
featuring the Last Supper and He Is Risen,
and three copies of ournewest episode Isaiah.
All for just $25 when youjoin the Superbook Club.
Also, since schools andchurches have stopped meeting
because of the coronavirus,
we have a special offer.
Your children can learn aboutthe stories of the Bible
through the Superbook Academy.
It has Bible lessons,crafts, games, and much more,
and we're currently offeringa free course to everyone.
All you have to do is goto
and sign up today.
And when you join the Superbook Club,
you know that you are investing in having
all of this translatedinto the various languages
of children around the world
who are learning aboutChrist through Superbook.
Still ahead, we invite you and your family
to join us for a specialcommunion service.
But first, the crucifixionfrom a sculptor's perspective.
Stay tuned for Gil Emilio'sThe Face of Christ, coming up.
(uplifting music)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to 700Club for this CBN newsbreak.
Joe Bide is all alone, and thatis just the way he wants it.
Vermont Senator BernieSanders officially suspended
his campaign for the Democraticpresidential nomination,
leaving the former vicepresident the last man standing.
Sanders said dropping out
was a difficult and painful decision,
adding that while hiscampaign is coming to an end
our movement is not.
Biden calls Sanders a goodman, and then gave a message
to Sanders supporters sayinghe wants to earn their votes
and is ready to listen to their views.
A sweet reunion for a couplekept apart by the coronavirus.
- Hi, honey.
- Happy birthday, honey.
Look at you.
- In more than 63 years of marriage
Jerry and Beverly Lindellhaven't spent much time apart,
but fears of the COVID-19
recently kept Jerryquarantined in a nursing home,
spending weeks away from his wife,
while just in time forBeverley's 84th birthday.
The couple's daughtercaptured their reunion.
Beverley says the moment was full of hugs
and a few tears.
Want to remind you youcan always get the latest
from CBN News by going to our website.
Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's 700 Club.
It's coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
- The night Jesus was betrayed,
He and His disciplesgathered in an upper room
to celebrate the Jewish Passover.
In a few minutes, we'llcommemorate that Last Supper
by sharing communion together.
Those of us at home,those of us on the set,
we will all do it together.
First, we're going towatch a dramatic portrayal
of the sacrifice ofChrist's body and blood,
as told by the late sculptor Gil Emilio
through an image of claycalled The Face of Christ.
- In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with God,
and the word was God.
And the word became fleshand dwelled among us,
and we behind His glory,
that glory as of the onlybegotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
Words like these have been the words
that have inspired the artistup through the centuries
to portray the face of Christ.
Let's go back into some ofthat history and scripture
as the artist speaks about
our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
(dramatic orchestral music)
The early Byzantine appearancewas long and rather ugly,
and yet the early artist was inspired
by the words of Isaiah,
where Isaiah spoke about thesuffering servant to come.
In his 52nd chapter, Isaiah said
that this suffering servant, this messiah,
would suffer a beating so that his form
would be marred morethan all the sons of men.
And then in his 53rd chapter,
and even now in the firstand early centuries,
we see the split Nazarene beard.
The 53rd chapter spokeabout the despised man,
abject among men, a manof sorrows he would be,
as if it were a rootthat would not bear fruit
through the seed that was planted upon it
or dropped upon a dry ground.
There would be nothingabout his appearance
that would make us desirous of him.
If you can imagine thewords prophesied by Isaiah,
this Jesus would eventuallywould be beaten and battered
so that we couldn'trecognize him any longer,
and these are the verybasic scriptural pieces
that inspired the early Byzantine artist.
Let's now move forward tocapture the Eastern appearance
where it really began.
(stirring orchestral music)
So we see these long features.
Holding that for a minute,let's jump the gap in centuries
and move from the firstthrough the 11th century
to the Renaissance, to see the appearance
that we generally acceptas the face of Christ.
(dramatic orchestral music)
So we see the warmer appearanceof the face of Christ.
The beard remaining the samefrom the very first century.
What were the words thatnow moved this artist?
We can explain thatthrough three paintings.
the Agony of the Garden,
the triumphant Entry into Jerusalem,
and the ConfrontationBefore the Roman Soldiers.
Remember when those soldierstook his clothing off
and placed about him thegorgeous robes of a king?
They would make sport of him,
and they would place thispurple robe about Jesus,
who claimed to be the king of the Jews,
and they would make fun of him.
Then they gave him a scepter.
But before going into that painting,
let's look at the other two.
Recently, most of the Christianworld celebrated Palm Sunday
where Jesus road into town on a donkey
that hadn't been riddenbefore, according to prophecy.
Jesus, as he would ride
into those narrow streets of Jerusalem,
a place that any tactician would advise
he shouldn't have been at that time,
people would throw palmleaves at his feet.
As he made his waythrough the narrow crowds
he would not only hear hosannas,
"Blessed is he who comesin the name of the Lord,"
and the higher acclimation,hosanna in the highest,
"Blessed is he who comesin the name of the Lord."
But those others who didnot believe in this Jesus,
he would see the Roman soldiers
who would give him mock solutes,
Jesus would answer that from the tree.
As he made his way through he would hear
that beautiful prayer in his own language,
and in Hebrew as we understand it,
(speaking in foreign language)
And those people would shout to him,
(speaking in foreign language)
"Hear, O Israel, the Lordour God, the Lord is one."
Jesus would ride intoand through that crowd
and then claims the temple.
In the other painting, Jesusin the Agony of the Garden,
we read about it in Luke 22:44.
As Jesus was in that garden
he knew what was about tohappen within a matter of hours.
This Jesus, born of a womanas any man or woman is,
eight days after hisbirth he was shed blood
according to the custom of his parents,
but Jesus was born to die.
In that scene we see Jesus lying there,
and then praying on a rock.
Some of the apostles werenot awake at that time.
As he sweat, Luke, the physician,tells us after the fact,
after he had gathered the evidence,
Luke wasn't there at that time,
that his sweat turned intogiant droplets of blood.
That's when he began to die medically.
Jesus would then lookup into a beam of light,
and the artist Huffmanportrays this scene.
And Jesus would say to the father,
"Let this pass.
"Let me out of this moment,
"but let not my will be done, but thine."
And the artist can relate to him,
because Jesus prayed that prayer,
and even after that prayer he could hear
the tinker of armor as one of his own
would bring the soldiers to arrest him
and give him the kiss of death.
And then, in that giant painting,
The Confrontation SceneBefore the Roman Soldiers,
we can see the centurion,the commander of the guard.
We're told about it in scripture
that I was known as a cohort.
Jesus at the cohort, a battalion of men,
900, 1,000, 1,200 men.
And coming off his horse,
the commander would make sport of him.
He would place a blindfoldaround the eyes of Jesus,
after all, they heardabout these great tricks
and miracles he had performed.
All he had to do at that time
was to prove and convince thecohort, the Roman soldiers.
And so, in front of his own men,
he would ask Jesus to play a trick.
"Come on, Christ, you'rebeen around Judea.
"You've heard about all these prophets
"who heal people of leprosy,
"and then a month later orsomething the leprosy comes back.
"Are you one of those prophets, Christ?
"Tell my men, because wehaven't seen these great tricks.
"How many of you men haveseen one of these tricks
"that Jesus has (mumbles)?
"None of them, nor I.
"Come on, Christ, how was it?
"You're a young man,you're like the rest of us.
"You know, Christ, youdon't have to go to Herod
"and be a politician.
"Tell us about thatblind man along the road.
"They tell us that when he was there
"you actually healed him.
"How did that go, Christ?
"Hey, Christ, can you seethrough that blindfold?
"Come on, Christ, if you're a king
"you can see through a mere blindfold.
"On this side, Christ.
"Who was it that spit on thee?
"Was it me?
"One of my men?
"Six of them?
"How many of them are here, Christ?
"Thy reed, O king.
"Can you see thy reed?
"Which way do I hold it, O Christ?
"Straight up and down?
"Come on, Christ, speak to us.
"Play some kind of a trick.
"Look through the blindfold.
"On this side Christ.
"Who smote thee here?
"And on that side, and on that side.
"Can't you see througha mere piece of cloth?"
And these foolishness would go on,
but Jesus didn't say one word.
And they would remove theblindfold and let him go.
"We'll see what your own will do."
They would release himto the mob at pretorium.
At that time, they wouldfashion a crown of thorns.
And then, according to law and custom,
Jesus would be scourged.
Paul spoke about the stripes,
40 stripes minus one according to the law.
In this setting where thesoldiers actually count the 39,
Jesus then would be delivered up.
He would carry that crosssome eight, 900 years
to Golgotha, the hill of skull, calvary.
When they got him therethey would crown him
with a crown of thorns andthey would crucify him.
The Persians invented it,but the Roman soldiers
were quite expert at this.
So then we see thesescenes through paintings,
where referred back to it in scripture
Jesus fulfilling every iota of prophecy.
(operatic music)
They would then takehim in this condition,
they would place him on a cross.
They would fix him with nails
in a special area in the wrist.
They would drive thesenails in his wrists,
one down below on a footoverlapping the other,
and Jesus didn't stand on the cross
as some art would have it,like some kind of a king.
Jesus the man, total man,
minus one thing that weare all err to, human sin.
And on that cross theywondered about this one.
He couldn't exhale his air,and at that particular moment
Jesus would look up into theheavens and they became dark.
He couldn't see the Father anymore.
He would rise, trying to exhalehis air in this condition.
They could hear him.
(inhales deeply)
Jesus would rise onthat fulcrum down below.
(inhales deeply)
(inhales sharply)
(inhales sharply)
"forgive them, for theyknow not what they do."
And in the ninth hour, eventhen he could have been tempted,
"Come down, Christ.
"You don't have to go through with his."
He would hear the adversary Satan
spoken about in Isaiah 14:14.
Jesus would rise again,
and then he knew the Father wasn't there.
And in his humanity he didn'tturn divinity on and off.
Jesus would look up and shout something
that they didn't quite understand.
(inhales deeply)
(speaking in foreign language)
"My God, my God,
(inhales sharply)
"why has thou forsaken me?"
And at the very end Jesus would say,
"But into thy hands
(inhales sharply)
"I commend my spirit."
And he would die.
But Jesus, as he promised,came back on the third day.
Not to be Jesus the crucified,
but Jesus Christ theking, as he said he would.
Raising Lazarus from thedead, healing a woman,
healing a blind man, nothing.
Jesus came back, and he saidhe would come back again,
a second time.
Are we living as if we whocall ourselves Christians,
as if we believe this?
That Jesus had to die this death
and the Father would lethim go as he did Ephraim.
"You are so bent on leavingme," he said in Josiah 10,
"that I must let you go."
Jesus the lamb took uponhimself all the sins of men
so that we would be free under grace.
If the world of art gives us nothing more
than to think about these matters,
it will have achieved its grandest goal.
- I want you to think about the fact
that Jesus Christ died for you.
He suffered, he bled,
he died, he was mocked, hewas reviled, he was beaten.
His continence did not evenlook like a human being
he was beaten up so badly.
He did it for you.
He did it for you.
And as we get closer toEaster in this holy week,
I wanted to tell everyonein this audience right now
Jesus died for you.
And I'll ask you now,would you like to know Him?
Would you tell Him you don't care?
Would you say, "That'stough luck old buddy.
"I'm sorry you had todie, but that's hard luck.
"I'm gonna live my lifethe way I want to"?
Or are you gonna say, "Yes,Lord, I want to receive you.
"I want you to come into my heart.
"I want you to live in me."
And the Lord said, "If you do that,
"I will come and I willmake my home with you,
"and the Father will come with me.
"And we will dine withyou, we will sup with you,
"and we will be your friends,
"and we will take youto everlasting life."
I want to ask you that rightnow in this special holy week,
if you want the Lord tocome and bring you new life,
and make you better, andto take you to heaven
when you pass on whenever that time comes,
all you do is pray with me right now.
So bow your head whereveryou are and pray these words.
Do it now, that's right.
Husband and wife, you canhold hands if you want to,
just bow your head.
Jesus, that's right, pray with me.
Pray silently, pray out loud.
Jesus, I thank you thatyou suffered for me,
and that you died for me,
and that you rose from the dead
and live forever more for me.
And so, right now Lord, I confess to you
that I'm a sinner.
I have not lived my life for you.
But Lord, right now in thistime of crisis in our world,
I want to know you.
I want to know you.
I want to know you, Lord.
So right now, I turn over my life to you
and I give you my life,
and I ask you come intomy heart, live in me,
and I will be yours from this time on.
Thank you Lord thatyou've heard my prayer,
and thank you that you'vecome into my heart.
If you prayed with me,I've got a little booklet
I want to give you,it's called "A New Day."
It's some good stuff in here.
But what do you do next?
What if you commit a sin?
What does it mean to be born again?
I'll give this to you.
It's got a CD in herethat's very important,
and a little booklet.
I'll give this to you free.
Just call in and say,"Look, I prayed with Pat,
"I gave my heart to the Lord."
It's a toll free number.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Call right now.
The angels are rejoicing overthat decision you just made.
The angels are rejoicingover that decision.
And right now, call atthis moment, it's free.
No money involved, just call.
If you don't want to leaveyour name that's fine,
if you do, we'll sendyou this little booklet.
Now, as I promisedbefore this program began
this is the time whenwe celebrate the time
when Jesus ate the LastSupper with his disciples
and as he gathered themtogether the Bible says that
after they had supped, Jesus took bread
and he broke it,
and he gave it to his disciples.
And he said, "This bread is my body,
"which is broken for you.
"This do as oft as you eat it."
Now, if you've broughtyour elements together
with you at home I wantyou to take them now,
and we break the bread.
This is the body of JesusChrist broken for you.
"This do as oft as you eatit in remembrance of me."
And the Bible says after they had supped
he also took a cup, and he says,
"This cup is the new covenant in my blood.
"This is the new covenant."
Not a covenant that hasto be sealed every year
by the shedding of the blood of bulls,
and goats, and turtle doves,
but the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A new covenant,
a new testament in theblood of Jesus Christ.
And he says, "This is my blood.
"Drink ye all of it."
And as oft as you eat thisbread and you drink this cup
you do show forth the Lord'sdeath so He come back again.
You see, Jesus is coming back again.
He left us, He rose toheaven, He's with the angels,
He's sitting at the righthand of the Father God,
but He's coming back to take this world
and to take the kingdom
that's gonna be given Him by His Father.
And the Holy Spirit is speaking to people
all over the world right now.
There's a great move,God, because many, many
millions of people arefinding Jesus Christ,
so He will come backand we just show forth
the Lord's death till He comes back again.
Well, today's Power Minuteis from the gospel of John.
Jesus said, "I am theresurrection and the life.
"He who believes in me, though he may die,
"yet shall he live.
"And whosever lives andbelieves in me shall never die."
And we say that,
and I ask that the Lordwill bless you richly.
Thank you for being with us.
And Terry, God bless you and thank you.
- Happy Easter to you, Pat.
- Yeah.
- He is risen.
- Happy Easter, dear.
And for all of you,
may the resurrection ofthe Lord have new meaning
in your life from this moment on.
We leave you today withthis beautiful song.
It's Demetria Stallingssinging, "Mighty Cross."
(piano playing)
♪ And on that day ♪
♪ When death surrendered ♪
♪ To the mighty cross of Jesus Christ ♪
♪ The earth would shake ♪
♪ Beneath the weight ♪
♪ Of darkened skies ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ And on His brow ♪
♪ A crown of sorrows ♪
♪ And for a king whoseweakness was our strength ♪
♪ No words He spoke ♪
♪ His love was shown ♪
♪ For all to see ♪
♪ And oh the cross of Jesus Christ ♪
♪ Is the reason I'm ♪
♪ I'm alive ♪
♪ For His blood ♪
♪ It's set me free ♪
♪ And it will neverlose its power for me ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ He will never lose ♪