An artist’s work comes to life after a divine inspiration on Good Friday. Plus, Body by Jake’s Jake Steinfeld shares how you can get moving without getting out of your home while all the fitness centers and gyms are closed.
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(uplifting music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up,America's Pastor Max Lucado.
Then, Body By Jake, how youcan get moving without getting
out of your own home.
Plus, a divine inspiration.
- It was a true miracle.
- [Wendy] Right on Good Friday.
- I'm supposed to sculpthe head of Christ tonight.
- [Wendy] One artist's work comes to life.
- I told him I am so sorry.
- On today's "700 Club."
(uplifting music)
- Welcome to the "700 Club."
A staggering death toll inthe Northeast yesterday.
More than 700 peopledied in New York alone.
Still some encouraging news,
social distancing measuresare flattening the curve
and there's new hopefor Americans struggling
to pay the bills.
What else is being doneto salvage the economy?
Caitlin Burke has that.
- It's been a deadly 24hours in the Northeast.
New York City's deathtoll rising past 4,000,
surpassing the number killedin the World Trade Centers
on 9/11 by 1,000.
- We have been behind onthis virus from day one.
And this virus has kicked our rear end.
And we underestimate thisvirus at our own peril,
we learned that lesson.
- [Caitlin] There aresome encouraging signs.
Data suggests social distancing is working
as hospitalizations continue to fall.
Still health experts tellCBN News it's important not
to end restrictions too soon.
- When we finally do hearthat we're past a peak,
if you will, depending onwhere you are in the country,
it's important not tojust rip the bandaid off
and go running out and resume our life
as it used to be, becausethat will just result
in those numbers goingright back up again.
- [Caitlin] Voters in WisconsinTuesday were trying to keep
a social distance asthey went to the polls.
The governor tried topostpone the election,
but the state supreme courtoverruled his decision.
- I'm a little bit angry that people are
even put in the position.
- [Caitlyn] Now there's new information
that African Americans are dying
from the virus at a higher rate,
because of underlying medical conditions.
- I expect that we willstill see the pattern
that when you look at the proportion
of people who get intoserious trouble and die,
again, it's gonna be disproportionate
towards the African Americans.
- The president pledgingadministration support
for the African Americancommunity to fight the problem.
On the economic front, WallStreet was down Tuesday
and oil hit hard as UScrude took a steep drop,
but there could be new hopefor the millions struggling
to pay their bills.
The government talkingabout a second round
of relief payments and Trump asking
for another $250 billionin payroll protection.
- So we are going to beproviding tremendous amounts
of money to the smallbusinesses of our country
who've been absolutely clobbered.
- [Caitlin] EconomistSteven Moore tells CBN News
if we don't reopen for business soon,
we could face a second great depression.
- If we continue to keep our economy
in the lockdown mode that it is in now
for another couple ofmonths, we are not going
to get out of this, there will be economic
catastrophic effects.
- The CDC now consideringa change to its guidelines
for people who have been exposedto someone with the virus.
They could now be allowed back on the job.
If they're asymptomatic, taketheir temperature twice a day
and wear a mask.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Caitlin, I wanna give youthis word from the Lord.
I think it may encourage all of us now.
We hear all this dire news,
but God is still in control.
This is from second Thessalonians 3:16,
"Now may the Lord of peacehimself give you peace
"at all times and in every way.
"The Lord be with all of you."
The lord of peace give you peace
and he's going to take charge on this
and this thing has notcaught God by surprise.
So we're going to have MaxLucado later on today tell us
about his word and Ibelieve the word of the Lord
is to all of us.
Take hope, God is is control
and he's going to beat this thing.
Well, in other news,a mental health crisis
is brewing in our nation.
Americans are struggling withthe stress of the pandemic
and the economic fallout.
John Jessup has more on that.
- That is right, Pat.
The number of Americans seeking help
for emotional distress is skyrocketing.
According to a division ofhealth in human services,
calls to the Disaster Distress Helpline
are up nearly 900% comparedto this time last year
with three times as manycalls since just last month.
Officials warn it will only worsen as
the economy remains shut down.
The government alreadyhas approved hundreds
of millions of dollars toincrease mental health services.
On Tuesday, the presidentsaid he's meeting with leaders
in the mental health field to learn
what more can be done.
Well, one move the administration has made
is loosening restrictions on telemedicine,
including visits withmental health professionals.
As Heather Sells explains,
that's good news for Americans
who need help finding feelingsof anxiety and isolation.
- [Heather] There's not a single American
who can escape the impact of COVID-19.
The result ranges frommanaging fear and isolation
to potentially dealing with the illness
and death associated with it.
This all effects our mentalhealth says counselor
and Assistant RegentProfessor Danny Holland.
- One of the things weknow is that predictability
and control are anchors that people have
in order to feel sense of wellness
and routine to their lives.
Those things have beendramatically impacted
for almost everybody.
So there's a loss of that control,
a loss of that abilityto look at their life
and know what's gonna happen next.
- [Heather] This can be tough for those
with relatively good mental health
and brutal for those already struggling.
The good news, governmentand professional associations
have relaxed restrictions to boost access
to online counseling.
The Trump administration isexpanding telehealth services
for Medicare and that includesproviders like therapists.
Holland is taking advantage of this move
and says while it can be difficult,
the benefits outweighthe challenges for most.
- People have a very similar experience
even though it can bea little more difficult
to get started and get used to.
But with the access increased,people can actually sit
in the environmentsthat they're having some
of the struggles in andthey can work through some
of the strong feelings, the thoughts
and the pains that they have right there
and be able to have thecounselor come right in into
that environment withthem and assist them.
- [Heather] In some regions,
groups are making onlinecounseling free to the public
during the pandemic and forcollege students displaced
from their campuses,free online counseling
from their schools isoften a great resource.
It's a sudden shift and asset
for the mental health communitythat's likely here to stay
even when COVID-19 isno longer top of mind.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Thanks, Heather, Pat, somany people in need of support.
- Well, you can get it, but look, folks.
If you watch the news, I mean,
I like ABC News, they do a great job,
but it's just scare, scare, scare, scare,
terrible, awful, the world'sgoing to hell on a ham basket,
it just goes on and on and on.
And if you watch that stuff all day long,
all you hear is dry,
dire for bowings about the future.
And the truth is most of peoplethat get this COVID thing
recover from it and there's only
a very small percentage whohave preexisting conditions
who are the ones who pass on
and it's a small, smallpercentage, but whatever.
God almighty is in control and it's time
that those of us who know the Lord,
not bunker down and worry, worry, worry.
The Bible says again, "Fear not, fear not,
"for I am with you.
"Fear not, for I am your God."
And I'll say it over and over again,
we should not fear, becausethe Lord is in control, John?
- Pat, a good word.
Meanwhile, health officialsagree life won't get back
to normal until there's avaccine for the COVID-19 virus.
That's why medical researchlabs around the world
are racing to develop oneincluding an Israeli laboratory
that says it's weeks away fromtesting a vaccine on humans.
The MIGAL ResearchInstitute has been working
on a vaccine for poultrycoronavirus since 2016
and it's discoveredit's genetically related
to the human coronavirus.
That makes it more likelythat they can produce
a human vaccine in ashorter period of time.
Testing on humans couldbegin as early as June 1st,
but it could be more than a year before
a vaccine is ready for mass production.
Well, the Jewish holy dayof Passover begins today.
Jews in Israel and aroundthe world will gather
for a festive mealthat's called the Seder.
But as CBN's Chris Mitchell tells us,
with Israel under coronavirus lockdown,
this year's celebration will look
and feel much different.
- [Chris] It's usually a bigmulti-generational celebration.
Family and friends gathertogether for a meal
and recount the Exodusstory of how God delivered
the Jews from slavery in Egypt.
- Passover is a memorialand it's remembrance
of God's act of redemption on behalf
of the Jewish people tobring them out of slavery,
bring them into thepromise land in fulfillment
of his promises to Abraham, infulfillment of his covenant.
- [Chris] This year will bedifferent as the world deals
with this real-lifeplague known as COVID-19.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] A smallSeder is a safe Seder.
This year more than ever we will adopt
the Passover festival ofour forefathers in Egypt,
Passover in houses.
- [Chris] In Israel, only people living
in the same house are allowed to sit down
for the Seder together,so many will be alone.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] This year on the holiday,
people will be separated from one another.
It's a holiday that will be the opposite,
but it also teaches us that
the holy one also loveseach one individually.
- We're gonna be huddledtogether in our homes
in isolation, socially distancedfrom the world around us
just like they were in the time
of the Exodus from Egypt.
- [Chris] That prompted rabbis
to ease decades-old rules forbidding use
of electricity on the sabbath and holidays
in order to allow orthodox families
to enjoy Seders via Zoom.
- We got grandpa, grandma by herself
when she should be with her children
or grandchildren, evenin my mother's case,
in my parent's case,
their great-grandchildren.
So because of the fear that it could
be very dangerous psychologicallyand physically in people,
the stress could kill you.
- [Chris] Other rabbinicalrulings have also been changed.
Like burning a last bit of chametz
or leaven outside just hoursbefore the holiday begins.
- I remember, I've beenhere in the Gulf War,
I remember you had to walk out
with your gas masks, similar thing.
And if the siren wentoff, you ran for cover,
but life went on.
This is unlike anything.
Everything is just shut down,
- [Chris] In the biblical account,
shown here in CBN's"Superbook" for children,
the plagues are listed:
blood, frogs, lice, cattle disease,
pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness
- No!
- [Chris] And death of the first born.
- Every plague actually is dismantling
of one of the Gods of Egypt.
- [Chris] What saved the Jewish people
from the last plague was putting the blood
of a spotless, sacrificed lamb
on the lentils anddoorpost of their homes.
- In Exodus chapter 12we see the final plague
where God says to theJewish people, he says,
"Go into your homes, isolate yourself,
"do not leave your house,
"because there's something bad outside."
- [Chris] Boaz Michaelfrom First Fruits of Zion
sees similarities to this today.
- We're now being told thatwe have to stay in our homes,
because there's something essentially bad
that will harm us outside.
- [Chris] Near thebeginning of every Seder
the youngest child traditionallysings the question:
(speaking in foreign language)
what's different about this night?
No doubt, this year'sanswer will be remembered
as very different for years to come.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thank you, Chris, well, restrictions due
to the COVID-19 virusare effecting many events
in Israel this holy week, but CBN viewers
can still take part inone Easter tradition.
This Sunday, April 12th joinus for a special Easter service
from the Garden Tomb in Israel.
CBN and the Garden TombAssociation are working together
to remind us of the angel's message
that Easter morning 2,000 years ago,
"He is not here, he isrisen from the dead."
Visit formore information about when,
where and how to watch theGarden Tomb Easter Service.
It airs Sunday at 06:00 a.m., Eastern Time
with repeat showings throughout the day.
You can also watch theGarden Tomb Easter Service
on the CBN News channeland the CBN Family App.
And, Pat, not a pandemic, not a virus
will stop people fromcelebrating this Easter Sunday.
- I wanted to say something else.
On this program tomorrow, we're gonna have
the immortal head of Christ,
that is done so beautifully,
where we look at the head of Christ
and then we're going to takecommunion on this program
for all of you.
So, I would advise you,
if you use grape juice,fine, if you want wine, fine,
whatever, have some bread or matzos
or whatever you like to useand we will share communion
with you on this program.
And so you can, Maundy Thursday is the day
of Passover that the Lordcelebrated before his crucifixion,
so we're gonna have the fabuloushead of Christ shown again
and that's tomorrow, so keep that in mind
and get ready for it andshare communion with us
and we'll have ittogether on this program.
Well, joining us now viaSkype is a dear friend
of this program, America'sPastor Max Lucado.
He's the author of more than 100 books
include a book called,"Anxious for Nothing,"
"We'll Get Through This,"
and then one called "Unshakeable Hope."
Max, thank you so muchfor being with us today.
It's great to see you.
Tell us about that book.- It's great to see you.
- Called "Anxious forNothing," what's it about?
- Well, "Anxious for Nothing," by the way,
thanks for letting me be on the program
and God bless you, God bless you.
"Anxious for Nothing" is obviously based
on that passage inPhilippians chapter four
in which Paul says, "Beanxious for nothing,
"but in everything by prayerand petition with Thanksgiving,
"let all your requestsbe made known to God."
And these are anxious times, anxious times
and I think that passage of scripture is
to these anxious timesa perfect prescription
for how to manage the anxiety
that so many people are facing.
- Maxi, you've been saying,"Do it again, Lord."
What do you want him to do again?
- Well, we want him to deliver us just
as he has delivered us throughout history.
He is so faithful, he is so faithful
and we're not seeing anythingnow that our heavenly father
hasn't used for good, hasn'tused to deliver his people.
You make a list of all timeshe's delivered people like
through Joseph and the famine,
from 70 years of Babyloniancaptivity for the Hebrews.
Our Lord Jesus placed inthe tomb was delivered,
raised by the HolySpirit and sits right now
at the right hand of God.
So we have every confidencethat our great God
is able to deliver uscorporately as a church
and then personally.
And faith is what matters now,
just trusting that he'sgonna get us through this.
- Max, you mentioned feeding your faith,
how do people do that?
- Yeah, feeding our faith.
Everybody, you mentioned it earlier, Pat,
in this broadcast, arewe feeding our faith
or are we feeding our fears?
If all we do is listento the news broadcast,
then we're gonna feed our fears.
But let me read from Psalm91, here's feeding your faith,
"God will shield you with his wings,
"he will shelter you with his feathers.
"Do not be afraid of the terror by night,
"nor dread the plague thatstalks in the darkness,
"nor the disaster thatstrikes at midnight."
We don't have to be afraid.
I know it's a frighteningtime, but let's lean in
to our faith in the almighty God.
He will protect us andhe'll get us through this.
- Do you think any of this stuff is coming
from the Lord or this somethingthat exists in nature?
- Well, I think we livein a fallen world, Pat.
I do think that our sovereign God
oversees everything, everything.
And sometimes there areoccasions that he permits
issues and struggles and
the world is out of balance,the creation is crying out.
But when we get to heavenin the new kingdom,
there will be no virus,there'll be no sin,
but between now and thenthere will be earthquakes,
there will be hurricanes,there will be sickness
and there will be viruses.
We should not be surprised.
These are opportunitiesfor us to be reminded
that the world is not asit was intended to be,
but our heavenly father isgoing to redeem this world
and reclaim every squareinch and reclaim every child
and son and daughter of God.
And to that day we look,but until that we pray
and we trust.
- What about your Good Friday service?
You're teaming up Max Tomlin, I believe,
Chris Tomlin, excuse me,for a Good Friday special.
Well, what is that gonna be?
- Yeah, yeah, Chris and Ihad this plan for years.
Every year we meet at,
well, every year for thelast four years we've hosted
a Good Friday serviceat the Bridgestone Arena
in Nashville, Tennessee.
Well, obviously they had to cancel.
TBN was kind enough to step in
and now what was gonna be abroadcast of 15,000 people,
is gonna go out to 32 nations.
And so really it's a perfect example
of Romans 8:28, "That allthings work together for good."
So we've got all people to join in
on a Good Friday service onTBN this coming Friday night
or Good Friday evening.
- Well, Max, thank you somuch for being with us.
God bless you, you're a terrific friend
and wonderful server of the Lord.
Thank you so much, Max Lucado,
God bless you.- Thank you, my friend.
God bless you.
- Well, Max has had, by theway, courses on his website.
You can sign up for some of them,
- He's always the voice of calm.
- He's terrific and 100 books, I mean,
he's the most popular also out there.
He just keeps cranking them out.
Amazing guy and a wonderful friend.
- So I know people might wanna know
what happened to your thumb, Pat.
- Have I gotta talk about that?
- [Wendy] Because, well, youshowed it, you showed it, yep.
- Yesterday was my workout day
and I was up in the gym working out
and I took a big dumbbelland I was balancing
on a chair to get it up and over
and it slipped and itcame down on my thumb.
And it took a little part onto the nail,
it it took a pretty goodhunk out of my flesh.
- Well, there's a lot of blood on there,
so I probably shouldn't.
(Pat laughs)(Wendy laughs)
- I didn't mean that,for showing. (laughs)
- But you're fine andyou were just working out
and it was just a gym injury.
- It's a gym industry and
if stayed on a TotalGym I'd have been fine.
I went ahead, it was bleeding like crazy
and I went ahead andfinished what I was doing
and I was doing some pushups and
over the head.- You're amazing.
In the gym at 90, all right.
- At 90, you keep going,but you don't drop dumbbells
on your fingers if youain't helping, okay?
- Well, coming up, stay inshape while staying at home.
Get ready for Body By Jake'shome fitness challenge.
Plus, a passion project.
Why did this sculpturebring an artist to tears.
You'll see later on today's show.
(inspirational music)
(upbeat lively music)
- No gym?
No problem, the pandemic may have
closed the health clubs, butthat doesn't mean you can't get
any good workout.
Whatever you do, don't hurt yourself.
Use a Total Gym, but Body By Jake,
our good friend, Jake Steinfeldis joining us via Skype.
Jake, what are you doing with your family
and by the way, good tosee you again, friend,
it's been a while, how are ya?
- Pat, it's great to see you, brother.
I'm so glad to be on the show, man,
we go back a very long way, man.
- And we sure do, it's great to see you.
Well, look, you're still
pumping iron and doing allthe things you're doing,
but what are the workoutsthat an average person
can do around the house?
- Well, listen, first of all,
we're living in some crazy times right now
and the most important thingis you guys always talk about,
is faith, but also too,
people have a lot of anxiety right now,
a lot of stress.
So what I decided to do,
I'm not a social media guy, but now
I'm a part of this worldat Official Body By Jake
on Instagram and what Idecided to do was just
do what I've always done back in the day
and you remember, just exercising at home
with things around the house.
You don't need weights,if you have a broomstick,
a towel, a chair,
two cans of mama's tomato paste,
you can get in a niceworkout and most importantly,
it's a simple thing:
breathing, relaxing, get the body moving.
Pat, you know this.
You get those endorphins going, you start
to feel better about yourself.
You stand up a little bit straighter,
you smile, we're all gonnaget through this together.
You know that, I know that.
- Well, Jake, how longshould a workout last
and see it effecting?
- Well, I'll tell you what,
in these times, they're different.
So, as long as you're in your home,
your apartment or condo,maybe you're by yourself,
just to get the bodymoving a couple of minutes.
When we get back to normal,
15, 20, as you know, ifyou can get 30 minutes
of nice exercise in, that's awesome.
But right now, what we'redoing at Official Body By Jake
are these simple one,
one and a half minute little movements,
little exercises to get your body moving,
to get you feeling good.
So, you get away from thefeeling of discouragement,
the feeling that I can't.
We're gonna change thosewords I can't to I can.
And, Pat, and you know,we go back a long way.
We always talk about not quitting,
don't quit, that's what we're all about.
- Jake, what about cardio?
You can't get out and run on a track
or you maybe you can't bike outdoors,
how do they get some kind of cardio?
- Well, you know what, sometimesit's some jumping Jakes
or you're jogging in place in the house.
Simple things, once again,
remember where we are,everyone is kinda confined
to their homes or apartments,
so we wanna just get the body moving,
get the blood flowing.
And those are the different things
that we want you to do.
If you can get out and walka little bit, fantastic,
get that going, but don'tmake yourself crazy right now
with having to put a lot of time in.
As long as you can get yourbody moving and like we said,
at official Body By Jake,we're doing this for you
and obviously you know I love you, Pat
and this gang at the 700 Club
and that's why I wantedto come on this morning
and let everybody know thatyou're a part of the family.
- Well, you are too, Jake.
It's good to be with you.
You did "Big Brother Jake," I mean,
we had a soap opera or something,
Jake was the star, you remember that?
We have a lot of fun.
- Pat, we had so much fun together.
Do you remember, well,
I was with you from 1989 to 1995
and your great-son Tim andhis beautiful wife Lisa
and the family and the kids.
We've had so many great times together
and you have been such a great friend
and a great supporter of mine
and I'll never forget it
and I'll always appreciate you, Pat.
- You too, buddy.
And I say to everybody, stay well,
but I know you're staying well.
And you saw what I did,I use the Total Gym a lot
and I really do a heavy workout including,
yesterday I did my thumb andI dropped a weight on it,
but I do about 20 squats and I do about,
I don't know, 15 to 20
lifts, I mean, I do all kinds of stuff.
But I've got a home gym.- I know you do, listen.
Yeah, but I'm telling you,
you're 90, you look likeyou're about 60 years old,
but that's the beautifulthing about exercise
and you and I could talkfor two hours on this.
When you're exercising, you just feel good
and especially if youhave stress and tension
and anxiety as so many of us do today.
And that's why, and I'm sure on the screen
it says Official Body By Jake,
but I want you to join us, it's simple
and by the way, it'sfree because of you, Pat,
that's why I'm doing this.
(Pat laughs)
Well, God bless you, old buddy.
Thank you so much, Jake Steinfeld.
You can get more great quarantine workouts
by following Jake on Instagram.
Username is Official Body By Jake.
Jake Steinfeld, he's adear friend for years.
- Those were great picturesfrom back in the day, wow.
- We did all kinds ofstuff, I mean, you name it.
'Cause I was lifting some, in those days,
I had some really heavy weights.
I warmed up with my legs in 500 pounds,
then went up to about 30reps with 1,000 pounds
and but was my leg lifts,but no longer, no longer.
- But you can still get,I was out biking yesterday
and it was a gorgeous dayhere on Virginia Beach
and lots of people outwalking, lots of people biking,
walking their dogs.
Now though, you've seen a lotof people with the mask on
while they're walking or biking.
I had a bandana on,
but then I'm like gasping for air,
then I take it down, put it back on.
- If you keep the distance from everybody,
they're not crowded, think about New York,
I couldn't believe howmany people in the subways
are jammed in there likesardines and it's small wonder
that stuff is growing,
but nevertheless, God is on the throne.
Fear not and one of the things,
you need sleep and youneed freedom from tension
and Jake is showing you one way to do it,
so do a little workout,
just little stuff.
But whatever you do, don'tdrop weights on your thumb.
(Wendy laughs)
- That's quite a bandage,a very impressive bandage.
All right, well, up next,face to face with Christ.
One artists says it was likeher sculpture came to life.
What did she say to Jesus?
Find out, next.
(inspirational music)
(upbeat lively music)
A true miracle, that'show Morgan Elser describes
what happened on Good Friday 2014.
She'd been asked to create artwork
during her church's serviceand when she did just that,
she found herself staringinto the eyes of Christ.
- [Reporter] Morgan Elser isa talented artist and sculptor
who loves to combine hercreativity with her faith.
Two weeks before Easter,her pastor asked her
to do a piece of performance art during
the Good Friday service.
- He wanted me to paint thehead of Christ on canvas.
And I said, "Okay, I'll try."
And he sent me a videoof a wonderful artist.
And I kept trying topaint this head of Christ,
my own version of it and itjust wasn't coming at all.
- [Reporter] After working three days,
Morgan never feltcomfortable with the results,
so she decided she wouldtry a different approach.
So I started doing the relief sculpture
of the head of Christand I didn't like it,
but that's all that wascoming out of my hands.
And I thought, you know,
this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing,
but I was getting no other inspiration.
It was very, very stressful.
- [Reporter] Morgan continued to pray.
But when Good Friday dawnedshe still didn't feel settled
about her plan for the performance.
Then her husband calledher upstairs to show her
an episode of the "700Club" where Gil Amelio
was sculpting the head of Christ.
- I kind of just stoodthere, I was mesmerized
and I told my husband, I said,
"I'm supposed to sculpt thehead of Christ tonight."
- [Reporter] That evening at the service,
Morgan took her place and got to work
as the shapeless lumpof clay came to life.
(gentle music)
- They were doing a beautiful reading
of the crucifixion of Christ
and the lights went lowand I started sculpting.
My hands were working,
his face was emerging
and I didn't know anything elsethat was going on around me,
it was just me and Christ.
And I started working on his eyes
and it was like he just spoke to me,
it's like he came to life.
Started crying and I was shaking so badly.
It was just so devastating to
have him right there in front of me
and experience this pain and sorrow
that he had suffered for us.
But feeling that closenessand feeling like you
could hear him breatheright there laboring.
And I needed to put thecrown of horns on him
and I didn't want to, because I knew
it would just cause him more pain,
but I knew for the story tofinished, it had to be done.
And I took the crown of thorns
and I shoved it down on his head
and I told him, "I am so sorry."
- [Reporter] Morgan saysthere's another reason creating
the sculpture was a miraculous experience.
It usually takes me six toseven months to create a bust
and this was minutes.
This piece coming out ofmy hands at 45 minutes
was a true miracle.
- [Reporter] Today the bust ison display in Morgan's studio
and she loves to tell people
about her personal experience with Jesus.
- I think it made Jesus more real to me,
because it was such a personal interaction
and then just realizing thathe's still working miracles.
I never could've imagineddoing the head of Christ.
I never could've imagined being so moved
with a piece of art.
Following Jesus is anamazing, amazing adventure.
He can use just ordinary peopleto do extraordinary things
for his purpose and his glory.
- Wow, incredible that shedid that in 45 minutes,
that is a true miracle.
Well, you can see that story
and the story that inspired Morgan
on tomorrow's "700 Club."
It's one of our favorites here at CBN,
we run it every year.
Gil Amelio's epic sculpting,the passion highlights
the Maundy Thursdayaddition of our program.
- And before we get on, please remember,
we're gonna have communionwith you with us together.
If you have some bread, matzos,
whatever you use, grapejuice, wine, whatever,
have it ready and we're goingto have communion together
all across the nation, around the world,
wherever this program goes,we'll share it together
and we don't have to worryabout social distancing,
because there we are,(laughs) so it will be
a wonderful experience for all us.
- There's still power in the blood
and we need to remember the blood more
than ever right now.
Well, still ahead, yourfavorite part of the program.
Pat takes on the issuesthat matter to you.
Jason says, "I know severalpeople that firmly believe
"that you go nowhere when you die,
"what would you say to them?"
Stay tuned for yourquestions, honest answers,
later on today's show.
(inspirational music)
(uplifting music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN Newsbreak.
A change of top leadership at the Navy,
Navy veteran James McPherson currently
under secretary of the army
will replace acting NavySecretary Thomas Modly.
Modly stepped down Tuesdayafter criticism following
his profanity-laced attack onboard
the nuclear aircraft carrierUSS Theodore Roosevelt
after Modly relieved the captain following
a letter that went public.
That letter called on the Navy
to let him evacuate personnel.
The president called Modly'sresignation unselfish.
Well, a federal appealscourt ruled that Texas
can ban most proceduresincluding abortions
to fight a public health pandemic.
Governor Greg Abbott last month
banned non-essential medical procedures
so all resources could go
towards treating COVID-19 patients.
Attorneys for state abortion clinics sued
to overturn the order,
but a federal appeals court upheld it.
Circuit Judge Kyle Duncanwriting the majority
of opinions said, quote,"All constitutional rights
"may reasonably be restricted to combat
"a public health emergency."
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website
Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of the "700 Club"
right after this.
(uplifting music)
(inspirational music)
- Welcome back to the "700 Club."
Guana works hard forher family, she has to.
Her husband died, now she'sraising her two grandsons alone.
Still no matter how hard she works,
there are still dayswhere she goes hungry.
- [Reporter] Guana is raisingher two grandsons alone
in a remote community near Iquitos, Peru.
The children's motherleft them to work in Lima
more than 600 miles away,she has not returned.
This is five-year old Brian.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Brian Translator] I lovemy grandma because she's
our mum now.
She takes care of us.
- [Reporter] Guana is a widow.
After her husband died she took over
the family business making clay pots.
- [Brian's Translator] Shedoesn't sell many of them.
- [Guana's Translator]I always pray to God
to meet our needs.
I walk the street selling my pots.
I will work hard as long as God allows me.
- [Brian's Translator]Sometimes we don't have money
to buy anything to eat, so we went hungry.
That's when my grandma gets sad.
- [Guana's Translator]Sometimes we only had
a little rice to eat.
I don't eat some days sothe kids have something.
Sometimes people from church share food
and groceries with us.
- [Reporter] Making pots hasbeen especially challenging
for Guana, because she lackedtools and a proper kiln.
- [Guana's Translator]Many times the heat was bad
and sadly I lost pieces.
- [Reporter] When OperationBlessing met Guana,
we offered to help herexpand her pottery business
by giving her everything neededto make and display her pots
including this new kilnthat we built for her.
- [Guana's Translator]When they arrived with all
the new things I didn't know what to say,
so I hugged them.
- [Reporter] We alsotaught Guana how to produce
more attractive pottery.
With tourists coming to thearea, Guana's pots stand out
and people are buying from her.
- [Brian's Translator] I am happy,
because we are selling many pots now
and we eat good food, because grandma
has many for chicken, rice and plantains.
Thank you to everyonewho helped my grandma.
(inspirational music)
- Imagine not having enough to eat and
then if you do havesome food you can't eat,
because the kids have to eat.
Well, if you're a CBNpartner, you stepped in
to that situation and nowthey're having chicken
and rice and plantains and she'sselling those gorgeous pots
and it's all becauseyou made a difference.
You went to your phones and you said,
"I wanna help hurtingpeople all over the world."
The number's on your screen
if you wanna do thatright now, 1-800-700-7000.
You can log on to to help as well.
We're helping people all over the world
and when you partnerwith us just $20 a month,
65 cents a day, you make adifference in people's lives.
Well, we wanna make adifference in your life
by sending you Pat's latest book
called "Ten Laws for Success:
"Keys to Win in Work,Family and Finances."
This is our gift to youwhen you join the 700 Club
and also something really special,
we're gonna give you twochapters of Pat's new book.
It comes out in early May.
It's called, "I Have WalkedWith the Living God."
This is Pat's latest bookand maybe his greatest,
I'm not sure what he'llhave to say about that.
- It'll be a legacy inhere one way or the other.
- Absolutely, so we'regonna give you that plus
"Ten Laws for Success"which is absolutely amazing.
Well, still to come, right?
- I've got some answers, are you ready?
- Oh, well, we go right into that.
- I think we, are we, yeah.- Sorry. (laughs)
- This is Pannah in Minnetonka, Minnesota,
she said, "Will eatingthis food result in pain?"
This went on for five years.
Watching this program,Wendy you said, "Somebody
"is having problems with their stomach.
"Lay your hands on yourstomach and you will feel
"the healing power of God.
"The pain is leaving."
And Pannah did what Wendy said.
She has no pain, she caneat whatever she wants to.
Ain't that great?- Here's another one.
Mary of Nashville, Tennessee is 85,
she developed a lingeringcough and was worried
it might be the coronavirus.
While watching the "700Club" on March 17th,
she heard you give a wordof knowledge, Pat, saying,
"Someone, you've had acondition which is congestion
"in your lungs and it's not coronvirus,
"I believe the name is Mary.
"I want you to cough nowand blow out all the air
"in your lungs, breathe deeplyand then your lungs will
"be completely healed."
By faith, Mary did just that
and her cough completely disappeared.
- Marvelous, I didn't know Mary would,
God knows Mary.
Now, look, folks, thisis a date of prayer.
God is moving all over the world.
And Wendy and I are gonnajoin hands together,
we're gonna believe Godand we're gonna believe God
for you, so let's do it together.
Father, in Jesus' name, we thank you
for these actions of prayer,we thank you for the anointing
of the Holy Spirit.
We thank you for the power of God.
- Thank you, God.
- Eric, you've got a neck problem,
just touch that neck.
Your muscle just kinda popped out,
touch it and it'll becompletely healed, Wendy?
- There's an elderly lady,you're in your home all alone,
you can't have any visitors right now
because of the pandemic.
And you're just experiencing all kind,
it's not coronavirus,but you just feel ill,
you just feel sick allover, your body aches.
And God is touching you right now
and that pain, whether it'sarthritis, whatever it is,
it's leaving right now,God's hearing your cry
and he's with you eventhough you're alone,
God is with you right there in your house.
- There's a eye-strain,Louis, I believe it is,
you're having trouble reading.
Your glasses aren't working properly
and you've got eye strain,you've got headaches
because of it.
Touch your hand on your eyes
and let's believe God, touch,
in Jesus' name, Wendy?
- Thank you, Lord,father, I just thank you
for everyone who's cryingout to you right now
that's fearful about this coronavirus.
So many people,
Lord, are afraid to go out of the house,
even afraid to go to the grocery.
Lord, remind them again today
that you love them and that you say,
"Do not fear" and also thepower of the blood of Jesus
as we go into Passover.
- We bind the spirit offear in the name of Jesus.
You are set free from this moment on.
Fear not, amen.- Amen.
- Where you are, please give us a call.
We'd love to hear from you.
If you have an answer, tell us about it.
If you need a prayer, you need prayer,
somebody's on the phone right now,
they'll pray with you, no problem.
We're not separated
by distance, because the Lord is here.
And if you want prayer,just pick up the telephone,
call in, Wendy?
- Right, still to come, yourquestions, honest answers.
Nancy wants to know,"What happens to the earth
"after Jesus returns?
"I've heard something abouta new heaven and earth,
"what can you tell me about that?"
Pat weighs in on that andmore, so don't go away.
(upbeat lively music)
(inspirational music)
All right, it's time for yourquestions, honest answers.
We'll start with this question from Jason,
he says, "I know severalpeople that firmly believe
"that you go nowhere when you die,
"because God doesn't exist in their lives.
"And as Christians we allknow that that's not true.
"So, how do you approach these people,
"what would you say to those, Pat,
"that are saying there's no heaven?"
- I would say this and I wouldn't,
you don't argue with people like that.
But just say this one thing,
it is appointed unto man once to die
and after that the judgment.
And they'll say, but I don'tbelieve in all that junk.
It is appointed unto a man once to die
and after that the judgment.
But you don't understand,it's appointed unto man
once to die and after that the judgment.
That's gonna get into their minds
and before long you watch what happens.
- Wow, that's a powerful scripture.
Nancy says, "What happens to the earth
"after Jesus returns?
"I've heard something abouta new heaven and earth,
"what can you tell me about that?"
- Well, I think God said he'sgonna make all things new
and he said the earth is gonnadissolve with fervent heat
and there'll be a newheaven and new earth,
we're gonna glow with righteousness.
God's gonna create everything new
and the heavens, theearth is going to be new.
But we also see a new Jerusalemcoming down from heaven
onto the earth, a new Jerusalem and so,
we got a little bit of a mixed message,
but just please know that it's going to be
a fabulous new creationand there's a lot in there,
but melting with fervent heat.
And if the sun becomes a supernova
and all of a sudden explodes,
this earth is gonna be bye-bye.
- Bye-bye, yeah.- Bye-bye and if that happens,
the scripture will befulfilled very literally.
- So who will be thepeople that will inhabit
the new earth if everything gets blown up?
- It'll be those of us whoserve the Lord and we'll
be spiritual beings, we'lllive in a new heaven,
a new earth.
And Jesus said to the thief on the cross,
"This day you'll be withme in paradise soon."
We may have some questions souls sleeping,
what about intermediate?
There's nothing in theBible about purgatory.
Jesus said, "This day you'llbe with me in paradise."
- I love that scripture.- This day.
- So comforting, okay.
Linda says, "Hello, Pat,I'd like to know about
"the national debt.
"Who do we owe all that money to
"and what do we get for it?"
Well, we sorta owe itourselves in the sense,
but at the same time, we owe it
to nations all over the world.
The dollar is the
preferred reserved currency in the world.
And as long as it's outthere, we can print all
the money we want to.
The Federal Reserve has got unlimited,
unlimited printing power.
Look at your dollar andtake and have a look
and read it.
Does it say gold, it can beexchange for gold and silver?
No, it used to say silver certificate,
now it says Federal Reserve notes,
so you take the Federal Reserve note
and you say I want another one,
you get another Federal Reserve note.
So it's all the creditof the Federal Reserve
and at this thing, they'reprinting about $5 trillion,
four trillion at leastand backing up the banks,
but where does that debt go?
Ultimately it's gonna have to paid back
by our children and we are settling them
with unconscionable debtsand it's gonna be tragic
when that thing explodes, butit's a good question, okay.
- All right, Carol says,"Hi, Pat, my ex husband
"and I have reconciled.
"If we get remarried I willlose my health insurance
"and I have lots of health issues.
"Is it a sin to have sexualrelations with my ex husband?"
- I don't think it is, but look,
what's more important?
Your health benefits oryour relationship with God?
I think you ought to get remarried
and get on with life.
If you want to rejoin yourhusband, that's cool, but.
- [Wendy] And trust God, right?
- And trust God, that's right.
And surely along theway, one of you can find
a job where you get health benefits.
- Amen, Anna writes,"I had plastic surgery
"for cosmetic reasons to make me happier,
"but it didn't make me happier.
"I've asked God forforgiveness after my procedure,
"but I still feel guilty for ruining
"the body he gave me.
"Is plastic surgery a sin?"
No, I don't think, I think,
some of these people are just crazy.
They keep on gettingcut, cut, cut, cut, cut
and pumped out and injected and so forth,
but that will not make you happy.
But the fact is with ayouth oriented culture,
the fact that some older person wants
to take some of the wrinkles out,
they used to call it a facelift, I mean,
your muscles start tosag and so people think
that a little bit of a tuck or something.
I see nothing wrong with that any more
than I see it's wrong to wear lipstick
or put makeup on, Imean, it's an appearance
and if it'll make youfeel good about yourself,
it cost about 10 grandto get it done and so.
But I sure wouldn't go aroundfeeling guilty about it.
- Right, Lisa writes, "Dear Pat,
"I want to tithe, but I had to quit my job
"to take care of my two grandsons,
"so I do not have any income.
"My husband's job is theonly source of income
"and he doesn't believe in tithing.
"How do I receive financial blessing
"if I have no income to tithe?"
- Well, you can give what you don't have
and it's not accordingto what you do have,
it's what you don't, Imean, what you don't have,
it's what you do have.
But you'd be amazed at sources of income.
You can be at home and you can be
a telemarketer, you can incomefrom all sorts of things.
- Or maybe could she tithe like
by baking a pie and giving it away?
Would that be a tithe?
- Not really. (laughs)
- I'm just trying to think out
of the box.- You can make a pie
and sell it and give a 10th of it away.
Look, maybe you've got grocery money,
maybe you have an allowance.
Most wives in a situationlike you're talking about have
an allowance, it's better to just take
a part of it and give it away.
Your husband is blocking ablessing to both of you and
see if God can't give you some money,
there are many sources ofmoney in today's world.
See what you can do and then,
but God will bless you onaccount of what you want to do
and not what you can't do.
We'll leave you with ourPower Minute from John,
"I'm leaving you with a gift,peace of mind and heart.
"And the peace I give is a gift
"the world cannot give.
"So don't be troubled or afraid."
Again, the word of the Lord.
Well, tomorrow we've got our good friend,
Franklin Graham is joiningus on Maundy Thursday.
Plus, we'll be sharing communion with you
and Gil Amelio's classicsculpture, the head of Christ.
You don't wanna miss it,we'll see you then, bye-bye.
(gentle music)