- Welcome back to "Prayer Link."
Chuck Pierce is one ofthe major prophetic voices
in the world today and is especially known
for delivering accuratewords about the times
and seasons that we're in.
- That's right.
Chuck Pierce with Glory of Zion Ministries
joins us now from Skype from Texas.
Welcome to "Prayer Link," Chuck.
- Gosh, I wish I wasthere with you, girls.
- Social distancing. (laughing)
We wish you were here too.
Chuck, you startedprophesying last September
about what we're going through right now.
You said, quote,
"plague-like conditionswould hit the Earth.
"February, March andApril would be hellish."
Very accurate.
Certainly we're living in these days
but you also said that Godspoke to you about Passover,
which begins April 8th.
What did God say would happen at Passover?
- Well this is our Passoverweek and Wendy, it's very key,
every August we get togetherhere as a prophetic team
and seek the Lord over whathe's saying for the year ahead.
We always start at Rosh Hashanah.
So this year in August,
the Lord all of a sudden,
when we were studyingwhat we saw Biblically,
the Spirit of God just fell and said,
"This Passover will be a Passover."
And so because of that, we started
looking very carefully and watching.
And what I saw is at Passover this year,
after this virus,
after this plague-likecondition was raging,
which I really agree withwhat Dr. Covert was saying,
that we would start turning
if we would participate in Passover.
Now, Passover starts tonight at,
I mean, Wednesday night at 6 pm for us
and it goes eight days, so to speak.
Now what we wanna do iswatch the turns that occur
in this plague-like condition after that.
Then we have to remember,there's a 40 day period
that God intended forthem to press on through
and come in to their,
enter into their promises.
So I believe the next40 days after Passover
is a pressing forth time for God's people
and if we press, if wegrab hold of this Passover,
the power of His blood, we will cross over
into new levels of promise.
- And Chuck, you said Godsaid that this would be
the year that we would really have
to understand Passover as Christians.
Elaborate on that for us.
- We have lost the concept of the blood.
Now, we've been doingPassover for a long time here
because of an understanding that God said
this was an ordnance thatneeded to be accomplished
throughout the ages, in other words.
And so I never really saw the pattern
for what we call Easter and knowing
as much as I know worldwide,
and traveling as muchas I travel worldwide,
the roots of Easter aren't the same
as the roots of Passover.
We made it that in the modern day church
starting with Constantine butthis Passover is important
because we have to understandthe power of the blood.
Now notice what's happening here.
God is making us do this Passover
the way He did the original Passover.
We're having to go insideour homes, shut the door,
our inside confinement, likeHe did the original Passover,
and really He's forcing us to recognize
the power of His blood.
- Chuck, do you think it'sgonna work the same way
for us as it did with the Israelites?
I mean, obviously, we'renot gonna put real blood
on our doorposts but alot of us are inside.
We're taking communion every day.
We're declaring the blood overourselves and our loved ones.
Is that what we should be doing right now?
- That's the grace we have, Wendy.
I don't think, no, we're not gonna do
all the legalistic things.
Robert Heidler is goingto, Wednesday night,
we always have a big Passover gathering.
Sometimes it's been as many as10,000 people involved in it.
This year it will be all web-driven
and it will go to probably 180 nations.
And Robert will do a Passover Seder
so that people see what it looks like,
but we don't have the,we have a grace that we
don't have to do all that.
What we do have to dois recognize the power
that the Lord Jesus Christ, by his Spirit,
left us and like Hebrew says,
His Spirit is flowing through our blood.
His blood is actually activating in us.
This year like neverbefore, what I'm praying is
that God's people, their spiritgets activated in a new way.
A renewal of the spiritual aspect
of who He is and who we areand the union we have with Him
comes into a whole new baptism.
So I really think what youare doing by taking communion
because the Lord said,
"Always remember me and take communion."
I think that's exactly whatthe Lord's looking for.
- Amen.
Well Chuck, you recall theIsraelites, as you mentioned,
passed over but still had 40 days
to press through into their promise,
but their promise was delayed 40 years
because of many problems
but you say that that won'tbe the case this time.
- I don't think.
I think we're, there'san awakening going on.
In the midst of this judgment-like thing
that is happening worldwide,
there is an awakening goingon in the body of Christ
this year that I believewe've been praying for.
Dutch Sheets and I wentto 22 regions last year
across America, 26 cities,decreeing awakening is coming.
I see this is as, as hard as it is,
it's part of the awakening.
It's a return to family.
It's a return to alignment and communion.
It's a return to usgetting to know and feel
and have compassion for those
that are less fortunate than we.
And so I really feelthis is a divine return
that is going on inGod's people right now.
Now there is one more thing I would say.
I believe this is creating a chess match
of world economic conditions.
I believe nations noware beginning to by far
their rule economically.
I believe this is a rearrangement
of the economic worldsystem that will go on
and be a result of this,
but the same thing happened atthe first Passover, remember?
Egypt had to let go ofits suppression and slaves
and a resource structure that it had,
and it created a whole new movement
towards the transference of wealth.
- [Wendy] Chuck.
- I decree right now, we will not postpone
the promises that the Lordhas for this nation any longer
and I decree that everyremnant in every nation
will begin to rise up andsee God has a plan for them.
- Amen.
Chuck, real quick, we'dlove it if you just pray
for our viewers, America, the world.
If you would just go ahead
and we'll bow our heads right now.
- Let me say how much weappreciate all of you.
It's one of the programs that I do watch.
It's one of the programs I do listen to
and I appreciate you very much.
So Father, I ask you right now,
there's one prayer I have,that we would know you,
that we would know youin the midst of this,
know your reality.
Father, I would love to praythis in every tongue right now
that we would know and Lord,
just as they cried out at Passover,
we would just cry out,"Lord help us right now."
And you said when we cryout, you'd come down,
and Father I say right nowin the midst of the confusion
that's going on, in the midst of the fear,
I ask that peace invade, in Jesus name.
I ask that wholeness invade.
I ask that, Lord, we cryout, we say, we need a healer
and Father you are a healer and we say,
come and heal us, spirit, soul and body,
as we submit to you duringthis time of crisis.
Father, I bless everyone that's out there
and I say let them see you in a way
they've never seen you before.
- [Wendy] Hallelujah.
- In Jesus name.- Amen.