Join the Superbook Show team as they take part in a Messianic Passover Seder.
Read Transcript
- Recently, Emma, Miriam and myself
were asked to be part of aMessianic Passover Seder.
Part of the ceremony includes a retelling
of the history of Passover.
So, we thought it'd becool to share that story
with you guys.
So here's Miriam, Emma,Michelle, Christina, Joseph,
Grandpa Lee and Joel withthe story of Passover.
(air swooshing)
- So, the story of Passoveris the story of miracles.
A story of redemption.
A story of the mighty powerof God to overcome evil.
So we have reader one assigned?
- Reader one, Miriam, wouldyou like to be reader one?
- Of course.- Emma, you can be reader two.
- Okay.- Joel, reader three.
(throat clearing)
- [Christina] Michelle,you can be reader four.
- The Lord had promised the land of Israel
to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Yet, here were their children in Egypt.
The Pharaoh who had cometo power feared them.
"These foreigners in ourmidst are prospering,
and have grown numerous," he thought.
"Suppose they join with ourenemies and turn against us."
Pharaoh decided to exert greatercontrol over this people.
Imposing harsh and bitterslavery upon the Israelites.
Still, God blessed his people,in strength and in number.
- Pharaoh grew more frightenedand ordered every baby
boy among the Israelites tobe drowned in the Nile River.
One Israelite couple hid theirlittle boy for three months.
Finally in trusting his future to God,
they set him in a basket andplaced him upon the river.
His sister, Miriam
- I didn't know you were in the story.
- I did.
- Watched as he floated down stream.
Coming upon the basket,Pharaoh's daughter took pity
on the child and choose toraise him as her own son.
She called him Moses,meaning drawn from the water.
- Moses grew and become awareof the travails of his people.
One day in a rage, helost control of himself
and killed an Egyptian whowas beating a Hebrew slave.
Fleeing the palace and the eye of Pharaoh,
Moses became a shepherdin the land of Midian,
far from the cries ofhis suffering brothers.
- The Lord however, saw the affliction
of the children of Israeland heard their groaning.
He raise up a deliverer tolead them out of bondage.
It was then that he appearedto Moses in the midst of a bush
that burned with fireyet was not consumed.
Moses drew close and listenedas God commissioned him
to go to Pharaoh.
Fearful and reluctant, still Moses agreed
to bring God's messageto the king of Egypt.
- God has told me to go toEgypt and free our people.
I fear I will not beable to do what the Lord
is requesting of me.
- Moses left the wildernessto return to Pharaoh's palace.
The very place where he had been raised.
He returned with the messagewhich the Lord had given him.
But God himself warnedMoses of the resistance
that he would encounter.
- [Group] I know that the King of Egypt
will not let you leaveunless he is forced to do so.
But I ought will reach outmy hand and strike Egypt
with all my wonders that I will do there.
After that he will let you go.
- God sent plagues, one by one.
- [Young People] Frogs, lice,
cattle disease,
- Yet with each plague,Pharaoh hardened his heart.
The Egyptians becameafflicted with discomfort
and disease, blain and blight.
Still Pharaoh would not relent.
- [God] I will bring onemore plague on Pharaoh
and on Egypt.
(chilling music)
- For that night I will passthrough the land of Egypt.
- All...- Together.
- [Group] I, and not an angel.
- And kill all the firstbornin the land of Egypt,
both men and animals.
- [Group] I, and not a seraph.
- And I will execute judgmentagainst all the gods of Egypt.
- [Group] I, and not a messenger.
- I am Adonai.
- [Group] I, myself and none other.
- [Lee] Reader one.
- On the 10th day of this month,
each man is to take a lambor kid for his family,
one per household.
Your animal must be without defect,
a male in its first year.
You are to keep it untilthe 14th day of the month,
and then the entire assemblyof the community of Israel
will slaughter it at dusk.
They are to take some ofthe blood and smear it
on the two sides andthe top of the doorframe
at the entrance of thehouse in which they eat in.
- Reader two.
- That night they are to eatthe meat roasted in the fire.
They are to eat it with matzah and maror.
Here is how you are to eat it,
with your belts fastened,your shoes on your feet,
and your staff in your hand,
and you are to eat it hurriedly.
It is Adonai's Pesach.
The blood will serve you as a sign
marking the houses where you are.
When I see the blood,I will pass over you.
When I strike the land of Egypt,
the death blow will not strike you.
- With the 10th and most awful plague
- [Group] Death of the firstborn.
- [Lee] God pierced through the hardness
of Pharaoh's impenetrable heart.
- [Pharaoh] Get out!
Leave my people
and take the rest ofthe Israelites with you!
- We are reminded by Mosesthat it was the Lord himself
who redeemed the childrenof Israel from slavery.
- [Group] And Adonaibrought us out of Egypt
with a strong hand anda stretched out arm,
with great terror andwith signs and wonders.
Give thanks to Adonai for he is good.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- Give thanks to the God of gods.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- To him who split the Sea of Sul, Suf.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- And made Israel cross right through it.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- But swept Pharaoh and hisarmy into the Sea of Suf.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- To him who led hispeople through the desert.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- Give thanks to the God of heavens.
- [Group] For his grace continues forever.
- His word is forever alive.
- Exactly.- Yay!
(air swooshing)