Global evangelist Daniel Kolenda shares his secret to spiritual warfare. Plus, Dr. David Perlmutter brings the science behind disease and what it will take to keep you healthy.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Reporter] Coming up, asthe virus rampage continues,
learn how to protect yourself.
Dr. David Perlmutter brings the science
behind the disease,
and what it'll take to keep you healthy.
Plus, Christ For All Nations,
global evangelist Daniel Kolenda
has led 20 million to Christand waged countless battles
against the enemy's dragons along the way.
What's his secret to spiritual warfare?
Find out on today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.
Nearly 11,000 Americans have died.
The good news, there's strongsigns the pandemic is slowing
and the market is responding positively.
What does this mean moving forward?
Dale Hurd explains.
- Even as the U.S.passes the grim threshold
of 11,000 coronavirus deaths,
President Trump is sounding hopeful,
and there's fresh evidencethe worst could soon be over.
- We're gonna have a rough week.
We're gonna have maybe arough little more than a week,
but there's tremendous lightat the end of that tunnel.
- [Dale] In New York, theepicenter of the U.S. outbreak,
the number of hospital admissions, deaths,
and ICU patients is down
for the third day in a row.
- Those are the kind of goodsigns that you look for.
You never even begin to think about
claiming victory prematurely,
but that's the first thing you see
when you start to see the turnaround.
- [Dale] The director of theCenters for Disease Control
says he believes the projectionof the U.S. death toll
could be much lower than expected,
and the University of Washington model
now predicts the peak of the outbreak
as soon as April 16th,
with a death toll of 82,000.
While it's a respectedmodel, it varies from others,
and federal and stateleaders are still preparing
for the worst, but VicePresident Mike Pence
says social distancing is working.
- The initial data, whatwe've seen in California
and Washington support the fact
that the American peopleare doing these things,
which is nothing shortof loving your neighbor.
- [Dale] But New York hospitalsare still overwhelmed.
The naval ship, Comfort,is now treating COVID cases
from New Jersey as well as New York,
and a crew member on board hastested positive for COVID-19.
And as the number ofdeaths increase daily,
funeral homes are now also overwhelmed.
- You know, you do three or four a week.
We're doing three or four a day.
- [Dale] New York is extendingits stay at home order
until the end of April,with fines doubling
for not social distancing.
Meanwhile, administrationcritics are seizing on memos
by White House advisor Peter Navarro
in late January and February
calling for aggressive action to prepare
for a potential pandemic,
and raising questions aboutthe President's handling
of the crisis early on.
In Britain, Prime MinisterBoris Johnson has been moved
to the Intensive CareUnit of a London hospital,
after his coronavirus symptoms worsened,
but aides say he is conscious
and does not requireventilation at the moment.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
has announced a completelockdown in Israel
over the upcoming Passover holiday
to control the country'scoronavirus outbreak.
But in Europe, news that Italy and Spain
are also seeing numbersdrop has some optimistic
the worst may be over there.
Fueling a bump in global markets
was reflected on Wall Street Monday
with the Dow up almost8%, as traders saw hope
the coronavirus outbreak could be slowing.
The President and Congressare apparently in agreement
that more economic relief is needed,
with House Democrats reportedlyconsidering a package
that could surpass one trillion dollars.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Thanks, Dale.
I want to blow a trumpetright now for the church.
I think it's time.
Do you realize what's happened?
This is an inert virus,and we have cowered
before this inert virus.
It has destroyed our economy,
it has put panic intoour entire population,
it's disrupting all of our way of living,
and it is closing thechurches of Jesus Christ,
and people are not ableto go and worship together
in their churches because of this bug.
And I think it's time for thechurch to go on the attack.
Instead of just cowering in our cars
and in our socialdistancing, I think it's time
that we stand up andspeak the word of God,
and command that thing to leave us.
We have authority inthe name of Jesus Christ
as his servants, and the Bible says
if my people who are called by my name
will humble themselves andpray, and seek my face,
and turn from thy wicked ways,then I'll hear their prayer
and forgive their sin,and heal their land.
And I believe it's timethat we speak out boldly
and in all the churches,coming into Easter,
in this holy week, I think it'stime in every congregation,
instead of saying oh, we'regonna be COVID sensitive
or we're gonna catch something,
let's rebuke this thingin the name of Jesus.
And I want you to pray with me right now.
I just believe it's timeto go on the attack.
We are not supposed to be fearful.
Fear not, God said, I'm with you.
I'm gonna deliver you, andwe serve the God of Heaven,
and he's certainlygreater than a little bug,
and this is an inertvirus that is terrifying
and destroying the whole economy
and the society that we live in,
and let's not take it anymore.
Let's not take it anymore,and I want you to pray
in your churches, every church,
instead of covering yourself and huddling
and all that stuff, speak out.
Pastors, every one ofyou, in your churches,
declare it, declare thevictory in the name of Jesus.
So I ask you right now,as we begin this program,
you pray with me at this moment.
We're going to rebuke this thing.
We do not have to cowerbefore an inert virus.
Whoever heard of such a thing?
We're God's people,
and this is a bug
that is terrorizing our entire population.
We can't let it happen.
All the people, all the pastors,
all across America,
in your services, evenif you have to speak
in FM radio, or speak to cars,
or whatever you do, declare it boldly.
And I want you to pray with me right now.
Father, in the name of Jesus,
we come before you as the author of life,
as the creator of all life.
Lord, this is your universe,this is your world,
and your people, God, have been terrorized
by this inert virus, and sowe come in the name of Jesus,
in the power of the Holy Spirit,
and we rebuke thisthing, and we command it
to leave our society and our land,
and by the day of Easterthat there will be
no more new cases of this coronavirus.
In the name of Jesus, we speak that,
and we declare it done in his name.
Amen.- Amen.
- And Amen.
Remember, going intoEaster, every pastor praying
and rebuking that thing.
We will not take it.
We will not sit idly by and let this thing
destroy the churches, destroy our homes,
and destroy our homeland.
We will not let it happen.
Thank you.- You know, I think of
the scripture that says he sent his word
and healed their diseases.- Healed their diseases.
Amen, well, he'll do it.
God is all powerful and he's almighty.
Well, the economy hasbeen hit hard, of course,
by social distancing, andwhat's the financial impact
on churches?
Well, we're not gonna take it anymore.
But John Jessup has the storyof what's been going on.
- Pat, churches across thecountry are paying a price
for the social distancing.
With so many members staying home,
offering plates are taking a hit.
Still, the challengesalso bring opportunities.
As Heather Sells reports,many believe the pandemic
is opening doors of ministry.
- We know that we can't gather,
at least at this time, physically,
upon our campus, but we cangather in spirit and truth.
- [Heather] In just a matter of weeks,
online services havebecome the new normal.
The Barna Group just surveyed 400 pastors,
and found 90% offering some digital option
for their congregation.
- The Lord is at hand.
- [Heather] It could be asermon, worship service,
or daily devotional, andwhile many church buildings
stand empty, more than halfof the pastors surveyed
report small groups meeting online.
Those gatherings are working for now,
but for many churches,finances are a concern.
- A good portion of our weekly offerings
is given on the weekendwhen we gather together.
- [Heather] A majority ofpastors say giving is down,
with one in five cuttingstaff hours and compensation.
This is another areawhere the digital option
can be a lifeline.
- Churches that have online giving
as a regular practice,or a significant portion
of their congregation engaging in that,
they're gonna experience abit of a decline immediately,
but they'll be able to bounce back.
Churches that are in areas of the country
where that isn't as available,
they're gonna have somepretty significant challenges.
- Pastors say they'recommunicating a message
of faith and hope, which many believe
people want and need to hear.
- We are at a point in our country
where people are askingpretty serious questions
about meaning in life,and where do you find hope
in the midst of anxiety?
These are questions that openup the door for the gospel.
- God may be using thisto revive his church,
and to call his church back to him,
and to perhaps begin
the next great awakening.
- [Heather] And this might surprise you.
Barna found more than half of the pastors
reporting a higher online attendance
than when they last met in person.
The next challenge willlikely be one of preparation,
as the government expects we will see
many more COVID cases anddeaths in the weeks ahead.
Wheaton College's Ed Stetzersays now is the time to plan.
- We just did an interviewwith some pastors
in Italy and Spain, and they're saying
you guys have got to get ready,
and I think that's wherewe need to be right now.
- [Heather] Anothermilestone service to consider
is what will likely becomethe first digital Easter.
Close to half of all pastorssay they will live stream
an online service.
Others say they'll record or go outdoors,
such as this drive-in servicein Chesapeake, Virginia.
No matter how they celebrate,
churches will be reaching communities
that are desperate for hope,
and that may be listening with fresh ears.
Reporting in Chesapeake, Virginia,
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Thank you, Heather.
Pastors who are navigating the changes
brought on by the COVID-19 crisis
can get help from RegentUniversity through a webinar
hosted by the School ofDivinity this evening.
It's called Moving the Church Online,
and it's bringingtogether ministry leaders
to share their stories and lessons learned
from transferring services to the web.
It also includes a questionand answer session.
The webinar is hosted this evening on Zoom
and begins at 7:30 Eastern time.
You can find that link atour website,
Well, across the country,ministries are being forced
to take on new challenges.
In Los Angeles, oneministry stepped outside
its traditional roleof helping the homeless
to feed children missing meals
because their schools are closed.
Ben Kennedy shows us how the Dream Center
stepped up to provide thiscritical need in the community.
- Schools closing in Los AngelesCounty and other districts
created a bit of a problemfor kids and families
relying on schooldistricts for free meals.
That's where the Dream Center,
which has been helping the homeless
and the needy for decades, had an idea.
In L.A. County, noclass means no breakfast
and lunch for the thousands of students
who count on them every day.
That's when the L.A.Dream Center stepped up
to provide hot meals throughout the week
for kids and their families.
- We've been here for 25years in the neighborhood.
We've never left.
- [Ben] Reverend Matthew Barnettsays they are laser focused
on combating the threat to COVID-19,
opening their multi-milliondollar property,
which they use to help the homeless.
- People thought we werecrazy when we bought it
because we had nothing.
We had $50,000 in the bank,
and we had a church ofall homeless people.
Like 80% of my church was homeless.
- [Ben] And in 1996, theDream Center opened its doors.
- This is the 101, one of the most famous
freeways in the country,
and God's put us here,right here on this freeway.
- [Ben] Nearly 20 yearslater, they're serving
2000 hot meals each day to those in need.
- We've got 550 beds dedicatedto just homeless people
that live here in this facility.
- [Ben] And then, lookingout on the campus,
I mean, this place isreally a one stop shop.
- Yeah.- For the homeless.
- Yeah.- They have a place to stay,
they can get food as wellas ministry and help.
- [Matthew] And I think thegreat thing about our programs
in dealing with the homeless
is that they're one-year programs.
People need time to gettheir brain reprogrammed
and get their lives together.
When Ben Carson actually was on this roof
and I was showing him the whole facility,
he said one year is brilliant.
- [Ben] After Carson's firsthandlook of L.A.'s skid row,
the Housing and UrbanDevelopment Secretary made clear
all options are on the tablein attacking this crisis.
- You know, I am a Christian.
I believe in the Bible,
and there are a lot of verses in the Bible
about our obligation to the poor.
- [Ben] He's calling onall levels of government
to work together withadvocates, non-profits,
and faith-based organizationslike the Dream Center.
- Not being government funded allows us
to take in people quickly,
rather than processingthrough a long system.
- After being introducedto the Dream Center,
I realized that it was becauseI wasn't in tune with God.
- Now, more than 85% ofkids living in this district
qualify for free or reduced price meals,
so the need is there as more organizations
like the Dream Center providefood during the outbreak.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News.
- Pat, Christian churches and ministries
being creative, getting nimble,
and meeting needs like never before.
- The Dream Center's incredible.
Tommy Barnett was a great pioneer.
That church in Phoenix,it just was a huge church,
and he started with a couple of buses
and the next thing youknow he got more buses,
then he got more buses, and he was busing
thousands of people into the church,
and it was huge, and his son is
running the DreamCenter's a terrific thing.
God's people are in theforefront of helping the others.
Now, one of my dearest friends was a guy
named Rienhard Bonnke.
He was an extraordinary man of God.
He pioneered overseas.
He had huge, huge crowdsof people in Africa,
and he was a great man of God,
but unfortunately he passedaway a little prematurely.
I again, can't understandwhy God took him, but he did.
Died of his cancer, and his successor
is going to be here with us,
and remotely, one way or the other,
and Terry's gonna tell us about it.
- That's exactly right,Daniel Kolenda uncovers
the hidden world of spiritual warfare.
How can we overcome evil?
Well, the answer's coming up.
But first, what's the latest news
on the best way to protect yourself
and your family against COVID-19?
Dr. David Perlmutter tells it like it is.
All that when we come back.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Well, is the spread of thecoronavirus slowing in America?
There's hopeful numbers in New York.
What does this mean foryou and your family?
Neurologist and bestsellingauthor, Dr. David Perlmutter
is here to talk aboutthe latest developments.
And Dr. Perlmutter, it'sa delight to have you back
with us on this program.
You gave some--- Always delighted
to spend time with you, Pat.
- You gave some adviceabout the immune system,
and you talked about rest,and you talked about stress.
Can you amplify that alittle bit more today?
- Well, sure, I mean, we know that stress
amplifies inflammation, and that's exactly
what we don't want right now.
Stress also compromisesour best line of defense,
and that is the immune system.
You know, we don't have an offense.
We have to really only play defense today,
because we don't really yet have anything
that's truly proven to be effective.
So we've gotta do everything we can
to shore up our defenses, andI think it's very interesting
to look at the role that chronicdiseases seem to be playing
in terms of risk for a bad outcome.
When we look at thestatistics, for example,
that show that the riskof death in New Orleans
is seven times what weare seeing in New York,
trying to understandthat, and it turns out
that it's these underlyinghealth conditions,
like diabetes and hypertension,
and coronary artery disease, and obesity,
that are dramatically associated
with increased risk of a bad outcome.
We've heard that COVID-19is indiscriminate,
you know, in terms of who gets it.
It might be the Prime Minister of Britain
or it might be your next door neighbor,
but it's certainly not indiscriminate
in terms of who has a bad outcome.
We know that 97% ofthe people in Louisiana
who have died from COVID-19
have had at least one or moreunderlying health conditions,
so as it relates to your outcome,
being healthy on the front end
is really very, very important.
- Doctor, I'm gonna askyou a shocking question.
I know it may horrify some people,
but we are killing the economy.
We're putting people outof work by the millions.
The unemployment has gone up into the
double digits, and peopleare suffering tremendously.
Are we killing the economybecause of a few people
who themselves have an underlying sickness
that is not being talked about?
- Pat, these are difficult questions
that we are all having to deal with,
and it is a time when weare all being challenged
by very difficult questions
and having to come upwith ideas and answers,
and I think what you're talking about,
it really plays into the question of
whether we do something verymuch more aggressive now,
in hopes of a better outcome,
and you know, I have to saythat countries, for example,
like Sweden, have decided not to close,
and let business continue on as usual.
How that will play out, we don't know,
but rates of infection are certainly
steeply climbing in Sweden.
In areas where they havereally shut down the economies
and really shut down theability of people to interact,
have flattened the curve.
How accurate is the data from China?
We don't know, butcertainly, they are reporting
very few new cases and very few deaths,
and as you've seen, I'm certain,
now the country is prettymuch back open for business,
people going out, recreating,and doing all the things
in close proximity to each other.
Might that hasten a resurgence
of the infection rate in China?
We don't know, so there's no question
that the economic impactthat we are seeing
is profound and will be much worse.
It will take months, if not years,
for that to recover,but the real question,
the dilemma is, is it moreappropriate on the front end
to be aggressive in termsof shutting things down,
with the hope that it'llallow things to resume
a pace in a
shorter time period moving forward?
It's a very big question, it'sa very difficult question,
and I'm not certain thatwe have the correct answer
to that right now.
I would say, however, that right now
we shouldn't let up on the pressure
that we are using against this virus,
and that is the behavioral changes,
the social distancing, the hand washing,
and all the things thatwe have been told to do
that seem now, as youreported earlier this morning,
that seem to be actually working.
- What about this corona plasma,
if somebody's recovered from it?
Is there anything availablenow that they can use
as some kind of an injection?
- So the idea of using the plasma,
which is a fraction of somebody's blood,
taking that from somebody whois what we call convalescent,
what does that mean?
They've had COVID-19, and now they are
no longer infectious, theydon't carry the virus,
but yet, their bodieshave developed antibodies
against COVID-19, is I think, a very, very
exciting type of treatment.
It's being utilized in experimental models
across the world.
Israel is really beingaggressive with that,
and you know, the truth of the matter is
this is not new technology.
This was actually used in1918 during the Spanish Flu,
and reduced mortality by around 21%.
It was used late in the game.
We have much more refined techniques,
not only in terms of how we
harvest the plasma from somebody,
but how we can then purifyit and even amplify it.
So I have a lot of hope that this idea
of using convalescent plasma,
coupled with some antiviral therapies,
I think this is going to be, my view,
extremely helpful, and I thinkthis is more of a near-term
type of interventionthat we can see play out
in the next several months,and the good news about it
is it's not very sophisticated.
It is something thatabsolutely any hospital,
and even clinic, will be able to do
once we get guidance interms of how to do it,
and approval to do it, as opposed to
looking for a vaccine orimmunization protocol that,
as you well know, maytake a year to 18 months.
- Doctor, thank you again.
Your wisdom is so well
deserved and appreciated.
Dr. David Perlmutter,ladies and gentlemen.
Tremendous thinker about this thing.
- So we still need to be careful
in what we're doing,but signs are hopeful.
Wouldn't that be wonderful?- Signs are hopeful.
Well, I want to go for thespiritual as well as the other.
Okay, what do we have?
- Well, coming up, a woman issidelined by agonizing pain.
Why she refused to see a doctor,
and the supernatural remedyshe never saw coming.
But first, what unseen forces
are wreaking havoc in your life?
And how can you identifyand overcome them?
Evangelist and author, Daniel Kolenda,
talks about slayingdragons when we come back.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Well, the President hascalled the coronavirus
an quote "invisibleenemy" but there's another
invisible enemy that's beenwreaking havoc on Earth
since the dawn of time,
and that's the subject of anew book by Daniel Kolenda.
Take a look.
- [Reporter] DanielKolenda is the president
of Christ For All Nations,
and the successor ofthe ministry's founder,
Reinhard Bonnke.
For many years, beforeBonnke's death in late 2019,
Daniel preached thegospel to mass audiences
alongside his mentor.
When it comes to spiritual warfare,
he's dealt firsthandwith what many believers
have only heard described.
Slaying Dragons is his newest book,
which serves as a practical guide
to the spiritual warfareevery believer faces.
- Well, it's a pleasure to welcome back
to The 700 Club Daniel Kolenda.
Danny, I'm so glad to have you.
In December you lost your mentor
and the world lost one ofthe greatest evangelists.
Have you been continuing his legacy?
- Yeah, and Pat, let me justsay at the very beginning here
how much Evangelist Bonnke loved you,
and he appreciated you and your friendship
over so many years.
I think he would wantme to say that to you.
We do miss him tremendously.
To me he was more than amentor, more than a friend.
He was like a spiritual father,
but we are continuingon with the same vision
that God gave to him, whichwas from Cape Town to Cairo,
Africa shall be saved.
That vision continues andwe're pressing forward
with all our might.
- Well, what do you thinkGod is saying to the world
in the midst of all this crisis?
Have you got a message thatthe Lord is giving you?
- Well, you know, I don't havea specific word from the Lord
but one of the things thatI've really sensed in my heart
strongly during this seasonis the scripture where Jesus
told his disciples, hesaid the night is coming
and we must be working while it is day,
for the night is comingwhen no man can work,
and I feel like one of the things
that the Lord has allowed us to see
with this whole pandemicthat we're in right now,
this coronavirus thing, isjust a taste of what it's like
when the night comes, andwhen there is a season
where the work must stop,and the sickle rusts,
and we haven't come into a place yet,
I believe we're gonna recover from this
and things are gonnaget back to normal soon.
However, there is a day coming
where the night is gonna come for good,
and we're not gonna be able to work.
Look, I mean, even right now,
a few weeks ago I was traveling to Africa
and I was complainingabout how tired I was
and how busy I was.
Today there are no flights going there,
and so all the more important,
and what a lesson it is forus and for our generation
that we need to work, weneed to press forward,
we need to reap thisharvest before Jesus comes.
- Talk to us about spiritual warfare.
The enemy is not just the virus.
He's been around for a long time.
How do you deal with it?
- Yeah, you know, it's veryinteresting in this season
that we're talkingabout spiritual warfare,
and about invisiblethings, because right now
the whole world is concernedabout an invisible enemy,
which is literally crippling the planet.
And the scriptures have toldus this for a long time.
We read in Ephesians6:12 that we wrestle not
against flesh and blood,against principalities
and powers, and rulers ofthe darkness of this world.
In other words, the realbattle that we're facing,
especially as Christians,is an invisible battle.
It's a war that wecan't see with our eyes,
we can't feel it with our hands.
And the scriptures giveus all kinds of tools
in order to be able to besuccessful in this battle.
One of the things thatI've personally felt
a bit burdened about, Pat, is that
seeing the way thatthe church has reacted,
even to this crisis, tells me
that their minds arevery much on the natural
and very much in the carnal,
and I believe that one of thethings that God wants us to do
is to lift our vision upand to be able to see things
from his perspective.
The Bible says that we'renot ignorant of his devices
because if we are ignorantof the enemy's devices,
he has an advantage over us,
and one of those devices
that the enemy has is fear.
Fear is a weapon of the enemy.
But the Bible says thatGod has not given us
the spirit of fear, but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind,
and I was so happy at thebeginning of this program,
to hear you takingauthority over that thing
and encouraging the bodyof Christ to rise up.
What you were reallydoing was encouraging them
to see this crisis from theperspective of the eternal
and of the spiritual.
We need to be the body of Christ.
We need to take authority over this thing,
and we need to emerge victorious.
- Danny, when you gointo a country in Africa,
do you bind the strong man?
Do you have special prayeragainst the demonic spirits?
- Yeah, in fact, notonly do I pray against it
in a general sense, Iget the local pastors
and the bishops together,and we talk about
the issues in their region,and they make a list for me.
They literally write out the names
of different demons and curses,
and principalities in their area
that they live in fear of, and many times
the people are in such fearof these demonic spirits
and these curses that they won't even
pronounce their names out loud.
Well, I get this list, I standup in front of that crowd
with sometimes a millionpeople in the audience,
and I read those names out point by point,
and I break their powerin the name of Jesus,
and when the people see thatI'm not afraid of these things,
when they see that I didn't drop dead
instantly on the platform,
they get courage, the wholeplace begins to rejoice,
and we see freedom spreadthrough entire regions.
- Now, what kind of curses have they
tried to put on you, by the way?
- Well, you know, sometimeswhen I'm preaching,
I've had witch doctorscome and try to kill me
right on the platform,and there's a, in fact,
a story that I put in thebook about a witch doctor
who came to the meeting.
She tried to put a curse on me,
and the power of God hit her.
She fell on the groundand started screaming,
and writhing like a snake,and foaming at the mouth,
and they cast all the demons out of her.
They brought her to me on the platform,
and this is what she said,Pat, I'll never forget it.
She said I came here tonight to kill you,
but instead, I havereceived Jesus as my Savior
because tonight I realized that Jesus
is more powerful than your witchcraft,
and I think that is amessage for the world,
that Jesus has not onlymore power than witchcraft.
He is more powerful than diseases,
he is more powerful than viruses,
he's more powerful than COVID-19.
Jesus Christ is the name above every name.
- You know, why do youthink here in America
and in the so-called advanced nations,
they don't believe in demonic spirits?
And I've encountered them,you've encountered them.
You know, you have todeal with these things.
Why don't we believe inthem here in the so-called
advanced civilization?
- Well, you know, wheneverI come to the West,
people treat witchcraft and demonic stuff,
they treat it like somethingout of a Harry Potter novel.
They think it's fantasy,they think it's pretend,
but I'll tell you what, I'veseen, in the western world,
tremendous demonic activity,and I've cast demons out here
just like we do in Africa.
In fact, I was preaching in Germany
a couple of years ago in a stadium,
and when I gave the altar call,the young people came down
and I began to rebuke demon spirits,
and hundreds of theseyoung people in Germany
began to manifest demons,to the extent that
the paramedics came in andhauled these young people out.
They thought they werehaving epileptic seizures.
And when I left the venue that night,
there were dozens of kidslaid out on the grass
with paramedics working on them,
trying to revive them,and I told the paramedics,
I said you better get someof these pastors to help you,
because what these youngpeople are dealing with
is beyond your medicine to cure.
We have to come face toface with the reality
that not all of our problems are cerebral,
not all of them are chemical,
not all of them are biological.
There are real spiritualproblems, not only in Africa,
but in the western world as well.
- You know, I encountereda spirit of fear in India
that was just destroying the people.
They had to be set free,and they got so happy
when that thing was rebuked.
Is there any particularcountry that you've seen
more demonic activity?
- Well, India's a big one.
Whenever I go to India Isee a tremendous amount
of demonic activity, andalso wherever I go in Africa
we encounter these things, and we see them
in a very visceral way,but I don't believe
that's because there aremore demons in India,
or there are more demons in Africa.
I really believe that inour society what we've done
is we've just diagnosed these things,
we've locked them away,we've given them certain
medical names, we'verefused to acknowledge them
for what they are, but I really believe
the Devil is alive and well,not only in Africa and India,
in the third world,but all over the world,
including in the west,and we as the church
need to get wise to this.
We need to learn how to handle it,
and it's the exact reasonthat I wrote this book,
to equip the body of Christ to deal with
spiritual warfare in their everyday lives.
- Are you able to get planesand to move around anymore
or are you kinda locked down?
- Right now, like probablyeverybody else, we're locked down
and even if I could get somewhere,
the governments have basically
banned all large gatherings,
so we're in a seasonof waiting and praying,
and preparing, but I'lltell you what, Pat,
I was tired before.
Now I'm completely refreshed and I'm ready
to get back out there on the road,
and I believe once we start again,
we're gonna demand a double portion.
We're gonna demand a doubleharvest for this time
that's been taken from us.
- Well, brother, we agree with you.
This, folks, you need tounderstand Slaying Dragons,
I have run into this andDanny is a past master.
He's seen millions ofpeople come to Jesus.
A great man of God, and successor
to one of my dearestfriends, Reinhard Bonnke,
and Daniel Kolenda's bookis called Slaying Dragons.
It's available nationwide.
You oughta get a copy.
You need to understand spiritual warfare.
Daniel Kolenda, it'scalled Slaying Dragons.
Okay.- Yeah.
- Wonderful.- Wonderful.
Thanks again, Danny.- A good word for the hour.
Well, waiting in the wings, your questions
and some honest answers.
Rachel says, "I believe asa spirit-filled Christian,
"that I'm protectedfrom the COVID-19 virus
"because I'm coveredby the blood of Jesus.
"Am I wrong about this?"
Stay tuned for Pat's answer.
But first, a woman in agonizing pain
with an even bigger fear of needles.
Watch how she's healed in an instant
without seeing a doctor.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News Break.
Christian leaders cametogether virtually Monday
for a global prayer eventahead of the Easter holiday.
Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren's
annual prayer breakfast moved online
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The service encouragedpastors of all denominations
to share the gospel at a timewhen people need it most.
Warren says the pandemicmay stop Christians
from assembling, but it won'tstop them from celebrating.
- We may be apart, but we're not alone.
And we may be separated,but we're not isolated.
And this may be bad weather,but we're still together.
Easter is not a location,
it's a celebration.
- Christian artists ChrisTomlin, Tasha Cobbs Leonard,
Matt Redman and BrookeLigertwood led online worship.
Well, hundreds of thousands,
if not millions of people will share
a virtual communion service Wednesday,
praying together to turnthe tide of the coronavirus,
as well as financialand other world issues.
Prophetic leader, KimFowler, says God told him
to gather believersfrom all over the world
to take communion together.
Well-known Christian leaders will join,
including Dutch Sheets, Harry Jackson,
Cindy Jacobs, Samuel Rodriguez,Shawn Bolz, and others.
You can find out how to takepart by going to our story
on, and youcan always get the latest
from CBN News on our website as well.
Pat and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club
right after this.
(dramatic music)
(light music)
- A super long needle,that's what Julia Bratcher
knew the doctor would use to draw fluid
from her swollen knee, soshe refused to see him,
and the pain became agonizing.
Then one day, Julia found a remedy
without ever leaving her living room.
- [Reporter] At 72 yearsold, Julia Bratcher
is still going strong.
She works in a hospital cafeteria,
and loves to cook.- I make all the salads,
parfait cups, fruit cups.
I do baking, I do muffins, I do Danishes.
I have to go in the freezerand get all those products out.
I'm on my feet from the timeI go to work in the morning
until I walk out, and I like interacting
with the people thatcome in the cafeteria.
It's just a fun place to be.
We all work together as a family.
- [Reporter] But in early April of 2019,
her left knee started bothering her.
- I had to go buy one knee brace,
and I put that on, and it still got worse,
so I went and bought another knee brace,
and put it on, and for over a month
I had to wear both knee bracesin order to do anything.
I could only do my job, come home,
take a shower,
lay down, and recoup to go back to work
for the next day, that's all I could do.
- [Reporter] Julia's newinsurance didn't start
for three more months,so she wanted to wait
until then to see a doctor.
But there was anotherreason she put it off.
A few years back, Julia hadfluid drawn from her other knee
and she wanted to avoid repeatingthat painful experience.
- I knew how long the needle was.
It's pretty long, and whenI had it done that one time,
I said Jesus, I don't neverwant to have this done again.
- [Reporter] Julia usedover-the-counter remedies
to deal with the swelling and pain.
- I wouldn't say I was getting depressed,
but I was really getting frustrated.
I talked to a girl at work, Lisa.
I would say Lisa, I'm gonna just trust God
on this because I really don't want to go
and have this fluid drawn off.
I'm just gonna trust God.
- [Reporter] On Memorial Day that year,
Julia worked a full shift
that left her knee exceptionallypainful and swollen.
As always, when she got home,
she turned on The 700Club to lift her spirits.
- I was just watching it like I always do,
and Gordon said...
- Someone else with problemswith your left knee,
and just incredible fluid buildup,
and the knee justliterally doubles in size,
and you've gotta get it drained,
God is healing you.
He's just making restorationof that entire joint.
In Jesus' name, receive it now.
- And I said that's for me.
And I laid my hands on my left knee,
and I said oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
thank you, thank you.
- [Reporter] The painleft and soon the swelling
was gone as well.
Julia says she hasn't needed pain meds
or a knee brace ever since.
- This has been a good opportunity
to let people know that Jesus is alive
and real today.
After this healing of my left knee,
all I know to say to anybody,
go to the Father and askhim for what you want .
Believe it and just trust,
and it will come to pass.
- You know what I love about Julia's story
and so many stories thatyou see on this program,
is that God knows your name.
He knows exactly where you are,
he knows what your need is,
he hears your plea, andtoday, we want to link hands
and link arms and hearts with you,
and petition the Fatherto act on your behalf.
And so, wonderful story.- Yeah.
- I have one here, Pat, this is Esmerelda.
Came in by email, she says,"I was watching The 700 Club
"through the app on March 18th.
"For the past couple of days,
"I have been having shortness of breath.
"I do have asthma, but sinceI work in the food industry,
"I was worried it couldbe the beginning symptoms
"of coronavirus.
"Pat said, 'Someone issuffering from the lungs
"'and it's not the virus.'
"I was, oh, that's me.
"Pat said, 'Take a deep breath and cough.'
"I did, and my shortnessof breath was gone.
"I am very grateful forthis show and network
"because every time I tune in, it's like
"God is talking to me.- Amen.
Well, here's somebody,Pamela, she sent an email.
I was watching this programand Terry had a word
somebody had blisters.
You didn't know Pamela, did you?
- I saw that she had--- She had blisters
in her mouth, and she said Ijumped up and said that's me.
I've had those blisters for two years.
The doctor was unable to help.
Although she tried withmedications, nothing worked.
The blisters instantly disappeared.
Now ladies and gentlemen,I want to declare to you
again today, God is almighty.
And there's nothing impossible with him.
With God, all things are possible.
So if he can create you, he can fix you,
and some of you, you think
well I don't know if God heals today,
but you believe that you can go to Heaven
and get a brand new body,
and you can believe that,but you can't believe
that he can fix your arthritis.
Well, I believe he can fix your arthritis,
and we're gonna pray together.
Terry and I are gonna pray together,
and we're gonna believe God.
Wherever you are, this can be your day,
so we join together,despite social distancing,
in the name of Jesus.- Thank you, Lord.
- Lord, we pray forthose in this audience,
whoever they are, and wherever they are.
Susan, your right foot has been twisted.
It's almost twisted around, and somehow
it's turning around right.
You may have been born with something,
but whatever it is, touch it right now,
and it will be completelystraightened out in Jesus' name.
Terry.- Yes, someone else,
you have an inexplicable rash
that's been spreading on your body.
You've been to the doctor,it's not any known disease.
It just hasn't been able to be addressed.
God's doing that for you right now.
It's just gonna begin to disappear,
and be gone in Jesus' name.
- Somebody, Vivian, you'vegot projectile vomiting.
You are just, you can't hold anything down
and when you throw up,it just comes way out.
God is settling it right now,
he's touching your inside.
He's making you completely healed
in the name of Jesus, and Father,
all across this audience thereare people who are suffering.
And we pray for theanointing of the Holy Spirit
to come upon them.
In this time, may the glory of God
meet your need.- Thank you, Lord.
- And there's somebody,you're praying for $7200,
and God has heard you, andhe's gonna supply the need
supernaturally in the name of Jesus.
- Someone else with a rotator cuff issue,
God's healing that,you'll not need surgery,
and someone else, you have a hip issue.
You've had a replacement,it will not pop out again.
- Praise God.
Give glory to God, wherever you are.
Just praise the Lord.
Please raise your hands, thank God,
and we love to hear fromyou, so give us a call.
Say look, that was me, I've received this
or I need more prayer.
We've got folks on the phone right now
who'll be delighted to take your call.
So just pick up the phone.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Here's Terry.
- Well, in South Africa,
an elderly woman struggledto feed her grandchildren.
No one would give her a job
because they said she was too old.
So we gave her a businessshe could run at home.
- [Reporter] When her daughter died,
Anastasia was left to raiseher two grandchildren alone.
Every day, she struggledto provide for them.
(foreign language)
- [Translator] I am old, sono one will give me a job.
I tried gardening, but everything died
because we don't have much water here.
Sometimes my grandchildrenwent to bed hungry.
- [Reporter] When CBNheard about her problems,
we helped her start a business
raising and selling chickens.
- [Translator] You have helped me a lot.
I can give my grandchildrengood meals because of you.
We no longer go to sleep hungry.
- [Reporter] She'ssuccessfully run the business
for more than a year now.
- [Translator] I'm reallygrateful for what CBN
has done for my grandchildren and me.
Thank you.
- There is so much poverty in the world,
and you know, it is not that people
are not willing to work.
It's that they don't have the means,
so we thank you, 700 Club members.
Look at the difference you could make
in the life of this woman,
and this is just one person you've helped.
You're helping thousands allaround the world every day.
To join The 700 Club, 65cents a day, $20 a month.
Some of you watch thisprogram all the time,
but you've never gotten up andgone to the phone and joined.
We're asking you to do that today.
We need your help, thereare people just like this
little grandmother who need your help.
So will you call our toll-free number?
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Just say I want to join The 700 Club.
65 cents a day, we can all do that,
and if there's one thing we've learned
in the middle of this corona issue,
it's that we are better off
than the rest of the world by so much.
Let's reach out, right inthe middle of our own need,
and make a differencein someone else's life.
Listen, our way of saying thank you to you
for caring about someone else
is to send you Pat's newbook, Ten Laws for Success.
You're gonna love this.
It talks about all of thevarious issues of life
that we deal with, greatwisdom from the word of God,
and from his own life, andthen we're also gonna send you
two chapters from the bookthat's about to come out,
called I Walked With the Living God:
90 Years of Experience.
You're gonna want to buy this one,
but we want to wet yourwhistle with two chapters,
so give us a call right now.
Our number's toll-free,
We'll get those out to you right away.
By the way, we say thank you in advance.
How about some answersto some honest questions?
- I'll give it a shot.
- Okay, Pat, this is Rachel, who says,
"Pat, I believe, as aspirit-filled Christian,
"that I am protectedfrom the COVID-19 virus
"because I am coveredby the blood of Jesus.
"Am I wrong about this,because today I heard
"a pastor died from the virus?"
- First of all, I doubt if that pastor
died because of the virus.
I think he died because hehad underlying health issues,
which Dr. Perlmutter says so cogently.
If you ask for the protection of God,
he will protect you, butare you asking for it?
You have to be walking in the spirit,
and you have to ask for his covering,
and he said because hehas set his love upon me,
therefore I will protect him.
So you need to call upon theLord and ask for his protection
and if you do that, sincerely
I think you can walk without fear, okay?
- Okay, I don't know if I'mgonna say this name right.
I think it's Isire, says,
"Hello, Mr. Pat, love your program.
"What do you do whena partner doesn't want
"to be in a marriage anymore?
"Am I free to marry another person
"when all other optionshave been considered?
"I'm in my 30s, what should I do?"
Not a lot of info there.
- Well, I don't have enough to understand,
but you know, if somebodywants to get out of a marriage,
I remember where JohnWesley had this woman,
and he said I didn't send her away
and I didn't go get her.
She left and he wasglad to get rid of her,
but in this case, you know,
there's what's calledthe Pauline Privilege.
If the unbeliever is pleasedto depart, let 'em depart.
The brother or sister is notbound in a case like this.
So if somebody wants towalk out of a marriage,
you're not bound anymore, you're free,
but just make sure thatyou have everything legal
before you start going to get remarried.
But I think there needs to be
a period of time to kinda letthe dust settle, all right?
- This is Lynn, who says,"I had a Facebook friend
"who was getting caught up
"in coronavirus conspiracy theories.
"I pointed her toScriptures about not being
"caught up in worries about tomorrow.
"She became very offendedand ended up unfriending me.
"I am taken aback by her response,
"but am still praying for her.
"What else can I do?"
- Well, I think you can keep on,
but this is ridiculous.
I mean, you know, to get in a fight over
something like that, I mean, you know,
if somebody's into that conspiracy stuff,
they can drive themselves andeverybody around 'em nuts.
I mean, it's just, this is a conspiracy,
it's set up by the Chinese.
They want to infectyou, and this is set up
by the Russians, andthis is something else
that is a conspiracy, and it's,
you know, the Black Hand, or somebody,
I mean, it's the Messonic.
Please, don't get carriedaway with that stuff.
You know, keep your eyes on the Lord,
and you don't need--
You know, this friending and Facebook,
and she unfriended you, I mean,
go get some more friendsand forget her, okay?
- Okay, this is Noemi, who says,
"I don't know if I should get married
"or walk away from mycurrent relationship.
"I have two kids with my partner,
"but he doesn't think of us as a family.
"He does everything for himself only.
"I don't know if I should marry him,
"because I do have two kids with him,
"and I don't want to separate a family.
"I also know I won't behappy or have a good life
"with him if I stay.
"What should I do?"
- Well, you were breaking God's law
when you got in that relationship.
You started having sex with somebody
who wasn't your husband,
you had two children with him,
but you've already made one mistake,
but you're just not gonna compound it
by making another, so I think,
all right, confess to the Lord,
Lord, I sinned, I made a mistake,
now please forgive me,but don't compound it
by getting married to somebody that'll--
Then you'll have to go get a divorce
and it'll ruin your life, so walk away.
Walk away, all right?
- This goes along withour program today, Pat.
It's Twyla, who says, "How do I get rid of
"evilness around me?"- Oh, look, here's the way.
I bind you, Satan and the forces of evil.
Got that, I bind you, Satanand the forces of evil.
So when you pray, you bind Satan
and the forces of evil,
and you pray that, and thenyou begin to look to the Lord,
and praise God, and thankhim for all of his goodness,
but that's how you get rid of the other.
All right?
Well, today's Power Minuteis from the 23rd Psalm.
Yea, thought I walk through the Valley
of the Shadow of Death,I will fear no evil,
for you are with me.
Well, tomorrow, learn howto get a Body by Jake.
Oh my goodness, he's gonna talk to us,
our old buddy Jake Steinfeld.
You don't want to missit, see you tomorrow.
Bye-bye.(light music)