‘This is Heartbreaking’: Jerusalem’s Holy Sites Deserted Weeks Before Passover, Easter
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- This is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
from a few years ago.
Tourists and Christian pilgrims
coming to see where many believe
Jesus Christ was crucified,
and rose from the dead.
This is what the courtyard
of the Church of the HolySepulcher looks like now empty.
And for the first time in years,
Christian pilgrims from around the world
won't be coming here to celebrate Easter.
- This is heartbreaking
not having to be able
to visit inside,
just to come here andsee the doors closed.
- Israel will allow the church
to livestream its global Easter service
with a limited staff
of no more than 10.
Just the 10 minute walk away,
here at the Western Wall,
this area is usuallyfilled with people praying.
But now because of the coronavirus,
only a limited numberof men can come to pray,
and they have to be separated
by at least six feet.
(Rabbi speaking in foreign language)
- [Voiceover] We're here beforethe Creator of the World,
especially in this hour asking him
that he will open the gatesof heaven to our prayers,
and send healing to allthe sick in the world.
(shofar hums)
- [Chris] In a rare actjust before Passover,
they're blowing the shofar.
(Rabbi speaks in foreign language)
- [Voiceover] It's written in the Torah,
that in the hour of war,
blowing the shofars
that the Holy One, blessed is he,
will hear our prayers.
- Another casualty of COVID-19here in Jerusalem's Old City
are its alleys and shops.
Once filled with tourists and shoppers,
now shuttered and empty.
- This whole situationaffected us big time.
Our shop has been closedfor the last 14 days.
- [Chris] COVID-19 hit the Old City
just before Holy Week,
the busiest time of the year.
- Well, usually thisplace would be packed.
You cannot even put your feet.
- [Chris] Unlike many othershopkeepers in the Old City,
Zak has a plan B,
an online business calledzaksjerusalemgifts.com.
- Some gifts likeanointing oil and prayers
from Jerusalem,
'cause everybody want Jerusalem
and want to touch from Jerusalem,
especially these days.
- [Chris] Despite the devastatingimpact on the Old City,
many here say the message from Jerusalem
to the world remains the same.
- From Jerusalem, if you come,
his tomb is empty.
He was resurrected,
and this is our encouragement.
Things will be fine.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,
Jerusalem's Old City.