The Abortion Battle Heats Up Across State Lines as Many Anticipate a 'Post-Roe V. Wade' World
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- There's not just a riverdividing Missouri and Illinois,
there is world of differencewhen it comes to abortion.
Missouri is on its way to becoming
the first abortion-freestate in the country,
and Illinois is moving towardsbecoming the abortion capital
of the Midwest.
- Our hope is that Missouriwould ultimately become
the very first abortion-free state.
I think we are well, well on our way.
- They're getting all theirrestrictions off the book,
so it is as easy as possibleto get women access to abortion
and that includes taxpayerfunding of abortion
which we have here in Illinois.
- [Heather] Brian Westbrookand Mary Kate Knorr
both lead anti-abortion work
and face completely different challenges.
In Missouri, pro-lifers believe the state
may soon shut down its lastremaining abortion facility
in St. Louis.
The state health departmentwants to revoke its license,
citing four, quote, "failed abortions".
Westbrook says there'sbeen 70 ambulance calls
in the last 10 years.
- What's happened overand over and over again
is that women are leavingthis abortion facility
on a stretcher.
- [Heather] Over the years,the Missouri pro-life movement
has steadily grown.
Today, it boasts a pro-lifelegislature and governor,
seventy pregnancy centers around the state
that care for women in crisis,
and strategic thinkingthat's led to innovation.
Two years ago, the Archdioceseof St. Louis opened a convent
right next door to the state'slast abortion facility.
The sisters can literally watchthe women coming and going
from their kitchen window.
Their mission is to pray for them.
- We're praying for an end to abortion,
we're praying for the womenthat go in there and come out.
- [Heather] They're also prayingfor the sidewalk counselors
who greet Planned Parenthoodclients and employees
whenever the facility is open.
The counselors use a new approach,
which has become known asthe "St. Louis method".
- The St. Louis method is focused on her,
on the woman in that car.
A little bit on the driver,
but sometimes she's not the driver.
And so, it's about formingthat relationship right away
and it's about what I can offer her.
- [Heather] This offering of resources,
like free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds,
literally turns the cars around
and persuades one in 100 womento go elsewhere for help.
In the last nine years,
more than 2500 cars have turned around.
Just across the Mississippi, in Illinois,
it's like night and day.
Mary Kate Knorr faces a political climate
that has stripped mostabortion restrictions
and this year hopes to wipeout parental notification.
- This law is considereda checkpoint in the event
that girls, as young as 10years old, are being trafficked,
and brought into abortionclinics to continue that cycle
of trafficking by puttinga stop to their pregnancy.
- [Heather] Knorr and other pro-lifers
see the abortion industrypositioning Illinois
and other liberal statesfor a post-Roe world.
The thinking:
If the Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade,
abortion-friendly stateswill serve as regional hubs
and hope to attract pregnantwomen in abortion-free states.
For now, those states havebecome industry money-makers.
- Their strategy is theirgonna leverage Illinois,
New York, Virginia, amongstother states across the country
to make up for where they'reloosing their bottom line
in states like Alabama,Georgia, Louisiana, et cetera.
- [Heather] The latest example,
a Planned Parenthood facilityin Fairview Heights, Illinois.
Just across the river from St. Louis.
It opened last October,
after months of secretrenovations on a local property.
The news surprised andshocked many government
and business leaders in town,
who came out to protest the new facility.
- We just knew it was a medical facility.
They had done everything right,
but they kept it very undercover.
- [Heather] PlannedParenthood has announced
that it can see up to11,000 women a year, here.
The news has rallied Burgdorf
and other like-minded citizens.
They're quickly creatinga variety of services
for pregnant women,
and teaming up with their St. Louis allies
who have brought their sidewalk counseling
to Fairview Heights.
- We went into some pretty deep prayer,
spent a lot of time reflecting
and realized that thisis our neighborhood.
Illinois, Missouri, St.Louis is a broad region
that crosses the river.
And most of the womenwho are getting abortions
in the Fairview Heights, Illinois location
are Missouri women.
And so, if they can travelanother 30 minutes east of here,
we can drive that as well.
- [Heather] Driving acrossthe state line for an abortion
and to stop those abortions,
is new territory here.
But it could become the newreality across the country
if the nine justices in Washington decide
what pro-lifers hopethey will on Roe v. Wade.
Reporting in St. Louis,Heather Sells, CBN News.