CBN News Asks Dr. Daniel Amen Your Questions About the COVID-19 Pandemic, Pt. 1
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- Hi everybody, I'm Lorie Johnson,
CBN's Medical Reporter back toanswer your email questions.
Joining me today is psychiatrist,
and best-selling author, Dr. Daniel Amen.
Welcome Dr. Amen.
- Hi, Lorie.
- Well, before we getto the email questions,
do you have any advice for our audience?
Now that we have justlearned these mitigation,
these stay-at-home separationpractices we've been doing,
will last another month.
From a mental health perspective,
this is a real challenge for some people.
- Well, no question,
mental hygiene during this time is just
as important as washing your hands.
I mean, literally, we haveto disinfect our thoughts
so we don't let theANTs, I call them ANTs,
Automatic Negative Thoughts,steal our happiness.
Because, when we becomeanxious, panic, sad, angry,
irritable, it actuallydamages our immune system.
So, staying positive,
looking for the silver liningis just critical at this time.
And what I've beenhearing from our patients
and my followers is
you can really
work hard on beinghealthy during this time
because we have more
time to work on ourselves.
- That is fantastic advice.
Well, let's get to those email questions.
This one's from Chris,
"How effective are Lysolwipes on the virus,
and is it better to use spray Lysol?"
- So, Lysol can actuallybe very effective.
The experts I know said,
cleaning really should be in two stages.
One, you wanna just use soap,
because soap has beenfound to kill the virus.
And then, that's why washingyour hands is so important.
And then put the disinfectant
on whatever surfaces you're working on,
but read the label, becauseoften we'll just wipe it,
and then wipe it off,when many disinfectants
actually need to stay onthe surface for awhile,
in order to be fully effective.
- Good to know.
Alright, this one is from Sherrie,
"If a person gets thevirus and then recovers,
can they get it again?"
- So, odds are no.
Actually, my mom and dad are both
in the hospital with COVID-19.
And, it's scary, especiallybecause you can't visit them,
because they don't allow visitors,
but you know, I've been tellingthem and everybody I know
that once they recover, theycan actually go anywhere
they want and shop for all of us.
- All right, well, wecertainly wish your parents
the very best.
- Thank you.
- This one is from this one is from Donna,
"Is taking ibuprofen a bad idea?
I've heard it makes the virus worse?"
- Yeah, there's actuallyno evidence for that.
They're thinking becauseaspirin and ibuprofen make
a childhood viral syndromecalled Reye syndrome worse
that it would do the same with COVID-19.
There's just no evidence for it.
- All right, Dan wants to know,
"Can I ride my motorcyclealone, just stopping for gas?
Does the virus float with the wind?"
- Your chances of getting itthat way are virtually nil.
Your chances are actuallymuch higher of getting it
when you fill up for gas,because the virus can live
on the
gas handle.
So, you want to make sure gloves,
and be very careful not to touch your face
after you've filled up with gas.
So, I would fill up with gasand then go wash your hands.
- Okay, and Peggy asks, "Isit possible to have COVID-19
without a fever and shortness of breath?"
- 18% of people have no symptoms at all.
And that's really whatspreading this virus is
the incubation period isanywhere from two to 14 days.
So, you can have it andhave no symptoms at all,
and still be giving yourcredit card to someone,
or giving cash to other people,
being around other peoplewho may be vulnerable.
And that's the problem.
Some people, especially younger people,
have no symptoms at all,but then because of that
they can become master spreaders.
This is why social distancingis important for all of us.