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No One Left Behind: Israel Sends Planes to Pick Up Israelis Stranded by Corona Crisis

No One Left Behind: Israel Sends Planes to Pick Up Israelis Stranded by Corona Crisis Read Transcript

- [Reporter] One of the steadfast rules

of the Israel Defense Forces is

"never leave a man or woman behind."

Israel is applying thatprinciple to Israelis

stranded around theworld by the coronavirus.

- We've seen thatcountries are closing down

their borders and flightsare being canceled.

Therefore, for the lastfortnight Israel has been

actively calling outon all Israelis abroad

to come back home as soon as possible.

- [Reporter] Israel's El Al Airlines

and others have gone out to help.

In one rescue mission, El Al brought

1000 Israelis back from Lima, Peru.

Here's what the pilot had to say.

- It was the longest flight I ever had,

43 hours without leaving the plane.

I don't think any country would do such

a rescue mission tobring back its citizens.

- [Reporter] In one operation,the Hungarian government

partnered with the UnifiedHungarian Jewish Congregation

to bring European Jewsto Hungary from Israel

and then take about 160 Israelis

back home on the return flight.

- We are ourselves havemany community members

that we're worried, theirfamilies live in Israel,

and they wanted to returnto Israel, as well as,

we have some workers inour kosher slaughterhouse

that we ensured that theywere able to spend Passover,

the holiday of Pesachtogether with their families.

- The major thing is we don'tunderstand the language here.

So, we don't really know what every time

is the government decide to do,

when things are gonna beclosed, so it's a bit scary.

- [Reporter] In one of themost complex operations,

Israeli travelers inBolivia were picked up

in a private plane, then flown

in a Bolivian army plane to Brazil,

and from there they caughttheir flight to Tel Aviv.

In Bogota.


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