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The 700 Club - March 27, 2020

A man is hooked on heroin and he’d rather die than quit. A junkie plans his final exit but a supernatural visitor saves his life on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up.

- It's that thing that hasdestroyed so many lives.

- [Gordon] Hooked on heroin.

- I just started shooting up every day.

- [Gordon] And he'd rather die than quit.

- You would absolutely hands-down

and go through withdrawals.

- [Gordon] One junkieplans his final exit.

- I just remember everything just fading.

- [Gordon] How a supernaturalvisitor saved his life.

- [Stuart] Forcing air into my lungs.

- [Gordon] Today.

- [Stuart] I just felt this weight lift.

- [Gordon] On the 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to the 700 Club.

We're all now surging to number one,

the United States is the epicenter

of the coronavirus pandemic

with more cases than any other country.

Major US cities arebracing for the possibility

of becoming hotspots just like New York.

- Meanwhile, a glimmer of hope.

The projected global numbers for COVID-19

have been revised down

and Congress is on the verge of passing

that much needed economicrelief for Americans.

Jennifer Wishon has the story.

- [Jennifer] Today theHouse plans to deliver

a $2.2 trillion dollareconomic rescue bill,

after it passed the Senate, 96 to zero.

- It will pass,

it will pass with astrong bipartisan support.

- [Jennifer] Checkscould arrive in mailboxes

by the first week in April, just in time.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve

says the economy may well be in recession

but today a glimmer of light.

The report from Imperial College London

that predicted widespread infections

along with two million deaths in the US

and reportedly helpedthe Trump administration

take serious steps against thevirus, has been revised down.

Isolation and lockdown measures

have changed their projections.

Dr Deborah Birx says the model

never matched the reality on the ground.

- So when people start talkingabout 20% of a population

getting infected, it's very scary.

But we don't have data

that matches that based on the experience.

- [Jennifer] But beyond the models,

New Yorkers are bearing the brunt

of about half the cases in the US,

and The Hill reports theCDC's real world tracking

is raising concerns other citiesmay face the same problems.

Dr Anne Schuchat withthe CDC tells The Hill

"I think what we'reseeing in New York City

"and New York state right now

"is a real warning to other areas

"about what may happen or what may already

"be starting to happen before we ease up

"on the social measuresthat are in place."

She declined to name citieslikely to see major outbreaks,

but there are growingconcerns that New Orleans

could become the next major epicenter.

Meanwhile, despitereports about shortages,

Dr Birx says ICU beds arestill available in New York

along with thousands of ventilators.

- To wake up this morning andlook at people talking about

creating DNR situations,

do not resuscitatessituations for patients.

There is no situation inthe United States right now

that warrants that kind of discussion.

- We grow more confident everydaythat this too shall pass,

with the cooperation andgenerosity and prayers.

- [Jennifer] Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- Well this too shallpass but it's up to us

to make sure it does pass and does pass by

without it coming to your home.

And the best way you cando that is stay home.

If you have to go out andif you have to buy things

in the grocery store orbuy other necessities,

by all means, wipe down that cart,

pay attention to what you're handling.

Make sure that when youbring it back into your home,

you're wiping it down.

We've got to have thesekinds of protections.

I know it sounds unusual

to go through these kinds of procedures

and everybody wants to socialize,

nobody wants to isolate butthe reality is we have to.

We have to get to a positionwhere the virus doesn't spread,

otherwise we're all gonnabe just like New York City.

We all saw the news reports,

we all saw the people onthe streets of New York,

they were not working so theywere gathering in the streets,

not observing social distancing,

and no wonder we're now seeing,the hospitals in New York,

literally overwhelmed.

Let's stop this together.

We can do this, it'sjust please stay home,

please stay in protected environments.

If you have a fever, if youhave any of the symptoms,

please go into quarantine.

Together we can get through this

but if we continue in our current ways

we're going to see moreof these viral blooms,

New Orleans is going to be next

but just start thinkingof all those beaches

down in Florida,

the number of people that flock to them,

where they transmission points,

and now they're all goinghome again after spring break,

how many more viral outbreaksdo we have to go through

before we all finally get the message,

if we just stay homeand wait this thing out

we can crush this virus in it's tracks.

Well here's some other bad news,

a stunning announcementtoday out of the UK,

Prime Minister Boris Johnson

has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Efrem Graham has that storyfrom the CBN Newsroom, Efrem?

- Gordon, Johnson will remain in charge

of the United Kingdom'sresponse to the outbreak,

he said he was tested for COVID-19

on the advice of the chief medical officer

after showing mild symptomsinvolving a temperature

and a persistent cough.

He met in person with someof his senior ministers

and officials this week.

He tweeted he's working fromhome and he can communicate

with his top team to fight the outbreak.

Back here in the United States,

Ohio Governor Mike Dewine tells CBN News

his faith has guided his responseto the coronavirus crisis.

Dewine has been praised forrecognizing the threat early on

and he tells CBN News, David Brody,

he lives every day with thepressure of making decisions

that can determine ifsomeone lives or dies.

- [David] Ohio Governor Mike Dewine

doesn't dabble in prophecy,

but his early moves tocombat the coronavirus

have looked prophetic.

Before there were anyknown cases in the state,

he shut down a bigsports festival and then,

after just three cases,

he shut down the entireK-12 school system.

DeWine gave me the inside story and more

during our one-on-one interview.

- We made those decisionsbased on science,

based on what the bestexperts could tell us

who really said, look,

you got to have this social distancing

and you've got to do it early

because if you wait toolong, it's too late.

Look, we're all dealingwith the same problem.

We do not have enough tests.

We don't have the testing capacity,

but that's a nationwide problem

and it's a real challenge and of course,

now what we're looking for is making sure

as the surge comes, this wave comes at us,

we know it's coming,

to make sure that we do everything we can

to build out our hospitals.

We think we may have todouble the size of our beds,

number of our beds.

At the same time makingsure our medical personnel

have the personal protectivegear that they really,

really need to have.

And so we've stopped allelective surgeries in Ohio,

for example, we've askeddentists to do the same thing.

We've even asked theveterinarians to do the same thing

so we can save some of this gear

for when we know we're goingto really, really need it.

- There are certain states

that have exempted religious gatherings

from this stay at home order,Ohio being one of them.

Why did you feel the need

to exempt religious gatherings exactly?

What's your message to people of faith

all across Ohio and reallythe country governor?

- Well, I didn't thinkit was proper really,

for government to infringe upon

people's First Amendment rights,

but we've also beenquite candid with people

and I've been candid withministers and others,

I've had conferencecalls with them and say,

look, you're not doingyour folks any favors

by bringing them together.

What I found is that churcheshave been very adaptable.

- Governor, you're a fatherof eight, a grandfather of 24.

You're a devout Catholic.

I'm wondering about your faith

and how it informs what you'redoing through this crisis

and how you've relied on yourfaith during this crisis.

Can you talk to me alittle bit about that?

- Sure, I mean I think that this is,

If there's ever a time whenyou need to make decisions

based on what you think arethe best interests of people,

it's a crisis like this.

And, you know, I think theessential function of government

is to protect people.

And so that's what my faith tells me.

My faith tells me thatevery life is precious,

whether it's the unborn, after it's born,

basically from conception to natural death

and so this is a matter of life and death.

We're dealing with people's lives

and the decisions that I makewill determine to some extent,

whether people are goingto live or not live.

So my attitude throughout this

has been let's get the facts.

I keep asking the questions.

I try to find everybody or anybody

who knows anything about thisand try to learn from them

and then base my decisions on that.

The other thing I'velearned throughout life

is that when I don't trust my gut,

when other people are goingone way and I think well,

I probably ought to go this way

and then I end up going withthem, I'm usually wrong.

So I've learned to trust my gut.

My instinct throughout this has been,

and this is based on whatthe experts have told me,

but my gut has been we'renot moving fast enough.

We've just got to move faster

and so that's my messageto my team every day.

We've got to move faster.

As John Wayne said in one of his movies,

"We're burning daylight andwe're running out of time."

And we got to get this right.

We've got to move quick.

- [David] That's an area wherethis governor has excelled.

David Brody, CBN News.

- And you can see David's full interview

with Governor DeWine at

I wanna turn now into Israel

in one of the biggest turn arounds

in the countries political history.

Benny Gantz of the oppositionBlue and White party

has reportedly agreed to joina national unity government

with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

As Chris Mitchell reports form Jerusalem,

the coronavirus pandemicplayed a major role

in this political breakthrough.

- [Chris] After weeks of refusing to join

a national emergency government,

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz,

set the stage for joining forces

with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

In a speech before a nearly empty Knesset

because of coronavirus,

Gantz said why he made his decision.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Let'sjoin hands and take Israel

out of the crisis it is in, together,

let us put Israel before anything else.

- According to the deal,

Gantz could become eitherforeign or defense minister

while Netanyahu will remainprime minister for 18 months

until 2021 when Gantz willbecome prime minister.

The deal now bringstogether a number of parties

to create a sizable governing coalition.

It's the first sign of unity

and political stability withinIsrael in more than a year.

The deal also effectively splitGantz's Blue and White party

which was one of the largest in Israel.

One of its leaders Yair Lapid

refused to join the government.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] The mostimportant thing right now

is to work together tofight the coronavirus.

But that's not an excuse

to sit in the government with Netanyahu.

- [Chris] The agreementis a political victory

for Benjamin Netanyahu.

He remains prime minister

and this could delaythe trial he is facing

on three separate indictments.

Because of the CODViD-19 pandemic,

Netanyahu has called for anemergency government for weeks.

More than 3000 Israelis are now infected.

The country is in a near total lockdown

to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

as Netanyahu is trying toprevent a health catastrophe.

With a stable government,

it appears Israel cannow face the pandemic

with a unified front on the eve

of one of Judaism'sholiest feasts, Passover.

It marks the time when theJewish people were saved

from the biblical ten plagues in Egypt.

Their prayer this yearis that they can be saved

from another plague once again.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- A critical time forunity for us all, Gordon?

- Well I hope that ourpoliticians here in America

get the same message.

It's time to put America first.

Unfortunately it seems like everyone

wants to score political points.

But we're facing a crisisthat's unprecedented.

You have to literally go back100 years to find something

that's even close towhat we're facing today.

This isn't a time for political division,

this is a time where we comeshoulder to shoulder and say

what's the best way forward,

how can we as a country make it through,

how can we stop this virus in its tracks.

But it seems to be a political season

and because elections coming up

we wanna score electionpoints as oppose to really

getting together to sayhow do we solve this

and do it as fast andas quickly as we can.

Here's a thought for you

and keep this in mind as weget closer to the election.

Is going to a voting booth anopportunity to get the virus?

Are we just creating yetanother wave of viral infection

by gathering people to vote?

What does that mean for absentee ballots?

How do we have a presidential election

in the middle of a pandemic?

Well if you wanna knowmore about the coronavirus,

if you wanna get the latest information,

we have a absolutely free webpage for you,

We also have a freedownloadable fact sheet,

all you have to do is goto that website

and you can find outhow you can play a part

in stopping this horrible disease.

You can build a much strongerimmune system for yourself.

But the biggest key isalways social isolation,

making sure you'rethoroughly washing your hands

and wiping down any surfacebefore you come into contact

with it that way you're protected,

you're able to say I'm virus free,

together we can stop this thing.

If we continue on our currentways and ignore the warnings,

all that's going to happen isthis virus is going to spread

so stay informed, go, Terry?

- Coming up next, head tothe place once known as

the Riviera of the Soviet Union

and meet the dynamic evangelist,

winning the formercommunist nation for Christ.

Then later, a heroin addictwho's heart stopped six times,

how was he able to livethrough a fatal overdose

and who rescued him?

Find out, that's later on today's show.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- The Riviera of the Soviet Union.

That's what the country ofGeorgia is often called,

it's one of the worldsoldest Christian countries.

80% of it's people belongto the Orthodox church

but many of them don'tknow Christ personally

and now one evangelist and his wife

are working hard to change that.

George Thomas brings us their story.

(singing in a foreign language)

- [George] On a Wednesday afternoon,

in an ancient village northwest

of Georgia's capital Tbilisi,

more than 100 youngstersmet several days here

to learn how to have deeper

and more meaningfulencounters with Jesus Christ.

- I think if you want to havea harvest in this country,

you need to be focusedon this new generation.

- [George] GuramImerlishvili leads an effort

to encourage young Georgians

to accept Christ as Lord of their lives.

- If you really love Georgia,

if you really love your culture,

if you are about your country,

you need to be closer to Jesus

because Jesus loves more my country.

- [George] Once partof the communist empire

and often called theRiviera of the Soviet Union,

Georgia is nestled betweenthe Caucasus Mountains

and the Black Sea.

Turkey and Armenia flankits southern border.

To its east is Azerbaijanand Russia to the north.

As one of the world'soldest Christian countries,

more than 80 percent of Georgians

belong to the Orthodox Church.

Yet, Guram says many don'tknow Christ personally.

- We never go deeper toreal-life relationship.

Lord is demanding fromus to discover all this

new reaches in relationshipwith live God Jesus Christ.

- [George] For severalyears he and his wife, Maya,

have led School Without Walls,

a program helping young men and women

to become sold out for their faith.

- [Interpreter] We havebeen holding these camps

for 13 years now and from the beginning,

the goal was to teach youngpeople Christian values.

Values that will change their lives

in a deeper way and impactgenerations to come.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [George] Guram often shares his journey

to show how God redeems andtransforms broken lives.

To understand Guram's passion

for reaching Georgia's young generation,

you really have to understand his past.

You see when he was 19 years old,

he decided to leave Georgiaand moved to Athens, Greece,

where he says he got involvedin the wrong company,

started a nightclub andlived, according to his words,

a life that was wild and free.

I was fully swallowed by sinbecause my approach to Jesus

was only through some setof rules or traditions.

- [George] Although growingup in the Orthodox Church,

he really didn't know Christ.

He smoked, drank, and partiedhard with the wrong crowd.

- So I was not sure that all this was real

but I was hoping thatJesus is a real person,

but I was not sure.

And I was very afraid if Jesus is real,

that means hell is real

and that means my destination is to hell.

- [George] After years ofwild living and feeling empty,

Guram says he finally decidedto give his heart to Christ.

- He gave me revelation that there is more

and since I met Jesus Christ

I know that there is hope for my nation.

I am not hopeless,

now I know that everything ispossible with Jesus Christ.

- [George] A transformational message

that resonated with many camp attendees.

- [Interpreter] It's noteasy to live in this world

and strive for what isinvisible, which no one has seen.

But when you have evidence in your heart

that you are a Christian,

you have the power to overcome sins,

passion, hatred, selfishness, and doubt.

- [George] For otherslike Tako Beruashvili,

the meetings are a time of renewal.

- [Interpreter] I approach the Lord

with renewed intensity when I leave here.

I feel like I'm ready to goout into the fight again.

I am so filled with the Holy Spirit.

- [George] This was Beso Bujiashvili's

first evangelical camp.

As a member of the Orthodox church,

Bujiashvili says he learned the importance

of a personal relationship with Christ.

- [Interpreter] I havethought about God many times

but I have never been able to put myself

in the way of Christ.

In these five days, I learnedthat I need to spend more time

to get to know him.

- [George] Music to the ears of Guram

who prays that one daythese young men and women

will transform their nation for Christ.

- I have hope that my countrywill shine for Jesus Christ

and we will be light formany nations around us.

- [George] This is GeorgeThomas reporting for CBN News

from Tbilisi, Georgia.

- And some good news from Georgia.

You have to go backall the way to the 300s

to see the origin ofChristianity in Georgia.

It was all because of a girl,

her name was Nino and she wentto serve the queen in Georgia

and converted her and thenin turn converted the king

and then the whole nationcame to know Jesus,

came to be Christian.

St Nino, it's an incredible story,

and it's an incredible storyhappening in Georgia today.

Where they're realizing Jesusis real, he's a real person.

And you can get to know him,

you can get to see theinvisible act within your heart,

within your life, transformation.

If you're wondering that today,

here's a very simple prayer for you.

You can pray it in Georgiayou can pray it right here

in the United States.

Jesus, if you're real, ifyou really are my savior,

if you really can transformme, make me new again.

Could you show me, couldyou show up for me.

If you want help with thatprayer we're here for you.

All you have to do is callus 1-800-700-7000, Terry?

- Well still to come, saved by an angel.

One skater wakes up in a hospital

with a heavenly visitor by his side.

Watch as life is breathedback into his lungs.

And later, a 5% chance to live.

That's what doctors told this woman

after they discovered twopotentially fatal issues.

So how did she survivethis death sentence?

(upbeat music)

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- Detox or die.

Stuart had to pick one or the other

and it didn't take long for him to decide.

He drove to his dealers house,

grabbed a needle and chose to die.

- [Stuart] When I unlockedthe door this morning,

I actually thought, wowI've come far enough

for someone to trust me witha key to the skate shop,

that someone's entire business

and I've gone from lying on a hospital bed

as a overdosed heroinaddict begging for death

to someone that's trustworthy.

(gentle music)

(film rewinding screech)

2012 was the first timeI did crystal meth, took,

I was in Muizenburg,

by this time I was very,very, very depressed.

There was no amount of weed on earth

that could satisfy a wayto make me feel better.

You know it was just a constantsmoke, smoke, smoke, smoke,

all day and I just rememberlooking and thinking,

is this that thing that hasdestroyed so many lives?

There's just like a thirst for it,

I was just like, yo that felt really good.

And you know, there's nothing wrong,

I could do it one more time.

The problem with one more time is

that sentence never changes.

The rest of my 18th yearand 19 was such a blur.

I didn't really touch any other drug,

I just started shootingup heroin every day.

My parents found needleshere and it would trigger

this whole like, thing,oh Stuarts using again,

let's get him into a rehab,

the whole family wentinto a state of emergency

and we went through so many counselors,

so many rehabs, so manyexperts that could help us.

I went to NA meetings like crazy.

When you're shooting upheroin, when you're mainlining,

you get to a point where youwould absolutely hands-down

rather die than go through withdrawals.

The pain you go through is excruciating.

I got to a point where Iwas like cool, like no,

I'm actually done, I'm done living.

There's nothing left now for me.

I thought overdose is the way I wanna go,

in order to overdose Ihave to reduce my tolerance

so I'm gonna go and tell my parents

I wanna be booked into a rehab

and I'll reduce my tolerance.

Went away, went through the detox.

Soon as I got out, gotdriven to my dads work,

soon as I had thechance, took the car key,

then I told my dad

I'm just gonna godownstairs for a cigarette.

Got in the car, wentstraight to my dealer,

went straight to thechemist to get needles,

got a lethal dose, came here to the house,

and yeah with no hesitation,

stuck the lethal dose in, pulled it out,

I just remember everything just fading.

(hospital machine beeping)

(flatline beeping)

I woke up with very,very like, blurred vision

in the hospital crying,that's when I got a vision

of this angel hovering over the bed,

forcing air into my lungs.

At that point it was thefirst time I truly decided

that I needed to kick thiswhole addiction thing.

- I hang on to Proverbs3:5 and I still do today.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

lean not on your own understanding.

But I meditated on it.

We can't deal with a lot of stuff humanly,

we're not capable.

The only way is through Christ.

- Is he gonna die, is he gonna live,

am I gonna have my brother back?

In here I never wanted to give up.

I was convinced thatGod would set him free.

- I think I went to nine rehabs,

I overdosed another 13 times,

my heart stopped six times,they had to resuscitate me.

It was the carnage and it was hard,

it was the hardest time of my life.

I had to face the factthat it was impossible.

I never heard of anyone that recovered.

Everyone that was mainliningheroin was either dead,

in jail still mainliningheroin or still using.

I went to this place and Ijust did farm work there.

There was people from prison,

there was people from all over the place

that was struggling withaddiction and all sorts of things.

While I was on that farm I realized

I've tried absolutely everything,

and on that farm is finallywhere I surrendered to Jesus.

And I gave him myabsolutely worthless life.

I said, you know what, take it.

It was hard, it wasemotional and it was hard

but it was also really easy.

It took a lot of weight off my shoulders.

My whole life was under my charge

and when I gave it up Ijust felt this weight lift.

(gentle music)

I was on antipsychotic medication,

I was on antidepressants,I was on antianxiety,

I was on heroin supplements,

I was on ridiculouslevels of sleeping pills,

I left not taking onepill, not needing one pill,

completely normal.

I haven't done one program since then,

I have truly been free ever since.

Now I'm three years clean from heroin,

very happily married, I justgot married two months ago.

I had so many lies in my head about God

because of those lies I never gave myself

a chance to get to know him.

Whereas when I finallystarted to get to know God,

he's just too good for me,

too loving for me to deserve,

he's too graceful, he's too forgiving,

I've had moments where I've broke down

and cried like a little baby

'cause I don't deserve anything from him

but he still gives us so lovingly.

In one of the rehabs that I was in,

my sister wrote a verse on my arm.

It was a prophetic word over my life

that this scripture would come true.

It was Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ

and it is no longer I that livebut he that lives within me,

the life I live now,

I put my trust in my Lordand savior Jesus Christ

who gave his life for me.

(heartbeat thumping)

- You can do that same thing.

You can have trust in him.

In today's world, theverse that the father God,

don't lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledgehim, he will direct your path.

You know, so often, wedon't want to trust God,

we wanna trust our own ability,

we wanna trust what we can do.

But when you get into situationswhere your own ability

is not going to see it through.

For anyone with drugaddiction, you already know,

your own will power isn'tgoing to see you through.

You need to be transformedfrom your innermost being.

When you're in drugaddiction it's real obvious

to everyone around you that you need help.

But what's not so obvious, for you and I,

who aren't in addictionis, we need help too.

And right now in today'sworld, we all need help.

We can't lean on our own understanding.

In all our ways, we haveto now, rely on him.

We have to lean into him.

If you wanna do that right now,

if forever reason you'renot right with God,

let this story encourage you

that yes God can turn you around.

He can take you from a suicidal addict

into a transformed living being,

who has a hope and a future.

He wants to do that foryou, he died for you,

he loves you that much.

He wants to come to you,he wants to give you hope,

he wants to give you peace,

he wants to give you his righteousness,

he wants to give you joy,

and he will do all of this for you

if you just lean into him.

Don't trust what you'rethinking right now.

Trust his mind, his way, he has an answer.

All we have to do is surrender to him.

To say God I can't do this,I can't see a way forward.

But with you I can do all things.

If you wanna get right withGod, bow your head with me.

Let's pray a very simple prayer,

and let God do all the rest, pray with me.

Jesus, that's right just sayhis name, say it out loud.


I come to you and Lord I surrender,

I surrender everything.

My heart,

my life,

my mind,

my thoughts.

I don't want to lean onmy understanding any more.

I want to lean on you.

So I commit my way to you Lord God.

And I ask that you come in,

I ask that you forgive me,

of all the things that I've done wrong.

I ask that you change my mind,

my thoughts, my innermost being.

That I would no longerhave thoughts of fear,

thoughts of worry, but Iwould have thoughts of you.

Renew my mind, renew my heart,renew my innermost being.

For I asketh in Jesus name, amen.

Father for those who just prayed

I asked for a baptism in your love.

Let your perfect love come over everyone

listening to me right now.

Your perfect love casts out all fear.

Be with us Lord God for we asketh

in Jesus name amen and amen.

If you prayed with me

there's one more thing I want you to do.

The Bible says that ifyou believe in your heart

and then confess with yourmouth, you shall be saved.

We made that easy for you,all you have to do is pick up

a phone and call us 1-800-700-7000.

If you prayed that prayer

I've got something for youit's called "A New Day"

and it's CD teaching.

What do you do now?

How do you live the Christian life,

there's also a booklet in there.

It's all free all youhave to do is call us

we'll be glad to send itto you 1-800-700-7000,

Terry over to you.

- Still ahead, from bully to best friend.

See why these classmatesare now inseparable,

all because of a cartoon.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to the 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.

Venezuela strong man Nicolas Maduro,

is lashing out at the Trump administration

after it indicted him on drug charges.

The US announced it'scharging the socialist leader

and several close aides with taking part

in a criminal enterprisewith drug traffickers

and terrorists groups.

Maduro calls Trump a "racist cowboy"

and said he'll use all ofhis powers to fight back

if the US and Columbia invade,to take him into custody.

CBN's Operation Blessingis providing clean water

for families in Kenya.

Zawadi is a single mother offive in the town of Kilifi.

Her village had no access to clean water.

So when the sun dried up one source

she'd have to walk to the next pond

and some were hours away.

But the water was always filthy.

Full of mud, leaves, and parasites.

So Zawadi and her childrenwere constantly suffering

from stomach aches and diarrhea,

but Operation Blessing provideda brand new bore hole well

for Zawadi and her village.

Now the village has accessto fresh clean water

whenever they need it.

Operation Blessingspartners are providing hope

to countless families in thearea and around the world

through the gift of clean water.

Wanna remind you, youcan always get the latest

from CBN News by going toour website at

Gordon and Terry are backwith more today's 700 Club,

it's coming up, right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Sasha was bullied at schoolby a girl named Anastasia.

Then one day, she decided toinvite Anastasia to her home

to watch Superbook and before long,

these two girls became best friends.

- [Reporter] Sasha lovedeverything about going to school,

except for one thing,

a girl named Anastasia who bullied her.

- [Sasha's Interpreter]She called me names

and wanted to fight.

I was so I was so offended,

but I was also afraid of her.

- [Reporter] Anastasia on the other hand,

believed it was okay topick on the smaller girls.

She told us she'd been bullied herself.

- [Anastasia's Interpreter]I pushed other kids around

because I wanted them to feelthe pain that I had felt.

- [Reporter] One daythe bullying got so bad

that Sasha came home crying.

She told her mom everythingthat Anastasia had done to her.

- [Zhanna's Interpreter] Atfirst, I wanted to run there

and fight for my childbut then Sasha and I

decided to pray for her.

- [Sasha's Interpreter] My momsuggested that I invite her

to my house, where wehave a Superbook Club.

- [Reporter] At first Anastasia refused,

but later decided to come.

That day they watched theSuperbook episode "He is Risen".

- [Anastasia's Interpreter] When I saw

they were nailing Jesus hands to the wood,

I felt very sorry for Him.

I wanted to save him.

After watching, I prayed andasked Jesus to forgive me.

- [Zhanna's Interpreter] Afterwe prayed together with her,

we began to see big changes in her life.

- [Anastasia's Interpreter]Before I got angry,

now I don't do that becauseGod changed my heart.

- [Reporter] Anastasiastopped bullying Sasha,

and the two became friends.

- [Anastasia's Interpreter]We play together,

we are good friends now.

- [Anastasia's Interpreter]The Superbook cartoon

changed me, I now knowthat God can help me.

I learned that being kindis better than being mean.

- [Sasha's Interpreter] I wantto say thank you to everyone

who helped make suchgreat cartoons, thank you.

- And that thank you goesto you if you're a member

of the Superbook Club.

You're part of the production cost,

you're part of thedistribution translation cost,

we're now in over 50 languages.

Showing the children of the world,

the stories of the Bible.

If you're not a memberI invite you to join,

if you do, for a giftof $25 dollars or more

we'll send you threecopies of our latest DVD,

the story of "Isaiah", plusa double feature Easter bonus

of "The Last Supper" and "He Is Risen".

Again, all yours for arecurring gift of $25 dollars

and every month when anew episode comes out,

well you'll be first in line to get it.

If you wanna join call us1-800-700-7000 or go to

and as a special bonus, weknow that all the schools,

many of the churches have stopped meeting

because of the coronavirus butyour children can still learn

about the stories in the Bible.

The Superbook Academynow has Bible lessons,

crafts, games, and more,and we're currently offering

a free course to everyone.

All you have to do is goto,

sign up today, they'll bewonderful episodes on there

as well as all of the back story,

the archaeology that went into the episode

as well as the theology.

It's a great way to teach yourchildren the Bible, Terry?

- Well up next, oneyoung mother's catch 22.

She had two life threatening conditions

and doctors couldn't treat both.

Find out what happened aftershe was sent home to die.

Plus we'll be prayingfor you so don't go away.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Margaret Green was just 34when her doctor told her

to go home and makearrangements for her funeral.

She had blood clots and an aneurism.

If doctors treated one issue,she would die of the other.

So how did she survive to tell her story?

Take a look.

- And the doctor comes in and he says,

she has about a 95% chanceof not even making it.

So you all need to go homeand make arrangements.

- [Reporter] MargaretGreen was 34 years old

when doctors told herand her husband Jermaine

she had two life threatening conditions.

- I said, no, I can't receive that.

And my husband was like,

you know, we're going to trust God.

- I knew that He could heal her,

but the question was areyou going to heal her?

- [Reporter] ButMargaret's story of healing

isn't just about whetherGod would heal her, but how.

It begins when she wasa young girl growing up

in a rough St Louis neighborhood

with an abusive alcoholic father.

She was four when her motherwho was afraid for her life,

grabbed two of Margaret'syounger siblings and fled.

Margaret and an oldersister were left behind

with their dad to suffer his abuse.

- He would slap me inthe face or he would,

you know, kick me in the face.

He never missed a day wherehe wouldn't, you know,

call me names or, you know,

blame me for my mother leaving him.

- [Reporter] Her nightmaredidn't end there.

For the next three years

she would be molested bya friend of her fathers.

At eight years old, she attempted suicide.

- I took the whole bottleof pills that were there.

And I said, life wasjust better without me.

- [Reporter] AfterwardsMargaret was sent to live

with her mom who startedtaking her to church.

At 12, she made thedecision to follow Christ

but there was somethingshe couldn't understand.

- I began to ask him whoHe was and if He was real

and if He was there,

why did He allow all ofthis to happen to me?

When God didn't answer me, Ifelt like He did not hear me.

- [Reporter] As a teen, Margaret rebelled,

becoming promiscuous, drinking alcohol

and using and selling drugs.

- That's what happens when you're damaged.

(somber music)

- [Reporter] By 21, she hadfour children and was stealing,

selling drugs and strippingto provide for them.

She spent six years in andout of homeless shelters,

and abusive relationships.

- I would always pray

even though I felt likeGod wasn't listening.

It was almost like checking to see,

maybe one day He'll hear meand come and save me from this.

- [Reporter] Then one night,

Margaret went to a party withtwo men she had just met.

While there she was violently raped.

They plotted how to kill her

and that's when Margaret beganto call on the name of Jesus,

which only angered the men.

- And he said, don't callHim, He can't hear you.

So he began to punch mein the back of my head.

It didn't matter how much he punched me,

I continued to call on Jesus name.

- [Reporter] Theyeventually let Margaret go,

leaving her on the streets to die.

The next morning, sheturned her life over to God

and began to seek after Him.

- And I decided to stop going to the club

and stop selling drugs,everything, I mean, everything.

- [Reporter] Over the next seven years

Margaret began her new life in Christ.

A few years later, at a churchevent, Margaret met Jermaine,

they married and they blendedtheir families together.

- The Lord really, reallyput his hand on our marriage,

you know?

He was right for meand I was right for him

and our family was perfect.

- [Reporter] Then two years later,

Margaret went to her doctorwith severe abdominal pains.

Tests revealed she had a dissecting

abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Three weeks later,

they discovered multiple bloodclots in both of her lungs

and one next to her heart.

They could treat one orthe other but not both.

- He said, if we remove the blood clots,

you'll die of the aneurysm.

If we repair the aneurysm andtreat you for the blood clots,

you'll die of the blood clots.

- [Reporter] Surgery was risky

so instead Margaret wasprescribed blood thinners

to avoid more clotting.

But even then, she had onlya 5% chance of survival.

- He told me that basicallyat any time, she could go.

So I needed to cherish all themoments that I have with her.

And the news was very scary.

We prayed, I encouraged her, I said,

hey, it's okay, dry your eyes,

God's going to bring you through this.

- [Reporter] Three weeks later,

Margaret went for a follow up visit.

They discovered the bloodclots had dissolved.

- And they said,

we've never seen a case where blood clots

have dissolved that fast.

They said there's somethingto you we don't know,

but there's a plan, God has a plan.

- [Reporter] But the aneurysmstill threatened her life.

Over the next two years,

Margaret's activities were restricted.

She was even hospitalized 28 times.

She didn't know whether she'd live or die.

Despite it all, she andJermaine continued to pray

and believe God for a miracle.

Finally, she says during a time of prayer,

God spoke to her about her condition.

- And He said while someissues are hereditary,

some are connected to your heart.

And He said, your sickness, Margaret,

is connected to yourissues that you're having

that's in your heart.

The Lord said, hey, I needyou to forgive everyone

that's hurt you, everyonethat has rejected you.

- [Reporter] So she startedpraying and after three months,

she noticed she was no longer in pain.

- I said, I feel different.

I just felt so different in my body

and I said, something has changed.

- And I said, Okay so areyou saying God healed you?

She said, yes, the Lordhealed me, I'm healed.

- [Reporter] The couple went to her doctor

who ordered CAT scans.

When they returned home,

they got a call from the doctor's office.

He said, I don't know what happened,

he said, but thataneurysms no longer there.

And they're like, this does not happen.

You know, aneurysms don'tregress, they don't shrink

and they're like, we cannotexplain this, you know,

so we can only put resolved,this issue has been resolved.

Miracle, she's a miracle.

- She was so excited shejust broke down crying.

So we just kind of, you know,

held each other and wewere just very happy

that God did what hesaid He was going to do.

- [Reporter] Margaret and Jermaine

just celebrated their7th wedding anniversary.

They share hope and encouragement

to their followers ontheir weekly radio show.

She's also written a bookwhere she encourages everyone

to trust God to heal thebroken places in their lives

and be kingdom created.

- The power of forgivenessis able to heal.

Any time you're broken, anytime you're down and out,

just forgive, God is still a healer.

He's able to work miracles, allyou have to do is trust Him.

- You know there is a connectionbetween the bitterness,

the resentment, the angerthat we harbor in our hearts.

And sometimes we harbor it there

because we feel likewe've earned the right to,

we have been unfairlytreated, we've been wounded.

And yet God asks us todo what Margaret did,

to let go of it, to giveit to him, you know,

God says that he's the one who repays,

but he says I want you to walk free,

Jesus said I came to set the captive free.

So we wanna pray foryou today to be set free

from anything in your lifethat's holding you back

from the wholeness and the healing

that Jesus paid the price for on calvary.

We want you to know wholeness,

we want you to thrive in your life.

This is God's desire for you

and so we want to take sometime to pray for you today.

We've got some amazing reports,

you've got one.- Yeah, I've got Robert

from Columbus, Ohio.

He hurt his back, was inpain for over three months,

his doctor's could dolittle to ease his pain.

One day he was watching the 700 Club

and Terry said there's someone else

that's wrenched their back,

you had a fall of some kind

and you just can almost not move,

God is just setting all inorder for you right now.

Just begin to stretch,pull yourself up straight

as it's all realigned in Jesus name.

Well by faith, Robert stretched his back

and was instantly healed.

- Wow.- And that's incredible.

- [Terry] That is incredible.

- [Gordon] Wow Terry's an orthopedist.

(Terry laughs)

That's awesome. (laughing)

- But God is, God is.

Well this is Diane.

For almost five years,she lives in Philadelphia.

She had crippling pain inher hand which prevented her

from living a normal life.

Her knee joints were stiff and painful.

She was watching this program one day,

Gordon you said, someonehas arthritis in your hands,

they are swollen and disfigured,you can't do anything.

You went on to declarehealing for someone's knee,

she claimed healing forher hands and her knee's

and after praying and believing,

she moved her hand, kickedher feet, absolutely no pain.

- Hallelujah, God is good.

If you have ought against any, forgive.

Just forgive them, for Margaretshe had a lot to forgive,

a lot of bad things happened to her

but she forgave and inthat she found healing.

And when you forgive youcan enter into his presence

and realize he forgivesyou for everything.

He restores you, he forgivesall your iniquities,

he frees you from all of that,

the law of sin and death,he frees you from it.

And then he heals all your diseases.

So what part of all doesyour disease fall in?

It falls in all.

So you can get healed right now.

Let's just believe God, let's pray,

and let him do all the rest.

Jesus we come to you rightnow and we just rely on you.

We don't rely on our faith,

we don't rely on our prayer,

we rely on you, we rely on the cross,

we rely on what you have already done.

And so we receive itnow and by faith we say

I forgive all who have ever harmed me,

ever done anything againstme, I forgive them,

I set them free now andJesus I ask for your healing

to go through my bodyfrom the top of my head

to the soles of my feet.

Cleanse me and heal me for I asketh,

in Jesus name, amen and amen.

Do you need healing, we're here for you.

All you gotta do iscall us 1-800-700-7000,

just tell us what your needis and we'll be glad to pray.

Here's a word from Jesus.

"Whatever things you ask when you pray,

"believe that you receivethem and you will have them."

God bless, we'll see you again next week.

(gentle music)


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