Her diagnosis was cancer and her prognosis was grim. When the insurance company rejected her last shot, the stage was set for an incredible answer to prayer.
Read Transcript
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Comingup, diagnosis, cancer.
- And it was inoperable,and it was a very large.
- [Announcer] Prognosis, grim.
- [Brad] Is there an option?
- [Wife] I didn't know if wewould be planning goodbye.
- [Announcer] And the insurance company
rejects her last shot.
- They don't care if I live or die.
What are we gonna do now?
- [Announcer] Watch anincredible answer to prayer.
- Exactly the prayer that I had prayed,
that the tumor fell out of my body.
- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Well welcome to "The 700 Club."
100 meters, that's as faras people are now allowed
to venture from inside theirhomes in the nation of Israel.
It's a drastic measurein the two-front war
that Israel's prime minister is facing,
the global pandemic, and political crisis.
Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.
(dramatic music)
- [Chris] In the waragainst the coronavirus,
checkpoints are becomingpart of life for Israelis.
- We want people to stay at home.
We don't people to go outunless absolutely necessary,
and therefore, based onthe new laws and orders,
people will only be allowedto leave their houses
until 100 meters.
- [Chris] The newregulations forbid employees
from coming to work with a temperature
more than 38 degrees celsius,or 100 degrees fahrenheit,
all non-essential shopping,
and trips to public parks and playgrounds.
- Now I'm going home, and I'mnot intending to coming out
until the governments say it will be okay.
- [Chris] Police also closed
Jerusalem's iconic open-airmarket, Mahane Yehuda,
and Muslim authorities
have closed the Temple Mount indefinitely.
Trips are allowed to the grocery store,
the doctors, and pharmacies.
Prime Minister Netanyahu invoked the book
of Deuteronomy, chapter four,
and pleaded with Israelis to obey.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translater] I say thisas clearly as possible,
you must stay home.
Stay home, stay alive, thedanger lurks for everyone.
Take good heed unto yourselves.
- While Israel battlesthe coronavirus pandemic,
it appears unlikely that Benny Gantz's
opposition Blue and White Party
will join a nationalunity emergency government
with Benjamin Netanyahuand his Likud Party.
On Wednesday, the speakerof Knesset, Yuli Edelstein,
dropped a politicalbombshell when he resigned.
Edelstein critics charge herefused to open the Knesset
to stop legislation thatwould disqualify Netanyahu
from beginning Prime Ministeragain in a new government.
Those bills have the supportof the Blue and White Party,
and the Arab Joint List.
As Israel's politicaldeadlock remains unbroken,
Netanyahu rallied the nation,
by reminding them of thepassover story from the Bible.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Chris] The exodus from Egypt reminds us
that our people havewithstood fierce storms.
This gives strength, this gives hope.
We survived Pharaoh, andthough the battle will be hard
and uncompromising, wewill also survive corona,
with God's help, and withyours, citizens of Israel.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Now CBN Middle East BureauChief, Chris Mitchell,
joins us now in Jerusalem.
Chris, what in the worldis going on in Israel?
You know, the Bible says ahouse divided can't stand,
a kingdom divided againstitself can't stand.
Are they ever going get together?
- That's a great point,Pat, and first of all,
I just wanna wish you ahappy belated birthday.
I've just celebrated 31 years with you.
We've done a lot here in Israel.
We've been up on the second Lebanon war,
and on the the frontlines there of that war,
and I just wanted to speak forthe whole Jerusalem bureau,
it's our privilege toserve with you over here.
So as you say, and asthe Jewish people say,
may you live to 120 just like Moses.
- And very soon,- Why'd you say a house
divided against itself?- My brother, thank you.
Go ahead.- Yeah.
As you say, a house dividedagainst itself can not stand.
Pat, I would say there'stwo viruses over here,
the coronavirus that thewhole nation is fighting,
and an anti-B.B. virus that is right now
infecting the political landscape.
It seems like the Blue and White Party,
at least some elements ofthe Blue and White Party,
wanna do everything that canto eliminate B.B Netanyahu
from being the next Prime Minister,
so that is what's happening her right now.
The fight against the coronavirus,
which Benjamin Netanyahu is really doing
a serious emphatic jobof just telling Israelis
not to go outside, this isa disaster in the making
if you don't obey these rules,
so these are the two dynamicsgoing on right now, Pat.
- Well you know, I haven't understood
there was a big outbreakof coronavirus in Israel.
Are they just being proactive?
- Well no, there's about over 2500
have been contracted the coronavirus,
about eight deaths, butthat's climbing by the day,
sometimes by the hour,
so they are implementingthese restrictions
to make sure that Israeldoesn't become Italy,
doesn't become Spain, andthey're doing everything they can
to sort of get ahead of that curve
that Doctor Fauci keeps talkingabout in the United States,
and they're doing what they can.
They don't want the healthcaresystem here overwhelmed.
It's already about 100%in the best of times,
so they wanna do what they canto prevent what's happening
in these other countrieshappening here in Israel.
- Last question.
Will Israel, BenNatanyahu, Blue and White,
will they ever get togetherfor the good of the nation?
- You would hope so, Pat, butit seems unlikely right now.
Anything can happen in Israeli politics,
but it does seem unlikely.
It seems like all the appealsthat Netanyahu's been having
to have an emergencygovernment has gone unheeded
by the Blue and White,or the Arab Joint List,
and so they wanna do what they can.
Two quick points, Pat.
In the midst of this, some of the nations
are actually accusing theJews of the coronavirus.
That goes back historicallywhen they accused the Jews
during the black plaguein the Middle Ages,
that's happening.
On the bright side, believe it or not,
Jews are coming back here to make Aliyah
in the midst of this pandemic,
and that's the prophecy fulfilledby all the Hebrew prophets
so they're still coming, theJews back to the promised land,
in the midst of this pandemic.
- Great word, and yes, we'regonna be like Moses, 120,
I appreciate that good word.
And the work you guys are doing
from Jerusalem is outstanding.
Thank you so much.
- Thanks, Pat.
- In other news, the economic fallout
from covid-19 has begun.
3.3 million people are applying
for unemployment, 3.3 million.
Efrem Graham has more.
(dramatic music)
- Pat, that is a record high number
of unemployment applications.
Many fears it's just the beginning.
But there's promise of relief.
Congress is on track to passa $2.2 trillion aid package,
not just for corporations,it includes small businesses,
and families as well.
Heather Sells shows us when the checks
are expected to arrive.
(dramatic music)
- [Heather] Late Wednesday,the senate passed
a $2 trillion relief bill,aimed at helping both families,
and businesses recover from the pandemic.
- on this vote, the yaysare 96, the nays are zero.
The 60 vote thresholdhaving been achieved,
the bill is passed.
- [Heather] The President tweeting,
"Congratulations, America."
The bill now goes to the house,
which is expected to vote on it Friday.
The relief package wouldhave the government
sending direct aid to individuals.
People earning $75,000 or lesswould receive a $1200 check,
plus $500 per child.
At a daily coronavirustask force briefing,
CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
asked the President howsoon the relief might come.
- We are hearing you arepushing for April 6th
to have direct paymentsissued to taxpayers.
Is that the target date?
- I think that's pretty much.
- Again, I would say ourexpectation is within three weeks,
we will have direct payments out
where we have depository information,
and we're looking to geta lot more information,
and we have procedures to do that.
So three weeks for that,
and I would say the end of nextweek, we want all the banks
to be able to originate loans same day.
- [Heather] The Presidentsays he would like to reopen
the country by April 12th, Easter,
but his medical experts saythat may or may not work.
- You've gotta understand thatyou don't make the timeline.
The virus makes the timeline.
- [Heather] US deaths from thevirus have now topped 1000.
With the number of casesdoubling every three days,
there's still enormous concern
about having enough hospital beds.
An estimated 5% of the sick need ICU beds.
- It just feels like you'regetting beat up all the time,
and then the coughingbecomes pretty violent,
just exasperates the painthat you feel in your body.
- [Heather] One month after Mardi Gras,
Louisiana has the third highestrate per capita in the US.
New York is still thebiggest coronavirus hotspot,
and the state is scramblingto get enough ventilators
to handle a surge in patients.
But the governor says he's encouraged
that the rate ofhospitalization in the city
is slowing slightly.
- This is a very goodsign, and a positive sign.
Again, I'm not 100% sure it holds.
- [Heather] Still, FEMAexpects the state's 1800
intensive care unitswill be full by Friday.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- As coronavirus cases surgeand the death toll passes 1000,
Americans are payingclose attention to updates
from the President's task force.
Response coordinator Doctor Deborah Birx
has become a trusted presidential advisor.
CBN's Jenna Browder talked to her
about navigating theresponse to this pandemic.
(dramatic music)
- Doctor Deborah Birx isthe response coordinator
for the US coronavirus taskforce,
and this is not the armycolonel's first pandemic.
The US global aid's coordinatorfor 65 countries since 2014,
Birx says the spread of covid-19 on the US
depends on how Americansact in the next few days.
- The next five to six daysis absolutely critical.
- [Jenna] Warning the clock is ticking,
Doctor Birx is hopeful Americans
will heed the White House recommendations
of 15 days to slow the spread.
- It is absolutely criticalthat Americans continue
to follow the federal government'sguidelines, so important,
about social distancing,non-essential travel,
and hand-washing.
- [Jenna] Now a familiar face
in the must-see White House briefings,
Birx put her own adherenceto those guidelines
on display this week.
- You'll notice I was nothere over the weekend.
I think this is thepart that we really need
to take personal responsibility for.
Saturday, I had a little low-grade fever.
So actually, probably a GI thing,
but you know, I'mmeticulous, I'm a physician,
I looked it up, I ended up piggybank, I'm from Walter Reed,
so I got a test late Saturdaynight, and I'm negative.
I stayed home another day, just--
(President Trump sighs)
- Just--- Thank you for saying that.
- Yeah, just to make sure.
That's how we protect one another.
- [Jenna] Birx says thePresident's reaction
to the virus, behind the camera,
is substantially less tongue and cheek.
- He's been so attentive tothe scientific literature,
and the details, and the data,
and I think his ability toanalyze and integrate data
that comes out of hislong history in business
is really been a real benefitduring these discussions
about medical issues.
- [Jenna] That attentionto data may be what lead
the President to drop an Easter bombshell,
when he expressed hopeabut getting the US economy
back up and running.
What do you say about Easter services?
Is that too soon?
- The United States is a big country,
and community by community is different,
county by county is different,
and so we are now lookingat all of the information
that comes in from testing sites,
whether they're hospitals,or drive-throughs,
at the community level,and this will give us
some real insight in towhere there is really
almost no covid virus,and those communities
can really work on containment.
What do I mean by that?
When you find someone that's positive,
you put them in quarantine,you contact Trace.
There are still counties that can do that.
- [Jenna] Reopening shuttered businesses
in large metro areas like New York
carries a different riskthan more rural states.
- These decisions willneed to be highly tailored
in a granular and laser-focused way
to ensure we continue to protect those
that we know have themost serious illness.
- Birx, who has worked on the front lines
of the AIDs epidemic, servingat Walter Reed, and the CDC,
says that stopping the spreadbegins at the community level.
The faith community is very active
within their local communities.
Doctor Birx, what's yourdirect message to them
during this pandemic?
- The faith community has areally critical role to play
in community and commudic,community after community,
both giving out accurate information,
and important information,but also ensuring
that everyone in the household feels part
and engaged in their community,
even though they're intheir homes themselves.
- Doctor Birx has seen, quote,
"Unbelievable acts ofkindness," in her career,
and hopes this pandemic will change
the way we greet each other,
using words that show we carefrom at least six feet away.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- She leads by example, Pat.
- Joining us now ispsychiatrist Daniel Amen.
He helped developed The Daniel Plan,
a program to get the worldhealthy through churches.
He's also the author ofthe now best-selling book,
"The End of Mental Illness."
And Doctor, this week, President Trump
said he's concerned aboutpeople committing suicide
because of the economic fallout.
What do you think about that?
- That's absolutely true.
Calls to suicide hotlineshave now gone up over 300%,
so that means three times before.
People are Googling anxiety,depression, panic attacks
way more than before.
This is stressful for our nation.
- You know, I was watchingthe ABC News last night,
and I tell you, if theprogram was calculated
to put fear in the hearts of people,
they succeeded beautifully.
They had all these young,strong people dying.
Is the mental health, havewe reached a crisis level,
do you think?
- Well I think peopleneed to turn off the news.
You know, maybe look at ittwo or three times a day
for 20 minutes.
Otherwise, you're exactly right.
They're geared to scareyou and put fear in you,
when there is a lot ofgood still going around.
Now, I often say mental hygiene
is just as importantas washing your hands.
We have to also disinfect our thoughts,
so that they don't ruin our immune system.
- Well now, just talk about that.
This is, use the term psychosomatic,
but the soul, the mind iscontrolling the body in this case.
I mean, you can get sickbecause of your mind?
- No question.
Whenever you have a negativethought, a fearful thought,
an anxious thought, an angry thought,
your brain releases chemicalsthat make you feel bad,
that actually candecrease the effectiveness
of your immune system.
But whenever you have a happythought, a hopeful thought,
a grateful thought, itstrengthens your body.
I went to Oral Roberts University,
and they taught us aboutthese four circles.
You know, we have tounderstand someone's biology,
you need to wash your hands.
But you also have tounderstand their psychology,
how they think.
I talk about killing the ANTs,
the automatic negative thoughtsthat steal your happiness.
But there's also a socialcircle, who do you hang out with,
and now we're socially isolated,
but we don't have to be totally isolated.
We can be talking aboutpeople over the phone,
over FaceTime, and so on.
And that, what a lot ofpsychiatrists never talk about
is there's a spiritual circle,
which is why do you care?
What's your deepest senseof meaning and purpose?
Staying well means we addressall four of those circles.
- How do you explainthis to little children?
- You tell the children the truth.
I have a very anxious grandson,
and when people weren't talking to him,
he actually got worse,
and when they started to explain
in language that he could understand,
he actually calmed down andbecame part of the solution.
And that's what children really want.
They want to feel safe,
but they also want to feel competent.
They want to help by and large.
- Well Doctor, thank you somuch for the excellent advice.
We appreciate your writingand what you have to say.
Doctor Amen, tremendous guy.
Well I want to give youa verse for the day.
So you wanna write it down,and put it in your memory.
It's from the book of the prophet Nahum.
Nahum, N-A-H-U-M, Nahum1:7, here's what it says.
The Lord is good, a refugein times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in Him.
I wanna read that to you again.
The Lord is good, a refugein times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in Him.
And I want you to know that God Almighty
say because they haveset their love upon me,
therefore, I will protect them.
I want you to get that in your heart.
Because you've set your loveupon Him, I will protect you.
Fear not.
The Bible says over and overagain, fear not, do not fear,
and just keep in your mindthat the Lord God of hosts
is on your side, and He ismore powerful than any bug,
any virus, any contagion,any plague, any war,
any depression, any of these things.
God Almighty is in charge.
Do not fear because theLord will look after
those who trust Him, Terry.
- Well that's reallyshown in this next story.
Coming up, a 10 pound tumor.
Doctors said it would causeorgan failure and death.
And the worst part, theysaid it was inoperable.
So how is this womanalive to tell her story?
You'll find out after this.
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
A 10 pound tumor wrappedaround her kidney,
and the prognosis, organfailure leading to death.
That's what worship leader Rebekah Bichsel
was facing as a young wife and mother.
Still, Rebekah wasbelieving for a miracle.
What exactly did she pray,
and how did she receive aprecise answer to that prayer?
Take a look.
- The surgeon came out(dramatic music)
and laid the news onus that it was a cancer
wrapped around my kidney,and it was inoperable.
It was a very large.
- [Narrator] As worshipleaders in Phoenix, Arizona,
Rebekah and Brad Bichsel knowto trust God in all things.
But when Rebekah was diagnosedwith an inoperable tumor,
their faith was put to the test.
- Inoperable is not aword that you wanna hear.
I think it kind of immediatelymeans chemo, radiation,
if there's anything at all as an option,
or is there an option.
- I didn't know if we weregonna be planning goodbyes,
or if I was gonna start a heavy treatment.
- That first drive home, thatwas where I probably dealt
with that the strongest.
Like what does this mean,what does this look like,
is this a like how long do we have?
- [Narrator] In the middleof all the unknowns,
they pressed in to their faithand prayer to sustain them.
- I put my hand on my belly every day,
and I would say, "God, causethe tumor to shrivel up
"and fall out of my body."
I wanted to build my faith,but at the same time,
I also wanted to rest and trust
in His goodness and sovereignty
even if I didn't see thathappen, and that was difficult.
That was very difficult,because I had to come to a place
where I could truly say in my heart
that I trusted God withno matter what happened,
and even if that meant ultimately
I would leave my kids andmy husband from earth.
- [Narrator] Rebekah was diagnosed
with a rare cancer called liposarcoma.
Her prognosis was not good.
The 10 pound tumor wouldeventually cause organ failure,
and lead to death.
They decided to get a second opinion.
- The original reportsaid it was inoperable,
but the doctor came in the next morning
and said it was operable.
We had some contact with another doctor
who recommended that we goto MD Anderson in Houston,
and they also verifiedthat it was operable,
but that they were the only ones
that needed to be doing the surgery.
- God's plans are always better than ours,
so if that meant we weresupposed to be in Phoenix,
then He would very clearlyshut the doors to Houston.
And I remember a moment ofjust being mindful of that.
Like okay we wanna do this,but at the end of the day,
like we wanna go where God wants us to be,
'cause that's the purpose and the plan.
- [Narrator] The couplejust released an album
and planned to be on tour.
Despite the unknown future for Rebekah,
they decided to praise Godthrough their concerts.
♪ Rejoice, rejoice oh my soul ♪
♪ He is good ♪
- We would be in a concertwith a congregation of people,
watching people worship with us,
and knowing that they hadstories way worse than mine,
but yet there they stood,and they were choosing
to lift their hands,and lift their voices,
and sing about thegoodness and love of God,
and that was so encouraging to me.
Like, they were leading me in worship.
- In the middle of this chaos,
we got to be with some ofour amazing church families
across the country,singing and worshiping.
Now these songs were justmassively impacting our hearts,
and we're looking at theselyrics inn a whole new way,
and declaring these truths that we needed
more than anything else.
- [Narrator] As they preparedto have surgery in Houston,
their insurance denied theirclaim to go to MD Anderson.
- I was really scared.
I was really afraid,because I just felt like
my insurance companyisn't, they don't care,
they don't care if I live or die.
What are we gonna do now?
- [Narrator] Brad andRebekah kept praying.
Then out of nowhere,
the insurance companychanged their decision,
and decided to cover the surgery,
and even pay for their travel.
- Another sign of God justcoming in and changing the story,
and that caused us to, youknow, we have the report of man,
but then God comes inand He gives His report,
and the word says we'resupposed to believe
the report of the Lord, and trust in that,
and He's gonna trump anything (laughs)
that has to be said, because He's able.
- [Narrator] The day finallycame for Rebekah's surgery.
They were told it would take six hours,
but just two and a half hours later,
the surgeon came out to meet with Brad,
and Rebekah's parents.
- And I see the surgeon,which there's this immediate
like why is the surgeon out? (laughs)
The surgeon isn't supposedto be here right now.
And she says, "Well, we're all done.
"We got her on thetable, we opened her up,
"and the tumor practicallyfell out of her body."
- When they came in and said
that the tumor practicallyfell out of my body,
I was just like, oh, thatwas a miracle for my heart
(laughs) just that I needed to know,
because He used the words,
He put them through the surgeon's mouth
to say exactly theprayer that I had prayed,
that the tumor fell out of my body.
- [Narrator] Rebekah'sfollow-up scans show
that she is still cancer-free,and the Bicshels rejoice.
- I knew that God was sayingto me He heard my prayer,
and that even the moments that I felt
like I didn't know where He was,
and I didn't know if He was gonna heal me,
and I didn't know if Hewas gonna answer my prayer,
and that He was withme, so closely with me
that He knew, and He waslistening to my words,
and He was answering methrough the surgeon's words.
- We've seen God do amazing things
year after year after year,
not all of them massive and big,
some of them very smalland almost insignificant,
unless you're lookingfor what God has done.
But we can look back and see those things.
And that's what I wouldencourage anybody to do.
Look back and see what God has done,
look how He's worked inspite of a circumstance,
and look how He's done it in a way
that is clearly His plan and not ours,
and then be able totrust that the situation
you're walking in now, He can handle.
- You know, one of thegreat reasons to look back
and remember the things that God has done
is because it strengthensyour faith for today.
That's what we want this storythat you just watched to do,
to strengthen your faithbefore we all pray together
for what God will do in your own life.
We've got some amazingreports here before us.
Pat, this is Janet.
She's from Eastland,Texas, and a year ago,
she was diagnosed witharthritis in her hip.
She suffered immensely andtried to make the best of it.
One day, while watching this program,
she heard you declare healing for quote,
"Somebody who has arthritis in their leg."
So by faith, Janet puther hand on a large knot,
and she felt burning from her hip
all the way down to her ankle.
Since praying with Pat, theknot and the arthritis are gone,
she can walk more, and sitin a chair without pain.
On her next visit, the doctor said,
"There is no more arthritis in your leg."
- [Pat] I tell ya, that's a miracle.
- [Terry] That is a miracle.
- Arthritis doesn't go away.- Praise the Lord,
doesn't go away, that's right.
- All right, Bruce who livesin Clayton, North Carolina
was in bad shape.
His left leg was in extreme pain
to the point where hecould no longer walk.
Bruce watched "The 700Club" and Terry said,
"Touch your left leg,"
and affirmed that God washealing at that moment.
Bruce touched his leg andwas completely healed.
- [Terry] Praise the Lord.
- Folks, we have these reportscoming in all the time,
because God Almighty is able.
Look, if He could creation everything,
there's some people who say,
"Well I really don't believe in healing.
Well do you believe in salvation?
Yeah, I believe in salvation.
What do you think's gonnahappen in salvation?
Well my dead body, whichhas been put in the grave,
is gonna come back together,
and God is gonna give it a brand new body.
Oh you believe that?
Yeah, but you don't believe that God
can fix your broken leg.
Yeah, that's right.
God can do anything.
If we believe Him for the great thing,
He's gonna resurrect usin the day of His coming,
we certainly can believeHim now for healing.
Now what have you got?
Is it cancer, is itscoliosis, is it arthritis,
is it blood disease, is it something else?
We're gonna pray, and we'regonna believe God for you.
Now this is the day ofmiracles right this day.
Now, Terry and I aregonna join hands together
despite all these restrictions (laughs)
and we're gonna believe God.
Father, in Jesus' name,
God's doing a miracle for Lucia,
and it's a miracle taking place.
You've got an infection in your blood,
and God is cleansing that infection.
The virus or whatever itis, it's in your body,
it's going away right now,and you are completely healed.
- Now there's someonehere, a young person,
I'm not sure of your age,but you've had a head injury,
and because of that, youwear this kind of helmet.
Maybe you've even hadsurgery, and it's protecting
that part of your cranium or something,
but God's healing that condition for you.
Whatever the issue is, no matter how long,
how deep you've had it, itis gone, in Jesus' name.
- There's somebody, you'vehad a problem in your brain
there's some fluid or somethingin those brain tissues
that's not what it's supposed to be,
and maybe it's cephalitis or something,
I don't know what it is,
but whatever it is, it's in your brain
touch your hand over your forehead.
In the name of Jesus,be made whole, touch!
- And there's someoneelse, you have a problem
where your spinal cord isconnecting with your brain stem,
and all of the electronicand electrical signals
that are supposed to go throughthere aren't connecting,
but right now, all that scartissue, all that arthritis
is gone in Jesus' name.
You'll not need surgery, nor will you have
that ongoing pain, in Jesus' name.
- I think it's Donna that's got,
you've got a blockage in your intestines,
and God is opening thatblockage right as we speak.
You've been concerned about it.
It's not cancer, but theLord is setting you free,
in Jesus' name.
Now Lord, all over thisaudience, people are fearful.
We rebuke fear.
A perfect love casts outfear, for fear has torment.
We do not receive fear, we do not receive
the word of the coronavirus epidemic,
we do not receive theterror that walks at night,
and walks in the new day,we will not receive it.
And Lord, at this moment,we ask for a clear mind,
free of worry, that peoplewill praise God Almighty,
and we praise you, Lord,for all of your goodness,
and thank you for answers,
thank you for protecting your people,
thank you for sending a watch over us,
and in your word, youwill protect your people.
In Jesus' name, amen, and amen.
Give us a call please ifyou've heard something
if the Lord has touched you,you have an answer to prayer.
We love to have these, welove to share 'em, okay?
- Well still ahead, get your DVRs ready,
because one of your favorite segments
is right around the corner.
Your questions with some honest answers.
Don says, "Doesn't theBible promise believers
"protection from fatalplagues, traps, and danger
"in Psalm 91?"
find out what Pat has to say.
It's later on today's show.
(uplifting music)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"
for this CBN News Break.
America's largest protestant denomination
is canceling its annual gathering.
The Southern Baptist Convention
is not meeting for thefirst time in 75 years.
The SPC posted on its website
"We are calling on allSouthern Baptists to pray
"for an end to this global pandemic.
"This is not a time for SouthernBaptists to shrink back.
"This is not the time to retreat.
"This is a time for us to advancethe gospel of Jesus Christ
"to every person in everytown, every city, every state,
"and every nation."
The event was scheduled forJune ninth and 10th in Orlando.
Francis Chan is encouraging the church
to view the coronavirus pandemic
as one of the greatestopportunities to reach the lost.
He shared an inspiring videomessage on his YouTube channel.
- This is one of ourgreatest opportunities
for reaching out to a lost world,
and showing them that we haven't lost
our love, joy, and peace,even at this moment.
The enemy can't take that away from us.
We love the Lord Jesus Christ,
and His church is alive and well.
- Amen.
I wanna remind you youcan always get the latest
from CBN News by going our website.
It's cbnnews.com.
Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club."
It's coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
- Well I'm happy to tell you
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You can also text "Patrick"to 71777 to order your DVD.
Nice to know that's available.
- You get a full movie.
I mean, that's a pretty good deal.
- [Terry] Absolutely.
- And you don't have to go the theater,
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You can stay home and watch a great movie.
We'll send it to you.- Yeah.
Make your own popcorn. (laughs)
- Get your own popcorn, $15,that's pretty good deal.
All right, well when thehousing market crashed,
Chris Burch was hit hard.
He stopped getting paid, andstarted to feel the pressure.
Chris could see a financialstorm looming on the horizon,
but he knew he had amajor decision to make.
Watch this.
(uplifting music)
- [Narrator] As the co-founderof Grand Bay Construction,
Chris Burch builds vacationhomes and properties
across the tourist town ofSanta Rosa Beach, Florida.
- This is a big tourist destination.
I had plans to build abig construction company,
was my plan, and I had some partners.
- [Narrator] But within two years,
the housing market beganto crash, and Chris
and his financial partnersquickly felt the pressure.
- Prices in real estate werebeing dropped, and dropped,
and dropped, and dropped,and owners defaulted
and couldn't pay us,so we were sort of left
with a lot of obligations financially
that we couldn't keep going.
I didn't panic, but it was sort of like,
okay, what's going on?
Look, we got a storm coming.
- [Narrator] Chris is a Christian,
and has been a faithfultither since his mid-twenties,
but with his business struggling,
Chris had to decide ifhe should stop giving.
- The Lord has taken careof me all these years.
Even if things have been tight,
you know, why would I not trust His word,
and why would I just borrow from Him,
or steal from Him, orwhatever you wanna say?
And so I said I'm not gonna do that.
To show the Lord that Ireally do believe Him,
and I really trust Him,
I'm gonna actually givemore than I'm giving now.
And even though, again,my income is going down.
And it wasn't a lot,but this was something
I just felt like the Lord said,
you know, just trust me with this.
- [Narrator] At the end of 12 months,
Chris was amazed at whathappened to his finances.
- I had paid off my graduate school loans,
which was pretty amazing,and I had saved more money
in that one year than I had
in the previous five years combined.
You know, God's economy just doesn't work
the way ours does.
There's no way I can explain that.
So it's Him just saying,you trusted in me,
and I'm gonna provide for you.
- [Narrator] His construction business
survived the recession.
In the years since,
Chris has seen evenmore incredible growth.
- So from those days whenwe first got started,
I mean, I don't know the exact numbers,
but I would say we're probablyclose to almost 10 times
in volumes, sales, and whatwe were doing back then.
- [Narrator] Chris continues to tithe,
and also gives time and money
to ministries that servethose in need, like CBN.
- Operation Blessing andall those type things,
I really believe in those kind of things.
I'm trying to do that as well,
but I love being a partof a bigger organization
that is doing those things,and is changing the world,
and bringing light to the darkness.
And He's increased the business,
and in turn, we takeportion of our business,
and we turn that back in to the kingdom,
whether it's buying Bibles,
or we've got missionproducts all over the world
where we're helping spread the gospel.
- [Narrator] According to Chris,
the key to overcoming financial strain
is following God's financial principles.
- If you do what God asks you to do,
He will give you this peace,and He will provide a way.
Even when, like in my case,
there was no way it worked on paper.
And all these things that looked horrible,
I've turned out better,everything has turned out better,
and He's proven to me thatHe will take care of me
even through those difficult times.
- I love that.
He'll take care of meduring the difficult times.
You know, the thing about it is
when God's doing it, you're not even aware
where it's coming from.
But Chris wasn't aware,but it was coming anyhow,
and before long his businessis 10 times what it was before.
He believed God, andGod took it from there.
Now folks, if you wanna participate
in what we're doing around the world,
you can be a partner,you can help the poor,
the needy, the suffering,you can get the gospel
to the four corners of the earth.
And what does it taketo join "The 700 Club?"
It's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.
Not a whole lot, butthat's what we'll start.
And in Chris's case, he keptgoing up, up, up, up, up
despite what was going on.
And God says, I'm not limitedby the business cycle,
I'm not limited by thetroubles in the stock market,
I'm not limited by the slowdown
in the construction business,
I'm not limited to thesethings, I am God Almighty.
The gold is mine, the silver is mine,
and the cattle on 1000 hills.
He's in charge ofeverything, it's all His.
And what you need to dois trust Him and move.
Now, for those who join "The700 Club" at $20 a month,
I wanna give you a littlebook that I wrote recently
called, "The Ten Laws of Success."
And it tells about how tohave successful family,
finances, and how towin in all these things.
I'll give you this book free,and it's available for you,
this pretty little book here,and we'll give this to you,
and in addition, they wannagive you a couple chapters
of my new book called "IWalk With The Living God."
It's too big for me togive you the whole thing,
but I'll give you two chapters of it.
And the, well it's gotthe table of contents,
and it said, The SelfSoulish Man Must Die,
A New Thing Go and Tell,and All These Things
Are There For You, Like aPrairie Fire, False Shepherds
and True Covering.
It's quite a book, it's gotall kinds of things in it,
but it will give you these two chapters
as our gift to you,and this will come out.
- When's the whole book coming out?
- The first week of May.- Oh wonderful.
Guess we'll have to wait.- Finally, finally, finally.
I've been waiting, andwaiting, and waiting.
But anyhow, we'll give you this
to let you know what's out there,
and you can make yourdecisions about that.
Pick up the phone, callin, 1-800-700-7000.
Okay, thank you.
- Well up next, time for your questions,
(coughs) excuse me, andsome honest answers.
Kavaan asks, "It's too latefor those who are unable
"to let go of bitternessto be with Jesus."
Or, "Is it too late?"
Hang on, Kavaan, Pat'sgonna answer that for you.
It's coming up.
(dramatic music)
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And you know, we hear so much talk
about the blood on the door post.
We want you to understandall of what the Bible
has to say about that.
So call us, we'll get itout to you right away.
Time for some questions, you ready?
- Let's go for 'em, all right.
- Okay, Pat, the first one comes from Don,
who says, "Doesn't theBible promise believers
"protection from fatalplagues, traps, and danger
"in Psalm 91?
"By praying this togethera nation, in groups online,
or individually, could thisbring God's hand of healing
"and protection to people here in America
"and around the world?
- Well we could.
If you remember of a prayerthat you were to pray
was, if my people, whichare called by my name,
will quote, "Humblethemselves," number one,
"And pray," number two, "Andforsake their wicked ways,
"then I will hear from heaven,
"and will hear their prayersand heal their land."
But if there's going to be a national time
where we're free from this kind of stuff,
there needs to be a callto humility, confession,
forsaking sin, and then prayer.
And if we do that, yesGod will hear, okay?
- This is Kavaan who says,"It is too late for those."
I think he means is it too late,
"For those who are unableto let go of bitterness
"to be with Jesus?"
"I'm scared to go to hell.
"I have felt bitter for a long time now.
"I keep asking God for His forgiveness
"and strength to forgiveothers, but I feel angry."
- All right, two things.
Number one, God willforgive you all this stuff
if you confess it.
But look, how do you get,you're mad at somebody,
you're bitter, they did you,
and I mean they really took you,
they have humiliated you,they've put you down,
you were in school andthey embarrassed you,
your siblings have turned against you,
I mean the whole list of things.
But here's the deal.
If you wanna get free from bitterness,
you don't sit around saying,I wanna get rid of bitterness.
'Cause all that does ismagnify the bitterness.
What you start doing is saying,
God, I want you to blessthose people that hurt me.
I wanna bless my enemies,I wanna bless those
that did this terrible thingto you, God, bless them.
So all of a sudden, you're asking God
to look after those people.
Instead of focusing in on that bitterness,
you're focusing on blessing to the others.
And as you give forth thatblessing, you are set free.
That's what you wanna do, all right?
This is Gerty. Pat, whosays, "When we accept Jesus
"as our savior, we areforgiven all our sins,
"past, present, future.
"So if or when I sin now, do I ask Him
"to cleanse me of it through His blood,
"or do I just admit I didwrong and repent of it.
"I am hearing different things,
"and I am a little confused.
- Well look, if you read, Ithink it's the little letter
of 3 John, if we walk in thelight as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus Christcontinually cleanses us
from all sin.
Continuously cleanses us from all sin.
Then if we say we have not sinned,
we make God a liar, andHis truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins,He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
So I think it was John Westin who says,
"There's not a day that doesn't go by
"that I don't pray the blood of Jesus.
Because as we walk with the Lord,
there are things coming up in our lives.
But if we walk as He is in the light,
and we continuously do it,
the blood will continuously cleanse us.
That's what the Bible says, all right?
- Mmm, this is Wendy who says,
"Hello, Pat, I'm from Alaska,
"and I recently startedwatching 'The 700 Club.'
"I'd like to start tithing,
"but only my husband is working right now.
"If I get a job, my toppriority is to tithe.
"How much are we supposed to give back?
"If it's 10%, do we bothgive the required percentage,
"or can it be combinedbecause we're married?"
- (laughs) You know, I tell you what,
God is not a Philadelphialawyer, nor is He an accountant.
He's not got a ledger justto count up all your giving.
But the normal thing is a tithe
of that which He has blessed you with,
and you give unto the work of the Lord,
and I think if there's twoof you, and it's a family,
you give as a family, so you combine.
If you make $50,000 a year,and your husband makes 60,
or the other way around,it's 110, so you tithe that.
That's what I would think you would do.
You wouldn't take one singlesalary and not tithe the other,
but the main thing isyou wanna be blessed.
And God says, prove me withyour tithes and offering,
and I will open the windows of heaven,
and pour you out such ablessing you can't contain it.
So the idea is how manyopportunities do I have to give
so that God will pour out ablessing on me, all right?
- Okay, this is Delores who says,
"When you have so many health problems,
"and you pray for healing, andothers are praying for you,
"and you never get an answer,
"are you doing something wrong?"
- It's entirely possible.
Look at your heart.
If I regard inequity in myheart, the Lord won't hear me.
If I have bitterness, the Biblesays when you stay and pray,
if you have on against any,
forgive as your heavenlyFather may forgive you.
If you wanna be in aposition of being born again,
of being access to the throne of God,
you have to let go of bitterness.
So you may have a resentmentagainst your parents,
you may have a resentmentagainst your spouse,
who knows what's in your heart.
But get rid of that, ifwhen you stay and praying,
if you have on against any, forgive.
That's the answer, all right, last thing.
- Dave wants to know,"Where in scripture it says
"Men shouldn't wear jewelry?"
He says, "I wear a wedding band
"and one other ring and a bracelet.
"I'm not allowed to wearthem if preaching or teaching
"at the church I attend.
"Is this scriptural?
"And if so, where can I find it?"
- If you can find it,you're better than I am.
I don't know where it is.(both laugh)
- [Terry] Nothing important scripture.
- But I tell you, some of these churches
set up artificial barriers, you know?
I think what God'slooking for is our heart.
You know, those that worship God
must worship Him in Spirit and truth.
God is in Spirit.
He isn't interested in yourjewels and that kinda stuff,
it's what's in your heart.
If you're wearing that stuff to show off,
I've got a super goldRolex that cost 20 grand,
I mean, is that whatyou're wearing it for?
You're wearing a wedding ring'cause you show your marriage,
that's okay.
Well today's Power Minute from Psalm 91.
With long life, I will satisfy Him
and show Him my salvation.(uplifting music)