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The 700 Club - March 23, 2020

It’s a celebration 90 years in the making. See how one man made broadcast history and changed the face of America while inspiring hundreds of millions along the way. Join us as we celebrate Dr. Pat Robertson’s 90th birthday on today’s ... ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- Hi, Pat, it's yourall-time favorite president,

I hope, and I just wanna wishyou a happy 90th birthday.

It's amazing, 90 years old?

You don't look like 90 years old to me.

But you're a happy man,you've done an incredible job.

What you've done in broadcasting,

what you've done for religion,

what you've done for God, so important.

We all appreciate it, and we all love you.

Happy birthday, Pat.

(air whooshes)

(triumphant orchestral music)

- Well, I'm celebrating the 90th,

yeah.- You are, and in style,

may I say.- That's right! (laughs)

- Who gets a message from thepresident on their birthday?

(laughs)- I'm 90 going on 22, so I

thank you so much.- Happy birthday,

it's wonderful.

- It's been a wonderful, wonderful life,

and I appreciate that nicetribute from our president.

God bless you.- Absolutely.

- Well, in the news, the invisible enemy

now surging across America.

Coronavirus cases have nowjumped tenfold in one week,

with infections now topping 32,000,

and 100 million people havebeen told to stay home.

What states are the worst hotspots?

And what is stalling much-needed relief?

Gary Lane reports.

(air whooshes)

- The state of New Yorkis the hardest hit,

now with 5% of the world's COVID-19 cases.

So President Trump hasannounced he's activating

the National Guard there and in the states

of Washington and California.

Also, he's directing FEMA to create

medical stations in those states.

Despite the administration'sresponse in those states,

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

on ABC "This Week" said her state needs

more test kits and better leadership

from the federal government.

- Frankly, a patchworkstrategy of each state

doing what they can is, we're gonna do it

if we have to, but it would be nice

to have a national strategy.

- [Gary] Dr. Anthony Fauci is more

supportive of the federal response.

On "Face the Nation," hesaid the United States

is not necessarily on thesame trajectory as Italy,

where the death toll rose 13.5% Sunday

with another 651 dead in one day.

- One of the things that we did very early

and very aggressively, the president put

the travel restriction coming from China

to the United States, and most recently,

from Europe to the United States.

- [Gary] On Capitol Hill, Rand Paul

became the first U.S. senator to announce

he is in quarantine after testing

positive for the COVID-19 virus.

Senators Mitt Romney andMike Lee also in quarantine

after coming in contact with Paul.

In the House, at least 12members are now in quarantine,

two with the virus and others who came

in contact with people having the virus.

Meanwhile, negotiations have stalled

over a proposed $2 trillion coronavirus

economic relief package.

Republicans and Democrats are far apart

on key elements of the plan, including

a $500 billion relieffund for corporations.

- And what it has is, for instance,

a giant, giant corporate bailout fund,

with no accountability.

- Now, we're fiddling here,fiddling with the emotions

of the American people,fiddling with the markets.

- [Gary] Another key element, an amendment

by Senator James Lankford to increase

the charitable givingdeduction up to one-third

of the standard deductionfor the rest of the year.

Neel Kashkari is presidentof the Federal Reserve Bank

in Minneapolis.

In 2008, as assistant Treasury secretary,

he oversaw the $700 million TARP program

that helped end the Great Recession.

He says Congress needsto act fast and go big.

- Today, whether it'shealthcare policy makers,

fiscal policy makers,which means Congress,

or the Federal Reserve, we should all

be erring on the side of overreacting.

You know, the economy canbounce back fairly quickly.

It's the workers that take time.

That's one of the other lessons from 2008.

It took more than 10 years to put America

fully back to work relative to where

they were before the crisis, 10 years.

And so, that's why we have to try to avoid

having these mass layoffs.

We can't have another 10-year recovery.

- [Gary] President Trump wants

a vote on legislation this week,

because unemploymentrolls are growing rapidly,

non-essential workers in nine states

now ordered to stay home,nearly 100 million people.

- Our goal is to get relief to Americans

as quickly as possible, so that families

can get by and small businesses

can keep workers on the payroll.

This will help our economy, and you

will see our economy skyrocket.

- [Gary] And on Friday,Vice President Mike Pence

and HUD Secretary BenCarson joined the president

in a conference callwith hundreds of pastors.

President Trump asked thepastors and other Americans

to pray for the health andstrength of the country.

Family Research Council President

Tony Perkins led them in prayer.

- [Tony] We do pray forthe American people.

We pray for their health and well-being.

We pray for the economy.

But, Lord, we pray, mostof all, as a nation,

we would turn back to You, andwe pray for our leadership,

that, Lord, they wouldlead us in that direction.

- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN News.

- Well, there's several ways

that you can do this money thing.

For example, the corporations should issue

a callable preferredstock with a pretty good

interest rate in exchangefor money they get,

so if there's an airline,they want a billion dollars,

they can put a billiondollars in preferred stock,

callable over a certain number of years.

We can also, without any trouble,

put restrictions on the stock,

as long as it can't beused for stock buybacks,

can't be used for executivepay and all that kinda thing.

Those things are easy to put in there.

But the truth is, givingthe money to workers

is the end of the line.

The workers need jobs, and the people

who provide the jobs are the businesses.

And the oil companies are hurting,

the airlines are hurting, the hotels

are in desperate shape,and the restaurants

and the people, the small businesses

that own the restaurants,they've gotta get

the money in order togive something out of it.

Now, there are a lotof ways it can be done,

it can be done very simply, but something

that has just come out,and it's on the news

right now, the FederalReserve just announced

an unlimited expansion of bond purchasing

programs to backstop the credit markets.

They're not talking about a few trillion,

they're talking about asmuch as $5 to $10 trillion.

They have an unlimitedcapacity to print money

at the Federal Reserve, according

to the current laws we have on effect,

so they can backstop all the loans,

and Kashkari was talking on Sunday

about so-called forgivable loans,

so if a corporation gets a loan

and it's for employees,and if those employees

stay on the payroll forthe next, say, two years,

then that loan is forgivable, and that

would be another way ofgetting large money out.

But passing huge amounts of money

just to workers is not the way to go.

And so, I know Senator Schumerand these other Democrats,

hopefully they have good intentions,

but that sort of thing is foolish.

But again, the key news right now,

the Federal Reserve has announced

that it will have an unlimited,

an unlimited expansion ofbond purchasing programs

to backstop the credit markets.

So banks can loan to businesses,

businesses can get loans, and the terms

can be settled betweentwo contracting parties.

But that's a big deal.

So what they're talkingabout from Congress

would be about a $1,700,000,000bailout, which is huge.

The Fed can go $5 to $10trillion if it so desires.

So there's help for our credit markets,

and that money, as Mr. Kashkarisaid so wisely yesterday,

it needs to be immediate.

You cannot take it andwait and wait and wait

till all those people are laid off.

There needs to be astabilization right now.

Now, CBN medical reporter Lorie Johnson

(air whooshes)is going to join us.

And Lorie, President Trump had said

beginning Tuesday, thatdoctors will be giving

a malaria drug to coronavirus patients.

That malaria drug is not designated

for this COVID-19 virus, butit apparently is successful.

Do you wanna talk about that?

- That's true, Pat, andfirst, I wanted to say

happy birthday to you, happy90th birthday, God bless you.

You are an inspiration to all of us

as we look down the road at what aging

can look like, and I just wanna say,

I think 90 is the new 70.

(laughs)- Now you're talking!

(laughs) All right.

- But anyway, to answer your question,

yes, this drug that you're talking about,

the malaria drug, it's called chloroquine,

and it's only approved for malaria,

but doctors are allowed to prescribe it

on a basis called compassionate use basis,

and meanwhile, our Americanphysicians and researchers

are testing it for howwell it works on COVID-19.

But starting tomorrow,millions of these tablets

are being shipped to hospitals nationwide,

especially in New YorkCity, and you're gonna see

tomorrow morning doctors prescribing this.

But guess what, Pat, even more exciting

than the results that we've seen in tests

overseas regarding the chloroquine

is this new research out of France

that shows chloroquinecombined with Z-Pak,

the antibiotic azithromycinthat so many of us take,

that has shown evenmore impressive results.

This study that was just released Friday

out of Marseilles showedthat people with COVID-19,

the virus was gone aftersix days, compared to 20,

so it's very exciting.

Here in the United States, doctors

are tapping the brakesa little and saying,

"Hold on, that's fine,but we haven't tested

"these treatments herein the United States,

"under our very rigorous, verystrict testing procedures,

"and so, it remains to be seen whether,

"according to our standards, whether

"these treatments actually work."

But in the meantime, we know that Columbia

and the Cleveland Clinicare going to start testing

this cocktail of chloroquine and Z-Pak,

and doctors can startprescribing this now.

And then, another drugthat's very exciting,

it's being tested right now in Nebraska,

it's called remdesivir,this is an Ebola drug

that is given intravenously,and even though

those studies are going on right now,

and showing a lot of success,

doctors are now allowed to prescribe

remdesivir on a compassionate use basis.

- Well, this coronavirus,apparently, it attacks

the lungs, isn't that the idea?

And so you've gotta do something to get

into the lungs to clear that virus up.

- That's right, and that's why we see

that ventilators are so important,

because we know thatventilators are these wonderful

machines that help usbreathe when we can't do it,

and so we're seeing possibleshortages of ventilators.

And President Trump enactedthe Defense Production Act,

which basically allows theUnited States government

to force companies to make products

that are useful in our war effort.

Remember, we are at waragainst the coronavirus.

But the president saidyesterday he hasn't needed

to force companies to do the right thing,

because they're comingout of the woodwork,

volunteering and offeringto make these products.

For example, 3M, Honeywell, Hanes,

the underwear company,they're all making masks.

And we know thatregarding the ventilators,

that ventilator companieshere in the United States

are ramping up their production,

a company that used to make ventilators,

they have said that they'regonna start doing it again,

and even car companieslike Ford, GM, and Tesla

say that they would like to convert

their assembly lines tostart making ventilators.

Anesthesiologists who useventilators for surgery,

they said they're giving70,000 ventilators

to hospitals, because remember,

a lot of these electivesurgeries have been canceled.

And we're just seeing, also,with the hand sanitizer

shortage, a lot of distilleries

in the United States are making thousands

of gallons and sending it to our hospitals

and our first responders,because remember,

the main ingredient inhand sanitizer is alcohol.

- (chuckles) Well, themoonshiners are having their day.

Lorie, thank you so much.

Isn't that wonderful what wecan do when we work together?

This is a great countrywe live in, and we're all

coming together, and Iappreciate what we're seeing.

There's a tremendouspublic-spirited feeling

about our corporations and our charities

and our churches, thatsomething can happen.

Well, in other news,businesses across the country

are shutting down, and churchesare stepping up to help.

Efrem Graham has that.

(air whooshes)

- Pat, the growing needfor social distancing

is forcing churches tothink outside their walls.

As Charlene Aaron now reports, one church

has come up with acreative way to continue

its mission and to reach its community.

(air whooshes)

- [Charlene] When healthofficials took actions

to further limiting publicgatherings down to 10 people,

Virginia Beach Pastor Steve Swisher

knew that meant closing the doors.

- Initially, it was a harddecision just to think about it.

And so, we made the decision,like many churches have,

to suspend all public gatherings

as we join togetherwith social distancing.

- [Charlene] Also like many churches,

Swisher is streaming his messages online.

- Our worship team has begun to do worship

in their living room, to beable to send those feeds out.

We've videotaped some devotional feeds,

and then, of course, we do online church.

- [Charlene] Wanting toserve even more people

in its community, Essential Church created

a COVID-19 need list on social media.

- We put out a Facebook thread

that simply encouraged our church

to be the church during this season,

and it just says, "If youhave a need, post a need.

"If you can meet a need,then answer the need."

And this is, in just two and a half days,

this has had over ahundred comments on it.

- [Charlene] Swisher says most requests

came from people outside his congregation.

- We had a lady whohas an autoimmune issue

and she can't go stock up on supplies,

and so we brought her someover-the-counter medicines,

we brought her some food.

I had somebody else who was in a hotel,

so they had very limitedability to store things,

and so we brought hersome supplies as well.

- [Charlene] The helphasn't stopped there.

Given empty store shelves, the church

came up with a creative outreach,

a much-needed toilet paper drive.

- We could begin to seethat the stock supply

at local grocery stores was going down,

toilet paper was alreadygone from the shelves.

- [Charlene] Many grateful for the help.

- This means so much.

Especially with what's going on right now,

to have a resource definitely

shows the love of Jesus Christ.

- We're so blessed to be able to actually

go through the drive-through twice

to be able to get additional toilet paper

to be able to help somefamily members who are

having difficulty locatingtoilet paper even online.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Swisher believes

these uncertain times are an opportunity

for the church's light to shine bright.

- It really just has the opportunity

for the church to truly be the hands

and feet of Christ during this season.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Well said, the church being the hands

and feet of Jesus Christ.


- There's a psalm, the 91st Psalm,

you've heard a great deal about,

but the end of it, that's whatI call the "I wills" of God.

"And God said, 'Because he has set

"'his love upon me, therefore I will,'"

and one of the things that He says is,

"I will protect him."

"You have set your loveupon the Lord God of Hosts,

"and He said, 'I willprotect you,' and He said,

"'You will call upon Me,and I will answer you.'"

So I say right now, fearnot, because the Lord Himself

is setting a watch over you,and if you set your love

upon Him, He will deliveryou, He will protect you,

He will set you on highbecause you've known His name.

So right now, I think I would like to lead

every one of you in lookingto the Lord God of Hosts,

who said, "I will protect you."

Fear not, fear not.

Father, we thank Youfor the promises of God,

and we thank You for the power of God.

And in the midst of contagion,in the midst of plague,

in the midst of famine,in the midst of chaos,

You are God Almighty, andwe come before You humbly,

and we want You to knowwe set our love upon You,

and therefore, we thankYou for Your promise

that You will protect us.

So for everyone in thisaudience who's watching

and those who are athome and their loved ones

and workers and fellow people of God,

You will protect them, andwe claim that protection

over the people of God during this chaos,

that You will keep them safe and You will

keep them healthy and Youwill keep them productive,

in Jesus' name, amen--

- Amen.- And amen.


- Pat, CBN's Operation Blessing is helping

its community here inHampton Roads, Virginia.

The Hunger Strike Force is shipping 30,000

pounds of food to 12 distribution centers

across the area, andgiving away 1,000 masks

to first responders ineach of the seven cities

in the area, plus bucketsfull of sanitation supplies,

like disinfecting wipesand other cleaning items,

to help officers get their cars germ-free.


- Well, thank you very much.

I want to say, by the way, if you want

to help Operation Blessing at this time,

it's Disaster Relief Fund,CBN Center, Virginia Beach,

23463, and I can assure you at this time

that whatever you give will go directly

to that disaster fund,and we're helping people

all over the world, and certainly

in our home communityand in your community.

- And we've got thosewonderful trucks that go out.

Well, up next, let the party begin,

because we're celebratingPat's life today.

90 years young and still going strong.

Join us for a look at hisongoing legacy after this.

Plus, our friend Kenneth Copeland

(air whooshes)joins our celebration.

He'll be with us after this as well.

(triumphant music)

(lively guitar music)

- You have been such a great part of my

and my wife's life for along time, for decades.

You're our news analyst.

You keep us in touch with what's going on,

and you explain what's going on,

and we take your word forit above everybody else's.

(chuckles) It'sunbelievable what's happened

with you and with what'sgone on at Virginia Beach

over the last several decades,

and I know that you'd be the first to say

that you didn't do it, that God did it,

but God used you to do it.

I respect you, I love you, and I hope

you've had the happiest birthday ever.


(lively guitar music)

(inspiring music)

(air whooshes)- Today, on your 90th

birthday, God blessyou, and we look forward

to all God is going to do in your future.

(air whooshes)- 90 years, and I want you

to make it, you said, to a hundred,

so you need to keep going, you need

to keep writing, you need to keep having

words of knowledge, and keeppreaching Jesus, brother.

I love you.

God bless you.

(air whooshes)- Thank you for all

you've done, and for serving God well.

But look, the best is yet to come.

I have a feeling you mightlive to be 120 years old.

I mean, getting bucked off a horse,

going through what you did, and being

right back in the studio?

I have no excuse at all.

Happy birthday.

- Well, welcome back to"The 700 Club," everybody.

Today, as you can see, we're

celebrating Pat's 90th birthday.

And right now, we wannatake you back to 1961.

At 3 o'clock, on a Sundayafternoon, on October the 1st,

Pat made his first appearanceever on television,

and from that initial broadcastin Portsmouth, Virginia,

the gospel has gone to theoutermost parts of the earth.

(lively, percussive music)

- [Narrator] The year was 1960.

With little money and no experience,

Pat Robertson bought a vacant television

station with one goal in mind,

to fulfill a vision from God to reach

the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A vision that began with a signal

that barely made it around the block.

- I don't know if I was tenacious,

or didn't have any bettersense, or I trusted God,

but I felt this waswhat He wanted me to do.

- [TV Announcer] Here's hope.

- [Narrator] From thatbroadcast came "The 700 Club,"

a program that would shape Christian

television for the next half-century.

(audience applauds)

Thank you.

All right, we've got a wonderful

audience, and a wonderful program.

- [Narrator] Today, "The 700 Club" stands

as one of the longest-runningprograms in TV history.

- Pat's life has touched so many

millions of people with this power of God,

the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,

that has transformed andchanged lives by the millions.

- [Narrator] As Pat's audience grew

across the country, he emergedas an influential voice

for Christian values in the ever-changing

moral, cultural, and political

landscapes in America and abroad.

But it was his bid forthe Republican nomination

for president in 1988 thatbrought Christian conservatives

out of their pews and changedthe face of American politics.

- For the first time, the world had

to take the church seriously in a way

that heretofore they had relegated

us over to stained-glasswindows and padded pews,

and, "Just stay in your littlecorner and go no further."

- [Narrator] Today, Patis still making headlines.

- I'd like to make a prediction.

If you get health care and tax reform,

you're guaranteed another four years

(laughs) in office if you want it.

- Well, then, I'll seeyou at the inauguration.

- (laughs) I'm counting on it.

- [Narrator] Pat's workand influence has been felt

beyond television ministry and politics.

- Would you like me to pray for you?

- [Narrator] Inspired byGod's word, Pat founded

a humanitarian arm of CBN, known today

as Operation Blessing International.

- Thank you so much foreverything you're doing.

- Oh, bless your heart.

You know, it's my privilege and joy.

- [Narrator] Since its inception in 1978,

Operation Blessing has provided food,

medical care, disaster relief, safe water,

and many other servicesto more than 246 million

people in the U.S. and around the world.

That same year, Pat opened the doors

to Regent University to 70 students.

Now a global center forChristian thought and action,

the university offers more than 100

degree programs to over 10,000 students.

Pat has written more than 20 books,

won several prestigiousawards, and has been

featured on the New YorkTimes best-sellers list.

But more than the institutionsand accomplishments,

Pat Robertson's profound, ongoing legacy

is the hundreds of millions of lives

that have changed through them.

- We have probably seenmore people come to the Lord

through CBN than any otherorganization in the world.

But it wasn't me, it was God.

Well, that's, thank youfor all those good words,

and God has really been good to us.

I mean, He really has.

I've got a new book coming out,

"I Have Walked With the Living God,"

and it's 90 years of miracles.

Well, it's a pleasure to welcome back

my dear friend Kenneth Copeland.

Kenneth, it's so good to see

you again!- Thank you,

happy birthday, sir!

- Thank you, my brother.

- My happy birthday giftis to Operation Blessing

to help in all of this and all--

- Oh, bless your heart!- You and your people

are doing to--

- Well, you are so generous,and I just thank God.

(envelope rustles)And this will help bless

people all around the world.

You are so generous, Kenneth!

God bless you.

That's why God's blessed you so much.

Hey, this is a lot! (laughs)

- Well, it's not enough.

I wish it was 10 times that.

- Well, let's pray over this.

Father, I thank you, Lord.

Kenneth has sowed a seedout into Operation Blessing,

and we pray that thatseed will multiply tenfold

and a hundredfold, and Lord,bless him and his dear wife

and all the ministry theyhave, in Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.

- Thank you, brother.

- You know, I was

(taps Bible)figuring it out today.

We go back 45 years.

- Is that right?- Mid-'70s.

- Yeah, yeah.

- The picture out there in the hall,

the sideburns are down to here,

you know?- That's right!

(Kenneth and Pat laugh)

- [Pat] You don't say, yeah.

- Amen.

- Well, you know, the wonderful thing

is you're a fabulous pilot, and I was

(Kenneth giggles)a fledgling pilot,

and we went up in my little plane,

and I was in the left seat andyou were on the right seat,

and I remember we hit abig patch of turbulence,

and that plane began to shake,

and I was all (laughs) scared,

and you said, "You feel it shake?"

I said, (laughs) "Yes, Kenneth,"

and Kenneth said, "Well, let 'er shake!"

(Kenneth and Pat laugh)

You said, "That planeknows more about flying

"(laughs) than you do!

"Leave it alone!"

- Well, and now, I can justsee it, picture it today.

I think you had a death grip

on that yoke--- (laughs) Yeah.

- And your knuckles were white.

(Pat laughs)

And I just did to you what my

instructor had done to me years before.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- I said, "Pat, turn loose of the yoke."


I said, "Turn it loose, I've got it.

"Turn it loose.

"Put your feet on the floor,get your feet off the rudders."

You didn't even wanna do that.

- Yeah.- I said, "Now just

"if you have to, sit on your hands."

(Kenneth and Pat laugh)

And when I took my hands off of it, ooh,

(laughs) you really didn't like that!

And that little Cherokee kinda did this

and wallered around, andthen it just settled down,

and it bounced around a little bit.

But if you don't changethe power, it'll just fly.

- Yeah, well, that's, and you know

(Kenneth laughs)a whole lot more

about flying than I did!

But that's life, isn't it?

God knows a whole lot more about it

than we do.- Yeah, He's way ahead of us.

- (laughs) Yeah, well, what'sthe Lord speaking to you?

He--- Pat, you remember, now,

back when the Lord gaveme words about 2020,

and it was in October 2019.

- [Pat] Yes.

- In three different sections.

- [Pat] Mm-hm.

There was, then, a dream that I had.

(taps Bible)I went back

and looked at that dream again.

We're livin' it right now.

- Really, what was the dream?

- I dreamed I was in an airport to go

to Nashville, Tennessee,and I didn't need to go.

When the airplane was close to boarding,

I decided to go to the restroom,and I didn't need to go.

I went into a restaurantand asked if they had

a restroom I could use,a young man said no.

I said, "Aw, come on,man," and I peeled off

a bill from a wad ofmoney I had in my pocket.

Another young man was withhim and went with him.

They took me to the restroom.

I decided to go in.

I decided to give theother young man a bill,

and I noticed the billshad no numbers on them.

- [Pat] Wow!

- Mac Gober, who's in heaven,was somewhere in the airport.

I thought, "Mac can holdthat airplane for me."

More confusion is comingin our financial system.

- [Pat] Wow!

- Who knows what money is worth?

Now, boy, this is the payoff right here.

But those who have gone before us,

this thing didn't catch God off-guard.

- [Pat] Exactly, exactly.

- This was back in October of last year.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- Those who have gone before us,

the great cloud of witnesses led by Jesus

are by intercessionholding things together

until the great change has come.

- Wow!

But chaos in the financial markets,

where the bills didn't have any

denominations.- The bills didn't have

any denominations.- Well, that's what

we just said, the Federal Reserve

had unlimited money-printing, unlimited!

- But the thing that hit me in this so.

- [Pat] Yeah?

- God already had the whole heavenly team

interceding for usbefore it ever happened.

- [Pat] Yeah, that's, isn't that great?

- Isn't that good?

I just thought, "Oh, well, just sit back

"and laugh at the devil andenjoy your stay at home."


- God is like Abraham and Mount Moriah,

but as he's going up one side, the Lord's

got a ramp on the other side,and he didn't know about it

back then.- That's right.

- He's already prepared.

- That's good.

- Yeah, he's prepared,

yeah.- The other thing that we need

to realize, fear is not okay.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- 95 times in the Bible, thatphrase, "Fear not," is used.

72 times in the firstcovenant, the Old Testament,

23 times in the New Testament.

Then there are others, like Jesus said,

"Let not your heart be troubled,

"neither let it be afraid."

That's the same thing, but I'm talking

about the very phrase--

- "Fear not."

- "Fear not."

Now, being Bible people, I know

that the Bible is finalauthority in your life.

It's the final authority in mine.

When I see the word "Fearnot," that's a command to me.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- I have to start right then,"No, I'm not gonna do it."

"I am not gonna do it.

"Jesus said don't.

"He didn't tell me to dosomething I can't do."

- [Pat] Yeah.

- So I don't care if my knees are shaking,

(hits desk) I refuse to fear,

(Pat chuckles)in the name of Jesus.

Now, this is what's so cool.

- [Pat] Okay.

- Can I read scripture to you?

- Read it to me, brother.

(Kenneth chuckles)

- Oh, 1 John 4, the 16th verse.

"We have known," now, listen to this,

"and believed the love that God has to us.

"God is love, and he that dwelleth in love

"dwelleth in God, and God in him.

"Herein is our lovemade perfect or mature,

"that we may have boldnessin the day of judgment,

"because as He is, soare we in this world.

"There is no fear in love, but"--

- Perfect.- "Perfect or mature love"--

- [Pat] Casts out fear.

- "Casts out fear.

"That fear is not made perfect,because fear hath torment.

"He that fears is not mature in love."

So what do you do?

Well, fear is faith.

Adam's faith was turned tofear the moment he sinned.

- Yeah.- And the next

thing he did was ran and hid.

- [Pat] That's right.

- Now, fear is the other side of faith.

Faith in this coronavirus and its ability

to hurt you and killyou is to believe in it.

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

- So what do we do?

We have to attack that.

And it's so simple.

You're walking arounda room, saying, (sighs)

"I know I'm gonna get this thing.

"I know I'm gonna lose my job."

Fear, what did Job say?

"That thing that I so greatly feared

"has come upon me."- Came upon me.

- Fear is a magnet,like faith is a magnet.

Satan will see to it, he will maneuver

sick people in your presence, he'll see

to it that it gets in your house,

he will see to it that you get that virus

and that you get sick withit if you keep saying that.

- [Pat] Yeah, so--

- So what do you do?

Thank God, God loves Kenneth.

(shaking) Thank God, God loves Kenneth.

God loves me.- Yeah, I will not fear.

- And I love God.

- I will not fear.

Thou must be removedand cast into the sea.

I will not fear.

Man, you're an inspiration. (taps desk)

I think you for being here, Kenneth.

- Yes, sir.- You're a dear friend.

God bless you, and thankyou for this (taps envelope)

gracious gift toward Operation Blessing.

Folks, you know, I'vehad a wonderful life,

and it's just more coming.

It doesn't seem to wanna stop!

(Kenneth and Pat laugh)

- Your book, oh, you know, they sent me

the manuscript becauseI wrote an endorsement

for it.- Oh, yeah, did you see it?

(Kenneth exhales sharply and dramatically)

- (laughs) Oh, I can't,I can't tell you that,

but hey, you gotta get the book.

It's just absolutely marvelous.

It's one of those bookswhere you laugh and you cry.

But the thing that I have so, that you've

inspired me so over all of these years,

sir, is your love for people.

- That's right, that's right.- Your love for people.

And that book, (exhales sharply)

you talk about an honestwriting of a book.

- Oh, yeah, I laid it bare.

It was, my soul was opened up.

(laughs)- (laughs) I'm not gonna

give it away, but oh,man, I was like, "What?

"He did this?

"Oh!" (laughs)- "He put that in the book?"

(Pat and Kenneth laugh)

Oh, man, yeah, it's brutally honest.

"I Have Walked With the Living God."

It's coming out the first week of May.

- You'll do so good.

- Thank you, my brother.

You're a blessing to be here.

Love you, (taps hand)

love you.- We're gonna

preach this gospel--

- Until He comes.- Until we get so old,

old people call us old.

(Kenneth and Pat laugh)

- Right now, I'm 90 going on 22,

and sticking with that.

(Pat and Kenneth laugh)

Thanks, Kenneth.- I'm only seven years back.

- (laughs) Thanks,brother, you're a blessing.

Well, Terry, what's next?

- Well, still ahead, more goodwishes for the birthday boy.

Pat's children, grandchildren,

and great-grands send their greetings.

Hear what the whole clan hasto say later on today's show.

(triumphant music)

(inspiring music)

(air whooshes)- And I just wanted

to tell you that I love you, I pray

for you, and here's to 90 more!

(air whooshes)- We are so glad

that on your 90th birthday, that we can

give you roses and youcan smell the beauty,

and you can enjoy thefact that we acknowledge

and appreciate the tremendous impact

that you have made around the world.

(air whooshes)Thank you for being

a man of courage, a man of vision.

Only heaven will be able to count

the millions of people who are

in the Kingdom of Godtoday because of you.

(inspiring music)

(urgent music with air whooshes)

- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"

for this CBN Newsbreak.

Israel now has more than1,200 cases of coronavirus,

and its first death, an88-year-old Holocaust survivor.

The government now ordering Israelis

to stay home except to buy food, medical

supplies, or get medical treatment.

Meanwhile, Israel'sgovernment remains divided,

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz

refusing Benjamin Netanyahu's offer

of a national emergency government.

At a recent conference in the Far West

of Nepal, more than 200 pastors

were presented with "Superbook" materials.

This is the first time "Superbook"

has reached this remote area.

"Superbook" is now shared through Nepal

in more than 480 churches,through "Superbook" Clubs

as well as Sunday schoolclasses and local events,

to reach thousands of children

and adults with the gospel message.

"Superbook" is also broadcast on national

television channel there.

You can learn more about what CBN is doing

around the world by goingto

Pat and Terry are backwith more of today's

"700 Club" coming up right after this.

(urgent music with air whooshes)

(inspiring music)

(air whooshes)I have no words

that I can really express what you've

been in our lives for 53 years.

(air whooshes)- Happy birthday, sir.

- We love you!

(air whooshes)- Happy 90th birthday!

Can you believe it?

Only 10 more years to a hundred.

(air whooshes)- I join millions of people

around the world wishingyou birthday greetings.

Happy birthday, Pat, much love.

- Well, we've got some birthday e-mail,

and we're gonna start with Annette, Pat,

who says, "Happy birthday, Pat!

"You are such a blessing to somany and still going strong.

"I just love to hear your newssegment, as it's not biased.

"We hear the truth from you!

"I would love to know whatthe biggest changes are

that you've seen in our world."

- Oh, I think the addition of the iPhone

and all that to communications.

When I started out, we only had a few

broadcast networks, andnow there's proliferation,

there's news everywhere.

But the thing that I dislike, though,

is the anger, the hatred, that exists.

When I was growing up,my father was a Democrat.

He had a prayer meetingwith the Republicans

in the Senate everyWednesday, and they worked

as collaborators forthe good of the country.

And this partisanship is so corrosive,

so that's one of the changes.

But we are deluged with news. (laughs)

But we're doing what we can to bring

the truth about it, all right.

- This is Trinnia, who says, "Pat,

"how do I get the faith that you've had

"for your life andthroughout your ministry?

"I love the Lord withall my heart and soul

"and keep praying, but Ifeel like I'm not worthy."

- Listen, none of us are worthy.

The deal is, you give God all the glory,

and all you have to do is just,

when He tells you to do something, do it!

It's just that simple.

We trust the Lord, andthat's all I've done.

The Lord says, "Go do this," and I say,

"Yes, Sir," and I've got to go do it,

and the Lord then meets me.

But when you see Jesuswalking on the water,

and Peter said, "Bid me to come out,"

Jesus didn't throw Peter out of the boat.

Peter had to get out of the boat,

and the minute his feet touched

the water, the miracle took place,

and as long as he kept his eyes

on Jesus, he kept on walking.

The minute he began tothink, "Hey, I shouldn't

"be walking on water,"he started to drown.

So as long as we keepour eyes on the Lord,

nothing is impossible.

- Okay, this is Shirley, who says,

"Pat, if you had one scripture you would

"base your life on, what would it be?"

"God bless, and happy 90th and many more."

- Probably Romans 8:28.

"God works everything together for good

"for them that love Him, to those who

"have been calledaccording to His purposes."

I believe God will work everything out

according to His love, okay?

- This is Irvin, who says,"Hey, Pat, what was the wattage

"of your first TV stationantenna there in Virginia?"

- Oh, we had about 19.7 ERP, we had

a one-kilowatt transmitter,and the antenna

kicked it up 17 times,so it was about 17.3,

(Terry laughs)I think that was it.

- You had some interesting days there.

(laughs)- Oh, yeah,

I was the chief engineer.

I worked on everything you could work on.

I ran camera, I ran the switcher.

I did everything you could do.

- (laughs) Good thing, youneeded that knowledge later.

(Terry and Pat laugh)

Okay, this is Brian, whosays, "Happy birthday, Pat.

"You're an inspiration to many.

"Have you seen all ofyour dreams come true,

"or do you still have dreams and goals

"that you're hoping to accomplish?"

- Oh, darling, I'm just warming up.

(Pat and Terry laugh)

I think for our university, that that's

gotta be 300,000 or more, Iwanted to get it worldwide,

I think CBN has got much more to do,

and there are many nations that still

need the gospel, but we're getting there.

- (laughs) One year at a time, right?

This is Abigail, who says,"Hi, Pat, my name is Abbie,

"and I'm really grateful for your lessons

"on foundations of faith.

"My question is, my churchhas no discipleship class,

"and I really need one, sinceI got born again so soon.

"What advice do you have for me, Pat?"

- Well, my advice is,get into the word itself.

The Bible says that we have no need

that anybody teachesus, 'cause the anointing

we receive teaches us andwill lead us to all truth.

So get a decent translation, King James

is too much of thees and thous,

but something like the NIV, and start

in the Gospel of John,and read the book of Acts,

read the Proverbs, and take one verse

and if you have to, just meditate on it,

and let it spin in your mind,and then go to the next one,

and the next one, and you'll be amazed at

what'll come to life, it really will.

- Wise counsel.- Yeah.

- Thank you for your questions, everybody.

We love hearing fromyou, and it's been fun

to hear what Pat has tosay on his 90th birthday.

Well, up next, morebirthday wishes for Pat.

Stay with us, the celebration continues.

(triumphant music)

(inspiring music)

(air whooshes)- You're such an inspiration

to me, and I've decidedthat, you and I agreed

on the set that we're both gonna

do a Moses, we're gonna live to be 110.

(air whooshes)Congratulations,

happy birthday!

(air whooshes)- A happy birthday to you,

and thank you for theexample that you have been

all these years, not only to me,

but to a whole generation offollowers of Jesus Christ.

(inspiring music)

(triumphant music)

- Four adult children, 14 grandchildren,

and 15 (laughs) great-grandchildren,with more on the way.

Pat and Dede Robertson took the(laughs) biblical admonition

to "be fruitful and multiply" seriously.

And right now, the whole Robertson clan

wants to wish "Big Daddy"a very happy 90th birthday.

Take a look.

(air whooshes)

- Happy birthday, Big Daddy!

What's it feel like to be 90?

- Charlie joins me fromDallas in wishing you

the happiest of birthdayson your 90th birthday.

You have shined the light of Christ

across this world, and weare so thankful for that,

and you've also shined alight in all of our hearts.

So right now, we'reraising our light to you

and shining it back on you on your 90th.

Happy 90th, and here's to many more.

We love you!

- Happy birthday, Grandaddy!

We're so thankful for you, and so thankful

for your leadership of our family.

Love you.

- Well, Grandaddy, I guess it's official.

The age-defying pancakes really do work!

Thank you so much for your faithfulness

and your commitment to theLord's Kingdom and His work.

I love you so much, and I am very thankful

to have you as my grandfather.

- [All] Happy birthday, Grandaddy!

- We love you!

(all inhale sharply and blow out candles)

- We're so thankful for you, Grandaddy,

and hope you have a great 90th birthday.

- 11 grandchildren from us, later

great-grandchildren foryou, and two on the way.

You were instrumentalin bringing us together.

- I should call you Cupid.

You changed my life in so many ways,

and from that day to this day,

you are my favorite father-in-law.

(he laughs)

- Happy birthday!

- (chuckles) 90 years strong.

Pat definitely stands for patriarch.

- Thank you for all of the leadership

that you've shown our familythrough generations now,

and I've especially loved seeing the love

that you and Grandmama have grow

as you all have reallycome closer together,

and we wanna be justlike you when we grow up.

- Happy birthday, Big Daddy!

I love being with you atChristmastime, it's so fun!

- Love how you let usstay in the mountains.

It's so much fun.

- I love spending familyholidays with you.

- Hey, Grandaddy, I justwanna say happy birthday.

We're so happy to becelebrating your 90th this year.

And I'll just remind youthat about 15 years ago,

you came and spoke toa group of my friends

about just how your faithhas impacted your life,

from ministry but also to business,

and to this day, my friends remind me

of just how much it meant to them,

and we're just so thankful for you

and the legacy thatyou've passed down to us.

- If Big Daddy was in theBible, he would be like Moses.

- Why?

- Because he trusts God.

- So I will certainlynever forget the time

that I had the honor of field producing

your interview withthen-candidate Donald Trump,

and I had to keep the time.

And I remember, when wehad about a minute left,

going over, giving you the wrap signal,

and you smiled at me,nodded, and then proceeded

to ask him about his health care plan

and about three other questions.

And, you know, it was allgood, we got a great interview,

and I learned a valuablelesson about you, though.

When you're short ontime, you just keep going

and ask for forgiveness later.

Love you, Grandaddy!

- I'm so excited to celebrateBig Daddy's 90th birthday,

from his littlest great-granddaughter,

we are so grateful that God's faithfulness

stretches from generationto generation, and, uh-oh!

(production beep)I remember hearing

the story of how CBN got started,

Grandaddy and Grandmamadriving down from New York,

Yale law degree in hand, kids in tow,

with very little money, and I just said,

"What in the worldinspired you to do that?

"Why did you do that?

"Why did you leave?"

Grandaddy looked at me and said,

"Honey, when you hearthe call from the Lord,

"you have no choice but to obey,"

and that has really stuck with me,

and I pray that I'mable to hear God's call

on my life and for our family.

- We just need to believeGod can do anything.

And that's the mostwonderful thing about my dad.

- He always encouragesus to get in the word

and to study and to really just channel

what God really wants for our lives.

- Wishing you the happiest birthday!

- You have been such an inspiration to me

and to help me get towhere God wanted us to be,

and I just wanna say thank you for always

encouraging and inspiring and being

somebody to live up to,and we love you so much,

and we're so thankful foryou, and happy birthday.

- Happy birthday, Pat!

Just wanna say how much I appreciate you,

especially your boldness to pray,

to pray for healing, to pray for miracles

in all situations.

You've been a huge influence on my life.

Happy birthday!

- All right, Dad, you're getting ready

to set records as beingthe oldest talk show

host in the history of television.

You've already passed Mike Wallace,

and guess who's waiting next?

George Burns!(she laughs)

So I'll see you when you're 99.

- Hey, Grandaddy, I hope you're having

a wonderful 90th birthday, and I hope

these past 90 years have been more than

you could have ever imagined.

Happy birthday from your grandson.

- My grandfather, everyminute of every single day,

he always says, "Praise the Lord."

It's like he's praisingHim for every little thing,

remembering to do so all the time.

So, Grandaddy, happy 90th birthday.

I hope you're having a wonderful time.

- Hello from the Pacific Northwest.

Happy 90th birthday, Grandaddy!

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪- Grandaddy!

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪- Grandaddy!

- Happy birthday, Big Daddy!

- Happy birthday, Big Daddy!

- We love you too much!

(both laugh)

- How wonderful.

You have the best family.

- Aren't they sweet?

And they love the Lord,and they're all healthy.

It's really a blessing of God.

- And that was just thevery immediate group.

We have many more Robertsons--

- Oh, there are!- That wished you

a happy birthday, and so, in this bag

is the full CD of allof the birthday wishes.

We could only get so many in that piece.

- Well, how sweet!- But you can enjoy that

with a nice cup of tea, and maybe

a little of your coconut cake,

(Terry and Pat laugh)

a little bit later, and look at this cake!

- Yeah.- Happy 90th Birthday,

and the 90 is in gold, and I think

it would be universally said, Pat,

that we all wish you many, many more,

and so, your grandkidsjust did it, but allow me.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Pat ♪

♪ Happy 90th birthday to you ♪

- Finally, somebody who knows how to sing!

(Terry and Pat laugh)

(streamers launch)- Whoo, here it comes!

(Pat chuckles)Hey, you know what?

- What?- Here's the good news.

Because of socialdistancing, it's you and me,

so you can get the zero half of the cake

and I'll get the nine half of the cake.

- [Pat] You get the other, whatever.

- [Terry] You'd probably better

start eating now.- All right, well,

feed the people in the studio, anyway.

- There's hardly a soul here!

- That's true.- But we probably

oughta say thank you to all of you

who've joined us todayto celebrate Pat's 90th,

and I know you'll join with me when we say

we really, really do pray that we'll

see you here breaking that 99th record.

(laughs)- Well, George Burns,

he was over a hundred,(laughs) and played God

or whatever he did.

Well, today's Power Minute'sfrom the book of Isaiah.

(air whooshes)"Even in your old age

"and gray hairs, I am Hewho will sustain you."

I receive that and thank you all

for your prayers and good wishes,

and we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.

(triumphant music with twinkling chimes)


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